CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 26 Dec 1918, p. 2

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VMRANCf fiwyTaw- nTnuu ~ smLehhsi aiWaters Md AsiorM Eve ~ ami Wrklag.CI! 01 Dste . Deon .Placlnsg ~BLDRILLING &DOLAN MON ACTUry 0 mdGranite Moumens issetey Work of Ever) Description gasgsce olikftec M l bLJ.TAYLOR, kw biu Nalial"m, Duid r n B e m . p o h ePar i %ohnte tl é. 19 o P - =Owur VaionlBn balon 19 «. Phons 157J. DLL ILSMITH. 14 ODVMNTIONA DIM an 2 . M sd 1 t a8 . N. STEPIIENS. M. D. - .YICI A" udSURGEON iUemow" rivent o as olofmease ra Fys, %e, N1n, Tls *v u ilusI or Qiums ts 00. Telroi100 Librtyilie. 0m. . P. BIJTTERFIBED. AREENÂT SURGEON. * LIborty Ill inois. -DR -A. O. CAMPBELL Veterlnary ittt Iie LW" yStable LUbutyvlie10l. F.Ih orest. Aufli. Ranoam& w.vasonsb. 50501alto ouer UJINANW.COLDY - Ateney't.Law ions% Cook Ave. Plane 118-J ILL£, - ILLINOIS. rut ILLINOIS ILS r la -~ue lVi wWVIILVla)3lVu Bu OMrltM n el a h Ues veuy O0» a Chausle Taake Part la Rsbuildlng Omsuricu,« WerhLd Thé Amenlonu Roi Cross la psuhal like uolng se machs a stand sudd loam ddp la a storm. itgpus 415 ap vitI sens.. louncite catch ase cr! frr bslp. And wlen tlat onp ernesik drives luilmntly and itvi 101fent tralgît ta dis place et distresa. ila ISaod and fire uni disaster. Just as dis slIp braves thc pitis et tumbling us a sd bazardons rescue werk.andi, gaIn. 1Mis theaslip. lit STANDS RT tWl thaso eniangersi anp helpi ta Meanwhlle the rest of dis woni, busy wvthliaIlsovu probiems. humriez lame durlng dicsticnea 0f stormad stres.s, . t <.1dWsd 'vitthe blinis. At fettst thnt 1- the say 1h lins been ln tiîe.iust. But it,w contes the Christ- mas Rail Calt. An& itlai a privilege, not a peat. tt hem no preferences. It pîmys na favorites. It makès no ex- copIions. Il summans evsny man, vaman ani cid ID dis country. It bou onut ta eîcb ans tIc blessid op- portunt le ride on every Rei Cross ehp of mercy, to spcei vîit eveny Red Cross train af reief that endir. cldess artlion Ibsîr orrands et Mercy. The oniy vsy fer aupons le escapec Ils poeathtity oet mre fInie iiavng là accept CHARtT rtrmhdisRei Crasa la ta becomc ONE vitIIltheiedCross. lFor terrile e atamity uap corne te as ail. TIc moncy velttl of the Reian vas as nothing vheu lIsp verestrinppedt et lolbing andi food. Andi that feel-1 Ing ni' ontiewaswitli tIti. rgnnhzîiins tIit tmir iuenoan thle <il er sut, lhave liai du ring the van vas nt merely s greal, but wam the ORBÂTEST. factar tu enabling diselRed Crois te gir. the efficIent aid diat Il di. Letluns nmember wb. lir a ir- garet Laing. canteen vorken In France, told about aur boys vbo came out af the hnspitîtis vithout maney: "Semetlmues they woud be able In, matse up a tew.cents betwsen lIeu," thIsomlîl, "and sometimes they did not lave anytblng. They vouli lang ho. hiii thoBe who could psy. And lIsp vould look et ths food so wlalfully that l maie one figîl bock theletrs. The only way w. coti gelt tem te, taire wIal lboy nesici snd craroi waa ly saying: 'You know, laps, Ibis vast aul pâl teor J)yeur ove people aI loute!'TIen Immedlatly t11cm atti- taie wouli change sud lIsp voli sy: Why, pes, my mther'or Imy aie;- ter gvesInte ledeCross' Andi lien hov tbey aouli ptcl In.» We are proud, vs Americans. Wc de Dot want something for notîlng.1 And hse la19aur glaons. opportuutp la tnke the rest of aur nation by the1 baud, ani widi ail prie and ilgnltp ln.1 ure otîrselves ot aur own heîp lnnIlIte9 of aiveroity.1 This Chrstmas Roil Cali givos everp- anc a-chance ta le a "Dollar Mana.» And mont of ucou bhoanc rlgbl aI home. For by jouins tle Bei Cross nov snd paylng the dollar vs becoms au actluely engagei la the great wark1 ai If se ver. gvng ail et aur lime tu Il. We are mereiy maklng aur dol- lar substituts for thase of us vIa are tea buzy ta glve ail of ourtite ta die Red Cross. Souseaof the great aclilovements of lIe Red Cross lave bec buo oves and aven, mnutil the tacts uap seem aid ta pou. ]But on dits occasion- thep arei Worth telilng again. lus shaflid fot1 forget, for Instance. boy the vouen1 of this a ution, ltke 0fr first Colonial1 inothers, tarusi suaieniy lita "st, i Manafactareraasd mai. germentand i mapples verdi PO.000.000 lait pear. Nor lot as torgst boy 8111,00000 va sent inte dis icrastaei enviables dur- lut the fluas while uea aid voineu, givlng tlIaidînelue, or aodg, vont vlâ thon dollar@ 10 es Nul dioph veeuséd u heNuwaythep versomoet1 assied. An disheAmesoRedn aiCromm MM eW uiciuo. ad ammiuhelles te the beipitlameof rancs wbnthe ac ae atmait unoblatalable, se Nult our boys m8d theis ailisi -might barseBosse e. 1woftramintraitant et ileir momanis, &Wi a chanc at ultimate rsevsrty. Thert are ma mmny dilaga tu tell ttIl te Impossible te apreaidih biesstorp la tiimlimIted spece.But " wverker vihI kuev. For Nthjet- toits Nut bave corne trous the boys la Nu camp. "over bore" and trous the Sodi. "over tIers' bave bosu fnl er the reamous. Ask dis mother of auj' bey vbe vwu ImprIsonsi behi Nu h cruel HmUne re foou s mece oven fer ths enemp Brmp, lai Wvboitel bi 20 poundiet biscuiapork sud Iessus, -cocos sud cS 0dir oi, wvleisme dhiluas, erery vest The roofst are ai baud eteryvbere. TMe re«»o«are manifiat. Everyene Lécb wm eu a member et "-th ivdsmt ff -Suta4 boiesat crassse e dr bu,«« srkuevu. Iemlssilp la Nue BiCrue aboui homors universel Mx"tis; aisunivermeat shNuPublic . puo, bUclleotéa,oretorwmv. poi- 1~ruIoSsEfflt'Sntb Red crossWM im eoLat- ut shd bencllsinathe unit oft MdCalMdi- loi, verkers vich Nu AiRerlma Bei COsM lu mmt. toItalyaar nv*b. et Nue loidii.ganI-tubsel. W erl- mors e Nuoant:rp, apoamrgi he içatiSam t Teruools Associton. Dr~ WDhia usWhite, vbo lbiais OU unait IsueU sldirsetor et Nu Tubmaclomb leagusetofPlttburub, and Dr. Robèrt B. Binhop. the amatit- sut director, la secrstary ot the Anti. Tubercndelcesleago f Cleveland as Weil as bouIlli toisa of ethlat cdty. Dr, Joba Ç. LovanaiofiOus- land, & oiel' Ifrohét tet- tNu Na. tionai Amo4auIe4la anothor prorni. nami mezleir of the unit Othersanr Drv. Roert EL Patt ern.escr*elarp et the 0hié4 lutmrcuIasIg Assoiation; iSymour IL Stons,util recently ao- ;elarp og theMassachpusetts 4ptIlii- bàrolee*iasus;Dr.'Oenoydl Stûùr- gis,>1 It'Nu ,».lte* !* <City Annso«tlM- 0f ýTal«*Iorutada lluli, sud Wq. L sLan upelhteniet 0f tNu Cincinnati Aiiti-Tubercilomiu Logue Thom.mmsansd wvemiai tbé vs. qaset NIth 1:11a1-gererneat, vil co-operats vIlla diatcoaatvp la app3r. lag the latent appraved American metboda for combîtlng the. apremi 0f taberculesia. Sanie of diem wlU ho charged i t the cstablishment of cllcesvhére tpeople ef all age mar ho examineiaid treatei; others vll derots their attention psrtlcalryte' prermatlng tabsrcuoslsameag chil- ires, aida *Ihir gnp -M dsrekp heiàtdipubliclty sud éiucation. It la t. dis credît eaitNuanti-tales. culom aegnipalgu la Aiaegca Ibat it bua preduesi sialaloat111111&c' Iter- national stindIng lIatI! villes t eiu tbsu lato ber m'rvie* tsmpoiavllp. RaBt Nue rnpalgu vil ho comlauui anmmttngly borset h omne. le up- port iurig Nuhe ulag rer viiilho ilregi net sh eretotore £tin tNu mielo etda Cross Christmas Semis, but by a speelal appropriation mais bribe pMc Cross ta Uic National Tubercule- sis AssociatIon. Tuberculomis werksrs u thiica ide wili Ue up vîi IlthelRed Cram u Ils Chrimtmas Roll<Caifor aniversl mernbershlP, CONTEOT FOR THE JUJNIOR& A ipalalféalure iurhng the Rei Cross Christmas Rall Cal i w ho éa junior Red Cross Pour-MInute Mou Contint on 'Wly Tan Sliouli Zlinthe Rei Cross" The content vill ieho us. lier ta tbcsé prevloufflp coadiucteiby the Division of Pour Minute bien ot tis Commttee on Puble Information. It wili ho e bldon, flday. Decembor lOthin aail of the ScbotAuxOtaérie, and frisuis sud pereuts OC the Pppus vin be argsi ta attend. EASING THE CAME 0F SOLDIERS' FAIMUES The ten Ilionsata Home Service Sec- tians ofthlb.American Roi Croasil thir work et looklng atter dis fami- lies of the enlsted men, are dalng van- dens for the marale of ths armi. Our ftglters are flot men vIa arc galng ta vorry about tlieusetves, but If they do not get clientul letters tram home, Or If anyting gees wrong dicre, thep are golng ta vworry, sud lImaI deticate tding dis army men cati morale la galng ta b. diftarbe.i. tu la la maeguard agaluisdtis ssiiaima te preveat neei. Ion sufferlng sud ta, promote that spir. II: oi nelgliborinss and klndlY aid diat blnda mb e ommuBltyintoanu rglic vbolt IathdisHome service vau or- Over 50000 vorkerm are aervisg on thoeonethoasan comittose, vhi resdli Intao vory corner et dis country, bovover remeote., Net a tova or vTU- laige oret rmes dat le ual vIthi rescl.of dithei"Crase; net ILvIte or &liteot- udr a musala morns Who caubot àaeu *0 roeMda t tNu 1ei Crase worker. More tamM0000familles etfhAr" e aoidier. ad allore baye beêtare leaioftmontp Iotibîsem, legaldIlecul- tuse aid orrieoe au aWb lsby tNu poeut gam o e u51lhie.-, - ibe aflevauces toftuents er the Wàr Bma immuane loir do e ith s, m oe e feffe02làw Mo Coggan Heequrtsfl lsbw topUIN proper gevéom'aut bIseau Md il straigbtéedsiout I%,téota doùm",*Nu tmfy ands@tuf la mesi OC amaer marne re udreaose ié té *vr vait the alletaasot arrire., Dù Iag Jllp er ela t iend 11111111011 et dia kli vionreedcsved, sud cMM Niu a Ommuorethons vare Mm e de dirough ta heatiquartu mbMm Ore M seauldb.esatraighteced put FOR ITALY'S BABIES. MotliorbSinod uniraIy ut nov le cet tie joy liatIil migit lte. fe« Nu Pee vomen are -ett tlissoMdi ta d*e Nu cbildrenaalila dis hefa-17l, »t ta mention ths preparstionfer tNu lit- lie nevaumors. Perbapa Nuessm p- procate ifle sfethd. e vICan11Roi Crosmua ts" tlnuoamntNu layettes vblch are bolug giron te Nu uoibsrsi er ltay. Didi layette -emumsoe tvuiiylcer ami Ind u o Washington, D. C., Dec. 23.-ID dis- poslug of aznendmeita le the vas revenue bill vth sanviewta ltm pas- sage lcfore ailourumeut toiay, ths senaI ex pressadI île ral iisnt tram the finance comnmittei nevisian lp ettiranating .38 ta 32, the 20 per coul tai an sowcalIed luxurlem. PRESIDENT OPPOSES SINKINO FOE FLEET; TO-CET ALLYS TERMS Washington, D. C, Dec. 23.--Il Msy be statei aulliorILatîvelp dhat Presi- dent Wilson yull oppos lu dis moat direct fashian proposais troup auY source asuuk ths varetiPe surreui. ri by Oerrny under the terme of tle armistice. Since von camne trou Parla lIaI 'mnsricsu delegates ta tle pence con-. ference vitI Briih support, Inteni- ei toa aiveete iestzcWlio f tlIe vescs te aroi contention orer disir distribution the eobject bas leio dilauesi vîihmiel luteret among Anierlcan as u aldinaval et- Siciailiee. Oftflgi bave professei ta kaoi uothdg abo*uth ia .t*ta eoft"Oe ITrsedt tàI11 ldsp ven it WU' laned thâaI ho ievul the.pli aém uitegslber ndsrabe. slase cf s8.11. le Tbrerme"ed Zurich, sviserlani, 'Ose. 28efflle Uberi govoram e k odla la repet t te lie fassi tMI* anothe'r «10 erity meulersairt the cabine t.-- reprt * asitatod b rer liui reenr.e s e;ocsieti. Il I.aienoirf as cbw hartoirnlmUtr- searal, lima ItretoemeBs>lo Un idi 1151 baveé tgtIft Irier la net ve'tabullo Loans During Week Wore Ovor $120,000 W"lo 8leMUoh Above the Geal-Aun AlTY SALES ARE MADE, rýw Ciih el ~I É cives nu oph1non on Mmt- te Ralsd'RoonUY CONSIDER OVERSEAS WORI4 Dec. 30, 1918. BdIlle of The Sun: la rsadlag pour paper tanisht 1 nolesi vhere seMairs fron orersa Mdi ost tram'Greot ISbas aW Cau@p Grant bave trouble lnu mating If - v ers a satiier 'back trou dil ftasd liai 'doue lp iuty if vouldIî saluts oacest that hain't icen soi vics. Wlip ulieudi 1 vlen dis uavi eflcerm chose a lte viiere.diep ver mte froenhUlets aud 1, a otiier rlglit et tNufront figbting for rmi country. Nodiing doiug 1 thlsk lIaI dis boys ever lierf that stapsdInh B clan vers barg vlies the boys vent ta FMrancs suý are lors vIsa theo boys coes ae 1 hilnk diat diey shouli ante u soMier lays and mp nothing tiko tM «'Ohi, I shoulisamy ual, I vms no irsftedi 1 ullaisi", The dra8W man ta far supeor o asanie of td baym- vh lislldsias dicp say. A Drafted Roy'm Modior. TIONS.BUT 1113 WON Harry Benson of Waukegar Won Dash and Fanoy Hfigh Diving Contests Abroad HarrpBoumas vbo returuci ta Waîi kegai Saturday eveulng trou avne Bma. di4nWt bring laorc any docori lionsfor herole scts prfrmed lu a( lion slrnply bacause tIere vu't en: actioà diat lie cauld <et ltt.benas, the Germenfdet tysdInlalie ani thon direw ap ths spongo vidicutj smoea f anp sort. Rut Hrry lia decomions just tlb smin. Heobliastidem. The: conalat ai tvo modale, bronze, ta> b mure, and tiiey vers mvundei hlm fo tva vitorin.aginit nanp campeti tors. Tliey vers for: 1-Victory lu a 100-yard evtaliil dai. 2-For bihîgansd funey ivig. Beison atvaym wa oans Of Waukc gau's lest avimnier sud wvIsah, eullsted et Great LAkes lis iii no bave te, barn hav te awlm. Ho a rssiy vas alte ta lest mont cf th, boys. And. tu the oYeIseas cauteRi lic carrlci off honore sud brougi home the bacon as fan as poaible. SENATE VOTES OUT' BUY 110F YOUBLOCAL DEALER Most of the things that you often go 10 the city té buy could be had through your local dealer more promptly and juot as economicafly through thei urusually careful end" prompt service of the North Shore Parcel Diapatch. Remember this, when an emergency arises, and -'u need somnething in a hurry. Your local ý dealer can get the items for you. If he baan't what you want in stock, just tell bim to gît il for you from his whole- saler or jobber and 10 have thç shipmenta sent by the North. Shore Parcel Dîspatch It cote no more 10 &hop in t"i way. You will save valuable bour- sometium days. ln fact, you get -expeservice at l6estitan exprees rMW.s'and if thte sitipments are tumned over to us early in the day, we can malte Delivery Within- 24tlours Mercitants as wells "sdents flud titis service valuable as regards economy and convenieuce. For detafled informbation ap- ply 10totie nearest Dispatch office of thei NORTH SHJOREIUNE CHICAGO OFFICE LIBERTY VILLE if W. Adwa.St. Piu,7 Plame mie" 815 MILWAUKEE Sih&" Claust& Ss SU D. 1*0111at.*0 v Nube tMt4 *t.ý . IàLL %te l P.trct r, Wl8>td. e m0. e ~w or trust arrietMC. Oi ly t aPto Aurset t. A»Un 80., kga, lap E gaIX . à W4Dhilnde pr ob8 gé$10lcks,.om h~~~~~~~~~~are CrêJD uhn fr~j5g4Vr. WOma»,1ret, tu riatt5Id. Lâso. 8 onse ton wSsen $<.* mh-a o. H.tIm, ie ai vie uoAlaBePh FUI.,N<srmMfvie tu wdumà am& - 1ai 7. iklVOMMT"am lafs,.Ioa,3 àai"6MOUES Uley s., 14. ls beoktic*tourala&slue emu Heights arrietwc, $1;Lobs, 3etDroth V.Ainlitrv «M«li. uNct of orlimanul"si, E01t- 20sec. in, ami. 7 cG«e, IL sl., 33. o Ct' ï J. 1)m. ««11e4euchnanubugi) Verblol .Ha 41ai. aeFoc . Mare lb tII«, ZIole Cit24a. bteeareson o$.u . -g%&ophnzt- Q. C. h ¶1.wmk. t~~~~~~~~~àkei toau. u .E.14Se.19 rci ayG Morlot s haban6"aUD. In Gl tb lm,19 Ry E. W'e«,0"or $2.000. LH. c 0,eyn.lot 2.,blaorthM.r- H, 15 . Wb,êt, llcao,88;It rO* ou lotoeetu: udiseW e. F g vnsWUl. $ng1.- &.W) ao aStary IetLks 1 1110114W onmoVth ..w d. Botlad Wu C Pake udvietoR W CU. St. ohn. mulo, * VDnd.rnark101 ots e, Ka . KI, mue 5 ity on uts Im Wl. WestrOer A..miiN. 1lmtta Ms d 7, blak2. Jo .70ls Xons.MKU noity, 4; ]Cien à afo, nal aiefosn Bay ami o ILri..Helit,Z=an Sierl.anRd , olînSifflUsame. 4. nomirnkaensT11%rauan. nbug.!bor e 4oteaukem.,WLâ.81. eil a J ûeob Csag, 1 ea thM Aae O St. aitcellbait -i .C. D. I. P& TrI.ustthCa..Citta2, M B' to et,5la50 It.Lt1at smut1esat corner ary E .acbuoll nd vimbat and 141255D . toiaf"e, a19. 3 'Yla k Pereemiist. ntren.,troL in'Wson'm S ondSLae.W, Long0.akto ela. A.regas, Chcago. 2;Va vi.2 LL W.l>0.erPnoinar ansddratleel)UIR$47. l sW. nt. on M ile aukee 0 sIDd Rlubat te Ps C Lno e h n dý a MAE CY ta rnk los 1. IAHarA. Num a, 52.elinf r. V»tetitsonierortaieelsu s ée~rnanpd . t1.2dles ac. and 7bl cf . n W.nstui e C Crd. ha, 418.a 'Y lr@ Jt Sut t ree Ba Rad oraahlngt o t., on er ian WSdt lUL w». Wukls, 40.aL'ee& te noal tpopseratonnt ade Mlwau etfW.ea. Wl). W$100. 2; lOfeace d 1.MnidChiag, 23: a #tso rosi, otet Deerfieli av efr G Deeb c. ad1 , los 50-n Loie , aem U ,2. ea 83817.nd33. 5, va., 'o a 11 Wlwl emdtaJ .,MuLong., tact MflW5A. tfflrsk.WiO eno, 7 io i lartitur L Heni bugittw ltscla I L ue. 2. ran k Bu10, 3'rsRniatittShridnli Lou . Fiher anluand itethre acrs Soth e e d . uBl. CRiain, Il. Uiloknin arefrc on W. tutas inatoe t, Cbneya LauM.leýwst Cs. Wt Di. mMYar 18. s X ranI fo r acla Ioneutldeatln. Ior. part lot b, a ltaos d. 1. o l Aoence Dan, marn, Rain,. le 8r417T.33. Pracli . an ak. ei, 861J.. l ', rc Adlt u G enrk, 48.uLaWl. AMiii Dlaff ol ficag lt o l o e. i, 3a10, 65; Caro... e Cringell. MIlaulcesait3 bOujt abot 1 cnr e la e. andmiii .., W icn e,1 o J il a lla erI H. Zu mc, Mtg. ks,3 31, etro AasM. Joh n W tet . , cum. 110 a cuer . 7Lud. , a vagrao CI0.annei, satin 3125. ý vefor onila a) e812,000. Nnevpatot 2W, Dei. $2 . Hgh elgoue Wae le 2Cicg4. ;Ai S la' Vero: sti lTtnhi:a obStr and Augatrakip mii $ v.17-8. t er Adoes, marne , ÏiA Wn batsh t abotlTaaes lagliSe cs.10ad trie- RIs. no t R, N.U E. 1(4b" JAberNoL Za, sl , 27;laeS la, BtomAnna sd .8 rIs thenGret . E. ,1.S.10 &« Cuba Sec ..7 Wl), i. P eton, ane sane22.. foisyemefr luilcated 85010,000FNeTorntlMn, De". -. SlsfL, 1h bde, Chcag, 3; lie tu Veron:sudeBis VnLotra miii lt 21 ani 22. d B tck GeNr , Jam owe S ai, 3. -Ran ales 0f uà, Ougk Park bo oeagi .nt h cago, QC.U. $9. Wa lter . LMiou fiue , se._ 44 40 la Scse. 7id .E.1l4 he G ergenn E. 1-4aSe. 1C u a vte p. E lim. is <lagere, sin,1 0 SU 80 aes lu .e.r 4, Saec. 18, D, F.oNck mistelo 14A.blodk 1. , MCas.l . Sîlt.Chicaos.35; Ad- trou to <150 11 GrLeures and for t 21 an 2,Bck 11 NOpQ Ci. Bîleràawmmn, mne,41 40aclcit N..1-4,0. i. ei, V449.nWlm.. 23G Dm0 e ar sl , sae. 1 i. lu ftP. H.ntamJohnan. Mutilas o. Dec.. Ch1.1R. StMeutt, iaukeo, 352 -, r-ain 80iictrs trn utrtu .I -.SM1, 1 oc n é o tisW14ssd vfs tir 1. ta- d e HaSchner »No e.a41. 1. f. 0 the 0 orgl ecm. 3. 3-SU 10.for, Hghandsark. l. MiJhaelrstuJ. NCpll aa 3 o4s im cae 81550. ul..Lae VretQ.C.D. $44.. 1 ine. 3;Listeearn, e, 4. 1- In t Cub Jhna:Gertruodes. 2 19111. HVon'&Me to eJaol . SvaC.hiao, 41; Mhinai. Wcaale, sarne, 51. e acres la N. E. 14, Soc. la, ram Au. flauerutelnd, lots 6 sud 6, Miler'. Erest L, Rartascli, Valpairao, lui. id gst Prokcjp far 14,000. Sali., ln Sec. 16, Grant Tvp., Wl). 21; Harriet Schtit, Mlwauke, 3. , ln Zion City: Josephi Gouli bauglit $300). AlfredP.Fi'.lot*g, Farmhnglon.Wls the John Dietrich lhus un wst BsdsKart Saloo sud vifsta Ae st21;:li%>.Heine,sasme. 18. IS Emeusa s u.. th et 'rd mt., for snd vifs, narh i138 fet ût 4. Kil- 1 LdwfOacoIr. Heck. Racine, 21', Dor- y 84,000.lien Tract, Highland Park. W1 .830.alieB. Bruanlle. M lans , 211 be BCssA. LDevis boaght tbe iiit% Gabriel Malonfus sud wiý% 3 io JlanS Bolaer, smilvak27. 28 orlot on sutaitdseGabriel . r. ,jueit UL. eriabti, dat 128 ft lot6, KIl il- lianuSal Dr re. 2ghan1.rk i. b% mL 0 f 29tiet, for 1100. Hlan tract, Hilghland Park, ýWl, $340. 34 Leona Watson, marne. 29. t. ta ALSO Ci onontra tienSOI anent C -Big F Lieut Les sflier Of a bua been oz italion sud ehas ain Onnaval d bu5 not pet Wv. Allen 1 ftthlna afoi An thie Il Irsat LAkee bat the Gym eo le made la thes Unit byve Jat h rot Ne Coli r¶iad ache crent at t fttthuç ie ment han li formol te Gr viation m$eh Dinge, Calîf Wh1 Ronde, M. y., Bay Il bory, Buffalo l. Detroit. ItA la dmj la Uic cap" Ibo gavernhr ion of all Iront Lakeî oeoi liero w1eream;ý If 1 bat very AI vIatlom~gi iruld b-. a bon. At thi bout 5.000 klintained W ut hm1uý *Ar tînn.b, lavever. b: »nu from 1 Iret Lakes 10- about 1, nsuc4lon - e t. 1 bout th,- dat he wot M Dec, mb, dat lie vil &Vrto lon l mùnmig ln ofent vhere O1 r ofavia ISut aof<ra Hamm 9 ovejfa Sbelàag

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