4H'1F L;K£S OLDE8T WOMAN, 101 lIly E. W. Croft) Zion <'lY. Jan. 23-lira. Deli Kiglie ldeat wolnan lu Lke coa., 'Y ls ceiebrsting her ansebandred ad lirai:îrthday today. -Mrs. King ]ives in ZIit t.City, and although she la the oldeat womaa an l.ake rouait> she j., not the oldest ln Illinois. Wrs. Antitanette Smlth of Sprnglield, btas reîîcbcd ber one lauindred and min lirihday lissi ear. while Mns. Ma:>y Potier uf Dsighl. Illinos, willi be 105, .If sh l lves tliiPpbrnay 22rd. MNra. Anna Ride 'r Hawyer ai' Alpin, Illinois, com<'s next, and wwlil h o alt If sae lves lI October or thia ye.ar. Mn.. Jane Wilkie teid of Virginila Illinois, wta lie ho102 V she )ivesIli]i NOvemnber 'liî, and Mrs. Hannah So-. phia Anela Prohmne, or Quincv..11ii no0!s, will also reaeh 102 if ahe, lit(, tIiDtrcember Ird of Ibis 3ear. mlrs. King cornes taraI on thisi liai orf Illinaois centenarlans. She wa.- itoril al Si John New flriînswl.cs, on .lanuari' 2:,.ia, and wlieu she was 50 yearie of agi,, shi' rane 10 lihe tru "il State. Shte setîledIn luC alifonîîli zini for many years livei ai Oaklani, îîa g;hur-li of Sqn Francisco. Seven yrar., ago, ahe Camn" ta i')Il (11Y ad lias ruade lier home aI th. b:g holel tuirne evel sine. Site sasi convirted wleui-bse was about telli ytans; of age and iiere is notttirg site )ovea btter Ihan 10 go 10 chtîrt'lt itnning the "s'en years Ihat ahe has bren In Zion C'iysite has only miss cil aryen meetings. titus avrragiîig onue meeting mîssrd a year, and et in Ibese seven Sundav afternoon mgirt- lugs that hite tayril home il was on accouiat uf a sesene coud at eue contraclted. She la deelly spliritital. lY aisideri e-son und<I irmly lileves ibat she will have o0 give an aceolilit la (Jod for everylting she doea. "Jearas wili ,gay to me," site said go a newspaperniaaion'Tu.'sday, "IIateý you ketît my comtrandrens?' andI l.hp foor soul bas evidently k.:)tt F-lis coaitmandnents for ahe bas srvcdl the Lord faititfully for ai, leat X, years. ln reviewlng "Grandtna" King*,1 lite we must ma'ce mention of two great eventa ln ber carerr. The;rte la one thing sure, ithe wold ita;e benuIn ber grave 30 yrars ago bail It nt been for the prayera andl teaching of John Alexaander Dowle. Iu the year 1888 sbe was dying of cani- cer of tbe mouth and tanguie. Shc aays: *'The cancer hecame very ac- tive. and waa eaîang sway my tongate There were two haies linrny toti;,tte. For ive yeangshab suffereil wlth titis horrible dîsease. She could flot even bite a pieco of bread and was Coli. staatlY suffering miacît pain. About this tinte, Dr. Dowir came ta Stain Franeisca and lteld meetings ln that City. Site istenedto bis teacbing on dilvine heallng and lulter, wJgen ho waa holding a ten-days' mission lit the Preshyterian churcli. In Oakland -lie laId hlm of ber conitlion anil P aked hlm ta pray for ber. Titis te did and slle îwagg instsntly healeil. Then, too, Grandina King believes shle wili ilve ta lsee the Lord coane, and tbis bellef no doubt greatiy buoyr up ber physicai condition. el e had a vision maany yesrs ago that played a very Important part In ber- oient- fui career. She telis tbe follnwlng stony: «'T bad been very sîci maaty years ago and as i lay lit bed one mornig 1 55W Jeans corne into niy rooru. lie"ttood by my bedaide sud He cate so close 10 me tai 1 could even sun' the finger halls on bis ingera. He lookeil down on me and suiuîrd, thbn lie drew His jtlirts asile, a.L If to gay: -0uîla't t1iîlf.<hen F .."I got Up oui o! hebai, and kneeliîtg down 4sasked the good Lord ta Lake miehorne. A voler said quite distinct Iy. "You shall livo ta see me col-ne agaîn." lira. King wss rtert.aineil at dini ner today by Overseer Voliva and his wife. Cindye. Va(u. Recoum ieod. FiftY Pearl 9go the cindy of thae * country was aimait Invarlably bard and ecaise, ad mueh of it uuwbole- *orne. NOw the rnaklng of Il bas he- corlne a ins art, and the wizard oi cancoctian and fiavorlng bas a for- I tune at bis comnmand. Pure candy la mnoderats quantities il; no longer rfglrded as a- menace 10 lthe bealtby itomach.Il ieasbeeu sent ta Ameni. -ea u d British 501<ern, wbilis av haive a recelai. unranfIrned tradition lIat thae lure Of tbe gutmdrop wll en- list an EDskim o talamait suy service. Ai eaudy takea Its place 'among te atdeiew Iat go ta, malte up bIigh liv- j!4We nl.ay assume Ihîtl ies coump. U0114 ven Per cipits, la iteadily on the laacesae-Buon Trsnscript. Airpiane Camneras. 'Ibe airplane camera ia fixed lter t. th. e eo the machine on beiaw il. It - lmutbe and ie of signal reliablIlty. Pltu add weigit ta the cargao f an ehp1aj4e, and there muit be no isgt- MMe through inefflieneY in the camera. 4em81 l Pototapbersm.are the dee- t1elieo f ltae air. A nwekl appeurlng at a ët wbffc 110mark was visible In a ,pA» oua pbolograh f0- te-s. IVRiJ F Ur YCi'I Up to the Commisaloners Who May be Elected tW'Decideý a ~What TheyWish. OUTSIDE MAN FOR JOB? In visa or liae move Ihat certsin men bave tlten wherebY ttey en- tiarsesplana of ilavlttg City manaq- or for Walakegan andl are iaenditîgt eeafrointnow t otwands t maI<id Itilntereating te know itow the. S lîtanagir form o<f gac ernanent oper- lu Illnois ut te Prosenttlime there i.a no a whlcit provîdes for the leatablisbment of a manager lu any nunlrlpality and abene the 4>ian bas beea lrled out, il la dons e nsiy lbrongh the wllingneae of tbe méa Iu charge te hire one Ifidivldual tn - conîlîct te civy's affaira. Accodnijî iu case conignslsonere sitould lie elpete inlu Waulcegsu wito WUddecitle aîîîung 'theiseives that tbey tbolaght the City wouiti he best governe<l hy îîrning maltersalal over teOe malt, titey world have lit rt b. l'lite pres4ent City Officiais, if l[bey deelltedit right and sentaI, COnld have <oitietatsains lling at any lime during tilteir administration 't realiy thUit,,la"P te lte 'idvid. Clain wbo are eleclel as ta whetlter ~' __ he y desire te adopt the manager fortut of govorniltent. Thus fi oper- Misa DoUialItKtig, ofi /.1 titi , i ,: I i. ta 1 vs ii, luiS izekl< ciave. Site ates titilrno whateven and thle years a g#, oL Glan ii. .:i, -Ioty'-ir aofage tînîl lvgreails ad- <anage, huv r inMy br, wil]li e Thbe lîit. clii ti i ili,, -iiii- I'l ittinedl ly 't]i'i dia" King. aelecte i yli,' to h iis w o ar ------ ---- y 'I .i EVELYN ALLEN ~ ~~Aot,ijjgl>-ont ti' flloaitg d*i~at y.ht sipoigbeis EVIELYN M EN ('hr1stnlaýý ~~Iai>. Mits Allen look iikii NwîîîlIpsngteme tý azot- llait'sant i alsa a lifl otr .*. going ta lie, endorapilhy te Ho ctazeus wiîo haved ffarmled a coni. AN6'oEL 0F M R Y ~ ei~a~Hia injuries. iCile aiOt iterueiea ittid hde- TO EiEO DIETMEYER enA is; lglile rntitmeroil]'. s s't1 ai!tercpIae. sncb a condition as the reailît of ý1will piedge themselves te do. Tbey jbis Injuries Ihat lie sa unable te stad 1 would look aitont, engage sncba Wounded Waukegan Soldier is lie carrita aoie arni ln a aling aud Imn ansd turu the whole clty'a bnci- Kapy a OI Sooolate ollenwise he i-, qOtite serfons1y lu- taesSaaven te hlm te assume Itrsoal Capyasls i Hoital. itreil. ~supervieion of. Tbey btaoc. Cal i opia.Aeconikng t isale'shte i IMerely ait lu consutiation andl she calilaou D)itmeyer frequeiitîl' caufersuce wbenever te manager dé- DIETMEYER BADLY HURT. andis keeiig luiclose loocit witii siredient te ado se andho tewon;d h, 1 in, betause ite la a formç4 s0100: 1. iîven absoînite shav. and abioite <ic. wite alo wta itil lt ititesti-.maie uni frienil anil halls frrntWalil- an ini cil> al'aiia. frmW nke wat tdttlit-a i-n t g- leAt 0 im ieAle liel If hed UInoi prove scsieý4fiî i i fron Wakegn tat wr l A 'on Clns he lles lvedor-titrer, four or fOve months, lte rom- next <onpnigihor t;earge lîie-tiirî r Park avenue next duor ltelthe Mn,.. itllOner thits wouid be lu position htall bt-en inunîed ýn Fr-suce anti w, . J. Dietmeyer resideure and lt!:!la diacitarge filmn, unîrss bis (:fin- atapposrd te lie !ii a lîosîîtai in It, l is ho lte two young people knecas tract ran for longer. Miss Evelyn Allrn of Ceîtn'i- sîrni'i.larIa othel- ln their yQinogor day-;. l paigaotlt aae Waiikegaat, 10gb no fii', flagetiinliMiss Allen, il la reralird, la lttom-I fsean uet. n lthmaeri trace of te MWarkegatt outgniai 1Re. rosa nurse Cta whom au appeal,,Oap idwhnsnéoyrod1 Andl te say Miss Allen lootîci af- wnas ruade couceruing LU-lit. FHomertcae aiwe so bdy air terandlia Rice eptintouil % i fiDalrinerandon boi Mis Ale tt(c point Ihat il aeemed a radicalb tersudlii, merkipI u lliît ttitniuen udon lto Msa lle.1change: "I canuor. ses abers there DiIetntcyer Is ont' of the canaoliîîg1 as a lRed Crase nurse, recoived a l nyiiruewebrlt on thinga tCulaes lit-sîk tIoX'a,,kegutt forîtiai report lhati he. us"alite audrla nyifrnew-te h on ta lte Dielmeyrr famiilv wlio bai, e tl . Ptts9siOll@rs wbo migitt be elerîrd Il Just learurd itow seiisyt- Par pparenlly te aires wsre crosse,!. sioul decide teinre ONE mon 10 Il atenue oiug Main ias bî'en irîurod.,lun otërwa- Ionrte gaverment balln thnlityorwhtben EACH coni Misas Allen, lit a itî-itT ome iii "ýr lîter given oîît iuformation Vit missiotier shoulil as bbey do uuw, blre i îuo~ter lels îc~t-ept~iîîrt liut )ahlngr'saiaîe tas beeai a 1 te look afler HIS depantmient. Catig Iietmyerandaiso%0lt ha, atlej Ioth, go strs.lu oliier words ltwould ho a caseP pelltlutem-e îtd;it utit i ert.u lt'ooflslt'tU s'tçrhe rive officiai laee ltre i,. penSi nter.one man under te usa plan, ralier -h elhî'îv iw ii' itîntîsrî ttlinii Would Puzzle Socates. titan bas-lu gte ive diffeornt Mou i hlm tit a tiîîpita i ti'euay un fort Vere Socrutes t corne among un as is1ltecase naw, bine eqtmlly ag- a Christmas. Sitesasys tite injiinlou hait uosvlite saoul prohbabl w-sut ta kngw lnany aides. 40 efiecici tue ->oliitg titan*s coin i sa '.IMexican pootiles itvtar ito baIn, A c1clari abîcilgbî bine a mat it tenauce tuaitii- wii;l hardis- vku,îa, Maux (*lits ho taill, and paciflîts no te art as manager of course would hlm Ais i if aIllem,î(la\îli ht-"r i'l c echave tae assume the negposibilt>,T mas, As hts'iAltiti <liii "it t'hr iIegai sud otberwiie, for bis condaîct tuas, li noldAlle ake liierl)ni.>e Shapping titi Durden. Of ciîy business. No doubt he would tytite or 'rtiaslIkeii , to eriir I "udn's as-l'e 1.9beipiug hlm t e placeil under a heavy bond te pro. could nottink of a iling butii în. 1 wrIte ls novrîs uow ,' He la ss edt the commisalanens tbemseive.3, snggeaiei -cnie eteyrit/ur ans iazy. After lhe gets lber trained, ieaîelt, ol ooeaigut IL n'pose be'ii let her do Il al." der lte a sud tiey, sud unltti' BREF _____________________________m____ uanager, wouid lie italden froinie, LUeAERS PLANNING W1NÎER SÔCITY SIM ON ln gal etaudponth-e Manager oi IN WASHJNGTON lias heem falowrd, lte usual plan la te, engage a man front out of town s( te art as manager. Itlal generaily 01 i'onceleditaI a borneminula net 0, lte Man t0 art as manager of muni- i <iaiî--astraugen, lit la argueil, !F reutov'eilfront laaI eniangîrmeul,,t farctoons, etc. s W'helber te laivocaleao et tie Il * manager fonin ln Wankegan havi' I - amy man la mimd for Ibis position lias no, tiesutae.. FOOLINQ THECOLLEGEL AM iLUPPER LEPT CORNER. MRS. J. BÔRDEN HAERIMÂN VMU4- TV. 'MilS, I'CIÛLÀS LONG-WORTH: UPPECR RIGHT COItNUI. .R.THOMAS P. WALSH; LOWER LEMP CORNER. MRS. BD WAtt» b. zecLLtÂN; LOWER RIQHT, MRS. DELOS.-BLODET. *rThe oahy thing tat Dow mari faons il home. thes prospect of a brillant soctal ..Bnd, la »Totustrn are planning reaca la Washilngton la ahEence coming ou'parti«:~ The daughler of. the laiatlmer cf tPreaident and Mm. Wilson, or Salvador wlhl ave liar coa$ag OCacretary af BiaIs and Mns. Lau, out Party lu the Rail of America, ctlng. the John Davis'a mil a tetv lun Pau Amcr:can building.' otheni of soc ah impartape, Two natlonally ktaowa Iec' But Society liiirepaning ionrIl'- i.Washington unofflel l eim<i; reluma af tb. presideat. lu a are Mrs. Tlbomm T. Walsh ali prohability the pro-var progri , %lr3 Delai Blolgett. - of tate fattistici ere VIII th-. Mn,. NicholasoLongworth VIii ,be neaumed. . -i-at take quit. au acti»e %mt! Mm. Thomas R. Marshahl. ' tsatiety ai s as aitormefty.î of the vicç-preallent, soee i î ".a aibrotiglt a great on-ow ioto apiék up'utlinga vitini o ber iamîîy la the lesth et bef drappel tem vhca Amenîca c' umthen. Quentin RoocevelL tened the van. Mna. 0. R. P. Beissat 5005)5 t. Mr&. McAdoo revival "cab;: ho a lot more interet4 la tihe day- t-ber home. a pnlIege t' ussiug of the Susan E.' AatbuaP bas naw re'inqulabed to Mn,.-. '.' iendment tItan tlie la la moetY. tir (Ilasa. Mns.Champ Clark .; ',!îenj5Sb"h.tia ieder ln b«%b ne~ace be Weneaay t! . inçloaand New York. ',le gave ont tuaI lie b.d a mimlle ltat aaast vorkIR& aSveral cohhegem lltiraedlateir coaferred despeei upe "And Iben?" "Then hi baUl a mcap iacta Wi WU 00e inoue." FOR SALE-Diaonde, waches aud Jeweiry on credil, 20 pir cent banj aud' 10 lier cent a mout. R-oy R. Yeaaiait. 111 North Osases et., Waakcg.an. Wkly-ilf This is 1is AaaauaconDi# guished Service Cros.dhe asedoi ahich Peatung 'Wison îmil i, «ieu the breutsa1 cfeneral Pershinsgau ChrisimsDaa,. As domnianJoe- chWeof t he. Aricoji aria, Pr... dent Wilho,,is Use ýonl> amenof, hiagInr rank than Pershing «'4 thI,çref«e die onlyorna S. decor SPECIAL ASSESSMVENT NOTICE DOCKET NO. 135 Notice la bereby givrai o lit pe 5r "uns interested Ihia theliti Iy tuut icl Of ithe îy Of Na l ICcago. Itaving orerpdtitut a iitlipitiit-nti jisset'r ment lie' madelro cuverlthe nielle len- cY in Specil Assesent No J28. for thei' oaItiof inproviug, t-ouaîrnct. ing catcit basins, nanubtiesand cutij lng. gradltag, îlnaiulîîg, adjustlng sewer mtahoi-s aud paving watt brick a portion af Stato alt'e1t silu.i.- ed betwsen he sontitliuo of Six- teentit Street extendêd across salid litate Street ahndlite North it hue o lit portion ù£ Sevenleenlth Street, etc., ail] inlthe Caty of Nanth it lIrs- go, CounlY aiftLake' aud State or rThe ordinance for lthe tamE' belng ou file in lte office of lthe City Ciork of alit lCilt-, andllthe raid cli>' hav- log apPtiedIo tahle Conaîty Connt of L.ake Cunty, Stale 0f Illinois for an assessueteuofaithe rosI la o ü'vr said ileficirucy accordlug la lth- bD. suis, sud aunasessnieut ilueretcre iaavlug heen mades aud retururd ta slid Cotant; lthe final itearing lthercon ahIle uc airda l'en o'cîock A.Il. ait lte lu)th <da),'oaIFebnuary, A. D., 1919, on as sooia ttereaflen as lthe busaineassoflte Court ahIl permit. Saisi ordinaace tînasîdes lta t the agxregate amnotat ofsald as, esa unt ne dividedin lu un a10) imatail- atouts bnariag lulercat aI ithe raisenof ilve pcr cent per n aatm fro thlie late of the finittanritun rIssuvd lon arcouaît of work doue on salI li. mnaèvvraent. Ail hersons ilcsinhng may file oht Iecîaaîîa au salid Court lM-fo-t-sait' Iay andl may appean aIibte hearing ad make temi defense, Daici ut NantthCicago, Illinois, bhis 2-'til day ai Jauary, A. U), 191','. JOSEPII L. PtIZYBOILSKI, iThe perron aIapointed biy the ltresl- dent (i ifthe Loard <if Loc-ail ia- proseni-ur. ii r aki, said! asaras- nient. Wkly Jan. .-i SPECiAl. ASSESSMVENT NOTICE OOCKET NO. 134 Notice taitchrehy givru la ail pen- anus lutenesteil ihat lthe City C('acl ot the City af Nantit Chicago itavnug 'ndereil Ilat a supithementl asseas- ment be maie ta rover lthe defirieuc) an SperIl As'temssenl No. 103. for be paving af a portion of Tenili Streel t-oui a lino paralle i lt' aaui a'enty One ft dEast of lte center fne of Staîr Streeta<'ealeiy taulthe West 'tine of 'Section TWtrtUthiree, townaship fourqy4Ive Norrth,, Range aelO ast aoflthe Third Principal Merîdian, ai luinte City of Northa 'hicago, Couoty af Lakte sud State of Illinois. Tite ardinauce for,.lthe saute lîeing un ile in thte officre flthe City CIril of Said City, andllthe salilf'ity itevini apjlied la tthe l'oinîy (Coutîo f Lakte Couaty, State ofIllîinois, for an am- sessmeu t olte cost to caver salid dellcleney according 10 lite benelits, ad an asseBant lterefore bavIug ten maie andl netunel ta sald Coutar; the limaI bearng thereon ai le bal at Ten a'chack A. M. on lthe l111 day af Februany, A. D., 1919. on à Saton bitereaf 1er as lthe business of te Court aili permit. SaId ardinance provides ltaIt he aggnegale amaunt af said assesa.i ment hie dividedin luten (10) Instil- mente hearing inleretat a lthe talc :)live per cent per annuin framnthe Jae af thte final vauchter issued on acotait of îaork doue au sail in- noa'ement. Ail persoa deslning 'may lie oh' uctlone lu saI Court befane Salit day mil may appear at ithe bearing and make tem detinse. Daled ai Nantth Chicago, Illinoir, bla 2lIrd day of Jaauary. A. D., 1919.1 I{ARRT MeXINNEY, 1 rhi persan appoinleil bith1e Priai. dent of ltse Board et Locall Imrnpnve- mente la malte sald assesainent. Wc.<lydan. 21-301 ai ar Ci bf am ai ni or de mi t TI Mayor Peance nt'csntiy prat-tic.tlty a elugle Troy ounce ai the Truck Tireu in Stock. I-EWES (GARAGE. nc WAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS -- -- -T-i- -- -- - n:m:u:::es:pmapps~:suuppMops s~ Pdtee J. V.oals, awe , dates for -etheoice1 campseralJdays. BAimk or ad Tare. tho ffl.aS. PtreB and T.W lear asvice), e ba nE. È. midi to p flat p' oflvea 10emlouy an3 hates aforthe pice of Rotmeofth Iishav bve Ui tifr narewnthe ofIL ., lnlerie, etc.eon$ ATer 14llcton CWtidU Pc apto[haot eLordt heuimosi i tasiness hatou ut da hl'9 t haveonrLme Oumnce c04lrim Su'latium leix uil-ae the 9 A llmles ong col be dn Zero weather oiaght neyer 10 bother a battery. It won't eltber, IINLESS you FIORGET. andl let the charge run too 10w. Charge keeps any battery out of the frogt danger zon.and the more charge the better until you corne up te, the I.M8 mark. Then youli be protected against anything down to 20 helow. The main thing Wa to take a itydrometer test every week, to make mure lthaI your charge la rip teuwhat, t shoulil be. If lu doubt ask um. COLWELL BATTERY SHOP Sheridan Rd. ea Madison St. 'Phone 02 DR EOSMgA Kf We arce now ready to give you the very best in service ini this line. Latiýst in styles anid designs always hire. While U WaIt Taller DhPý 131 South Genesce Street, Waukegan. Ouît of town customers giveii prompt attention. (leaning, presýing and repaiinig given special attention. JOHN OLAPHAM PAR>! 3/4 mile west of Grange Hall, one mile eut oi Druce Lake. SALE INCLUDES 7 COWS, 2 new mllchers, calves by side. Balance MUchers. 3 Heifers, 2 yea.rs old. MORSES 1 Good Work Team, weight 2700. 1 Ubayre, 5 years old, welght 1300. 1 BayMare, 4,years old, weight 1360. 1 Ba.y are, Y' years old, weight 1200. HOOS 1 Brood Bow and 10 Pige. 1, Chester White Boar. 2 Shoats, 156 Ibo. each. AIao: Large anount of hay and grain and alm~ )f farm machluery, tooli, etc., comprising cm pletely equipped farm. Free lunch at noon. Sale on usual te«,Ma FRED GRABREj Auctio* - S1VERL IN RACE Some are Avoweçt Candidates; Ex à Chpwnte pe AOut Febvuary Frst. FIELD IS MORE LIMITED. Altbaugh th litsplng election sailil la several Weeks away ltse politicai pot lu 'Waukegan a'lrea.dy'is beglnlng la SIMM aitrmllidts naines of severali candidatea. arg be!ng iteard. Titi-ar la eserY lndicisticii that mur-h ihteî-.j ml ailbe deveioped. Titae. aeanm Svery reasan b ..' liasprescuritneaailer- ofIli.' ,-lv commissiont ailI itscandidatpefr rne-f sîsetion althougia nons of ltemb have mtade farInai annosîncernent as Y"". Tho' fact, however. titat thte primat--i les are on Minchitl- maltes it ss'!depl thast a nmber of candidates wili htav,- tiroan their bat mb uthe itig Iîy lte fina1 l 0 erey r~ bt