CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Jan 1919, p. 12

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LIMTYV'1LLJ INJDEPPN1ENT, T1T[JRSDAY, . NA~,99 Sart 5tur,,dày, aur ih AI x.HEIN o 'Lake County'a Greateet Store foi Women's end Childrena Apparel ber *15 evy Plwcd unionsits for hli $2.00 Envy Unlonft~ta for Women, at *.9 $1.25 39" eïi ra# utVeut., at M9. 75e luit OSIP,-Sude and Bots, at 29c. To $8.00 Tame, Capis, Ona etc., -at$19 Invest Your Savings Ef/'ected Through Our Greatest January Clearance Sale in, War Savings Stamps , ýual OPur advantages thle Alex Hein Go."is ble oeto o it, cstantly an rainjprçasin rpatrc Women's Coats Reduced a Fourth, a Half, and ini Some .Cases More than a Haîf . $15,00 $16.50 and $18.50 (Coats, odds and ends in, good ranige of colors; special ............*12.75 $098 and $12.50 Coats. iii nov- elty fabrics;,good styles, at $9.75 $30, $32.50, $35, $37.50 eoats; Some at 3950 and a few worth an -deveii $42.50, in Bolivias, broadeloths, fancy velours, cheviots and plushes. Ail are nieely lined, with and without -fur trimming; wonderful bar- gains, at............. $22.50 $37-50, $35.00, $39.50 and some coats to $45, in a variety of eol- ors, styles and fabries, rediueed te ....................$2500 $42-50, $3950, a fcev at - 37.50 and some Coats at $49, in silk velour, Siberian Bolivia, chiffon broadeloth with mnuffaloon, taupe eney and seal triimuing at only ...............$29M 040, $45, $50 and three eoats at $55; al handsome styles witTi mal; niarten and marabau trimi- imbin the .Tanuîai-y vSale, at ...................$34.75 $8950 SI, Velour ('oat with genl- uine i'iver mink at hottomn, (.iitfs andl large rol l -)lar of Sailne fur; fulJ* Silk iined, belted. shirred waist. af ....... $41-75 $W*)Seal Plusli (ual aM ..*39.50 $55 ltâtupe Velotur Coaf, oppoxstiii *collai,; silk linie(1, au..*32-50 Women's Serge 1.7,$15 and $16.5o1 (nats. lin velourîs, iuoveitv N vevs sir ]('d bacuks, belteil styles and( Sunue have fur~ fabrice trinnning, good colors andt most alls - at ....................................- $1 M $16.50, $18.50) andi $20 coats, iu liîrguiidy, iîav' , black, brown and green; nianY are full lineti and some have prettv fur col- lars; a good r'ange of sizes to close out at - ........... $10.00 $2250 $18 aud $16.50 coats in trech n n dels wîtfi keraini andi fur trimming. at .......$11.95 $22.50, *'23.75, soine $25.00 anti sonie $27.50 cnats in fine new styles ut ..............*14.50 $2475, $27.50 andi some $29.50 eoats in phîshes, velours, chev- iots; many ineti throughout, helteti anti son e truminiAat bottom; euis or eollar w~itli ker- ami andi taupe; l)1own and black eoney fin-, to close ont, ut $16.50 $27.50, a fem'ut $25, $2950 and, SOule 'Mits vorith $32.50 in l)rhil('ot, Ji15l15,velours; ail <'<ors andl styles at .... $18.50 $95 (4enuirie l3affiîî Seul Cout, w' itli hanusoine nartin opuossum vu ulitr and i imfs, aM,.*. 45.00 $1 10.00 FExtrau Fine Tatupe Sqiuir rel Coley ( at, lias stvlislm u> lar and <'umfs and is aw uilt'I va lue ut $67.50. Women's SiIk Great ÇIea rnce of Mlinery Every velvet hat in stock is in- eluded lu this great sale at one of the following prices: $4.50, $4.00 and a fe wat $3.75 -pretty velvet.hats in thJ latest styles andi colorings with stylish trinmiings, in one large lot; your ehoice at $1,98 $6.50, $6.00, $5.75 and $5.00 velvet bats in a varietyof the most popullai' shapes and col- trinuned with featheris, lace, rihbon and fur, at $2.98. Women's and Misses Night Gowns Reduced $1.75 nuisliji niglit gowmis, 89c. $1 .50 nmusîju night gow ns, special ut $1.00. $30)soft ltgl iluiglit gowmmls w $1-79 $2 flainuelette nighit guuwns al, $1.69. $2 '- u knitted Petticoats at Silk niglit- gowns specially t<rieed at $.98, $4.98, $5.7b. DRESSES DRESSES Env. Chemise -at cutpriées in the January Sale $10 Serge Dresses in a vi tmctor good htyles and a fuir l'ange' of ïizes, at..............6.98 $12.50 and $13.75 sergecanud wool poplin dresses iu severul colors, odds andi ends, good-looking styles, at .............. $875 $14.50, $15, $1650, $18.50 and a few-$2.0 serge, anti wool poplin dresses in new pleateti andi. bleted nmodels îith prettp cm- broidery, iu navy, green and - brown, at ...........$1.98 #M2, $18.50, $16.50 and flue *2-5 dreses of good serge with braid and embroidery trinuning at .. ........*.1.. 12.50 *22.50, a few at, $20 andi $25, ani Q*rec $27.50, handsomc serge Bresse i brown, green, uavy, grey, black and burguudy with prtty new collars, hip drapes, Çeqbroidered bodices andi brgid- effeets, at .-...........00 anmd $27.M, Dresses of serge, Pi ams, Poiret twills in-avariety of the imylminà11oIors s*peeuty priaed for -at cut prices in the January Sale $10 aiil $1250 Slk D)resses in a sîpccial assortinemut of odds and ends at ...... ........... 7.98 $15.(), *16.50, $18,50 and $C-0.00 Dresses of pretty silks in the Most popular eolors andi al dz- os8. Styles suitable for after- inoon andi party wear, at'*12.50 *22:5a0, *20, a few $18.50, $4)5 and sonie at $27.50, ini a Wonderful assortment of temptingly be- comiug styles lu taffetas. erepes etc., in party aud street dresses, ]l color sand sizes to close ont ut ... ......................... 14.75 $25, $2750) andi souie $29.50 silk afteruoon and party dresses ini the Most favoreti silks with the ncew bustle effects, side drapes, elaborate cemhroiderv and al oorat............. $18 50 $'37.50. $3500, $40.00 and *42.5(1 street, afternoou andi party dresses in a won.derful array 4;f handsome ityles in georgette, crepes, velvets, taffetas, nets, slk. crepe de chines- and pretty laces, at.-.... ... ........2......... 3.75 $1.50.. nuplin enveloî,e (hein- ise, $1.W0. $2.50 silk Chemise, $1.98. $4.(K) silk Chemise, $2.98. $5.75 silk, Chemise, $3.98. Corset Covers 75e inuslim Corset Covers, 39c $1.00 inuslin anti silk (Corset Covers, &9c. $1.50 silk Corset Covers, 98c. *2.50 anti *2 Corset ('overs, ut $1.50. $3.00 silk Corset Covers, $i.89. Brassieres 75e Brassieres, at 43c. $1,00 Brassieres at 69c. $1.50 haudsome. muslin and aU-oveŽr embroidery Bras' siérçs in 'ail sizes aud nmany handsome ,styles, in the .Tan- -uary - Sale, at 89C. Children's Coats $,$5 aud $4.50 Coats in sizes to 8, at $3.98. $7.50 Coats at $4.98. $10.75 Coats at $6.98. Your choice of anv of nuir re- mainin.g children's *Coats iu fflushes. velours, and l'ur trimmned C(oats; values to $25; aIl sizes ut $9,98% $12.1%, $14.75. Cbildren's Dressesn.10 $1 washi Dresses, 33c. $1.50 washî Dresses, 89c. $2.00 wash D)resses, $1.19. $5.00 andi $7.50 serge andi cord- tirov Dîresses in sizes 2 to 8, at i2.98 andi $4,98. January Clearance -House Dresses -Wash Dresses -i-and Aprons 500 Wash o $(;, at $1.50 house Dresses, $1.00. $2 wash Dresses at. *1.49. louse D>resses to $.5.00'rie a t $2.98. 1 50(-tva tu'aaniSeNviîug .Vprons, sjeiu t 23C. $1.25 faiicy- Aprons, 75c. Corsets $3 values, $1.50. $1.50 Corsets, $1.19. $3.00 front andi hack laee Cors- ets, $1.85. $4.00 Corsets at $*2.98. $5.00 Corsets at 3.75. -Pe-tticoats $1.50 andi $1 white anti colored Petticoats, 89C. $1.50 embroidereti wbite Pet. ticoatoe, $L19. $3Oq, and $2.50 wvhite Petti' $3.00 sateel n sd Filk finiésh satinette Pettiroats, $1.09. $3.50 si1k Pcttieo.îts, $R.98 $6.50 silk Petticoats, $LM08 A.J. Bi His hif JL Women's Ssuits!,- In Handsome New Wnter 'Styles the Season's Grcatest Reduction Every article in this sale is of the highe.ýt quality- carefully se- Iected for the. most critical clientele in this cornmunity - but now 'marked down' for clearance to prices which will ot likely be reached agamn in many seasons-if ever. ries, serges, in iiavy, b dvY, black, green, taupe 1bi()wuî: uîîaîiv fur or k' trinimed at $Wh.0 "40.e4$7.50, $35.00 antadaa *47.50 Suits in bcst eo1o* mtyles; S4)111(1fîui- trirn em *26.50. $65.41. E14ANI.* ~Jotiti a fe Iliroadf'Iothis-seal adklnk timinied, at $34.75. In Our New Sbop Waists.. $1.50) Wais1s. sliglitl ' %, led.9 $1.50 andi*.< Preti -v 1lJ gerie Waists iii nenest st vls,9q8c - $3 lingerie .an141silk $4, 1.98 $5 Stik<'repe de tChine Waists, $2.89. $-5.98 Sîlk Crejie Wais. $3 1.75,e $ lu(] aiI$8.0011 (i'uugel te Crep Waists. $5.00. $9.50)ind $10 Silk Waists. *6.98- $14.511 and $15 Ni1k Waists, nt 10.75. Wonen's Separate Skirts Serg 8Idt~.$2.98. $7.50 W<uuul Sir j t $5.00. $1101sijkSkîîîs. ut $1.65. Hosilery Chili' s:.5*Rlt,buî Iue, .104- Lisle fuse, 29c. 59e Si1k Bout Pose, 39k 89(. All-Si]k an.111( lk Bout ilose, 59C. dm $1-50 AII-SiIk Ilose, $1.19. Gloves & Mittens Women's Knit Glioves on sale, white only, at 25c; 39c, 50e and 75c. $1.75 Chaimoisette Gloves, $1.»,. $3.0Washable Kid (1 vs $230 $1.25 litr -Top, Jerse.v Mittens, 89C. Children's 75c- Jersey MNittens, 59c; $.00 [<id Mittenýs, 75c. Sweaters- women's $4 Wool 'ireflkdt8w eaterFý $5.00 Wool Sweaters, $3.98 ' $7.50 Wool Sweaters, $5.98. $7.98 Silk Fibre Sweaters, $5»9' $10.00 Silk Fibre Swveaters $7.98~ $12.50 HTeavy Wool Sweateer Chuldren's *2.50-â 'wearnf1a9 'After lutte the they hai &hOn amn Thoe abr Il ~thto rea i.4 a t iaw The , atiornt ho w that li Oe tyeir i Th". went i1 lut Ibo mooe.i their1 eut i Md sti' The I The l grabb, bands wUgO! Osilor en an ever camne Ti down ntisei tbrou Ne Bluf ini stooý or h firt way, becs the. AI ta, ovez uvn that Obe llng ed PrIE dre ho It $1.69 Heavy Knitted Gauntiet Skating Gloves, 90c. $$.00- Ext r eavy Vlour acarfa, aul colora, $1.69. oldren's Rate, to $5.w, apecw iat *1.49. $2.00 Mm.' and Qhildren'la HeavY lKnltted Gloves, lin- d and pipe dwith leather, at $1.29. $2.00 Knitted Helmets, very special, $1.49. -ofai wi ~ aparl orwomen and children emfphasizes in a marked -dee the numeroi *2.5.0). '$22.50, $2750 and sorne $29.50> Suits, ili velours, tweeds, gabardines, serges and poplins in ail colore; ver spu eial, at *1M.5, $32.50 broadclotJi Suite; silk iined; fur trirnined, at $16.50. *39-50, $37-50, $32.50 Suite in ve- lours, broadeloth, Poiret twill, t rieotine, bu relia, novelty fab- Furs!f for Women and Children .$6.50 anid $.todd eonev Muifs, Muifs, $2.98. $698, $7-50 and $5.041 eoiev Svarfs, $2. 98. $12.50 Black Wol'f Scarfs or Muifs, at $6.98. $16.50 Blaek Wolf and Grey 'or red fox Mufif or Searfs, $9.75. *20.00, *22.Sti and $25 black, red and cross fox; skîînk. blaek Wolf, and river niink -Muis "'Id Searfs, at $14.75' *49-(>, $45. $4.0Sets of halid- stnlue red, taupe, b]aek, point- cd, stik-a cross and grev fox- nimarten -matm aI rmi er min]l Mlark Wolf and ukuuk. $29.50., $75.00, $67.50 aud a few $59.50) Sets of landsoine kolinskv%, bea ver, inarten. puinted fox, taupe fox, natural Siherian Wvolf, natinral u.î.u>.s fox Sets, at $49.50. 1Children'a Fur& e3.00 and $3.98 Sets, $1.98. $5,00 Mui11fs and Scarfs, $2.98. O0 le'popard coney -Set,' -4.29. $10.00 genine badger Set, $5.98. $12.00 tiger eoney Set, $6.98. $15.00 artic fox Set, $8.98. $16.50 germliflt grey fox Set, satin Iined and beautifullvý îuarked, $ .ý Bathrobes $ 1.50 Children 's Bathrobes, 98e $3.00,Children 's Bathrobes *1.79 $3.75 Bathrobee, women's $2.48 $4.50 Bathrobes, women 'e, $3.29 $ '.75 Bathrobes, Wornen 'e, $4,48 $6.50 Bathrobes Womene, *5.S0 $5.00 Bathrobes, Men 's, *3.98 $6.50 Bathrobes, Men's, $4.m8 Underw'r- SWomenfis $2.00 Fleeccd Union Suite, *1.39 $2.00 Fleeeed Union Suite, $1.65 $3.50, $4 and $4.50 Wool Union Suite, af $2.75, $&00 and $825 $1.50 Fiee ýt8, *$1.00. 639e -Fleeec 47c. $1.50. u1h- $2,$*2.50,Wol'- ionSl40 Be care fui to buy no more than you really want. These very Iow prices are made wlth the consideration that the mer- chandise cannot be retêrned or exchanged. :)i m ÀdpL

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