CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 19 Dec 1918, p. 2

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r --Iw Afc NOC 9SURANCE »%N Me. Asimat aud Beom, pute Glass.u tociuesd Working. 3« lum Bdèe.Placimg I Your inuranc WELL DRILLING eâHgIRMIAN & DOLAN ZION CITY fr.BAIRSTOW manurAcTultapOP Marbieand Granite Monumenis demetery Work of Eýveri% Description Eonrpondence 5ollçltec 116 Genesee St DR. 1. L. TAYLOR 5<. .Fitit Natoismbfash nuwlim 90M.-to 8:80 ad 7to8 P. M. ohitaso Broadvaî. oppoIte Parà * DR. GOLDING DENTIST Bon 8 to 12a.m.-l to ô V.m. 0,cr irst National Banks 0" Phoas 19-J. a. Phone 157-J. lbertyvlile, Illinois DR. E H. SMITH, DENTIST. ýL 0338 IL*.I OUNTT ?NATIONAL 5A98. "ýIVAMD-8 tC 1la. M. aud 1 to a P. tM. Libertyvllleilinolâl K'hA. .STEPIIENS, M. D. PRYSICIAPI sud SURGEON 4»"eia mWUCu le te ttcdibseres of the LEy% Eur, Nos% Eles oxtolned for Olesese MMceOvr 0&@ Ce.Tel. iw Ubartyvife. DI- 0, O.P. DUTTERFIELD. VECTIABaY SURGEON. MIMANT T 5A? VBUIAIA. Lib*rtyll. Ilinois. [ DR. A. G. CAMPBELL Veteri"wyDeatist &li v" ySubilt UbertvillIe. Ii. wadlac.uenland t - Attov&ney-at-Law à# Home, Cook Ave. Phsone 16e-J M YILLE, - ILLINOIS. tm»rtos llinos __ mes Ddint. "hMe s »X. OIies Phones u TAM14AC OUPPIN. AvSxmNUTAv LAW. ýOAtTbi C. DBCKER ~N..ILLNOIS & FUE.tco. Olb Wilwox luIvcad lm n19.1918I Took Cantben as Souvenir at Concluion .1 Bayonet Duel Wtth the GerMan PRAISES SALVATION ARMY Red Cross. Also iven Hligh Pralse by Retured Yank; Biton Also ln Pralse VnUimtel pi-aise for tise Red Cr-os aud tise Saivation Army are volel by Sergeant Major George Fellowes wiso visitel Waaikegan Tbureday sid» flday. aldaloo by Asmhielari-alh, a rwounded solîler at tisa Port àhari- dan base isosPital, Whso al a visit to Waulegan friday atternoon. *«You cau't give too mucis pralse to tbeme Jtvoorganizations." Tliovea said ln speakifg of efforts being made lu maie it dessnt for tise auen lu thse service overmeas. Tise Salvation Army earned tise everlaattng praime of ail those wiso fougst lu tise trench- c. It vas miglity lUtpiriug -to re- turn from tise trenches adfinI ist coffee' and dougisunts waiting for you. and thse best part was tsaI. everythiug wvus free. Many times the Salvation army workers braved 1ulpts and shelis to bring uls bot roffee ansd doughnuta lu tht- treucibes. Tise Red Cross also performed a no- ble von and 10 entitIed la the great- est possible credit.Y Tis same pi-aise vas echoal by Han-ais. Me said that visile thse Sal- vatlon Ai-my aldRed Crasa chai-gel tise soldiers nothing tisat otiser agen- eies chai-gel for everything received. He salI tisat lnucone Instance se vs- cd to purchase a package of cîgarets for wbich 20 cents per package vas ass'ed. Me bal but 19 cents--tisa cigarets vera refusel, ho aya. Marrais carries a German cauteen visich. be aya ho took from tise ouiy brav-e Geranan ho encountered lu tise war. H-e saId ha encounterOd this fellow ln baud ta baud confliit visan botis he anid tise Hu hFid Ph.iqtt-d their buliet s. Hai-ah drew a han) grenade and reieazed thie safety pin, preparlng ta hua- Iit at his advarsai-y. Thse Hun, ha salI, neyer isugel. "Mis narre appeaiel la My sports- mansisip." Marraissald, "and I put tise grenade back lu My pocet and motioned ta tisa Hun to fdx bis bay- anet whlcbhe hastenal to do. if bis abilLv with tise bayonet ", bad matchel bis courage 1 wouiîn't ha currylug iis canteen today" SCORES 0F ALIENS RUSH TO TUKE OUT, FJRST PAPERS JIERE Office of the Circuit Clerk Has Been Unusually Busy for Several Days Waaiiagn.allans lI' thea score are loslug no tUmealun malng appicatians for thair firet citizensip papens, sud tisere la an Indication that naany moi-e wil appiy Iunlng tisa next Bavean laye. Tisera appeara lu b. a tva- bal puapose ou tise Part af local milans lu talnlng ihis course. Th isa Sat htat tisa govarnment Platas lu exact a tax aniouutlug lu tvo I*r cent of the salariesea oa-ua b yslb viso hava not lecîeldtisair Ieire of hecomlug altîzans of thls country. Tise secoud ln tliat a report issa ha- coaecurrant tisat mani' cf thc baug- er Industrie, bar are lu aîODt a pobicy tof faling lu amploy men un- bes lisey cen sov that tbey haveata leasl leclared thelri- ntention ai ha- comlug citimena. Tisera la no loaibt that scor-es oi alanàs declual lu taie ont their i-t papers wvilatisa var vwu lnpraga-ese fon fear of belng Iratel. It la aquai- ly certain tsaItishe United States bas betosua tiraI of liefrenllng a <est horde of -aliesa vio vi not coma Ont la tise lefauma 0f tise country ln Its Urne of nel. Tisu tha tvo pen- cent saaiy ta viii cea-veonou0f two pnurpcee-lî eltiser viii Permit the goveraint euthoderivea ameana 0f lu- Côame out of noi-ottMano, or it viii foi-ce tisese allens lu ratura lu thar native countries or itviii cause them lu beccunacitiscus of tlis con- Ù7i. 1 or tisa letseavaaulaesScores o! idiens bave beu Sociug b he of- tSce01 Ciacuit Ciri Brovwayald bave IsaenouIt their fi-st paf>r& Ou ,SUMraY tiel-e vua mucia ramsof aplicaUts tiat Il vas dlîBouit lu trmusact ani' other business In thLs once. TiesaIolano bar lu Germaseon AUstianu ta) iug out tiai first papers but the ban ch ispravantm tem frorn heing ful-filged Amnrtans. cîtîzanF, bas not yet bege 11110. An ordea bas been raceivel Lt Fart Shserida l rush tise port hoepitai to complation lu pi-avide for 4,800 woundel and personnel of 2,000 lac- ilcqs- nursQs A"Mil~tendants. Oua isunîrel and. la'vanty-five <asand Obeu hi ioek %vIolme geachç-I Fart Sheridan isospîtal Frlalay. Inakina- 40Q vaunlal undea- treatmerý.. Lieýut. col. Tisau. . Prormîre of LaIte For- ema le hu"ag. Olaf Llndblm Who fRaî %S boe CLop1py Co y 1 Satisfled Wth VedMc Olaf Lindbloin or H=gsin Park emilel listemor 1 sna jury la circuit corà varelhlm lamem cf $1 agaitt Ue Puzty le ald go- ftraUt-CLo., elooo0f Rlos1ea4 Pari. TVemmflne wao not o=01mnuag lor Undblom chool ewcisJuros- by tise iand and than'ied hlm. It wauld bave been dfficuit for hlm te, be more effusive If thse jury bal award- cd hlm full damagee of $3000. as askel for lu Mas suit.- LÀndbiom irought suit ageinat tise artifîcialtue plant on thse <round tisat thse noise kept hlmm ald is, fainii awake ati nlgit, aud. tise moisture kept iis bouse damp ail thee Urne. He etifiel uisat hha baltriel luo h- -tain relief. from the Ice companl' but bal falledaI ntIfor that reaon tOOk bés troubles Into court. O0n a prcvlous trial of thsecaue Lindlom lcet, tise verdictbéing ln favor of tise defendant. Thisewaeen trial of thse came accupedlive entira laye lait veel. tihe case gong lu tise jury lste flday afteraoon. The ver- dict vas tsealed and wai not opened untit this mornlng. Aithougis'thse damages awarded were nominal thse verdict tiros. aail tise cote of tise came on thse tee comn pany. It almo givea Llalbibm a baM$a tir a petition demsnding tisat tise le, plant b. declaral a nnlano and as sucis abated. Tise verdict ln ltseif vas an aclmwlelgement tisat tise ice plant ia a nuisance andl It la nid nlusosu vil! loue no Urne tià filIngImi second suit. HJuns FOU6IIT "LIUE UILL99UPTi»TlIE MEY LAST MINTE That's- What Bob Dilger, Who Was ln Front Lines, Tells Parents In.LoUter KNEW TRUCEWAS COMING Wauiegan, Dec. 9. 1*0v the Raina iapt dring up lu tise vea-y iast minuta baba-e tise arm- istice vas siguel; hov thay admît. tel tisey isal inavufoi- seven Isys tisa armistice vas ta hoa sinal:boy tbey PileI aven tise front lhues vison tise last shot vas fia-d-tharo are sorne af tisa thIsgs told lu bis pa- enta by Bah Dlger. son of Supea-visor Matt Dilger, lu s latter recelvol by bie folks tolny unlen data lu France of Nov. 12. Ilaltteai sof lecilel lutenest ha cana lie vas rigbt op "aynaog tisam- wisau tisa dnAi abat vas final. Thse lettea-: Wel, 1 gose yau'i-a ail just as happy as 1 arn hacause tise var la Over. But 1 guema I1sa happler tissu ail of you because I vas lu suotisar isop-ver In tisa- o f them lu oua lsy. Andlfi 'as tise vanat of tiser ail. Tissul GaI I came out ail igit. Tise boit af ail, 1 vas up on thii- loiug ft un ei It vas over. Jerry sure vas tisera for sa lept fiing at us 1111 the 1551 minute. IFoi-haoisald bie valcis lu hie one band aud tise otiser an tise machine gain. Weil, I1sant MY tvo voi-st ulghis of aitlalu hi. atout. Tlicy verea av fui. Pli-st Imagine. yoaia. feot val and youi-self caveraI vitis mu, ald lreezing. Weil, I inov nov tisat I viii ha baci ut hai en I don't knav. Bo vo aIl don't bave lu sworry nov no more. 1 bot tisey mure celebratel lu the stata.s ail li-git. lVel.i. Istili isold my jobs a-uner ad hal nme Urne op on tise linos. But! iII MY y y itisout a isiois. I arn glad of tisaI and tisats aill1car. for. But It sure vas great tiscugis for as efoon as th* iour vasuop lu mtop aUi alg. Jerry ome Iver la buaie. But ve. lad ordeons 10obs tbem iseci But lots of tise boys talkel lu tisem Tiscy mail! they ruav It teint Inlo ha over on that dey. They bmev it savon lays a»o. But they marecavei hell MI tise lmt -minute. We vene a isappy buncof, cfboys mil a-lgit. We ame rellevel nov ca are lu bllets nov. I9isardir timbn 1 will go op on tise limes nov an, more. But it voWt b alhomes Jarry bas ta pull ont of tise tes-rite-y no tisera vont hao myfront 11nf4ope. Weil, I auraevii u b ldil rigisI bo- cause 1 vîli h. able lu cal my Tisealw gtvlng Ilunar ln peace. 1 boa. you gat tisis latter as soon se poeable no you von't have tn vorry 8sYymne thsn you hava to. 1tam n 100happy lu «vrite mucis more becauoe I1sam "*Il lu"-foair days lu on tise Ifiu lina auraeicnocks the men ont. lu sn second lelter recelvel tolai' hi finMs. M. P. Di1lgen fa-cm ber monr, Robai-t, tise Waaietau boy s hois necalval 52 lattera iný a single dlhi- ai-y a-cently. Tisae e re tise i-st lattera ha recelvol *Ince ise 'eut avenseas lu Juli'. jW.Ma. For Salaie, o ai né N DIEPIEN DENT r"ecImm AS pdSU Aocordlng lu tise onUcal cauaslty lista Private David Soreson et Highlial Park, vas among 1100ae aliglstly vioulde lu Frace tovarl tisa latterparut tise var. Ap»st 17 bis lnuriem ver. pot eoumve. REAL ESTATE TRANSFER$' aieLla ý auliner ald huealu T. W. Fa-sler, lot 32, County Clerr's uba. ont Porter st., Waukeo.Ma , I, Eftard -Sage mal- vile luainiio al 'Aipa Ffri-ing,.N. N. 40 acres. M. 1-4, Set, 7, Fs-au "'D.v. eW» , D. W. nRoe.ane shm luaU0*& 30 Lîbertyvie Twp., W!>. 010. De&.86 191&. MariT. Kmser I0H. CAtveli uMd u tract lani lu W. 1-2 or e S# VO TWI04 W p P .A.BIumbrgý" Vire $0 IL U .ul.lot ,iMa dsit -ack»M et. amorcfoumam& ve. Woukeaan. 10.. *XIth. lot lu Tomce UMne oelS. ole Oub.. W.uisgau.WU. 010. -ot. cf T. IL W41114 4d o 3u. 8. JObamon. Pmt rWUal lot 0. WAn- tisrop flamber Demi. $1,41L C« 1%, 191& NoUle Cisenovlci sud humaul Mari Duplues, lots0 mal 21, blocks U0, Wamhbumn UbInis. Wauleg.n. QCD $1. J. IL CrIbs lu r. W. cOts, W. 80 *cresof N. IL 1.4, Sg. 32, M. Antlocit a"e 8treet "etn 11lu tise Clty e 1<orti loagLaeCuny Dica thée mUne bélmg solt* bleago Us» cw al emmu of mau Court Do*b et N*l lu. U sBour14ai.O dUI e teant on tise bonde and vouchere le. ma*1 ate meat . uaê stw'e li o 4uMiCourt te dëomaler and de- terame vIetlier or not thse fects as statéd lu al ertlltge aretruc. A iscarics, vil! luba ou thse mil aPPIcaIOB u ou these 3ti day cf De. cember. A. D., 1918. at thse bau ef tu~ ccloi la tise creno o f al day at tise Couisti Court rcom cf mail court lu thée County(Court Hous et Wankegau, Ilu mailLaie Ootnty. Objections may be Ilied lu ail mli- Iplication on or balai-o thse hour Of Matit= mpulmOy foi, Couny Io Take Stop" MEANS A BIG EXPENSE. SPeclal.Building Must Be Pro- vlded-Growling Menace Emphasized by Taylor WaolnD ec.- 9. Dr. Taylor of tiese tate board cf hOàltis APpeured before tise suparvia- ors tcla sd Iuistently urgel the tiord u tlerecognition of thisIm portant tami befora itla luandling thse vecureal liscasea unler tise liw peOvilel by Ililuois iqlllature. Ha polnted to tiese upervisors' responsi- bility lu provllug suiltable pi&4ies for ORrlng for thse votime aldmil tisat tbar< w no alternata but foi- tise comnty lu lo iso t once. Dr.'Terloi salI tiat tise LAke coua ty bompital le an ukcelieut iustitutiom andin la l managel. Hlm greectt objeotion to It bovever, la tisat it 1. Dot large nouaisto taleeqr. of tise bumimemat totIt oigist te banle. Ho anmgetel tb«t.û site uer tise bo«pf. tai be Procurred aud ou It a s@rlt- able building erectel visera tise van- ere al casem can be properly isandlel. Dr. Taylor etatel tisat l la up Io thse CitY hbatisboard te talc tise fni- tia car et thevanereai «ca nda ehouler U0MIe«pense- Thon att AW bas been MSartained tisat tise viettu have tise Ireslel limeelit la op lu thse eounr te Cure for tisons trom *thoen M~. MUtIthay anti curaI. Dr. Taylormdailtst tise mibte It becomnes gmerallytNuovn tisnoint thse etate Usat laie cumatte carnDI fo? thse»e camelu a leluite vay, there vil! ast 1,nocmany proeitltutes iscre fros oUër citlee. Te «eil tiat ils prueet time Waulegan bond- lin£go et teme cames la considerel a joie. tisat 14 visy tisera lesmo many here rigist alcua. H. al thse vord sllraalquicli visen It lalz ounutiat a COUnty là taliug care of tiss a asg sud vomuaLmzale it a£ point to avol those a paicular cormnritles. Dr. Taylor made seusationai state- mente negarling tisa districts cover- loir thame tisingsanaultise boai-I of auperviaoM I've erabiridto kuov isov many capas of tisat particulai- lino prevailluntiis community. These upervimors votaI to allow tisa conatables psy visa guai-led tise blisvway St Gieat Laites station dur- iug tisl aiat summer. Tises upervisora, lu regard to thi- venereal situation foi-easy an anar- mous axpausa visichis 1. able la ha foical on the caunty In conuection îtis tisa abnormal condition brought on hi tise preseuce of Gieat Laies. Tisa general feeling vas tisat fitIn a tiing visiclatise faderai and state goverumaut sisonl aasist the couuty Iu. thst it i-ally la not a county aif- fair snd outolle al sioul he brougbt to tise couuty if tise situation IS to beha badiel satisfactorily. Couuty Physician. Dr. Browu, cx- plaindOn ist ha fait tise pi-oper tislng lu do voulal ha to areet s building on thse county isosptal <rounds and have It ail unler one management, this plan belng a vay la relaice tise axpeuma of malutaliug a apectl place of thum unI. Ha pointaI ont tise Ir. revieibility af sentlilgtsena cases 10 tise county bospîtai nov because of tise langer ta, otisea ptents tisere. Tisat la visy heansd tise committee bava fougitst mc trenuoumly againat accsptlng tisase kinla of carnes attise ispital., Supervisor Baia-atow .expiainel tisat thse commxittee la nov consldslug tisa old Captain Coolkibouse on Jaeiaon street aldalso thse 011 Dr. Prica roi-i lenca aàs te»ory ,ltAce ises'.1 tisa lalinquent cmen coulti ba cared for In counection vils tise necont plane coud dered hy tise board..lie Intimated t tsiler one of tise places mlgist almo be usel as a tamn- por..ry place for caa for tise voer- eal diacamee caw. Puy Auto for SMerle. Thea county jal omlttee recom- neeltise purojMa. cf ass auto for nu by tiese hana,, It'l i w elainel lisat the euorcfmagçi4tine liai uil a year bua bseau ruqunt 10U Iuo8150 a Yser andItilwaa toit, a. ccuty-oviid Macine vosil 1 oo,çMiLgtal lu thse 'sud. Tise boardi votel thse Purciseins commite.pover lu decil. adpur- ohsme a car. Thse hoard vofltel u eoanate as a atcld rond tM "I-oSI fR enuBad rosi. (o cocuty., -jtroqlihMNiato la» Zurlis. tlu We nd a tel VOIa, tis mroute bslug .lIglt][Y CbaM84 cd over tisa route prevlouly lesiguat- e. at tihe ouatî court roem i Cour lutli Oom é Cout.i *bj mai o~beIlMMtWaMM puuatum on or beote thé. bowu 11- 'e" lu tise foreoc0or cfMM DaW telaNorths Chimago. ibwqd r Ibis M M of December. A. D, UTANLUT PALI1ICK t NILOCLMIAD memr0ft the Boutcf ocalmm 1proeme t fthee City cf Norths CW 1 Mn, Lake Couatî. inoist. Wkly DO& 11-1 PUBLIC NOTICE 18 HURMET ON EN tisat tisa Board or Local lmpc8~ mente of tisa City' of Norti h 0 g.$ LaIe Connty, Illinois, ismm led l Caunty Court of Lake Conuty, MlIaa. a certificat. tisat tise folloiovlg Iw provemeut bas been completed, aad,: tisat 1t; conforma mnbettall l tM roqulr4ents of tise original Odla» ance for tise construction of tise s- lu-vit: Tise pavinsand otiservismepl* ing tise roaalvay of a Portion ofTnU Street fri-cmà une parat"ulta - tveuty-one (21) tgant eft Ise ter linte of Sute éStreet vesterly te 11W Wet ln. ofSection 'Ihlrty4tlres (go' Tovwnsip Forty-live (45) Ncmtw4 Range Tvelve J12) Buoth ie= - %la iPrincipal Meridian. Laie Counti. - linols, sud etc., tisamme being NotE Chsicago speclaf ausenmmnt of MWl Court Doclet No. 103. Thse Bara-I&laocertifiaI lu tise c< tisereof and the nmna etlmated tisaI la raquired ta psy accnuing interuet ou boulaand voucears uel lu e ticîpata the collection of mait! aummeme meut sud maIe appicatian tl Ui Court to cansîlerandaul etermâd viscthn ai- nat tise facto as statel 10 saidcertificats are ti-ne.Aàisearlq< viii e bisl au tis aldapplication M tha 30ti day af December A. D. MU1 at tise houa- of 10 o'clocli lu tise 116M noon of sali day ait tise Comnti COurt,. i-oom 0f salI Court lu tise C Court flouse ai W&ukegan. lunmail Laie Counti'. Objections may ha liaI ltu mail av. plication ou or befare tise Saur 09 19. a'clock: In tise foronoon of Mail day.z Dat-el at Norths Chicago.,Ilinois. tiis lît lay of Dacember A .,..191R PETER CHUISTENSUN. JOSEPH e-. McLBARN, STANLEY PALBICKI, E. C. MENAD. Mambers ai tise Board of Local 1M pI-avements of tisa City of IforW. Chicago. Lake County, Elia. Wly-Dec 18.1, SPEEDY SERVICE 10 CRICAGO via the NORTHI SHORE LINE Travel aven the North Shore Une when you have occasion ta go ta Chicago. You can reach the heart of Chicago's business and shopping district in plenty of trne for a full day'm activity and gel back ta Liber- tyville. in good time the smre evening. Lirnited trains connect with the «'L' express at Central Street, Evanston, which ne only two stops ta the Ioop. Running time te, Chicago only 1 hour, 43 minutes. WIITE TRAINS FOR CICAGO LIUME SERVICE TOLIBERTYVELLE Trains leave LUbertyville every hotir from &30a. PL t11:30 p. mn.. making close comioctions at Lake Bluff Junction with Milwau- kee Uimit.d trains and Evanston Expree train On Saturcly af- ternoons. Sundayu and hoiday. there is a train every 30 minutes. Trains leave Evan#tat6-1Er9 a. m. and every hour thereasher until 11:19 p. m.,mraking close con- nections ,Bt Lake Bluff junction widi- the. Ubertyville came. On Saturday aflernoone, Sundays and holidays there is a train iivery 30 mninutes. rbse. Cusrsems. Ubertyvifl Pisse. LliectMvlle7d Milwaukee 187 Secnd ste Pione. Grand 1136 Uab Ami re« tise bu ber It la 1 It la weiwevel bcptir thue fq bww l ou m« boeu Tus l t MVie 8 "vIl to for tise OIvays 'me vis Sem I Thse Tvp.. iWD , 8. tan ou:lck anw-ta eforenoon of saïi Etel K. Jinsto MdamIiubnlt- a Mary T. ani Clara A. Culaisy, ID. 12 deLtel at North Cicago, Illinois, aRes, lot 16, Western AId.. tLake tisis l2tis lai of DecISubea, A. D., Porsmt. in.. W», 0500.1918.m Dem 11, 1918. PETER CHRISTNNSEN Ir. H. Bartlett andl vue lu Nel@ 01- JOSNPE- C. MeLZARN sou aldvife, lot « ,block 9. RavWna STANLEY TPÂLBICKI RlgsMadl& Highland *U&rl, Dccl, IL C. MEAD $629. flambera of tise Board a oc al lm i Johsn J. Bradley lu R. R. Bradley lot pt'ovements of tise City of Norths 30, poue TarracaS Sb., Laie Foreet. Chicago, Laie pountir, inoi. i WD, $10. 1Wily Doc. 12-i9 G. W. Mluelaldvite to A.ald T. 7 H. [Angle, lot 16, Sbav'g Long Lake NOTICE. Sub., W». -8360. PUBLIC NOTrICE le hereisi'ghreu D P aulilvan lu Alfred [Angle, lot tisatishe Board cf Local laçaove- 22. Sbav'm Long Lake Suis, WD. 8350. meula of tise City of North Cica. D). P. aUilivanto Alfred Lingle. lot go, Lake County, Illinois an hasled i 22, Shav'm Lâo«g I*e ub., WD. $200. lu the Counti' Court of Laie County,' B. Il. MIer ald vIfe l Milan Mil- Illinuois a certficate tisat tise follov- ler, W. 40 ft. Iots 9 ald 10, block D. InSIu mprovement lias been complet- Paulisuret & Cnninham's Sub.. là- aI, ald tiat it conforme subâtantlal-I beatyvllle, QC., $10. [y lutiste reqaIlaernents of tisa orIp JIobn Dupre aldvite to C. W. Ket- inal ordînauce for thc construction ci Aliit. fl1ItL0tiiWIUIaflis'Brus. tiese mreto-vit: Uub.. Antioci., WD, #1- Constraicttug catch bamins. -an. Berthsa IL Sm"ton anI hLuabal ta bolesanmal cfabing, gradiug. lrsiuing, Christi=n Science Society, lot lu Vil- adjusting sever manisoic ansd puy. lage of Antich, flee. loig vith brick a portion of State Hfnh s ammsE.Ub,, Io. D. Colenler street eibuat e Usat e s mdi lot 145, Ravlula. W». $1.lina of Sixteentis street extendel across sail Stxte treat aldtise NOTICE. Norths lica of tisat portion of Seven- PUBLIC NOTION le Hereby Given teentis street, etc., ail Lu the City of that tise Board of Local IMprovement., Norths Chicago, Connty of Lake ald of tise City of North Ciicago, Lake State of Illinois, these mreiseieg* County. Ilinois, bas fled In tise Nortis Cicago Special Amesment of Couuty Court of Laie Counti'. liii- al Court Dociet, No. 128.' nois, a certificats tisat tise foliovlng Tise noard aloo certified la the cost Improvement isam been completel. tisereof ald ho smre ctimatal that and that it conforma subatantlallY to aIsnquifred lu pay accruiug Intarest tise rcqulrcments of tise original or- an bonds and voucisers isuel toaiar- dIlance for tise construction afheUic tpata tise collection of salI assese- same. lu-vit: meut and made application ta aald Tis a pvlng aldotiervlaa impnov- Court to cousiler ald eterminc lng the raos4ay of a portion of State visetiser or not tisa lacts as tatad Street lrom the Soutis lna of Tenth in ail certilicate are true. A, Stata Street and tise Nantis Uneaoai plication on the lOth day of Decen.- Sixtacutis Street extenlal acros aid' ber, A. D., 1918, at tisebhei- pf tan For furtiier informationi apply 10 the neareat Ticket Office of the. NORTHJ StIORE LUNE la-. an reeil e estion Tisé .éll mier Sa t Aunoul enta c -tiat nul M Wa h. to baN babe< Io th( hg 8 imDi "Di, I.wMY tc

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