(QURLY WW3iNl'I WÀUM dm * kW Am PMALSFOR PRO- TOBOOTCIJT TECTIN(i PENSIONS FORESI PIR'ESER JE 'ibis City Is One of Two in the Orvis Takes a Stand Againsi .State Which Has Made a Pr mii ,Deciaring it Levy for this Ptrose Is Waste of Money MUST GET MORE REVENUE NWBIDN RIAC That the City of Waukegan ws one e ftwo dUte In the state of Illinois wtich =rtetdlits police and ire- WilI Be Drawn and Made Up to men'speniefods during Ille last Dt nalR '" " year by maklng a special levy, wu Dae n ilRepec.ts;O herD Vie âne compliment paid te this city Matters Taken Up et the meetin <0f the Mlincis Mýunici- pal Legue tn Chicago lriday. Ce-- Iisioner E. V. Orvis attended fr06>i A request from thue City council of Wankegaa. Of the 91eiai taxes rais- Highland Park that the City con>- .4d a tgw monti>, ago Waulcegan plac- mission ef Waukegan conider favor- ad $3,000 Iant pension fond and It ably the propoition of establlsling a la this tat whicb entitled this city Lake County Forest Preserve district te B position of a0 much credit. met witb smre opposition at the re- The problem of flanclng clles was niar meeting 2.ionday night vben trought up at the meeting and JIt v5s Commisaloner Orvis iatfootedly said declIded that the onLy course which lhe veuld oppose any' effort te put wiii keep Cities ail over the state 69t over sucb a plan In Waukegan. Coin- et bankruptcy isgspecial legislation isj1jloner .DIetmeyer, on the ther te permit of additional taxation for hand, approved the plan, saaJng be mounicipal purpoees. tàought It mas a very good thng tu Mr. rnapoitedeut that te preserve forest tract for, future gen- government has urged Waulegan re erations. He- said we weuld be bet. double the site of its tire- d..parhue!ýt ter off now if we had net cut dowii e« iirease the wages ofthie men anifd go much off our fine imberland. te purchase two, tire engines. lie The natter was presentetii t 'l uaid that this is a physicali mpeasi- lote mof a communication front High- blity unde.r the existing circuuastan- land Park In which Il vas ststed that ces. Ha polnted 'eut tbat the Ciy bas the commission there bad passed a purchaaed one engIne, bas increa"ed ,resolution, favoring thie project. It the salaries of the iremen but bals was pinted out th4t Cook and Du- net becn able te increa-se thse -Z. Page cointies have adoîted the plan of the departinent. He said that the and hav-e accoinplihed muc~h àiently city- bas spent $25,0oIm on the ir- de- Lake ceunty, it uas ponted eut, is partment In the lasi year and the one of the mest beautiful in the en- total revenue froni taxesisl but $4, tire state, and Il vas etithat somte co0. 1thlng shouid be doue le presre thse Other speakers sald that cties forestls. mbould be placed lit a position wheî-e risadhtoutI wl b thoy ran Incrase the salaries of thir Ors adhtoutiloud e firemen and policemen te Induce them a abame to spend nie taxpayers mon- te romain as ther concerna rpward t'y on such a (proposition, whlclî be valuèd employes. It was asaerted cbaraeterized as fooilhness. lie tilat it la a mIstake to permt other sald is personai observation bas emureras te hire away valuable policc e- Ithat the people do net patren- mona and firernen. fze nie forest preserves elsewhere Mfr. Orvis' vent te Peoria on Thurs- and he lhought tsaI lIse park board d"y where be attended a meeting If vas doing eneugh te estabilsh recrea- roprespntativfe, front dferent clles3 ien plac-es for the puble. Tisere 1o jrottat L0.unst a law te place ail are 22 diffeernt iaxing bodies, he -public utilities, including thoae pub said, and lie lassed thse big majority * IIir owned, in the juriadiction e! thse e! thenu as fada. He predictod that -st t uities commission. A spirit- land set asidû for thil purpese would 'v&pots as Made telIseIllinois flot be used for 10 years and ho sild li protegt League and Il vas decid- he mInet ceralniy wouid fight thc est te seek legisialion wbich viii per- plan. MU itiClU tef0control vater versa, New Building Ordinance. Ca and Bal lectric light plants. Citi'.1 also will eelk te have Iearings on Commissioner Swayer sald t"-at he iBtes, etc.. heard in local courts rat> bas lookeji over tbe present buline., or' th=n at Springfield as ls tIse case ordinance and fiads tbat it should lie uow.dtspiaced by a-mrore modern one. ______________ iHe recornmended that thse city loue no timne in putting a new one labo AUT ÂlE effect. Thse counly referred the mat- fow OUT ÀR. ter te hlm and auggestod that lie lüc*c R labo the matter more tully ad re- IN i BOAT FOR sent an rdinance for approval o! thse 1 e W 1l&M Commission. MIy WVA1JPIU1 Other. Work Dons. A communicaion was receeiîed f r:,n Seiause Waukegan- Is in the the aate board of bealth I hc Count wher Gret Laks bhe City vas urgod te talte some' ac- Couny whre Geat akes tien bavard allowlng the bill of Dr. and Ft. Sheridan Are Bellows fer examinlng vernen under ________thse new law witli reference to eci 'Vukegan le te tbe same éounty as municable disease. Tlhe City and tCiet Ljee, as Fort Sheridan, as flot the county, accordlng te tIse Camp Logan (and we started te eay state board must pay tIse phystin Mine Cltyt, so, why sboildnt the U. for bis services. Cornrnssioner Or- 13, £overnmeft botter Wau<egan by vis sald hle oold net ses bow the 'lamiag; a boat ater the county seat sate could expect the clly te shoul- -0 one et the moat Important counties der tbis ex pense wben il hbane pro ta the.IUnted States? vision for raising tDe money. The Read tnil about a nelgbbor.Ing city matter flnally was referred te the cor- 'whose only claimi for distinction ta poration counsel. tht Camp Grant Is located near l Heads of the Sloe'nic National Bocktord vili have a boat tiared Home lnvited tIse meenhers ofthtIe City *for lit, No legse a person than Mr.3. commission te attend tIse dedication Woodrow Wlson, the wlte et the 01 their new home Tenth sI. and pgesMat lim promaIsed thia. "I McAister avenue next Saiurday ai- mââIbBl>i dellatsted to rame a boat fer ternooni-at 4 o'cleck. year et"isesalO in ber letter te Mayor Pearce recommeeded the le- secrtsay R. DI. ChappelI efthtIe Chamx- stallation o! a 60 candiepower incan- ber or Comumerce, 'providlng tisere deecent llgtai the corner of! Ridge- ouUs ller boat ln service now 5<0 land avenue and -Hickory treet and %Me vas limtructed by the councli te pro- Ur. Chas,_jeIl bas vritten the e mer- ceed te bave Il Instailed. «M« i' leet corporation te make ure 11aftbere la no otiser boat on the hhseaa 150w nasaed Rock!ord, andi un acon as Ie hears tromthat bodY, Hime Ferry eofi-tnton, write, front te he lasber ef Commerce wlIil akê Corrna, Utahs: Amn havng a âine lpp the queston et naming a Commît- time out hre; fine vealiser, snpw on lt te attend tIse chrislening efth,-. the grounfi but tbey are tili piov. aboat. A Youngz wolnsn or f11* ing. The cropa bave been fine. If lis. hosenlu brak l noting te âge from 6,000 te 10,000 tonta -$ 2,000.00 Inple llaon h ébapage aranst0 ia - j, -I ea ialley ainOISta 7 ohamd q tbo 6 waane Society ,wilo RTbd spa.Sm*ejblejuý 0t ýSmti bge uty lsgs1. e 'a --ihe bêfnmro' actjdéired teý vor u»itbw teck aui go mime Hl-, I V meirelicà wààeagaged. Il 0I1~ HtImmelrelchban beon under a grgat foi-vous âtrli anmd la Octo- botvAS tubc ho ivon a vacation hy - . - thie srlety vicilabc lhan represeut- p SON Wmowthojoba&fie wda. tbe - tha ailqge va s oedtatudbr > fli tum tethe jb tnd abcddg.Te Letter BeanngteDate ofoGoto. »,mIni l-a er-gt. ber 15, is RcebutdtTodae were bas an on lb verge - rom Eugne Ramaker e c ooenervous br, teiie takaxand lirsco ise ti edibabsamnt give np or ber beaitis vouid ho lm- Waukogan, De-. 21. palred serionsly. Mdi- resignatien Garrot H. Rarnaker o! West Wash bilas reanite. rtishrpt ington Street receiveft a bIter t«al juad is jmeigrmiclrteshermos1 from is son Eugene, who h-baeen 3llVsiaO-fo b bmn a prisener Ila aMiun .prison camp At socety-'what she give. Dp lg tbe1 Rastatb. Germany. Lncal relativoP job. of cariqg for the coutY's delin-i bave received severai bIttogr.3from the qi>.- it childien. Ofttoatimes mile las young man but aitheng tbey bave sent bcd au XgMAas 15 chidren lanlier Severai te bla lan rtra hive ccxcv ]-mo whlch have been mnt thers hy The lateat lbIter bore date o et tt'l n>tsiîtonmn t b bee abe I- gt u- Irouli e d toàr dthis moraing, Misn Hlmmetreleli 15, nesrly a moalli before thie armis' salis fer an lmnaedate roais and1 lice vas signed. Tbe- tact Ibat il vent tlexce hases"yb q ceunla-les la givea as lhe reasenI a î i le he cd ths tops may bier. lna arouadaboul vay througi adul-tra d y ilectu mnlbte, rhauin ber1 vas over bye moths la reacbihfi by Salnrday because e! nie necessitY here. ofe pretecting ber ilealtli. Tlie Rarnakers are conitdený thet Miss Himmelrelçh's decistea Ibhug Ibela- son bas been i-eaed by Ibis causes a change ln tbe juveale '*ork ti-. ad are l't-îi lat lhxîv vil' o tble counby court visose ropreson- receivo -word shortly that lie le bacli latîve she bas been la ibis respect. vitIs hie cornrades. la a Loue to CemlnunitY Followlng le a copy &? the lelter re- Mýse irnmelrelch's dèêlàiion te re- ceived lodsy: tire frosa tse vork viii cause gen- Rastatt Germany, Ot. 15, 1918. oral regret. She bas been a vainahie Dear Folk- olller In Iandiig these cases Ise- Have Ieen expecting te hear fronu cause stelias possossed keen lnlyçht yon everv day. Dld yeun.'ver tret any i nto hblîdren and tbeir vays. " She et my lersa ta1wrotebIse 11h oe, bas mothered tienu la a venderful July or Ibereabuts' Wroto last Sun. vay, and, according te one ef ber day te Emily. Suppose yen hear ta-ends, «'Suie .posseseaes ' the true fronu ber every 11111e vhIle. Did nsy mott>er-beai-f vhIchl ew maniera chunu. Bd Berger. write yen any lime have. Sola se elmte atter .uly 3? Do yen keev If, ho 19 te Ail tIse eblîdren who bave gene sbili alive? Hope so. There la r. lob o! leto hep bouseand lias dene a great thingg J veîîld hîko te know butlthe: ork. t only thlng te do 1 guess la vaît but Juat vhat tIse elînbv will do nov ibis walttng la kind otfIard. WeilT for nie delin<lueflt chidren l aa expect te be home some lime lr. thc preblein. Il yl ikely ho eeceëssrY spring o! 1919, If net before. Hope ho. te iprovide another berne sorne 'plae fore. Do yen know anythieg of AbertIn latowa for ter csei ovýIse us Pearson or Arthsur Litlo? Dld Arthur beydetant liunerplcet] In co ndltO Little evêr gelBecrnase? Hvn met Tls ie annolh bapla ied the inyhedy Iere as yet frmahoe th is taterihhaspolddls 1 knov. Met one tronu hoentheat sfo a long lime for carlu.g for felvfo> the . ebadoti tams Twle Ciy of Wisconsin, tIsaI la the reasonable rbeandone Il a a meut closeutt lebhome se far. He vas taker ind I mratexeand e theeuureii prisener lIse fiast part of June. Weil îiian la tihe Past. Durlng ber voi'k Isouî are tIse chickees emlng? Snp- undea- the humasse officer as mnatron poFe yen are getling ready for violer for tIse deilnqunt cblidrens beome. WisIs I could lie there and laake din- she bas lîandled hundi-Ods o! chtl- née vith you. Unu geing te make up for' dren and baIl bee able te otait ranY bIis vhen 1 get Issck If I make rny- oftîhem en tIse ross te right vIse self slck le dieg thîs. Atter youput o thervî-se vanta Issue liad liard sic'1- le s couple o! menthe la this country ding. yen begin te tIink of vhat a goosi meal loolka 1*0 and of sente yeu have bad. Tvo bucks for oneofe thoee good' MEMORIAL TO COST $150,- mother If silc rerembers vbal 1 sald' cakes lIat mother used te make. Ask 000 F0OR UC, FOR. G. STARS about coffee-tIsal If t evea- gel nar______ ried may vife vas te iknev bmw te inake good coffee If se dldn't know The memoriai hîbrary te ho builî Iow te make anytblng eise. t Stijl at Laie.Foi-est le honor of tIse'sel- stick ta Il. ha ha. G01 some coffec diers and sallors e!fIlie nortb aliore tron> the Red Cross so nov 1 dan lova may soon bc started. J. Og- make i vag ~~ ~ b e dn Armtaur bas pledged $10.000 as lbeI h wy1lk L dbete naucIena-<tar a $11;0,000 building. and g<oe I uck te ail. Eugene Hovard Van Dorea Shaw, archi- test, la loodng over several tenta- AV~ ltte sketches fer nie proposed marner- S US-WF U RL lai. Hol announced lait nîglit tisaI il vould prehabiy ho orecled asar OI. the depot. A cemmlttoo conlsllag A K 111; 8. cf Donald MOCIelaa,. NOyae 1Mac- lin. John Pi-te, Robert Dunham and TAINS A DIVORCE dandse ecesch forotise memerlal. Another Decree Is ranted To- day on the Ground of De- STRUCK e V UTO sertion-2 up Monday A i TNSO Because is vile tIsaev an alari dlock aI hlm, and perchance bit hi ltI, Blaer R. WIImIegton though URNO AE. SAT. ho vas entitied te a divorce and re- iated"hie troubles te Jndge Edwartls atodahy. 'Mle 'court sensd e<.i efeui' d Spaulding Thrown from His that Il vas net exaetly accoa-dIng asMchne Hoyle for a vifete lbIombard ber hii.- Buggy a achn umnps band usilI sucsncb isles 'and granted Hm hn"et f tIse deree. Ma-s. Stella Wiîrlngton, _________ets tI lthe wife, dld net enter an appear- amide and tIse decree vas jY default. Salurday atternoon about 3 ociee.k 1 .jWter divorce decree by defanl Ed Spauldint-, vIsa ives near SpauId- vag granted len te case oe Nellie Ings' corner on Grand ave., vaq drIv- Floyd againet Rufus il. Foyd. lDe- %rg bomne frorn Waukegan. Near the i!serIbe vas charged. electn¶c station on Grand avenue, be Nira. Walter Lai-son throogi lier stoppeq ta taV'xteh a fri-tnd. An' au- counsel, appeared le circuit court malsfgngwtcmeaogo beday and Illesi a moyioa for empor. ooiitgigws aeaogo ary aulmeay ansd so>cilers fees. Tohetile sane Aide ef the Stt-eet seing at mollo nyil hoe argued next Moeday. a lors-tOc'pace. Tile machine. struck ceunsel for Lai-son askIng Ihat the the buggy la vblcb Mi. Spaulding va malter lie *eferred until thal lime. sittieg and upeet it completeil', throv- The case ef Mrs. Chris Jensen lng Mr. Spauldiag hugli la hie air as agaleet ber husband. a suiit for sep- thse crash came. arate maintenance las eceduleil ta The automobie sioved Dp soule- lie tri-eIl before Judge Bdvards oeil Moa .day. Po eIe hid- _ ae-e iat and fer a minute Il loaked as tIse orphanaqe, being cared for b'.' bongb the driver vas galng ta go te thle taller.- The mther la caing for bis Assistance but Instead ho cbang- the otiier chilIl. d bis mmnd, threv la higli peesi and dasbed vest au ft Ait aulable. MISS HIMMELREICH, OUT , M. pauld asfIndpickeoIl ila - Couaty bospitai vliere il vWs found Facing a Nervous Breakdown, bis ogetîi vau badiy eut, hies oee Counfy Court Off icer De- brulassiand liti tace generalig vap le. jured. His -body -vas somevbat bruis- cides f0 "Ease Up" eI but ne boues vere bree. - He vas abl. tego hbmenshSort1ly Mise Pis -immelrelcb, bumuane se. aflor the nurses baIl dhesed bis cleby oefler and- matren la charge vound. ef the- ealy deltnquent -chld-en's Tse b r par t Il a that tise- FLU CLEARING UP;, MOST CASES ARE ON NORTHI SIDE In Previbus Outbreak Mosf of Cases Were Found on the South Side ln City Wauk egan, D.ýc. 14. Tiat a big rnajerlty of the cases of etfln" tIsaI have develoîed fle s second oulbreak Iser-eare coin ti' norîli aide la tIse observation ef a veUllinova Wau*.egan îsIy4clsîr4 This la quile lu centra-st vith thle1 tia-t oulbreak vhen il aeerned tIsaI a big maîority o!fLthe cases ve on thse soulli bide. Phyg!cian 8 sa y tIsaI Iecause se niany cases oxisted on lIse souti aiIde before tIsatItilalelogicai ho expert tIsa lthe discase vwould have a vider svcep on thse nerth than on lIse sentIs aide nov. TIsaIlIse disease Ie letllîsg np. due te tIse resticteions thal are Isiog fohbeved tlette lbIter la the boe! o? ail aslise anul er ef nov cases reportesi greva amabier constantiy. Tise tact UsaI nie situation appears te ho clearng up vile otîhr i;i,. are la tise throem o! an opldemic that appeara te ho even verse tisan befere le cause (ai- congratulations ast willviibrlng bundrede of people ta Waukegan te do Ibeir Christmas shopping. SCIENCE CJRI SUESTOUNIEUFLU BAN IVANSTON City Has ifs Joke, for Lid AI- ready.Is Liffed' '"Net oeccase of Influenza lha* or- cur-ed sinon 0fthe Chritlian Scen- fi.Iet Evanston Who, have rsfuted nuaeria medici. "Christian Science services are themmselves a protectlo nagainet an epldemic."1 With this challenge te the Evan- stoîs medîcal'authorities, vie recent- ]y ordered al eburches clesed, suib for an InJunetten vas filesi yesterday ln the circuit court le the naine o! the init Churdli et Christ, Scientist, et Evanuqton. John Ferbes. chairman o! the churcli board, lm authority for lbe tatonsenl thiat fin le futile againel members efthte faiti>. Then ast algIsI, Dr. CI. T. Roome. heati commlissioner of Evanston, ex- plained: "Tise jolie l e raiiy aa the Science çhurch, becanso ail cburches viii ho Permled t hoslIl services next SuSn- day.- -le receet action la sbopping serivee vas taken on ai-dors tramt lIse state board ot ieallh.LAil ier eburciles la Evanstan acceded ta the ordet- vitheut pretest."- H-AROWRE COMPANY ELEOTS DIRECTORS FOR COMINQ VEAR The annai Meeting oethle stock- bolIers et the Chicage Hardware Pouah-y Ca., lasI ovenlng resultesi ln bile Increailng of tise boas-Iloef Iirec- tors tram 5 ta 7. The diroctors eleet- esi are m. toibeva: John Shenvia, E. P. Sedgvtck, James P. Hayes, A. P. Guatatean, «P. Y. Di-nry, J. W. hiMs and itIsiard B. Sberin.ii At te l dsetra' meeting hume- diately tolioving bIse stocliboiders meeting the faovtaig offcens vere eeeted: John Sisrvin. president James P. Haues,fiaet vice proal- dent. ,Edvard D. Slilosvin, second vice r"e;tdent. B. P. iSedgyleli, secnetary and ltraessir. -. -W, Bmi-,ssistant trefeursi'. iautoru moie eepeciBllyfor Cm Por4 eap obt. starter tactosy can upply Instru- ment& ail model wli have tarten. 1Herifia Mats, iHighland Park, vld- gwor whe, 111e Bar-kla, la williig, wated hait an boni- Snnday at Sec- ond atreet *ad Ceala avenue, wliere he bad beau intotmed hy letter ho Woud be met bY a mystertous '*Ma- tIlda M anley," a candidate for mai-- t*ge. Maflla talied fa ebow,,buti Mats anssoaed ilo aIl fot yet abBfdoiid hope. Mrs. F. W. Cnsbing, vite o! the proprietor of the Moraine botel, at Highland Par'£, dileIl unday ef pneu- mania. She vas 562 yeaia aild. Mris. Cushilng vas prominent i ntlie Arden Shbore camp at Leke Bluff and le other ilgbland Park social affaira. Mer huaband and two dangilters sur- vive. The hurlaI vii lakeplace to- morrow. 1Helen Ijiacoxabe Ifliran, wlfe o! Capt. Henry Ulîman. nov In France. dieIl t ber home la Highlland Park, 'M~ s~ Puh nagi corn ad102 mon .prtooueam «TheIola pesdivision bus splendid record. Lsacli basb lus. Wo bave touait,on ai. wUb ailai-mie cffier vut0 --irtlab, Austraia 4diY*0 4. Jiave beau decerated hy.tbe Fi-encb and BeWàai tfor am*s of cauamue lokliks Nagl -wlth breaits fullUf e" dl. "Cofl. Jas bai the -D. S. 0. for ~ ery aI Cbilplliy. Col. Aboi DUva honos-bie mention" Ma-s. W. C. P. Nichlona, Lake est, foi-meriy Iis rmina Car-yf day prepared f or tise boam-comim her ilusband, Usit. Col W.. C. IP'. cblson, son of Bnlg. Gen. Nbo vfile las bmes> xectiv. olSees-. Camp Gordon. leut. Col. Niéio bai resigneIl trou the amansd engage lanbb*Oo. Hie mai-ig miss Carry vam a locety eV J~ La*£@ Forest vison nie fis-st oobn training acilool at Faort Sheridan 1ýp session. Steps'for the Expan Ths Mmo-alne H ospiteal aveue o f r he Leian Sae whl %force@ in theii b. aeta cetàb tiln se et tala hNopth out wil n fli eridan Rouhd MaO irh.. piai éenl shch aIred ya Mfr.wJohn. qurnomn.heecniuaina auea opi eld be aiimlte cIf flic Tho pianhe for nov hospitfor bveoe tien 01ader vag for some Urnt eu pte loca i-e ha@ vithbel pulia qtionrs lasndo tontdinudtionta àSi-st ni mer erlImtahed solde males- doai l ldig andh up cfa rau Thé Mens oria osat. uhsitei hve cbeteude ayor'-'otIe lmeIbt' the ocIalpassciaon. edpulii l I lias Issien dedue' dtea pilai th eoial lut> he soa.daIp:; sl ea ut h e ai eofa loie copete sl !los i- te '.eîîd unu' fora lie boia lpot) e sa.d *ntlz, le ho acquired on the norlh 5ldp. WAUKEGAN BOYS IN BATTLE IN FRANCE FOR 47 DAVS Recause at leait three Waukegan beys are ln the i30hth ie Item lie lev troin Cilsgo papera l l itoreat- lng ta Wanksatap foks. The tilree local mon soiring vils Cal. Clinla ai-e: Ed Giadi', son et Potmnates- Grady, AI SceunemannandalJohn Hegan. bts of Marlon strfet: Opringfield. 1i1, Dec. 19.-Governor LeilvIa las recoivel tvo etters dat- ed ine nie aritice hocanie effec- tive farn Col. Joselpb B., Sanbore. comrndlng tIse 1lilt Iefantry and Col. John V. Cilnin, cmarnadlng the 130th Infantny, bohlicompoaesi largely oetIlinois mon. "Tise fia-t engagement tIse nogi- ment as a vbole 100k part la vas thie battiee ofCbipilliy Ridge,"' vaoie Col. Causlorn. 'TIsaI succese vas tIse Ieglnlag of Ihe big drive on the Sommre. Ils lasI engagement vas on tise baille front ve are nie von and ls mon vere flgbllag and dylng up te il oclocit yesterday, tIse moment hostlîlties ceased. 47 Duys Withaub RosI. "Every task assigned le thei-e-gi- ment bas becn carricIl ont. il bas nover rel-eated under fire. il bas ai- vays reaches tIse objectives assigned ta il and ils record as an organiza- tien la staioless..? Col. Clinnin. afler sal'iag "the l30tis Infant-y vas lanlise front ine fa-cm Septemiser .26 te Nevember 12 -47 days wlIs'sut a rouI, bath or ebhangeot lolhing"-vrate Ilie gev- lernor as fobiava: - "'We cannet raalie var la at an] end. No more shelis, bomba or mas- The best azid cheapeat Autl-Smut on the mar- keL DRUCE-CLEYELANI 91111 CO '11i. RuailStore Cor. Madiso.a a Gmn.. ieStoreTbatSanes To,, im RAY N. SMH ubertyviflo, I Divine! Tr"eat Batteries-sDy Stored, Advantages to the owner- First-AII wear on plates is stopped. Disinte-' gration of the active material in plates continues as, long as they are in the acid, whether or not the bat- .tery is used, Second-When re-asseinbled with new tion in the spring the owner is assured service for satisfactory period without interruptioný or expen And whon von do need a new-Battery let ne tell Von aboUt0 STILL BETTER WILLARD wiTI4 i4rHiADEo RuBSER-e TION." COLWELL BATTERY SHOP Sheridlan-Koekd and badteon I<s.et .Jmbes B~Il, " w t'aMe e v Reaodo' Ieomm ais ~Mr. Mdln *ms laen m i 10 II bo@so bo- Co bre , lir. ond .oi Ci '-Id dilid ,a gder soisi meip s-u laer, vas1 litinjde9 ad àdr. Ste ilue aid s ogaru th itqulibo aille, Ml " ieil a ilme01 fi ilari hant bis parea "tu théla, 00r dl t, Idel la li ifa oi e =.- -Lve ellh Uni. tis hlchl Maturday.______ Lie Lea. a nurse emnpleged et GreatlLakel. dled "Bturday eaItlee station fohiowing,-a salliease etpneu-.li Chailes A. Hulchilsan. UherlY- ville, appears. n the casnalty let as-OF- smong lhoase "vonndod sighlly.' Private Waltera- lisîtheva o! Lake Foreat. ,appears lu thf islat os>wond- I, JC E COUN TIlq ed severoIY." Mrs. Auna 'C. Johson, 67, died Pbihd h Tbnrsday at nie homeoro? ler daugi- WUM-*N bIY SUN ber. %a-s. J. J. Rdkway, 746 Asbbury WIK.:NDL U aveunue, Evanston. Willianm Johinson, ason, dled ai Gr eat Laites afhfiu- eza and the, shock hasl'n,-d hi-r atteseel1w pi sieatlm. The Illinois Constahle% AFssedatlon1 eaCh beld its animai meetng la Auirora ia-t' Satua-day. John Kiosae! La'çe ce'metY was ssected si-e yseeIdPet o! thc as-5 -1 $3.5 soclatloe. Constable William WVl mr Foi-r et Aurore, vas eîected preuldoiýni e! bbe stabe associatlin. Captain flridgeman of Lakse ForeF'l the avistor a-lie made stich a r. Size: 3 ft., 8in. by 4ft., 2 i nusrkablp showlng ln service lis Frane w as anîong four wlîu arrise-i le Nevgort Neya- Salurday. Bridge-5 man paobabby lau the meelst pe'ta,"li ar fiying record freon Lake cont" Yb rtrr l vIse partlcipated in le , lIse hsabroad. i e t -i e 1 HP gained ninch attention and va; decoraleui for hi- dlaring nc's le lb- In pe d t Joi e ie-r, aged 60, . a --ident em ___________________ W'auk.-aan for the - ait 20 yara. paSs-l ed away aI the Jan" îicAltet.-r lu Farmers, Attentico pi[lai i;-fday 11:91t I si' eeock _____f___________________ iowlng asolue ilsIllnose of I n!a-, eza snd uneuiionIa.i. lus ife died Fryu 'aoo d ab)out fise y'ar, ago.ThPere tw Fr ' ivttos, bilîdjen. a datigîler siloIlices lu Chs1- and other amali grain. cage and a son in Kenesha. Miir. use the Reier had yorked for tihe Clira,o Telephene comPany for a nueuber of goars. Funeral unaday aflerneon ai FORMALDEHYDE Si. Josepli'a church vîihlîtermentlnlisSOLUTION St. Marys cinetery.t 1.65 Cents àPint