CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 19 Dec 1918, p. 9

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RTYVILLINPEDT LAK CONTYiNDPEDENT Lke County'*t Big W _kl WAUKEGAN WEEKYSU xxvi-NO. 51. PAIT TWO TJBERTyvILLE INDEPENýT>ENT, DECE.MBER 19, 1918 EIGHT PAGES. $1.50 PRER YEAR NAVIE SPECIÂL SCitOOL PAGEANT i DIIIIIW PLAN OPERA*S IAIL'uinu 10 bU.~~~~~~~- FEATURE TO BIG i'TV O Ii1wk r a WÀRREN TP. EVENT LK. CO. PRISMNES ÀDNRDG ODI Fn~< AIR TO KEEP ON AND WARNT.BEN !n4 ~ ~fV FAVOR 0P TELEGRAPH ROAD A a O IGOEST IN4 COUNTYs S ItORY Th Lake1 Unity I8~ vaoretinformaliy on Thursday tt AI he D. it ot an w tie the Agricultural Short Corer He l l uevsr'Cm ite r h at ount rd 0' suer 0 mi B lue Deiso faewe h 1118 Ls ekPoe eyfo agswt r.Emr non expregaed itself ln lavoro vu vee torming the very gâtes to Par- wchanging the new state-aid road aoutb Iorinstructive Affair Green to Direct Menu of Lake Forest te the Cookt Caunty OUI L shh nt cie soute a I. - ne ovr ta the Telegraph Rod .n- I ~ U fl-' ecide w hether or no thle Lakte Cotin- U UI I VLThux %lhen the board cornes te- id~~1 ' ~ I ~ ~ Pi nocitios ouf beab-ugs.gter again a formai vote wllieb hvthseptrot het.1 Prof. Nolan UgsResidents to Before Sheriff Bought and Padtakeli ta corroborate wbat the board Ag a result of the determined stand Recognize that Fact-F. 1. for Food Dut of 75 Cents did informfaliy on 1Tburaday. i Shielde township. relative tochang- ville ln 1919 aâd an'*arnest effort 1 lil the aetted rad ogfrovOrsyg tn iIb nd to, malle the celebra- Th ~ en township lîigh scOo Il fi pel that recnty thi, ing te sTe-gapd roaditrai 't. 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~tian1 the. gretet peuce and iliosperi- TeWr ae x)andhi.we hrf Mty joyfet ever beli fi northern f1W~ field a very suecesafîtl three-day Agri Ppe ;exo'ane IOf.c ase Sheertf With the change It ineants thathfle - - nis ultuai bor couse astW.ek Tiîs thelAndrso, (ieencam 'Ino OIl1 concreste highway wîlt ru n down toe put new bloo en Ph mari- orl for t course o!twek UhsîEhl nderAe 10, Was b .rShnerltGrifilulhe would cuen-the- village of DEerfield rallher than Pope Unable to Prevent édi. lt>Stolzrnan of Libertyville Tt was delcided ta elect new offi- short course Wel put on by the tvigh 1heso der the new law the saine as ail the rcîlow. the ore!Rderac*Whfm ryIntense Description ~ h a<1tO h ~ ~gvnte~ o~at other ai) fesg h 111 Il n s th at ft the north Point starit jiiet a tri- wrs ~ Etrn h enet0 ascaio.Teas epe ftecomnt a po- Car on Marion Stree tafelg T gepîoeata fie east of the Arthur tieeker place iudgrnt for Worn or »Ceato no acùm a $7,000 deficit tunity' to get better acquainted wlth ____are under hie cue ut Lakte Foremt and ln a zig-zag route mof Last Baftle and lias holdings wot sr$0-ttj ihyefficient $75.000 edu.- 61CNO IDHR I t op îtpatc]iRUSHED TO THE HOSPITAL have been allowed 75, cents a day for1 At the mre time Tt was dpcided 0F HUNSURREDER QI, leho male thebig dy atttional plant. In» thep paf th hrff r liCi Is h niteutyln. ICNNTFNlPP OFHNSREDR The plan i oraeteIgdyai ns;tructorâ and at the saine tirne li-a prisoner for their board. They hadj that Rid ge road aboutid be abandon- ivthe- fair a Salar, Soldier and Kin - en to a voet arranged progrtm, tflat t. buv al the fond, litre the hielp. etc. ed ini favor or Telegraph road. Tt al- 50, He Concludes She la Dead union. Flakire wilU bit run out ot w is~ bath entortaiiaing and Lnestruc-! Little Girl Comrpanion Also Had ont of tlvie 75 cents per'day. The go wa-v made ta the boairi of Svmn Bledig M n a enetMmn afore tive.rîa ~ Coe al otAr new la,. brôugbit a change whîcîî jhat the landi luit north of Deerflél -Orvis Twits Hlm for 'oofra in A m en f Mr th i te p l i b of ta brhc s i n t-tur . A A d sr te da o f eedic lnglk e lai e C osndl G t A r provid-d that th e- sherflts "wiIl n0 w li Afil be r oufre il ta ke . th el T hinking T ha -,rcn orter atep Jjb mad obngteodirbedngfeigad il-1 Just ln Turne longer buy the fond Out 0f thoir owfl hfghway t-ast of the St. Pol trai'ks tst race 'ýorses ln the country agentent vert- given ty C. M. (Markt pocitets on a -er diein baste but'that bas been danatied. Thoerfre the [îte dtmieiefrso '~ Deteminatio'n tathe t rack. of the Universtity oif Illinois. .h the counity .-iyç tie food, hires thte preserli *,o.W't- vivh- it-ro4i -le Deiie eemnd efrso - ~ora Elme Stol m n o Fred Grabbe, one of Lakte cou ty's linois 'enftpinfal Pageant' , WWt Pr- I Lilian. the f-3ear-od daught'r of ht-hp ta t-ont '. and serve Il a.nd it tracte ,wcp betwetn t-,vrett .'» o e t re e ti.Jdg d ad ~ Stoîmnan. who livîsg n.tar Il- best knovn promoters ant busines seutedl I>y th- h1gh school 'lirider, l Mr. and NUr. ('brres Andéren i t act. gegrt'vtes thp ktehpn troun thel~ît0dwllfe oandd eiretqt coart today ovesnidt.~ managers. vas uiinniotily pl'ctt-d jdirection of salit, I.. J. V'ider. fil";!117 M ay street, vas perhaps tataiýy sht-rlff's office andi aperate the plan The Laite ounIs ,blm.rd met tfhe flan for a new trial ln the case or li.vlAiavery fnterffliing hresidenr' of the Flair Association, f fagt-£Iit, jiIUtrfitiiig Ilinois r,- injured eariy Tuv-sday evening wlien îîder new and different fdeaq e - 'n county hoard, headed by Pe- Mtr s. lao Richardson. the, Vole on o! one of the- hast drives Riiben Il. Dannelley. 0one otra Iaure- an dals drev a capiat ityl sht- as run ovcr by .4tre.-t car near lnquiry shows that -trReietberg-tnd they had a long woman who vas ridden on. flke Mil. t bel4n. ielttr e a- wathiest rpilideat., w I t hQtt ta vainot disappoftîted. ýtic initeri(,cUun af Marlon and \lay iha-i bteea made In the handifn r ot f e cunferenc. which related ta the- lm.~ wherein Mi-a. -Richardson eecured--- oyembere letd and d o t - Uae d ns se:cond vice prca'dent. Tt rik i an u îatta 1111- treets. T h1e childes loflt lt- i< L k c u t rsn-r. T io ii rortane ta tht change being miad . judgmerit for $109. And Immediat - Uhu btOh hisd expefef es ci lm exîs-cted that be wil inere t o i hool fauw , t rodued t:: 1,u S- <i it o ju t beiow the nec an t , 1b th e- rAcnt meeting of the supervî-q Mr. iteinberg vas very deesive n y a fterwards Nr. Pape ad he would - hevt e b i nxerics aend i n tt arad vi s bis H_ ele f w t-St pier acre this yar, tocs ot tht' right foot also were t-ut irs. the cammittee in charge of tht- his stand tilat the Telegraph rod car te e aan to h-ap lae ao Mte laieofrea gain ia]a Influence ta malte the Lakte, gave clear cut, practical tLctilsaioili off. Fvear, are entertained thart the 3ail sali tht- necesty et cominz un- vas by ail neans tbe ane that Laite court andI even ta the âuPl'esne cofit obe tves, li f i e tter g a un y rt air the greateat f atiy beld 1 0f so0u ttility prabît-in . A systeni hb, sufft'red Iternat injuri-s. lit-r d e-r tht- new law and accordingîtI e e s r , d i g t t h feelIn. ie but rn otl n! h'lIcutte fteeae fagriculture that le capiable ot piro-! condition is regarded as imos.t criti- atps wern- taken toward that t-ndi tnt ral dqtf uligtei nc-sradn hth oi feigfnbu1a-sli!nthe, offcer lctied ofo the ta - i iucn anilrs tscado a.adaraia hnetu anvsaern. - neyer aîîow the estate Of Mrs. 11A3- Thîng ci eet o thae esl i i tnt aeragefa par are oniicl and a p raical chnetutl o iter detailimd canferences betveen mond, one cf the detendants ln the. tflual ing yex be acciden hosoappea e ce naý - ned sliortiy b,-- Pea' the boards ait a whole andi aiea, as In- sensational caue ta pay that elii te t ~ ~ 'sm f vauld drt yor0Pojr-~r' rbe<ut aa tor si >t-.'cSse say thatt~ th 14wPhi Wriiduals the Laite colanty board ex- Mrs. Richardson. wilreaich you abolit tihreta Si'crotary-W. E. Watklns. o asdrtai Aversage yleld s on 1fort' P. Unde theest- naay thatgrni-« thee tefi eor fmkn h na oeagmn g! h -Ioado ta sls yiu th perrt o raue-rttKr.heMrntr u a h-<s rcilisatdt u cosM rlo l'ner the fmte mae h<la- changet- resd e. fi ao !mtn cohe An n asho e r gument g and m sen by the- paper that let Vice President--tarry Flood. lime and rot-k phosphate' for the- pastL tret-t and ran directlYint- p"t Siow-tt-cm teemd.hepa change courvneruing tion for agent u4 l' jowed to tell a UitUe about 2nd Vice President-It. . Donnel- 1 teLrs in atiratationl of t-arn, nas.teorhbriepst-r. s'i lia i b n novc n Thre orlfs t- ta briards, mintnh hsoerllg mto o o I11 was tnoclied to-tht- pavement giMly i traPpdeae ht atrau eue.ran*, Weli t Suppose le,. bout and c oser were curf. . ; atto, roldudr hvite h ss te zias en aed In charge of rt me oe hr . tniormainy diriaon op elare that . hlcadrua Ilke ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~n oto ht-r bafr thttl atOlýý'iPtr-_ .J6R, esF'9 Wet ar o 98 teye iman Lnir the meale. Foar this site te paf d ner at Sttermanvflle which vound upf vas deuil. a(ding the Ilmnu ' ~~~~~~~~ ~h careao. on t-- h- eî-tiey $201 a weet. Tht-n the board allovs thie day's business. formation thât "I hae'ver U v ite ahroutg oig ofil telBne.E .Bteed nd e see t. irdC ucespr cecl tpth-cr bt-r ta litre tht- help, the present abi ta gt 1 touch with bier stfic Hooaydireetnri;-Thos. E. tVi- The hast evcntag Prof. A. W. No cti Thto pyn o! tht c ngc amunt beinir $12 Pet- weet for heip MULLARO SAVB FOREST PRE- ta ra eel or. IW1pt iett the trench 1a which we son, 3. K. Deértiig and John Boeat', Ian of tht- Iniv.rsîty nIi linoit- aby irae buhttecr s.rlîlin st-rving the prisotiers. SREHL TO AK OONYAtttley Orv., for Mli. ichardpofl4 biln staylng if for a few day, i Thos E. Wilson Io head of the Wlf! diguilied 't High Ail~~ hi t-rwin eser horors rdicn ITuMr.G'tfiip<rhstt-came bac iwitb: «Milag about 2 a'cioct - there I o aiigcmpiny. -Commuity at et." PvrIiof. Naiaa th«. et Aurid vetoe horoarind a nds-tatt eroricotj Highland Park. o =Cmuiycne., Po.Nlnti: et.fomsta tlsioel okd «Wel. yen omit baâme ber. «ni bilNU in bacit af us ýheY catI A cominiittele vas named ta prp' dgi and patsI~aloe hlil hntttbirn >~~-f< erved and in tactt take t- ie iDécember 17. oau Johs, ta iteep away from ffl; Hn. -ill" and then anotirer pare and' publish a finaricita statc- and taius plant bas tht- best pronise saw the- lîttle mangîcd fori Under. carg fth rsnesdf ore Edito Dal Sun th.' %Île proper thing fer ber In, eiaid bill 304. and I front o! mient of thé statu. of th. association. biy fur of .itw btgb school outside the- neath. the committe- could have. bad It de- I Your otherelise atecurate accouant do undcr tht- eirc=ai»tsfflt-. a s asip that, lse had to go This staternént wilU lie glven full Pub. big cities. Make your high mchool A Illuejactt-t on the car crawiéd un. ie.hrdsmbd 'eotie ftcFrs rsrv iet o i-Wud' o oI fYuWl$I 0f course It vas darit anid icity and L ae ecouilty u îl lie a sed s ert-te ta its as tht- tar i an s ter i l n rn e l e n e h î-ud. Si ehsc rie o o a t i e d e b o dy t i g ee i o i net t e r , Fo te,t h maelr dein i o h - W ul n t ndt g e p 1, 0, 1, w t ! youl ve e u s*s oudnt- r-a us, fAw a assume tire '*We Shaîl Win' sho- tht- high stihool are our greattet ailf' t.t orld Se vaware noao h heriffml but ut se14 emé tt th-'adolupreosonD~brIiae h hiidast7 - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i rda tus swm tand ke the L.ake courity fairi in times of peuce. Tht- falth of a pteo- rtearby drugstor hr ltjces\r re a hsvr nhn mncit, ihat 1 uni sure. In t.afr play, againet, ler? lisitegwm they d. ~o~ aid thep ma ta ,%ree ht- lo 1,ca thina etIng bond ebr~tîtstemi on e epi ôlt it a.cifa they bd an utpos jui; one of the big t-vents - o! tht- pie le shown ait the buildings tht-y "undered tit-at aid tnty tatm ears bt-fore when Mr. Green vas yau viii give me apace for carrec- 'uPa ili felt that Tt w&aa J ose place and o! course they mtate. dedicate. gto Warren tovnshtp should thet- Cf rd and te t t amblac bt-I a badgve htal doý th vot tiff.nkthtl bi a Machine guru an us. We ail bie proud of titis edutcational plant..i was sun toiid the i Iiterie a13 Neontlhpanii Ue eionsbe ble t soinitr iha rd-ba lova a veli e ve culd; te RETUNEO FIItTEROREFUSE "Sanie0f tht issue ta ti metubg-ivasrorhthta thisJaoenecAlit.r'dtccordForesaIttht-sondtthtflr thone l plannngoa soneconty no bt-ena elé t st-e n RichTd- - rus bad tn put a bridge acroas TO SALUTE TMEUR BIUPERIORS? aur higb schools ver-: -hspitatl wbere shv vas attendt-d by j bahto theut- rinstan f t-r e saihfr- Fhort-s breert for h eif corso»,mil jmedt why &ferdt fot é the 1, Teacbfng tht- i-opie te lit-t a physiclan. j tht outral-d.! thés r th bicgon t of Lacou prit- mmedîtfuy afer t-rl. ii ti9eBd of It, end tht-y couldf't il ay- ont- of the big thungi that th--iieitty and happy. I " orth bereei o!x Laitere cint ci- motno ora t e trhe i J u îge tu *' vbile1bhat sntPer va-s there soi Thee arek whtx preildren unm tnie seswi.n-h av oe lc our company had ta go and'country Al'l hase ho pay attention to "2. Gfving na voctonal 'educatton derson famiiy, onet ai bae of bu Théag tat thich preied mornete on e lit o s ta o o hesaie lacey vrMsRcard so c&trd h uganât the es.o 1 W" - that gives eut chance ro wta.eréet.a1separatee itorerand oted cervontnon6maundteseepd tatépaleft torMn.0 eaymondloft . -bat inAphlae gun aet-a. in nov lm< tht- attitude w~hich will lie am- tha ort-e unek an chanceY tnd Uon, Raymond "hdmti,- u srttdo ptot go abouti. We started 1 sýumntd tavard tht- <pubIc by theý -3 Teacbing health anld rt-ten- tht- accident. icitchen tram whicb to teed tht- prIs-1 hohidy . wher- tht-y vili not lie or- su, uniess tise appéal ls perfecll.ý .a~thong tt- varp. tvas en i- who corné bacit tram st-r- infrpyi. n oa e-lp h lion" Anesngr nth- cnt- pparently bai ne faundath)n ceeaN Prve grounds, and will taira Richardson bias a clitm saituat vet Betate 1 gat acruse à vice at-trat-as. Accordifg ta an offi- t-r bitte girl vr-rtnfg roibécause under the név arrangements lt-e ht- ave l-, b ta 1e men- tht- éstate rigbt nov for $1709. in a hale and got vet ta mY ,,lal publication ut the army tht-rt "4. Teacliîng peuple to appreciate the' store when tir, accideint hapPt- f t cati ail lie dont- ln tht- ont- kthcc.*è tone the- popularity of thé Cook one o! thé arguments for the stew are nov pendtpg In Rocittard ar eaauty and art in music booke. etc. A-d. rFite othier littit- girl harely gtot 1The- t'erilfs taMiîY will fa nter Cîn, Fart-st Preserve' for Chicago trial vas that ajthosigh tht-ré vore ve itiat got acros vhen aurý Camp Grant nit- caues agaiîist men;- Teacliing the value o! organ- teoa thég tract indg nim s>ao * opened up and ve vt-re-so v 1ho havé corne haci tram Europe iztd effort in community 1develop being &truckt. Sire ad a very cîaac fersén wîth t hé tr. sefv th-p-fu u or thé itPaen asaCoun pt-e er fivdtenAi tii. Pjnndné. TM - od ha au on ut-iaw~e andi wbo upon tîjefr arrivaI refrreed ment. cai. Tht- motortuan n teuca for teirelevn t oize as r a OP-d plie mrélyg to n.Raym. eigthe eag "tgh onr top &bll w indt do certaini thiîîgs aoldiers are ex.- "6. Teaebiîng maralty and rt-hi- pt-ned tn lie a near neigfibor o! tht- f1 r l-ing t it oulfi, hén eryPO'prou uh vr theY tl jur.oe de enda 1I0» lade r tht- n opfes, hale 1~ pected ta do. glon o! tht- light-st types. Anderson faenily and tnt-v the chtld FURBT RODT E TWiEN uhar nth ony otbcue tbyO our v0u. dleéleaathe v.v. ftn. -1 gesstheonl tin Amuirg tht-at thfngs ha their rt-tus- "-7. Giving aur boys and girls an lweil. Ho vas neariy frantile tram wOODSTOCK AND WAUKEGAN eeteoe@'b ol flnd. ise only t0n wtre thé n. mve ol ut U-nt naclly stanahblo. the 0111111- avdu a h-st u eaI ta sainte their superior offIceraý ap'portunity in, enter 40 gréat v1oca- grief %lien lie saw vho tht- vietim ont-t-St-Ts a x o cn n ienit hou s ê In ~ ts thse rIl.»" - a ven hn 50 de th a t thda and thelr re-fusai to aiîey ordere 'lb lions that are nov pract'calhy clasedl I as. Tt Io stated If gond t-oadcicle- A ae-intl terax ld co1 a mnlr, for oa.n t ae Mn. a- ghett ae an chaee to tly sut-a by tht-ta. Tht- detense made by 1 ta tiiose ont having a bigla schoni T t deevlop that Nira. Fred Palmer wha an o! lbm firî t lonnod »1 areodrprss$ er. tt- whnahai vas rt.glc thé ol n-o bt~v dinthv hnet ytîreat yuun g fîtn when called to a 15k education. o f Nuotaeu a nt-lghbor or ti.t sooide la aehltudrth-100 h ches oful -gt nretur tho Ji- behoe bas pretty liie b n va't long ht-fort- tht-y started bas bt-en that tbey 'don't Pîropoe ta: 'A rural high schaul aboultit b)eAndersOns. 'lad sont Ijillian and ht-r 000 bond Issue yull ln ail prohabiity sTicie s o!acely a y arcsta oflmain- she ît-ci ai w l tg b eer ubu fd tht rage nc thn v vet-take orders troim anybody vho bas made tht- center fon ait, cotuniunitLy littIeufrit-nd ta a store' un MhcAlisttr run ereni Wautegn' west limita ta Th-é, has threy anys coft thf ma-- - tht-r heefot ove a d rthe îwl -th range hand bt-cae o! tht-I fth-no'tts andi wbo "did intret. Trt- Gurnet- st-oha Otatne ta aeapoths- When thé cttm lmte f Waodstact, tht- tenant-,a h-pnlé ftéma h stt -i tf.PP iibl 5 we don't tnov, but he didn't1ntdtt-tprf-rbtnsangti of tht- apîras-ed bili schools lnth thth-al tdenrerrnd ir-gaeeah ttilt t-t fMcenycantdTisttatnfcîoet cait ntoafbatyshtaithtth aoli o héj58 'any ore nd thugbth oubt ryF ta state, becattat- o! i-ta touchers, Its jof theni a Pennty, and chhtd-liitt tht-y ulcaeaditneoabtli ~-sretutoced xeptrntvseesvéi- 'aymore adtogtleTudFurhroêi eeosta board of edut-afion, its Plant anld lts but-t-ed ta a dirug store on Marion indies.- an meals o cceas - Te case prévîouaîy bai bom la . S ot ont- canipany ail together sinellar situation exista ai Great agricihuml t-citcatiof.- <tréet ta buy candy,. With ht-t- tîny It develaps that sut-veyatrs bave théstan doa not oatf t e up 1-Jo th spelayteort afln o t e and vwe starteci ta go alt-r. Laites station although flot ta such l te Sierintendeit, Franc4s OG bast clasPlttg tse ltte bag- o! candy heea worting on thé Belvidere road itt Psn 'fBat-h stortmi of tht cltlit vet-ot -or tanlut uran excessive extent. Tt ils atimitteci1 Blair ably diacuaseci tht- "Future tht- Andersan cfîild started out gît--néar Grayelate for st-vêt-ai ayî andi dëis, t- ast 0f B ea estat hocansé oTh nl thée vay t ger Tffl goung manoreshan js oulli sire tas hatIayTIreh 1 eeolo ancasetin.stilts thla upfreehg lan dubI T le.e -O ut-hty vrt vuer ail aOn-tLiettt ofttNecsf nEcaon'faily for houle, a-nl ragn acrosa thé' thiat att-te are aînt-&dy ilehng takeni r gains or rt-a Putblie.u ntth y f ront tingoen vho came bac.i fTaom tht- front j The mushc furniabed hy tht- boys street ln front of 'lie stt-cet t-ar. for tht- cinstruction o! th- r-tta O&' latorgav th or uevaoris, caduh- mci fo th t- ubic. otlf thene eilda then lrong t-fr vemu at- ater duhng service as mat-incs, absol- Ifrai ('-amp Logan vas a treat. Isit(e Id______ onBliee road between Grays- l-se aset to fatoreprt-se o fo tht- ew eit ao! lth n 0v reléO-, asn't~~~~~~ logbîî e ol e tely refuse ta saInte their auperior countyý anodl arek nanctn and op-e onyta i aitteraesto r.JonRcado rllb u hns comlrtg vlth tirer hand. onypol r elciga P y officers at Great f.atcs. Tht- offit-er3 - îorturîlry ho ht-ar sut-h talent tnt-- r ir att- and atheweanp bettnd r o ateset fohrpat !tt hta te r g, a ote be! 06 IN ruc I frysae ni h wser oud r sre ct fty oha vfiii va t her ale ýa i-.on4' tcat-S te ro . feitt din' bsese-ymu-f trf-th-mat-lt-cahase fat retienteci thi at- quentîy. Mr. C. C. Turner. înatruc. EVEY LII N AT of Lake county niean Valo ast nuihe fno Naioralttark Ttr at se rail*,u5î., t at d rd é din' hvevey uc toule ttuebut ncording 'ta Informationý urn -aïricuitrr should bie cangrat- aspring opens up.bu htterltirantro lernamdDO. o u l tfia , -ht b t e e u s w f l e T h t- S u th t- y b v a c e I te fu t r e b a t-t thel e t - h -r t aL LnSd in fa t-t it ta sa ic i th a t b y M a t-c h tht- n th h s eo n n t* P , b t- da T t - -ale h t- r a n c t r a v bie r t hn éa m ud o t » 1 &~îchne- gun neas.e but li ufatec fo btsR ex-tlin I'rt OnN fi-t hcntact fo Ibstretcb' eiLte specusîators amounc t baeo-Ttyttatcile bt tcnst finre soeoPh-rgr tdtraI aniong 4h rt-turf ed fIgbtt-rs. (,-optratiofl of tfllro cnmmunf#y, M.n! Rf RO Svil hase bt-en miade andi tht--vert jet-ted. butotéci-otigithha ac ht- at-hn lho t e «-, rs( ns m bai on theroug vand Tht-y say Il ls bt-fng foliowed gent-r- simila- iitiiertakings. wieatal tr yte&deo ýîT, a lasbe on onl ag enrfotv t-an anonot-mcd tht- officers maire Tt appta Tht- Warren township lrigh scirol tel dns n fe xeine wt r.Rc yt uai e, more my acie t- tht-y hase mt noticeci tht- t-front bas an asureci fututre, vhiren ably - ont bath ways, t-ait and vet o! t-ta. apoinc as éxpeueftt Ait Mrres. itcain rElt0 r balt@g*- w i . B 4 'l c e h e ot-Ic r tt e . Sof r a mt}nm n g d by s c e st e p e ci raysla'ae and at-t-atding ta Georg tt-.ep stl n b s dt-i a t a r s é ed p o é ité rm U as ft- s v vee at1 o main th-.b fras h all tovn maae ofy sducthcias lhWI--tlt ire Works Employes, Every Rénehiln, prelden t o! thé Laite ft-atl préev tit fory m aur ti an l ise lte th- vostn ttooli us about six miles framno aine bai Great ale tatnt tasit asoaraion T! Iopln n h lir vo tarted that morn.Ing. Tt ashet ofat G ral*o a t he ___________ Last One of Themr, Joins nlt odascain tl plan'îy wi4idt o l meoandi o bealhaiightO te h-motatftO ndthat tbis entire strt-tch t roui u ol haphesr for i thouaniso pocl tra coterny se.olunti s hta little vay f ront a gond Thnt- poiia oural the gitatri- le ~WA> the Roll Caîl Wauitegan ta, tht- vest limita 0 et. u ot hégont- t» hi r Oi- ieconty e e tatte îO ig ln, ieto p oin o tha utol sL& I Laite county. wll lié finlu-hec hy Oc- t-a ogoifnxtglandc vould The Jucige. ta Obos' leutIéEcy la5. fluait ' ig g u n s v e g e ttin g a l a b c m t o e c i i a h - to h e r 1 o! n ex t y ear. ,,t-qtate e r a.tidse t e n e d ct . f u r d ta.a e M M -n a e on 'u . W ve t th e tht- b g bunche z o! baya cornée bac k Lt E T À S Â YTa tt p o i e nd r s Usdéw r h r ro t o e s a . l a e hing anS EAT S T hé W au hé gafl , A S , anci W . pla t l e also st ted th et pro n nt an i ral beta e ttovu r a ô I fl s t se U aitc s ut-ci tht- f o la16ges1 white vite» about six Germa u it h ram oe t-as d i ts e h erétore us l 200 pr cent -'for tht- Red C ro s.-eab ve55e up vltb the state dspe ti be eis a tor. i tht-ytte un-'lY casée g r t o t a atiovnl.b. o os corné oser and théy wéré a v ause mreq le stobeltr LIST SHOUWS THIEE yés, ,2oo pt-r cent-if that vert- highvay commission, the mtter - ttsof c tht materlel. vllt g rovt o!g tha seh ont- o! thé Ftrench planes may catuse m r és troe Iatt-r. Possible. lImproving tire rondes t-lest- through thse gent-raipbcylgt gdli théy vêt-e shootlng at. but one BomThé atiue vh;cba th-e ellanoorwhtTtcmebt$amn--e Cnycut.yu vr1yrl oHua's plane came etagi émt suet ht hr sfOFr iî I Cibt$as rolnl - th e cont taMHérkout.dn The luns o rognocta -ean wby tbéy. attor flgbtlng at thé Thé, namnes o! James Vallon andi ber durlng tit rsm a roth Rpt-eat Shurtisif andl Othere YoursD vêt- truly.p vThe eu- plnésun t-t I ka front shouldlihe uûder ardens o! me» Henry Weist- of Wautt-gan appt-ar lit tact rématuins that thé wi-t miil veut Interéatel un thspue ptto! the .11 VEKTL.NLAR m fiAi IV abot si o! th-retloanIv eera o-ieat h hacis toiay' au l ist o! severely oser theé top daubly. Tht- Christmsas a re saic t hv Itre in this LY IU UV[â ouaeih ht nàh ilté no direct Part ln fighting the Hu111a. woundei Thé Sun -pteviottsly ban t-oIl gtartei Monday morniutg, Yet Of înovément. Thé' telst- eYMunch en- ami P rwu a u-a ,ýui ILe laý poînt-oci ouI by atrn>' Journals tietitncti thé tact. Srtturay. tva taya liefore thé dt-iveé orgdadti ot wihaýG R E O À - stye on et- u cat i ansé us*..tatteem» r lé dinepia>'1 Oti-er ýLat atitt men lncluled ln 1 pnéti. n. S. Thompsoti took ta ,ias heef designatol as ont- "o!f-

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