CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Jan 1919, p. 4

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ýtyv le Independen"j S OSto. Telolnç Numbai 1. Ubestyiltl Uçiohae. M» Pouefl i et boiYvIUe, 1Di.. m Second Cimi mli ma ~~~ ~Offcaiblication for Tha Village of LUbestvvi jI.. Isba Pbliea L ak e. C.uty Board et Uupervluow pmeoilaml egveTburaday. Advertluing Rate. Mode Known on Applimcaeo WIUPTION PRICE. 01.60 PER YIEAR STRICTLY IN AOVNcl SUBTIl.................................v......................-.....Editui OUIiTH.......................................................... managel E. CKMARDT .................................................. Local Managei GREÂT -LREFORE VER It ia choorlng news that tRie goverDment flot only wil WAin th e Great Lakes Naval Traini g Station, but la itself the. sation is a monument to the. victory over a itrai Po*eïs. The. great school was one of the SImportant factors ini winnlng, the war. BSrngeythis fact wus recognized more extensively iace and England than it was rigbt bore ini Chicago- ~Station left its impress so stro:g-hen IC naval activi- of thieIUnited States and hc r associates that disting- 9"d visitors invariably spoke about it wvhen discussing b put this country was talng in the strugglo. lad tii1 sulmiarno not been defeated the war could ,Cave boon won. One of the strongest factors in de- ,e tii U-boats was the American navy. One of thie ~otfactors i giving eMfciency to thie American navy Greamt Lalces Naval Training Station. Mi la the greatest establishment of -Its klind i the Our fiag nover wiUl lose luster by keepig it so.- or. THEODORE ROOSEVELT -R.ouvelt, thie "Niagara of power," the. "Niagara of I,-'> the "Niagara of do ordle," the big American has 10 botoro bis Urne. His work, bis personality, his iflu- Mviii go on i America and the. world forever. He Ri ve i vain-be made himself conspicuous by bis h is ontbuslasm, bis deternxlnation, bIsatrue-blood- ~mrcanIsui. "Teddy" as ho was known by friend fa.ô aljko, was called to bie reward too soon to permit 00o accospliaii inany of the big things he would have Msd solve bad bis lite been prolonged.1 Ou earth Teddy was one of the greatest. BUT, as ~cornes one cannot help but thlnk that, as h. goos to rwrhe assmes the sane place, thie same plane be- >*e Almghty that the. mont humble Russian peasant 1» poorest and most unintefligent savage in given I boroafter Tbat's tii. way of lite and death. The Or -M the leveller of ail things. Booms a shame, doean't It, to thlnk that ANY farmer, Mng $8.76 per bundred for nulk, (and consumera pay-1 15 conta a quart for sanie), sbould find it possible toi Hreot bis conscience that ho would put a drop of water DL PLAY SUSPECTEDý the body If lie had alndwsti. The_______lsar t bis he«d. de Gnnet Die -InqestAil of these facts, however, wiilieb is Gnnet DIe-lnqestbrouglit out t the lnqueosi." ;Qocslde Manner in Which hous Gennett was born et St. Jos- Ho ~ ~ 1 Re.eivs anjues He hadtaIvdbore Wankegan, Jan. 2. ever since. He had been empioyed lots Gennett, agod 32, son or Mrs. by Pearson for several yoars. Be- (ee Genett Of 130 O>ak streel. Bdes his mothor ele aves the fol- M MYVA thus MOrnung at 12:20 loivfg brothers and sistera: Mrs. 4~ « tke MURt 0f Majres rcev-George Legg of Terra, Haul% la Id. gt NViIItOfl leit Saturtiay night. Mrs. Charles Ptamiter an« r r. Aloi tUIii t vI beh heid ta dtermine Storer of Chicago, Harry of Chilcago. baWV Gennett was inl'îred. One Fred and Frank of Waukegan. *IMM la that he aufferoed a tractur. The Inqueat wi lie held Ri the M hal ien ho fell down a fliglit Conrad and Wetzel undertalcung $118111,. -trP£Ing i head against rooms. »Mment 10cr o fthe basement. Re- 00u b'Oveo, uiWeie ta the tbea- TV M NA L MOn tln the draYing and furniturei 111 > i beuunef. Wtt lh Pearson's A TSL' 'AN IN' IW Gennett vwent ta Chicago lust W Vha tond of furniture. EET à thO retura trip the two mnen T EB S F E L 0"eat a & tile restaurant ai- M treet, Evanston, wvbore tboy 'Says Politios Cannot be Kept 'WO.Aftervard, aocording to 011u«Ytold by the driver, Gennett Out Even Under Managerial g to the basement ta get a paili ln0 prt WMates Ia .11the radiatar of tho Pln _of_____in K~ H. carToed the water upstairs ADOPT IT WHEN "BROKE"1 , "e startod down again. In ____ i vay ho te sald ta have stumbied Hr swa .J le fWue Ssiau thse vay to the littom. Hr swa .J le fWue * tr. liearlng the noise of the gan, write. regarding the statemonts 2*rre to Genntt's side and of the managerof a Californie, city iumthat lie w.Injured qutt that tg belng Oprat.d l y the eunag- I&tdto romovo hlm ta a er plan. . immediately. Gennett le -Was talking with a citY manager bave refuseil and Insisted p.orSat Brbr lin e aya h ila broglâ tothehoe o lis Iposibe eerfra manager ta do tog b au ie hans0f ie isduty ae It vould lbe donc for a, a.along col dtrIp back t piviscopiraeion as politiesacannot la the ruck. he vi i e eliifaflted a'ltogether and tiser. i.' arate truck o it alm that îendency ta vork ta the end af eýRable blWou n he uVar. ro-estaliishîng their former povori heOuacio He v n alr-W(ringsad persan control) as bofore.9 bt one . MAPhe cinver Also cities under Manager forrn arel1 but in spite or i at usuaily bankruiit before the manager- 44mefll Yoing an ledform la otablIsbed and. ai oon as dbW&on 11y1iigMat n dter.there ivso13me Improvement flnancial.f >y. be 0wM t ]ner y, the pollîlcal forces are at work 1111»Ofaasaald this morn- ' are convinced that lie Thoe a.utaitv ilgt .loj 'iFcd . bave eclleiedthe injuries Welor d 0Mlema v-u . bblltn dovn stairs. Then, Cty, as among those woutde bave been bruised about verely. wut& MENT FOR INFECTJOJ Ffas Amusing Expeieno.; Fal IE ,-ure toSIgnHjiNaM coe s- Kim #90 )[Moen, H AS MOUTH F0L4 QF WA) With String TLà8 t6, Radlun Trube Hanging Out> of moth Thkes Ride on 'IL" 'Unvilingno on thc part of May or Pearce to afi hiesinatretc documenta of any ktnd la weil Imovi in WaUkcgau. This unwiliungnesa however, apParentiy extends tc thinge other than ciy business. and ocasioned hlm considorable incon. venionce in Chicago Tuesday after. aon. [For sane ie re pasi Mayor Poarci bas licen suffertng from ai. Intection ton the loti cheek, just under the oye. Dr. Arthur H. Bevan et Rush MedIical r Coliege, -Chicago, recommcnded rad. lum treatmnnigo thé sitys eieciutive I went to Chicago last Tuosday atter noon ta take bis firsi treairnent. The. radium. $6.000 vortb, contan ed lni a tlny phtl, vas ta<en to Ruah Medical Coliege ii Aliert Woefel, professor of physies nt the University of Chieizo and manager of the Radý lu mmInstitute. 'The radium vas placod lanIMayor Pearceas mouth, a large q'santity >of wax lieieg pressed-aliout Ih te bld If *la place. Then Prof. Woei lracaiied that ho had averiooked an Important de. tall- He vycte out an acknovioedge- rment la which the Waukegan man agreed ta lie sesponsil>e for tho rad- ium ln case anything shouid bappeu Ito it, for Instance, If lie shosiid aval- lwIL h.iTs document vas ipresent- ed to Mayor Pearce for lIe signature. He adJusled lie spectacles and roasi the document tbrougli very carefuliy. Then bis Java began ta osit kand it vas plain ta sec that lie vas tryung ta say aomthtng but the vax iln bls nicuil provenied. BY moans of pan- tomine and vigorous shaking' of the b'~ ~~i fll e ~ ~made I very plain tisai ho 'wauld liii. more timo ta tlidnk t over befose slgning.' If tlie Chicago men liad kiiown the mayor btter tliey mgit lhavo ac- quieaced, but tliey dtdn't and be- stdles thcy were liusy. The radium trostment takes abo ut four liaurs and Prof. Woeltol did' not have ail that tume ta simro tviddiing bis tliumbs, andi ville ho vouid have been glad to eas-e the radium. pro- vtding the mayor wouid agreo ta bp- respaisstilo for it, be did nat teel bIk- doing so under the é'reustances. Sa anothor plan vas arranged. The boutle cantaining the radiun vas removed from the mayors mautis and a string vas attachcd ta IL The boutle then vas replacod but the string vas left daggling tram the cor- ner o tfhie paiient's mouili, a sure indicati on that tt was secureiy le place. Pi-of. \Vaelfel and Mayor Poarce t thon boarded a street car and rode to the tormrs offi ce where the mayor Bat for four bours. Had ho sigsîed the document lie would not have been subjected ta the curious gaze ef ro many people for a man witi his mauth ful of vax and vhth a sirjng hanging dove oser bis chun couidnt help but attract attention. It yl lie nocessary for the mayor te take ihese treatments qule tre- 911slY.fil Is possible heornay decide on the easier course noît timo. RELATIVE 0FWAIJa KEGAN FOLKS TUTOR DOvelops That Former Wauke- gi~n Boy, H-oward Ensted is Making Name For Self. Tishenrd isn't B-big aftor al ta Illustrated In tact tisai Waulcegan lpeo- pic via are saiouraing ln Calitornia for the vinter rai acroseHoward Enâted tiseailier night ln Lass4&a. golem and faund litm atngtng In a mc',- l'W PIýcturo bouse a" P>len' 'latel faunda ' ti e ie being tutareaiby a relative of the famlly lni question. Ehstcd. vitu lia Parents, maveai fronWaukega @mre tva yearg aga, andi the young lad la nov 13 ycarm of age1 o a bPPened tuait Mr. andi trs. R. P. Log of Waukegan vere talkhng w1tb ticîr cousin, Mis aulcsse Fcltz and she mentloneai tue tact tisai abe vas tutOnîng a boy nameai flsteai fram Waukegan. Tasilng furtuer viii im she faund iliat be kae Mr. Lee~ ansi W. , Allen Véry veil Iliroughli lasing met tlicm at'tbc City Wntcr vorits Years aga when batlsing ai the beaci. Accordingiy, a couple of nights laie- Mr. andi Mra. Lec ver. lni a ovîe)c Sttre thoater "cnown as Ciunelis Broadvay iheater aid there tbey sav tise Wankegan lad llerform. Theolittle folow sang «%Everythhng fa Penches Dava ha Oeorgia,,, vhtl te aPotlhght an hlmn, and lic brought down tIse bouse. Âcording te Mr-. Lep lie drava a one ralary for siag- lng ln fie ilieais-e and blas attructeai the attenqton of a movhe pictune iman ufacturei.. vis alga pays hlm band- somnelY vien he appeara ln moving z e mufl '-»--. SV 5511 A0Wu- è,* mât or eeb c aie,,e-a tg 00 o lie .bglug 4 clares Mi. Luelu a aletteîr bome, i'Èbe aMUgaiy ot It wua tbat à WaBkgabor abould goe lobr te := Mdfsla nithm ltnedm.taly, in ororo emply vwt thtie bkv put lh go -flu bou. ef a day studylng go thq ho ie ould atng in a mcvivi. ltssrà hous aa alat à* e aouil cose as Met tutor a relt4ve or thse Waukegan, aully. 1 «I blteve tuas boy bai a vonder. fui ftture., espoiaily lnidiev or thse Interoct Mr. Clune la ahowtns Bn bim' amy Mr. Les ln a letter borne.. ia a Pott CoânoNon*yw aterthe eaOunVre- passai the above article. It reosivsq a pesuona note front "Arthsur maxi* loy Bnateor «fUniveraali oey, Caltm 'vhith tJ»note sccompenylug: dinecoad ame four coptes ofshaort poems vbieh 1 bave vrttten durtng our late war. as 1 vas fortnerly a Wankegan boy and pretty welI hiiowu through handling yoDs papes at asy novstasai et Genesee and Washing. ton etreets, 1 thouglit it miglit Inter- est YOD to publIish sanie, or part of them. Hls pocina, for a boy of 12 years, are surely moritortous and are given ln the adjalning column. CLASS 0F 1912- IS PNEUMONIA VICTIM Miss Marilorie Haihorne Die Shortly After Midnight Fr1- day, 111 Only Few Days. 0 Nick Keler of Dugdalo Roac puis Mane 10 Contraci for Explorer M»MllIan. M5 NOW AWAITING 0RDEI A Waukegan boy ha sisgned Upt *go te the nlorth Poio the neat tlis * xplorer Donald MoMilian mike ti trip ittothéatieofrole. The Waukeoacle Wbha. put hl name down tea àpi... of popes guar enkmlcg. that ho w«Il mokathe tral and drive a For dtruck acCrOés th froxen waters of th. &ratio regioca : Nick Keller, aon of Mr$. Keller .1 Ougdfiie -Rond, Wauk.gan. Keller liasbeen a allon ai Orea> Lakea and aecurod bis roloase froi the navy lait week. Taasigbt ho e sumes lita position lnteseroiPng imli ai thse Wlre Works viiere ho worhed for nine yearae before ontertng the Davy. Keller, nfornred the Sun Wodnes- day tisai, wlen MeMtlan vas at Grost [.akes receniiy, ho heid a conference vitis tho fanious explorer vIsa seean cd ta liko the local yaung man and tboy talked oves thc Prospects cf an- othor trip viicli McMNilan la seekin, ta arrange. Hoe s hoping tise U. S. govornment wUl finance hi. neit trip, -bis previaus Journeys bave booî backcd by private Individuals. The proposition vau put ta Kelier jlhat lie sign up for the trip and Me- Mililau ezpiained hi. reasons for vanftng the Waukegan young man vas becàuae ho vas ln good tkeailU andi would maire a good driver for the $Wall trucks vhicis heplana ta taka along for ic 'purpose of hauling the mneat and oor provistona vhici muat laut-on thse exploration. 'l amn anxtoualy looktng forward nov o theUic Urne sn 1saolireceive Word from Mr. McMWan that lic bas atarted bts plana 'for going Bn tthe polo. My signature ta dcvii toa place cf paper and 1 fully tntend sticktng to it. Yes, it la true, 1 bope to make the tripcicar to Uic poie for 1 amn sure MMiiian vili get thon, Waukogan people vere sioc'ted ibis inirnung ta learnn hat shortly atter mMlnght Friday nigisi Mies- Mariante Haihorne, daughter of tMr, andi trs. A. C. Ifailiene, 919 Norths ave., bail auccunrbed ta an attacis of double- Pneumaats.. Relatives stato tliat it vas not a case of tieefOu but vas PurOiY a OaeOof Pnoumnonia wvhs wbich se was taken last uesday. Her condition did not bccame critical un- tii fflday morning. SInce uliat Ume a bard battie had been put up te Bave ber. Miss Ha tiorne vas a valedictonian of the Waukegaa ltgi s acool ini 1912 aid fov yaamg vomen vere betier kncvn 1 nthls community. Slie vas 25 years of afe and vas born tn Wau- kegan, bcing survtved by lier par- ents andi ber sister Emelie and 'Znas visa la a studoni at the University at Illinois. As a studeni of Waukogan hlgh scisool, 'MlFs 1Haiberne vas rpeennizs-el as One Of tihe nosi officient. Tis fact vas empliasizod by ber election by studenis an dfaculiy ta thse posi- tion of valedttas'an cf lier lais. Funcrai froun the hause Manday af- hes-sPon ai 2 o'clock and Rev. Rom- Pel of tise Methadiat churci vl) 0of- ficiato. "~n 0 À I?(J)oI With a Third of its Members in Service, Waukegan Elks Point to an Unusual Show- ing ___ H-ere's a elbslle-rs, to fie whole Untedi States. i-Wbat losige ha there visase service flag contalus a large prePortion ot Ils meembersblp than tise Waukegan Elks? The service Olag In -the badge roonis shosov 110 stars ouitcor 340 members. Since iliat Orne about 15 more members bave been taken tntc tise arden andi i1 of ulem are In mes-vice. Thun, île ratio as It stands, ioday Io : 344 menibors. 121 In service, Thus it ls seen tuai 0,cr a third of the mombens are In service. Io ibene any lesige lIn the state or nation that cau show a groater per- centageo f service at? Stop forvard If s. 60VIT IS TO RE- TURN SPY 6LtASSS TO TU113LEUDRS Roalidenis of Waukýegan yli probab. yi lie tnteresteil te learn tuait an or- der bas boon isuod by the flavy de- biartneni ai Washiington for th. r. tun te tuts country cf ovor 100,000 I-Oaed i Moculara, tolescopes, npy- lIasssandi navigation Instruments, about 32 ofvbhicb vent ovemma trom tule City. Tise appeai for iliese ar-ticles vas made by Assistant Secrotary Roose- vItt, vis a skea tue Amraicau Mou. latian fcr a great suppui,. strietly an a batiotle ban 01 'eyes ta tise aavy." laverai resîdents came forvari witu tue ligist grade of Instru. mients, one cf vhIcli bai made a me. rai for ltself tantise Civil var, andi fi sa nov Oxpected hilat many vilI asopri. ty "reath home» tisougis unoaaryu communicaions to the departrnent, It la said, wyl only delay ibeir ultîmate retura. FIROT UN LAKE COUNTV-Te0 Idependeet s t I z c c Il r Il LIBERTYVILLE COMPLIMENTED Posimasier Allenuan bas received the failowiug tIer froni Ueo F. Ooodnow, Lake caunsy ebairnuan for the sale oi saviug Stampe, vbieb shows that the efforts ol the comniunity bave been ap- preclated. Chlcagco, .anuany 4, 1919 J. E Alteman, Postusaster thbrtyviile, l1t. Deai Sir: You bave certaiiaby wpIl rounded cpui your record, by aecuring a total ni 2o, menihers t hie Maimum War savioge Club froni your comniunhty. 1 noie the Damies of Senator Swift, C. C. Capelasud and C A. Apptoy. Yoas have aocured more suhscrjbera ni ibis chai-acter than paatsnaaferq la many large cons uutiieu bave done. and 1 cor.. gratulaho you on your ahowlng, Ver> t-el> pouns, Geo. F. (inodnuv. The FIait PrImitive Mesure.. Daubuleas meagur Os f ail kinde vos'. olginaly takea frons tue humai b0dy. An ineb la roughiy tue Iengtls et Uhi op joint cftise tbumb. A fpas là a quarter of s Pace, anda a pcaIla baU ' ones egit. Tic @pan ciii the PMc ver. Probably tue foundation @f ait measurement, aid vo wiUl spSk qute CoOnlp Zf 80mc iny paCos dip tant. m msA mMaaA I..- -, 'WANT- RA-0 «sT ALm. " E0 lm âmi *- td, + R STâ&T11 FOR SALE-A 40 am d mu 80 ers ANTED-bl" .ÏÏ -' tarin , 1 m ile iom L k eLV Ut. -c i o vs a n d. Ai e u, b" s I S lf & B d a o d b u ild i ln g L L o w p utm & a d &M m l . u a b. n a i Stock, fred and Iniplsunenta If daotred. Wiéâe.. JB. Nicholson MrD. to . àM. Bardbln, Are., lit. ntimd.Ii ho WANE OSBLSîW F~OR SALE--olm erecidenca lot. an cockeraeaIncaon b.*~~ d $ M K i l s v e , li r . 0 , 1 w . .. 2 - 4 V i w , . m ei Ir WANTED...To bnp gjood lei[@ counby WNEJLUd..,2dt he farn S, 10il!kU l irticutars. pries, boss eleetrie vambar and troncs OS ter-me. tw. 1P. o. 1, 281 Laeke paresi, day. giectrie car etopoppuit Utborr-y Famphone IterqjrvuII. 7 a WANTEDAt once; boy for duin Fr 54 [j *f+ wagon,, AppUi, Mrchant.,W Co. Phono, 40. 1 MOR SALE-Holstita pringer alo CMN IOSAE..ebo ed Yearling haifer, tw o m les tortis C E E epeSIO t And le Spaulding Corners on Mlwaukee rod nkt Hase nin b io s Phono 945-Y-3, FPred Docker, Roui 1,mre.Hn m ig bgoade 1- Wauiswaus Zion Institutions and Indusrie@. se 4 ILLZion City. li. Phono 49 Ziao , Ity. t;; !e FOR SALE-Shoate. b> c. i. Caser. WANTED- Feonala hsip ai Camp perqy. A- hoo23W. t Apply at camp office. a- Lli'wotande.1 vaqld lie takert for r .& IIi IU TASi ment lnocriter to bis:thons&II M Ia WNE AR ISTCI3 geons ravll g ove r ~ Osgaged ln uroenatng thea. p"ia* PACT 'WAS 516NE) tihe armistice vas derhared. n a Dnov order wiiieh broufht liai Vor* LCol. Frederick Besiey was the ho a close becauIse of tho dedati eChief of Staff 10 Concen- ihat thse aoundect mn vourd i e hui,- e traie Hospital Work Acodinlysinco that tinie Dr, Il UBesleY han beets tn consilltaltan vbrk dENROUTE BACK TO STATES lni eurgOPry and nat directly lai charge of any niedical unit. e Dr. Fredertck Besley, brother or Just ho% bis return la hein; car'- 6Mrs. W. G. Sirong of Sheoridan Rond, s-led througb Mrs. Slrong does net e Waulsegan, andi nov a full colonel cf know. ILtla lier, opinion tint ho la a the United States army medical corps roiunsfing viii the part of the onec J la on bits vay back ta tise United ond arny corps ta vbichbch bas bees e States andi accorclung tb relatives il attaclird forprmeUie. IL agadmit. ea lnxpocted i l ii arrive here about ted thai Col. Besiey lImmediatoly of- ethe SUi of January. ter tike arnliice vas aigned mnado, Col. Bealey, IL ln recalied, vas one- application fer a full dircharge framo of the Onrt phyyicians of ibis country the service la oràer that hA migbt ro. ta bie Inducted Inatu te medicai ser- turn ta Chicago to resumo bis Impor- vice aid tise capacity of major and tant aurgtcai vort there. wiuis bIs modîcal unit No. 13, Rtarted Coi. Fnodo¶tc'< lealèy lm the ODIii tram Chicaga about a nionth atfter Bon of Mr-. and Mnm. W. B. Beeley. van vas declared, gai oSer lInte vho for yeaas vaa among Waukegs France fully a month beforoe ie t prominent cîftien. lHe la a brother troaps arrI-ed. IL vas Major Bee@-ofMs-a. Strorng and alan of %Is& Mar. loy's misaion to gei things isliap.- ian Basley, fornserly .up4-intendeuî for the men who came along ldier of Wr.ukega-j city srhools, Ho par- andi be roady ta récelve them vbcen haps bas gatned more attention tisas they encounterod vounais on aick- any o0her physIrlan who han over neas. Thai lie did bi.s work ei:, gote lotofthc pracîlce f rus, Wauke- didly vas evtdenced by the many fine gaîs. le lo ecogntzed inday as ane reports thai came liack tram Fa-ance 0f Chicagose foremoat surgeons and teiiing ofbils wonderul accomplish-. lia pe-formed nomne 'cnderful oper- *ment ln ibis respect. atIons, not only ln. Chicago but ILL There had boon rumarg for senmt- Waukeran as vel where e hlan fre. timte that Major Besley had hepn pro- quently lieen cabbed during the paat. mloted! to tle rnk ut lieut. colonel sie erai yeara. but litla snov le-n-ed po.itlvely iat ho was î,oneîd 0the,, osilion of The casualty lîis show the formai tull colonel and ha.s helff that pos!tIon announcement of the datah of dlseaae for son time.- sbroad of Fred Casey of lhebýrtyville. ' Ila sfurihes-more 0f Interesi to also uhat f }loleslov Staalewicz of knov thatju4t befor- the armistice Nortb Cicago, the latter having vas deciaresi Col. ieley had been been killeai ln action. assignod a mont Important tank, one vicli ould have boe Caf exceeding, A verdic! of $577 vas aeiurned Ia Importance If the var contintieailasng, circuit court ibis morning ln the case or. For Borne months hocliai not, of Richardson vs. Russell, a suit for been withth>îe medîcal unit vhicl, ho brolseras conmmission oln the sale of vas pbaced in charge of vien ho _________ vent aba'oac]. He vas removed fros.) Williamu Martin. ot Laite For-est, tb that position andi placeai as chiet 0of ai Ms-Alisier hoapital helng trttei staff tn a .bunich of mon and officesg foriait injury sustainod vhoa a spike vhoae d'îty vas outiined by tue WSar a. driven Into bis log by accident. departinent as follows: Tliey wes.e i ________ ta establisli a nev concentration hos- For ALL. the fmituy, The Indepen. ptlal viscre a greater part 0f tliej dont. 7 lo»I Si.7,50 rai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l li... . 'LhMG E i r i - -- I Lian Lui@068 5.50h 75 j2» L.375e L50a 581 .ie L8ift1.La 1 M920101 I 1810 8~ -.91 i 1 MISM L Pw(aTW ýl il0.2. 815010june Lblo j1.ilote .75 [ .50ObA 250 1 22 ib o 210 MWlSe L 1. .90je1U.06 j 3.10 .25 DONami[UL TOUR FUR A"ANY OLD PRIV'F hon HUJR l" pgylng such onrmw.y ih puos., CE - luffR" W M achUno vu.r-AUnyou QUI Bhlp Poimsis ais lslwy4vepest SbuDE T bau agiving Fur Shlp',eraan basset and a"Rb.' arr.e -jq A , h setao sls~edgs --opt-7--deing "botter arvce-'qicke.u A SEUI' ~O EMypu- n your ahlpment moans «moe mmey' 5 Otf aqu sP'ffl as md tosptSERVICE in thse vorL4' A i.îpvousa ruts DIRCTvo tut cuonScs 5Mm5 i FOR IMEDIT5- OB" PO HUB ERTAfc A MERICAN-RAW, PUR e e - V-Austin Ave-DepL 1MChl~~l 3 lb. Duc Gold dei can~ 316b foi 2 Il 1: I lb. 2 IL mi BoWt Pl Wbe wua tg neBtlig lmÀ eOunty Set vor vitu)3 aid, of 'Wem Cïiàu im&e»L1 1 1 1 ;i SUS NI MP i ýM ý il i 1

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