CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 2 Jan 1919, p. 6

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04AY CARED NOTI!' IN(i FOR SICK X1AN ~uIwNamed Chamberlain In- suts the Spirit of Christ- mas Well as Choiristers "«HE UIT GIVE A DAMN"I fflered the Carolurs off "'His Property"l Even When Told Nighbor Lay Siok Waukegan. Der. 26. lit did nflt matter te a fellow narnet a,Çmberlain, living et the southimst UUnc"r of Madison and County streets ,,*àtthe b.horisters of Christ church, SIW bY Rector H. R Ganstèr, were 4lIgIs gChrstmas carola oùl Christ- B. o ve to a alck neighbor, Gus 'Metz. So Chuanberlain, when toit! 'Ilh yhey were singing on the walk la front of hi s place, ordered them qw*ay, toit! thnm he dldnt like to liuar them- slng, 'wouldn't tolerate *Lbom on his property-and se the vdagers stepped off bis walk and! hud -4Ied dlrectiy ln front of the Metz 1nomn wlere, lnstead of slnging a R4oople of songe as was theïr practice ft the evening, they sang every one Çabey 1new-juast 10 impres« on Ihat amn Chamberlain, that he didn't own Ç. twn ob Christmas eve. The choir went outteb sing carols, 9lloWtng the cu.ýton inaugurated by Ur. Ganster a few years ago. Tliey "lit te the boiue,ýwhorp ther wvre etok, they went to the homes whevro 1*ýquests. had been made. The boys *dn girls plodded through the snow 10r It was too deep t0 gormit use of IMO big truck they bat! plannPd bav. *Ag. And! so lhey hoofe t itsdt!It Ws ordeal to cover the town as they *1.. -Yet they had the spirit of 4tCtltxas ln thlelr souls, thev wore 4lthnsed ovor what they were dong. 1bheyv ere reeived wlth open hearts bY people gpeernly; doors were ýbrown open sand they were even ln- *Wtet! Inside to get wrm. but, each il tne they replied they had too mncrh îu1 fant! and! could nflt stop te vi'slt. '44telr Job was to sing sat! sine and At laest the, rriched the Metz home. 'New the place i-n't very large. the lot isn't verv long and It happenet! Ot aomne of the singers, standing ýeu the wall- on b th' itle hili. actuallv, «dt stand on the walk ln front of thes Ilmse in whirh Chamberlain lices. '.»«bid Whh owned oS by hianscîlf buf byMrs. Daniel ('rady. The .hlir sang and bhey sang wil m V us IR ah-k and Is s'ery si-c 4*t tIat. They feit the carnîs. remînt!- Ilig l Jio0f Clritmas. o'ld cheer 1bâtu. And! they dit!. Orders Them Away. ! But tbat fellow Chamberlain came -fit aud yelled to the crowd of car- 'Get out or! bore. get out of haro: j« lau Vate0slng, yen oen't stand >0MrProperty- ut, TW'ro noe singlng for you-we ~DSslg for a ick man noxi 4bor. saillRector Qanster. astound- U@ &t'the man's andacl&ý. 1 " don't <tve a daino who you're ý,ïelog for; If younivant to sing get ý4mt la the. street, you can't stand on J». val in front of xMy place... 'Wbat ls Yeur name, leasa t" U*04 1Ur. GaLster. "Ur ftame's Chamberlain" said the 1.5ev. s.asortive and! braver thon lie *0.10 bhave ben au bat!afew of the on« members of the choir been alon'. Iw WeMy naine'. Ganter- 'm the of Christ churc-h and we are t siging for te slck,' sait! Mr. oeamberlaln t!ldnt have much to gay an~d the choir inovad a test te the east no bis prcpert) 't ha contamnated by thair 4Molle, Nt Christmas Spirit "kancident wonsea offensive that Ganstcr at the midnlght Christmas eve, couit! fot re- 11cm mentlunlng It. adding the t:"ht fellow parently laguet! wth aicoholle spirite than the Christiama spirits the rest of 1us poiesset!."' are tw.e Chamberlalns living1 basement of lte boise in ques- Tiaey a"e William and Edward. ::kuo it ignt iinown whether lb F. lm r dW. o wur hii,-e tehu#-t1 tELEPHtirof CT FTLEH CapY ITlI dit' a t ».n dt ofaCit!mllasy lb waa Bill; andt! laI 51Bilwi aay lit e' was Et!. DoemnIt seern htiie ther would admit the par pertration of tbe worat offront to Chritmas that waa- enactet! lu Waukjegan Ibis or lna ay Waukegan Pastor Shooks- othar iear. hc Congrgation by Un- CHlER IS CARRU3I oted nnouncemeflt 'BEEN. HERE LONG ENOUGH' IwTo 80 HiOME3S BY Ta'sEpanto--Not Retir- XMASDINNRS i From. Mlnlstry--People _______Weep on Hearlng Deoision Poor People of the City Nevey de r d bs réigntittôther con- Were Remembered so Gen- j gregation of thoeFirat Preabyterlan ctously as this Year churchof1nt inkegan onBuadiay morn. tha churcb session or congregation. MORE CASES THIS YEAR In oferlng bie roignation Dr. 1Chidester explainet! that ho vas act- Prisoners at County Jail Get tflg wlth the Interesta of the church Spread-Varlous Programs from any porsonal or selh motive. Held ln the City Hofte fret! no furtiiur expllanation, _________ tesay: "The cburch neet!s a change ln per- Christmas cheer was carfidt m sonality. 1 have served asý your pas- tO Waukegan homes Wedndsday tor for 25 yaars and 1 fear that 1 when that number of baskets. were can.ot do. for the church wbat. Il delivared at homes -whare ihey were ned. In tha next ten years." needot! Most. The Ainerican Steel Ilis résignation came as a îhun. ant! Wire company, the Hattie Bar derboît frein a clear sky. He hail wall Goodfellowship cluTb, tha Wau. Ipreachet! bis usugi New Year's sar- ,egan Humaesoclety, blgb arbool mlon, explaîing usat LIed was desrr- girls and! the Young Womnau's Patrie- ing of ail credit for ail the wondrous tic Leagueaail are entitiedt!et credit acompllshments o! the year just past. for seeing that thesa 1Tuletide bas, He sboweil that lot! and God alone kets wera deliveret!. Each Of these was the Inventer ant! geniuq, aod that organizatiuns had askd to ho permi-mnws mercîy an adapter and a ted tu aid and the lit of tman n. waer t;tledto luad were div idet! among lis sermon andet!. Dr. Chidester theut. tepped te the front o! [he pulpit and Each ba.,keb cuntained a subsbantial In the folîowîng few and choice words Christmas dioner. Therp wla tur- resignet! as pester:' key, chicken or t!nck. celervfpots- i it is not any act of cburcb or con- bues, cranberries, coffe. angar, breat! gregabion or because of any set .Of sot! ail the other things tttat go tu My own Iliat I reslgn, but 1 feil that miake up a Christmas dinnor that jofter 25 years service as your pastor wo'lt! have been out o! reacli of the it leis y duty te step slde and let familles visitet!. another take up God's wr. Those Vho deliveret! the haskets re- PEOPLE BURST INTO TEARS. pirt tha t tey fount! a number of! In asecond's time a score or more reaiiy pitiful cases. Ini ruany homes handkerchiefs were wiping dry tear the people wepb when [ia baskets' staînet! cheekâ. It was but a moment were ieft wlth a chery "'M orry Chi;t-t1 when the sobs rang bhrough the mas.,,1l ma ny homes cltarity was, churcîs. a naW Lbbng, brougt about by sîcit To a iterson the congregation vaa esorreverses and IL seemet! w00 heart.broken. Wort!a fallet! one and derful that outsiders coult!lbe seln- 'le s rese!10tej'wlar. i ail whon thay attemptadt!etaexpress tereted n teir elfae. their grief. Many attanîpted to en- Goodfvllows saw te IL aise that a; gage the pastor ln conversation, but -uruer t ]ttlý' gftswer deive euoe and ail fallet!. Hther the pastor Mrs. Gould of bue Hattie Barwell citl or the communicant broka down. was able te acomplish ln lte work Ameigo h eso a al o! illiog "Empty Stockin;gs" sitia the et!, but Dr. Chidester asket! that ha funid donstedte t the Suni' funt! hy ha allowed ta tender is resignation. Uoudfllowrof th cil> . No action was talan by the session, On 'lie whole It was . itxns but it is expectet! that a joint session ln whirÈ every daserving poor tamn- of thae hurch eIders, churcb trustées iy in bire city was rememberedTh Ple and! comnmunicante will b. Callot! et1 number of baskets deliveret! v55 oce at whlch tiane Dr. Chidester wlll larger titan ave? hefora, due te thehaaet10roasdran!are0 fact that liera bas been se muceho aeate e foereasn gera sic'cneas that manj familles have their 'pastor. been impoverahet!. EXPLAINr IS REASON. Dinner at County Ji. Asked for a statement relative 'te At tIha county jail Mrs. Green wifa his resignabion, .%r. Chidester sait! of the sbérif, preparet! a special! te tae Sun: Christmas dinnar for the prisoner.( have been here 25 y..?. and the Site ties the position that every-1 work lsaincrensingiy difficuit for one is entitledte1 somathlng extra on me, 80 1 arn no longer able to render Christmas although the meager ap- the services tbis church ought te, propriation allowet! for feeding the have. 1 cannot do ln the next ton prisoners doefnt taie th:s boo yeurs what this parfish oughb 10 have consideration. . done for it. -Relations between me Prisoners ut tha city bu.l two in and my people are as besîîblfui as numnber, bot arrestet! Tuasday nightluver andi as they- ever could be. The on a charge o! being t!rnnk sat! dis-1 finances are flot low and there la no ort!erly, t!ad net fare so well. Titaîri division ln 'the church. But, ater this dinner was the regulation menu Of long period of service th. work li b.logna sousage ont! breat!, gulped increasingly difficuit for me and be. down wibh lake water. One o! the causeof Ibis being my 251h anniver- men, Charles Bgstrom. wss charget! aary i deem ilb acivisabie 10 make a with having beaien bis wifî'. change at this lime."1 At tbe Lake Bluiff urpbhang'- and fDoea >our ri-signation mean that the piaor tarot St Lihertyville the ln- you aire goîng tei retire frai tIse Min- mates ire glyen o special Christina-4 istry entîrelyr' a-as asket! him. dinner. His repiy indicates that hae doas net The saiors who spent Christmas at ijîbent! givlng up the work of a clprgy- th. station, and! there were thouisands man but prohabiy will be open tea a o! thon i » re treatedt!e1 a ainner o! call from somte parisb that needsaa turlsey wibh aIl the flin'P>. man o! lis yaars and! bis expérience; Dance ln Evening. the poaitlon ho assumes indicates bis A bmg dancaeWs.s given Chilrstanas Iset 0of deeira te place a Wawviegan avening aI the armory hy the, Wsr congrégation in a position o! retain- Camp Con.muniby service. IL waa Ing a man who bas spent such s %well!. long perlut! hae provit!ing there Christmas programas and! exercises Might have 'beeni any disposition tb- ware helt! In oeveral o!flIse clurches arwîse. lera. Mr. Ciidastar sait!: 111 could flot seek another charge 'Te Rev. Louis P. Cain, pastar for while 1 was pastor of Ibis church. i 18 years o! tIs a Egawater Prashytar- would flot use my position hero as- a jan churchl, wiii hacoma civlian chap- basis for it. if there la any parish1 lain at tha Great Laites Naval Train. who needs a mon of my ago andi ex- :ng station. It vas announcat! Dr. perience that la s matter for later Cln lbas been pa-oentasi hy bis con- consideratlon."1 gr---ation with a purse o! 82,000O. In spaakIng o! bis work here Mfr. Chidestar sait!lie bat! nover been ___________________________ tardy et a publie service ln the 25 r bars hae bas bean pastor and! only W. B. Smith, Vice President. twice that hae cao remamber bas ho tandsJe5qy*eut Made proviens t bis coudât.- - 1fr. Obi4uubèr"eam. 10Waukegan 0.'wtbe friI*etUdayteuJaaur, 1314 H. Jit belt! but on.relpastorale befo... O baeblgpai'or 0f a amal churol but t up la 1filaukee dotas the pasflnasge £or 14 years. He aeo me aisIsdtant fflor for a cberch ln Denver for on. lear Prior o to belng ln Mlva*ke. Mfr. Chidoster adints Ibat bis ta- tirement yul brlng a chance ln mr, BaggetVa plans ant! ho feels tiat the cburch vQll, &so sustain a loge la Mfr. Baggett's departnre. For 23 yeara 1Mr. Baggett bam bandled tb, 0financlent! o! sud! bu dona i. In a mont efficient mannor. Nalur. *:îy bis efforts holpet! greatlY ta mi antain the chureh 10 lie blgb stand.Sd !Ilf hadilail the"a Years. Sues étend for Change., 11r. Chidester la sait! te feal that ou abers of bis congregation bave tired of bis style and Of bis person. i ty. This feat bas hean deeply Im- badded ln bis séu1, itla- believed, by tiie great lack o! Inutoeost shown hy church members, ln record of allen. dance. He appreclales the fact liat maany Waukeganites are expent!lng ail tiair vigor n personal worI,,.ant! hava no vigor laft for lot! and! bis cburch. He beileves liaI another Pastor can awaken Waukeganitaa ta a truco unt!erstant!ing of!the errer e! lisir vays, and! It la for that reason, and Ihat reason alona, Ihat he considare giv ing up bis residance ln Ibis city. Dr. Chidester bas Made no plans fo a-lie future. In Ohio a vary dear niecea nd lher mothar awatt -the lme wben Dr. Chidestar wl l <vaup bis labors as a pastor sot! taie Up his residence with tbemi. This ha plana ta do whan ha retires, but nol util thon. Dr. Chidestar bas not been offeret! anoîber pastorate. Ile dit! not lai one person lknov o! bis Intentions un- tiI Sut!nay mornlng. John Edward Baggett, is conti-' dent snd friands o! otan>- years stand- ing, dit! nol know that Dr. ('hidestar plannet 10resign until theannounce- ment cama from the puplit. Mr. Bag- gebt buriet! bis beat! ln bis arms and! remaine! ln thal position until tha meeting endet!. "If Dr. Chidester leavas Waukegan the city wyul suSer a ios greate- Iban voult! corne if sny othe- ana man le! 1," soit! one Waukaganita. "If ha le permittedt! 1 leave, Wau- kegan shoult! fait on its kneas lb shame.' 'sait! another. "Ha la Waulcegan's biggast man 1-is high Ideals, bis knowledgp ant! command! o!fliaeFngiisb language, bis lova o! ail that i beantitl and! worldiy, sot! bis broad vision plate bim on a (par witb Wilson sot! other big men'o! America,' sait! anothe-. Dr. Chidaster bas t!ona more for Waukegan Iban any othar one man,"- sait! another. Askedt! 1 explain titis stabement, tha merchant saiïd: "Money coult! afol Pay Dr. Chidas- ter for the, kint! verds o flove and! consolation that ha bis offeradt! t thousands ln lime o! sorrow end! t!aath. New vords vonit! have to ha coinedt! t maie il possible for oe to tiank hlm ln a t!esarviug manner for the yards o! vist!om ho has Lu offar vitan one confronta hlm wits hie eartly troubles," ho add. Oulside of bie ovn congragation, thera ls Do group e! persons ln tovn who are on vilally cenceret!In the retîrement e!f11ev. 8. W. Chidastar as the clergyman, Therefora. thair sn-n tIments, s eiepresset! on bis sut!den dision .are -Interesting as foliowre: Rev. Howard E. Ganater. EPIEcopel If waa a great surprise to me. Y %;pn'ci fite a malter o!. ganeral ax- trame regret. Ha bas been a Mest va luable man to the communitY, a man who, quiat way sets forth lte true~ ]Ife o! tha clargyman and! wield- et! a big Influence ln the conimunity. Rer. W. C. Rutherford, Baptist- 1 am ver>- soary te Ihini he consit!- ors il necessary to reLira for 1 leai that hbeIla ayoung man le dû liat. 1 supposa, howevec, 'ho hast lnowa bis dosires. 1 think filal a big Ios La have him out o! an active miniis- tcy. Ha has been e fine spi-lt! man ln the vonk; ha surely bas boan ap preciate! by bis congregation to have remaine! bore a quarter e! a cen- tury; mon liese days am a ruie ara net kapî for that length eftlime. 11ev. Henry Rompei, Meetist-lI amn aigbty sorry 10 son hum gio;-ha la one of lia flnent fellova In love, a splendid spiritet mua nt!ndone vito bellevea In lthe spirit o! unty AtaiF timos. I feel ha ls one 0f'tii. mont hroLherly raiRisters 1 bave aver met t!urlng my carear. -He vas the firat man te <tva Me velcoe,. visa 1 camne haro;, ha e-,o mb m y 1houle vien ] vas unpacking. He saIt!ho loyet! me for lie vork's sake mand valcomot! me te the city. 1 sheuit! liku 10 5me îlot continue to live bere as a citizen aven though ha retires from the pua torate, ln arder liaI ha mighl help us ln gond wvan. 1 feel liaI ho la evarybot!y's friand and - that every. CASE US TG BE.WATCHED et dvin lewis Braun, agoi 58, living aI 2304 Olbefta avenue: alun City, adplaet! on trial for bli oawaty in cotenty court at Waulie.gan today. A commission conssllng Of Drs. Non- btl eut! Tombqugi jadeo lb. !llov. Ing recommandation la thle cas: «We ln t tat the sait! Edwin Lew- is Braun la not 111188,1Y Insane, but has someaslight dejugions on techel. cal religions subJects. vbich are of4 no Particular Interoat te tic generai public e d lis Orfectiy harmiss -ansi wall disposet! from vhlch we' con- cldt!.haI b Isla o;Insane and va woult! res"pctfullY recommeedt! laI ho ha diseiarget!." Jut!g, Fessons, however, fait a lit- die diffèrent about lie malter and! In- staàat!i! t!schargingthie Patient con- tinuat! bis case te jan. 27 wben tera vll ha a furtiter bearIn. BraUe's hearinig follovet! bis ar- reat ha'the Zian police alto c.ula. plaun t laI ho vas stoîapieg peoina on the street autd aeaking tb engage tbem ln religlous s.cgtnints. 1T. H. Becker, chie! o! peoliýin Zion, w18 a vltne8ssaet Iheaaing today. Mrq. Arthiur H. Ban-Oh'-'. wlfa o! a 71on City 'man Wba vas fuýI'dt!ieoa fev daye ega ana l lao v,. an t Elgin, ao Was awîes. thn bat! takan a Peculiar intere.t- bo the Ban-hIeIè came. both bt-fore ïBan-Oliel vas triat! for hie san;ty an daffler ha vas committedt! tathe- intiaesyla'm. He asserlat! that iten-Oliel was flot Insane andt!ltIhae -sa-adedt!ul the' asyluna. He sait!fuathea- Ibat ha pua-posedto maire a flgit tho liberata him. Brion cdaims 10 have been very Close ta Dr. Dowie, saylng ltat ha vas one of the witnerses to his wili. FRUITVALU I NVEST* O1RS WJLL 63T BUT- LITTLE IN CASH Waukegan Peopie Affected by Situ. atlon ef Cencern Owailng Local Store.. Because there are saidt! 10ha 200 stocibaîders in lb. Waukagan and! North Chicago store conductet! by lte Frultvatle company, Ibis item from a C'hicago PRPer viilha a-as t! îl tear- fu' concero b>' te manY who bave %)eau "hooket!" arain: That lte 5,000 certifIcea t olderg ln the National Society o!f yrultveiers avii get uittle roture on tbiar Invast- ment vas Ibae opinion .xprasset! b>' P'rancIs J. Itoullhan, recelver, in making a report yestart!ay te Ioder- aI Judge Landis. Hoesaidt!he assets seemed tb Èonsist largeiy o!fKIebi-l gan ]ant! o! doubtful valua. The judge saidt! Iat, lnerntuch ne certificat. holdars apperentjy vount olenfit by reebvaa-sbp proceedinga lu tha faderaI court, ha votait!order tie mal- ter sent back 10 the jurist!iction o! the state courts. ibm an assistant. NEVFPt.OPOKE MEANLY John E. Baggett, Rev. S.ý W. Chidester's closent frient!, speak._ Ing of the paster'. relia-rnent and Iilusta-ating hie qharacte-, saIdt! t s Sunmin Sunduy: ."lai th. 22 ye&sm1ihave livet! with hlm, I have neyer heard hlm Speak a mean word of any per- bon.', MOW mAnY others ln Wauiçegan con a simlr tbieg beosaIt!of. Refuued th. Manse. it ha ouai genoaIly belleveci that the Presbyberlan maise, OCCUPieti by Ma. Chidester aet! Mr. Sagge9tt beloeged 10 these men pereoaaiy, as a resuit of the giftI of Ma-e. Jaie .oAliter. Asked about Ibis interestIng bit cf Information, Mr'. Baggett . deaiiod it wheat he *sid: "«itli. not tb. tact. lb wa& giv- On ta Mi% Chîdamber, but he wouit! net seept Il; h. tuanid lb over bo lte hurcit. me fuit'taIvas where it belongedan!sd decliaied OOM1 PropOrty sibheugh Mas. fle. Maitur widbed At l».» insPlr*et!MoAlister Hospital. A &tactol nersiiy know«nla taIlthe chaences are. thait te Mr., ChIdostor i. îîkerl, due thé crédt that 1he clty'today han thé Me- Alistes' héopîbil, tbec gift o1 Mr&. Jane MeAilute.-. Mr-. Chitdeulor Wîu bar elolset trient!, her dvi.- Or t. Ila luud'that ease.wae drswiaig te ber finis, slle want.d te do somathia ilth ber means lin.GouW and Commltto do SHOES, iP is BOOKS Contibuionto the Fund'To- taled $153-Many Hands and Feot Are Warmod lira. Gouit!, sîlperItendent o! the Berveli Goodfellovshb lub tot!ay Inforzuesjthe Sua liaI overy requast mae LOthe "gra-Pty Stoeîing Club" launchet! by the Daily Sun vgasom Pliet! with viere thea uttle latter sent ln by obildren containet! atdremae liaI enabled the coznmitte. 10 go andi ase. them ant! arrange for takleg loya ho thhir -homes on Christmas ave. The "IdaptY Stndking Club" ralset! Aocort!lng to Mrs. Gouit!, 74 chul. dron varo leken cava of In Ibis vay as lie rasul of tha contribution te the $Un' Nmpty Stocking club. When you stop ta thini 0! it yen CannOt help bot say tn yoetaslf: "Waae't titat mplendid." 'lh. Daiiy Sun, It la recilat, turu- et! over ail.eo!liiemonay b Mo . oult! and! ber commttpe a nsiaIse gava them ltae lettars from cildran o! Watakegan who sent la a roqueit liaI th e be g1ven certain thlogs fer Chesas ha committea that -worked withNIia-. (boit! includat! Mrs. H. C. Hornlng, Mrs. W. 1. Lyon, lire. S. E Arnold! andt! li ralaet!Buck These voman çlopreiîdat!Mi baskets for neet!> familles, but the Sun's Empty Stocking club funt! vas usail eoireiy for toys, books, lali. log, aboas, etc., for tae rhidran liat nmade request and! ln complia nce vlth oibar sulggestions ln cases e! adult.a hue needet! gerbants, etc. Ma-s. Couid ond!b(- 'ommttêeI made it a point to lavr ticate eseryf case that vas cailet! to the Sun's at- tention b>- lotter andot!lherwise In came caues 5PPi'als dit! 001carryad!-: dresses, 80 nothIng eoiîît! hodan about Ibern. That ia vhy thora ero, prohahî>' digappaiitatchibsiren 'Who; mode a request. b the Earnpty Stock- Ing citmf. In oe case Mr&s. Gould fouet! a famiiy o! five who wea-e sadiylIn need of ehoe. Every one was given a new pair. The. ere was an abu,.; danceof mithens, stockinge, etc., pur- chaset! fa-om the Sun'@ fund aend which were recebveci meit graclousiy and in ae apreciating way by the ones who made the. rs4ueot for assis- tante. Practlcaiiy every request made. b the Sun came fromn familles who wea-e worthy anti needy. Tbe work of distributinît theso pras ent8and ot!ioktng after tho familles wasa aspecially hart! ln viav o! (ho wealier t!ont!ltians. Il vas Imo-a sible for te wveen ta drIve aroont! andt! ley dit! a lot ef valkIng ln or dec tq -attain reaulta. When s-ou stop ta think Ihat 74 cliIra-n and! adulîs vere made haPPv asaà rdsfflt of lt.e San'a "EmpîY Stock- Ing club" andt! irough tbe genavoslty o! thee omon oontributing thsir personal efforts, Itlu sean i.bat lie Idea lhiiiyaar vaa very auccenastl. le al, $153 vas ralset!and lie comn- plste lt f(hase vho holpet! mare the plan a auccess, falovi: Employas Globe Stoe-e-418. Ma-s. E. B. Weismantel.-41.50. mre. Christ Petergen--41. Thomas Dwyer-41. Mrs. R. R. Ounn-$k R. V. Fitch.-41. Mayor W. W. Pear0e,-$5. Commiesioner J. J Diebmeyer, $5. Comrnssioner E. Ne, Orvi-$5. James. Lecke-41I. Edward Conrat!.-41. 0. T. webb-$1. A. F. Beauben-85. T. A. Simpson-$1. J. C. Blddlecom--$2 Mrs. G. S. Farmer-$l. Cash-25 cents. J. J. Burke-1. E. J. Griffin-42.OO. Friende-50. Georges Cafs-$2.0O. C. A1. Hoftmrs-50c. Moffma n *ros-4100. Eiw»od- Russey-$1O0, Lewis Clark"-$0O. Sylvie Clsrke-.-1.OO. Jowetî Beairotow-.42.00 A Frlend-42.OO.- M. C. Luik--$1MO. M. J. Ssnlt-41.OO T. J. Stah"-5.O Mr*. N. A. Griffin-01.O0. Ai iua Reds.e Warren fRock. Mi" mStncin-4U0. - Au. Murri-411S, JohnLatulse-41.OL 0.5 .Trevie-4L00. miss Mayme Lye.-4t5s, A prind-41A&. Mrs. Jase. O. Welob-6.01 Cloaton Burns% ,Jr,-41àt Mary Alla@ Caldwel4-41.M M,'s. Chai. Kln"l.4.O A Friund-4=O A Friund-41j. A priend-41. Dora 9. ROWO-41.00. A irlend-l40c. Mr-. aindM... ari-y Whytg L. C. Tseue-4f00. A Friend-41.00, théG Witt LAKE COUNTI Pehlsbd by the WALaKE. -AN DMILY SUN at the special 10w p*i each $3.50 Size: 3 ft., 8in. by 4ft.,2 . libertyville iIndependent- Farmers, Attentioei! 'For your potatosoaso and other umnail grain use the F0 RMALDMSIYE SOLUTIN *65 Cents à Plat-. The best and cheapet Anti-Smut on the mur- ket. DRUCE'CLEYELANDI CNOe. The RexailStore Cor. =M GmeffslSe leStore TWatSave You M.q r Dev* Dr. L Divine * ?neaUug Oreet~~ 20W, bel M CRICAO Batteéries Dry Stor.ed Advantages to the owner- 1.FirBt-ýAI1 wear on plates is stopped. Disint. gration of the active material iii plates continues Éâ long as.they- are in the acid, whether or not the bat- tery is used. -Secondt-When re-assenibled with new imeula- tion in the spring the owner is assured service for., satisfactory period without interruption or expem*. A nd when yon do neet! a new Dattery let un t.ll Yeu about,'4'* STULL SETTER WILLARD WITH THRRAUD0RUSSES §Fm TION." ÈOLWEVL BATI , Y Sheridan

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