WGrega S at <5rtnas Store Smot Christmas Umbrellas $3,8 ndGifts tor Men and WomenA Woinen's fancy carved or metal trimmned handie hip- brellas of exicellent qualities at $125, $1.50, $1.98, $2.98, e8ad$5.75.. Men's umbrellas1 at $1.50 to $5.75. T Xmas. Handkerchiefs 25c, 50-,c, 75c, $1, 1.50, $2 Weea PhIlippine Chlldren's handkter- boud «04«dered bad chiefs wth elhbrolder- basélii. 500tO 32ed dosa, aQulrrls. etc. tub; otiier bandker, ln the corner.,hsel al(*liEor Wnifalfolders at 10c. thers 04bmdo ubid 16c. Mef's bandker- flbsudu mourniflU__ chiefs nicely boxed bsadkThlCfU a 250 to priced at 10o to 25c. pot' Women, Men end Childéien -Boxed or Not Chiffon, Velvet and Leather Handbags in a Sale at prOU thes. amiple aawtotet it she0u l ea n easy matter ta select "ber" Chrstmas gfi nromi $1 ta 110 are pretty leather batssaud purses wtb fine fittinga. At $350 ta $15 are bifon velvet baga ln vqrlauasbapes. boa ded, frlnged aud tassel trlmmed. Cologne and Perfumne BoUtles Clevr snd needini accessories for Milady'a dressing tables are these novel shaped CoognIe sdperfufie hottles. Tbey bave pretty lvor y holders and may be had single or ln sets pdoe ai 3e to $2. Sùitsat Hal Price In Alil S ç, Coibrs ami Fabrics- 14098 - 27.e50 - 34.7 5 Such an opportunity is sel dom avýailable. Many of the, -~ suits at the higher prices are f ur trimimed. -.Wome's $2Jap Quilted Cov eral Aprons 1.49 Hm care several very good.lookIflEcor- MMI apg0U5 lu llght, medum ad dark Cal* uganl aises speclal et $1.49. Boy" 0DressesS.eia j * aCWlof0<reI style mnd cIeauiliiSOs $Jwaa er.. aft bouse drasses of b#tbt, )WWpocales sud glaghanis lp lavenders, bag plak. blue sud bLack cross prlnted. A imaiety « catiara and pockets embells8h tàmeedres.s. nlug-m.e- Ligii-ub - at -1.49' These warm, snug ftting Japanese qulted hug.me-tlEhts wth or wîthaut leeves for undeçcoat or hous wear. Black and Grey Gardian -9 -Jtc et' .98 Women'a ,black and Urey kutted cardigan lackets, vîthout aleevea for unqider.coat or hou., vear, excellent qualiy and make de- cidediy acceptable. Chrimas glft.s, espeelal- ly 1--:elderiy vomea. Hand crocheted bug- me-tlghts prlced at $3.98. Pholipine nd Embroidered and, SU.k Chemise àand. Gowns Ln a real Christmavf Seilng at 7-LO 1.98,ý 2.98, 3.3489, 3.98, 5.9 Women'. lie musolincorset cavers ai 40 11.60 mailla envelope che- mise, t>#100. ieew at aU»10 Md 3nit gownu a lu b4misoe ew atyW stai $19, L40 aLOI, a34 ud8.3 and lWllan slk la lace, trli-. mei, ýtuckei aud riuMhd styles t $1.49, 31.98. 382M puge sal crepe asti satine chemisme et $2.98, 3.98. 36.08 nalom ilIlelII, Vnts aud bl8ocmuet 8i 3.18. 33.3 and fu.. M1E STORE 0F GLOVES For Christmnas In a Sale Wamen's chamalsette glaves 'n l' ail x ep, $1.75 values at $1-3S. Wainen's double sitk gioves of etra heavy quallty, ln back sud colors, spe- cial at $1149 and $1.98. Womqens finee ftl gloves lu white black, brown, grey wth heavy stitched bgees . iisdJllg washabies at $2.26' 3.5aIa 3198 Novel Gît t Neck wear" For a W oman's Xmas. -at 50c Separate ëoltars lu pretty styles at 50c 75o aud 1.00. S,3tq ar coler. euffs and imodesty sblelds St $1.50 sud 11.98. Vesteeg lu varlrus styles, plain or strlped effects. hlgh or law n,'cks et $2.50 to $.98. Wasrm Xmas Bathrobes For CoJd Morninga --ASale 3.98r4.98, 7.98 Many prettv rolorings are lucluded la this elalsorte dlsplay af bandsome bath- zobes faorwamen; of blanket materlals, .f excellnt quaities. Ai lais. Women'à. corduroy robes and negligees ulilned at $698 sud $7.98 zinc llued ai $9.98. An l szes. Fancy Pins, Combe, Beads, Ear Rin~gs and Vânities Welcomed as -Gîtts, Gifla of faucy bat pins, earrlngs, tanc" cmebrplus. beauty plus sud limger, lecepe0 old or ilver at 350 to 31.50. IMtation Pearl neeklaces. speci ai $M o p. Woapuea fauoy gatem st $1. $1.0 snd Dslaty, sweet.emeiIUg sacet bon Msd cuqbloma, speelally prloed ai 10e sud 49L Ha4ome UttL. vauty tmg. of brlght WUm v.5ik wth nirrbottons sand DOIme Sea t uic a" 81106 Gi qao Incompariible Beauty and Lasting Quality are Thoee G raine.d Ivory Toilet Articles In Sets or SeParate Piecest 15C to 1098 Glifts of complete sets or, one or seveyal artieles may be givèn each Chrisltmas. Select frn: Handsomne i',ory combe, hair brtishe-s.iutton hooks, nait files, powder boxes, hair rerelverg. finý h:,, i,, - s - 1 .1 es, trays. corn khtivp.s, dorkstoath brusît holders, eold crealu jars rouge boNcýý and bufhîs. For a Man! Neckwçar Hose, Gafrters Muf fiers Meuls wlde-end four-lu-baud ties ln new, brlght or subdued coiorlugs for young or nid, at 50C. 76c, $1. Meus 511lk Haue lu blaek., white and cbampalgfl ai 89c. Parls Garters lu Christmas boxes 25e and 60c. Flue B11k Muffiers at $1.49, $1.98. Women'a 75C Boot Silk Hose at 59e Women'a pure .11k hoee lu aUIlcal- er A s ises la renouas $*al via- ues et il, $150. $1.76, $2 and $8 a peIr. In Christumsboxes. WOMWa regular Il lber 811k H la Mach, white andi au i oors adni ai e& Ant extra aPeOI 4value e 75&s Fancy Gift APRONS 25c to 1.50 Womeu's FaLncy Te& AprOns lu à wide variety oi pretty styles, trimined wlth laces and ribbous. -In Xmas Boxes -toiet water -f aoe powder Wlcom.d aaGit Delicate *0,ity odors froni aWan r 'In la o e d là t e s e , p r e tty b o t ti a s rlchbxel. exqulaltà giti to any vs. Ma or mima Toilet waters sud face powiarsal-I no la a vide rnge of odIbra and priosi Gifts to Wear or to AmuseÏ Santa's Wee Friends Pretty litte rattilu thins ofin and colored Ivory lu the shapes cf & pies, beils. hammers. hearta, doite. eta. witb rlbbonps. rings and jiandies at Ue ta 75c. Infants' lvory toilit sets or comb hait brush, soap box and powder b=U 89c, 11, $1.25. $1.50. Infants' white dresses, lu pretty lit tie styles, ail leicy ani berlbboned ati- $125 to $2.98. Infanlts' knit .sIs ami hondsa t op& eal prct-% in a vriely ai pretty styles. Warm Xmam Bathrobes For Little 7'oti 1.89 & 3.98 Size3 frain 2 te 6, in PrettY styles IL.89. si-es-Irons 6 te 14, in a véieil of irS excllent quatities, at $3.9t Extra Special Pricings are now in Force on Coats, Furs Dresses. Waists, Etc.i Boudoir, Caps Fo1r-Christmas eifta' 39c to 2.50 ExquisltelY beatîful boudoir caps « delîcate, sllka. laces and rlbboto e a hast at cotorngs in pretty 0h8* mas boxes. Knitted Caps a ad Tams for girls and mis&. es, in a eemngly ennd. leu array of jaunly styles and colora at 4ht te $3.98. Silk Petticol ie ep s 1k loun n es ai8t sllk pttisoat. -laeU styles et 33.8 dul ~l £~i. Vey apeolallypal h.N Go6 THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT frottnand ChiWe Piret Christmas Every Evening Until Christmaà, Beginning.Tomorrow- - A Great Christmas Selling of Women's Sweaters .Slipover and Biltton Styles 3.98 5.98, 7.98 to 12.50 The season 's most important savings are now available on fine wool sweaters in slip-over, buttôn and belted styles with plain and brushed wool collars. No more practîcal git couid be selectel for. the young miss r ber mother thaïi one of these sale Prlced sweaters. Inu11aises, colorsand lstyles. at -Reductions of- 25 % to 40 % aaa be u o andop 1 1 r-