CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Jan 1919, p. 11

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LYBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENTTHURSDAY, JANUARY 9,1919. -,STEAM4ER tan Navy Officer and $Mrgeon Happen to' Home Together cô,.'!CIDENTS ARE MARKED 'unt. il a coîncandentail hin., -tiautEnsign jacolb Schwartz, i Idetil son of Mr. ardl Mrs. Santuol S iat iêW*ukegan. bappened to lie on$,0<il t1is boiceras in charge of t[le former Got&n liner Kaser W.1heiî-. on r Whleh Dr. F'rederlck flicY,-wil 1 iWvws former Waukegan mnai waâ %* 3uaBleiST-. The big lner arrivod in iotn on *-lffay ll <mad immediately pro- 0eaded ta New York. %i-. ,)rding iii ,a ltter net:ceised by Nlr. Scawartz, MAaligu Schwartz lad writni a !et- ter wich ite bad roîquested Dr. 1e- ley to brîng borne personaliy uben lio came bt-k to Chicago but ater ebangcd litsa mmdfilguring that by droppng the 'boter off ai Boston, Il iWJdarrive soonter. 4ccordtng tn is letter Ensign Schwartz and ('011101i Besi. u ad ;à n.iimber of înîeresting faits on thie -woay acros'is heo <ean. hIl 1,a coince- d#ntab tiàiiguc-t laDi r. Iîs sstse-- 'Ers W.Il. Strong. lives In t#,cesi- de dîîiinxithue Shwsartz rfmi, dent-e on North lh ieridan lwaad. Twt-ity-orit- huîîdr"d, me-n wounded and dischargoul weri' on Ibo steamer whlit irougil Ensign Schtwartz anti Colonel Ilec-h-y lack homo. Anotlier ting in onneclion wilb tbe orsrtiDbr,.ifsn Schwartz cot abrog a is lai rctniiy whiie ho w"a aIliirdi aux. irance, as he was standing iIla for a train. he liapt pened to1 ltk up aid ihere saw tDr ,Henry (;rade, li-.ho la a major in the- niedicail ctua- ,and a ho fonio y liisod i, Waukê',rall lueming th..- SIre. l'anfd i u- Of NarianItrectI on -t.aine dajy 1r. Beln Schwartz liappolu (il t iniut tati formeri hi L cage boys auo roo)nl ied aiin the sainle frtl' i,-.%' iou-- a-fi tn h.- was In <lii go uniltOnsit) Acüord .ig I, iii- l-ttc r h 0.1E silgutSchwunic ho willt ioîîaln i .New Yron i n ia 01liffe (f ui S andi wil rftil îl'gtai"toi i ranc' tii lb1119 back nmore îroop-' cIouis ifiitstiîi.of %Naak,-.uuin %%e'alîtte hî -x' ,. takilng ltrePlat,-0' \Ir- b-' F' I itintan vwiîrtsliei o i i'.itus r 1-biil as dicî u iîu im te ii,- > .îîtshe wiii-d tluig hlîîu,%viruihl ,1i ruolieului-of 1til.i Pri-Shi t- rmeîil . h i rt-hi tf Nort11h t fîcagu lt-a rneul s'.h regr ftuoft-- ru 'ignalion outlie% ('uhl-- , uif S'.aui,egan. lie heu. à s'-m smainîîtii lat.- IF) li'.- fnart hf tiiargi- il iii- etinmtm<ion stric-ani. di nndîr,îir at alit tii'--t-iurcitlt- lîîgs for a lu iuheîr <f s-iara.. H, i feu haveî- <hotnif tth- ti). nlitiîiiiný sen ier.luc- ifSuinila Ie- t-iifl. rih C'h' r I.Ciu - floiu>. sen tfor tt IrfPlhice Sluiuulp. v.ho i înîulocsi ai uput-li ui ;eil auI I ivuîi, u luspilai t' -î-mily, la. reot,iîluiltIi ,i gsting lulit. 'The- uieniic aif li- N-a Vi fugilic illiiiir tuf, i uiigesin lt-e iiiistit. ltul s h" îun l fiis-in Joiîuî ii i'itutti- buildinlg ppoi'll< th SNorfiwossltn<îîtTti' i-'nilre Fri tuait i uuiiî)iy ba.t iniîl tht- uiaidtilg ta- cafu-ul <a- Mu î ti,wil ad wiii îloue inter 11hwr <n-a- t.rts 'Ioua'. T« 'r11, -Kni'yanî sîun havse remt- c ireI lto lire building ci-celui yoct-h pi-il u>- t-, (..tatlfl t;rucc> fO. anusî a umite tier tardirt' stock i bore liiia fi-' a tr- Word lias'. mat IeenIrot-il-d idnerîu r',or. laul Payne silbhon s a îmînier et 3ear . "sas laHton of thî ire o-e,ibtIel<a, Siiiihi hre. i-e jti<ned titi-ari-f a-t ' rail andl sas saaionetd aI air armls cani l i ilriti. Monday noning ot" -t lii-. sui-tk lit' aas tran4terreîi ho Can,) lust-m. Nlielgan. ie---- es110-1 know n [lus tule jîma.t how soon ho will eai'able te gel is dUt-bharge. ,Mr. oramit, t 151h triet, I-t on the ait-k liaI. Thea larents-tlersn S bÔc~u.iatOn of tIse central scblioulhîld Ititimrs'g- uiar nîeiiîg al tiltiacitool Tulesaiy afternooiî. Thte Ladies' Aid tif te 'ut '<)la on Inthurt-h wilitold ihîir regulan meeing a n h Nuls. ('hah-s Gartlit> 'rnuraiiay atternoona tf tiis week. Mm. ,Martin Itoiti trill -Onllnfd te tlier rootiiiFon 1811, streel oni accoti of illiess. Tire y-111t19 laîlits -f tii'Prstyr j~,lait chiînchî stilI 0<05 i-Il ils' btIu(l ltnîsd'iitif 191u11 i T-i-i "y ti tmig or thîla we-liî -Te Work Swlse Pent Boda. Accomdiog ta thie Qeneva Tribune, a syndicata propènes ait an early date to aak tbe faderaI council for a $1,(hOOO kJart for Ibe deveiiapmeut of tae peafn usntry In Switzarland. Thie extrace rp jicale, il bali planned tu wodi Iliiiiiit gWdU. - Latest Picture of Bill-Be-Damned - JQTICE HIS WITIIEREDAUl) ('.C.J Presa lU. fis-i-vice. « WILLIAM HOHENZOLLERN. This picture. the only one of the former kaiser to reach the United States since Anieriça entered the war. waa rusbes f rom Hoiiand ,by a special tourer. It sbo<.n William Hobenzollern as he loSs atter four years of war-his hair entireiy gray, bis face drawn and thlnner. bhis face much wrinkled. Il also shows. in a remaritable way. his ,witbered arm and detornied left banli-never before bave these defect.a been seen so clearly in a pbotograpb. The picture wa« takan lu the doorway of one of the ex-kaiq-s former palaces. in a moment wb.m h. was off is guard. I Cul der gai SC pit ciu tw wa Pit gai né Ke te l ai d -te WAIJKEGAN LOCALS Sucdîg aîî-lceO1oa .t attend tilt- funeral of an ount. Site n .1 i tlii i. if wat-gan wlo sias tak n 111 alut he funoral and nos lia a in,>te(,ktiffany pg-,n.- - r reos red lutr itealilu. Funera 0 lt-ce ~i rda Stiea k-o t'o. Fiday ut 2il. ilu-l_ ile uîî-o t'anclec. ' Association u -hua durii,. htr par( i nI.. wit nt- rnent in Pinea r, rt la, eceed weiýy-Viow cenit try.C Iw i!euemiî ,li s-roI-td _ t rs,, On Niewt- Ni-at est- a surprise- par.1 - - ond îîrzo , I1thiird plim,'aminld1 Ilittiîn-a hc- Tei cou Plea 4pectil lrizeu.'lbist a iînîa(ni-u'itil wete iesmnt andlil 1? eenl'll, was iiout remiarkab)] ivi 0511e It'îî îîls- ptaaliliy >poni t al musiîac and t ceuîî,idercd i hat firds wtr, ettertîl galles. Paini> rufreaitmentse wers fruont a largo n utu lr tof ùti ti s se ti-laau ti- Net'a -lr .5 sltomreu Mrs. Aineli Ray- tiiduy fileti a bil! il ir r.inîo as-trecentia rel-mnd un circuilt outca'.king fîîr a iiii1'frîuutNi-st York % ien- ho s'petit Saalep f romi lier fIiuslîatmi. iCuil Lv .m it< tlou- i ltnual ituihol ai Piham i .155 thn>- u uirelarilu ,lin <Lii ao llay.t S(eoîîi-m l. tou Sh,'chuarge i- îl1 Bleteli liMr.antid l-.John .Ripp ofle a t d estci tt T i l(t ii i' Iii' ilJacksonî sIru et ail-igli t 1oivi nd bab)yI in Maïiuk-zan foui a in 'c to ýif tr,.- 4o, .Nîr ttiip wassî-focuuî- cia .àls f t iuel iy i i nut hi'-r tharg-i sv& 11i. Ml rgali,. silu'- it NorthC h ic , tago. t Mis. 1taý iîiuke îîîit t îiil. Shi- m %ilm-. Briim li .îîitil,!f hi- Sian- 8 r. bes-it-l E> . V Oth t. tlard il <Co, il Ses -r ttist lîrc eitou i) su mmî.î an wo ce)i boy-s ou tL. -tiet, a-.lring MrNn . îix Suiontml an-lu 15 1>ba gSri l-t barsis, ,etutheiii- n' t m o ý-ri,- li or'. a.n ilnius amtd t'. o h 'ter lias-Liunlîtulie-,ic- i) tG ta bicin mî'lie t 11 ieei ia u Lak es i-t <nlvil luilarge mualîîîîors i n iîî'îth iu 'llautahmh-eh ~don lit it miii - rtil lili 1si--ii , 55 l a, it :il, ls îu orug i>- VIlk il>t-lrui ',i) Sind ,1, %h'- aiifttgkin 'ilaller Nit. 2iup Or-8 wtu-tuît are fiîllu-u l ai1,utfi-t iir utfhI-la,ili s -arlt l dta yiillgtiî i aiîuîîb.aiilgIftlt Clili iri still.itiîn îeru-nonîes of Soiti,mt luni. itui'lu--ia .c îi liaftb- i. au ihlgjii.iiil lPark.r lirîc. Tbai îiri llo. W f ules( esiimi-l.l inl > h. u NIs-Cortnui, Sitf'oi-r 0iiîgiluituîî!ijli ba'ç,nî. ];ityIdelii îl bill Ifor 'Iircu i i ii'it lThe ianimalliai li i 'fhc uite iri> (O tolît uurt ili-nat l itr Iiuitlani htlurî î fur tir-, i-lt-cliomii f aarden,. ."rtuilSt. li-it.r, wijil si ib'îiis.lo rrIi-iu i,îîl t--.tcsmlîem l tiii lie fOi tliiu. e in) Chict-agto, Muicîir,ý, 1.ll sit,, e iuî- ing t . ii..It, itulsI hîîluie' aI FN uebl-k. os% iini slit i - \lUliii- urintît î'.:Ili- '-cla- îîîîuIlît iv iiîiiofotute ai-o iasi, (liât ilie i . ' flu l .,in su-lIar% iil iihi. li - iînîit!> ti 713 inJyring hîî - orr1front ihsîlul ig uii .a P, ifi. i thoi'sailîte iaieo iloulse aldil ,[ l i ti,-1 !i.. sav- fi lv- ilî-' os usti i *v o irlu, imiali- nulpod 1tapuy fur. î'lLut hi-ruiit than h aiii uect th'olîrs- Mc'.. bit-chuta Jon-ou lc a iiii tola lle . i' . t fieriiui iuî ti i lîO ilitirli h parlons atiswer i n r rt-a t courni iii t-- ci-us %i si- U t le nimali cIi-iion St ill i tke bil iled h>- hîîr huîsuund, chirîIvit-tu î. sent. Mca. Jensen clîargî-d ht-r hbus-Tiie.- h-ý1i-ii rugdemu proîîrty on banod - 1h cruel y it ielur original il1. t;o,1 lîlA aenli- ý%s'.ssaluio (da>- ta Jensen fied il cross biltl ii whicl-h I-- f J-rc actibi. 'r. ..Stalle & Co eiîargc-u.lis isifo w ithlubingtimo ai th -c i tir iken'. fîji. MsIc. Jense.n nos- hile'] an ns.r the Laifies Ai S«ciot>-ofuthIe Gel- tia tecrains-bill i în wai h sit e iniies Tiiiit ungîegail ia i clu rt-l IlnatI tet-arges undl aksan iiitnediat I tltsîorroissaflornuion wilh Mca Martin trial andl s ndicahIîi. Sfic lu.repro- lioliateimi. senlod by Attorney J. A. Miller. 1 Tire Wiînîna'. Homue.iiùnruiy sa- An eigitt pound son has lien bore t-ciet>- of tte Fîrst (Congrogaflonal ta Mr. and Srs. iWirry Brach,.r if ehurcl i yl lîleet "uiursday attennoon Nortit Chicago, at theîo Mternilý>-lîu1alitiheorle or Mca Alfredl E. Stnipe, plilai. '-12 Amnin who gave lis mainmme-a.,,Ne-si-. 'The laîîiuas Aid ut tht- SwsedlsIî Luth- .Seen Taylor, hie oge as 0. oanditslu, ran chiurciîali <ilmeol Tiursay after- home as Kingston, Island of Jsmuae. tnootn lit 2 aut-lot-k 11ib t-hurt-h Dar- appleil for lodglng aIlIie polile- lor-<us,.Mra oier llimhrgt and Mro. lion. Prlday nigitt, is morning , Fu~ -riz i-'îrsbt-mg wili serve. sated ouItforc llwaukee. Thiti t, Mua. GPorge KKennedy and family Indian %%ub on a i;n altirue 'saiki - nd Miss lavilie LBrownt are ait-k wiib gala jailiabout thire or four yeaii-.the influenza. ugo.Ilu.-;<aine occasioxted ,oiii Titore siuii bu. rayer nmeetinigal thlIe amusermt lt: "Never Seen aTylor-' ISv-edishithnierani clijrci t Iis evonlng qîîî-ied thceîieak sergeant. Wlai7'30 i'oei. li nil thei'Sînday St-hool fut-ru-Ilha 5 ic rnuiw," anldl Je iuiiît-tià illeti al 8:30f in flue chuircb lu lie gtîil llhiuîîagisfi-afî-. \jttiîirluii t r Sc-il Tuu i l îlo<tf$soc flin io- î-taigu-ii-al 'tri.isareI-cîlle 'ver Jiîieu Cée 1,riie il tl ireii- Nukcgiî' iglîf liii' atut mnnlite Swedism llap- ttily C(îiiiiuuI i .; i di fui .iuu (euule ti-t îîuîîcîiî aliX 'c uliik. 'T'fe, i-viin aPa a itîlluinz alit-tuil ti ta, I.uu1 otfigolical A t Iiemtceli prograit <s toitowed plileuinia. i-seýn igi'ii'- suîijeef' fomirtanks Mis1e An oas itfi '.fî nul - uli- l' im('i-and ar e ofil cutsior- ide Icmpair- office of C'rlcuit Clerk Iirttakway, lias tant-s'1 Esor>-thrisiiati profmssaor are-lurnît f rdin Wi "ama,c stStlO honN siould tuoil1oui hitasi'ook and attenîd sh visitt-d lir rtih-g1h sent la the worhd Christian Prayer Week. Mrs. Sara L. Spý 0.1lo .a1sof Scandlnaviana are cmne bu ýtOrin C.- latilding %raîandin g II. these nmeetings: ,rmn.d a.bu >pasad awsy Wcdn l ill. Titore yent. f l iv-ayo itlt i imif ir 0 i id local cil>- juif Tuesdaiy iiglil. Thîis -M$.I .TibtIli ctablîsuies a îrecord -l ireli lrcient ar. avenue. P- 1n5. wtntec. VAUKEfiAN PITCIIER F0 BE ON CUB STAFF; DEFEATS ALEXANDER 10Id Bill" Bailey Who Got Start on Wure Mili Team Here, Forges to Front IEGARDED AS A "'PHENOM'i Abrahiam Lincoln lia le. botter, ;own tei Wauke-.gan baseiiail fan., is "Old Btill" Belley, probably v.ili wa regular Blabman for the C bicagra 'bs thia year. Admiligion 10totàisý ýfatianmade by F'red Mit-h(iil. preoi-1 lnt of tbe club and foliî,ws wordý st received tram FrancA litb t iuf!l i, îî%ho la ln the sorvice. lias du v. aled tbe Great Grovûr (':eoscland Llexander ln a pitcber's batille. 'Bih" olfey dldn't know any more- bout basebal than the a'verage bot feighteen w ben te came te Wauke- ;n a few years ago and t00k a po- tion in the local plant of the Ameni- an Steel and Wire conhianv. it didn't take long to ucîcrmnint iweî'er. thbat he had talent as a itcber. In tact lie pitched the steei niii to sictory ln lbague whicb. lit- uded teams from vArjous plants ue. ýween here and Milwaukee. Ballc y as used by McCann as a reserse it-lier 4n one of ltee(-l - %surics zames piayed againset thles; Oit aidel iggregation and made good. The txt season lie was signod up by lýenomha and scored ap;enomenal rcord. lie pilched for the- local attci Mill two seasons and il i% 10tote io* oa plant that t-redit 1is due for havtng madle a pîtcber out of 1dmn. The followlng article apUaaring ln te Chicago Tribune this înorning tels thte rapld stridtea made by the oung »enom": Perhaps the fans of Chiceago know ittle about Mr. Abraham Lincolin Bailoy, tbougli tley do lmnow a lot bolit Mr, Grover Cievela4 i exan- er, lthe otberex-presidentlally named pitcher of lthe nortit side club. But 1fls is the trutb abolit It: Bollu belong o the cube andaIl Iindications point o both of the- being wth lte cdui next s;eason.1 At present botit are in France. Ir )-tober a buneit of American Bol liens itrougitt forîli anothor bunch of American soldiers for a b)ail game Ir acity not fer fromn Paris. Gro"ce Cleveland Alexander pîlciter fol one crew and Abrahanm Lincoln Bal loy pitcher for te other. The A Lincoln BaJlPY teana WOUth ie gaine îay a marg<n or on1e run ln a combat tat depended upon the pitchlng. Ho Hooke a Cunve. 3 In the- fait cf 1917 Mi-iA. Lilncoln Ba:lcv camre te Cube parki and ail plled for a jol.itI was mornlng bat ting practice and Mitchell sent bln te the siab. He was a lait and swortby lad wuo had bes..u doinr thîng@ with the '.îml.pros. sor'ing- for Ille Waukegan club. Bailey Pitcited 10 the- Cul) regiilars wlth Mitchell standing ehind lîlot. Te youngs te, wa'. lîuling a cr51 fast bail wlth . ho;e t0 ritthot was botberlng lte ceg ular Cuit botteýrs. 'LIts soe mou hook a eu'-ve ovet n0w te this fcliîa, said Mitchell a' ont, of ltep best hitters of the dut, steppod Opjifoc ils turn., Thte youngatr r oouked os-or a curie. Tbe baller illl a terrifie- swing an'i moissed 111le hallialot. 'Iluat's ail rîclît,- spoke up Nlitch- t-il, alîppressunz bis tellings. "Coule on up in t111e ffice wben you'%e tuad enougit.- *sibey Sigma Conltraci. Bailîuy appoar-i ithe Oilice laIer unîd, afier a t al ith the north side ianagor, s4qgtîîeiil a ontrat-t for lt-e following ltSi. Tiie wor grew inîtense and BaudrY aiong s;ji tlîtoii-aids of otiiers. a a drasniffn 1h1w l ervice. 1Mitchell hasnt set-n bul ii li h ooi'ed filai nurse orr on onui of the good north side baIl crs, b)ut le never forgot hlmi ant i i~elated tlaI lie le Ukihey t10lb bat-k. In lthe rece[L. cIter reoci us d 1> Bailey's niother lie stated ha now weighs aboaut 2:i.,potinde and ls tee- lng fine. This wad writtefl alter thb uigning or tlt- armiîstice. lie is in tbe artillery ove,, lucre and indicaîr' tat ihe expected 10 o letransported home soon. Moat Primitive Still. l'mobably lthe l1à- "t primîitivce sxliiln use ls Ihut tîsed l iiyIlie Chinese in the dlsllllntjiîîof -:îînilior. seNt-b la sal. Iliioveor 10 he vi-ry effective. rhe benves are pijî'edillî n wickcm baket owblcbî us fixtîlI ver !111 lrOn caidron 1 ontanbnc, water, 01, the top Of the buskpt a hoisîn of îiild l smille i llaced. Thme stesîn froîntili'e cîdron passam gthrougb lte laves of hIe bîaket and carrles os-or the' i-îiîîîlîiiiîr va por. truic le IbliO)ýsiteil fil liii-furîîîof i-amphi on Illie cooal î îiîî' otie<f the obasin r Lake Gsuoty's Dsleciam HNom j ORVIS VS. fAI SUIT D)ATES BACK TO LEASE AfIilT Orvis Represented Fabry When Voliva Sought to Oust His Drug Store in Zion uHE GOT NO PAY, IS CLAIM Theta uitgation in circuit court si-htrein Attorney- J. K. Orvix le suins Attorney William fbry for attor- ne>- s tees is 000 utfte moal Unnml- but for s-vo;-ai realons. In lte 'irsI place it la qulte unusaa i for two attorneys 10 gel inio ibis sort _____________________________________________________ of litîgotion. Anotiter unusual phase la that This la the blanna Welch Girîs" Fabry la represented by Atty. R. J. hcme which the Lake county deten-; 1I lady whilie Orvie la represenled by tien home commttee has ieased for y ii . . .otter. Atlocneys Day u se as a det ntion home pending i a adtoheeer n p ostN YdsF l erection of the new home ceceniiy Ite famnous orpFt case. authorized by the peopie's vote. lt The suit recails the purchase by roomea and la now being fitted up as on witich hie aubeequently eatb. a home te receive chitdcen sent fmom On co.'nllaint orftIeatorney gen- llebed a drugstore, aellng not only- the county court asa dependents, de crals office that the>' "aoid milk con.) drugs but lobant-o as vieil. This was lînqent. et. Iintg les. titan 8 1-2 per rent of ýa keelii tomn ltae leait of Voliva js.1id s tnot fats and thait tey sold i and bis foilowers. but it- aplieared mnl' u hihtwator itad been plat- îa eoîîaiet rvn l BOMT N BRIDE OF I d.' 21 iarmners of Lake couniy have 1 Fbry. Il appears, purcitased tbe T. R.'S SECOND SON been ricito Jusicte Taylor'e cour. l and outright. insteod of obtalnlng It Woukegan on January 1Otit next telunder tue 1100 year lease plan under oxpiain tlîeir ressons for allegedi whtcb ail otitr arbnd ln Zion City hbu slolatioof het ltstate food a5 been acqù The leasea proflblt Tbe comiant er gvn 10Ite the use or sale 0f druga.-tobecwo. etc.. Attorney~ Weicit laie Thursday andý but ln Fabry's deed there waa no pro- te mon are te0lho notlfied 10 appear. vison as ta wbat te proporty should Thte defendanto wha bave teen charg- lie used for. ed wtith "fiing" tite milk aold to lte Voiva, ln hie efforts, to ouat Talîry deaers ,are: and lte drug sto&e, aven weflt s00t£W Vincent Martin, Groyalake. as b asead to Calfornla la bring lier hS. MS. an , W ae Vrla. thie frm of attorneys vio drew the Tho. M-Con, *keVîla. leases for Drc. Dowie. Attorney J. E. H. Skiff. Antiocit. K. Orvis repreeented lOabry lu, thfs Lewis Blurkce, Antloch. lîligation and won the case for bilm. llarry Wallat-e, Grayalake. Subsequently Fa.bry sold the drug- l-Isnnry Krunwltz. Grayalake. store property le Voliva for a s",é - chaes. tioodlng, Gray8lake. prit-e. Orviesoya bie neyer recged Chas. Kappla, Grayslake. his tee for services and tberetar M.-ikc Bobo. Accuinttitd ut Dlan Sleahan, Lake Villa. ialue ut -Alfred Hanson. Lake Villa. - . t Ed Wagner, Grayalate. Ghoat Photographe. Jo.s(e:h Hut-ker. LaOke Vil4 Those who ara bookng.for noYOItl -Cnas. C'. Reevos, Wadswortit. ln pbotograpby may fiud It ipteretlag î-ah aîuisoln. Prairie View. te take a photraph df ja hceL 0f Pierce, Anincit. course il will lie a "lfaka" gitomt. 0e0 Andrew Amoann. Area. aL friand te pose as the "'glict" 90f Wallace B. Hewitt, Inglestde. expose your negative aflalffng cee' Joe Hlays, Anliot-i. ll4ird of tbe prope-- lime. Theu W IJolin Palziel, Antiot-i. the "gbosl" leas'e le rooni iud exPia ate negatîve for thea enu.. niug t19 Tne Other Wey Round. thirds ofthlie proper e3, -sure. 0f qi lîr eicxOr fallure co a ecourse thte camera muet Dot b. 100"4, ibos sia arayaicy f o l te eaeand the "ghost" Maybedue I vs Patbs.-Wlnubpeg Telegrmn. white. UmsaGrame LockwSd a f Ilot% VAmroc"became a i -ghter- ln-law et Coonel Rt' u ethce , . os Speakin' of Boys. "lpe. i l hump'.., itTve ii i il, le attiud i-u., is îtîî i vîîîg citi f0 he gîînîl monli 'r lie I -il s o s theîir- s4,ltisiî~lt3 Ia îim lit iic iiic bo s I. . l i 1 . i* îr îts This lîiiy heiiii cuit. 1liîlII aeeîîî, f0 ne' Ii, lun ir iîiiîul t î'.l'l l 11 Remnedles foc Wacta. ti Thîîîaî l liuîr.- lîriiiii' t-tuilu < h bo ahIlo i"lok ha iii.k Ille ie liaîî'l 11] etatt I ul îîî i i uh ,a i I ll he faniiN%111 oe 1rememmî.îr I li- ii)I]fircullai fth Ie ce- inovsil if mtut ci. Il cimilli.î thiuu )y "Seiomil îpîieu-e uitfîîîîk undiiiltut hle a start usillu i. If huiii"m, lit licie h- effetils-e.'nlla i sui ilui ofl li'orali je bore a lioleIlii af rt-t- tiir aiiilgraveO- in yard Nvii.s lrî'iifi-i - l)po iii- îuuii Ini il te litau ll itiitiii'. îtîd 3our ssîrt In for :i cil-ui-i.iiiui - e-niii i- ae glti--rr i,..-I tlut- iliiftt-ni-n le i tl ii -îlim-iili ii tiash-,i'id linon le irtti-hitk, latd i bulrgei w, passile. l. Oni s i.limlg tht - s i'. b iuuiserd-tI lim in reastî.m i'Wiii t iliii -h nz--.tsirt-douxe e wiliht i :lui as1l4- fuîlild ti fîii u(itîusmu m d. aiîlîl nirs fît- Iiilit ii s-E ta Ardeîn Mimit>, F-. IR. 1. Il. A., iii Iora' id doit Mill. i.Wasted Knowfedge. 1 ii%, Z-.,u,,..u, o ilei Ur th d id tId "f rîth. niîî teiizt i- - - Sti hum. fioigit i iiishec'l s gi iiftiiit11--t <<n R greai iniuit>y î- e 10 lln i.'> ssî rd who doltnîlni uliinia ia y i'e u 1t uildi7ea- Idonm î ift-c tiey-gt-t lt."-Blrni hia The Bet Omen.- I.e thi etai llie our cionuyle ranîce - U-'nir. RECEl VINU WAR 'CROSS he patriotic spirit snd devétia with which America n» meabe so fer performed war-aervloework and made sacrifices has never beçu equalled in the bistory of any co)untry. Mothers, wives and a. ters support this burdon with strength and fortitude. But thoft wh o are already miserable from the complaintesand weakneu.. which are so common to women, k \ should take the rigbt tonic foç the woumnlysystem. Ifawoman'is bgrne dowi by pain \~ and sufferings at regularor frrqu- lar intervals, by nervousfess or S dizzy spells. by headache or back- ache, "Favorite Prescription" should be taken. "Favorite Pre- 4 ~tablet form as welI as lIquid at xnost drug stores. Send te Doawo Pierce'. Invalida' Hotel., BuÈulo5 N. Y., for a ten-ceat trial p.ckagM of tablets. This woman's tonie has neyer contained alcohol, conuequently bas i- ways been the temperanoe remedy that à wonian sbould tako If s'é overworked, nervous or rundown. FROM OIRLtIOOD TO WOMANlIOOD. The modern young woman la often a "bundie cf novea"«u strung "-fainting spells-emnotional-frequently bineaa ddlat* with ife. She shouId be helped by a tonie snd nuivias tat h proven succesaful for over haif a century. For fifty years Doctor Pierce' Pleamat Pellets bave berna M satisfactory in liver sud bowel troubles. Your Storage Batery Don't neglect it lest it cause you trouble. If. you have laid Up your car for the. wlnter- let t put your Storage Battery in a healthy - coudltloa for next season. A stitch ini time, savesuIMq Don't put it off but do it now. And when A need a new bëttery let us tell you about "T»# Stili Better Wilard with Threaded Rubber là- sulation." Colwell Batter-yS S 1~ Phone 2022 Shieridan Rad adM am-* M iear or foot atly r..

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