CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 2 Jan 1919, p. 5

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PATROP FRIENDS: temie epme COur ,apprecia"i Stii. patronage accorded us during the i,.ut d.ming to a close, and expressini : h that the comning yen may b. a fns mie, we wish you one and ail A HIAPPY AND PROSPEI NEW YEAI We further trust tutat our méthode i xnay justify a contiuUationl of yoiIr p age inthie future, as well as to m patrons f0 oui ever-increis gbus CItANCK HARDV COWMY. ATTHIS SEASON. it lB our prtvilegOt t for thelbraI patroage yau havej post secson. May the New Yecir pecce on Earth, good wiII te mon, end ry yours enjoy ta the fulleet a future fillIod nos, comfort end piosperlty. E. W. f::ARKN1ý Our Standard of S meeting av"r customer more thon haif way, te seo hlm, and glad to heip hlm. 0f course we're human, and we're nlt mi of us the. time but ws are honestIy and sincoreiy striviti standard. We betievo Wllard Servie ia the MO service lI ^moresand w're maklnq It botter cv cOre your suggestionsi. COLWELL BAI1ERY 5 Sherldifl Road and MadIsofi St. NUDBER 0F MRMiQE LCENS IN YEAR BRAKS ÀLL RECOD MRIMiES MAÀY BE ANSWER T igud tglaWaukegan durlng 19181 -slow, a glienomenal increase over the1 pmceelg ye'i-IU tact It establiah« 1 a 11gb record for the citi. A total1 et 431 more lcenses veto lssUed Um year than lait. Wbile thia Increase la sflfgtly gwsler thai the Incresse of 1917 ovor 181 t sitablises a iater InReai. thau msy other yeor. DUrTng 1912 a total of 1532,licous. eovers grated. The number bai la- eauoembc year vlth the excep- ti of etlois vben UIt ellshort N or :b0ag m e&laruasthe previous year. Uuioubtedly, the great lucroeaI muiffagocenauIn faWaukeWaflmay le attrSbmt b IrmeCauses: Vu'15T'fl tact tlat maritage laws la thee tate of Wlncon- tinue te grov moireoroua y ealy, VU ktle ecut fIat the akinber or emupes e o ~ he fom tbe Bad- 1» *0 tatea Inu«««secorrempofldlflll. M«ev arriago lava are ezpected to Simd am even larger nfflber berO amyear, providng MlIois docu ilo BUOND-The draft law unques- tUmably svelled the grand total of aI Wsilelâeisa Jued her.. Score. "0" -0008 or Qium &"ai lwvaukee M pr,~ obably siachers, teavofd the pubUcty that mariale ln it was so0 ci pose of marryl cape the dm1f Waukeg ani number of Io no JacTmass THIRD>-Th con la the OG fug statin Jad1es vboh have beeb im thlf i oure duti. roloing1 UiceesImm 1918 as c vated dmrS Xvimji7 anuary.. Vbriy. marcb .. Âprl .. t ler... June ... JtIy ... i. Augut . tSeptember . October.. November b ecember il you know of an it0w of local tnt«, kindly telphone N. i The Season's (Ureetings an frru Vi re*eeb ain II ifb pSgootUsl. Bca Aib.ed la lu LlbrtYvtle for a n yea Mia K~rrU eI~Wcdssdyoefl 1e da..FR131>CASEY DIES d l yebr Mn "t c Lronsb reld a oa-- ega". ~tfu ~ 1,,Sedn Washingioa. M Msa eoa N « 0SEVIEBest W ishes for a GifiI hitufront, hWbartabir. lir. aid lits. J enrd@otNev The esio off ils vr ar sebvousgbi YSare e. ia Chicago. O eebr 6 -h ilDvava il.pri. f ckedovu at icait B domo lTie C. Gaplardi lamily @peutNv O icme Otteedny a tb pie-o ckeYear's Vih relabiI!cslnCicago. ow -lved filet red Caiey. son 0olMr.t and H-appy and a Prosperous Edwin Donnian badivo lingets badiy itse. Chartes teller vent tu Waukegan n hBd died IofFrneceoaiee emsbd blcaivokfoth irenI, [Toesdy, vberse. ili cpend a ev w a~ f uemna day.. wr e tewIeFred CaacY vwu venty.five Yse§ sud 1 Mrise lisbtl d ffClae. M1 ootiMLuglnofChicage, eleven inontho off ameand bad speul ýthe N w ear isiea lsumaî beclogatir, lit. . . ceulait" sv dy eay. vltiss o rins grenter part off bis lits ln Luertyvlle, @etSna $bbr886,11 pn a e oj ht i Fo aving beeu br la Chlcagb.________ Lanlgvertby. Lc.Alter havlaig trieit to ce l n bheu he GorgeMso ganai. to e up A gOod Mani off the marchant@s are et army Sud the Davy and haiai beeu udaonnd aSlrai. Illuasof fo wvdais ibeIr nuua inter ezerclse"-bOveIing rejectsd bi bath, tlmlait, cbOriiy aller sudtbrou lerau t ,$Dv. it.heolidaie lait ,sar, tu, lookhliter The ~Firitt NaionsalBank in the lMr. aSddlins. AitertfrLJoS and cidren iss BatteJhis la 1.11 tTueeday ffor buelncasarrangemnt@utlaVirginfa. Bie .a as atrn-ent Nev Yeer'$aittthe Gilbert Mord- Chicago, vbsre &leo ii triait over New vase calied la the drait lrom tigure, going LjbertWiiIIe, Ill. horst home in Waukearaf. YmT iare ylgrisadle. lnto tralaîing at Camp ]Lee on tige 25th wh vcenSoIl lbWanunea Porbapa ibis vete smailing sige off ay. ne Wvas a member of Co. 0. llffiS. dnsete e oîdla b. ailaiEvet, D1a " scIai l ned te bc on tb. vans 8L7th lnlaatry, wbhmalled for over- iom«. oev abia teual[ et daring the paveu el. eseatdniy early lait eprina. liufor. a n lt JNangvOtih8. UdmseDorothy Brown of ighland Park, A.Icv veks ago, hi@e lamli recelved s .s Mac . à. N.d vit th . . Sud @peatlMondar aigu tb th t il, ' 'letter front bita, vrIttca on the Bih of ooak ver Cltme .T.Là Helen0and K"wCarroll. November la whlchb e tellse t thevarions baurette Taylor la "HaPPlIDM?'"~ VA~&R E vortby falYOe hitaSte rdewofrmea asactlvltleolu vblchho bad hal a part. "applaces," riiten by J. Ilartley Ldfurchl u r z e R. Bond an lamlly, 01Offvre»c, er. b eaeoueîGrtdu hiougn oerai dais Uc 80stated that ho won prond off the Part lianners, auther of "Petg0, My Heitt,'"____ guelte on NevYser'@ df ieretthe homes b gnas ble 1 oi eOte.iebrn-b li hich he bail la ftge rfecuiug off500 mon, offers MIss Taylor extraordinarY Op- St. Lawrence Episcopai. of J. Bond iaid E. eman, la IbIl ty. aaabWtatgoi vren sud ebildren, tvigebad been potoualteclor the dispiai off the The Bey. Chester C. 111, Prm.iln.cbaipl p p s:' la novrsbbl lorsare egtnnon ~ An lmprvementInlathe service t the lmprieoned lua atowu vblcb vwas 00u- astioalohug art vblcb bas made ber o Sna,.anr ,IeF-s f h ______________ îbai jqa reeai tadiortlasment ecsl etuan perdvt tantly unden chel lie. De bad benas dlaiioctive Sd uuappreahable. $bc la Epp . any. The Enchariat 7:0 aid _____________ radlte offerlnotrad moey the idioft off a nov cook. the Iront forn ome lime but vai ai tbat seen ai a llttle errand girl te a laiblen- jI o'cîock. ________________ ey aThe Umis eMahal SudéiileKaphelngtitme on imave and be expected 10 relurn able dreasmakgen and the itory relastes udîsbola : for them. 01aIbWuksgal. ,lited %bitei@Sciler, Mdra. tO the front la tva days. Thst vas the ber be rime to suaesffrom ile lovileut Seda _______t9:5_ lit. ad lits Edvlhl Deuman and Chars. Jocbimt a ev dày rec@ntly. last vord hard lrom hlm untîl the surroundlnus. it la iiunctuated sd rsy rin daughter visited , Seiursoav and Snnday litPleroe, off the Lîtertyville Fiover tolegram lroin authotitlec telllng effis rellevcd hi the livallesi vit sd humor Scndayiachol 10 a a vtth lire. Denmsa eparents, lMr. aud MrS. . B.BodBfGnnc.& Vegtable Co.,&and bis vIle entertaln.ed dcath on Noeotaer 201h. The laMIIY aud the audience la kepi la a tompest off il a. m. preaeblng. Tople of ffses, Mmr. bndie 0ures %cemployisaoffth,. compani Sunday have vrltteu te Waihîngion &@ilng lot langhtr er vo an d iîre.quartets *PrgrmTîmngb tlaliy." J,,aepblfleer bas rturned to t'Butl e mis particulaes 0ut e yei bave beard noiiait heut. Ashton Stcvenc. the lamone 780 P. m. Pteacblng Topte 0o aff o te bis tndW sla the Univeresiy 01Illinois aiS valnguNther. crible,,sommations bis opinion laetesa "squariug Oureelvas ylb Ie WoWi' Urbana. Cbumpaf 19go connty, I lawlch Jobu Allen, vho boasbeeauailng la verds: "Wlth se fisue ciasotm bute Cengregatiotial meeting, Jai»»"~h o thn kYOU ncîtatln bis ajunor.foreilta waters l a pendlag a ton day ýotakyu Ph ae s a~ lroaha I on !bsprnel h OllovlnËB "m ritteu by W. C aid menycauasaemble, Il la fine, las u pra :0p a aiven hallhehbas 0bln prentasd &Il the tilme a raviblng entertat ippe ir truly brlng the oiteuvk fot ho could te smen Lbertyville. mP the rooffEllsea l ment. .Witb Laurttie Taylor la fi the MtoitFpaom 'nay you and inoet eti 7dey vlth tibse cnetv elc, A. L. sBlnit lilneapelis. Wvas theO1brance eOt the boya mleslug Itemthe out cîre.s luthe bout play off thoeehds-LICP May you ad keepinglie eroeDp cirer.week-end gulet of Mir. sud lire. I. J. 1al v.r the sepas centributed by o .ýSrie odiw1lb edmfioa ticnevIsi bardbaimals om Iolage lt. M.Burnclit la a brether-la- ootrafr.arelative otheaut ___________Sondai school et 10 o'elock. MomaEw« oTb@nlenlai oarydbuae ome 0 îelav off Ling. agerty. o GdlelO e lOover lhefe graves preablag service ai il o'cloek; Wevg.h ontmidnteb*PY 8DCetb@ tOk tE Bch grave tu le marked vIltaiM Eed. WiteI FEW CASES ARE REPORTED presachlag service et 7:8W bi lie?. reine. Thlst lia omethblg accompiSabed On Thureday ovealua, Jannati 2ûd, sdBu.l aeeig t»W'b pufiM J ~ ~~~~tovard lhe cuccelesof the lait slbo, e iig and on every Tboreday evenlng there- resb lag la a l'lcket dolas duti lonlîht.- aieeeliitoaylt pca u iear alerticlocl dug -taes iiicloetaiTbe're larinatie rave nf our heroes City Phyaciafi Foley, Now Buckt oflby lie choir sud It. Bradford vlldw" L S a.&fetelcldu or licoo toulght. job, Pleacd if Goneral a solo. A cordial Invitation a extelel" Bard cetai vill begîn ta arrive ln ibis six o'clok._rn utokHr t i.. vicnal muoan lot you knov people are It.aaudlire. Subi. Piotz are very muna yjou e tha anrfed lte, l ovn-Oure.elutionk liste b aIl. se ca i-I ralili eshspleaaed le have te coogt ou, u teiand HlCion m intheb, h u bWReato te Godprlwmt mmmi the@Oltaungeet ti lontlt taiemoite d aiclolunil100et Every day osese a decresellietiesbenofie vob.S &lier they getoused f10,lbheIncouvenleOce Clyde Bown. Item Camp Bakter, Fort Tbey iaaied the colorelRed. While and aiue. number o e nov anlsh influenza cas. meeting nesi Sandaievnn fIt. Bllsis. El Paie, Tex»i, home for a ilteen oi oeiltun lai mene, funk doua on taie homme s lu Waukegan. Thfis eiatcmmen ,eetion. J .Hatvi s4 Fred Croker ba^ gongs to Battis CrPek, day lurlongth. voere chairs are leit vacant neer more 10 be based net only ou records In the of-metng Mmii, vere . I lu saitornu, li. Ti. Ynng f, anda ,o 1 lice et Citi Phtysicien J. C. FeleY, but The choir wviiimeet tIbi veelM Croebaeie bcl Ipua mhalhh lot orne caieel toung. E. curch gav aehlovetThey'vegiven titeir loeil 00e. on Fiee10aiso on the assertion ef a number ot Friday evenîngal 7:30 elock. AnilMIe, Crus audbai tmen l orIebsome laioff th p.E.hysîcgaelanowe df.d.belge are utged 10 attend, lit. Ba8a4 of vii lgtparti aI the homle A Taie emblem of liberty sheil 0000e each grave. phe etatîn lamuch lrnproved." iii condant lhe rehearei. - And ai andestarsotauod n. aeb SrviceFia "Thsuain .ly eBdîe undayachoolla ail departmuee tsa ecuperating. lraSuldiacOulae Tebover vsAndsa h tr tgldo absrieF"City pyho iioe a b elliDoit lSundayeal10 o'clook u89 the batik one vas lait week sud Wai E hrl e u a v alacb eGdfsi«w upO te gaes ne'd one ivte s~esrto ae epre t hs fie ae Ail teac tter re buâ ~e vi e remoeed la the Newcastle Botel.'Ltler nargil service at lhe M. E. cburcb. Tiiey emen. aîate ut1030.1bu rItlaok tho s inth sItua- hev c e vae*taken tlfig Ib oo01 bit aolf, hall twngamee and entertainmoent sud ÀAiovng larweii ve bld 10 eacb brave boy., t.ien t lweîî în bdand Ite dsitae- l ABHllel pl ia boig raly gmd GeogeWrlht u lghaa Pak. an bout off devoilonal service, arvng B Tat mal bc maaingwbe roi! c liledl toda. Iba s e bekd beoe'thi hi'ealn bleav*ale Willam Snhor&ul lberyvlie.sud lgbt lunch ai 12 o'clock. About nlnety AIl oe 0ltento ýabele teaisum e epldmic orm.' Spaulding Corners on Mflvauke Mire. kadle Brady of Chblc«o, ver. uniled vere prefeut. oand Bue rTe situation n Waultegafl b phone S4lrY-3, Fred Discks, R it -1 ai1w percent ail of la manriage on Chrstmas day. Tho The Mlthke lautlY ver. given one 0aI __btte_____n__________ Wakean cremodyi vaspeformed at the homeoff tige bet Crsimas proleseoff the year, Lnet alr a o ieveea mung te? nor lu s oe il i'ev akgn le te live UP f0 Our arte alr atrbnewee a eg iearîb vebo Sn ai t i Its. Brady'@ dangbtet ln Cblc*<e. 1r on mornlag ai ibat day they reclved .,apies cautîonsrymeueshv benal AJDATO NTIE cot reiable atterYB, vue back-powçri'ThosreChiagOIDthat bave .been reqnied bere wvile AJDCTO OI îs olbe atr un lot ail tie youngasers nov, as vord liaI hbeir son, Orin vs bas Pavtr thearell, og ë lD appltne1 h pae t a en Pbi Nle abrb ,cry dlay. We we5I skatiIg fiarly good on lbe Ponds and vîti hie regment la France. alter beiag bsbe rnîre att liklfel ayDtpae ibsbe ulcNtc ,hrb li tier le plnti ff ansite kep te aprîsner a Grman. . Theatre la continue ber fun, On accolnt neceassry la play restrictive bans on sceller. Ezecutor of igte ls t tharo e!nta o éus c . t evpreonelnober oranizlon rei.-of a previotie coniraci et povete' vlih amunsementsanadipublic gaiherlugs. ment of Elienbilîhan deesi t i haet umey keeping bthe kîde dry, for Ee h ao raiain r -ano(ther attraction wblch could nul ho The bealtit department turges te COutil? Coutfix ce 1 oa? tats ,FO bey eem ta deilghttIaeeelng bhoy vol ng tu break ia as Fart Sheridan, but off1 ra t!o le bchoiden ut the COUrtusel they cou gel. course, îlip governumeal dos nult e-verîtablo surprise o! thé? sheatrîcal @s- ibat have been takcu op tle nov vith ,ies.t, 1919.when and w.bere &afl rno hneThis ve-ek A. E. Lyon, clerc of thé cagnise a union of epoysthey @n nouahcgofrtetrtfosth suac htlbeswl cn IIl aantsi 9âeé e M lotnelira. FdankGucetrlu. lit.Gckr 88,00asimptîn ly a tîle betanon lop. in @ix icare. aud knoviu onl Item ber' turther outbreak. requssled 10 prelent lte Manie 1@&Id ouu4 1 fo lgm Fank uern. r. ueri ba obainswi h alitle bnneon op. long rune lu N'le York. Il vas tho 1The closîng ,ol the mebools for lte adjudication.D been a Woodmuaa lthyone icars aud Tic Ladie' AId eoclety vli hold te orginal Inlenlian Ihat @he sboald play hliedathe ogeasb tutone ula th ait iavnis.deLeo? M10.lem À iad pald Itohe solety $448 25 Ittitmeting off the nev îear neil Tues- but five vese lu Chiucga but brgusaas@BU aliio, Decti. 26ii. pète a Woodmaa. day offernoan, Jan. 7tb at the home a1 vas go immedlate endi electrîcal that th opinion 0 John S. Clark, superinien D..J1 svanvsa~f.dent of echools. Shortly before thetcZ q >C TED hileengagsd a et ok et lbe Fouile birr. W. 1. Collne on Cook Ave. Mr@. theatre vas nat largei enough 10 o lil.luotihlldais tve rotasetfte norîl -~ mllf opany s macaoni plaat la Nswsem, lit-. Bulleî ad lMre. Cllne tic crovds that Clamared tu s.lber. ecool vas cloed but ibis vas douencSL~ en~sse% S;ty SLAÇKER rnoo L. EBrown w:l srve.Evey mmber slauged lO Not @Ince tie pamy deyet Monde as munI' fur a precauiîoiiaiy iesure ai pava". §hou.ema %0 U8!A"U aitruck load off boxeffalilg ug 5hlm. Were ion ever lacanvenlencod bp tb. approval. The cblet query I oc 00lt, O M TO goIJAIi vi wlIkely te laid np Ion scierai days. continuns u@eo oithe Parti telephene. clbdot, ofites and iitasmo on te Thore are bargains lai The Inde- 3 milse norts ai Lfosiyvaie. The vat department expecte bol te Tb@ lolloving vas reiated te me a lev treei boa becomo, --Have lenèesen peodcnt'5 adverUItlig columvine. aile ta meter eut 100,000 tain a days ugo: Tvo vemea trere Waklng________________________________________________ t ol led termouthf. Ai bibis rata e ms 0othebo bys on lis phone for penbape tan or moes----- theIr ovu cilles wvbsu m 100,000 a moatb ameffns a job le utI nl aon îtelime akifng telds.te I I IV VH lI E I L lient ht tes o lomspur- failli blke fabbat lite.years te mono.-pleasbang np esblbeaooel a doctot A E ing vras an eèort te es. Puisb. grght aval. 0f couu the ladis5 vsre J JN UR A E O8E O D I E-S fL t l tothecreit f Leo Hertel o 5 4 we, a u uting ndeogtuobietgmlmad id 1mb oo0111nfy ti ta esear Ubertyvfflle iisafferM non d lmmedlatey bnng upleoir rmotivera. TMisAs special features for the frit af aur 1919 Sales, these timely îtems ocel niarriages sbovsd the sbotgan 9acdOntaUly vs»d&a lady vafied aOut Ution mlnnlee ad are offered at greatly reduced price: over lher yea. chailsd, the chargecoing fate bis thon plcked up tIse recosver te oeil ber l oit bUd. The InJuI7 Vas no serioui Irisai aip and inish fe convoraaifen. Wooi.iiap and part waal Blankets, Eull'double-bed size prettfy ight ho ird coatributisW rea- te vas hurrici tu licAla&tet isospi- Thuis le a aeseeord upon pucklag Dp pla, and a few solid greys with calored bordera. Thesesieal gnd rea Laos ava Trin-tsi lirla taSi oar ~tIe n.eflver. à ma'& voice. ibait go athat have been seling at $5.75 ta $7.00. They are siqhtly uao Scors aid scores cf baveohetostaff ouled lbera And uev ihoy am vorrisgabouti tfianid ilke %hl@.s, DUi enboearthe bluff wite hanclling, but are in no wise injureti; afered in two lots. ta close, uarle, an tolblu rploiaent et tise neomiioMobliers. 1 vorke&oms n itrevemmo s eat 1 conld...$500 -and $60 homeedremaaid thea do fise to yen. tpema - a 0i l oil-r partisaWd n. 1 at ......................................... boor lsvugfo ss orrying. Proment ladiugloa e n et vgaod te eAiadoetor." AtJ polintConiforter sc rpr hlle,3 uh.wide; new, fia piees in the. jabotr l nomran segcesce fIai thé labor flée lady cotte Mm 0ibis: "Il io teile. saosbest floral and canventional patterni, in "at light and da*k la m baanotha ito ,rml ma hrul Mtt U'd,. d uniootise aseo ilsel bmemlseaiUe w» e. 1pbons.J Bti Coloring. Regular 35c gaods specially reduced for tsis e ale ...-. 280 oued é: en Novm g t e w m n r ,o oa i ci ils deili h a e b e9 9 W r S v n e C n -a h m dqaunt m tl .I Lyof t es t ce t an p ee nt n r el aem t at72 9$ 1 40 1 "b

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