l a ubofer tbl - hster JfohuU. JO. uM d w.lledJebs te blaesma DmS"tier t sa SiI4lau a&MWeu LuMn. Jobs tollon lat ~Sase Essi§peut a ev daja lu Racé de' amsmly arrived m""o ~ m lalle South kl lhm cWelisitwo merseof our ta,,Mr. %adM ru. Cbarles haas bu aithe iies.Pactrnon. a.e udse odiei Ilecember 14, aivinelg lies ta Chicgo the Mlfoyd~nng for hurtai. On a 00t, seso cwber ubani vau taisu Sa»Ila la Cifugo. b. bains aBltl iIIbesmie usui>'th"l ases ai obevité. 'ai. »mou. Zpoa but lateré ial s vu1 Rer ln ers Id teW liaofil. vie , la ta. se. Mmseva lrfltusia ses bI.bave the synpatht of filie UE.king bas -a ltter ktm ber ~Oirh a as iai W*va Wou. 1*tie AmerkicaEpsitlonuj haîsase. Ris pores»a bai-, nt t@U lsforo mm.umu»daei a sý vas . amog lthe miellau. Ail Mt boy@ nov bave bu e bsi fro *r. J. Beeper are r"v-1 l1e"rtpbUim on f risais opon cia 9'pouad disugitet, born , Daembr 17.1 Mm Ms.Poulton, ef Jdruapvilim,9 ar -e atieding tie boilia ya boir so, J. 0. PoIlon, uni ta.s- 3vebn y.Cuiver, of Michigan, le Oubor vamtot vltb ber grand. bl. te. adi dommema, of Wsukeas u a i b is coua, Eivin Kapple., 1 doldjer vas a Cheago Tisi. .rotomnigin uthee vsnlng ut i buafasi. . &dus id societ>' vîli mel vîis ~der, ai $be parsemage, Wedn@e 1er:~ rin. er nssilesaund 6o Sur quitng un otier sewing. biscr, Z vw" &SI uane ivltei. - 0ar 9,olAlndas tarai, la vIa- W"i reatives In Chicago, duringî Ïied Mnm Vernie Nixun, Whso bavei »iieisiale farim avoer mice thoir ap afev jean&go, sud Mr. Nirun yrl eard blors fiat, es pecIte fac e t irai of!tlb. jo ur m . 1tore borna lu MÊontana. The>' Igetl>' miass on the larni, ubers eoa a ta hcher uiand d, Nixon ai tic faim. olhe ofriands o Bani Putter Ma ki. home, Saturda>'evenlng, taver>' a o isrn. Bf resb. Stv.d. BarI Putter was a Waubogan Pi rda. 0Uscbiq, ail i lasreporte Be bons ne b runalerned I bo bbat Sl e te h &six mei tefour Ij bof fadoe le1 ,l e Md ~MW -Umm et ut çt pro ime Uri 300 Date lfamilles ani of visoi bave liesu T. A. Simpson Was to Be on id tute irnprovlog. the Program for an Address i frnt Walter Don- at the Meeting m, vmilten Novombon be t. vel uni vitb morpbing loto Ger- FLU EPIDEMIC IS CAUSE n Arcble Cazi, via i te a division near Tisa Sixty-flfth annuel meeti ng oft BSn iscoratei l i &theIsainuois Stabe Teachors Associa- niibod servie. Tise>'lIon vhiais vas te isave been hou eat ýsch lu u leur monthu, Sprnugfield, Ill., Dec. 26-28, ut wvilci mtae' furlougi, aé be T. A. Siimson, ceuni>' superintendeutj feara, but Water ex- et saboola of Lake count>', vas to1 eme a privates allmn. have been eueetofbite principal Gret Laksa. aujo>. speakers. han been callei off ou se- count ofthfe prevalene e!o fin îugb. aven Criatmnase ibreugieut the state. Thia action ef Evunaton. cMe@ *,,taicn uontfe suggestion et Dr. 4- C. St. Clair Drake, directer o! public il lira.NeielaSrntb, baltit. 1vitb puenonfa, re. Mr. Simson vas f0 bave ielivered il laitreporn ouse. au mimeuosa otfi second day ofthtIe couveuflin. RIa ubect mas: «The Il muteed huelumalu Coitt> Subez'intoudeucy tu tise De- V_'veoplueât of Educastie lu lilinois." a orm TueUdB>, the Ile coosiiered asial houeir fiat ala%* emtuy man ufloul have beau relapa aI tic ebuft naiectei te taie auai an Important til a I*ler date. part tftisa pregmani. M. Simpaon, i Milise pent Christ'itoyever. bas an enviable roputfl M- D@ruagto, Win. thieugisout the statu as an educabal ofe eptional abifit>'. ~ Juat vbeu fie annuel convention .Bum wvi e ho hou lenot kuovu but pro 1'e-i 1ý- - ball>'net uutii hfin suiltuation hsa 'ho éànimidt Oraitclstei nil toa minci czteut. Dr. à o th wa, l reé» raie asserted iielscommunication I 0 fi va, l ra tus te i eadaeofthfieconvention fisi 4 la bock t boss». fhe fin situation nov appai e nbe rang lastu vlflpâs- "ntsla, serious as s îaualt Oc- lsat mime f0 te fu. tobar. id.i of Blo<>mungwin, la *IEN.OLIEL NEt/ER WAIS C. &io v14 borne foui" RETARY OF '"AT ZION CITY bars Jshvarelua- Tlb. aternent tai Artur, Bàli rbns, at vhici places 4i, 51. ie ,%î a lj-ilge. Insane, lu ses epmbir. cowik' court iii Wauio gun Monda>'. due" led vil uluenmavaut Ri000 tUie er b le fithy. &. -Ailqrait ClrCa. M. C. A. aet lon Civ. sasu amerro, iMMY. , obnOiolîeDan -"Sle 9i6s. n-l8,it i an amet fat hopeBen-OUe1 noepr ici as tcenuection vii ie p ývin-e. ' bey aay fiat kadfll eleo, ab a lMm tu 1 i i.'fct of the.-In. opidin lie bolide->' stitutin au-i n-ci h(,,,, at posiion 040WY' O, wit home etvr gluca lb vas o9".?. M111W KaM PoUoek, eof lbW&Om, etom owbimu eivu ber aeutwà lhe lieu Tvo bllidaye vet eibrali alet h bemofetMr. uni 1&MaC. I. Donna, Duemmier 28. Tic' ert mJeunemao, 8&., aged 87, ad i beulr Dema., a&Pd 1. Catheine licOrne, o chiago, apffl Cinilmua vith bose fesa., lira. Bailat, nus àtmang. orWade. worti rldui, wvu burlai.Tuéeeij,ila Milbom eemeiaij STAGiE fRAI ON. VIOLATIONS FOND Liquor Found in North Chicago Places; Pioprietors Muet Appear In Chicago MAKE RAIDS IN AUTOS Complets Round-up -Ocour- Covemment Men Surprised at Smali Amounts Found Ton laierai (novenue agentse oui departmant o! justice operatives avooped.dovu on -Norh Chicago snd Wauiogn an turda>' ugbt snd cenducci searches lu a number o! pluces vhiehis been undor auspi- clou. In Wa'zegsn fie efforts of lte todermi agent. vas ceufined 10 Markt street sud ouI>' one on bye place. vene visitai, lu on. place a qisantit>' Of home-maie vine vas touni but proof et s violation vas' net establlsited. ift.esali, la Northt Chicage tic oflcero bai btter loch. la a numier of places vhere iquer vaa tuni fie proprio- for. more notifiai tis appeen lu Cii. cage tor a heariug. Among tfose vbo are sasdt 4ehave recelved sncb Instruction& are te toloving: Ap4tF0N DUDEK--Conducta gre. cery store snd meat manrket et Thîr- teonti and Victoria streets. IlS. STANLEY KiIOLL-Resldes a1 fie corner o! Sheridan rosi aud li'urte.nti t sîeet. JOli SWEDA-Conducbs herber shop at Fourteafti and linelu eL JOHN MADRUH-Pmepietor et so!t drink sud le ceam perler et 1032 State treot. The revenue agenta carne bore for the. sole purpoee ot locatiug thwe vie have !llod te laite out s $2,r goennuent licence. Tic tintie tor taklng eut sncb license has paesed and those vie have net donc se up te, the preseut lime viii hO obilg,dte psy a 50 per cent penvatts.;),at met e! Justice operatives ac.-ompan- led fie revenue meu te obeecitip un an>' violations tiet migbt be founi. Al the gosomumeut oflicos vero sunpmsed et the unusucfly nal amouitts et liquor thii e re tound. CALL OFcF STATE CNETION "0F CO. SUPTS. 0f SCIIOOLS VKVIIU14J basewkp nmM briVe. Then te Aaylum DII VNO JA<Y I~ Tie 1hyoga W b. hourd <rquent- ate victim aller suotiierwvaswept Aaeodlngte ZUnflAuboIlties mb lie estez sudi fieterrible bar- FoIIowwgTraglo Came, SIX onat tabshemImm aflnm. Ac- Have OM '.Crâzy crigte Chief Tbff r Becer LATEST IS A Y. M. C. A. SEC. son who bas becoe Insane:through tbis laIe. doctrine, The voirnss Man Who Wus Dlsmismed frm 0f fhe thlng lurea tissu On- uniday S affrt- s>' tic>'ob. this I1-.ethtb. Serice cîiraomes wGl",Wlsp, until tefie' lsaly are led Inte Now le Insane s trap and their reason le Sone. - No yends canli e toc stroug lu de- MANIACAI. AT 16118TRIAL; nuncletion ot such s vile celinterfeit Waukegau, Dec. 21. Otrtthe reiliotn et Christ, and the au- STRAPPED R<AND AND FOOT tiomities utiZMon are s0 atlrod up Ollel wu&s gîven a hearîna fer bia egaluet Iltnt action vilI probbly sanîty In county court today beforo be taken Immodiatel>'. Mayor Clou- a lunacy comnIlaion compouad of dlnen declared luat iit tint th." Dr$. R. Hl. T. JIeeblftand L. M. Tom.- 1ev vîlite sot In Motion te Put an baugh. No manlac ovor hus Iiven enld te lisenaoce te Public comifort the local autjiorle& more trouble. It and velfaro. requirsd thae ombined VjvnoM f f strices t police Chier. ix Or tafN man to hoid hlm whIlîo Tiie climax i l 01151. mental con- Q tralghtJacketwas adjusted. $ho- .ditioni somed té M»orn ou astrdsy lit Green and i. deputles wua sai** ilit.RH began to make un oration ni by aimtant Chie! Thomas Tyrreil lu tise nt-et andé quledel drew a and Polleemen ThOSe. Booth. ttrapped Otovi around blm. Tien hgliewo band end foot Olillw« .takon int6 violent bot in lu angitage 9Md-lu ae- the. court room. is I ravInge took flou sud Ober Beker vas olilled to ucavral diffamant tfrrme but prlnclially 55Tet hm. Heetsrukek t Eme wee un exhortation te repent bfole and doslt hlm s sbarp blowe n tbe the frateoftthe ne yeur whon he fce lie vuas tslài a oeil on a @nid the. Messluh would cerne. 011.1 charge ef mental dOrangement and ravcd lnc..auntly'untîl ha bauame so lb vas thought thtthlie ay poaslbly hoarfe fiat lt wsudifUcuit for hlm quieten dovu sud fluall' recover to talk above a wheîper. Ont>' by «eough te ha sent hone te bis vile wheedlîng hlm and cterlng te hi$ au cilren. Hovorer ho hecamo sehime could h. b. Inducmd te return more and mono violent. He netused te the sliorifla dOlce wlitheut a show t eest or drink sud ubortiy betoro 9 o! hi. Almoat suPerhuman .trength ê'Clock OnBS&tturday niglit ho smasbed a bois iuthe.vet Iral t rthe. oel, Wfit six pensnsa a.esiy In tse lu- breaklng tie boards Ilitto klndliug' uane asyluns through ltavlng become vod. lmlbued vith 'gitt o! tougues" et Zion Last ulght a brother from Chicago City', fie situation thore viii rotier- und a brothsr-ln-iuw rm Wllmotte once to fiat Particular faction lu -came to ses fie don!nged Man sud Moenasssumesa 5 setussect ta ater à consultation wfth Mayer Clou. ucuteness le Portrayed iu fie ollow. tEnon, City Attorney' Thoodore Yerby 149 article by IL W. Croft the. Sun'. and Chiot Becker, it vas decided te 1ZMon correïbondent: take hlm to Wosukegan viere lho One ot tie saddest sigistz fiat one ovud e ketit lu a strong col!aud could vituosan d One tisat ouglit te -have proper prison facilities. t serve as a varning te ail thlue *ho 011011 bas a vite sanssllI chlrent are uixod lu vlth fie spuntuallstic sud fie vliole affair la ptiable lu fiec seances heli under the cloak o! ne- extrema.0 ligion, vas vltnossed lu Zien City', Steps yull probait>' ho takon te put t gaturday uigbt, viien Arthur H. Beu aend oi1t sucit an abuormal torm o! Ollel, a M"sso! nemarlcable abliity wonaltlp. aud of a gÔomi amiîy, coxupîetely leet (01101leothe mau vie vas thrown is neason. The Poor feUlow bad been! Out et a Voliva meetiug recontlyt led Inte viet le kuevu as the "Gift vheu ho acted traugely; it vas the y Ot Tongues MovemenU. Under a de- detilis of that Incident which voret lualon tt by mens of maih io. usei fer a neceut attack on Vliva îng, moanîng, gnepîng on te foor b>' another ZMon resideut, au atteck and mauy teolish andd nnanny atti: whlch the Sun refused te tîint bhof tudes sud shouts. tleraous vho net cause it looe'ed ratber suspiciens-tIlte. trapped into tht. deugereus toacbtng And. th. dereoeimeute have proved 1 get tbe Idea that they cau recelve aIL bepjism e! the 11013 Spirit such aà was given ou the Day o! Peuticost. NORTH CHICAGO SOvrseer Voive ha. maie it plain flient o! the Mettiediet ladies' aid tbiî f roin 'ho platform Qgr Shlloh Talier ya.Apsto h a el o nacle that this laptlsm et the' Holy yrar. YArpsIn ton ri as elof ton Spiit vas an eveut for al time, just faitul service te the club the la- as the Crucifixion ef the Saviour %% lasdes presenjed hen with a fine suck au os ont te coer ail tine eand t»at t1imbrella. lire. J. W. NfiliOr la the "vwhen a Person la cens erted cnd i nvie presideut et the soclety. d hemn agatu heoronsho receives the! h hcioHrwre1our HoIy Spirit rgbt et that instant. TI e1n, lt saCoico Hedwatest oudfrt gl!t la spPmeprlated thneugh falth just th,' Christmas belidayq. We1rk viii the seine as i. salvatien ced nO eign egain afttr Nov Yearx. d amount ef Prayer or fastlng oon.OIS' M. and Mr. Mussewitz and chl- I tentions of auy kind cen bnlng a ne-, mon o! Leoe avenue,. cxpect bu petit ion of the bapt.qsns f tihe HoIy meve te Cliforna tho' firet et the' Sipiit as vas giron on fie Day or yean. f Ponticost. j (Omtted ltouday) Nevertioless a tow People vhei Edwend Kahn or Evanston, visited 1 have rejected poem leadenship et les aunta Mmc. James Weîch and Mme. t Zion bave gOtten off by thomseoves, Lavrence, Setunda>'. aid daim they have bai divine ns' M. udMn .. ' .DY r eletione that vas superior and mono Mr. and vistra t'dB . .E eo r veuenulti n ytbing that bai Fank Hayes la speudlug the Christ erer been recelvod by monta! mant mas boltIdys lu North Chicago. 1 sînce Penticoat." It was tute Ibis Rer. J. C. %IcCo>' wiil spond Christ-v tnsp tiat Arthur Ben-Oliel bcd walk-muinNr Cca. e.He fimt came te Zion Cty as Jay Gailagisen bas hie old position eecrotarY oethfe Y. M. C. A. vith bach ut thse F'eundny. He vas nec heaiquanters ln the Marabal Fiei cently diaclisngéd trons Camp Grant. I cluinooma. Leter ho began te iab- Mal iny of te North Chicago teaab-3 hie.« vebfee"pntuist no rs left to tlseln homes fftnnday te ig.untîl at lest fie vity serpent spend fie Christmas holldays. tank ls deail>' fange tuto hlm and Paul JollO>la it II iti fie fin. t hls reàason vas dotisroned. Utie Johe Gartley te on the glckt An Expert Accountunt. net.1 At oee Ure, Ollel vas couuected Mia. A. Beland ani son Robent vîti fie First Presbytenlan churchln lu eme lu Chicago Seturda>'.c Chicago sud vas employai as an ac- Mns. John Hale ta the nev prost- countaut, being classaed as an expert. dent ofthtie Methodlst L.adies Aid &0- Later io bocame aialted vith fie et>' Instead et Mrs. J. W. Miller as "Y" sud finali>' drifted to Zion. As previocsl>'roported. hea got moensd more Into, fie "Gift Mrs. M. C. Dea'cem was lu tise City of Tongues" or the so-cailed I"HoU- Saizirda>'. BueuMoveinent," i. becamo les@ uni James Cra>', iuaband ot Mari e Tl lesu eMeacent aus asecretary siandf- 1set vie bus beau lu France ina 1lut al>' hai to e li ismlsed rom oce. Itarci isas been dlaciargod aud la Ho Sot In touait witi EnagoeeBrooks nuvella orbth Chicago. a aelf-etyled 'Eider." Brooks la Dr. U ,B. jolIe>' la eutertaiilg ils sald to have iouuel entod on fie youngsi't brother vie bas reoeti>' corner of 29th andinEo avenue, 8SOM baen dilcbarged freinfihe arMY. and E mmaun, sud 2910 Einocis are, limer Bryans la home on a tolStig. nue. Theso places ane kcnon au Chsse Gattorman bus recaived «Brocoks' Homes," sud are sai leuiis dîcimre sud lis e bneoick te1 ho filisi from cellar to garrot mwtti von ka bis* nidiposition.1 People, vio bave beon hypnotisai A crovded bouse greebsi tise Prea- - VUit ilstanglai mus. With byformnChristmas exercieaMu-i Brocks are ~fevwumen viso are ai day eveuing at tie citiiOli.Tice e-k Io "vork 1e "during the aummer -.rolsub>'the childrosi vomi tiec sed tfieproduots o! titesç lots le beat ever Sliven. The star attraction tored for t"hpunee offie ao-callod e fiaenlng wva sreaiing bW Mr. Ilollnus seekars., Skinner efthfe naval station. Mr. tvoLeflebs-. - . tIns.- f&. audK..ver>'m .ai utoetd l aaine>', or If sue oîu mention Itne *ea WiIRs didn't seem te cae hc about it. ing tmal edW lBs that' sie bad booanmaried te 1Roy Sbumvcy some il5 years cgeo in AND CHRIST COMES IN 1P.4 Waukegau, ihet sie had neven beenj dirced trom hM, and fiat ho vas EdIter e! Tic Sun: living. As you acmsoons e hogai telie At euy rate, the merriage te Shurn- a.ng tise flrsbt i publlsh important va>' dii net prerent tihe mariage fait- neya pl1easo pnint tise !llovîug lu- lng place In Crevu Point tom the teetiug prepisebla neye tiet con- ýmet vas tied and Mr sud Mme. Ma- cerna and vîI affect ail the people loue>' vent be.ck te Chicagoe vieolu the vorli: tise>' set up housekeepiug. Relatives 4amely the nesnnnectluon fthfe o! Nlaloney' daim the vomen dli flot lgbteous deai end the isreaeed toll hlm shé alredy bai a, inebani bcirisou tihe eenth te ho caqgist up sud pint te thte tact tisat the Mar- viii bfsem le the eudg te meetthIe Mage license vas lasuoti te 'Mies Lord ln tics air on accutt ast n Elizabeth Cannon," net "Shuinva>'." lg the voire o! the sncb augel and vhich tart, bie>' daimt proves biset tie tumpet ot Ged, fli-st Tboas-4:16. Mslonoy l"bai eue put oven ou hlm." 17, on Sunda>', the l2th o! Sept.. 1920. At eny rate, atten tise Crovu Point And tien four yeams atter fils tihe cemomon>' the couple set tiemaelvos Lord la bo comae vif 10,000 o! bis up i nn a panimnent lu Chicago as gaInts te exocota Juigmoeni on ail Mnr. and Mrs, Malioa>. that ara ungoil>' (ses Jude 14.15) ou Then Baby Arrives. Sunda>', Sept. 28ti, 2924. Tus rea At let s lbitte baby girl cama tu ad mont vonierful informatIon le their boume and Ib vas not long aller nov publlsied lu pamphlet torm, a fiai fie tatbem passda ae>', bdo- cop>'oet vilci1Ihavo jixsb necenîl>' velope tiet ha aarioi an insisianco necelved frein the anfier, N. 1,. Obier, pollcy Titi eue o! tise brotlseniiods6581 l6tii st., Finat Calgary., 4lberta, conocbei viti tise nalîread compan>' Can.. gid the policy vas ton $6,000. Nov if flue la a cenrect lime ton Naturel>'ater hIfs hurlaiftaie fie s.erents teoaacur lb soce ate endeavoeaite celectetnousali poilie>'melift.nfthegreatesi nevs 1 have sud MIa!oneys setier taing fie erer isard lu al 'l yite sud I1u&M position bt iahechtld'ls maon vras nov luns>' 70ti Yean. onfit to taescane of hem began Ieok Pratese fie Lord. lng up bic records te ueo viofler or A. C. KIMMNI0 toet sebai legitimatoly mnsrnled ion 2706lis ave., ZMon Ci>'. mm Wedied at Crown Point. WAUKEGAN LOCALS lIer- luquir>' ied bar te CrovuI William Oapaer, aged 63. a vell point viere.shaiefoui lihaitie Mar. inovi renfilenbt ofWaulkegan, sue- rlsýge careon>' bai beon Ver!orMei cumbod te Influenza sud puemnia Sietean madIe Inquirles ln Waukc' st Chicago Reluisa on Dacember 20. gan uni fouifihai Mrs. Malone>'i b a omi nsvan. br? t te Wou- beau murrled sant'y Yems Ungo,10Roy>'kegan Monda>' ai 2;66p. m.in.sd vors Oiumwsy of West'Wasagboe treot lierrei ut Plus Viev cometer>'. M. Waltkegan, asdtiat nie ici s youug aou ot 13 >ears of mge haro novOee_ ase teuni fiat Mns. Sinuvwa> bai nover been divoeed traito br ia. SNuV&h baud sud that accordingl>' the Mar-' S N T £YO i/A Mage te Malie nl Crovu Point vas I ' Iliegal>' pex'!ormed. f ! Actîg onfil thes'>' Vm, Ms Kide>'di......se eno respecter cf por lonuai, Sm.. obJected to the tusurance moôn. Anioril>' of th," laimalilu compn>' aylg bi jS000 ever th people ted.>' eau b.tmsc.d buicte Ens. Mainien Jr.. ou the gretins Thse kidnsye are thé. mont Important tisai site vas net lIytli>'marnai te orans ofthteibody. Tho.>'ara th* Mlon.>' becausa aise hasi nover been Scenaeru, the purifiera, et your blond. dlvoeed rom busvy. idue>' dîntas.la uallu diatsi b>' divoced rontBhumaY.vealînu i eepiespnes,nervoumnesm, t Amoedlgly thfi nsurance Matter dempondeesdi. baecaclie. .tomaeh trou' iba novrrbeau adjustei sud flo ebs. pain lu loin. andi tover shicinen, la nov acocutraveru>' ou isîveen the faii mtoe,g*.ravel 'iantir.slt imotiter efthfe child sud bi grand- Alil tiese derantemeuta are nature'* 1mofier as In ubether the Issurance Oignas. to varn you that the. kidueys neeti bel. You aould use GOLD vil be -palM t-l. tie e e S()ILaulas 11 Gjiuieslà a rgraaàmoeferfor fie beneifi f ethfe P. BJOINSON GENERtAL AUCTIONEER Hua& the bout judiumto.1 values sud gmttla hichet pries. Pjn Salas aspecialty. For date, > Phtono or Write ZION CÎ2TY, - ILI "'013 IS. C. ULTWILj I Harw«auames, Cils. PaWats I and GCa" *Agent for 5.1-Va# stock Remedi RON LAU x LU IHEINRY JANSSEN Storage Dattwsy Md Eleesmlleif taniSa.Us and, Two Phones: 6O sud W-J. Sound Lasa, liM YOUR KIDNY$,' ditey. m. othln&g. b eB5tlâil uates thie kidneym, ietveu- tionu and deu&0 have caussl.ICi »et morrow. Ge ta &but ad bsal et 00W ZDX After ofu yourselt, continue t oai>sulte .ach, "y' èangar d.tb.r atf. JSfari theii.origina m lads& if - a !,.1ba Y SUN 4 t. ,2 o iue lent 's, oats 'iYDE Pint )isinte- iiuee ase lie bat-: alfla vu«lu Caa" ssi ve. te e pestor or th* aisurci. Rav. x. C. Xe- Cc3', one a CM rotheeibLadies' Aid and the. otiar coleted flr6'mui the efforts of thse Obrinas Endeavor. AUl lu aitl it provod a most enJoyable Tha, Metitoiet cheulgire thair Cevistmaa entertainmeut Weduesdaj evoulug ait1he clorci. DEATiI INTER VENES Mrs, Roy Shumway, nee Eliz- abeth Gannon, I'Neglected to Get Divorce" Before She Married Chicago Detective Who Since Has Died GRANDMOTHER 0F CHILD CONTESTS MOTHER'S CLAIM How a Wâukegan woman, who hoa beon estranged trom her bus band for a»ma time Married an- otha r men; and later à baby vos born, thon how the fatinet-ai ber chid dlsd and Mh. hue *Ince bacc trylng to dlaim for the. child thi. .6,0W lnsurance the futher car- rl.d; and how the macse mother bas found tha e oman nover had a dI vorce from her Waukcgan husband and therofore la con- tosting thc payment ci thé Insur. anc. te the mother of the. child whosi ho decfared to b., "un- fit to teks cure o tthe baby." MUCH LIKE CHICAGO CASE The. unalogy to a certain ex. tant of tAe cas. referred to ln the adjolning coiumn with thut ot the sensatlonai Piper-Welchmun cas. whicihebasattracted such attention in Chicago and lia. where, Ila trikîngly apparent. The chiefdifference le that ln the. casa which intereste Wauken %hore was no murdor--but, a death tookc the place of the. mur- der. The foregoing comprise the meat senaationai foatures of a situatIon tliat lied corne te ligit viitt neteence te a former Wsukegau girl and pre- cipitatea vlsat promises te lie one et the meet unusual legal tangles that bas beon handled tn Chicago lu many a day. Thero are fouir parties te the unue,- mal situation, oeeoet hom ta deed, the other la ln a training camp et Recictord training te ho e soldler, and the ether two, the mother and cbiid. are inOlChicago with the motber anx- leuely wondorlng hey the viole ai- fair Is going to temminate. It was lire. Roy Siumway, fermer- ly Elizabeth ýGanuon, a wolil kuewn Wsutcegen veman, vhe a year azo lest Meay weut to Crevu Peint with Peter lleloney, vieovws a detects-e employod by"one ef the reliroads mue- ning Into Chicago. Tbey went there for the purpose of gettlng uiarnled and Mrs. Shuim- wjIy neglectefi te mention the tact te It Ws, nmtoai that the bride o« am n lu .Wau&keffa u MM* etht daim fiat Rh* wuè fia AMM aDudoai ho egminctsa M Bghturet te rttirai mUUasn.remartet sud uocerl store on r«l! fMAD an uateru Mate aud fiat la teeuth street was pluced lnuder &aý fi.wsy MaloneY Irae ln Ignorante 01 reat lii Mal Olson, as tate pure foe4 bar Past «Paertance ta matrimonial Inspector. Dudek la chargod witV fles. The. young voman was the bavlng gso u Imturs, ioe. it daugiter of 1(1k. Osunon.. Wbo Years cirgi t.ât ha bai a calf Ioest tan ago lived near Fire Points snd now four wae<u lu bis possession. He lire. lu aketsForest 'wauur.Jgue<l before Justice l» THE PACTS ABOUT MARRIAGE rarmer and hilecme was continued tel The following letter and the an- Dece.nbor . M11. ae rel«essi lU avers abow.l the tacts ln the Gannon- boude of $200. Maloney mariage: FIre of- unkuovu origin attackeâ County Cek, a garage aithtle rear of the Ted Mit> Crown Point, Ind., phey homne on Northl St. James etreat Dear Sir: enrly Sttnday zporulng and dams<s< WiIl you ldndly turnlNh me the automobiles belongiug to EdOnr Information requested belew? Hallstrom and Charl" ' MInfr. Ti. 1 wlll appreciate the cotirtey. machine belonging to the former waS ELIZABETH GANNON damaged vit.re severely. ThW otUs and and garage je ewned by Joe flunning. PETER H. MALONEY. Howard mes. who bas been tek- Marrled at Crown Polnt?-Yes. lng a ground aviation (urqp it 01: Date of llense-May 5, 1917. lumbla University, wa, re'eaed a Date of marriage-MNay 5, 1917. week ago and le bac( lu W X%'l'egan. Ages givon' .%lan born Jufle Ho bas agaën taken of1r he 29. 1685. Wornan hem,. Oct. 11, ahop et the LewIý garage. %I.. Anse 1887. . eullated ut Greiat Lgkesw 'ee 11 Who' marrled them?-H. B. was promoted to the po8ition 11f Chiqi Nicholson, J. P. Machiniste mate. He th. n t i07: 14 Who were witnpsses? Wit- the course at Columbia uniý its'. nesses are not requlred by In- Ai SelTort bas rettirned lItS dlana law. honte In Wisconsin alter a -zt te Did aie aay selle as never friende bere. His son, whù wS! . tak. married t-Yeg. en viti the flu, romain- behin,'.net What full namo dld elle gi vo? heving recoveréd sufficiently ta per- -Elizabeth Gannon. mlt hlm to make the trip baek. 1 have reason to bolleve tbey H-arvey Miltimore, a warrant oM, were married lnu May, 1917. cen ln the- navy, la bomle to spend Tbanking you ln edvance.. Christmas wlth hie parents, Mir. and Yoiirs very tnuly, Itire. 13ede -Mlltimore. The local EDITOR THE SUN. young man ta te take'an exa'inat1on sltortly ln an effort te hlco)me en- BEWARE 0F CROWN POINT sige. He le a regu.lsrly enILIs'e man. it appeere front the above tacts i.eut. Robent Dake of the aviation ln the marriage lu question, that departinent le home troin D"rtsner. Circuit Judge David I. Brothers Field, La., to romain over thi belt- et Crown Point.,lusew wbat ho das a vth hle motiier sud brother la vas telklng about recently when tii citY. Lient. Dalco states shat bek In urging girls to "etay away dos nlt rpe« t te e reoased frouâ frein Crowu Point." ho sald: service untîl iBnobablY neat suniner. "For tome reason the mer Ho Ia acting ase itructOr In the rla»ea fiat take place nt Crown aviation camp. Point are usually a fuilure. Day Shoniff Green bas recoivod word alter dey mon and women whe troin bls sou, Top 8argeaint Guordoil were married et Crown Point, Green of Camp Wadaworth, Spttrtefll- comae into thls court eeilng di- burg, 0. C., that ho bhm toon odered vorcet. to Camb iGrant vherO e o wIllie -Somethlng muet b. dont mustered out of tho ervmie anid vi about thoe Crown Point mu,'. be homoe'l ntimo to spend Christma riages. Frankly, 1 @ee no legal vlth his parents. relief ln sight, but If those who When Gob Wilson «Pal" NIOOr* are Intereated ln our social wel. cornes to shore alter bis oxtpnded tare wouid use thoir Influence ta turtougli te Englsnd viioro ho e e- dîscurue toso Cron Pint reseuted the Grent Lakes naval traIn1- macorrage thae wodb.ontr. ing station In the inera le boxing mariags tey oul hoconer- touimnifeut and took fie bighest tbon- ring a great service cpon OocletY. Ors oven galned by our American sali- Thora are ut teast four Crowm ors and soldions ln competîtion. a bg Point marrlages mach week that tîmo awaits the cenquefrr e TIJMMVl this court la asked to untie." Wilde. Eugland's bautsltwelt ' on- eatlon. Mrm. H. w. Follette of Vale. S. D.. bas returned te ber homle afttr & BI66EST EVENT four veeke vlsit wlth ber Rstei'5. TI EMr. Harry Flood of unrMm OËF AlL 11EIS CalsT an ad Mrs. Robert Lit- wlilr both e! Waukegaïl. Reote that lames Deýnor- t Or SET; SEPT. 12, 1920 waukege, had died Novelbýý 11Of A. . immli HaS iUSt Re- have been connirmod by offiètal nu- A.C.eie mteilB i r esT l tlce recoived fron t the ar depftrt-