CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 19 Dec 1918, p. 13

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FAKE ENEiINEERàç IyRoad Éngineer Russell ,Vn Farmers Effort may Made to Mulct Them LS. POSSIBLE PLAN ,s Fake Engineers May ~mise ta Use Influence 'ILocatingState Roads ers of Lal<e county are warn- Charles Rtussell, catnty su-er- ent of roai., ta beware of ila- who rnay reprcsent thera- -to. be statpengini-ers engaged ing out thte rout" fa le taken tate rendis. madu]e pussabie the t;8o60.O ,011(jbond srue recently. v arnin f410 watr-fi (,li for tt.i--c' tors camé ta tMr Russel front .. radt îsat- iighway enyianeer said ihat r(-parts hall reur'ied ree that 'iuch inen wpre îp r. 1in "it or the totti-tfthe SOI. r. -Rirad t adIfd t 1LII p *l ~ork layiuiK out the- coiise orf e but saidt] tat ..y or thenm aie ta show propér idfenifleritst MU. le added thât tht- courýt- or ptate roads iitlle ha-i d argM-y Ê-lUit icnm-dtoî nad'- '1,3 - W-engîîleers1. Ia-e-tna o u01It thtaI iiipOeer.. Frpr. snt tii'inseBt-tis ta -tttt . hRr ai. a ituritase in view. f/ ,, I sîd. "utwh.t this e b~ icannaisuitepoitiv.t-y (~ Ing Urok Id atît t aliter titi C utd flot .tevot.t th s-,iihtiat thi-ir ganw -is grf4tnt Iofater iand other., for a certain suointor mont-y tii-i ,unr5 their InPfinn e hvet o r tht-, hrop;i f-d saerd cd s titat Il w p h ii Itit ; Io Fee Ilia bave noi tfIut nc - Pd a" birvtwiit ibc thros i-ngil iama Iuita extî-ad a warnln- a!iià4 go thai i c..-, tht. (ýake en-i J1 ~ra arrive, 'n L111.4- OUnty, *. arc flot aireadyli tre, lililni) vlli lie nt- dt pr ih hi, yfor sanething tLalwi sutdo ab.oiuteiy Do go)d."' r IUILD AN ADDITIONAL UNIT TO CO. JHOSPITAL »« tr.ý Authorize Conil pitee t.> Get Details. M'ans V and Swicificatiois Wt CONTAGIOUS HOSPITAL Waukegan, F c.14 î otalv May soon liavt' a con- itaspitat. for ai a nmeetng of rdi f upervisant b&iammn *fore the nîemb-rs werntdown over the new statli naad ni-ar CI aId. the aîîper,.Ésrs vaied ta e titi itasp taai cômmittee la ta the advsL-abiity af building '. te .The uni wiii consiqt or ntaioal unitta] Infhak chun oua cases cana i- treaied witit asti uni-r te istat(- iaw. The' wait discosasoi ai lenptit b) members with the- resîtit titat rotprrpd ta tht- commIt tee vltii Dr. Brown and Supérvno w ai Waukegtn in ]iv.t. the motter and reprtbak t x&rch Meetinîg oaihehoarils As recailed tho tat' barsr requires the rica to tk or certain cantagious case days and thathI s why the aurv' bave iaîînd il aintost ni-ces- ta enet tnot ber unit on te -Iprdpt'rty. -board wrent itown toex.imiiie w road and settle once and ait troversy .tiat lia.itarisen aF tiiere shahllie a rdge road - raph rai niar Dfieu-d. ~Mmns, the auditar. bai; fintih -wark af. audit ing the btooks ra~s or th county stiperiniten- '" Y mwf~It fa staied ihat kegiv no .t vrtsn - buxit.l 3 BD ITATE REVEN 9IT WAS 'IMPORTED?' %Iqffettlii residence at Lake -iiost hail a case of ilm- ,rtvtnpagflO - tbis Weekt It w1huid be there but for a agn"of the raiiway express fwho says that champagne o shippe I nta dry territary ate n@ who shipped It s a Wit resitient of Chicago anti --,Çapt. Moffett ddnt know t -e oraw the case an the de- . lie. traced it anti agent refused ta deliver en~r w-aa notifted and tit -dto hbSn. lie admitteti -tarby ent t ta. the, 0 - aandthe latter çidnt - X th Ue way. the case la eni-outo lmoe agents bave no Gifts for Every Mem-i -~ 's ber of the Family Open Evenings Until Christmas \Vhile our store is oipen Pvening until Christmnas for the l>cnc1t of those whuî are nployed during the day' pa- tri<tic shoppers viI1 iîake their puîrelipses as early ini the day as possible. Theîr' are tnly 6 shopping davs Icft ini w%ýhie-h to select ('hr-istieîas gifts so do flot delay -nîa.kitt,, yv,îtii pui-ehases. '(I I Why Not Furs? In Sets or Separate Pieces Christmas Fil] t.%pe i tuE nake mrentý S(I for. irs nt-eldiser iimilnt( to the îge and oif the w0oni W ho is to w eai thmn. and, wimost 1J\ ii (il IasIi bus tf the isn e eta itdl at < hoiefrnon the'-e as-s'rt- nIl ra~nge in înep fi ou- $2.98 Up to $100 ffs rangcein 1>1 îC fi m- $4.98' Up to $75 Charming Blouses Gitts Certain ol Apprediation Blouses that sînîîî<lthe scauton 's f-av ".îit, iîiode motifs iin sleeve, in neck- hiles ili i ~ those sinaller dctails that aetiîallv nuake blouses nates r here. The c hoiee is tlelightfully varied. llere are blouses ini the favoi-cd suit eolors, white and fleshl 1or. 8oine have shaped high ceollars, otheî-s witli roundl anid sqularec neek. Pricesý rangi- fu-m ili $1 to $16.50 Beautiful New Silk' Dresses Attractively Priced for Christmas Thtese îîex garnients cf silks anid serges are siinply.stiiuig. 1ýhey are the adx-amie 1919 miodels and caeh is siîîartly tiilored. Ail thc xaited etltrs andt sizes to fit cverx' figure. TIhcseiniake au pit qîiate gifts -p-ices range f roni 9.98 and Uv h. Bath Robes The' serci*t and i Oif4d't deixTl treni a bathl robe' Nviii k.ep )fo)i ý-1 menu o-es, <tr tlle giver-, ever before ht.Ourasotîlts fliost t.ii ilt'tt' l 'ors, st Nles anîd sizcs. Prjces ,ane froin 5.50 to 12.50 GIFT SLIPPERS- FOR ALL THE FAMILY La .s' Ladies' Slippers àie'Felt Siippers Wlth comiY soiles, ribiton and fur-trimmed, in ail cotors. Prices range troni- Silk Hose The gift that neyer fa!] to please is a box of sil hose. -The kind that coir bines utility, cornfort ai, style is cherishe-d as R ideal present at Christna time. Suceh a gift will b appreciated by ail mel A Silk hose in black and cd ors, 65c to $1. 65c to $1.50 Lisle hose 2ce, 35c, 50 Holiday Neckwear Neck-%ear is always appreciate Ihy men( becalise it requires so mai different patterns to liven up th somber oolor> suits. Our assortmer is large and Mnost coînpiete. Pric( range from. 50SC. Up to 2950 Give Éim Shirts Few gifts aré so highly apprecia ed by men as s tirts, for no mnan evE has toc niany.î Our ranget is so e- tensive that t1w ý gift lbuyer will e counter nic diffie-ulty iii making selet tions. An excelitent range from $ 1.25 i1Up to. $7 For the Girl and Her Mother The mothier who is buying gifts for the littlei girl will find this store the logical . center for dainty and, practical. gif ts. They will flnd every wayit anticipated here. SERGE FROCKS, For school tor Sundi)y wear, pret- tily timmed~ and neatly madj, sizes 5 to 16 y'ears. 3.99& and Up BATH ROBES Welmadebianket bath robes with cords tcûtie. Fuit uine of aizes. 2.48 and Up GIRLS HANJDSOMd- COATS 0f plush àibalins, broadcloth,, and velvet, clever styles, fui-, )e ami and' plusE' trimiùod - si withi bolta and 1"p*eu . il or leather the wanted 85c up to $2.25 Chfldren's Slippers Childreil' FeIt Sippers with leatiter anti Cotniy soles.- b ail te wanted colora, soute fur and rtbban-trimmed. Prlces range from- 69C upto $150 Men's Blippers Mens Leatiter Sippers. aiso feit witlî leather or comfy soles. in tan, brawn, gray and black. i',icetî range tram- 95c up to $3.00 - - --K _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __Il_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for the Boy and His - Mother That the Globe is the proper store for the "littie felloxv" you'Il agree when you discover how- ex- cellently we 're equipped to cater to his exery need. Every mother will profit if sIc confines lier purchases to t1iWstore. BOY'S OVERCOATS A niuch souglit for gai-ment. You will flnd them herein abund- ance in ail sizes and styles. Wide range of colors, sizes 6 to 18 years. $4.98 up to $14-75. BOY'S SUITS Dependable boys' suite nt attrac- tive prices. Excellent fabries; and neatly tailored. Sizes 6 to 18. $3.98 up to $14.75. Exceptional values in boys' bluenwSprng Patten t $1, "Hankies" as Popular as Santa It would be an odd Christmnas if handkerchiefs w-ee nissing as gilts. Exeryone expeets te recçive tliem, and no one bas been kiiowvn to have more than eniougli cf tlin. Tlirougli a special effort we were able to obtain an cxtieîîsive-aseoÉt- ment cf linen hamidk-ehiefs, pur- dhascd at a low figure anid marked accoî-diiîgly. Men's initial hand(kcreiefs,6 i7 a box at $1.00 and $150. Mcn's hemstitehced 4tandker cliiefs, cdl, 10c up to 75c., Ladies' bandkerchiefs, 8c up te Ladies' handkerehiefs Hii boxes, trolip 8c Up to $1.50. The xxomnan who doesn't like prctty statIoîîary lias not been dis- ecx-cered yet. And she'I appreciate it more when it is given to lier. Here you xiiili e *able to buy a box frein 25e up to the faney as- sortcd boxes at $5.00. Silk 'Hose Every wxonan loves pretty silk hose gîfts for they are supremely praetieal and she particularly likes to haxve theni given to lier-es- peeially if tlîcy are silk. Paeked ini pretty Hcliday boxes in plain black, white and faney patterns. Lisle liose in black and colore, socad . - a -i -t-,- ~i >.c- ici A Suit or an Overcoat a Practical Gift for Men'. Most weleoîne will be the gift of a suit or ani overcoat this Christmnas. Particularlv wi Il it eheer the heart of the returning sol (ier or salor whose wardrobe must be re- 1lenisbetl. Aud we are expeeting hundreds of ouîr boys baek frorn overseas and eanton- nients hefore the holidays. Today our stock of suits and overeoats measure up to the inost exaeting standards of other years, whiile the assortrnent is as, varied as ever. 'Suits in a eomprehensive range from- $18 to $35 Overicoats in an extensive assortment $20 to $45 M!em""nmd ,.-- e . . . 1 1 -- 1 fli" 1 Am- -7--- > -7 -- 1 ils [as -s- a-« le

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