CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Jan 1919, p. 9

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IJIBERTYV Ôuny'amg ely W to-qi i - = -J una~ VEÂR II~ ÂDVÂIcL iIi~~ -Who Promotdd Ogren Co. Here and Got Contractis in Toils. EK TOtOLEAR TITLE. 9, Peaer, tle men aWha prounot- demiwberly lvWalplunned ta. 'the Ogren Motor volts un but '1 iOMeconnections - e oncelrsvere ioepudlated b>' cenplea a oIl Ini th.feder- at Leavenvortb, Kansas, lie le meviag* a thrse-year ti 4"b* Obrgf balg detreuded lita beame knavn vhen A tornu:- TDabe.reprosentlng jsani Maied Onita '-have tic court «'Mtile a CQtrct gîccu by Mr. WtO te .Ogren compDan>' for a 09to 40 aces tanlie uscd as a site -b qa. i '4IIle 6cotac hlld been turncd over1 ~Pa.iet, the plan belng ta give bic i oubright ln letui'n for thc lot-at--9 kg49 et Mefactar>' on tie fiais nort-h af- Vatikegan. Tâe tract lu queosuton - é &ce"dplat nert Of tie gs plaunt SAi oUb Of ithe tract puichased b> ý4 Jobas-Msnville company. IL waae gured Ibt tic lacatipg ou. lila datmetfilue bg autmobile Facto.-> mi« ual fine wouid open the fiais ta ether coacerwu and Inereese the- prIt- et tb. land (heu. Pender ai once illed the contra'tI £or along came the 'ýb«ds of the Osaen plant and asacu t- 'Md tbat ePader vau fiaiauthorlzed tv. ke anan=nseeilté or coutlacis ýbhsm . Pi cnract Wvilc tied10 for record iremained as s Fàon the tile ta lthe 40-acre traet. IR SluID oing u the matter t.. r. 5.080 tise cluud Mir. Bcaubleu unco- ei.df the tact thai Pender lu sirviîg a sentence a Leavenworti su lie will lie served vltli a sommonan u t'l. cMe ville mting lu a cell. The incident wyul rpul o a ' i l . ii. ,Ë» peuple tle agitation vlîicli aaJ ,g9111101 abolit tiree years ilo abouti .11be proposeodlo tlon bler.- of the Or- raum plant. TI'c plans fell thioughi w~u nlocal boosre li-amne con , lVaced tiat the hi-ad.. of thi.- jîar.t Merel>' ialueiltuOobtaîju a fte lcru lah oudem fIat te>'coull tL.CI si but&s for éelling stock. COl-T 0F EXTENSION TO PATRON Pa-Opoed, abolition of var Uil chlarges for *andmuid oletrie e.teuî- Ij1@»seastaken up hy Ilue lll)sl POuie Utlittes counmlabiou Ille is ek sUd It la expecteil tiat ;on'ething 4ÇOWte-vili lie doue vîti regard ta 14M sItuatIn.Wgukegsn la waîiling ta -à W vîi vlIl bcdoue. 1: Lt amiMY, lecau&e of the demaudi and requrement. of the goierhumenuu Ut AmPraecutIl1of tIie mar. the q rsln olld i ueathui Ë"i whlcb rcqîr uttiity opn OC% male certain extensions Ir.-r et écharge. The nov rulea, whihl are MMii tn effeci. provide that the cou- smer muet delucit vîlli the cOn,-. DaUT the COof th îe extension. Tliin Charge MUetL Ileerefunded Ininsall menta up ta the cot or île extension. however. ' 7iuY protesta vere raiaed b>' Wau- kopaitels and lbertyviie pipe on vbula tha sslditlonal burden vas PIsced 'but there vas no va>' out of thé difiEcUlt>' as thte utility compacie Potted ontthlai war tinte requiro. nuahs made i necoasar>' ta charge tr the extegelous. JUSt loy soon thc conpanieb re- anlme lb. former achedule of charges for Making extensions depends tupoit Wb e Utii itlecommission iak-es *ACK 1C-R LEtTIERS JULV Wa»hington, Jan. 16.-flic Sonai. ea-nMch toda>' seceptcd lb.heBouti. mdmntremovlng yar taxes on pý OUtage next July '1, vîcu mWvar rates Of tva conta au 0qube on lettera would &gan becon REPORTIE KILUD, )ACICON jog OISe1CWl camiiiste1 ê tate that WlII lard &.HIImst ofPrairie Viev. Lake 150112471, ho PreviOimlY-wlia reporte. IL - 11104luhaction b"e been returned io I e i n the *Vst .%*MHaukva &iO1"ndtus bl"Mma* ¶,' cma isl>' emmma-te4." lu au'. .wsupp. e a a - I of hiesnuther. Mirs. Mary Sisrvlui. Frieudea s>' she dled of a brakon le-art. Thon ou' Januar>' 8, a iter, M>."3. Arhur Larsan or North Chicago. vas Intormed uuolilclafly tiat ber broti- er. James, lad licou kuil lu lnaction November il, lb. day oen vhlch t-li armistice waa elgned. Because offi- t-lai couirmathon dId net oome f romn the war departmeult and bocauae n letter dated Octaber 11, and receîved Novemlier 11, tolk of bis bing lu goad hi-athIrelative, ver. losili to hellevo thc report. More te saify hloiself that tie report vap taise ilisu anytbing cîse, lira. Larson on Jan-nar>' 11, telegrPl- cd ho the u'ar -dePartMeut ut Wasli- ingtan. told vbat elle bad beard and asked for ofnfiIa informn$tlan. TIe anever, se-nt "chargea collect." iraO rmeeved jauui'y 15. and anucunead omotlal>' thaitIheyoung minubad beenkled lu action November 1., u #raitaeported. "Ke-third mnemborof-tIc Biarvin tsmlly (ni service la Johne shavhn, nov amicamp Grat an d soil ta b. dschargod. COi.1BURD REFUS- ES TO MAKE CIlC Thec Lake (ounty Board of Super- Visor. ield as siechai meetl-ng lnWau- kégau tcdSY for ic purpose of con- sldcriug Uic roqiest made b>' ih s;tate hlgîvay' deparimeni thet the>' expressa a preforenca ibetveen Tel- egrapli and Ridge roadss btveeon Bbrr merville, Cookcicuuiy snd 3hrmer. ville, Laits cciii>, as s portion of the state ad road. Ticesilpea-vlsors consldered ticeadPontages of bol-b roada sund tien deeided that btcelIi- va>' dpartsnni vas seeking to "paso the buc te thîe supervIsors., BotheY declded te pae IlOacI.. TIe cont>' clerk haf."rcelvcd s Icter tun vich It vas tafed tual the final declattu as t-o the course that vould -l i lken vas up ta the'. hlhway departinont se a luVlev oft iumtact the aupervtore declded to turu the -vbqle, motter he aate.. WonderWu melodies, wnitten especially for the revue-lilting strains that linger. Chorus of "Blxty Salty Sailors." Se---- B jENNY KUBELISKY, Waukega n's <qwn stage star- The famous "IJA-DA"' TRIO, in a new riot of ragiràme. E.UPP and LINDEN, in their artlstic piano and vlolin specia.Ity. . ; DAVE STEVENS, i "The J -ash Recruit," fuminer than' ever. j Immê4 TRE NÂVY RELIEF SOCIETY QUYARTETTE, a brand new act from the "lg Unie." PIcsNt,50c to 1.50., Matinee 25c to $1 £No War Tmx Seats on Sale at BQX ffice Wed. Noon 1~ w b Iil v .054.440 40,80441 14844 40.788 8 10.000 wO -j7604Ô&1u ne Bank, de iowlsdV m amy Public. non tIèfihes of thie lItai -81.1U8 72 -3~7 79>5 21 15 i'of t>0 - .1154 85 -41,840>81 7400 $-76.938 -25.00 00 -2,500 00 ... 147.508 72 t- 1.00 42987 $170»»k8 de r, Cmabus,. L ule - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Lieut. lomer Oahrlogsf, gAn aII~Wwi ~ Oe~d *I 11S8 uuflhiiU FarbyOi ZIe~ g~nm miimeng in action on sept. i7tIi amstmand whom ith ibi s4dPàrt- il UI City Who on Tue«day,-ÉeVO -W 8menti ioda.decIares 1dlmd of.ot her .565.8 iater bing rop0rted ing was Married 1te John misain A trmgmdy wam reveaied eti Lmk. Forest ihis morning when Dr. aro. flre broke Intethe door of themmli 35 amu illas mHansen muid feundthie forme's body cold li dith. Hansen la la thie Lko county no pliot wiere lho al8o In very clos to p deafli trom pneumonie. le leaflot ex pected to recover. The. mon lloyd dlonc la th e roonis below. Other men livecd upstalrs but ' they hall paid no attention tc, w 'Former Waulepn Man SUIi' Îo - DSpatohes.Camy'a vent on bdow-and go one man dîr-d Experimermtiiig at His La. jSemlatiorv.j Story of Wau- and the ther amoat ded boratory in California I Iegaite Soored Big. The bellef linthat Boyle was trylug I to get ta lthe dooir tai get out and pro- . cure belli vhen lie keled over, dead. DISCOVEROR 0F "MOVIES" ~INARY fOT PUIEF lOÀAT, Hie frlnd Hutnaen attlng ln a chair -- 'lS* 5VI In antber moot did flot knaw 'a-tbat -npolewl eIneeti lait hapPened tanlBOYlea Iwe r ska epewl ettrsid(bU10mol ning papers li -ý#W AsouProzmire finail>' gat Intelthe bousc. l ern tEwrdAitfre-V)Xdl§patch", toila>'prlnted amill- Hasnto ekt tlepeïe y of Waukegan and the actual inv'-,n- lar,-artlcles tellng of the ho roi.,rà> 4k W.t-,ektatl. xres' tor of thie movlng picture many years4aletnn ae .W Wonder that Boyle had not proeurr.'d ago wha la now living near Les An-!aIlkealiunnt» d1,W AN~~ MILK!?ItOPIJC. eîp before. Ho waa amazed when sle, Ctit.le atiliengaged Iu expert-____________JAtit E bien dead an îhe fluorarince T'uesda od cm i uu laid l was ead h> ayeHa menta oto al pcue whO 1licut. Gumz was and It wa d nllt ht .J.Ale u R tL. rd*' flddthat he wa, a Waukegaa an. lLd" 40Y seal tc'k le owuld teloiar 1 mare îhagraWhicoletc R . Le dcvdo ssehcgotartedht cold Ui or lme. their familles reeuUy on a tour out 1 MILO WEATHER! ICEtMEN GLUM! for cuttlag as It er~l h t O iHavever. the Sun foiund that hereal lnteresting'lProgram Planned and feund hlm i his laboratur> i tPra*rietors ofi ce hussea throuugi Ciiilhcknssla nuet eserla'c.' for laathuegan an. îleoeha- for Joint Meeting at Lib- worlt as ouatu on electrîcal appliau.c- out the laite reglonu In Lake coî t.u tr1ta i~t ey~esdAl lefrel 41s ertvileian 2 -2. R. . 10KPII1(<i es. art dîecouraged over the prospecta thlcker. Pillicd anud litle -faur-ycar-ald oW eryil J- 2n1th92. L w.tiou *tg îould e re-for a successf iii *lce-crOP' this year. In muet placea al . rrangem **tSs MW living lhere on Mill Court vfth fl&flI~fl lI~UU1 PA calI iai Mr. met icould lie tîeThey are warrlod b>' prodction that acre malle for thé ~retwk îm nctiu u iieM- ThT Frmra IstttranmMdi lewet Inorth es o te utoasextltend sat 11,101t; KAda. Mx nr' ndsrtei" PuouerHsoneinme JpRaîI s tIIamasdM iret movng picture idea cicr Iauncb he ot-rfrU ra ftewn-Waepatdt t l.Ot a*da1 .TUllFlood ad su tl ayFloW,. lji. cd I nth awocld.atreas coupcnît-dtel wlll ne milId. Ice cuttevs vere emplbYW&n8ud quar-.lte mîedilelephe0. lIng wlth the lake CoustyFitrinBur1 lCCd A!A at ca rri du . IM as mloatùry jThe few cold dayn earlier in Jen- ters wel'aprovided for "Uuo'tma*L-anny UerePYdalteeepo . Y*' RJ 1PAQrt aveueAaAIflO an upr y caused tiem tota elleve that they Of nmen tiai would b M*dIt fUrther develops that ie eau s ei od ng a serlea bf m ee i al orst oli vee, arouk g nytsudo er v ou il. bc able tao btain te " f su fi- The rn suddenly, tb U W 8 fl i m z a e p ctd a au gm Theme metIngsahould ie or speclalsons wo llvedbore aout 211yeerslent thiekeesi' ta eut muccliarlier the weatliertrndmew1e tdtII mneetticmdiya reqr go racaît bowAtîr. Amt lu lithe ex- t;alm. cd hi venhng ta sIppnd bs ils iU 1neett cl-diya rgnr Has Conducted Photograph pcrlmnental stage of tic moving pic- than ever before. They saav visions the te began toi meI el eo,:;ueeç 4hbs aly 'eu.Gm a al farmner ln alce count>'. ffligteriebne hl ot idwahrbsi thue couniltîe bas trlod to arrange! Gallery Here Continuously turc 1usd bis miniature batile shîpe f lligUiiniebos i snil î'wete isuaee¶i It ta.: b been Inlte flac>for 19 yearu untd aprograin that would ie hoof For Haif a Century. ja pond In lits yard andl how. wl ite dfo.thiavtn t oro u twiteca1te, orsecntnul>. j avei. a firsu t lsenanahir ea .Dutyfrinthedi nuatter.for. the reet of île vînInr.ooiottpicpreparaions that h .1~ hc adahî ors ulgta ithouare pereprtodulee. r otion iespcAs the vetUier coutinued dolid and luade already and wvihwlvlI hàve iun ela en oefrsotva Il s. m. Cow- test assoelation. DEATH IS-QUITE SUDDEN. ongaged in combats. waukegain octhe cfonetînuer ariind lac',e .' Oo reta nlentIfthIce mngem. le lisn- oiasie alg.hne ar ras , d 1 . .Dicusono te ary.pie alsa remtember boy 3Nlis Be;je hpscniudt ie upuse oisflin hcnewl c'out h a liend ntaspr u itaJn P. o O1 DscinaHof hediryiSpmo, no MlIra. Ad Rogers and Misa -thlie Iobecamne six or moen inches 1croeaw te cotand tila lu tua-n v4.1 t>'and Mado aoveral taipsmc- ome University. metn1 MlkRobert MI. Hool. &.arealident of ____________thlck A ltiriluictes more andiu hhave to bcc peid by ftheconu -nr, otueonagT1l B"nebe eetng f Mlk rode mWaukegau for hllalfcentury. and a gContlnued on Page TH"*E) woiiId have been an ideail icei.ieanextiuler, I l;epredid tedl. tmtudo aeTA Biess producers]Ife long realdent of Lake cournut. ______ Seccat on d Dy.pamed ava>' Tuesday niglIt at 10 - Suig gaen Da; y. altr 'clocic athie home an Northu Caunt>' ILJue.Dîng afrn11.n trie yWlearet at the. age of 70 yeari. Deaili il:0 . Rv. DetGar. in (epita attributed ta bemmorhage or Ithel m00A.M ictr r4 Ce.b toamaclu. lita lllnes bavlng extencd Ar. Rawe. follawed by a gi-cural itéL- tver a perloid ef but a feu- days.. i. cullsion on Lake0 count>' grains. llovaWukg'tode hi Shirimenté, l.y . S. Brookr, Ottawa.: mes. .nesuo o f frtheysr . M drs(etCoprto.'Mr. Hock va,. humIluthie towu of P.~~~~~~~ M.Ad-- u '-îeAvon, ~AII5u0L t12,148. lis parentsI, Iy J_. N. Tousley. edtor Vh'ç,;rativt lt-tsu*ùn okacenluso Journal. M inneapol s,.%lion .uR et and -c m ovllig t a -e e ake c éof ' Our third day lrograni l~ a, o l ýd eoin eLk onyI equall>' as lutcrvstluug as th,, pr"-eiî-, hildr.-u. Robert W. vas rcared lin Ing. nuanhorid in thé usual manuier of faT-1ir A ranshwwiiholi d i cnInrlad.4 sud the .ducatlal advon t A Breezy, Dellghtlul M usical- Coumedy Aet grat howllt," I- id li,.l gi-awbich litreeelvsed vore ihos'-! net-flaniittu t-it-e -onm.-l districti dsltale profni, u couru . wllli.' , br-dfracplydsrc Friday and Saturday Evenings, Janàuary 1 7 and 18 aund olher fild r Il4 . fr IlUh ir remanéd a-tlî lits parents ouutil BnftNv eifSat lt. of vauue.d, u e,,.,,î' îyarm of age viien lu 1869 h ai hy local fartnrs t'. 5lm,, ififr th, i %la Waukegan. the oec.upallouiRNlWeMASociety, îiurî.oaos.'. îavii.t a:îlNo carng ta followthocuainNW MJT I This graiuus atît b.' ;sdol .1 p . it offaruîîlng as a1lte volt ie decicl Jaultar>'2;rr.If '-on do unti '-. i%' intatud pliotoaph a nay d for îluat .Sat r a ti e a P p l rc s a riiii ls ) alas 0i oa purpose eutercd 1the art studio of Pr-t r a I tnc at op ar P c s a î,rî-uîufur one.l, mltate.ur ,r Brother', wl-b b ounle rentalni-d W. E.i -Afor one for a year, Havlng mastered tle Direct from a. tremendouuly successfül 3-Months tour of five - W. . wA-KlNs buoiness ho tbon, In 1870, bougbtlout state-a reflIBIlable hit ini Chicago, Milwaukee, St- LoUis, De- thic galler>' of sa7Mr Taylor and from totadasoeo te ils TWO GOLO STARS IN HOME lIat day ta thc Urne of bis death ballri n asoeo ohriis PotUe oniratonoflIe ca.hengaged contlnueusiy lunhliseJosen Biggest and Most succesaful show lever put on by the Great lu Franuce of Janr-s Sharvin. bI1rd profession. 18.M.Hc Great Lakei boys. 1l1ufantr>-. 2th Dvision. caine '%%d- On OtoI18, 1984, Mr. H ucl . . Saine vonderful frolic that janimed 60,000 into the Âudit- .nesda>' lu au oflicial tetegrant h rouiiwUriei a bi. oriuSarahhPatiner Ib saâ,,r dopart.nieuL lic was a o-u - tcsM. ok a aRpii of llthcs Mr. Hoc16vas s, Only show in four years to play a second week in ilwauke.. 0f uti Shrvi. 111 ourei-hh -ean and alwayb took a keen intereatÂcam eeyhr tehto teesn .Northh Chicago. Tbei-.'are three lu eîvîc affairs. cliOe ryh etehtofhèeu . tars. tico of Ilienu gotd. ln the ar- M.Ho a étfe t- h ra fG tLk&poesoa tg aetalo 11uvce flagStai t- Sharyil lhoume. Mr okcgn Lodg ife ,A .ad thTecsàofG atLk ,presin tgealt- f larry Blarvîn died ah Camup Cus, .- Wau ikogan CliaptNo . 78,A. . Waukegan's old ionds and many new oues. .ter, Battle Creec it., Octotar jR A * M Uti, ilrt odNo. 79, A frolioeome, joyous Mixture of farce-comedy and high clas 6, deaili being duc ta puceumonla i-Iî.*o. o. F.; and Lake Camp No. 174, vaudeville acts. Wnltten about lfe at the traWnng station-_up- Ioangluflena.- IM. W. A. wfto,.irnîlv lilISt hrusirunt.

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