CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Jan 1919, p. 12

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WIWlbrY Statw.-owon 8o11 -Wagon" Can't be Stopped evamore state ieglelatires rati- Aed thei foeda conaitutionai prahi. biltit saenduteut Tuesday. inaling 30 RUi bld.- %vorable action tiy i .r more stfLtea la expected todAy or temerrv. us PrOving t.etree- t-hU -mslrlty required tu mms<e iOderaIProhibition an aceomplisbe.1 tact. The. las wll becorne effective o,îc ~ hms rth le date af lh. formai an- 121Ouncet oth tiiUee-fourths mi'. $eaiy ratification. Meauwbile te uation g)es dry ater ut' 30 by pies.' lelllalProclamation under the îwar USUre passed by te present con- gesa uniesa Tt la recinded by th~ one Day's Resuita. 1%0e tates *h It ratiied tllî. atuendtMeuî Tuesday were: lIllîncia, Alahama. Arkansas, Cil- .orfta, Indiana, Kansas, Nantih Caro- Thi. ilKis ahouse or represeîîla- tives oepieted lte ratificat ion Tue- day by pasaing the joint, resolullôn b>' a -vote of 86 for ta 66 againat. Fav- 1 ilbie action liad b..utalien by te sonaIeTet-t week b>' a vole or .10 tn I1ý, Ilghteen Suii. o cclut. EMflallentatea are stillti t ake tbeir decialons on the dry..aâend- ýM*1t. OqIly aix of!theis lare now b19b ive the requhed titree. ofthbie tatas. The. 18 étatea voa aresefollows: a.Minnesota, Missori. Nebras- ýJA Neiadit. New Hampshire, New ,raNEýw -eexion. New Yonk, Cati- 1"ittregou. Colorado, Pensyl- îeIln.Vermout, Utah,. Counted la Dry Liai. 0 fdm satesthefollowing eiglit -«Iwo more tItan necesarY--arti ý00tâ4 .asiweiy lun te dry columu - 1, XeS1114 Wyomiug, Minnesota, Cole- ~0101110wa. Nebraska. Utah, Ore6an. No st mate'bas as yel voted spialý 4tdIloo. ltàode Island atlenrpled Je atbtot a roefreeudm lail~sud tl,,! ,bw bbste nl New'York trled theu ,"» ublua. L AWt ireporta fnrn Penusylvanla. *W8a0011h. u a,-isisouri indicate that »M. Isglslstursa-of iieseOformer wtt hOflaablda are erpeoted to ratif>. -Wl*COSIN SENATIE RATI- FIES 0DRY AMENDMIENT Ma!dlàon. Win., Jan. là-Ratia- MMe of tbe national prohbtion UheaMdment wau voted b>' tue senate it a , avote or 19 ta i1. 111V of 57 to 37 the asaembly le<aaed ta asuspend thele i for a ý_*«e oS the.amendment. Tt therefore ýbee oser, ta flOda>', viten it la cx- 'eMtd tb. ra lied. OR0. CItIDEOTER TO REMAIN Dlig 'au4 -ln mnty .taeapatrons SO<-. V nai q, b~eu made ta Irave ithe - T ST :» W-uer of tbe atate board o GÉ RePANSo'I WAUKEOAN bealtif la iucb pieasdd over th oa -paratilvely few caïes of' the dipease W OLWhiie thee aisb Influnzasaitua- bel. and aesa thi.e cetmaune, In whlch tW etstuation la beiug hanhlied The pépilsand ouches of thoin lu waukega& oailise t lin-He., asets that contlnued vigilance Tii puli am tacbrs o! heprove, the nuhitller «fnwcs de. 4udrew Cooke aclîol were ttuh, creasing eom"tantiy. the e11' of -Lake undoubiediy w(l cheCk the spread of mbt Consternatiion Wednesday 'noann Forest la Iacing a tiatntra, heiseze nd causeWattkpgan tta i td ly".ct our ellis an S or ntethn on itte3t when ise. Daben ef Maron sîreet. a laasered I tc fýrd J réwlîere, the.,disease bas, appeared. WoDAD Who once befart created a 9 a1 i u ate u h i n -Due~isn e hî amail panic *lu tue achool wheu shoTt Iaaaldetth.6LTeai- M&Wni iso, e h[e upidet a Phonotraph ami waa dnsly ntion there bias spUrred tbe ýheaIth died lu Chicafo Ilouday. The tiody board, iu that cty le renewed activl. willi reach. Wsu]cegan Tbui-aday at cowed by a ieachr, weut te the îles lu an effort ta gel; 4w lies 2:0ai 4ilwille utt'iut achool and, uniotller thIngs. did under control. 12y:lotad t. ary s c le en'eleryWsî (bis: Qeericoprein ulotprt< ke aît MnWlson. fonmpeiya Ci- Firt-She a ail &0the '*Idd ii. pubelico lu auk.gion lart et en a r.WIsofoey a Ch. thepubie n WtueiU lagivn ago policeman, didled yeargago Who were eatlng lunch, by her fran. mtnch credIt fer the succeastul, mai- The iariiy werc weli known bore,. tic lotions. uer lit wlilclithe budd tg secnd -out- Second-Oh. went te the baaemrent, break ai the dîsasme Il aras eliec'çj seised a, ahovet sand amashod every. J . Previotis experleuce'laid taîtght window in %hha aement. local people baw ta u. dUcl thicn- Seîtator. Swift of l.iberlyville, la Third-She weft into the elghtlh seîveq.nhloed ai; clîirmnan of [lie 'Om'îîun- grade where Mise Powler, the tescli i îroprietors of lacal moving Pic- ty Welfare coninlttee ni f lie nIaI. er woaienalnmd ahe bogue th-Ow- 1ture houema have ca-oDeratcd clas-,yty enate, accordlug to Sprimîgflid -dLs- inp thingsi dethe toucher& dosk and jand tus toobas bhall m electof patolias. pupla .1-h. - ru 1-"ane-m8-1n 1ai puilth lnvserd rgten .t nfi Pounth-4h fliy wil ovicted and s a paaainq aMot, tlîrew a brick which atruelt Misa Fowber ln the hand, lnfibtinga hurtfulIinjur>'. Mra. Doben la beiieved ta b. mn- tally unsound; upoi thle occastiGu of ber first vislit te the$ sebool sevet-al weeks aga, wbtch was noted luni,( Sun, sit ecresed qtite a fitrare. but ber actions tliat day were itotbing lîke un Wedneatlay. Upon lier ira i suit fi was fe11 sbe scted as It dninl.. It waselast week tat Rbe iook her IZi-year-oid sounSlavey cout 0f achool and, put Mm tworji. On.ITueay hot son, Frank, *wIt a lu the UStiW fe. vs ekept ta&fer achoolbecautie elii l own *lnt hi ar"tiuetic. Thie moîher came after blm about 4 o'oi, saylng that: "It la 4 o'clock sud my boy not liane. yel. Siete 10k ithumeboute tttthet' act tliat be was muprimanded as lie iiad been seerned' tujrey on ber îulr.î. So, es (the teaciiers were lu their lunch raout Woduemday noon aud lte clifldreu were ertnu their lunches lu thein ciarni rooni, Mms. Doben caine again. She- went luto the clasa room sud ber queer actions caused the cbldieut la rua n l statu pdtelil te te-citers la "Keep out of our rocut faor Mvi Doben la there sud she is acting tcr- rible." liy the tinte the teacliere arrived lu the clasaroom s . Doben lied gone toeithe bueeent wliere site soizefi the ahovel and emasbed eevry wludow. Ail the. Ume site wae acreà.ming terrlfic*li>' and sIte inally came fronthte bseutent. Site made a be.liue for the elgittb grade where the teaclier wau alane and lins. Doben began tbrowlng Ihings froni ber deait sud w-bat pttplIi were inth U.rooM hitstilY beat a retreat. The laultor in the meantime haît an- rlved and, vit thlie aid aifte teacit- or, Miss Powter, ho managed ta gel tht woman out of lte romand stxrt- ed bier awa>' from thbe achooi. As the De. Samuel flils Chidester wiii janitor sud teacher stond there lb. opMa as pester of the. Waukegari womnau lcked np a brick and tlî,ew rayterien ebtrcli thieugh'tii.year lb t t Iiss li'owler. Il strucl< ler In o» et the. roqueat of hie comgregp. the baud. -Athoughi ual lujured se- t the sanai Goodfeliwhlp s.îp' îrely tht baud was hart paiufuily. it myovd lu the. eureli parloit y Mes. ibou teok-ber son witli lier e SOCMa Union sud tb. Yonng Won]-anud tliey presittuabi>' veut directly- ra Gulbdla aIgut, be reqiteeled home. let no action,> tabou et Ibis tinte lu le admitted ltaI te woiaa's ï g bis teaignao.Ht, explaiued Ibidl ions wero aqalaruiug ltai practical- id t1il anor mind lie was touvinced îy ail aiflte tomblera buiddiedtl tgüth- mt the. uburthlulnd talie on a emewPr lu a sitnglo romuta l tknowli Oee. a 'new leader,.anid a îew pu-r- what the uoinuias ta do nexl: lthe tir, but that no tmatt -oarthi pupils rau bittier andti hler and =tjstand up undaur te demnbauslra wblle the elege Iited, accardlug to ab «f godfrlovsbip exttended hlm so ins i te chliren: "Il was no fun I~*iISI~I1 s ivtholet wo. ibeeus' ws ibought seh. migbl bort Vta h if b easacting Ilýaa manuer n kl b4dplease oe n.ud ail. :e. Sbdmee& sacceptance o! the oie ald miaeiblp of the rebyerians l3 uloeaed b>' Waukegau sndd 1h peu- Tii. police woro taliet buti ddto I& 'le clty commission, tue mmmi- airie for about an %aut andi by Oit oz of the commnuti nsd even tboëee ime tltînga lbat! quiteti down. rothér fait.hs bMa requested tItat be Dnntng te afuernoan an, Incident oflder, sud scores of lbItersansd develapeti wblch abawedtlitIthe' legas sfront dea!. dear fieuda <f %=uapmusetlieunbalanced. Slk le di>' îoured la on the pastor, front herse4arnived back t alte scbool car- a eBmot ihe nation.' ryiug a note fratulber lutIle sou whicli Mesaeges were recelved sud resti coulatnedthelb patliete remarit: m Mm. George Rt. Lyou. Meibotivue - "Plesse ecuse my mal.hen- sIe Sits. Dr. snd Mrs. eGorge Gogs- took your test by -mistake. lli'uklng i& Ohio; Mr. snd Mis., Harry 1). Il vas mines." lazon. -New Yorkc City. N. Y.; Mrt. The note was ineaut for thc jai-' i Mm..é. U Paclc1Indianapolis, ltr vbse C094sellereturucd and lu L.: Mt. sud lMra. James G. Anhaur, ils place 10k lier an's. là jtlcigco. Valuf.; Miss Chat ÏÜlir s&d Mr. sud ira. Heur>' 110-. Alfredi Mead ai Avoau, lias lived lu 016 P*rtla". Oregon; Mn. sud Mrs. lte counul> 54 years, bavlng corne to W.> rtitur. Seatile. WS.s.: Dr. Avoit. Jan. 29, 1865: bis wife. Serait Mmlia Cuille.Chicago; 'Mn. sud Tweed lMead.bu lîve inlitthe ctouuty te. Johnt Gourle>'.,Hishiaut Park; .71 yeana. coning tu Avon Apnil' 1, r.aSt M"s. George Gooduow. Higli- 1868. James Blanochard oi Waiîkegaît. Od Park; Mr. asud lra. Milleraslih as livati lu Waukegast towuabip C-5 aMialea. Calif.: <lira. Millet le the year. ie oustwlispsoit North Gene- bu4h;r e trsuad 3Mns. J. Brewster tee sircet, Waukeitau, but for yezns Waukagaaii lra. lSamuuel Kirk, litet nantI theb.cil>' Une abotltwo avOllk Tenu., sud alliera, miles. mils 1919 Mssage.. Frank Henuung ai Llberhyviile, wâs Ur. Cffldster'a message ta hb , perated upon t1h, moruitg et Me- Wguafloe. glveo tritn lho accept- Aliser hosplal. lie le gettîng au 6 es patorale for 1919, reati as nîcel>'. OMM.: Mn. snd Mr%. I. P. Dyrnond ofai- -And msavo lbave comte ta Ibis bout! Itrtyville. leit Tuesday nightI fan vis a record year luntuait>' usys'Miami, Fia. whiro tii.>'are la speud jpO le. vltvolitoetou r Gati iarn thebalance of lhe wiuior. % 8Og tielleve tb. year lias been Robent Hock ai West streel, well au* bmmms ttrut a successe kitown Watikeganlte la repanteti to be very d1<e, laving ha Iteatonhages of 8ALU--Oaa cutter, buggy sumd the stomacit. -cp80Mr.feed cutter, <ats. - __________ blàta«moud feeti. .lectrlc TO TkàD5-Tiiree acres.> fenced, sVUe ud trouer. ail new. cloîtais for'orange grave lu llanda. jimhaaVlsi machinesuwd d6. ue ami lise or $200 on for la- libillJ. R. Coaràd. gla. furor vitat -bave Yeu torn? %ton& rhitu *-'L & mese. tu$ xceelavenue, lyeamnatiy ieaircea at- 975 -14050 - 19,@' 24.o75 - 27.ef0 Saturday and Monday Values to at- 19.,75 ailiers are elaborately em belilieti wlth waool or eiuh embroider>', erystal 0 tbugle iteadlng, as alX othera have very sbyishb bnedliig id prelly fringe rlmn«u, sud sud ten thora are tuale et fects, 'sashes sud boîta. The reâiOrea*émn'aoramdfor.W ouwa1ýt toknow were h.0a baseSlaIsY A Sensational thanuary eto te N 9'ialenn Prdis t n hee'ss dlacov118h.-ineWat ond E Lhou biactpln ecl thr tot one f the wate aoM~esd to ite hoo td ee ther- e, t,000tc h em.! Zpingon iy er d o oaSndtf westl ai tenrtbFwTey urneo an theyre Out mong.siI ta in An ir, n f lnua.Acouler of tyers ago batIl e tcskoha L. T hu' ernnoity tee Ziliois îofi Lo mg or Shoôrt Cloth and Plushe A most renîai-kable cvent. liozens of stylish coats plain or fui' tiiuîiued, cl o r l ,pllisbes;, belted, pleated and ua tton triîuned, ail sizes. Other Sale Coats Tliere are varlaus alter sale groupa o! stylit litter coa as low as $10 .00, olliers aI $19.75, $24.75, $29-75, $M.75 sud $39.75. $145.00 taupe aquirrel cauey jacquet ai $72.50. Values to $2, Sizes t0 14, in, Children's Dresses $11 Chlldreu'a gilni» dresses la a good ranige of pretUy styles aBi wanted ai aises up ta 14. Values up to $2, IDn.lannary Clearance at .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Salé- ChIdjres'# Coatas 4.98, 7.50, 12.50 ne Theeaso nà'sGreatest sale Women'ýs DreS& Ser es Silks, Jerseys Velvets Vl to Values to Values to 16.50 at 23.50 at - $35 at- .7~5 1575 2.5 IÀteraly hundreds of stylleb dreisÉes at the threpricea quoted lu waai serge, allk poplin, satins, wooi jerseys, velveta. slik crepes and combinations, bratded. pteated, embroidered tuulc and saab effecta. Silk Wdt t 5at 3. M Ssvoeapde e4e*j tub sljuà ( jf u ata 75- For vornen, misses sud juniors at the varions prlcec Of course theer are pleut>' of dreamsabut lu order loavald dis4ppointment wvo advlse you ta make your selectian as early es possible. Thet sale wilii tari Thurada>' morning. So complet. l. I te enor. mous lot of hantisorne dresses ilial yau viii Sud no diffi. cuity lu geting mat the rlght size wIielier yon are a 11111e mias oi 13 ors a mntrn ean. Ing d2, aud ach dresa las the product of expert designers. Go Lake CounttY'a Store for Wonen and Chuldrert For Women'sý, Misses', Juntirs-'Intermnediates 1,50 FneDresesina Salie I ~.i ~ asVa . __sa. Silks - Serges - Jer seys- Voiles - Crepes For Stroot, Aftornoon andEvmn Wear i the Season's Greatest Sale. p0~JLoe OteL y e

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