CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Jan 1919, p. 1

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4 . if t IVI E COUNTY INDEPENDENT [-NO. 2 *P N-D.rE L LAkte County'sç Big Wely' WAUKEGA&N WEEKLY SUN TWECLVE PAGMO tLIBERTY VMLE, LÂX COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSIÏ>AYleJAMTARY 9,1919. ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER YEÂR IN ADV&1«TM Rb1 SUPER- SCOMME OItIINAGE HEIAD TEÀCII3R TO RE. (iRATEFUL TO TIIOSE CUlVU PAY FOR EN- WHIO CONTRIBU1'ED FORCID ABSENCE FIRST TIIINGiS That s, Some of the Things worhMentioning and someý of Them That do flot Bear Mentiofllng. Takenon Hnna a.,h' judson, superlrtendent o Teachers of Lake County Not____ .11<Home and It's L' lf rbng ed hat oLs a hr l Waukcgan, Jan. 2. ." cuidToday Thrügh the lçndness of The Delly Closes the Sohools F IRST DEATH-Mrs. Anastifla Sun we recelved a feu days 09o, a _____Rediger, aged 69 wife of August Red- I Ie f otiutosfon h ger, a s5hoemaker. who lives 'ai 121 pie o r Waukegan, and we wsb' BLAIR MAKE2 RULING, Snuth Sheridanl Rosid ddaitIll:'10 CARRE SMITH MATRON teakettis opportunityofePs- ,cck n-jaur1,itheLe ing ta our -unknoWfl Tfricnds aur ______a hsiald-t, en 7 1thanks for the heip trat they bave Cu ty nera! opta ldah en l>same lnown todaY thaut t'l" ivn s Teachers ln IWaukegan and espe-,det nunna MarnMe commttee of the IlWe hav e had a very serloux Urne ciaily in the country district.s of FIRST DANCE-The first dance oT have cosed a leiige on the ln aur fa.raîîy on accaunt of the Ifail- Lake county wbo have been obliged the year iras heidifat the ArmOrY On 'Vluteer of AmericaiHome For enza, and 'we. are led ta apreclate ta take, enforced vacations because, Ne-w Year's nlght, being given by oNorth Jackson iîtreet and tb.1pa red ep uba ciOssr eoe uigelen the War camp Communits' service. tisday on fi la te bc' knc>wn this Urne.ices of the flu need bave no cause tae iIRST FIR!-The firt, departi int lta lAkeO County DtenionHo ule i Wighing you 'nil a Hlappy N'ew worry about flot gettiniteir salar-l wai, caied out at 11:40 a. in, on 1%*. building ulîl be uà;ed for thittj yer.'. les for thase [perlod because Tt bas New Year's day ta extinguieb a.chilm- pending the' conistriction. of,______b-en beld that al jeachers ln 111- ney tire at the Jack Di tienne bom-, me dtetin ore utotzed tru u~ ois. who were put out of employ-1 420 '%sar treet. thae vta t the tecrot election. ,lITDUiU lILf rent temporarily ansecoant of the FRTÂRS-3nî amn T»bet orne conmitee con fli are entitied ta their pay. shrif hi noan and wau. placed lit j$Me of Superviser Dlger. tlairstO, T T JA This adivice la g1 ver te a chool di-1 aged 17. was taicen into rustody by the l 41tOUpson, Monahan and Nlcf'ullo.,ugb ÂL O A L itectors by Francia G. Blair, staSe suit- the county lait. She e ta e trled mad a lease for a year with e-rintendf-ent of public Instruction. Saturday an a charge of being dein. *é prtviiege of terinnatlng it on ai u EC UN Y i. estion hMas neye, robe.n1,,ided utent. dfl laanotice.Ts rINeoi wL'A KE COb> U coursfoIllinois, but the' stand FIIST FUNERA-Peter Christ- mde tu order titat wben plans art-, lt talen because contracts carril d v larteon Jr. the littie son of Mayor and larlod ltlrough for the consti-I' rurti'ultîstucîo. dlo roiefor th>31 te. Peter Christianson of Nortb Chi- e«t a new bouse, tbiq detetiaifateatcîouîgu !slres tehae' o co1 cago was buried on the aftertioon of; lis opltacel o',ir. Efort Being Made to Gt; ng ordere lsistd Oy healtit atîhori- FIRiT MAR11IAGE LICENCE-The Thi pacelakit,! Chancep of Venue From Cook, 1 des. tiret niarriage licence of the year wu.s WiyCb aine Fokor rishe alntpwus ob. c to Lake County Tt etoin akgnl lti.supd today ta Kirkor H, Manoulilafi M ~a- ý i u,.i srtie parts of thb ags-d '7, and Mary Shakarian, aged 28 American ollowing a haquest left b-y ; coitlstivrr it ha.- iien pract.cally bath it Waukegan. Elannah Wlch ta thO. ' olurti e,:; ta riucd lier,' huit tea chers shouid l'IT SUIT FILE13 Tbe liret cuît titis purpose. Fo'tii r ').-e. ,~arir--;T) ce recePi-t. p.y for ltîîir . nforedc a-d Ilil in circuit court titis %car wsas ii i relesa o ci brnettir t oicsvolt'i r-!O tilft m 1, v. mi i trî s-.<ounty of Lake, et al, a bill ta ru' an talas oâlibnowned by aCicr oittîl i cU'1 nfia h r<iii ý i e' trdi, b :' qziou. !s louI l)bni" mse cloiid and quite titie. iW ELCO.1 once tas tbe e lown !e coadforplin. ml',hd foriih a Shr.g, 'i i- ci uý.ts'di trit-i for t' h 4 ýtlDONT MENTION THESE "r IRSTS, Ointe 55 ue rtsuiti.! te coniandlare.luud' Ir, .îic'b or a hare at Fairfu-1d ne. r lîak,- Zu:,i i uit hnu lo r i ins ta&g oflcer <f the. Chirago voulutteers ve nueri - Ca4-1< r'tuntv. île il'ed thU baving sold il uben Capt Cook wae s-luminitur, a'Tîdauitecîaizinîc li'ti -i: d.tihct- î ~1Wfi at n fohXgnnr ri- i î oblge t gle p ire la;ýý htrie, te C ý', r),7,ýv -P Ihl.-,: tlher j ia- 1 tslie W, 1i,'1:b t ..h The ir-t oman t.. lake a oblge tagie u ti.'la,.- hme ii' îeîIîl if (o'k ih'ttV WO'P j theco<ulity Jt i .:ît The tir-t kid tor " Fi ankrî nzlu The place lias twiu riom ard llîcltzilnstt ii-iîlk t , 1 10, . ~ Idt . .(O.O Tuni-tta o 1 1m u.irI M L la very nicely adapted for tu,- l, ci-IV a- fl îa.lesroi'k' hefntpra rin'ae, tion honi u rle ss.1ed by varlo;îs neuspaptîrs lnn r., r' h ié,pro New Matran Mer.'. t ier'l netgtlu i'i 'r* egthydb t:re iu ri Card and Letter The new tuatran liast§aircadye ar that mil< ptlt'B vere ri.'.bedi. tlved ta taltecharge tf thi-place, ber 1 On the motion of As;lant State"- tAMI q icl tc1111f Th. fîrst mate a lnd ii. <os' b- i Enemy Prf rmre being Mrs. Carrle M. 50if flAttnnrPy Hiyden Bell and"liclhoa emoty.Pa Dizon, 111. Mrs. Biitlit bascamc' tae Micels. argument on thet' B I>]flUfl h- tir s'i.-ero 'i Tîi c ir te committe very bighiy recon am posipon ed for tua veeks. DI3LITILBJ -P)UIT>6 hnle(rsi) iý ijý lr inended and shte la worldng t'te Tire en nter Indicument are I'iiz sort rif weatber.' READ BETWEI coitirittea loday fittltig out the new IJar(ý H.jflj, pepdor4<fheThetiri-t persan wlîi r eets rsorri bora vl't te proper furîîisiîinga andbarofdesr' ltnJ.(o- for kaiser t'tweood not lOt, goodl tii Evidently Facts *M 1 er, Wiliam A. Grodwiit, Arnold Dlu-bis own Tb' alth ta print bis narne r The ewbone bas a capaclty for ber, Roy Lewis, WiliieJ. Kitli.Te IIIq ebri ll e% e fC 19 llldren and the first chlldren tri hert M. Oman and itolfibrt iteese. There vere aniy 67 ri- 't 'iCim'- Ycar'ssolto equl be sient thora vwers sent out of cujnt Bcusoftepxinty ut L,îogan at preecrit. lat summer COR this atternoon.i Couintv te Chilcago and becattai'Of 1 there were 2,000 gallois ti t.rain gBN II OTîog i. o auhr7àthe excellent train service te thte Lake at thîs range. Men vere Iraineil ID A Nh A T O hog tecu tinder the act uhîch c d inorze IE. 8. mulilk-we a thte construction oftha ne-wborne, tht" cunty cea, t tg more than probable use o! rifles, revolvers and machine' T Soeinttea haie thte power te Icase asi that it the change of venue l13 grant- gunis. Instruction being given In the', R N J R ;i i etiers titres »in as by orcontat for a Dcv ed on Mr. Deneen'. petitioi, tse triai operation of the Browning. Lewula j IIID URY; Fiîed1 r e-î.it - boreTht a autby ecde ~may be brought ta Waitkegant. and Colt macbine guns. %fany crack r' Awus-e h, OrinlH. Muhl.., et 411" old Capt. Cok place for tempor- sliots were tHEe oianIsntt:À ~~LIJ'ATILChsa a as £17 quartera. The bouse bas been oc 00- D agteru camps uhere ts>' were ln-, uhile ighting vala quplad lately hy Pat Moran. contrIte- MARS LONiui TRIPI siructors on other rifle ranges. Camp .____ Liberty. If wIii tor for orne urne paat. Logan heiongs to the state. Tt vas 1 OrIn Mubuixe eas te The detention home.,unita Miss lS ttit'xed over ta tbe navy departmelt; Joseph Opraus Readily con- action ln thi. pulie Ilimmrebrelch's recent reatgnatlon uns Tu lIOSPITAL, DES during tbe var and it bas nov dio-'fsest obr;Ecps gaesz'yea an beradceo rUAh tet ,ffPeycaeaquestion as ta how teai-fse oRbey sae rv nit a làobe ersinre oMisorth mrnelreic tlIKII la pseof the improvemetits made b>' From Dunning Asylum iini tri, lis parents A the ic Ms limlelhS OR U M R ""navy. Tt la aaid tsenavy depart- of LiiiertyvilIip and ?Ul8fld, there has been no perman-thTe terfolt «t placne for taklng cane of the chli- ____ ment spent $60000 ln improveenta - h tren vhich mlgbt he declared de- and nov Tt lg a questioni uheiher IS TAKEN INTO CHICAGO trprni Oflii, in *Maquent. etc. Mr. antd Mrs. George Burnett. of these improvements be iurned over )i 'ily rtc Thte new home bas bot uster beat, ÀLAke Villa, scc uith the flu, vera or- ta the state or whetbr the>' be dis-i- ply t t.Narni', and is modern in evcry respect. dcred rt'rnaved ta the Lake county mantled. Tt Te thougbt. hovever, ht Prisoupr. N i 2,ll County oficiais teel tbey have madc hostîltal Sunday. They vert' bath would be a juat compensation ta Joseph Oprane vwas arrested o Camp: LUk t'raeltig si Wie ch iln electing tdits building bundied lto an ambulance and made turn irtle new buildings over ta the New Yeurs <vp after'ho bad braken Dâ ok: à" temparary use, the long trip ta Waukegan, state. foitn the brime o! L. P. Huntley wl'o ____Wben the>' arrlved the vte as ln A great menace ta Camp Logan bas livea opposite Harry Floodi, eo'itliof i arn a pi isotier a dingcoditan- atat uic ib fou been remnoved, Last uluter (lurnet'. Ht' usa iodged In tise Lake feelinug wei, and lit 1SAUL R WEDS IN hitîal People rècognizcd lmmle&~- there vas a great deai of iardsbip county lu and on F'niday morning Do not seuilie ii ately as sitewusa carrled loto tbe and somens uffering throUgb the baidvas giveit a heariner before. Police nothtuî< Litter nnD rnU H T EIIM Y place. The doctor uho accompanied rends rnnecting tht' cmp with Mon Magistrate Walter Taylor. Oprauua opponi'inity. i. THATlihIIIIA them explaited litvas ber onlY anti Kenoelia. Most of the' supplies put up no defense but admitted freelv Wkb- lotve tri >.' -- F RL UGI ance-to bave baspîta attention. wcre shippedte M Zon and then con.ihat bebrait entered the bouse andi 0K-mAINBut. vithin an heuir, s bad Tai" veyed b>' auto truck ta Camp Logan. helped irnselfte ta bihe ound OBFAIN FULLU 1avay. For a trne the road wae--i-mpassable: there. On bis own admission ho ausa Rastatt M'aecî -------------------------------------------------. utnd ta the igrand jury ln bonds rit 1). . . thr Charles E. Connor Finds That lils New Wife Already Had Husband in Service Charles E. Connor, a sailon fonttt5t' 1>' .tationediat tht' Great Laites, chose anovaI methoti to obtuin a turlough. accordhng ta i testiman>' befo'e Jutige B3roihers ln Chicago. Sattirda>'. ne gai marrIeti. Andthtie uman ho marrieti, Mrs. Mabel Taylor, ai- u. read>' bad onie busband. Ra>' S. Tay'- lcr; Witovas ln a trainng camp ln a*YaU see hitvas tiis va>',jutige," -- Canner Raidi. ««I antet a funiotigb te varat Way. 1 lied no gocd rena- a,~ u ta get one. and titan 1 thOught about tse mariage Ideà. Maliel anti 1 vers gooti friends. 1I ld hem abouit it and pabS aid site vas vhlilng. Bn j w v gai marrIed and i; otMY furiaugb. Titen I leamneti Mahel itad Ituibani.. 1 (v teeal tai the mariasotiul lue annnlled, We ney er Ilvet togeih- .uiit r l.oiber gruinltdtise ple,l but st lichl tOC vi.ild sci a the tieo- , rnony in tise learing ta biaies aAil-w f» y >'Hoynfe vAtthe recommenfiattdtt 'atMrs lPaylor- be questiattet. EX-PRÉSIDENT ROOSEVELT,. DIIES VÉRY SUDDENLY, MONDAYI OEATH DUM TO PUL- MONARY EMOL1111 *New York, Jan. O.-The imvnsdlaW. cau*e of Theedore Rodueveit's d«04 ' it is atated by one of hl& physiolem% iwas pulmonary embolism, or luigo. ment ln the lue2 cof a clôt from it brou. Ne YrTan. S.-Col. Tédf Roosf, vel if .I ntOI its homne In Oybbi R ni 3 ' ati 'o.ay. a uIfle over 60 year o~r z hot . l i l- r Written tram an. - il. i lu - h iii. i .i i - i lit ison Camp ta 1 frhiri it'ratire, lier 12. 118. arents. 1 Sr upsika: ilbpild cko EEN TH, U ESyousNn i0i i lieugen a prisoner anti :EN TE~111uNES uîateiîl i ieu sritliig tht-, cIter etilb-s lieuhes- a hIeut 'ti-iY s%%Si-ne i wlilie>'g ts Suppressep for e shorti un e cone glu, t là ases port Censorship by tu tek.'e ab-liP home Tîîa place wb-lcb has ma. ns uehuti vas usei-i asbase eHuns bospitais for thte Anieri-mu ounduti, durlina the ver, W.' are ail gladtihe nis>rtom o M.indtiiMna, ver la over anti expet ho b-. in god aid art' able sub-rusent ta U.,j.s. n Left ur prison canmp in crittuois'î,Jere- (lerurian>', Manda>' nigbt ou lb-s Phib tiieui fmun hein son. arrivlng eh this place Wedneaday niglit. bhonloe the close otrlied a lins tnIp guineibrtougli Switzer. I prisi>nn h>' IitheHune landi, vblcb s@unsi>'lea ibseutifui country. ant>' Ion tbe cause of Tell aunt IMintsas t *Iltt es an>' b-e rerneiunieredti tirt mounteins lu th esreo, b-ut ought tiisle repontstias unisointiu theusAlps, ln route on! train stoîlpeti ai abeti casuel.> liel anti Basel, ierne, Susenue, lieues-s and ti uir 1,Ife auto lits lais, Dot eltisa, Cet tlnly aprEýclatethe-reception se, tînt b->'lehlbe peopl.'eut lieel, given b-y b-e aliletiCouncli A viclif>'y. comnuittee, anti lied Cross ailaush ýw, the lirai tvu on vru elcorne b-y the Svisti peopls. The 8ls nt,enmuany, îLela0ltter are lins specially the Swus girls. Hel Ive Hal Meny'tounîsis greeti usai Geneva. ý.I'rt OrnH. Mulihe, $omse belng b-are tour ysara on eccount 12ý aI uer. (huesa the>' uill b-sglati nov ,g@r liS tt,(lierntliiy. tb-et Ibe> cen roturu. lau miglit ask pa ilb-e heer, of the .'1'-h>' vaten wite ritf ver lualermaru>', working ai Fulierq, lbe springs are tes-e gottil reaimtent. closeb-y anti 1 ex pert ta se teb-e -srs e nytiîing asi 1neeti ieac'iug. You nowItb-es been e long s ilI Itlos ait irai tins aines I1 lasi b-erti tram lhonte, sotiîe onse do not vanr>' lime durlng the sar>' part or Jeptetwur, nu b.,tb-anti Miii lt. I beihere. Our regiment b-a s'ewn ulthe Orbi. lues ev.'n sines, up I luiheeY s- etor up ta thé, date ot My' celîlits Wiil tell ail at.), Nuis-. l0, 118- aboutit haser on sien 1 return. Weil Mr. Burneti vas nt seasirk and lm- and thse men ltad te dtg tnetr uay ----- -- mortier: ma n, cou thave yen Sn eau te-eu ite@ mediatel> bega tef show Improve- titrough. Nov there ln a fine con- $1We000ma men, ret raticonelin Zan it' I n hothe meuintinue Shriff Grecur! Widmaiert 1 atmre i&ing you rny long mntnhe.If you verse éick I Durer Burneti lae133, is vite vas 3. the outakiris o! the camp. taund Itat Oprut lived In Chicagniaiitrvii'he.lutrmn.votikw.H-'laopgallael The>' bave tva etlidren. oio ie200mnoîîal'a and that be bad e.caped tramn Dun- Eriteutil' Ib-ripe you toiks receie'ednyIlîke myseli et piegent vrîtîng. fleanti Outof he ,00 me orginllyaitning insane, asyinm about tva carti ehbut beiîg e prIsonir, tint dont Influenza waa pretty bad lu lb-s Staisa -Logan ItLa9aid that oni>' 65 outhtem mentbe agri. Mrs. Opraus came ta worry fonri t1ain rigit, wî'i snd hope turing the 'palet iîntlis, muai b-e b-star MARTIN STANTON DIES. bave been redevet tram var lime Waukegan ln tht' affernoon and veril ibis letten bunis >on the saine. It bas nov. I 'an tiieng Goti 1 have bis-n &0 Martin Stanian. 19 >ear aid on ai -uta'. The remaitndel' have mosti>'immediaici>' ta the caunt>' jal vocre been a loîng linie sna lot ait earti fron -cii turing my sf5> usen lier.';&It tirnee Mra. Harriet Stantoti. a! Fai La'<t' goule ta Great Lakea. Just enough she Ideniified Oprana as ber buîaband b-allie toikg. Butl utu n înd a taii is> etsits'0 iithîsis vIcinity, tied Saturday night a! Ihe imen anse1,0w kept eitlise rifle range She ailiet permission te lakC lier write anti ni. <b-ac.' Sareeice nîil TO bound ta b-e In van. fin atter a several days lneBs. F'un- te anttain guard. A brasa band a! lunaband ak oCicago -wib ber. b-us>' otiieris la. Cenfetly lll vihates Wili bring b-tek lots of sons-enirs anti erai Tuesta>'. Superviser WiII Sirat- 16 lieces and composeti af CanaP When IL uns known thai lue bat es lnyttewn1roathi 1ny ton, uncle of Staton. le ase ver>' Logan en have gone ta Great Lekes a. d rom an Insanpeîi> S tl)shn stin theiI ui'puaticarda, hitclutilug e Dnt.-bpipa fon sikwt h l.nov are knovtl as the i2th Band At- 1mîa wtnea!bria> ent p hope wviiibe soon. Rernamber of teiliîîg Pa. Wonitell 1<4 vueSIIbave.'for you tacbmeitt. ln amoke anti vill not lie preseit 5uudntSt. sln vnbr, ant i Minis. At hIacl, 1i nîileti a coupile TIEN I T I1SIn reard ta, the bealth conditions 1te thegrand Jury. Mrs. Qprzaua aIgn- Our camp 1la resc.pjlace uîucb- 1k.'triue tmhpigtë eeie ot .K THEM W STA PS at Camp Logan lit 1, clalmedt Uat dur-~ ed a persanal bond o! $1,000 and took training camps lit the U. 8. Tiie' Red Sony I cenrt be b-ani for Chrismas, but lng te receÙt Itnfluenza eaidelc ber huehandi home. Cross anti Y. M. ,C, A, are tioing ail ta>' arn lshing yon a lîerry Xrnes. asti a À GREEN CULUththe>' ueBldeatMieto u enu ior us baya.. Ieceirea eRled Croits Happy Nv lear lu return, [gis gettlng M ENCO OR te9tb. bih andi Ilt Naval Districts. In a lstter addressed ta the coin- b-axevery wvek,. The tirst wsek, 1 îîound largesudant of a niabayaare golng 1e Consideringlte>' vers not PrQPerlY mission b>' SociiO tc herepeal colles, 1 pouti nrives, 1pounti rasins, 1 beti, se I muet close lort tus ilme. equlpped vih team honi andi ther o! the state public utilities law la9liotnil suger, 8 packages biscuIta, 1 ven Besi regards te ail. Exuit he green var savingestsamp conveentce, ibis speaks Ve11 for declareti désirable for tht' prot ecicn juin, 1 cen cotrn, 2 cen peasa, 1enu toma- uIongs, and enter the bitte '%-. acu ssueDra. R. S. Wood, Dr. Angei. Dr. tel- of thse Chicago public. The asaartal tues, 1 cani saîmti, 1 cen roasituet, 1Yur igsn vhich matures In 1924, vas placet]i ý er anti Dr. Archihaii. ton also celseupon tise state'sata- c Inraîu le1.2 .'ua .mii iie4-4 1 Il iOrn sale Saturda>'. Tbay cai $412 each Enaign S. M. Abramta I la tii ln tonne>' andtihe corporatio nut <OintSci"'____________li. t.. a,, dirng tiIsmnt. increaiiqng one charge wvus Ensign hI C. Garison,' la use ail tlb. paver tish oeî's i i o ii îîî u 1,- <'tutu-i .hi cîn npîe u'hmtls ni eIeecutive officc-rI maketcti rlu -utc ro i lis" iiilluiii - itItem I. - it t .1 :i-il ionit h t(Ite - uer, hirlithe uîiiiy corporalttouti lusc u i.1s iil .b1- (caI,/i,îJ Iiih Ilt 'ui li a,nî ' P.iî Ils 1'ui The came ibhriftistartfp le In cvi Jolie Horan, onneri>' employed itI dopteti. i ulofýI 0 ptý , dence anti vien tie card board ne- Ihe diffce oathne Antioch Neya, hari a i fu.. i"t Tuîiai tg ii ss- P ,. i ihîîk' t. K.- Lainer is filleti ma>' ha exehangeti for' bren eieaged treim service ant i vli ! The Independent pute L,e!rtyvilc lite lie.Moa huii't l, iti iili, slt'. se. lo. iluuiit I uIg tlii'ii thi' ni-J a van gavlngs stamp. 1reattae bshieod position. fini. tresa ii iev lîtt' Ide ain- 1til i iido fb-e:uitrai, tillis lenbjuil. n J -r(-ideînt wus creceived bers by 11Nicsi JosepiinA Striken, tht' colonells pvIse rite cprelriry. In a teleplipte meoSil froni '.%r,.Roosevelt. Had Attack New Vearle Day. Miesr triker eald that the coloft«l iuid sufferod an attack of lnfjalU-, ors- rhoiimfkiIem on NewVaes &Wa andl ~Aniinr' been more or lent; coq, finod ta hi" room. To Atacik rot rheumnailsm sotl niiimlv In (ori. Raa'îevelt'a right baui, 'mît Mfrq Roisevelt sent ai once W~ 1 nuirse lnthe b.village o! Oyuter Eayý fils condition didt! ai ft irai seern t0, ho aluirrniner and the turn for the vorw -, tellec fot ta have rcitnl1Ml0 -et nlght. I Dieuf at 4 O'Ciock Trhis MormingS l"ieîîýhsuuemessage recelved jet« nîri mrninir tram Oyster Bay fISI Iv-('rlIt Trisp.velt hbd died i a ',,ck ulule mrrning. P i. undrrstood ihat oni>' Mri Ra- pvitryand tht' nurse vere vt* 1 t lise ime o! bis dest. Tt î,lî-rîcuuîes o!flise fuil>'areta --'hr îuir~tohlb' cuntr' or altr«d5 Il ,n,-iîrinr'ng <Col. ioo.%evetgdeatb s11- tîo aid: "M' tospvi'ur aluli r"o cmstille rIeffnei ."iit -'hfar' 7 o'clotk flngti- th.ii"ilar'tl ii-i<lied eue- t. oia s-, Sîhdli alr'o ruie ae nrtiriilire nd i amn le-uving at 0fl 'or flatter lis. Altack Was Very rtiîlci3n. "Tho 'atluuck mus te 1-ctivet' îudlensudden. On New Y'ear'ada infiimmitory rheumatism davehopai ln Coai. IRoevelta çrigbt band, viii hi-rime ver>' suollen. Mrs. Rooaw seIt ltînt for a nurse ln Ste vtlbW* :ild tise tolrinel was made as oonâ1tf utle uts Possible. Ti did flo ceu'!t me at thit lime that heovas serW@auri Mis Sriker vent ta Oyster B@ lait 9aturda>' to pay tecolog "At that lime the colonel vawM s lng In bis room and 1 dld tant m= irn dîbere v-as nothing in lte I ,tainces ut bis Illness aI litaItle' indicate ta me that deativunir Wlîtn Mrq. Roosevelt cafled me it nornlng and iald me orf tg.olafi@P iieaih I couil prdly blteueve t. la* Rooisevelt gaze Tie'no patitiluget bIsý desiu. Ilines Dates From February- Col. Roolsevelt's Tanti llnesa uMW W 'nid ta date freminlst Februt>* Tueb. 6, il vas annoned that bd been removed Tramt bis borne laOô» ter 13ay to the Roosevelt bospllul 1* ibis cli>', toiioving an operatias U une of his esa. Soon aftar bIsI@ &tis aI1 ai tbe baspitai ho undervent tv4s more aPeralîions for taerernova Id diselîsed tissu.' ln bie inectel om andti h as adrnitied at the Uirni1t10 hoe vas seriausl>' II. lie rernine gt 'ho' haspital untîl Marcb 3. )urlng MauY anti Junete caIon, madite a rnsiser of addressee, opu", ing ai- Prlngfieid, Mas, and la1 York. In june ho made a tour1W lte vest, turing vbich b iho eI sltght aitaek of erysipelast b n'g4 isi ego, but rafusad 10 <lvi engagements. "Feeing eull>"' on Chriutniea Early ln Novemben the colonel WM laken ta Roosevelt hoapial tu- c il>' tor the' treatment of rheuua- iand selatica, Wlllep ln the, reports becaun cutrr-n1t tai the-, rinel wes mort' senimigayI'iILba é his diriteani vwotîttiadmit, 0 velt.relurnedtotahis bomne la la>'on Chriaimas day. ream Ilie eqte-tii uts hePorcb that b&. "fi-ling hnhly!'" W The largé 26-tueh rvbicb. bas beon under Cmu 0Great Lakes for sme ttm , cottpleteti. -ThI&M aitUbtë ttected yeaterday nimuita conelderulle work aItte -f tht' pipe yeita lieý 'nui a tione laden crib for ng ot the pipe ts O>'v large floes 09e hnumi be aun'tk, but tse be iteeti aian>' Ume ~i water for the statli-latis4 an ecielrgency. Tt la '4, Iengtb lith a capacit>'utý lotgsLier day,

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