CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Jan 1919, p. 9

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LRTYVILLE IIEEDN *~~9EPNM orAow QIGaâeWâiC.ILa- AUKEGAN WEEKLY, SUN ý-NO. 2 PA$Tý TWO UBERTYVILLE INDEPENDEN, JANTJARY 9,1919. TOUR. PA&GES $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVÀNGL flI SKAUEfANOA GREAT MAN GONE KITIREINBBRNDa Tft Ail> IN PRESI3RVIN4i Roosevelt, the fighter, the leader, the big American, the ex- IN FJRST BRICK BdI11l1dM MJLCS-0F THE WAR pl9rer, whose- sudden death has thrown whole IIOUSE BUJLT IIERE This House, Now Fox Hotel, 1 1 Samul InuilMake Ple tocouptry into mourning Local, Branch of The State Washmfingth Woson Street Il,, ~Counicil of DefenseWahntn tre IImI I *. HAD LIVED HERE 67 YEARS r Ufl ~~~~~WANT A LOCAL COMMITTEE it tn akgnaiLk u : YO "od Waukegan nienibers of tire Neig- : o tv residetits wh> have ived In < i forrîoi mmi e of [ilie State lie couily a-ui '.tti' titty Yvar. Or U lf <'nunil nf Ibeense ~more and are' entifiî'd t0 have e lir 111 appelai front Samue nsui the car ilur ,a Ch:tie.a, Iesf h LI UIJIUli - î~~~~~ari, askIng lbem to do ail In tllich,(i rtol 'hr,.[ iteI Cloe Dors powc t asiaftuenewy ogstizec i, Of tii,' bt"it kiiua n roqets f ~.& her nd war list r e 'nmne" ii oaizci Waakegan. r. Kîttredgv as 'fli Brother Fishermen Miss Swan- !r presvarving historia mai .n Isaiîkegan Feliritrv &1iS.and rw4lse liai iîîci hnd reiiiu,îc ton for Several Days;,Make ork Ceases in Many a b arint repont tire part tailer. t»jOby~ih eytsrsdnt o Ivsiain tî onn esFive Minutes lb - eof Illinois In the un fthrette rebeai h IWU.'ii cara'Oufil îroramwîuctîiw'beari tire distinction of having berri ~. 'aT LEADER IS BURIED ben rioutliaed there ta being forimE.l firîî01i"bur29 ri 3 'Vz ad Fn aty Dso OVh achcoatyin ue tat KCoui y 1- fa rsit lie bas ta b)irtlîita-Y Oniy On( Dead Body on the Floor of W k s a i W ac H lstory (onim ittCe o rthLie Stat?Ii a d t o o li %i g I %e r if~~auign Jn i (,onla o Defense. Wsukegan ci;.litdiii itlS lg i'e the Shanty; Had Been Wel thi monin Lie Bil> ~ ens~to tavebie aciveb 1,"~Waiikegaui sixt3 ileen years. Mr. ring.. tii bulletin tn the- wîîî'ow on ';rate Councîl of Deflease work aie haitredgce bariin the ist rcrîn fk nw Chrte Abu te la u isft a bo<ard: "Premidemîl Knight liiig urgeai to loire nu, ime la Reî'ingî aigbi boru ri the ir atika ke tii - .Chamber of Commeice a ia'ir ur mat sch a commîttee lm organized i Tisoise a q b Y frati s in Wsu ea taaoem fei.querated thaf ail lausîne,.- Lake couritY. Ahs lioisde ta ui 1949 hiseme fathe - n e tir - lock eir Ki bcua for that "'n The set di war îî isalle fill The' bou~se. whlclî NVas built fi shanty of "Blaçk Bill" Swienton ut etmai uia fo htie opsté ofte-rhitr wliat wâïs then woods on Washington te lake this nîorning were herified &il 11:11; this nicrnlng u.s a earii commnunalt*: consecînent, col stiee.i now known as rite Fuxo ho ao rt ter arod a. forn ly o te finb Amarlca"i citiZln. ection and premervation of ail iiistori tel. Additions hale tieen made rarfr iedaurznbr s fniyo i êt biaI Lie. Eer>lo> inmunît ta aientsi t tîî, mskng <~it fret aas pu flubotte orginalitoo. havng ben ded. prtiap.ffo et titrat finie. Everybod In mutrity tri îOUntlalta tireprilingca.l> the bouse asnds varal days.theTheledascoeery wya acortsay ~.' ski~f> t auîplale tîistory et the statle. il did s' ien bulIt. made by Joseph Litz, anothr dllher- alite riut b wi,ln --f(ne t'yer 0la cooarte r)t Tire old ('ooke home on WVat man, Lao chançed to notice tlaat the fW the peried of i-e iîîiuteii.' pznr of ai in W;ugiai and ail lii, Street and the Bunderia home on psdlock on Swanten'e shanty reas off Waaçeanibs. dd tabi li commuiiity cf the county' Lake; mdarion atreet. Loth were construcfed and ha assumed that the owner wa£ flattrie i efie earl bita iut th tL home. rof recognizing the II.,t;oiîtie cuntvra reord %,it net hie compleeN' of brick in- s the ic'areds but hil ilt- a otnhdleaawl a r erersident. who was Le îuîg gh and consequ-iitl. thpre viii tw a miss -al r e hot. aneae ac'i ht- Sate laot oe an er Lb. Ie/Most simpie buttai usi dli iig llnk ia thei i bain of lietor>' for '5ge hon t niegv'î n c tuat cerabou year.Ite wan fote t pi-iBident bas ever faa bituore ii,, totale. ÉsI tnansieotcetstBvrlyr.Hew mpy d JMd lwu& laLe intda > U I o Tell un about the great war. Thai' ceat>' of Vêesidents of the city and b>' Oscar Osmerton, who conducts a dtword to business boause. 1 l'a' -I y n and ssomin fe-iing Jif. rasultr yea appar i tiy was Ofû £00 Piet< but who lives in Chticago In winter. la~ trIbute te Mr. Rooseeti VAauke wu 'il ek tu know lis onigin. il5tfranabro e ars'-rSatnbsbe ciga ae ant a ibhole joned Ji, gr.-for an unsmnain rh otry ncn narres b a'.e wnof bahen at ung ase cre- d ~~r r v t o I n c o p i c i t l e ý i v u s t b e a d y - a cur'i t l t t e . i l e h r wC U I Y ' O h v I ni d e , 1i r eat t 'i i i g ies s t r i h i o r Kit' uç-ýii.ri.utlmdadlvn.arian s a-Local neemnay tlat Swanton The Dalyiuia> 1:."su tijom and liNitorians and every mnadi au wnt te Chicago a weèk before Cii- XlAntprtecutif ntec om"n wbo is living tire war canlI n k r ( mas to viait his employer and tlb Qm were drawn and anl order was ui- tii Fesc !tm records. thyhalno ee imefae IL hi laid la Lbe offlce and in the ie 'The i-tory î'snot le fu>' told r110 cag1 1 ru te h t a en thm sn e ft de ~partenft inmtructtng ü%-tier fl u'ordfq of Army and Navy. In o hmioniearad yo th at wano ee toi0 la>' off for tive tIIldntci" national returase on liberty ltan" ni and Il l. aesumed that bc arrived lter concerna In the cit>' jrcliid un tiiiatfcial reports. Il muat lie Lolt In iLi home that Digit. Promn the tact filatl. *ame of lii facforiî-S Pei sie d a Ji. hurutan tP»ruia-Iieeed Iite an old <T lihe bias nul been seen It liq beiieved . 11.courue a.hà, accordingly WVsuki. fâhaiocd i1iîilt. front the i.lories <of' ÔI 1hiat he miuat tiave froze'n tu death -aplaid a iica utIle trîbufit,r tu t1 service flgs Ever>' clipplifl from alII the first night. laer national exeutile. village' palier. tcliing of John BrownO". i la. was j ast by chance that nthir <i PromptL> e aii*1- a. ni. ait r enlitinit an tire bridging of the g lnrsndid not notice it dic tleu cessid in tire scfioolu, of ià. cltir gare lie leti as Kil expression of wiislefu of fiiî t. eiiancedi to lia pass' R _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ b mstoday and 4ffairs reinaincil ;et al wac' is and mecaais. Panmphlets, peg n tirera w a> tilis inrirg.. - eaadtili for fin miinute". carde, ircamations. liosterm and fi-t Ar Then lie reiirked [o himacli. - Reto alstrausî'd ti(il ,- , ters give the record, lb tî-TedGos.uI j.'uess lILI go tl iiiie and sci is ~îîut cburche tu he tolfid for Isj% !slioing the' articles %%lihe l ca ill bas to siy about fiil anad boire lant,. urarting aIix 11 1 andl aný ro-'itlî-î wilt lac asked to collect lie foivtid Lhiig',. in Chicago. atirncafd that there avili b'- a sp-ial and tîres4ervi' are Lire following: newa liutaîiîite untireparcd for the ________arlai service for the Icceased pape r fites; Inittera and diarteg of sol S P C AJgRthTiPG A ~N C i fI ?Oe th et oor. [le obLas a u day aighl ai 7:.';0 o*<-',, cut-h ;es draft board recorda, <lues bitia orî tic a Iminotad iatl>' y nd the re- HOW the tiun Di d et. lotrs ('>f.. da ~~ta ou :eCii-oticial miains wî'rl renioveit to the White- hoSua posiî.d( Lhls riolic, .urjî îîrganîzalitns sîîîh as file Rief! trT-,'oîo rnurta.king routes wherc the gênerai trend nf action la tu-ri co 1,tai-,. Ied Cro-ss. foodl and fuel cou Arlr~C-ARE RU N ES!Xthur Larson of lS F-ouîr victim's empluoyer L'an ho' reactîrId. pamy the tribuJ,'î to Mr. ilo.3be ý ri servation. war stamps, var gardons. "YV ROUTE IS Up TO STATE. 'Aes Mcypr au w o-aty td t teeit sri,1 Norti 't RaS S, aiir At Il 4ithisitoring atii ie ti-tdîîîîdKroiti peliîî-s o coluersanît~ moey ii> ti lii' îtîlio-, 'iiiy'cia I moi'e RVC DTEI Notice t4 aun'Emplayes -z iitgaiî îcuigtdvda The Cl g M k i o.a pion~ of tir pi dtofthe P'îaîlan rod -nIll ierls the launerai ot the nation's cru ai (ilîi. -aitîîc-' aiso moving picture fiin: of accmo.rite lu AL iret sati-ui .'m; i ou Ia, oidu aiid Wsm-otda railroad, fier brother Juitîs 4thiùrixci. wlitc Thedeore RooIsevoit. arietn dep'siltig for fl-- - front. t-f':a nicro A~r l ~ ~ ~ iu v;ltcr-i~c earor ta Waiikegaîî ii a draît oni llay 2, and F 1L.U but cf resapect t) hbin aun lin ttttr'salt whivii iacliidce ab, " pr%- rraii in thlicJ-îiî'lwhrit>-lhe wdi i' e i -rnî ogtni U ~ W D ltb suggestions heing cAr? "' oeil n"mes pffi iai e-Ie oinsc.tueîal' rul\i sut of li ta c fi Ms Myrtii oofe> algl BER ED IN6d Dî throiigbont~a Ui i>' oblh i ieidieri saitos. Red ('ruas andi -c~' ,fi ye-a t ia, ai a I 2f-acre tarli. bias he, in kilt ed Ji action. t 1-causiiLu8 1 rutell et ail Sun eîiiptoycs. oficie Y. M. C. A. workera, Raserve M1illia "m> ftroirie.".i 5res sjnt he-arlng unî the case tat the Informiation dti lttat confit to lier iu~ admelancl oce.Lu raeetc. tirat aluiie the Lake- shore ruat siîotd fax .Li ii b,ý ,a Ilr, is wee-u betore Master, in t anr offichal dis.patclî froni the sar Tatblhtanaitt 'etd '-.5woi-k ai that lime toc ;a pentuci of The toregotng eovers onu>' a pari bc the tirai one pia\l-d, ti(îlaiLTe r-at lus ,oie r A, RX t-. eairbien. Aller semai d îrraet Mis L>rson l boîîiî ber at Lhé aitar la the charge ade lu- ie minutes. of bbc things whicha it la deslred tu tur,' route ,'ttween atiluci as fi)î a-'. i a ofhe etiollyha liai eea taii.'n the Ioda>' b>' Mas Mur>' Sirmnia or Wau- '-'. fereman of thei inieluîiiical preserre and Itose jnterealed in the waakee %%li ieiu a ,imnsilerah iii isi- l th leu.el. cis' tu eriuid to aext iveek 'I dtiat tiere la soutermik- kegan ini filtng a div'orce bill t oi heu wilî pîîasc ti et, i îat titre mov'ement itre ara aaxtous t0 îose tance bac-, frotte the Lake stîini-., .o1 tbhi'.% ~îîl a -wli ia. ' - o ln ,;i( lu $1,. lroiuiises ii hie crie ot the niost Inrtel Site tais beard tram ber, lroticr on husband. Peler SkIratott. She char- ai are shul doua nfou lb-t i er- no Lime in starting the collection. that Ji wil not paýs Ilii'ouigh ;-o niauuy esitcdti~5iiintg ca-- trieut heu-e un sie Lime. Octrer il. At tfatir Lie hiadl ld( gas the' a-are unîtt int narriage tn ciisaldvlaeiaig-Tesa-.týnal00 i hiyr he tîadar bren aver, chbges 1o s avea Vaukegan I"ebruary 17, 19ti. and for fAod; te fereman of the pr-uýs rontaira-tit hr n vesicom iii i tIi-. yeur air-iOiui Iw-e lu cii, be hia tri parn la-er thee $1t00fo seraniesnwthsede o ~t said the stei-eot>'plng deparîmter il l START FOR SICK B3ROTHýER- tralc it>' ie tefor a i t-a' ast y eal s-hichi l b uaring tilt- wI , fli pii t r . sse p $o.0he ore tintes and expecîed to go oser atain mite reo bih. i ile de on sterane no work la done; the office toi-ce Iiler rp hp alec-pclo fIl "nw te curtaina, reportera a-Ut s top '.'lesas. Smitlî ni the Dah>' Sun and nota a odaselii the, routel knuî.va asl '1ue filiIiis ug laucin ua-îiuii Th. lero lirstrataii'.eevd rmfim hre dsri th itornibiinicosn n cmaioioffl aiur aisl îgrd aid Nt>'cr lootk chiarge- oft he If 19 this tact trbtcb bas os'casionad hoIn thes .,,îile of acuentce u. Plainesi WednaadaLy hecansi Ibeirý as bbc Mils aukee asentie stiite rosî.t, haI 9o ta inaio tri, lu- fax ra.-ý a pipry TATE SENATE FAVÔRS leDRY 1145 brether, C'-riea E. Smilti, a weîî batieve. in tIlinol'.. - j'mia-e ho th'- ,ao <t'Ir.ýi, ;H' Mee no (hre abat Mis. Don- rauch worry. NATION. Wî ail are doing Ibis ont af respect known Nortbweâtern engaifer huit "We ara ful>' uuwakr [o tie usossi ycar: i lev badi nuo cichi Io execiste a Iemage On the s'ie day tbal tie last le't- ter anre the nation loved. lionored sustained a relapse and was feit 10- hiltes atîd nî-î'îs cf tirafil laetween Stti 198 197racsnîcti as hi- -ais stie ha-J nierely' ter was recetvedtis On*naa SPIGEsDltJa.-Ilai &Mi vill ev-pr reveae: Theodoîî' Roose- hae iii a crilical condiin. tiers two large cities, aud 1 can asi - - -- $ a, lue iltrt-st tluit iait ni o the prep- mother laina. Mary Sharvin. pahsed sent hit tbe route loaight in ratif>' velt, ex-pregîdent of-the Unît--si States. The Waukcgaa men tuied bo al saure you that the Wisconsin tigl -- Cotl rru - tle ctharges an effort te. d. away. Juat lire days brefore that word - ing the prehi don aeuma-t vh rpvaatgo sfta h a> commission vili e evcry i o-r -t bod....fraud frirai oui of bu'. mone>' and as-<s Was rrceived fromn Camip Ctuster that the fadlerai coastiltution. 'Theiii . farai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Tw .f Hait..... Dafa ri a aitilit h otpa l oIi flinit thue $3.000 a-bîch bie Ilarry. anather brother of flrs. [ur- ale, b>' a vt-oe of 30 Le 15, adpted lthe O fl B Xtheir macilli stuck la tire affuera. Aisa- tien 0f liolli titrai roue.N tsh -us î iinecluiilahi.las ra on addeda iti'itins.jIn esltinfo àtfcaia tZQ4O in Wolfe, w1-- irontcala i WlVbigami Wsco~~nsin Job Near>' Donre. îîîu'Iega th case lic dt'tiareit void. The pubiabei rrasuat>' flat bas net (Seator Swift ot Libertyville VIIIIIesII Clrrln3 ISlP S whiga iehtia stands te big rock "Icuigcil>'rvig Wisctonsinl Citu, bond - ----- Thet dc-f fi- wiîî Lat-, IL ta reporled. >et containd the ramte if Lb, North For the. Ratificationa.). aI E ESaPE Whd-------------------------------ai wîhituý- w-bat Mey'er aYs i. true Chicago yoitng tman ea Ibeni la the' Dry Victory In Hont. ~hInM c'Ui~IIIIIAU bain was the firuf witite cid boro In- coacrate of the entre road aiong tb CLhe lrur- -- j oa-t Ni-r, h)oitu' ha-ring oifly a -bai posstblihy ittrrr'Th reouon[e vsl10 it FI~UiY ~IILIUAi~Lame county anld borts on fitrat site, lis, shore bats' en IiIiwauikec and ! '~oi.------ lte Mii e tthe propcrfy as long as-boso!rpeati' ca e ti tei rescite. Hie haldthei- the Malle tuae, cave abou.t thraee lai tsti------4 .-itale____'lie fîvus, thai Meayer was tLat>' cog- WAUKEGAN YOUNG MAN drya debtred Le get IL up fer coueti car bu its bai- and titea, In a steigi, fatirtita of a mîtc et uitie Sial Of Ra- NEwO NONPFM. -,îî,,înt if tuis filet wben lhe eaterit Is WOUNDÈD SEVERELY reratian before lthe adjoutitieitl. fl" Sdrove the brothers, ent-ente te taeir ci, maie>' for the 1iavin , ut 'hicli i noe aliec trier andtithat hi' wu» will- [h .... _.C Tit drys.. vo . S

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