CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Jan 1919, p. 6

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that cotinty street hasbeen paved WRATONWYHR and in each caua Mayor Peac ~ JIg akgn a.6 sed te cry iom-= 1 ÇÏWuean a.6 prveens.Yt n eastocoe eMrs. Loulsa Onyder, otherwia. esEue cn onts, Yet ind yeast orne he 'RED% UI f"Jjknown as Dianond, Warren, Pow, ILr.t li mou o pad w m ai:Toe a SJaÉ # MiLL Pugh, ad inltum, the nurse v ho vas o st a.s1 wernd paedwon t b e I Waa mai-theplaced un er arres t on com plaint of IJACKTOOWIfiR r n t otbeek -dta A A*~ fJ U LMrs. Henry Decker who charges lier he vill add to t: "But I opposed ev- ery mov'a of the Clty commissionars - t an tl lohgadai ForaiAgeeen B- ovard bringing about tho3e improve- Suggestion Made that Wauke- verwlar cha are of t200olicane a eWaukeganite and ut. gan Ask is Congre8man ntoles.,acodugt ord And the Terminal Aiso. tXie nApicto eclenito the Wina.ukedigan o wic owt. He Gets it Back It vas during Mayor Pearca's ad- o ilSaatpictin rday nelbt.he auitvoc po- STPAD 7,00.0 aminîstaton that theanuatens ewra' DESERVE RECOGNITION liUce assurad -the local autharities hi T, PID 7,OO.O ha ben due t te Mnufctueratelaph -e that a warrant for ber, ar- Terminal, which ilas brought many :Waukegan Ioud lika to have a, rest % )uld ha received bare todai'. fient Provides that it facui es to Waukegan, yet Mayor watrd orauann nii'l e lagdteta aiùo ý'lJnder1 twee GOI IF LO0' Must Tend * The e -turned ci ke. the jeo ls Mo, bor. It deve bé made ¶'ie gosE Il et btv .dela s appralsen .Aer1 the tUape t as vhen Steele turned1 *Yer tu the governmant. As It is ne .0v being used fr oui' partîifla purpose, the chances are the goverl ment vill immedlateiy begin vor AZ tting It iii ship-hape and take th 1ToirrnSi step of lurnlng it bat-k ta Mi Thea*"DcIte", Itl a recahied, ]e 'Waukegan vent te thte Soo loc- egwmre It did patrol duty for n, 1, .lit bas heen there most of th e snce. athougb Mr. Steele but if&e, vae transferred f rom It latar sai eiteta aneasateru point. LAteiy Nlt eitelias been doing service in th vgvy on the west coast, heing ai s dgned tate eoast guards. t1 -mUted that ha la on ship during th :4a.y but cornes lu eacb night to bi botne ln one of the coast cities. '*EVER DID ANYTHING YET MUCH DONE UNDER HIN JoYears to Corne It Will Ei "Egasy"l for Hlm to Poin %àUacka What Was Done Ui der His -Administration Evei Tbough He Blocked Ail H( Could __ __ Although he han, opposed aver pflie movemnent lu Waukegan wvii 6ea4.iiovard expansion of the cit ami bvlafg It op tbthe tandar etf athas dUes, bave you oser toPPe Ïla M&lnkthat lu yeara. to conte Maye ?Voe vii bha Abletu pofint ba'c I *Neb admiansrtione' as the Perio 'ebeaSmm of the. biggeat thinga wer 41c» for Wankegau? àam, the hstoran w1tli a vea ,ý@mry vIl, no doubt. will ratert theé Peqirc administration as an ide mout notevorthy lu the city's ai of course the mayar and is triend "t» years ta corne vau't ha obligadt »&y wkteu ha points back to thes ,'-pmoa? f important action: "Of cours th mayor votefi against avrythin toit tiey vent ahead mast the same. . For Instance, during Mayor Pearc preseuR fadrnistration, Waukegan' b>ig tanner>'. which la golng ta be on 'pf the iggest In the world, was l cMMte andi erectad here. This in spi t the tact that the mayor vasntI 4.strurnentalInt any selse of the wor el brbnaing It here. lit vas tIsa during Mayor Pearce franchise vas settled for a Ion et Years. Yet iMayor Pearce ol personalli' and vigorously e miove teuded tovard bringlng th Ï tandministret cta r tornpan . Ha voted against every a 0f the citi' council ln ts a de ns on this Important propcm naund fil' î%ot(.d ou adopting ti >'se yet inyî'ars te coma he es bsk _.d say the franchise -a durlg ny ri-giiie.' lae dring the prest-nt adnîl ntat arket street sý d thbat North %venuem' ias pave .uth treet bas btî iixv ,Ii».dor*§D.luret. President.' TELEPI AUKEGAN tBe as Good as When idered 10 Government ýhance. are Iathfr o ft motor has t 'Diqkiie" vhi( Charles Steele. of Waukega ver tu fthc goverument at tl ak ofthe var, vii lie rturn( Wanltegan young man aT 1>' lbt vil! make ts tripboa oorings, lu the Waukegau hm 'lops thatunuder the agre kada bebveen Mr. Steele a rniment officiais t the ttir th tiebnder ot bis boate tant of the crait vas mad 'ernment -offcIaIs appraisE veen six sud seven thousar ThIe understanding of V t vas that If lie boat vi 3govenument vould pay M ie arount rePrasenbed ln t ment. âll thesle inonbbs aof liai e hoast vii of course requli wtt ahlug rn n1a Lp i lt Peair *- neyer extended a baud te a.- considered hIkeli' that a pebiion vil! siat ..ic promoters af this proposition lie sent ta the congresl;man trom tbis but ..î,,îuad vorkcd againît thewi lu district asl<lng hlm tai use isInflu- seveial instances. Yet lu ycars to cnt-e aioug this line, An applicablon ,g cames lie canurpoint back and Say: : t Iled vlth the var dapartment at this t-h vas--during i- administration bliat tîme bafone boa mani' ciles -maic n, the. termnual liadt its origin aud coni- similar reqîleats, Ilb la belleevd youid 1 le lte developmeut. hbring the desired rnuits, idn lb vas durng Mayor Pearces tern Lb s suggested that If a cannon tkthat the city's biggest industri', the can lie obained that Ilb con he plat-ad c Johns-Man' 11e Company secured itu lit the court bouse suarqe as a mc- u- iocaton-yet istori vil! fmot record oriail b the soidiers trom Waukegau re- that the deal vas put throiîgb andI aud vîcinibi' vho.ggve their lices lu i lapor Pearce kuev potbîug of lb un- the cause of democraci'. Such a mcli- me til lb had ail heen t-baud, 1lia vasu'tl orial, fit lapoinbed o'ut, vouîd lha boit an cousulted, lie vaso't "let la on" tha fttlug and appropriate. for fean ha mtghbtbrov a siensi Other ciles bave mo'de applcationt cd lnte path ot the project, * for these capburcd cannons la or- ýnd' It vas during Mayor Peance s ad- der tiat tliey mai' serve as a man- ha ministrabion that lie vorld-var vas lai af the valor of Amant-an soldiara ras in progres ansd Waukugan assumed wha never have Test a van, gr. an important position lu thbcoien- If Waukegan venu able ta olbalu lie munlty tlîroug lits varlous activities ana o! these cannons Il vauld servse lu van recreation hunes, lu Y . .C. A. to keqp green the. memary o! dent- trd work, a nd ybat not? Yet Niayor ocracys vîctori' over altocraci'. ne Pearce has neyer shovu auy personal Wban Pro-Germanssaat anythina. 1a Intaresb lu any o! tht-sa tblngs, lu lu favor of Genmany or auyone makes it fact dot-s not attend aay of the muet- ani' dlalo3'al utterauces the cannon jt iiigs and show a persunal intaruat ilu eould be polntud to as an obJcct las- la their succuas. Ison of Ameicaa rlghteous righb, ni- Still haet-an point bacsi to bbc filct 1 Waukegan bas taken an Important ,rk that lie 'vas ma>-or durnlg the var' part lu vnnaiug tbc van and If ani' ýh priod" amd tîat Wauhtegan id a;* commuuIty ls euitled ta oue of the bit. great des! ln !ooklng aller the vel- capturad cannon thîs iti' certai>-le tare cf the sailors ut Great Lakua entltlcd tu sut-h recognition. kstain Park System Starte. M R YN U TG ýhe t s-as during thie present adininis. 1-trathon of Mayor Pearce tha t the ES PREDIGT No id W'auul-gan park district vas created l . in Xaukgau and Waukegau took ae is lirst steP tovard baving a tangible- as. Lpak sste~m;n bi'tie constructionblof I'UPULARITY ,HEKE leof the cit>', Yt Mayar Pearcu bad Say That Elimination of Crown no baud la carryimîg this proect Pi-~ ' blroughinlufat-t, ha acer vonked o Pit as GMeaasGreen it at auy tîme. Stîl!la years ta comteî Leaves Waukegan Only haot-an Point bat-k to the fat-t that the park aystern wss created durlnig OTHER PLACES 105E OUT M hie administration and it vont he nacsary fur hlm ta sai' that al- MarrYlug Justices of Waukegau e îlîough be wss mayor bo bad no baud heards withconsiderable deltaht te nii l. diatnplaita pasa lav ofInch .Tbus lu slzingug 1)the admInistre- j viiiTa ke a lbnecg e sior awperob n- tion of the preseut mayor Ilbmust ibe ta bavaoiedlu tesatabferaa prslie n admttad that lha certâIlylin tla forhae a aige l te-ae n a a le. "e«vlctlm o! fortune";In cither yards, fore Thmariaeo coupla.aube ave o lebg thingsA re happening dnnlug is u.- ouad f ope hv lp admiistatin, hing whch ie ascd ta Cravu Point averv yeaa'tg gt admîniustratio, biluavlh b ias married. The passage of the pro vr iga ouei'ot o r , aud tgswhlchPOSead lav voUld causa bbem ta seek ni' he nt lias doe nobhng an, evb lother Graina Green and local marri'- chy go mb hesoyas 1916-1-g8ha9and ng SJustices figure that Waukegan trd dnarlg lie year 196-17-18-19 aud u voud ha, the logicaI point oght. rd yetatar cot Il ilI h«Pa atined o t at Wsu)oegan bas icen grovimg dr lMayotr." t In: Perc as lu poPulriti'as lie objective of mmii' or mai'r." ko ha h cmo runavai' matches tiare can b. no dia- ta .Daut yu 'novtha th camanPute. Thene bas beau a pheomenai iod remark lu years ta cone will bo: lucrease lu tie nurnier of licenses ln- re '"LAt's See, vlan the tanner' carne, aUed bers eveu <trlng the Tast fire lisne, vbo vas mayor? Oh yes, ilb years. ,During lie >ear 1914 the ak vas n h ar yte a Pearcc. unmbe'of marrlage Ucenae issue.! to "Wln bbc ark ssbcm vs lret e ia.d reached a total of 1598. D)ur. ug cd, who vas maYor? Oh yes, Ilbvas lu gthe year juat pasb a total of 2611 n- Pearce."1 licanses vee nmed. This la au In. "When the areet car franchise vas creassa of Ovar 1,000 oven 1914, or id setlcd, 'vhy that vas va>' bat-lt lu l 5 ercet LO11.Who vas mayor at that tîme? naci' 61 a cen cs o lm se Sure euough, It was Pearce." 1 Ination. There vas a tnie wlieu Mil. se "Weil that man Pearca must have'vu; n Knsal Waasn ug ben sniemayon ta bave been at 1SI t.joseihluMhia sd Cru e.'1 the huud of the administration durng point lindinaMivianit andkegu t-a bc ranat-ton f tese mpotan for popuarti' as a mariage t-enter. D'a thing." Restrictive lava lu Wlscausin anid ne A Victim of Fortune. Michigan Placcd the Gretua Greens lu la- CoultI ever any man he more o! a thasa sttes out of bbc runnlng sud te vlctlm f fortunc-good fortune, in rv on a en Wuea' n- fact-tban Mayor Peance vbo is îCoui' eaPoivt afsoe imue Wit rd tound lu thia enigmabie position. Crowu Point ellminated local Justices Tbe position whIcb IMayor Pearco predict that there vililieo additloîsul ýes and is trlends dan ptctir hlm lu, Ipbat o1mn oad t 'et lu ycara ta corne vas torcatuli> ll u.!!tu- t f mariseeeng oad t )g trated saveral yeas-s ago durng thePonofmragsekg couples. op-1- Hussei'-Pearce mayoaati' campalgn.1 av- At that time on the saubli sida a Wou- lunvîmen the speaker came la tavu. te kegan lavi'en speakiug lunlichait or Pearce Tait.. Credit. ta. Russe>' addrcssed the lange audience 1 Mayor Pearce vas next on the pro- Lc- aud .told tha men aaaambied boy, 1gmarn ta gîve a taik, aud t that tilîe lb- vhen haodarne ta tovu Soute ycans ho.- lie mailde the biggest speech lu lis Dot- fora, property wvas baorng, business lite, H e got up sud merol>' said: -'l te vas baoming, sud evenytblag vas ln, agree vîbli everythlng- that the speak- cu fine shape, Someboy t-auditions ran.(Ilb vas Alex Beaubien) sald, Ail as chsnged. LHa plctured boy the taxes: 1 bave to ayi s that 1 wss mayor dur- iiad gravu teabahurmal codtion, ng the period to which ho rcferred."1 ).1w business vas at a'stndat07, tt-, And as in future years ha viii net as t ditboy the election o! Busse>' would, bava to exialu, nelther did Pearco cd, 'ýring about a change and lie i-iy! nt tiat lime explain that h halid not tI. uîd rneyet ta the condition Ilbvas bad s band In bringing about tic _____________________________ Igaod conditions vhlcb the speaker bie- fotre lm had Pitured. And, la vas given saitîstt-bran hi' ythe audience, W. ai. Smih, Vice Preaidlent. sbowiug that they rememberr'd bhe Secretars sud Manager hluga blat bail been doue but forgot tbat lha bad lnd no baud In those >HONE 8 1 thIInga any more than lielias bsd dutr- Inlg the pt-osent administratjn. Thuîs 'LE 8& TRUJSTF CO, If lha "did Il" at biattlime aller prov- ! ing an obstruttion!st mayor, tic .E TITLES GUARANTEED chances are hae eau and yull do Ilb agaln in the i'cara to coma, $1 25,000.00 Dld Waukegan aven produce mr of a " vctlm Of tortune" than W. W. - - , ILLINOIS reint-c' Tt wau a case of sl-ethT .e 1Ihinge bappencd lu sptte 0f tbe mmlkmayor. $30(î w ort f loth-ing.-- A .t.Istant Chief Tyrrell asserted ta. dwi that thare la little chance af se îdiug the dafeudant back ta Wis- ûongin as ha maya. aebe as pleadèd i tailty to -the thaft at théî -Docker lioesand lis ratored practîcalli' ali the articles taken. She la ta bave bar bearing Iu police court Wednes- 1day marnlug and il Is sald that An- tan fichoînir, the Waukegan Young man ,chom sha got to assiat lier carry avai' the stolen articles, and vbo later vas the meaus of'bîîrning bel'over te the police, yull testif» agaluat ber. The nursa o! mani' allasestill os copies a caîl at the Lake counti' jail, baving fallad lu ber attampta te ah- tain a bondsnan tua put up cash baill of $300. Aunev angle vas addad ta the casa Saturday mîlgbt vheu bbe prisonter saut out a telograrntvarded somevhab as fallova: Frankîlu, Mass. *'Am Jp counti' jail here. Please corne quick." Signed-"'Tootaie." Mrs. Suydar, If thal 1la bar reai name, said aie had nîrsed NIr. Gett's mother samd that ha had heen se grate. fui over ber -tander care that lie as- aured fier that If she evpr needcd bis services, no matter vhae she mlght ba, ta ]et hlm knov. The case of Mrq. Snydpr -la saldte t be a-ery similar te that ot Julia l.yons, better kuovu as "lhlu Julia." a nurse wlia la charged vith baviug robbed many patients in Chlecago. The local police say that the con- fession of Mrm. Snyder simplifies the 1case greabi>'. Sclîuolnir. vbo the Po0- 0lIce eai', vas innocent of ani'corn- plieîti', will ho used mereli' as a vit- ness, CoifiItIMA REETr ING;r LISTEN TO VOUCS FROM HOM01E The Allens and Lees, in Cali- fornia, Heard Long Mes- sages From Waukegan IN A DICTAPHONE RECORD 'Mr. a.nd Mrs. W. J.,Alien and Mr. suad Mrs. R. P. Lac o! Cary avenue, vho are spending the vinter lu Cali- rfornla recelved wvitle .perbaps ane r f the. Mont novel, Christmas greetinga of any Waukcgau fasulli' and par- 1bape the lirat of Ils klud ever sent ithrough the mails upen sncb an ioccasion, Readars vilI pardon lie >persanal ratarence hi' the vraber be- lcause af the tact that thbcicrcuin- stances are unusual anld te aur vai' L0f bhinklng are varbby of mention- lng. Whitle lb pertalua ta the par- sonal daluga ofthle editor noerrhe- tes ecause of IlLq interest. It feela that lb is pardonable te make an ex- ception ln "vrlting aboult one's self lu aur owu neya oolumfs.'l 1 About tva veks efore Chistmnas vaw thoughb It would lie a rallier nôv- el idea te send ta Mr. antd Ilrs. Al- len and Mn.. sud Mrs. Lee, a mee- sage fron Waukegan WhIch tb.y could hear sud bear the message fromn Volces vblch bhey 1mev aseval. Aie- cordîngli' the edîtar of bbe Sun dlc- taled lubo bis dictaphone a long lat- ter. Then lie lad bis brother, F. G. Smith, manager of thé, Sun. add s Ilttla Cbrisbmas 'greatiug as vatt. Then lira. P. G. Smith care ne i1 put ln ber 1ev word. andi ahe hlp Pened te have the baby Evelyn Ruth, nina moubhs aid, vlth ber. And nov hare la vhere the Inter- esting feature cameis ln. The vrlter 100k the baby, beld lier lu bfis arms 1lu front o! the dictaphone,.sud vas lu Inopea that sha vould 150gb or do 1somebblug loud enougb lu front of »the machine se ha coutl have It 1 runscrIhed on the record, Hlovever Lthe machine vas boa attractive for the litle obild sud Iustead o! talk- LIng or cooing ahe vauted ta put It ta uleces and thoe$et'pe w erfe unable ta get anylhiug Inta bthe rec- ord for some time. Nov lb iau't a fat-t, va dld net plncb her. but ln due course af timeafater belng beld Lin a certain poslition Mis Evelyn ha 3gan ta rasent beini held se tightly andI squirnng, she hegan ta cry a 3littIa. Quicll>thbe lever vas pressed which permittadl the cry bo go lnte the dictaphone and nov ve art, aux- t luh>- avaitlng word tram the Allen. andI Lacs as ta vhctlier Ilttle Miss Evelynus voievas carried te Cali- fornia on the dictaphone record. A w«il liter r ieind s î;erp as etI t.) >av a st-rd tmtî,> tht- dictilliOio-Il Ahqs particitiar record and then il ,vbàý gWqp H wed V#,.Md Mo* pont b O Clfornis. Shoulrit tb. Plt Clama? Novr loi* la vitere v. mai' liel"op apaier àrproposition. Wc did Dot tell Poeaasf Grady that va .Ier, seadjie à record lu question We merel>' aeud it as a parcel pont Package and dld not specifi' that vhile it va, not a letter* It really wazi a latter lua a . Hovevpr. it would't lha a latter unt!lbIlvas placad ou anather machilue a.nd trans- cribed te the esrs of these reciplents. Bo the final point toi raise le: ahoudid the record have beau classeil as Oirsi clams mail because« It rea.l!y carried a message? Hovever, the record vasl't a plece of paper vltb thc measage vritten' on, lt vas a place of vax' vlth the message cut- lu. Therefore fit vii require a m'ighty fine ruling te determine vha.t clasal- ications auch a package oîîgbt te ha given. rThe.package vas mailed ta '.%r. Le lu fimas for hlm te ate the record te the offie 0f bis brother and place If on the transcribing machine thare no that the members of his fsmlly could. isten ta tbe direct e.age traonhome. Thara la. ouly oua ihing that va hope lu the vhole stunut aud that. L4 that Littlea'Miss 'rvalyn's message te the folks lu Calltarnia vas made clear enough and loud enough se the>' viii hear IL .Now dont any- hodi' accuse us of havingit lu-cd lier" or Itasing "sltck s p,ît iii he for If we liad doue se, vs are confi dent thai' aurely wotîld hte h- iil her message a.nd we wnuldn b-, in douitt. IS TAKEN AT MILWAUKEE Mrs. Louise Snyder,-Claiming To Be Trained Nurse, Robbed Home Here, Is Charge Chargea with lî,,îing ,tul-,n cloth log. silverwara, etc., te a v:ilui< ut $200' tram Mrs. Hennry Decuer, .112 McKinley avenue vltb vlîom she vas roomlng, '.%rs. Louis Snyder, allas Miss Louise Snyder. allas lir. Luse Dtamond, alias Mrs. Louise Warren, allas '.trs. Louise Pew, alias Mr%. Louie Pugh, etc., etc., bas b)ecu placcd under arrest tu Milýýaukee sud la. being hrouzht ta Waukegan for trial. Tony fichoînir, iformer!y of Waukagan, but latë of Nliiw*aukee al- so ba s beau placed under arresti1as au ace.ýsory, but la heine leld chi'fly as a witness against Mrs. Snydcr, vbo dlaims ta be a trained nurse. Aocordlug te the Waukegan plc Mrs. finyder telagrapbed tae hu nir ta meet ber hera. This vas whlîhh @lie vas staylug at the Decker homoe. Tt appears that she had Olrsl met Scholir an a train and tbey had imnt out tagether a fev times iînce. Mrs. finydar lbadtva or three henvi' sultcasee;vhlcb she vishas Sehonir te carry for ber. As a miatter oftfact these suit cases containad the stolen sz:lclaa but the>' helieve that fichoI- nîir vas net avare of this tact. He conseuted ta balp bar rarnove them ta Milvaukee. Wheu Mre. Deeker discoveed the robbery aie placed the mattetln l the handa of the police. This vas on Christmas ave. Asat. Chie! Tyrreli traced BholIr t ilwaukee and vith the assistance of the ItvaIskc Police ipla.ced hlm undar arrest. Hie va. braught te Waultega.n and for' three dav. vas Irept lu tic clty lau. Ditring liaItfimie he oonaylnced loca authoridis e . h. as Innocent of a.y lantent te do vroug. He vas rel«esa upon bie promise te belD loeate the euidelo voman. Hea kapt hle word. riday sfter- naon ha loocated bier a.nd tlpped the malter off ta the Milvaukee police and she vas arreated. Then hoe tel- epboned ta Chie! Tyxi-all andI poinbedl out boy he e hd tept falth. Policeman Booth vas sent te Mll- yankee Iodai' ta brIng Mrs. finyder baek vibb' hlm. lira. fnyder. the police say, asacrt,, that when ahe came ta Waukegan aie carne vlth a vlev ta getlng a position lu a local boapîtal. lb devel- opa that sha vas neot employed at ethar haspîtai. KILLED AS BOMB ANNUIILTES NEAR- LV ENTIRE.COMPANY Corp. Bissonnetie, Brother-mn- *Law of John Laurent of Waukegan, Meets Death BOMB KILLS 250 SOLDIERS John Laurent, of 336 William.i street, bas just recelved word tram Rbinelaindar, Win., of the deabhln l llrane a! hîs brotlier-in-lav, Corpar- sl Charles Blasonnette, *ho vent frace Rlinala.nder vibli Ca. L, 127 Infautri', 149th regirnent, Itaiuhov Di- vii.4- TIhere vers 26 men1lutbb nearli' 20 naval, Photo 17 naval aÀi tie 2,480 bousw on lie TU!ItedSato$ days na çaa urW liglit. (Oua of tbbc Oral bo& tained a Red (bon uoeieý- rode Cra>g 0of Uprbugf.01,' a. dlspabch Igroin the éaa.t.. Kau foîka are inclued i p that lls Cr.alg la te i Mr. Craig wlîa tormerl>' r. Ing siop la Waukega., Singer lu ChrIst cinrebt kuova bore. T'l. Crd" fram Waukegan ta l dairgiter vlim nthe>' belle ta th. -Rad Cross. 1%IMtl merli' livcd lu bbe Sean DU"."' avenue sud Street). ltbu bashen found tuat' are dlscharied frarn (Irft L4hW given tickets home, go to tidrU first, sud lu most cases-so and taire their aId jabs, whie di vIa are given thair psY sud i0" raliroa.4 tare generai eme Chicago. [RRIO ffA[[ MIs December WaBanérWoih BearsOut dlb.Ciam cf. s istant Chlie tyril SAYS WAUKE«GAN IS CLEAN Whou Assistent Chie! Thoma.. TyrrelI aoserted reecubli' thal Wou- kegan It one o! tbe cleamest clblea lu the amate sa for as lavbraakiug I. conoerned, le ,CToke advlsedly. Month- ly police reporta for qome time have1 shovu a decline lu thc number af arrests. The maubli of Decembher vas s banner maulli lu Ibis respect as vill i habowu by the foliovlng re- port: lntoxlcated persoan-I 0. Dissorderli' conduct-9. lýarcny-4. Iturglary-1. Wife ahandoament-1. i fe beaer-l. 'ecelving sboien propety-1. Total arnests-27. Stayovers-11. Grand total-38. Police fines collected-$19. Ses le recoipta-S$17.9O. Stayovers cannot hae deslgna.ted as arrest', for there are men vho mare- 13' apply ta the police station for a niglta lodzing. Thu% the total nuin- ber a! arreats for the moubli vas but 27, less than one a day. This la. con- sldered most remarkahle for a ctY orftrain 25.,OOd-40,000. Mut-b credit for kecpIng dovn a vave of crime l., due to the assist- ant chef of Police,. Whie bis force o! police officers la smalr than lu most cilles of tiisize his long ex- pariance as a thille-catcher standsi hlm ln good mtead.- When h aa that Waukegau la a cean town lie bas the offiClal record o! arnesis ta iack op bis sîstement. There vas a lime vlicu the nain- b-or af arrests 'or a moubli vould u Inn or tbree times as mut-h as lb did for Dpember. The tact thal, lav- brFakimg lilas bt-en su»~ressed vili I le good ncws to the people ln gen- eral. LT. COL. WATROUS, WHiO WED JIEREl IS LAKE COUNTY Publisiyt" i b WAUKE.:-AN'4DAMLY SuN At the special l0w pic. each $3.50 V13ERNOF3.WARS lSize:f., n y4f. Attempted 10 Serve Actively in Worfd War But Was Placed On Reiired List WAS 4-MIM&UTE SPEAKER Concamulng the marriage lu Wat- sepgan last Saturdai' af Leutenant-I Colonel J. A. Watraum. aged 78, sud Miss Christine A, Stelmke, agad 40. bath a! Milwaukee, lie Milwaukee Senlinel for vici publication the Clvil War vetanan bas vnitban for i'ars, ga>'s: ".It vas a surprise to lie friands ot lie colonel, or mont o! them. AOC=n- aued b>' lie bnde'as fintars, the Min.sEmmua and Stella Steimke, lie>' left for lie Ili. lY on au aanli'train, lin. eocaplng tae neea. eli' of a Ilve-dr atta sd conseuent publicihi'.1 of bis bride lhe colonel mye, "j outrauk ber oui'lu in'ears sud as a. semier. Ln aU other reapedlisabch la the baller of lie pair." The colonel', servita a s sldler lu thi'.. vans, as a schaol superlu- tendent, stabp legialator, callactar of custarna. Jout'nallsl a.nd publie speak- er have made him kuavu natui>'l as vel, Afler taiilng ta ha raturnedl ta, the active list lu lie vorld var, ha affered hie services as a speaker, vltliout charge. and during the var made 252 als, lndludlug man> a:, a fonr minute man, leafing ail other speakers lu bbc state. This lu atIdi- Ioto taram six to eiglit 'boums a day at bis desk lu the Sentinel offce. Patraiman William Heusel et Lake Forest veut thief huutlng Suuday nlght. Ail nigbb ha sbood spookisi guard at the borne a! Capt. Èbefett. readi' ta yaylay the burgiars iawh havaebs-led ta break ln tvice lu a fort-night. Ha vas lu bbc vroug place. When ha got borne be fonnd yesterday mornlug tiat blilaves bad stolcu ten of!is fine chicicans. Went. Foe -Sai0. i«0 son aInheMiM ORPENDINT 16.000Peo s weekly.- LibertyvilleI Independent I Farmers, Atteul6W Foryorptteoa and= = smaU @b FORMALIHYD)E SOLUTION *65 Cents a Pmt* The beSt and cheuput Antl-Smut on the mu.- ket The. Rezali Store Cor, Madso. and GOs.....Sb. The Store ThatSuves Yn0Mgoçu.' amv. Ils. E Tu. In» au BoOm 4 M KIDNEYS WEAKENING?ý LOOK OUTI, idney trouhles dont dlsappear of The housewife of HoUland would à&- theiiisclvrs. The ry <ow lowly but Mont as soon be vithout fond as vlâtai- atýadliy, unlernmlnlng healtit with-n dealIY cen llnty, Otil YOU tai, a vic- out ber 'el Dutch Drops," ap.sab* tirm t in-hîvOle dise.asa. quaintly rails fflLD MJEIAL Haarlem S' ) rte*oujblea whill there la time. 011 Capsules, They restore, stra.ngth 'Zo t woî'il lis pains becomne big and are reggronsible in a great measr& wIhos. l>c'nt t rifle witlm disease. To for the et ldy, robust ealth oftbte a' ui,l totire suffeing liegin treatrn.nt liollianders. wi 1iL)îj lTlIIAL ilaarlem 011 Cap- 5T ow 0. Take three or four etary Do flot delay. Go tn ypur arugast- dai, you are exitirehi fret, from lnsi»t on bis naîîplying y Au"ihcii TaRin. MEUXAL Haarlemn 0u1Capsules. Ta»O Th i.4well.known Pr atlon bas been them s directed. ana Ir von are s, l 1-l of the national reedies of Bol- satlslied wlth reasote your druglat wiUà7 sud for cnturies. ln 1696 thé goverti- gladly rettln' vour mnnev. Look. i-'of î. efan.n.sgitll&the namn, COLlD .-ontd. a., u : o' lzlgiugs prepara. and areept no other. la sealedb J le. tlu'eelas& -OF- g1bia aboug gpaadempid 100.08vége J- mi ater sud bualptg BalsaAmi moav boardii *eoid for thei Mru. Naci ~ tebd d pasndai Gertlegie i Shirley TUn lKr. andi ,faaytagwtt haIll'ove fl005,d tg -bom& Ms. md i la thelu- mal aebool op Macs 1) Wh" lob Tbo.. roc la apdISas1 DiMu-r, C tbuo lli o"d -si "À mai tpObuti 11 e,* 1> me. o b1 tm

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