CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Jan 1919, p. 5

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LIufl~TYYjLLU~IWEPUNDUliT, ~tWUU8DÂY, JAI~UARY ~J9~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LIbértyvtIfe News Il you know o1 an item of local interemt, ktndly telephone No. 1 - ....:~..~.mZSu*SUSSSSSSZSSSSSSSUSS9988888MSS ter to BeSale Than Sorry" Realizing the truth of *vmyj~P this old aphorism, we WWTIGIJT applq the idea in our NYO< selection of qoods to- be resold to gjou, with M ot the resuit that we are Eoo0flngn never sorrq when we SpOUtnizlg seil gou an article, be. Iron Work cause we koow it's a ~ TlnWrkand sale bugj for gjou. -Reneralng W're alwage glad to seil qou our good goods. H IANCK HARDWARECO. SPECIAL SALE THIS W EEK THESE PRICES WiLL SAVE YOU MONEY 3 lb. pkg. 30c coffee ... 68c1 5 lbs. Granulated Sugar Dumeli Cleanser. 5cans.25c, for .............. 50c Golden Rod Washing Pow- Corn Flakèe, 2pkgs. for 25c .der, large pkg., 6 for 25c Mince Meat, 2 pkgs. for 25c Cai Salmon,18c; 2 for 35c, Aunt Jemima Pan Cake 3 lbo. Manor House coffec Flour, large pkg..42c for............. 92c 1 lb. pkg Tapioca .. 18c 2 lb. can Kara Syrup, . lb. pkg. Shreded Cocoa- 13c; 2 for .... 25c nut .......... ... 22c 1 Trntes....6c1 LBaking Soda ...5c 2 lb., can Bride Fiect To.. 2 lb. can New Orleans mnatoes ... ........ 12c Molasses ......... 18c Boded Olives, stuffed or Armour Qats, large.. 28C plain ........I 3c'Argo Starch, pkg ... 9c i ~MEAT DEPARIMENT Fresh Spareribs. ...21c iVeal Stew........... 20c Pork Loin Roast..... 30C Veal Roast ......27é' Calla H-ams ......... 30c ýVeal Steak ... ..30C Pork Sausage .....24c1 Leg of Lamb......... 27c Bacon, heavy .. .... 3 5 cîLamb Stew..... 20c Guaranteed Eggs, doz. .60c Leaf Lard ......... .30c Best Round Steak ... 27ci Boneless Cornbeef ...22c Pot Roast. ..2 0 and 2 2c'ýSalt Pork............ 25c W. handie a fuli uine of f resh rish and cysters e.ery week. Sweet potatoes, oranges, appies and a full lin. of vecetubles. GEORGE M. LANE KAISER BUILDING LIBERTYVILLE 'Im INSISTED ON I asel, JusticeGE BIEIN6 1MARRIED)MI B.ED. ,euhharà entertained Bease.roi CITY F LK FOR ST UiW: and te defefldant lang Carl Cff O L . F RE T echt, p har fauet n ose et that place. The case waa s Ieuted Wben B. J. SamPmon, a uavy elec- belore JustIce Morris, but au@ bleu on trlolq. vandorod t Into hCty hall se change 01ivenue to Mn. HubJrd. Froin et Laite ll'ret flrda>' and ad* "I'd the ovideuce, il appenred that Dellla'n flt to buy a marriago licensceit hcesaSentlpBhlguoth was told thon. ver. none ln stock. preIcese aI tbasadefeudau eela. udo h net1 ho vau offered belp. peloo h eedn ohals n .4 telephono oeil enlisted the aid of aunoaaiace and be wau unable te loale L~o A. Ifende., Waukegan, Lake the ewuen. Flnally hoecaught Ihein ed. Coot>' lrk, and ho missed hl% din- ha.ded ans Sunda>' muraiug aud pro- â* kedflng open shop. The blusolacle ceseS dta gîve theru a mcare that aeuld et vont up and gai the lîcenso. Next male thein mary at &gain trempasmug. morIng ho vas bac <lit Lake Forest The resull aoflbhecaresvWU ihat oue hen vith Misa Gertrude Zndors, 20) pears wasa lllied, wbe he boanen uddly put aid, ocf Kenosha.lnh@ppaucwt odlul&le 'We ventei io gel marrieS n lu hiAfer aiasngcme ldt lo lu hlmee Ir«et b.>'taIS Police Magistrat.e rhigcmeedllitna h TbomseDoiegia. 'hey sMs. evideuce. lbe juetice felt that huer vas ne cause for action anS aeesed tb. rieue' of Joseph F. Otinthor, ft o cet outhe compîlusuln, Who Chesniuliy maaesof Plnt Pouie ai palS t4~ amount. w viibe lntereuflelit bar h o .gwIà vis er Cft the j OIRST 'ILAKI COU NT-The Bora, ta Mr. aud ire. Clyde Anderson Dr. rley basl hled bisefata Diwest on Sonday, a daughtsr. of Gurnee ta Ham y Dbbal of Anti- FAIR MEETING John Peternon le eerlouaiy 111 ai blé home on Lincoln Ave. The Cbkago Hardware Poudr .iL  prented ech of tehir emffloYes H L O John Aikoler le now with lthe American tbat bad heés witj them for a cor Relwaye Expres CO.. tain length oftlime wltiî a ilite Ieur. Aditioual Die I l lire.Henry Bayesof Waukegan, vilted ance policy.AragmnsM finonde lu Liberty ville, Tueeday. Private % lilliaru tanley. who kit bere ragmnsM Lelutenant Loyd Taylor ai the Avia. ln the eariy summerior Camptirant, and Pay Debt tion Carpe, le home on a iariongh. M i was iater ment ta Itoctheeter, N. Y., and Ameigo h fer The little dauuiÀter of Mr. mnd Mi.inally 10 lFort Adarne, at Providence, hîesa h aeCut L.eelie Warren of Waukegan, le eerlouely B i. I., wbere orders for the debarkation ýle@othLaeCus fil.; lof the division ta whichhbe had en siat on a eld l, utiu MI@s &,,nnle jochh..imiléet home agafe a,@Igned were Isoued,thie ordere îater eSaterda1tenoomn susea aller a two weeke vîsît ai Fort Wayne, bIng reslnded as a reenl oflh ie aiîeilmn wl d.armi-tlce, arrived hbere dianday morninîr. Oe ven or morte or the falti 8amndNI l iitn Lbryvlefor a briel vdit. ne was eent bal tolPl!auned for lifting 'the suc inonde. He le an litraitor la the Avia- Camp Girant and there got hie tinal am rpryaiteasca diL aspaying other outetandiol .Bath th grammer ani thizgh chool re.opened Maonday alter a two weok'e vacation for the hoiidaye Bon Aehmeade af the U. S. Navy, wha has been saillng in lareigu wateri le home for thirt.y day furiough. bir. and tire. lieu. Cooper aud Sire.M. A. Protinse pect to leave Saiurday for Fiarida where they ahi *pend the winter. Mie. MaMtmieJeuikins ia ependînga vaca- tion st Pluelevel. Flarîda. Mies@ Adah L. Nichois le takinuger place ai the post.. ofile. Mouday evening. %Mar@hail Imberry was e en Wathfniiy asstittngr a frlend. wlth aUetuh al aong the etreet. iSee- log hlma lttie later comiug tram tLe direcîlon of the village hall, he looked %a he a little "*mueiup" Sceuting a news item, ws were about to Inquire tLe, cause, but on seeoud thonghb deelded that l might h. saler ta mars inquiry over the telephone. But thore- was no cause for aiarmn alter ail. lu going Inhi a sool hanse at th%, hall, lien nie jarrsd iooee a "T" wvrenclh hanging up, itl lu Ing and the handie trikIng hum on the [URDAYI Ilected and! lde to sr and stock rAgrîculturai e tan hall uat to eau b l Iher, lweuty. Islui met and cumbrance On Lion, as Weil g inudebtueee. "leet@, good for one and twc yeare and sa solicît #emai]lioans amoug the people of the counsy, tLe ioans boLe meured by a lieu on the property of the asoociation. To more thoroughiy make the fair a county orgzanizatiou)additlonaldlrectore irom the severai townohipe were elected as liows: E. W. hUle7, Barriugton; B. A Éggere. .Ela; 0. A. Rocleubacli, Prairie Visa; IGeorge Koppenhaler, Lake Farreel; Eugene Wiltou, Lake Viflla; Hl F. Rauee, Area; Harold Minto, f Antloch; lareni-e 1> allttIe, (irayeliee rMONEY TO LOAN ON, IMPROVED LAKE COUNTY FARMS AND ON ACCEPTABLE VILLAGE PRdJPERTY We invite the inquiry of those desiring ta boroow money for contemnplated purchases of new properties, for the improvement or stocking up of preseint holdings, or for the renewal of boans falling due. Prompt Service at Reasonable Ternis The FirFt National Bank, Libertyville, 111. Capital, Surplus and Profits ............... $68000.0 h 'o HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Quinti Gotti, Editori Trhe Sharyl1Gil@newilll met l gto nseanLI can, iclrto lWaukegfan. oare agaiu iscreaun -r)FRack ta childru' Mr. lcpda travele : with lb. at tLe home of Mises Mayme Hapketa ncohieyl Thé. officers and conimittees wlll pro. the aId grind alter two loung ,e"Le voca- Chautauqua lu stimmer and ln wlnler h. di»cues enterbselument for the *1ut31 Two armed guardâ trait, the Naval ceed lummsdiateiy tg put the propaod lion. lectures ta Publice chools. W. certainly montlig. Station wcre lu Liherîs vlle Wednesdsev plan Insueffect and Ititu be hoped they The high nehool flag wa@ lowered ta enpsied hi@ tal and w. Inow moi. Miss Kat@ Carroll wrlîee lrom Wash- igti lu eserh ilwo akles aho Lad will have the.Learty co.oiperation ai tLe hall mast for îwi, daye lu respect of Col. about Japan uow Ihan ws ever dlG luglon thait conditions§ there h&vè nat eecseped lrom the "hrlg.' They were public. Rooseveits death. AI@,) at 11:45 Wed- hefare. matenially changed mnce îLe igning OI &,en ln the theatre lu compauî oI îwo ai ueeday, the lime oI Coi. Roosevelt's her- The second lnler-eaciety basket bal the armistie. aur LIhertyvilie girls, aboeenaines we LAKE CO. GRAIN SHOW EXHIBIT lai the aboie echool wae hushed for five gaines acre played Tneeday ntieht. Mllie S. J. biliîi as been 11wt aci-wIthhoid for their parentes akeand trust minutes lu honno aitl who bas dans Sumner'@selcety deleated the othersla pilaton i iteininuza wlh acon-that lu 1h. iuttire they .111 use mare dis. The Lake Coauty Farru Bureau, Tbe aur country @o many great services. An hoth gainse. plesio f heiflenaand pneumonia, cresalon than ln appear lu publie withFrer'lettl and tLe Milk Pro- apprapriate prograin for the occasion but le èald la be reuverIng at the sailor vbu are cousitautly lu - bad" abiducrs eul aperate ai a merleset wlli Be arrangsd ta Be given Friday. And dont forges the basket hall gan. preeel tîe lie Orat Lkes.Frlday nlght belween LiherityvIlle aîd r.eeb Neheon. thhae he r e Geaned tten .These cailare are not meeting ta Beheldi ait Lbertyvli, Froinnow on echool ilstan at 8:55 ABtioch. Admission 10 and 15 cents. s. ). elon aspurhsed he arer altedlaLîbertyvilie and are ehutnued January 21, 22 and 23, 1919. An lnetead ai the former opening 8:45. Thata @hop ai Charles E. Mason aud wlll move l.y their lellow inu se Liakee, su lhey excellent prograin le Belug arrauged. might man 10 minutes more sleep for i Three more aceke, then semeeter exame Lack Ia ie aId location on Milwankee ehould De lgnored Ly the citîzene oI thie Prof. Oscar Enaif Olo University, wili saine oi ne. (ecreamer) Can's you metustnar lb. Avenueiw tbe epring. communiby. We did not near whether Be the principal epeaker on the first 4dhy . teplaueiLern groane already (ecreamer). The chifidren ai Mary Sodality oaiheîLe by merse pprebended or n. Prof. Erf ha@ always been luteresled In W âith laur lba ingM.1 Catbalic chuncîs merseuînertained by the________ b dalrlngman and save lust abat be Icyda. o Japanese lecturer v.ho travele Claee picturse are heiug takten for the. Idroseph Peddle ut ber home lu thinke rogardieseaif hain ilile, s. ta and tram Japan la tiiscountry and a 1ul The Fres)h«e.' were fleso Joeepbgire talle lu bath places. He revealed let. "Sonie eace." Aiea pictum res thel igilland Park recetly. PRESBYTERIANS MEET E. M. Touslsy, Editor aI the Ca opera- lMan iterceon u uae n iuayscete u L eolwr A ineeting aitîhe Parent Teachere Ae- A large and reprepentatîve number aif ve oralthMsecne ai. mii B anutil-e.howed us îny ieautiltarticles oi art laken. 'latlon will ha belid at iLse(raismer pol prnah cnrIatoa ee-torèsca s Le cod ay la eCoi-ànd needîs mail made lîy Japanese Junior claes ring. are on the aay. ochol Fida, Jauar 10 ut :30p, i ng ai the Preehyterlan citurtkt Wdnee- ý1A cordIal invtation lme st.snded la alath MilI Praducerm' Assoctilon, Il eehld -- - - day sveung. Ail tables moesfuil e bîe Be aiâiteneet lu every aide awakl, dairy- ',U It was about 10:09 and me did NOTICE The W,,ma's Home Miissionary eociety suppe-r hIl-hwaas servsd at 6:45. IRé- man ai bale caunty tuaLer n laI Mr. u"Of mant tu mise the train. I wiis Publie notice le bsrehy given thst Sb* ti the %1I. E. rhunch wil mcel uaI e - ekî is gîven at tLe huinesmeeting Iater Touneey bas ta @ay. He bas Lad mids i causclaus of sanie anc wainîg aIlt th inestaàlîmet ai Speciai A-c..4moi Tbursiday allernuoan.Jan. 1(3, aetîLee howed tbat mare) than two-thlrds 'ofapeinsl aoertvPakl h tesiesei ircl ci ucNa 3 for a eewer osteem lu lho village af bout aof M r@ J. L T ay ltir n nB rad may. the ldebt d uese o for the usa addition unarlen e i swe ttv w r tet.lth sai n ped di th lhy on. m rn i b rt vl p i u a l ia ab o a Ail werBer. anS fncnd. urged tlatatend Lad been cîeared duning the liast 5ear. ~cmlt rganmi epBibdhurrying [o gel the train. letvit#snwdeadpybe& Mc..inne roer ma oreny lv.dNew ailiers abo asee leî'îed n-rp: eoun. But aust as 1 mas about tu enter îLe oHtiv oaithie Village Cailector. Tue Mr. rnl Coer wofomel lvé te une oeIwi oup b t ooks wmliBe clobeS promptly on Mareh lu iiberti vlle aud Hr aviIfEiders,- Il F. Wrght, Chas. Kaiser; Grain Show. The grain coainîhîle a;tetunlofrwlhyo as1 St. ~ ~ Her w'nllnar- arridiCheago ýrrib,,ems. M'ii.Wlls, Wm. Hafinan, tLe Fan Bureau ha. arranged ean Chicago trains, two Young fellows 2,lt'. Jaur .They aIl épnd île -n inter Warren (irunitultm: *Trea@nier, FF H excelleut li@t ai prî.mluussta Be ,ffered wearlng dark suite and igitt colorcd iyclBMriVlaeClelr >aur for exhîbîts afIcoan, wabý,aisl and, caps, ahoni 1 siould judge were noi Jan. 6 ta Martil 20 lu aluorna, ltemars mkin thirSt-vIe. Formerr"tlicero aha ase e e arley ta Bse liom onuthe sainie dates. over 18 years of age, enatclied ni Lame lnurit Paul tained wer-: EbIlere, C. F. Wright, A. Tihe irst preminin for bcd sten va~rs, aI purse anS mnil.dean flic hlI uta .I TeeaehrgisI h ne MCamey; Truýt,'-', Mr lire dam ,con n lu ai tithe four laseý: L île, darknesbefare 1 rouIS recove he endnsae ns In Theunde- Mrs Flyd auertheforthizrdp rs01ýiltlfaut fiH.llusTretom, eîlow, White Cap. Y. Dlit and any pedetsurprlianq olre.s Mre Fay Cnne, helonihgrdelie ls-di ui l Bilgane aler coior ahIlBe $ (r iSear exl it@i urr»e leacher wase aken iii ab ber home In____In____ u aL aof [Le about $19) aili hi' ,flsred At the turne I coald Sud noon ne lu ____________ iParislll ,durIng teh rltmas vacation, as a irsi premînnri Sweepstake@ lu report lte malter ta e-cept two C. ADJUDICATION NOTICE. ville. Mifaxblle reeun nlbetn eseh cias wlillhLef5 and $11).& N. W. men aho were lu the depat. L"l r,~ - îila rmîi.aiIl ffrdfr vier a otlgnMvlel Public Notice 1intisreby fiven th&&lthe 8uW ville mlë§ Hael Buler 8 8ustituinu hurc cfor ices. siflairpremum. ill I offred or Agther wasnoshdierfvaluEiec1iterer. xee ie l o t tetest;wi edand est- un Mn.o Gaume'e roum.eMali grain. the purse except my gîssses 1 titnught mentlof Eiien Mihlau decea"scd. ai adeni eu Joh htîsu, ammrl aiPleunl ~Watch ion the preminni flot and pro. peritaps lte>'would Ibro thie purse Cuuty CutfLake (i..nty at a Ccmsntb" Jrahrie, Wls - sud adi kofu brs. as Methodist-Episcopal. gramn. Tliey wlli Le(aît scoan. andi glasseosaway and Inluthat way tu 'e holdeu etîthe court house lu Wubeema sold bite farni lu Virgnia. andi returnedt ta Services Sunday ai le beld asifollowe: Wb.WTKN. iere vfoult bevaplblue t ofi'bei l.191i, cet, und taa le ona yMa Pieamaut Prairie ta make bis home. He Shioday ,shool fsso Ial gradées heiglfaos. I valure the glasss1y iver>' usamga. 5.wn sud eaere 1 tfe m4> wasinLIerj vll fr fe hrsonand lasses et 10 'clocl. Moriug ROBBED AT THE DEPOT forimh.y1as u>' mes espelt>'fllS dIBt agals aetate ens o i te for Tbureday. preachlina service atIil a'clock; eveulng sert te following aSdu or...raiuicto- ia -1e1y 1a.Ecuir Keuch oca ihrI vle îo aopreaching service aI 7:80, Rev. acatin Chicago Womnan in Letter '10 for lwo days. 0C 0luc.Davcd ro il, 1.,etIr Kenet Boka Lbety ile by h Ilcauduct bath einvlcesa nd lun tLe the Sun Explains How She rTe atdrese given lm that of my irJ5an.» bae heen lu active service lu France and eveuîug iberp wmil Ile peclai mueic Ly Was Followed in Town cnou, Mr. Thomas Spelîman. __________________ wha mas receiii ent laek ta Fart the chian d Mr Bradford, choireter.______Yaurs trnly.i Sheridan, ae a rest ai fbeiug Assd îi are cordînly li> iteti. Editor Thte Stun: tlrtiS. MAE llOt'GH, vas borne for a fea days tLe latter part 'Ounr Ptirpose aud Progagnu se Young Afier vlsltlng MY father who le 111 4107 Broadway>, Chicago. 1 FOR SALE-Horms,Mtule,C*as, o apars nt brecove reou le i. echa@ peop le", w, ll fle îl uBjecs ai the lu the McAisterhoptl my ncpitew P. S.-Would suggest yaî mutfer ____ _ Heifers snd Hogsi th uncgaete6ok.eveung aI f6:30 oclock. Mn,.OsarIngton street to gat the 10:14 train ender titat corne actinu may Le tl&îen W. V. . ,E MissFlorence Cheever andi Mattle tiyers ai igliwoini, lii baS 1h.mest-1 for Chicago. lao revent a recurreuce and lî<i- 3 miles noneh of Libert"ile Lightbody [ail their Suuday ecs ol ng. l.el reauber-îandfInu, ate We ver. aallcing ratiter briskly hi>' apprelieudth tit hiieves.______________ cîs@essefron the Methadist ebureb n aLeague nally ta the meeting. elehgh ride 'N rdneday eveniug Ater the ride, memBere ai the party acre ententaîned t th îe Lame of ies Cheever abers a boun Icone Inneheon wai erved. Everyous Lad a finte lm.. Edahn Kennedy, aho La@ tan brathers, Frank anti Rasymond, lu the service lu France, le back home aller a igit cannse. ai, tr aInngfan ahIeLh.o ols non the aurse. Hos as expecting ta Be sent ta Frante. but 111e minu>'thene wau dis- appointed Bl i hart was lu the right place aller ail andilbis enedare glaS t. ose. hlm. Wiiam MecCormiel eceived a package iroin France, Wedueeday. Il came main bis brother, Camp. John MceCormick, af tLe 108 Engineere, aiîh the army ai occupation, and hli conlained a Gemmari elmet aud a ehoulder trap hrum a German eoidier'e unîfonin. The heimel aBs usail>' seved Up ailh a piece of burlap aud caine thnongh lu fine shape. The ahoulder etrap beare the nuruhen 212. £orp. licCamml eaye Ihai h. Las inu>' aer souvenirs ahIch Le vIii brn iugato hlm ahen Lo eturne té ibis country'. A caunt>' officiai of Lake cannty, vito bel $10 Ibal vo vould have zero weather hetore te iret of J.nuarî' bast is bel bi jusi ene day. The méerr rOlld belby zero W6dues- day ovening. Te car mii nest-thie m eek ou Friday eveuilugat 7:30 o'clock sharp. Cisloister Brnadford desires ail meinhere antfievcide aboalag4n the Chnlmas cantat a la Lepresest. The Suuday oehool Teachere' Training Ciase alI L be liSnext Monda>' eveung, ae hombinsof M re. J. B. Morse. Tii. clieailbeglu worl 'prompti>' sI à o'clock. The presenceol aIl memboesil deoireSt. Preshytorian. Sunda>' echoai 10 a. nm. 11 a. mi. Preahblng. Tapic of sermon,i 'Pmeeeut Day Idaîatry." 7:30 p. i. Peaehlng Tephcoe ermon. "The Heant Cny ai a Penitent." Chrietian Endeacor 6:45 p. mn., MIs Blanche Osborne, leader. Topic, "The Practice ai Kludiluees." icripture Cen. 45; 15. Bnlng yaun Bibles. Chair pratice ýrtday evenlug at 8 o'clocl. Mr@. Durand, ergauimt. Boy Scoutesettheb. hurch, Frîda>', 7:80 p. m.,. Iuitiation ai second clame Scoute; Camp Fins Girls at tLe pareanage, the big comhîlnatioii parI>' .111 b. helS FriSa>', January 17. Scout tratllng praetIce Saturday ailernoan. SunJa'.ayJaruuary 19, the nea EIders-1 Eteet ii I4 ordalnsd and Instaijed abl the îîuiîýiuig cervcesThe -trusteeo aud'i chticli ttiSaslcr rjiix. ,eliteI li B lnducted iormaîiy Into oailes. 1 January Selling of Notions and Findings The Homea sewerwiIl need îny things titis uîonth in hotions anîd mail wears of ail kinds. Ouîrlino will be frund replete with new and up-to-date goods, ail excellenit values and many specially priced at much less than the ustial figure. We miglit suggeât: Rick rack braid, stickered braid, bias tape, belting, Girdeline, skirt braid, stay binding, button hole tape, sîîap fasteners, hooks and eyes, buttons, pins, safety pins, silk and cotton threads, need- les, bodkins, etc. As a special feature for otîr January Sales we have purchased a lot of fine wool )ress Goods 111 short leuigths. These are in ltaple plain colors and handsome plaid effeets. Ail are goods worth $2.00 per yard, but will be offered at, per yard, 2.0 BIJY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. W!E SELI TII!M W. W. CARROLL & SONS COMPANY 'SPhone 29êê.ee*OOO~êO**S*ê~de*e t------ -- - br lu ail et a [Ch teri. iared. it laee bat worér decislm i b. hui'- me D. ton wbyk n charge qmg ost- lOes Dlot lt ho la the sec. bas bees a admit. )d ruade go fron. g Impo>. ,ho îey, brother les Miar. itendeal He per. on thas aa ever Wauke. as eu. mia an&t ni oper- but la has fre. ho past formar d Isease rtyville. wicz or baving mced Ine h@ case suit for rosi, I&. trttai a mpike, dent idepen. Our Standard of Service Meeting every customner more » hait way, belng rlaliy giad te se hlm, and giad to help hlm. 0f course we're human, and we're mlot al of us 100 percent ail of the time, but w. arei honestly and sincereliy trlving to live up to OU! standard. We belleve Willard Service la the mont reliabie battery service ln America and we're making t better every day. We wel. corne your suggestions. COLWELL BATTERY SHOP, Sheridan, Rond and Madison St. Phone 2022 -.5

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