CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Jan 1919, p. 2

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ISD.FICO W*mitcEbec 4SURANCE aw*U, na*ee. tau- R16%h LutIes. ""à tomobile calWorklng. smla Omestif 3E S Hm Beor. PIacing i XgA1nmnce WELL DRILLING AUSiIERMAN & DOLAN MiON CITY 0 Omes P..173-W f. BNRSTOW ýMârble and Granite Monuments Cemetery Work of Ever> Description Z-orr.p.ndence SoIicitee 116 Genesee St DU. 1. L. TAYLOR aouf:-1 ta 8:80 and 7 to 8 p. m. - Suidmue on Broadway, opposite Part Lartrvil. ibinota. Waukegan Medjoal Cool, Baok From Europe, Says Women Dld Great Task. HE'S IN FINE HEALTH. Col. Prederick Bealey, son of Mr. and Mms. W. B. Beaicy and a reeldet of Wccieeg autil ho ralached mater. It>', a mu e ho maie a naine for him. self s a augee n uChicago and tiien .4141.41gloryot tat azme b>'headilu medicgi liit Ne. 12 when thee vii departuient arkod for men tsverseee,i a1rrtv.d iWaukegcn MoDus>' ve- nIng. Ho la stoppleg at thie home ot hie ister, Mns. W. G. Stroug of Obeui. da ltad. li. vas aSoouanied by Mr%. Boa. ley, who bad gone trom Wahington 10 Nev TYork to, m&et ber buabaed, Relatives, friende and proteasional as cociatese ere et thie train ta greet bum. Neyes. Feit Setter, Col. Beley loake fine. Ho raya: "I neevr toit botter In my lite. 1 weigh the eame as wheu b veut over rua . 2 *)nths a'7o and the tact tu «b ,ae ni-ver slck a day and neyer 1id a sigle da>'s leave vbiie over..there shows 1i vas in good heaitb ail the lime.' "Haven't yau uome messae ta gîve Waukegan people, vasa aked Col. Boa. loy. 4'I'd likc 10 pay a tribute to the woen and nurses of Amerlc-they are the beat i *ver em!" Dr. Besley etated that ho bad not seen Robert Edwards of Waukogau since ho et taie unit, No. 12, Sept. Tt ta take nov reaponsibilities. Ed- varda et111 remained wlth the unit and Dr. Beale>' tbiuks hie still le villa il. Dr. I3sley noevr ran acrosCol. .A. V. Smith and h4e edda ho neler eô.o Màtérus, Walter at, thé coté InChpBringà Bec0aua. ho suitéeo a fracture of the am ehivh Ih incptat.ed hlm fho. foilnug liavoeatios cevalter Theodor. Major«, . formerîy 11014 thie posSa.etf Water et the Cneflg Inn la chiefl ago .brln~gtg"in eh-coit court Mt WÙI*aii agaiWa The. North Shorae mfor $.1t000 duungea. Te.vork cr obtalang Jury t hieh. as.wuvetarted .hortly afler court convened todaj, and pro. eeeded rapidly., . Majeruaasserts that 4e wBs .wRlt- Ing for the street car et DIainond Crmaing on the Libertyville brceeh and usa sanding -on Wluît he sup- posed vas thie platform. He says he lgnalled thie motorman ta stop hiut fnatead et doing no b. 41141 fot slack. en thie apeed of his car. Majerus wua strncek a glanclng 1>10w cnd knocked to one aide. He suffered a fractured arsu snd vas conflned ta a hospital for a long time. The eidenco wtt show it le cdaim. ed by the plaintiff, tht Maerus net only 9uitered thé ioss of his ealary, but also la unable ta porno.' bis du tie as before. FORGERY A» DE- MAINST SAILOR Ray H. Sechwartz, Seaman of 8th. Regiment is Sought on Double Offense. DR OLDNGIn the hospitale lbe vas ln charge of. CASHED W. U. CHECKS. DENT1ST The local mien didn't bappeas ta ho gours 8 ta 12 an. l t'O 6 VM wut;cit;,. divii.ofs to whicii Dr. 11W . flv i; as dený,erter and almoaa Over SiaI National Basil ,,bu:. ' unit x.a:, atachcd. forger, Ray H. E. Schwartz, age 20, '0111M Phone 19-J. Re@. Phone 157J- Dr. and mrs. llesiey expect te re- seamian al Camp Farragut, 8114 Reat.. Uàbortîvlllo. Illinois main in Waukegan a feu <aye and Creat Lakes, le being sougait li the thon lbave for Galitarnia ta apend a Provost marehal and If 1e la appre- CHAS. N. STEPitENS, M. D. mnonit with th. colonels mother and hended, as he probably wil liha ho- PHYSICIAN ad SURGEON aieter, Mra. W. B. Besley and Mies fore long, Ibis man ubo balle train Ilmis a]esîtion Kleu Io the diaes tea Miriam. Peorla will likely apeed a nunsilsr of Eys, Esr, Ne%, Throt- years len1the peniteuttary as a result Esez ehumluned for lsse fbsldsrtoswiecifms Qoi over G&@ Ce, Tel. 1a0 LUlertyvOlle. Army Lite Healthtui. o u nicein aleci!ms '«I vas away 20 mouthe s ad three senger Ie the Western Union office <aya.' said lie colonel. 'Lieut.,,ç Camp Farragul. DR, C, F. BUTTRFIELD, Mandel and 1 eailod for home on the Tt vas ual untIl today that Schwartz VETERINARY SURGEON. Agamuemnon Decemlmer 28. My goouiva classid as a deserter, althougli health le lie effect o! army Illte. IVa for some days put L bas been l<nown &sseurme@TsTE VurcsIA,àsaÂs. taie greateat thtstg ln the vorld for that ha bai been suspected of torg- Liberlyvlue. Illinois. atting up a mn, particulariy a pro- fui; several cheeks. __________________________ tsaloual man or one engaged ln a Re dizappeaed from taie station on sedentary occupation. Tt vîli make January 4t14 sud since liaI lime, the DR. A. G. CAMPBELL a better man o! any one. 1 vander provout marebal bas been tryiug ta Vetenmctry Dentist wby ve can't learn a lesson from aýppreebud hlm. -To date they haî e Lai" Uvery Stable Llbertyville. Ili. tia!"n le "You mean universal ilita" Tesmue that wbile ho vas vorking Wmâmmo, Luke Foret. Atioci. Keuocelu rinug"anschiet messenger le taie Western Ourinte. Wuîi:wortb. Rusel ad ther triig"Uonfich e otedskf sdiuesottew.s The colonel nodded.Uioofcehovntaaedsk! ________________________ "But 1 dan' vaut ta talk about My- Robert Keef. vho vas then manager W. CO.By elf," 14e nnid. "I vsut te lalk about O! the Western Union office aud et ELHAN N Myboys - . variaus limes took six blank checks Atorney-at-Lew *'Tt la a rearlkable tact, 1 tblnk, froni tbe check book. The presump- OZSas ome Co 1 Av. PoneIL6-J hat for the first suixmnthe vo had Lion nov la that aie torged at leset nol a single disciplinary action, and sxcek.oeo hmb "e tJBERTYVILL.E, ILLINOIS, neyr a serions oue. Ni-ver for $100 and thal check camne back hav t etete a rac o biuorontbrougb the Waukegan National hank liv e 1 en, e aacI elofleeI soion vere the Western Union carrted Ité; LYELL F. MORRIS any o!fachoumt.,Thenpr1ost mareha1s Offic have noticod IL, If there liaid been alsounlearue that ot mrsled cs ATTOUCY-AT-LAW ay iolandfn i re ocs Libsr"vile - Ilinois "'Tell ail 1140e. bay' mothers liat. other checks lu Chicago for $100, but LuesBuiling tliee libiSt .ee Chmbre in aliled to do so. Iu ail six ciecli, 0au. f5055 IS&. . oce Pbene Il France are ail ste and veIl. We have and vaiçtber have only laed one death ail lie Sbat a enal ecs hn lime, lu different Parts o! lie country wyul PAUL MAC GUFffl. Amera î% rit Won. a f o h bu nti iecescm AVTORNET AT LAW. 'Amoricas spirit van 1the var. Asbcklth e. ubevvle Ilinisa member o! the general staff 1 hap- Th1e check 'tvich lie euoeeeded ln Pen t tn'wt1at p tu uly o1918getting caihed for $100( bore 114e slg- pRovil 88 al] Brtatu's planas vere laid for re. fotr ueoWesternton. ICeefalle a treat. After thal date, 11ey vere fon the habitern Uinin. te vaos MARTIN C. DECKER laid for adysuco cn hek btoesgIgth ain 4ITORl'oa<EAl.LAv "If wasBfat no much that Ainerieaca ek.hc he esceddl 87Washington tStreet d!d-England aud France have doue Thechkvihhouceddn 807 casîslng wa.. madie out te alself, Ray 'PAUKEGAN. - - ILLINOIIS far more. and vo muat fot underate H. Shwatz sud Feefe'e name vas Office Phono 848 theiîs il vas the nev Infusion o!fagt ai Roc.Phoe 180.8 spirit which the siglît o! fresh mr The Camp Farragut Western Union Ican clvi-sIon.. conîlng up beblud them fleasbncoednd ef i broaspht tth Ie Frencb sud Britlisofc a enclsdsdKeet troo,. wafp wih meely old g owconnered vlh 14e maie station treolip. wnldvt eeyhligoffice, et the gate. Tiif ip' 'Anerrans are igtefrs-- do'tf fu 't that. At Cheppely Ridge 1~ IA L iR t'- 1fity tthird divleton vent over 1ItJI OL O inr' op1th te Australiaus, vho are retis ont d tne -tougheqt apecimena af MISSINÛ SI NCUJAN. the British army.WMen aaked MrtZlc et o Cuoho COUNTY PIED & FUEL CO.' o;illi of tlite Y.uks taie Âustrallan.. 4eirnu, Ilis ele:3 S PO I M "Âmeteanmon, aowever. were no,, Morning of Jan, 3* Hasn't have si-en Ihen-liese Red Cr0.. RAY N. SMITH nures-going quiatly about their HRAOÏT UNKNOWN asaks by the ilgbt of an electric fias hWH Libetpli, DLlu a bospital where bomiba vers dr'op- WHERE IS 15 VEAR OLO MARY piug ail around tramt German air- ALC hindred. dolas le revenue Planes and the shrapnel vas taIllng ZLC en 1the roof lle rein. Do you 11410k That la thse question tic Wa&ea W«e . .xed toa w arrauty tliey linched? Not tbey? Polce debartmeet hs becs allîlll h *4l la the couet>' recrdera of- «'TY. M. C. A. sud 114e Salvation solve. The girl ha& boou miaslag VteNens>afiernon frOlil'taie Army aiso <id a vouderful vontz. etuce January 3. At tbat ie di. Taaeiag copen>' te114e Mura af 1the crIt1ý1sm of lie former leftIthse hoarclIng bouse of lMrs. Zm- or laneiug couapany. Thie IF. 1 lhinik, verv unfair. Ttlsl a Qucis! kus, 1319 %.outb Vlrtory street, oa>' indicte fliatthe considera I Lion0 f indilido'is, n-t o! t1jI< orcu.- lg b aýgigt hrh h- vee as 0enste isat ever heard trom ber. eca 800000.Thoe ',1 want ta say a word for 30vmiue rtamp snd four $810 those bravo foîka et borne Who neyer t!5z-y nt one lime vas cormlltted «e M a e'dc. This la prob. 11e 0 -1*!1I Fofptîtnz on a oîIm b1 te ePark RîIdge chool for girls. lant transction o tf ls ý , I :- îv_.. - ::.j_ t <,Il r'n !ýcfrm that Institution êwmaie lu Waukegae .tihe var." j aý;tgu.r.hît v arme-.i b Wau- bcISIbat, vu paflI e Ulit. É551 kas VU Wvaie0» chlai bea Biler Il. ab e M e m four iathe. vhs vrc*ur estisit MWau, asea mm ten le mcribed vhy eh* voui vwapete rua aval'. Wb.1 hoMMi s , oin up paih burci on thie zmm' lus et Zau»i, 9M .Zu»ke MA W»w Ob* 4$4 s nt roture "0h. thougat *bat à"a vould ratura short 1y. maeocoaductai an lnveatlgtato quictly sudwvain se. as unable t* obtabn seltrace of 14r decided ta enliat the. .141of thcegPolicc. Joseph Bron, 774 Gramd avefl. mnetoWauktae la 188cMd hav- li ilii e oréef4iy"mm, esaiquin-la eluded flathie lia t fl tltmos REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS By A. y- Boues, asisaent seore* tary Seourity 11111e & Trust Co. .I Business of tic Recorders offce1 for thé. veck cnding Jarnmry 11, 1919. Nuinher of oonveyacesa, S1. Number of cobattel mortee 12. Number of trust deedsancd mort- sagea, 18. Total number of instrumenta 81.41, Total amount of lbans. $34197. Busiesa bas been ratier quiet and 1054. belpw the average. Thie foflowing are th4e more Impotb. lu Waukegan: Anthony J. ael Mary Aidera bought the Edward J. Houe houson et aide Northe Utict et., sonîh of Grand ave., for ludleatei considération of $4500, subJect to se- eurnbrance. George Tldy bought th4e Florence Lincoln property on west aide Hick- ory nt., just'north of Grand ave., Çor $2100. Alez F. Beaubien bought theeat bouse of Lukey property an south, aide Franklin atreet, near County et. frorn Herman <G. Paterson for nenc- tual consideration, aubjeet ta encore- brance. Arthur W. Cort hougbtthe .W.. S.ý Kelth hous on eutt aide Northi avoi,. opposite Uedseay ave., for tudcate4' Fred G. and Mathe, J. Hcakfl bougait the Wm. H. Pestar ProP.rty with about 145 feet trontage on utat aide South Park ave., south of Water et., for 8100. Frank ussett bougait the Samruel Widdicombe five acres ln S. M. 1-4 Sec. 19 on eoith aide West Wasniing' ton et., west of city limitq for inuticnt- ed $2,000, sumject to encunibrance. Douglas C. Scidmore bougait the ln- terest of Steve j. 'rbome lu 2211 acres on east aide tqheridan Roail. north of town ln Secs 9 and 10 for indicated conslderation of $10,500. lu Hlighiand Park: Arthur L. Har- din and Theodoro Scheurmann bought the Fraucis Thore place on nortbeast corner Hatzel and St. Johns ave., for lndicated $9,000, subject ta $11,000 en- cumbrance. Editai M. Vercoe 100k title to thie Wmi. Aiken pince on nortbaist corner Biroadway and Oak at., for nominal consideratton, sublect ta encum- brance. Synipson L. and Mary J. Cain bougint the Arthur E. Wheeler Place on south side Wallker ave., adjoilnng Piort Shieridan for $3500. In Deerileld Township: Hienry W. Wbedon bought thie Sarah 'R. Me- Guire 20 acres tn N. W. 1.4, Sec, 18 for lndicated $5.000,; subject ta en- cuxubrance. P. J. Scheideubelm bougait the Fa- gan 40 acres in N. W. 1-4 Sée. 31, tramn Charles A. Wlghtnlan for nom tnai consideration. nubject ta encum. brance. la La4 eont- John -GrImftht bougait the Altons Verves Place 011 lot 29 Rose Terrace for Indicated $4500, subject taoucn=rance. lnu Lberlyville Toweahip: '.%at- 11ev Pester bought taie Phelpe 10 acres la N. E. 1-4 Ote. 8 for nominal considération. Milo A. Crans houglit the Paul G. Ray 4 acres lu N. W. 1-4, Sec. 31, near Diamond Tjake, for nominal con- sideration. in West Antoch: Henry T. M-(é- sermitai bought thie MarY Roulotter faim i Secs. 35 a"d86opoint bho. tveen Petite snd Fox LIe's for 141- dlcated $15,000. In Antiocai Village: hors V01>14I bougbt two Iots onsasde Ida &a. frowl Walter Stlcklaa for $2,000. januaiy 2, 1919. Est. of Josephine M. Vovier, deed. ti Hanasi Darby; lot 28, Blocki. 2, Property Ownera% Suai., iJbertyvillè, ieed, 340 CFA. Wigbhaa '& vifte 0 Ba cIte Manedel et -&I, B ezt lot 8. Bih 89 and lot 13 cnd potI lot 12 lu Bl "i' Higlgband Par4e 111., W», $30,000. caLecier & abus. te EL. '.L*W,. 1er, Blle 29, DeRtI's Noth BOhrýl acres, wlntbro RaX~o, W». $1. : W. B. WeMht& ô ifs hi T. 1- a@4 o. A. l1'onum; lot 015 19WU hM& Suai, on Vox hAke, Wl>. $000. 110. Cygma smaivite, lle, bEac 15, v.o C. W. GilletIt tomurIy . Vinent 5s 80. Notuaiblenso, Q=II,0100. 7.17 aem ina ..W 1-4 et $W 1-4 Bet Emi u Iff tt h i Ksaulermo $2, QtIIOf ' k0fiePtoat, WP, *8,4p. s&l Vit, lo.»8SUal24, blok 191. am D"16e, Il aà telaie r.U W., NO. oeao, WW, p UvifI;92 1-4 acres laUe.I&ald tcgorea. TruatCo., te T. W. Domteml T". ", 37,80 1ldM&iviWU% N. 148 bloolt, I&Sel. .*Je.Kirk, et al teo 1. L Ceon l00Wc Suaib., WîiMo Brbor, De," & vite; N pat lot Siý l T 1 4 00. Je .nucry 4, 19109. a 81O.itho mbr D P. H. erteut& vue teX. A. 1 .Yruka; lots 80 cal 84, 51k j. pta- 'laisHlglu& H ighland Park, detl. m. . .Werner Ith damnaisi Sebart 1% 44 mme, lot 1. (Ex- lm90ofi), Bi16, original Vaukegan, wu l>,1. jaeL, , 1910 . Ollv A Baker, et'ai., t e O.1 Tidy, M. 39 1-2 fi., a. 43 <t., lot j, blich18, N. W. Aid., »rnùkewa WD, $2100.11 1MiaselMCSvceneY cedvifta toG. B. ROMEle, lots 22 te 26, blecai 2, Boa IDg Halgaite, Round Lake, Wl>, $M1. Walter Stckela and vifs 10 Dora ruoIbih, lota 4 sud 5. block 1. IDevis Adg. hi Autioce, WD. 82,00. W.C. lester ced vwite 10 oeM GUI A. le. Wbleicr ac ifs ta 8. i.. Caie and 'vif.. W. Se fi. 2N. l c. lot 8, bloc0k 42, Hghlaad Park, WX>, $8500. Eimma il. Ligithall hi Wm. Atien, iots le cnd 17, block 4, Port Cainton, H iglan Park, QC. $1. Mary Paris snd hhsaband te John Siw('k. 1h.ts 6 and 7. biocir 22, Wash- bure Spriegs, Waukegsn, Wl>, $10. J5n. 7, 1910. aaffu0el VidiSombe and vife 10 Frant Usactt, à5 cor..south aida, Washinagton et., ouicisf mile veut ef City' limita, Waukefan, Wl>, $10. Sarah R. MaGaire and huebaaed ta IL. W. Wlaedou N. 20) acres à. E. 1-4 W. W. 1.4, Sec. 18. Deerfiehi Twp., Wl>, $10. Coe *W&.et &. 1 au «% fOo il.. k* 4 aeumi N 14.8e , 1il Twp.Wlsa"&0 kP. Dhr a laaite yi laN. 0"31 Willim Altée alvte M. Vecco, lot leBa 1,4 P>ort clinton, Righlff artIsu. Publie flottes la hobsry i'm go, instaiîment osfEpelwAmiÀa No. 8 for a muer mystffl 18th.CO Ubertylebcaow d»md Pm, e»Oz oecf o. illage mO*Wel booki viii h. eMpwompWl ,2 1919. Lyel tNrrls. ViDamoa ;63. 4 tum TOUR SIHTYID Ici Tiie North Shore lin. is constantly ialcing improvemnente la masure the. cafety oft6 patrons. To do away witi the. 1000 feet of iiigh tresde appromcinu Nilwau.kee, a huse pip, or culvert lias been I>uilî îiirough whicli the Kinaickinnick River now Hlom. Tii. culvrt le' af concret*, 197 feet long, 48 feet wide and 20 feet ih..ý The treetie in beiiig fild ini wiîli 100,000 yardis of, earth and wiII soon disappar fromn view. This work is costing $150.000.00. Nov. 21st, 198-Showing work on th4e concrete treatie oves. the Kinnickinnick Rive, p pacically compleied. f i Il Jüue 18114, 1l8-Showing concrete culvert and piere in place. Decenîber 1814, 19l8-Samae location, showing Pragress of thse work t iflllng ln structure. NORTNI SHORE SERVICE Tihe North Shoreefine je the timne-saving route from Libertyville io Chicago and Milwaukee. Hourly limnited trains daily, wiîh a thirty-minute service on Saturday afternoons, Sundaye and Holidays. NOR TH SH101RE LINI3 1chicago, 66 Wat A"$ .Sreu Ph" utaim Libertyville Phose. Liburuvili74 Milwaukee 157 Secesd Itre Mieue, ruud 1136 Fi

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