CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Jan 1919, p. 8

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paené àr »l Mo. HI . Puni. Mr. éad m i te W. Sbvaglr a Mis. Job. Wagner paoues wa t ber cbttdrea-»uàsudsy vith thir parents, boune hors Tue.ds moraing, Deesmber Mr. sud Mn. Christ Kooebhin. an d Blet.ille bad ruided la tht. village tb. Mme. FranD Belulaof Chicago, vas pol e wjeare and tu the township ail the gualib 1Mrl. Fred Bieimehi, Thurs. ber flt.' -h. e bas a ktnd nelghhor end dait. ----------------respected aud belotved Ilby il. The Ralpbh flreuberger and V. Validei'a Isarrowing tamliy have th@ simeere ayn. o1 Great Lakee., @pont Bunday ai F* IIONORABLY DI8CttAPEO 1the glu. The -fornesfather, Barney paîhi ai&IL . Harenberger'.ý tVoAreasbohais ho have been lu the Amann li.amsacriticaltyI'lit witb pneu- On.a&Mount af the col td e uter-lai. i e rry Wbitcomb bas received. bavew beeno.dtechrged and have-mo"a. day the sannoat Ilueinem eemting af the word that ber son. George, wba aas' mhbraed tt iher respective bomnes bers. Fuaieraimesrvicesfor the tatelMtr. cburch vas hoet bailita. Emme, Radke'e. vounded ln Freine,bas arived eIeiy ln Monrte Witcax b: bas beau la active Caroline Waguer.,oai vanhae, vsite ldit George Radke end J. L. Chamberin vere New York. 'vhoS ta Francs rweeved bis dbaocharge at St. Mry'. church Frlday momrng tu re.elsected trnteee, George Brahuerd, Mises Ruth and Elizabeth Rockenbaeh ilai Ocinaubue birracke Ànd returned te10 o'Clock. We extend sympatby ta the cterk, and Abert Panser, treasurer. The 0i Aptakftc, @Petit the *seit at thoir Ani a dsy evenlng. Sametime ago berbaved hand and hidren. trebourer'@ repart shaved the finances graudfatber's, George Rockenbach. Ie vas avaded ihe roix deU(ure. Se The finu pldemlc ln Froennt stiti ai the church lunugood canditian, there &aod Plagge of Paris Island, 8. C., wus lu a French ho@pital dnring tbe tast romains. qulte oroue. Saine af tbe betug a balance on baud af nearly $10. ho bad hie iurtaugb extended bavlng Wel ofi bts etay lu France and was familles wbtcb were fit strtcken vttb - bad tbe "fin", inily recavered aud re- eàmugthbe first oi tbe American soldiars the disese are novw able ta be out agalu____DLMOND LA EJturned ta duty lait to "tUom tatht. connry. white there are new cases reported dally A --r ro -a - e-- 1v ay - - Il~g' auau ,WlhNm Browder ba@ been statioued audTt le fearet] by the Dumeraus casesofAihurgo tsltnrea IdIys lnIIIl Uduscamupla theecult but was dismissad puieunouhiat more deathe mry occur.Chiraovtnd trebateCope b v 5 DM N *tCanio Grant. Rie returuad ta Art-a Neyer was Freinant do bard stricken moMrvad r @ tbeJ. W Cooper ari vate cf'M DI~~I J Mon day morIng. wth a 'tisease and tbeendlng ai tbe year G Wetrmarg tariJ. WVJ. Coe at ateC 1 I'I IN I S~U -1918 mebit never hbfargatten ai Freinant. 0 emegtri On chii icetinas iorntng only 20 people tir, sudtirbs. Win. Elusmabnu returnad ARE^ BREVITIES ouomai aout thevha alvaj attend UinEY OVEJtSEÀS out of borne 2r0,nwbtbeïctty atnend. ltirs. DIitgb Doipb axtd Mis Avis mass at Si.tiMary'$ church -Weres able ~ti res. Wm. Wbeeier @peut a foisi days lpayse tent 8aturtjay lu Wablkegau. ha present at Christmnas Services. wltb ber selter, mtis. Wm. staerp. - is hrt vell woba elnYer' ea:iss vainBue fo "New John Peterson, of Waukegan, t Miss gThrean Aven , lo a sedngbroeauO ests at C in Twefn, W ie Brother, o the yeng at thereanbove, tu shcago g OBITUARY Isl Tovuer tis. Marsballi Butchinge KoigM te sDa fb ve vt rltiesl Ciag. Gertrude, eldeat snd cherlbad daugh. sud tirs. J. W. Butchinge.' The tartoue members oi the Ktiray tan oi tir, sud tirs. John Fredericks, adMb.J . W utchinge.di UlaksITNEL IE LTE feaaly vbo bave beeu 111 wtb Influenza, vbo vas bhra March 14, 1911, passed JW.BtelgevBie Iilake_____L IN ETE We reported a@ ImprovIng raptidi>. avsy Manday morutng, December 30, waitegn, Jn. 6 lir. sud tire S. L. Tripp lef t iouday 1918,sft 10:45 sitar seversi veeke§ Illuese HALF DAY John Petermon. brother of Perry *v.entng for Jacksouville, Floride, vbere OfaiSs Infuluenza aud pueumonl. 1 0-- - ~ Peesno tePorc' ai n tbey vîli sPend s 1ev veeko, lister goiug It vas about two weeks aga that the Tha regfur meeting ai the Ladies' Ald* wbo tarmerly vas employed by the c oubl ta Mistal, Fiori da, for tbe remaluder five ciidren aitir, sud tirs. Fredanlck oi the Bai, Day chu rcb bas beau poat- Cyclone Fence ÇCf>mpany hetare he et he iner.beame very 111 wlth lInluenza. The poned ana week sud viii fie beldi Thurs- enlated ho aervlee. haevitten to The itssesRuth sud Blanche Shaddle condition of Grtrude sud Marie soon day. January 16. at the bomne oaIl ir i brotiier aftter two anonths' silence. «ud Miss Rachel Hecktthier retu rued bacam ey serions as pneumonie, Ernest Scbroadar. In the letter racelvrd hy the Watt- -aLake Forest Collage, Tuesday biffer deveiaped. On Christmnas day f bey wera Ihara vii bes a joint Installation ai kegan )-oung man froîn bis brother, enjyig n lgtae dy actin, pronounced dsugerousiy III sud Father lertnen Camp 1335, M. W. ai A. sud ha tell moince fleIng caukfris a à1irs. Alice Laux, vho-bas beau stayiug By hastweed tather eabl _to ad- Wilîd Camp 507 K. N.A. lu Wdma bas vl'lted ncleig auen- witb rs. yero urtu theab@en ofm h hm ceeanîne (lifteront caunfric..d Itirs. yarwscodurug theasetncehmnlefer the Iet rites of he acture. h ail, Prairie View an Saturday aveuing, Hie letter, claled flcembar 1sf ho - M. LfbopvascoipeiedtaretruMarie Soute Rave signe of aun-improva January 11, 19119. Ait menbers ara France fqa apathetî onue becausa ln1 to ber home lu Waukegan bacausetof mieut snd by Sundsy mornlng wu@ pro. urizentiy requeted fa attend. Th efit he addresses hIm.acIf to bis mothar; injuries sutsined vheu sh@ e llon tho nouuee(d out oi danger. But fGertrude familles ai members are Invited. Refresb.,lnot 4nowing thai 'ueil ddillico 5.grew grsdusiiy vorse sud it wass(on nients vilii fi served. jho Tort home. ln a 1later lettero The Test wordrcelvedtroiM tr.arnesq, Saturday wben tlic sttendlig ptîyeiclan Tho annuai meeting of the Congrega. hie broîher lie (nid of rrecilng fhli former pasior oi (ha Ivanhoe chureti, anîtîounîîed tuera muet ho a change tional churh il wii ha eld next Suuday nw Y etriefscr ia' inacors vhbo te nom, a 1".tM. C. A. worker fi)i thit twenty-four hours that lier atrnoon ai 2,îciock utthficefiarcli AHIll.,roa lettor ecbi. b! corl Francele iroin Luicnburg. Ha idfriendesfood as a 'utituda awautiagpsns 1ut.e bled, whetheriniembers (if.f 11 ii'. elrvlg beiixa"soud t te vrlustijat -ri4iswhTell meantfilea or deattisud thecc. or not, are taulie Dear \lotier fand l'erre- metonsoftheItanlow )Iv@in, osit-on huciisy afternoon fiiere wue s chaum irve st toaticar the sonnuairPorts read Todav id Suniiiivand t iqs ulle Ing tu providing entertaiuîîîent for tha for the warseansd Tt ws-seeaa y1 to ansd to cicetofticors for the c'urch sud raid aasave are at Spalalo AiutrIa, boy lutha ditslu. t cared for lier au tendr ierîstSundaysehiooi otohfle cofin& yesr.i Illich tea very beautifrîl place onl ~~ '3-mcru.taladhtut a feu mor ,îr tail it Suday cvory minteter latuhflic fbAdriatIr- Sea. A5 we lir.e nov, ai-t fuOT EfIn' tie varid. C.itr tua etriîucted fa presu h a lowpId ftawrite of the pisf and pres- John Tekatuipe vas a Liberty vileiacolier IAtholîgtî ebe diDtu va iitii r,-i.' du-illotn on the sbeui-.t, 'The Leagua ai cnt ithilti lIii tarti rt 'hnrleston. Satnrday. flic I-nct)'nie i' r inilvitIi-ila- r ftlIt. rî ios.'1v. War ren viii spelak on S. C.,and tell you iit where liev MafrtiîtWeber returned tram sa weeke sfi, ut ouce r'r.igirlz i ]Fa~ti -r ltibv , uii'ii lis sulijëcf coutracflng the benetits of ceon itre leavinii the camne. vieil' with out aif tou relatives sud halieriiiîgit 11.v t'.- il ntoIlerI).. .>,Xîerrcati dëmocracvv iib the partie ofh M .e i-ft (Charleston Mar-h 2., 191q,, inode.tii iuat iti.,i "ri I-. i t, ri ifor Hurniuda îles, vîrere laid aicr a!d r. Ade manaestIollt. i -"r .1 , i'mSiiivi' a-' vferatlca'aim-yck he.fore ftartin g our long trIi Ur.adMrs AndewAmnn ae s itolliri,.- ir, t'. iii il.1 a.i . r' l Sunîday echool. racroas the occam. Otîr next Stop vas jI ;erlousiy 1l it vilipnuuonîs tolowiug l"l i ,)11>t 1,1wi io 8P. n hurhsrie h zres whIcb took 14 dave andI ____________________ aiswerd .111îrrr. 'suil, [,[iî,ifi,, mib.,i1h 't ln hose14 days 1 thlnk 1 ont>' washedi 7 A EC UcYlads si-.h sIrcî it --iii l,-- îilli ,-t. r LAKE ZMÎ.I':à my face and sbaved about fbrce1t I,5ICE OU TYdîstît? Slip -1.-ira lii,i'li If- il r!or (jf - babfîms as ve liad ta go very eaey on1 a frei. .iî i -i fil,. cii."e 111 ,' rii-rt- Mil's Roise Eimnueut the week-end flic vater. We stayed here about 10 MEAL ESTATE snd delîcate. b i ,t tlè-utai ier hume. dayfor repairs and raMt. Froin thera for ber f0 fake illoy i ciiii, i, l ~Walte r t rehm epent a few dabys in ve vent f0 Gbraltar viiere va laidp 7FQR SALE hai beau uniante ta svalm for ~Citîi-o. about a veeti. Durlng that weak wva ~Impv. Friadaye previaus, but @ha recai ve 1Il r.:d Fied Bau wus catied ta Chicago tact vera cent on a subinarine hut and t imptived Frinsas easly as elleeaver d ii tLu 'tillLr d y i.î oovvk t,, attend thealouerai of bis father. as the report outhflue as go conflitt-a 74 t 1,00 cre mh rtcelo-d he ord-4 iiilI- ntlie MisesWattIlim rasumIl b fer dutios as bng If le resu>' bard ta say viet oufc comm1,u0ncreosh r acetved trS lt rié r ett i srhrale rlngdiie. uccese vas. Anyvay a damaged suh-S comunin allngat t fan, ' einrtitas fir ier, ita s roongd imaemarine put ln at a Spanish port theal Favorable Terins Il couid ha plainly @sein it we.-, li,d's uiîî -îhsabtft are ubrna a.O u rmAoa ta nte one orethi tiaufutfan. shrut uir.ta Gibraltar our mather sbip vas et- t Of Paginment who iead sncb au exemplary file. huads. Sciroiz vîsifed itfh bis parents tacrid one vcry dark ntght. Tva -l F m Eartbly lasses ai ioved ones Mnay for a [iuli.torredcs jusf grazhrîg ber loy and ti0.Taisfme moite the potion of1fIle@ ssebitter. t . i-Hiîttu hipped a nad of ctile'as it wae a'ery dark sud coma 1_, W ta50Mlsbut aur tet viii@son on ceie ta the batik titl ardle Mioday. Sl a ovyw otlnt W " 50 Miels 01ailftbs sbadovy river oi the (Great Mlas Ruse Young laitt fitsweek faspind 1Sf 0.1pftagive cnasa. "rolm Gi braltar« Divide vhen we viii enfer tii home ai a monitaî witti ler brother ai Chicago va follûwed the Africain iotat and evftafig yut sd esuy1udvi eiegbts. aur ncxt stop vas Mals, an Island 'Q..t"s ouc kt theadear anas viii ha vaitsng oaîecoma E F'ranikment ta. Wank-?gan tionday South ai Siclly. We vene bore abo"t usraoheputiceaioMoarbkeveted.ta serve (an thI jr.tva veelîs. gotng han dry dock sud uaT eW rl n s. the arti@patAo ai li neyersnd- tur ta vbas over-hauied tram Stern ta Sterni. I. The Vlorl tng joys. hstalekuow aur dean re.A Ba- lartrtdt ibret We then procccded ta aur base vhtcb anas aera noties but traulstedi ta thie sitea n visit with brother, vas Na. 2.5 and Iacated on Corfu PROPERTY IN TOWN haPPY stata tore pose faraver lu the Rv .Bzr sadadordt a arln OF ARE.A bosoin ai their God. Lot tijis be.utitut Dick BIilu @n et tva veeke vigtDthtg e trait ai Otrante. This barage <gs~estagîfaithi sfrengthean d sd oînfonit lho relatives, vas very sureassful and fev subinar- euirowiug parents, sisters and botls ue crmnli.iodpra carsif ýbaut irun- ~FOR SALE a tw bra te a hi othiaors Evaugelicai Church Notes. idrg the galttef- whicb twe bave à W er H oass if viii ra v thaiof a o terh ei a n a The Eva gelicai church fas ch sged learn d h t'c top here. lu the let Nod~uHosevTb thalimea s al er r affein the tire ai Sun3day Schoai snd morning, Mx ifotift.,w- avre on fthe barge va V a c a n t L o tT e f nr al sh e r vie su t v e e ni v ata s u d se rv ic e s o th t th e p e o p le i ii a v e le a rn e d 1 2 E u li a r in e a v re s u n k . Vacant Lots f~ewld trm (hay homeSht anae'vioces an sui"eut fMle ta attend. Pleasma notice We arvda u eit s ?Jn - Vmtry Sites 0i ia the chasornsrvcsg uea. seoo.and Mpro iimcdiateîy set fa yack Acre TractsMaYes r iiililh t anisti eho bunfIng the U-boat. sd5dy u vasr sacs er loneasg ud fafariemiblr. 10:80 s. im. Grman serviras. untl Oct. the 2nd, tientae allias Gartu-t ivs a r"a iaîîrtî' îiiîîg 8-00 P. M. Englishb services.stretIbalaalhgyatckn For Subdivision th@ Young people ai Fremont as weil as stre h-alarfigb takn r ~~~~~amone han large cir.eeaifreatives, lua hrdy7:1 .m uua calDurazzo, Ij itg submarne mbaisaeIt su rat ew vords va ean say, "Sfic ias ioîýad Idy 7:30 p. m chair rahersal. Albanla v Ich te enemy capfurcd ansd admirad by ait vbo Cicr hlthfie al uficvr ffh uaahu E Or Truck Gardeners pieseure 0 aki îg flan acqusintauce.'l DEFEM.D sud a lit and aur unit suo'c the Wlond@ canuaf express the sympathy tetua~- wa iube or! aiin you read sud2155 'hofiri four grades of the gramimar got ana. Otir unit aisea lntanct'pted F,-eol and Sinal Fruit antima commuulty exteude fa Mn. sud s-iu iî hi hitnspnylo.the hospital sblp whic.h vas searchad ti rs. Fredertck sud famlly lu fhls'(heirhn t day a hltr Chi tasPary or trbndsdfinding noue ais bana srov. MisIronestiscsdleof Chicago, vstheaganset frea. Wok e@alme u eshah mise lier, w@te Frot tra zzo vs vent ta- Catunro ate W rk , ~uTht. utvaguesi ai1tirs. Frank Patersan aoven ftbe ho Moafenegro and troamltbers bore Thrwili ho ana vacant chair, week-end. hc leSatt Tapaleint errSystem , Ie shall Ilager ,oacarese ber Miss Eva Endor vilted Mtrs. E. IJ. a gr et dea of A herpcaoslaad iI Wheu va breathe oureveulngpmuyer. ligsia flao utgfe ans- ou atve al ofar siuga ga d rElectricity lI cu fChcg, '-g e - o g eai r hvn a'gn IVAJNHOE tion. tint e. c Rairoacid~" ~icg iia James I)uff', aWho wu@ home Ou a feu Rameaibrr me tealal in>'fiands sud Bf )un vwas aChcgo laiorMn- days turiiugh traim Camp Grant returned baope you ail are in the hast of heaîlih. Raloddey. fa camp lisef Fridai. Your rson and brother, Lino Connections Sanda>'. Laies' Id ai St. Paui's church Thurs. HnyKr.gne vre o tiu aeMiss liubY Kuabkar vlited In Wauke- day siiernouin. Haenruy r, la onte ae tor a g,01îaleu heriais reeotiy. tir. iiubert ai Nortlifild, lias renfed Laaaicutyo the e 0reriet Oluir dcIitîrînvopeacd Tiiursday sitar a tuhefbtiîig pace sud viii may i a t lu fu'e ga Z lamt , < gut>' sd sur- 9 :ent 'triit . 1.ti inar eltie . - our l't ribrgaden sirfli on ccl ate popaCrY and Su r- TO SUAL RE CORDS 'D PROSPECTIVE BRO. IN LA USEDI Receive Word Today That OIr- Fred Hoff of Waukegan Passes ders Are On Way Here Through Rather Unique From Washington. Experience ln England. Work 0f Cheoking Up On Ail WAS IN U-BOAT ATTACK Questionaires Was Com- W r Po of el o en Pleted Weeks Ago. Wresd in Sff e llm fber f With ail ifs vor'. Campleted tle R Trad n sptemPerc. m Waîîkegan draft board ts awaltlng or- rnpr ese dors ta seaithelicrecardesan ud m1 ibain avar ta tae national authoîqttes. Wauikcgan. Jan. 2.1 lu tact word vas neceived tram Wash- If YOU vereimulîtîîg up yoîtr buni lngton ibis mornhug fliat deflled lu- - lu tan-off Eugiaud and ln iurulng up sfructians ara ou the way banc fronith te noyers found wrlftan on a bnardji tIc office afthe provoct marshai gem- beneaffi tue naineot yîuîr pro..pccmvve i Orsi. Just visai ibeeorders are l, brother-fn-lav anti hie,<'icago îad- not knn but.ih lg eurmIsed thaf Ldreee.-vould n'f i'ou f hinh< if wapasa tc>' are Instructions fa sesi the rec.- rather ca incidi-otai tblng ta (hliai ords, cxplalning just loy f vis hig'0lait you M-re golng (oil)meep ln a be doua. hhînk vhtli lie pranjously lad 'h- The local draft board vas airc-ady Pied? - te, scat tha recordse.saverai vweelie 1T fvs fIe ex.perianeo Fe aga but racelved -instructions ta dèfcr - Haff, suon of Mr. and Nis meitt I-lai1 tbis action unffl a later ordae hiuld! Of West Washing-ton streef. -As le b. necelved. If vas thaugit at fthaf vwas go'.ng to bcd In Winchester, Eng- tinte fIat saine furhler yack ntugl t i]and, lu turming dovo tIe cavere ha lie nareseary baturu-fle' rt-n rr . is. r av tht.'nuime sud addraýsof John clased. Morgan, bis flnePe- brother. Misa Sa fer as t1witi ieahirc of thie 1lI- nIorcita, wa' l[oit axpîýcta fa marry1 board ktav fIera le not1ilîi.. tîtat r -i vhcu hoe rtefuîru fnom service, mains for thain fo do T.îîx uvr- Lafar -xlii n hlie xniv iorgin.,Ior-1 an explinud ttîal liejpre.%loi.mli had 'pi ho thecamne liedMhhirli co-in- leontahi ittit! slcpftul, Ilu Winclie-«. In coonection viti unir5 e xper- nae lu going ns-sIt us Iteiîr fting f0 knoy fliat lriff vtim0(Me Sauke9anIihîli.>'ho g"tln 1Tth-,.,vný.%- runai Incidlent ln theEngi -i li can- Il vlan the transeport iv!' il i tue- itaken trae hoFraýnce s:îs 1er Hardware the U.bcat t such a var Ihat a wa? vul stave d l m marliable tbing wMv* ý" dier &hooma *as muýý" Hoiff as atmong thoéei were kept for soin*e tifl letter home teila of boif Iiritikli destroyers oepf dîne teaBaye.aIl the had ýbeen on-.the tr*we', they later ,blew Up- two buste. The descriptimon f emerged tram the vatai' shelled la very iuteresltatg. to his relatives wbe trom hlm very recefltly. Later liaff wInt to a ieI was whle he was enIOe4, atraigiltpn out a place cali iville, near V. rdun, on tijat; he happened te O.Ls gan. bic prospective Moargan was galng throudh O witb his regiment and smv work. Hi: quickiy reccgul5 and jhe two marched on for' twa miles fogetber. Ho!W te hear ftramhaine ir for w hIle ho hati left W5.Ukeffl, <Camp Gordon an May 28, haoIb«' heard tramn home since ÂuguUt Lace Farent lm going te baie &~ rire bell taday and na langer VOS engineer at the water vorW '11 te &Wt-up nights keePlus Up IB that the whistie can b. blOv.IL oid bell was cracked on ?4OV, 7. day of the 'faise alarin" oV v signing or the armisice. litVold ring at ail on the resi day of cMW tien. The nev bell wIii ocet il Si7fi0 whPn Up and ready te ring. Borne days It bac heen lest l2 titi but wam tound Friday an a,1d55 In Hihlgland Park. It vas tigkM ies.t of the vay on a bobled. chacked up on ailt a P îni '- have piaced their rer- "1 rftf1 8i. order and are all r Ad' ' ,1give ci( their Posts îhIch tley 1ah , 'M t el efficientîy durin- ti %var. Tlhe rn enrd.3 il iigo (' \V.* hit, ..l tel M here thle ci .vtrî.iiit xi I i; h-.e abi.-d to u ti ew in iv ptx ' W desired. tic a ne ,,MILLION DOLLARS FOR BREAK WATER *AT NAVAL STATION', Permanency of Station Insures by Latest Decision of Secy DanjelsWednesday. 1 TO GUARD SHORE LIN E Great YAkcq wil bc, ontinued am tlie grenfect naval lraining sfation In 'N' warld. AIl rumors fa (thp. ennian' p deflifll y'et acide Werinemdiv wh'.t Fred A. Iritten In addition, the serrr-tarv staleci. the stations nt N'ewpirf News~ and Hiampton Roads will *ne cnntiniipd, The secretary further advIced Rep- reientaUve Britten that an prro. priation would ba urged upan (Con- gress for an adequate sum t<o protect the shore line ofthe Great Lakes station. Mr. Danielf%»affention was' cailcd ta the danger faced as the r. suIt of vater waehlng away the low.i er part af a high embankmenf, The secretary viii urge Cie reten-! flan In the naval bill ofth-i. orig1nal-ý ly propaseei appropriation or $1,000,-1j 000 for buildin ga builkhead and en- iarging the station. 1'l h. To Ourt FRIENDS, PAI'RONB AND AGENTS, who have demonstrated their confidence in us by making it possi- ble for this agency to constantly increase our list of Policy Holders, we extend our heartiest Holiday Greetings. At the dawn of a new era in the world's demnocracy, the spirit of Christmas must flot be forgotten. Faith in those things whicb encoarage us to work on for something higher is the true spirit of the season. May the New Year bring you a full meas- ure of reward for your efforts. JOHN HODGE, District Manager AREA, LAKE COUNTYW ILLINOIS. Notions tht, bull. aboa chasuber leueste lock the aUcese taeo Aine le.a ibat t go». accardîng WIM~v the tribu ftleefor the 1 'Wss.cegn tih r tor erco Ignr presider p.the/mnt st tOfft ptresident Alhhoudh us ,Jt word to bi * iiue ta à 'J" an a %ah( fl*Vatlauun ln Knigbt'st The Diii>' Si ta, linotypes. t wo ere drai Mbw a dpan1 ?Oh od l ay ai w ,ýOther cancer î. samte oftil lika course att g511 pald as uic l ormer natiana 1Prompti>' ut #he& nfaaeed lu i toda>' and 4Mf *taladsil for i Eetr an%,l ~nt clurche 'Ishuntes starfil ,Ou»et that t .UMinorlal sers . «-prlrsdent St duy nigît at 7 HOW t rtec SUn Po ibi thèmornlug. zornerai itrend Pay the tribut. Notice t Ai 11:45 lth[ the ltterai of ,Om Tbeodora but of reept . whb sugges(i' tbtrougbout tht , iuead ot ai ,*fuesud meé ,ý%R vork ut th ive minutes. arei , Sad; the faner s&M tbe steret eo that prese Do vork ta dol dr5v tIhe cunr vriting navi he a luhfe hui 11:45. We aul are C ter orne the. abd will evçr i voit, x-presid' Fr(M Window 2 O'Clock » Big hBau" "ér'of the -box 'to bave afoIev, ', s eglon. edeagW amiortShenidat lie ai ieen L ently Cb.ankt SELING OUTl., Having decided to go out of busi- r ess, 1 wilt1 seli mny Fixtures and my Entire Stock, consisting of Dry Goods Groceries Boots and Shoes JOHN M., MEYER Haif IDay, Illinois. ------------ ---------- mmS eeee I

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