CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 26 Dec 1918, p. 3

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tt, Mar. 81,8; t A ; cap- go,Si 7, Vio- Li. s,2%s- e, 22. Ilt s kie., 42. ike, 3 ;Alloe man"a iee, 44; 52., 4- e. Si.- 5; Jome- kee, 48,, roa, lad. it.., 23. on, WIs.' 21;, Dot- ee, 20 ' ai Pas-k, 1. id Ib Ru Aon ar ,u ta t b9e bai Ires Lita-4 ýc th lot roum mlan t mie l *mt Ment lut Mau uet TAIES frVmiare v m elthe vat vm M. M . - .1callefi off. FVffl.there 1 Vent ouý Uent MuIDVlimmond. as commander0 <It.U u leave ta Chaatliêav Whischbhave al- A ~ aiatio, basmae an enviabl 6K lU ready tlid yo a bout. I returnefi luit record et Great LaItes and lis work l~- j ' n tUrn e oe thie finish. 'Thonnlire ~ j( 1toc up iseïee quXters near St. Remy bas atracte at»niOn fAin ai ovetand are nomw awaiting ordars. Ë érat Làlces ln the Dring- ftudb Ais» Concentrated. i ~ ~ Dont you tbiflkWe havaeitad quîtuî ~Heo orla ti~ aaaetio~. I Asrepoteaau Interesting lime <uring aur six la?1isTon Moret a eprt 1Corporal John. 0OBrien Sendsmonths n lace? 09 er o Te o ^ ai O t reat Laites tisat isemide can'er. -- '~ k"oofromn ail l'ailS of tratIng ail aviii-Aon at Great I.eces, IL Vivid Description of What Weil, iAt lsaUl. lover 0w, so- vin lias aiso beeon declded by tise govern- Fie Went Through shouid worry. Hal Ha! Hal - ment ta canceufmte ail radio aud hon- - q.I iiiYU os a ayn 131aI service of te navy et the Greant LSTtat the engineersare "Bomb-praaf'ro 010 ND HSPITLS Lk« satio. 1 AST DASHES FIERCE (meanîng bcck arme. men). h -SQ CONCENTRATE IIERE If tis lasdos e t meanus hat Greant - c- l Tumorrow betng Tisauksgiving n ___Lates radio station et once isecomcî Waùklegan, e2. tisera le a prograinan big feed an- d > ~te biggeat sud mont Important »ta Mrs. Katherlu ,e OBriaen, 121 Oakt ml ranged for, go damI worry about c oentratlon of ail the Avia- ton -n - tie Unted Saies for- insInue- ibas raceIved troam ber son. Coi-paral "Jobisie." lia, Ha, lia. 1 cartaInly Mon Sohools- Means Perm- lon il, th4. warlt. Rocantly titi ra- John P. O'Brien, ana of tisa mont lu- wilIl be looking for you and muthier P fin apo vr3,000 dto-teAplt0ube eysten s Inaugurabaf teresting andi descriptive ltters.filai Chisitmas day wiaen we are shlown n MBg Feather In Great Lks. dlly aswell ne tise wireess tcicgr.- ince tise censorsibp wp.s itefi. It la m:ndous bit ln your Initiai appir n, PhY. By conentratlng ail radia and dated ov. 29. It pIcturee tise final once on t e een. Isospital wrk t Great ail tes l wl chargeps, Altetl-ls isow t ail was doute, leut Lee Hamumonfi. commanding mean that wit a cancentrated avs.n-It shows tise spirAl of tise Hunis a eer of aviation at Great lî*Im. loudepartmenrt, Great lAItes vil w05si-roten. WOMAN011Fr0ou IK C beon orderefi detached ftm ebis once become tise conter or avia AItm a rtis reading and tise former a lo andi bis asceg ugs» ienradio and bospitai service ar tise Wau)tegan plomber tg entitiefi ta un vai hem rIved ibre tf the»n oasyo ts for isaviug penned sal" a fine Ail 4MIE naval district Ue -. Hammonfi tal pertsining ta tise vaes end. a uiot yet tiiited hie office ovane OV TteGL OBrien AIs vilsthe 1lOttisEngineere O ut' O Alenbu wllprbalydo s L VI T UN LEIN and i ltter, as tallows, shows that JtAJIâSIS SO dui ebw a prossby fa FTE GEDY diw'ARthe cuigncers dld orne reanifigitlug à thse rouitln thse chsange In -as well as vont luntisein partlarMu. lzaeh-Stead t laites, lit sien becomes knoava lins: Elizabeth. S utradt thse Great Lakes aviation unit As As the censorasip bas been Ilittad Young, uetermined andUnfl i )e madIe tise iiggest aviation tînt , . secnn tl fartaesadaunteed, Walks 1e Unitedi States sud tisaI plans experience. Fli'tst 1 vli tell yau a bast ben epprovad laopi-avide - ~wiere 1 am now, anditisen 1 vilim fait N NOFRD IfR RD Nle concentration or ail tise .-u iataAnn u rte abolt tise NN FEE E IE id @choc]o f Aviation of tc gav-.. Igt isy rounds. We are livng ln a lent t the Great Lakte@ station. nmre barracks wlcîs vre but ty Mns. Elizabeth Soutiserland Yong tI thug las fund tisai the govern- lise Garmans wben they vere hld- e vonsan of 60 ya-ara. waîired fi-rn it han lsued ai-dem for the irons.-j3 a ng tins land. St. Ramy As tis ar.i- Wadswai-tlrta Wnukegann. Tlursday w aid te Giet Lkes ofthîe varlous Po et village ta us, and fitlms about 15 noon and vaîked bisckt egain- at Ir- miles moutiseant af Vandon. Wlsen cause nnywiefrtr 100 to 150 nut-e Alan Caol e naw latcdai Ssn a * te ightlwas called aif at il aolacis tomitollitsa ssadianerand, deepiti Ron, Vai.PaCobsUierity n.m., Nlv. ltI. va vere juqt autnuIde Ili-riholding up lier hond, ant i d!- ci ilo adSr, a. ColuheburtUio f-syo~ f 'uarciteviile, vlicis i. a'bout fis-c catîng ahe vantati a ride dîi not of- a ', Seffalo, the Packard Matai- Car miles nortiseast ai St. Bei-ny. WM- fer ta g4t-e 1er a "itit. Dtrot.vere la driva hlm ont of irarcîevfile 1Anti vînt t laitnawn titat Mn,. , dfl #Nid IA-t "a big tentAse - If lae didu't tbro-w up the apouge. iig' otgjautt ta Wnnkegan wag àe cap" of Grecat Laites ta have Nov A vili mIni-t tipse tory t tIrldre lise tact tiaI sire vas nequeuct- govrument order taeCouce-tra- ight end. W~e saldfetin amH-ookenr,'d Irv lti- -taýn Woo taserviitg lntil of ail aviationinruto N. J., at 5 P. im., 'May 9, andi atiar - nercitaut marine ln tiseeat ta vira t Laites. t meanus nPermanent saling pu-nefuly for se-a-l tinys hlm me money, il il;en cutiat tbis o0l heon nevof about 3.000 men. we encountered na utmnrlua at 4 a.lmt a 7nine visai- about 150 .u; tsa reas.- if tise concentration lbaiti net M. iiv 17, sud tren t-are vap nm,,-ilits iîndirçctly refuaed l aid id-cdeil opon. Il voutti e %p- tltng toma. ihowr-ser. ve attffeerd ne i un mant wio lasarvlng hlm cou!)- 5-ci-Y AhortlY vlan Giet laîeR lcc. for w e O P-c-weIllprepai-ed for, hi- i- tlaa gî)t te a pi-acC batis, there te occanien. ctKP-n sipilt anc At nîron N-iras. Young got a taIre Md Irýeut cto0atbout 300 an 400 IMore nlrhtoth, ls'sesnuaI 0a. frtrm iii-son,wetan lci-o * t it p-ciet ure isrearc -'May, tIre-114h. wve sîglitatiland, butlire inei-cltaut marine ninninit te-n t M.000men In thsa four scîttilui bad nto iesa Z.4to wst-Irland It was, twen ca-*ternuPonta. Ttc. tcietraine maineti under Meut. »Iammond. i but afttpr re t tIn a litt1e neai-er lise,,-nari- I i-uni Narfolk. lie wl-eu lierd l mnusltib r-cai-il t!î loa s 1 tutuand. -om nt, iratltoijt w-i-e, Gante %Waiden lienry tl-rn oei tinte' basts andithe pence h>ttls dlung areundti vils fermen at a eei-ftnir utrt urAî ru- iuu-u'lu ta abat 300 iii-~ ~ ,- lie Ilite. e dticivei-ed tîtat wvr litittia luh ai Lake Mitu. --rA ever ir trustrnig ah lt-ac A. ~ /euîaning tiehIribar of fi-ast, France.!tiocis. Wttneilu camtrfoiu) tîte ar- t ramnt t-variaus stations taIo71 /Wlen We hati unloadeti we hirket den an t lters canat fictirlloit. il LaItes t measos tisaItlîere viiitean aid ariutcantp.jusit )ittsi(je nt' -ans ega lte gaine fiat tted o e about 3,000 or 4,000 men ont - Catl M .Sriisîe l Bras iest. IPoutenazi-n iri-acki - as t o n-unFox river, buto- nI fractilon iu tle aviation dei>at- Ptle eaiGrent Lakes. He vas gasai:- rame, brîlt lu Napoleaus ltime aud lime tIreytasve becu practiclliy li--, t. et Crteau Thter-ry. Ha won mshot n 1guca Irhe k' ;t ttisi-rms tir-mwienttnct lu tht-t raglan.(I elt. Ilammonu liwen a.k-d lte lafb Aeg at Biarxv. He o-acht tther çocre net bus-y. Sevi-!) da>.'(,tc Lutg peut tup teel4nga tbroke luit-e ut t.- 'natter todny idmittd upoughthtie spine t St. Mittel. And staYat'ei-ýe sud we ut bise ri- afor' irons- a disclargeti solduicin uni.I t héwoul hae réieftsi-n ire o-sa nvulded home. a tiree-îlay trip to a5 tile viIlagi- cl)riut il tanti Park ThiirsluhnuI e(np 2out , uieandi tti- relel Andwhtlie te as fIghiîng himvay namati AtrrirTiat. neistt 10 mil-" wesl -wtenie otarisadun a lieutenant front I tDe millte l;re2,s d tîtîs mesur a n apanucy of te marine corps, lhe et Amiens. Aereowieard tanrte Foi-t Slwr-da and cutmnttet 57 at lvicon atertiack le Chargea, ane af tise mert wbo stayed tfinaltlIme the distant rnarWthelise Ia s-anie-i of assaultanud Iruterv.fili Wnglonn atIntrulletisdêa ti iselil dovtent] itts pan o esfsud itus, and at nigIt "Jerrles" bomina clutuîrg meyiîcm. The officer, i-ceeu, aIngthelu lite in-cü lon deat iiff .i viii 1vdeflint. mrca oe pae.Ilng na alute tram tlie tan. suaited an vlr aia rne rstsdIdeais a nfour-minute speamker WC speut tva o-ai-ks tisransd re t e I hm %msofbt oe of viaionundn tse antnnu Clitlu uaiis ledsUA fo dl: umeti aur lournas. finlly stopplng n vere titisisai by tise miitlery ai I ofGrnsent LaIts ec eba atwmles atiec 0 miu ntitharities. H&MOn Mka Reor. lne(meti everni rnen y lare va got aur ist expariauce u M. Eizbeth YVanne c-tWad- c Hamon Mke Rcod. ieiansible for tise ruin of hbigborne ael iitln vnar Bons uvrisae îtst a aev ieut HmasiiabauAtIeTi»oretiiutue usan lha proposes taOtie ad u ia îiil t o rd. tst aot.abR.i.,as aru s-s-e for 19 moutits, but vas mala iewt" personnfly tle daclareus. ohrwri u ia ib ntewr htNwot .1,1aa sid lu charge of aviation aftar fines, lu iisewoods va dug aur ti-sit tisaeltraca of ttc flu' tise scirols aret restitof havtng pi-avions uavy SPrngfield, Dean '.henlnl bivlea" anti matie tisa acîluaintaucen closed andfi liera are more victima «d4u. 'Com isin o0f saone Astrallans viso wre 5alistai ttisae vene iscian n tise mer.d fieê. HPublicystht tUlian liertiye Commisalonisuaficamping tisera. 'i'ley pros-rd toa bt ous epldemtle tisat pres-ailat I n the su amof a-stn ltr n nir oa xlnigta july, 1919 ven fdcmnyafimn an omr 1be s smalAtachool for fiyag atlte ncreeseti ratesft aiLa n nWau- ab go outUt saa d Amtall arwe suHmm Plenaert.~,acod st Kdk5ebbuttat tse chantes non Itegansa" te ailier cities n Leeexaboute Sttisa. ing llawer HM a lrdt Aintsc, Mn.Sud tifflogr A lise concentration of ail cauntY, servafi by tse Nanti Shione iss v e are tie Tnk haIanm.wol t hieaaen t shur ande Cni vork" of aviation 1n tise as ro.. ordered by te commission Ti a eoeteYnshda r.Wle amr a utl c K Sta te aisaaIGreat lItes mia-Sept iBis lait. O uy 11,teseclan of their ao,gose v. veata- ton Oct.LOt, tise degrea ot bs ln- - hmees tatGrat LIta ts rte bt e Onc lUIec. 191, sheh tacisefita tise Britisht Foui-tii amy, tories baing unknui." 1 e lest plant building frtan is ate aeffect uiuegs neir rates am fiod biile atsen Amreican trols irvers tau ent i hm $50 of hsi owu manev rILbYthecomisoh Th oommo.attacbed ta tise Frencis, araîii Cita- vlicis Mrs. Yountgisas been cariug k.h voetbyol tGet aello thueO insioli Toh angemis-teau Tbierry. ton andi wiicl is depaitlna sWou- e t bi rere cil at Gant La these nraesr-sutsfzdctofota change We arivdattat vooethe tis 1h kegan banai. His practice in ta senti belngCoudee iOeti sud rnayhas. e t eRs aulitest hla-eluf' tJune. but wtth tise exception ot bar is imaey masthsmonts.t nil' case opeatin tniitlnaz. e lA vleiue.minor local actAs-lIlas nothslng oftArn- Altisaît ai Ittc- tome visera Mrs.C partance hiUppned tintAI tise 41is of Youngla s utoppinor thay bave an su-t ___________________________________________ July, shen ouridivision ltok part In -tamabila tisaeevas lsabady tisera ta tise "Ilamai stunt." We vere te sun lit anti alter deiiierating a long fil American divisiIon ta takte part tinte, bhIl a triotec van. sndaunt- n tise great offensive an the western md b>' the tact thaItisae ronds veret front. Tiinge rni alang ou a mael maddy anti sI-avas 60 yaars of age scalp agalnunotil August t li viseis stenteti out on ber vaît to Wauka 13 1Svstem w giwt h rtssae h gan. Automobile aller automobile tiird "Batlle eftishe Somme." No pasaed ber anti Mr. Young neallieti danil you have rend tise reaimts of tisatilAt sa a tug tas'< foi-be ha n t- tisatinlutisaPapens. dem-aite, Ireiiup lier-baud as a a- We tIen carrild an anounti Moiin- uial tînt she wauiti appreclate a ride. Eliniinating thje X'aste court andi Alisert, for a faw wvetiAl t a wy le Weukegan flot anc util sua ena rassernitiaf. Boardeti machine nlopped taoisei lier.Bshe tise train i Amiens anti travelati reacisat town. o-eut ta the bati, gaI 0O vwin the war we miust cut soutît througis Paris, Eparnay, Cita- the mouey. wtred Ila iser son. teait Thierrny, Nancy anti TouA,fIneily George S. Young andti ten slarled lit the waste. It Ï& 1)k -fl- - pstppdaI StaInville, andti iena back haome again aetoot. She tttgi dentth~t sav ioc. col an spont a s-yak nestîng, tram lisera tînt stineAy aometuoty would hieip cin htw acca wevajagged araunti fen neyeraI tnyq, lber ou thre trqp ihome,. taveevi-, money xvenlus sav tuewearand at again entered tihe etiClin- mauy automobtiles vent by lir Ilike Molly; e M st avetheweaandtani-aunt, narthof Terdnon anthe lgtting. but aainm miro ad ta make - te ar on our industrial machinery Meuse river, Sept. 91i. the antIme tnip ity foot. Iu tisa meantimelte Amnicens isati lis. Tattng vai-ketail sommer lu andind stralorgniztios.organAzeti tiscîr armies andti 10k u hebisa nt ln tire ntrest af tisaRed tb!l, section of tise ine as tiseir ovo. Cross eut hll consideabahe to do A useless telephone cal1 flot only 1-lre tamvisera tisa efemougs Dent norsing influenza victits. Sis ne- Mans Hill" stands, eudt tietimalr ceAsad ospecia mentiuin ltae Ret wastes the tirne of the persons vas itamati atter tisa aId bll. Cross braucit viere se vas vark- 112 -' k but 7satiug of Importance isappeneti -lut anti toi- lie services site bas taaring anu th~e operator, bu t ter util ltaIt o oi inig of endareti. r ties up a fine which might be 9apj. 26, tira outtireanitoaitisaAsgonnle Tisos tise teactînht a voanuaf Meuse offensive, vilt lise lîrd divA- ber aea ouAt ha permittedt takule CA0 0F S#PPUES d'Red FIac' iiWaysGOe Hand lni Red Cross Sends Relief Shipt for Hand WIth Hunger," the Ad- AlIied Soldiers and Civillans ministration Warns. ln Starvlng Russia. *'Bolshoyinm and te rd flag foeur- sob wbere bmuger dwelis. Fleed Eu- à relief, ship ws recently sait tro rope and titis perl wAilvaulsh. Wth- titis country te Arcbsugel by the îoWd fond and even the Atlantic wAll Anerican Red Cross witb 4,000 tons net lie a baerrier to the sprî'ad of tItis of drugs, food, soap and otiser cap- doctrine cf lewIeskiieqs In our 05V)piles for the use orthtAe Alied soidiers country., and needy Clillans An that part 01 Thtis As thse warntng note An an aP- Ret.Tevmlacrowsvl peal Assued by tirry A. Whpeler, Imi- nrfsa.t e,511,2 . crowsvl nois food administrator, reinîîînîîîg 1~ Sfh.8 ChIcagQ that foodà e il . Later, anottier slp was diffatched necessr. si utis er: orryiîîg 200 tans of simllar supplies Mfr. Wbeeiersuifrh: furnisieil by the American Ried Cross, -Thtis country lias been called tise total expenîlIture for thse two sigbp- Open te maire very few sacrifices as ment@ amountinrg te over $2,000,000. eompared wtt those suffpred liy our Major C. T. Wiliams of Baltimore éllas. The fod administration agaîn was An charge of the party of thirteen asks continue teo ane tond. tisAs whicli acconîlanled the shipment from Anse for worid relief. We Auglit t. tiAs country. Ile was fornîerty a Mono- and we wAA do this willingly and un- ber of the Rted Cross Commission for *elllshly. Roumanie. Major Krkpatrick, at on. Want. Ofiends Humnnty. Urne sa enuter of tihe latter commis- "Lnvisiuess and waste lu food ani--lan, but reeutly attacisssjltotise tise fourth ment should be ellmtnateii. Arsay Medeul Corps, head8 thse medi- Ihey are offensive toeAumanity as long cal end of thse Archaugai expeuditian. a EFrope's starving millions are lm- Drugasued general hospitat suppliesl pioring us for fooîd. canstituted the grenIer part of thse "The cessation of hoqtllities fins cargo meut front America. mnade a greater 1--iiannd nu Amprern While t.hachlef icoucer. of ths. «- food supplies.Wc must ahlp twtcî iein was roviiling comforts forI as mucli fond overs.ces thls year as sve American and Aiiied ttgiîting men la dld iast and nesriy fcour rimes metre tisat part of the sfdrId, ail efforts %vers thon we shtpped any vsear before the lient ta get celleft t the Russian sBol- a-ar. dIers who were returned front Ger- "While this prîluran s hig for the mau prison caimsaie the rate of aibout antire countîry trii-aria cnly s 11111e 15,000 :, week. The condition of thêee effort and ýthio1glt upon thle port of1 men it i0tiable. it haë i ben esti- rai-h iriîlis tîiîiî. 1Let us start toilav ýnated ri', ' i ') par cent. of tiien were aud Sanvefituherculii, Iu adîlition to drugs and. food, ai- arm.,ammsTra..~,a,~<iit avery Imaginable article on the NIiiu iiAst of suiplies sent over was for the camfîîrt, convenieuce and picasure of tile At11,d soidier. Jtist a fe tva To Purchase Surpl!us Wheat Sub. these articles ocre playing crirds, stitutes-Consumers Urged razor blaîlePs, jessarps, mandIolIna, to Continue Their U$e. accortieons, ukaleles, phlonoaheî, entrerasF;k wlgs. wige wisker, l'IpaivP rnlt)l riics(10grease pintts, footballs, snowstioes, nne euv eqtuA,î"î'raln ti s 10sltppers, hockey outflts, Indoor base- flirt flOts rqlire tm ili f bl îtii alle, uroving pictttre outtIts. Bibles, tiakprs tire i ndIu tiýll îi- raser bocks, boxing gioves. gaines, il I tii iii ~iI k 'il Iiira , liîî ks, cigaret tes, c-anndy- and o'lth Uic-- ii]) te a. Iixi.drieri fruits. t tit n i-riatl n-i)iii n -ni( ini -. I i i r- Thé neeid of prompt rie f fior the ,I -r t t r-r nt wiî-cî- itltýf lSIAnhatitàta o f towna elo0tg9ttirec cost cii-orc the f-0..îii i t n nof the White et ntd on lthe Kola ri)lýrpi(ii s ir-pirig t asit twi 1peninaiua, lîiany of woonswere teîig nird %!I l tiiii Ilî teltii <tiititYV stars atiol. oas fouil 10 be fripera- Thrtai salatte wI tri- gis iii "'l ' Ytn tise. Scurvy hlitd brken outi îong tos, lîalî-rs imiil %i- vlinii ttte the peonple et thesa places, edig ta largie atirctnt-î if .-iiIi.tlttte>n ta l-x.thse gi-erel distress. cessq cf the-ir CStlitiitafuir,- t ti The towns tu0 oliclitise retief el- tew, t in i m niti ,, licn thl,ri- t1, nio peltIt n wo as ent it re t) rt ttilt Y Isa- diing» t o- f sii' t o1 t.i i-i ted fromt he ou t stde tscrldIti ticlîns lavilîg arnnItîI qî u --eft ioîn bandatrtIre treaciierorîs corast file. shiftlng vît i cnittnute toii-iii i -tte t hktit. a"11 tsaud bars a nd uncitartedl waters. An Ir la tirgi-r initt î-îiI,lrîir-u coiii Iii excîîittiiiiliy cîîrty rust, ee ci, tîr lat thplr ttse. part cf lthe woriîi. ruiîtêd the Aarvesta, (Suiv the tititiwtng awhttti ilolt o i ore exepected ta IMProve con- bde i-inslIi-red fîor piitrîhise: ilitions. stntements, prtuted ln u n- Vit-tory mlxed fitur, M ille cor uotr. sien. cxtlifiiî the work if tte lRed y,-lcow corn flour. îîîtt.uit dstraiglit iCrossta cre distributed aîîîiîîg tihe Au- rye, haî-ley flour. c-nain corumneai1. oth- 1 habitant. er rnrtmeal. dîîrk ut,- licur. Tire food1attinitat iln curnt pur- chant- suîstItîîtt- It féestitan ciii- loads but sm preýp:t-Ing to hny mixeul TRIBUTES FROM or pooied cars. tloing to thse tact thnt tn the minimum car l l.0tionnpuis ls. AtÀ B KE w-ili bc possible for associations otfcaE AR A E dealers te join in essembiing anutfr- wardtng these excess cereais. Thse Foiiowlng a tour of South England. food administration conuot port-hase becretary of War Baker made tis these substitutes alter Dacember 20. comment on, the Work don. by thse Dealiers te Use Up SmaAi Supplies& American Red Cross for our boys: Thse burden on the ralironds mekes "Tin are the thinga wbich count At Imperative for retail deniers andl The Antertratn Red Cross lata b. cou- liakers 10 use uz similA amouints on grntulated on tise way ln which Iltei baud. It la ua the intlention of thse îookîug after aur boys. Itlas doins food administration ta porclîsse ail fine work." of any one substitute. Ench dealer As FalîasZing bAs return from Frnce% expecteil ta relalu a normal supply, Secretary Baker wrote titis note te sud la asked 10 ltke 11,10 cansideration tise Anjerican Ried Cross in Landou: thet tise materini Increase An tise use «Il left Landau so shortly aftar nMI of suhatitutes durtng tiet- est Year wAI drive ta Winchester that 1 bad DO t as large" extent ccntinue for some erly opportunlty te thank yau far time ta camne. tbe courtcsy of tise touriug car wbieb Coity food aîlîiiniistrators have de- yau placed et my dtsposal for tise trip. tniled Instructions ns ta how ta hondie on tiAs trip ta Europe i have received tisAs situation endît ilers and bakeru fregh and uotesvorllîy evidence of thea sbouif causuit oit), the nenrest cotint: msîouishing efilcleucy af the Amertcan represeniative fori-farier iiîforntation Rled Cross operations t France sud Englaufi. iihave iteen dcllgited ta sa@ nnmri '.î, ow Mauch thse American lRed Cross W R DFOOD SbMA Y andoue ta weid henrt» af thée d people together." ln uplpo rt of ils policy to kec frtfai- crs of the îUnited Stautes fuiiy iîformel RepiscIna th. Orchards. of svorid foodl conditionîs and probhable Tise American Red Cross han givea needs for certarin cottuitodities. tise$10,000 teaessistIAn thse replantiug af Unitedi States foii(ii îlnitii;t ration bas treen lu, tise orcisards laid baebly tise completer] a unititary of unustini lm- Germens. WAth Ibis sum 40,000 fruit partance te proucers. tracs wIii tue repleced lu thse devas- Tise svurld btatîep lueeb of food tsted orchards or Beigium and Lnortit- praducts shows a siiortaîge of titi-cc ru itrance. billion pouîîds ni fats and tihi-e mi]- lion toits of tigit lrotein feeds. Aiuong fats are incliildptrk produets, dairy pruîutîi-tandrrîttigr-teiîieolle. Conritoditles if wlch tiiere are muft fit-it supîplies, If used witi economy. are st ieitt, rye, licans, preeu, rAce ani] feeds otiier titan t.hose liigis An proielo.- stufilcient bîeJ19is n sigit to Aond. ail refrlgeratlng shita' capîîîîcty. Tisera fi emîcuiglustgar for irur nor mal causumptiitn If oliter nations re- bain tiseir present short raîtionîs. If- they increase tîcir rations, tîtere oil Raymond Sefa Parents o x eeo Had C islng AtIantloi HAS BEEN IN AERIAL Tise boat on -vhlct Ra ymeuud - manison of Mi-. anti Ml., Speliman of 725 Cauntyetret, itegan, crassatiltisa Atlantic, Germait. submemine te te- witni e tetîis Ii 1mîu. This -la*$W d formation vîlcs youug Spalin q- Imparta ta lis parents, belug alle do se by tise lifitng aftise rnig: sorsblp. Tire Weukag:. r yoong man a tells etftioluz c-ans paîtrai duil an ai-plane, a faci vilcbb. ef lmpart.-d to i., prre is befone.1 le locateti lniIreland i attise 0e lIma. Rasymondi Spi iVIan enilSa î Gi-et Lak1îq au Decamiter 23: 2 sud- bas *seau norci smervice à rope. tie maya bitIona day states la vorth aill hle it.î abroati. Foliio lt-ai-epotiorns af tise Aet4 inuit raceised tram im by bAl* d er:-- Q uerenstewn, I ea u - Nos-embar 2:.11 Dearest .Mother:-- Iteceiveti yeur lutter anti mure W gladti taiear troi 'on. iarn hnck ta fi-est, France, for ae vbi4ý_ irelp'rcin up tise caltut, se yot'W Ici- not Aaek for me toootn. Rt'W seeitgodti tigtetltack ltera, wt- t asec my tati- French r~ t1 havs-e doue qulte e lot o-U ali 1t asaebelen lu Irnitti tin corîst pal-ai dluty ita.ns 4r had ituwtuv but yeu out iravé rîcil, I knotv. but il canI ba b«10 t--r fsun. 1 den't call mysaîf a "yt hut I1ihave isatimauy Sapa. I1n"W tutti 3oa abot my t-ip eCrffem--i ýht a deptîr chas-ge at a msbani lt î~too t have e photo of Attlu s titi. tltlit Ant at ter Mm" u Oii. O- 1t lîvs, soi-n qitite a lob of 'rSUlt 0rlu i'l.. 'vo s-eeks, and lb j l a i-cal pince to te uln. Mt« j ta. i~nuuillac, Pi-ance, va Sot .ui-ris ta Bordeauxi. Titat plnce h:ggrrtIrian Parla, nurw. Tluey say ireiand h? hieeven, bslt, Iteev- tase sean il. O0., 0f thteel tsi-r ttrîkuug teaiti-isisman ani said "if I-en It- Heavan, g91-VO 1 tutus eneuTipperans. :Bitl Cutle, Ktillai-iey Lakes antids1 t-n Shnnonîu. Nov If Yeu vieitl sk nue enytint about tham 1 tell 'ou about Vistm. Whien A cama ta France va mioii ln Englauti six dai>t. At SOuthW* Ion Ilirec of os Iboys got le"*e Laondau, sud ve ibatil sarnaimtê BtInt aytng ai] joking asîdae te m btail same isard timas hSOi-a"ami i va gel a little tima ta ounili.- brakhs tise 1monaton>', one day'l tise Statesla vortis ail 1 have 1se0 I leava for France Monda>' MMi so tau't look for mnail for a nwek-1 80. Tour iovtng mon. RX,%yMOND T. SPELLMANL - (Copyright, 1918, b>' Ciicago Di* Nevs) - WittheisaAmanicau AMY Of 000 potion, Dec. 21.-DerAul. &,IM femous for Atm Get-min "-d wvise. ui;g batireen meep s-tue-caves-si b An e vahley 18 kllomalersý (11 Iq voit o! tisa RIme, Asete nOv ufth tia1491hs fieldi astler>'. boys visa aaemostly tmO bB bave nsalrtY Cnt e big Citf ires ou tisa top of tise montalkE ireaggeti il davulu propoaratliOB, titis yeans celebratiaf tiser. natî's leadina isotl las beeli aver as beetiquartera wtT ROO clubs rooma. . Tisnougi lte.- van tis es5a0u tins oficans bas cisangati but D Liaîuf.Coi. Curtis G. Reffiatsof vAlla,Ill., isas beasa commande- «" regimeut mince Oct. 17, iwsur 1-enus J, RouI>l' výs atrai tisa camusanti oi tise Bld bnlgii% slstiitg of tisa 16511and teittny, Afler i s trnttl0 î,aiginuaCol. RebiY ta stt tospital, Whitoe ult-Cal Rj mains Ilu commaend. Csats, Oniy 20 Fatl i -té& rjplatinescompilIetib>' Capt -O Montgomary, adjutaut, show bM net-lmatt'a caffuahtiaa inelt ctnerýeth tis m on Mar-CàU',u isean 23--, sud ltaIout Of bUt 20A wena fatal, Tise total 11 tua in tise raginsat (s lAS?. Tiahe eviassi sngle tdaY'a ou Nov. 9, tisa lait dayl WU, lie. At tisat Urne ltvas lu the race tlasflSedef ecpiug op wAtt lte uina in lte iruade tQ Sfl i-be oi-milan rasit-ic becoine tee strong& pre viens taelte oiA

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