CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 Jan 1919, p. 12

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we o not omme omv r.a4 tIi. bua tifu tri u, .b uteoê nr a.o utb h the Young lady in quuto * àwum ti mdvee1 the lmat bea*tlfuly *bw1a4b o preasive me mloralthat hbaa eoinIutoour b u .for pub. lIC&tio'n. It la a, be& tlfi -t_ Iu a3 »'f *ho thunk that of -the tendemeMporles that ,reliVe. 0thongbt.of mother, cannot holp butÏain an -in 'W h$ by, radlng w bat tht. youn gwoman. haacontrlbit4&. Tt Ji ard"-jof this ktnd that imnproua one w lth t nt 8 I Itc fU i f1to Fart Cook rwho recently vent on a trip t France as ifm~berofo! ne or he Great Lakes bands bas Iast Fe- iurucd tb the united states. fHp will [ak. another trip however, be. fore lie returu, to North lChicago. Miss Hellcen Halo ls on the aj<'k lîst. Thé Royal Neiglibors vi]l!Install thelt uew offleers Wednegday ove. Oing or tîls 'rock. The Woodmen aud ail Royal Neighblors invlteil. Arthur Nelson, wbo ls 00w located witli the navy at Brest, France, wrilea iliatlieho ad the honor or re- paring President Wllsou's auto wlîen lie arrlvod thprne ln Daember. Rev. . C. MeCoy finlqhpd Sunday M iorulug a serle Of sormons on tb.- * Loers prayer wbieh hp bas be.a îîreachuflg for the paBat tvo moutitr. The sermons have attractad nlach hi, torest and -have been mosl helpful. Sunday eveiting Lt [li Prast-yier- Ian ehurch Rav. Paul Payne, a for-i mer paator, prearhed. His subject va- a "'Challepge of Today" and vsa a stroug ppa [o the Amrnercan pec*- ple [o brlng about a Juzt and lasthig pouce bore at home, [o nlgbt tCe wronga of todày. Wttkogan Locale &*IPh* GaWn o et OfDeputY Suer- 1* Orihn. lIshMe troui Colu. bue, rQhla. On- a'Iave-day tiirlough. mdtoa eu-bers ce the Black- h.w~ . lsloa arrlved lu New Yorkc Baturday. -AI-Dug them vas Prîvatp ('harles &.Puuk Of Waukegan, vho acOerdlag te New York dlspitches bac! beau bit by abrapgwllu [the ulght leg white figbtlng at Verduu. Punku la 1 & brolher of Fred 11'uulc of Nortb Genescee treet, and sas service lu Fra»Ct. for nmore menths. 4t vap kuawn Hsome Urne ago that he bail beau InJured but wrotp home [bai Iil vas notlings srlous. Word recelivoa troin Norfolk, Va. la that jack Detianne vba vent front bêer a fevw weki qago, austaîn ed a fractureal aboulaler 'mien ho ai aý $trruc,"bY a taillasg beaus some tIns, ago. Ho ala eald to bhonouthb..roai to recolvery nov. Troop 4, ROY ScOonr, yuli heur Cap tain L. W. Woodmnanuaep tellabout bis eXperlpeces Overseag at llsey regular mieeting ai the Congregutlon #I CburÇb tomorrow nlgbî. VisItarà y l ie w-eltouie. RobertKaguheim o! Norl.h Chlcr -go, basî *rItten bis parents froin EàSlsnd tint bo prabably viii ar rive !a P'hlladelPbls iodaY and vil'l The Presbyterlan Sutlday achool *ISSve fer home îimrndlataly ou a fur gave one or tue Most succeiafaîl eu- létgi. tertalum anîs Frlday avonig [bat Therele to be a bîz" Pe ce Pagr.i.s Northi Chicugo bas had for sorn tinte, ut the Audrew Cooke school ou Jau There waa a lange crovd lu attea- uary *31. It wIll»lbe presauteal by Ltt dance and ail anjoyed tho fine- pro- girls 0« the Barweli club under the gram. The aneclal feature rof the direeibu of01.Pils Loctîle Banu 01 progrsm vus tha throwiug on the Chicao. Rebearsals Indicata that Il Seacreofa the baby andl gros-n-up pie. viii bei a ateny, pretentions affair. tures of the membars e!f[the chu-Ch Woodeà aills vere placd, unie and congreatl1un. Other tapedlit.ebeavy- dom utaIth. tire statloi fea ure va e r ad nga .nd mua e. todaY to keep out the drafta vbe n Ras'. J. C. M0fPoy anld P. E. DYQe th veathpr la collder. Becauae oi toid atoriesasn'd Roy. Paul Payne ahid a weeet lu plans It alvays bas bear noiera sang solos. A fine lunch atadîfacult [o keep the lover part of tba served at tbe close ofth[buprograxu. lremrc- uai 'alu. The Ladies' Lbrary t-lub bell ýa A aua t B aes At r e e mont luterestlug Meeting ai tbeihe-o.toaya Bled pattions lu de-lînqueut au(c gress clubliause Weduaaday alter- dePendent chilld Mintters whblch ,Il / ,noon. The mothara of Nortb Chics.,- _ o.aberu ncut go -who have sous lu tho service ri e cor a h al s u c ut vera [the lnvitsd gueuta of the club, court next Saturday. A large nunrber of mothers ver. prel 1 eslle -Arnold -of Wau'iegun, va-j Peut and a fuae protrau vas gis-en. rlased tram Uie uavy Tuesday ulighi khv. Rompit or Waukagau. gave the[ran i l rettirssoon [0 bis Position addreaa of the afteruoeo und t.Irea ln Puudt'a cigar store. Ha bas beeu, 5aiWn f rain the naval station fur- ln the service ulue montha. ulaheal eutertalnment. Refrealimati 3rs4. Cii-aie Uandsay bas gane tc vere served at thi. close of thie pro. RockMord for a tva veeks', ylslt. gram,. It was pronounceed by ail prou- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ eut au the moat succeaciaul reot!ngo F I I . U j , Geralal Bulîvan vas taiten to tht a June McAlluter-hosptal today for an operation ou bis tliroat. [M E O . ffl . Mie race Helrnkansp of Lincolnu 0< Ià Street, vas rnarricd Tuesday of thl.. f ftm4 4 veak to Mlr. Saugbuuh of Waukegau.- The yonng people hall not planneal to Jan. M0 1919. lie ma rrisal at Ibis [lue but the sud- H. i al s d a fe o Àl r . don dealli eofthteigroome mother G .Maiadtiet lr liaI-e ogday orsag baatenedlte Nelon. tract of jaud lnSec. 24, War- eve ut. 1Mr andal M ma S a lob L« . a Couuty e Rsymod$10eg. SPeot te make Waukegan their home. Lk -t eRyodPee Jo0 n Slawes, Jr..So- or joî.n S er, 8 3-4 tare L IL E.1.4 s oc. 26, Oharviue of141h atreet, arrlved home West Au"toek wp.. QO $115. frète Camp Grant vhere hi w5as ont Po.luC. FChraus. vtery lu Sec. [o get bis dlacharge. John bas liobeen h » %Oylnsc lu a tralnlug camp lu Goorgia for uov- Ela Tvj>.. QO, $50. oral moutha but la nov houe fort Lewis Bartele and l vIte o toreuz good. MIr. John Sharvin sent thrce . a ur s d vt. 7 ce u S t. P boYs [o the service and tbso bave anSd 13. Wsucoude Tvp., Wl>. *350t gveà thelr lves for tIleir country, IHeuIY Jaussen andal vf. to Nelllo Harry aud'James. We daulit If a Howard, Iots 28, 29 aud 30 and N. thone are many families lau lillotu Pert Iota 18 aud 19, blocxi 2. eI ibat bave ts-o golal ctans ln their Sar- Bras., Suib. at Round IA" 5W». $500. vice flsg. John la the euly onc te 8P. H. Bartiett and vite te Anus K. returu. Ho camtes borne to final bis Hakislot- I, block 2. Ravinla mohir andl [vo brathers hava paso- Hlahlands. .Hlugblaud Park, Deed, ed avsay during bis ashence.* Misa Hleu Durst visitelai athe Bernard, Dro* snd vite [o W. T. North Schl olTuesday. Héflén sa .I- )UReY., Uudillded 1-2 W go acres teidlng higli achool at Wauikogas 11W. 1-4 Sec. 16, Warren Tvp., WD), thia Yeuansd vas exempt f rom' thi-se ,0 of. berexamlnations on acocuat cf J H. Baser andl vifs ta Z.IR. Ty- excellot stndion,"B.lot 4.Sassera Sub., o! pat- Mies ltli.l Gartioy wl levti d >.~ Rîdgevocal Park, Hlgiland Park, WL5 muale of the. Royal Neiglibonstibis$0 eveutegItapace oflira. H. o. Themp. J. H. Sasser and vite tu N. B. sos vho làasbelli lie position for a f0ed. 1pt 3,,Salssera Bub., at High. teiq'of ears aiid Park, Wl>. 81.' Mr ÀaM Mr&. William A.ibright and Peter Carson sudwV~e [o Mîcasel tutu are exPectlng te move intonotat, lot 12, hlock 5, Cumulag's thc*bO-serOcanlY eccuPied by Mr. & «Co.'g Soutu Bide'Aid., ta Wauke- Mdvardr Vlack sud fsmlly. Mr. 4AI- ganWI)., $MO. bvilght bo boîeenordored to aeatebis Santord oeck: sud vife to Wr hume reCestiY taken aven by [he Hobelà. bolOcas 30, 31. 35 aud 36, Chi- goiorumeat OP FIrat avenue. c&geolghlands, Decal. $1850. ____ ____ ____W . H. iBptiidin g sud vife tu J. w . ae uuea ul t ieî s., W oodward, a. 12 lot 6, *bloçk 2. The sciece et evrm înt a ly utGrady & Hallovells Sub.. Waukegan ~tneet combhluatlonof a0< es.Wl>. $1. lieue sud of exceptionsa, aceordlng tu -Autos POglus ta John Bediel. lot timon. places andl clrumstanciu.- 30, bloc£t 9, Wankegan, Hilglanda, ~E ou U m u.N anth Ch îcage, W iL>, $300. ____ ____ ____Estate of j. W . L&avu n ta C.. M. Bràe"ue. lot 17. bna '10,.lez lM,- Ne *ai u19,» 1 atilt. ee r Sprnugs, ta AbtIocli Tvp., Wl>, $1. W u nd e *ia as ija vbcb P. N., Tom haso, te 0. P. Chaue, ce'l emla" tieof lots 19 lii 20. black 53. Waahburn r- J9~ va ave.Park. Northi Chicge, QC, 810. -rWaukegan. Jan. 18. Jia... p Pillifant today recelveal a laetter tram ber son. Harold,e wbo la now lu -Mayen, Germau,. Hia lat- ter teUa anme !utertw±lng exoeflien- ce". It road.9 aa follo*s: Mayèn, Qerrnany. Dec. 23, 1918. Dear Ilctàier and Ail: Suppose Yau are looklag ton Mornw Word ?rom me. Since veve been On tbheinove, 'io mail bai bep.n slow. We are locntod bore ln Mayen for s eF eptOr lwo. S4saig fl ai choc)l baOise. Veathvr liait beau fair, liad a lîti now, but mosîly raIn. As for com(ng honte, 1I domîk \now Whéei II, vili be. Saine Uiink ;;on. May paNssbly ha lun[the staies >!e-. fore You recelve this. ltocelvtd nîy box trous home and sure was pIes:.- ed [o llnd soue nandkterchlefs insJIl. laure needed sorne, and llinpn ie'a scance article aver bere. kîoue-ht a couple and bad to, paY 21 uî Pifeco (about $1î for Iheus. We bave had a wonderful IrKi. Wouidn't have missed it for a thon- aaud obails. Wloh Dew could have beeu vlith me. The Dutch people have been won dprful. lIn*fact lhey appreciatrd Oir Comnalg hememore thon the (I"'rog.,î Frenchi. They dou't charge a dozen dhtfeernt prices for thngs bore. We are going Lot speud Christmss bora. Tbe Waukegan bouch are atilI togetisar. Aitl n the best of heaitb. Planning a big celebratlan lu CirÉcago au oîîr waY home. And then, about a Solld montb of break. faat at 9 A. M.. talit toast. gaod caf- fe, bars and eoua. Lunch at 1 P, ý NI d s BIG dluner at, 6 P. M. !W.e C.mother dear. liope evaryono loaU il0. X andl that 1 see you ail moan. Your lovlni; soli HARtOLD. razTFflH lm egbu ..un itUM ake pt bura "lov erOluelu e 0solutely ue esee ys d. ie w a t u Wovlde itIsen ar«mel late àa#va Uit.,., utrylu u.f ueor. POVUltr e rmmansucf a v erya ",iveu tu msuMd ro gureegar i t dasie et eercle.T T.ha uet a >te eupply ti is ex nd- ce-to te ila tatarealu ratller ru - srefeeaqu arteralute t e edb ole or acheal gr qlns lu a l iîtteret . tmra ,a levecor ot her imllar ouv w1obti i.>cmnpt it ou i>b> 'werklngt . sitset vr gIe, na tureit la m -u«be re uveltr m timentele i mea as vi Wisibeme fo uleali l ihuted dowlaausu dhe Dt terviiibe contse so e a,,'bu t i sfim luthana"ldu mlitat vi wi nei cuit fer i et. is tauv itrItev er.veeihly.S svavco stsabàu la mrg am euntsetOc atola god; I eoo tiusauméer Ilae ed-n u Ime ausemeilusua Umtieu oat.t 11:11*u E uf i lu hme bo'tfi a 11s48 111ive rtta"fsov ér i me a terl It bu a iei ..lm ta %gvuPatfeueé dvm et e tevor I tt la th epo ilt- ty bo ume" al. evli ib. ..stehbreuli biseu t. TUiy,'wMiv o i ve r>bardan anlo ng te gat th elasgr aiaet vb eate nd$t.t a b incer n e o nl a n o m 0E 'rÇeiDaJ onclith aIsb on glitt te a me u .W It te mir tiz Who am des. [ wor* ut wift MUL Pf«Ue «W fur being duploe& P" =t t; nue f" thé bon MM wj*out qfflk. ù* ebl lus tl h te 304 lus of the&-JWOB tj» jE@jOtjý» te, pouttem W support&- ma are the béW «»M be fi«« by advuwty. as - *0 voter wweb aows, &M me MÉ« dom Bot consul Jin wmw,-Coqw. Reme. .Vebffl tmý tl» "dit coalcle mue M "Muqe, opine, whkh lu omet Smme îwm ýUm Internet tecument ot the bal. Mie boue on wblcb the roof ý«.*b fattle -te eonsieu or the lut eaudé! vortebra and in Sweffl with a " wbieb la the beenaing of tbe rat- Ue la Young rattleo»kes. 0 "IMM, OV. COATS .. ý39.75 0 P. 0. OV., OOATS 37.50 Lot 2-25.00 Suits l2e45 $2.5 Overcoats.. 14.75 32-50 Overcoats 19*75 $40 Overcoats 27,e5O ý&n's'beavy weight sweaten in a good t'ange of Sizes and eol- OrS* $3 and $3.,50 vaines special for Mens Week , lm Men's $5 sweaters in a good of e o 10 rs, - ai] sizeS, special for Men Is 3.29 W eek ......................... . .. . ....... . .... . ....... ArInY Sweaters, regular $5.00 values, all Sizes specially o) fiQ prieed for Men Is Week ............ Zcu Men's ail wool sweaters in a full range of Bizes and colors, values to $12-50, special for Mens Week . ...................... 6.98 Men's Suspenders regular 50e values, special for Men'sgik.. W eek ........ ....... ýMGXT IIMTS Men's heivy flannelette night shirts, values to -$2.25 sPeeial for Mens Week 9 ilee NZX's PAJAMU Men% heavy wieight 1 flannel- ette pajamu, values to $2.50, speeial for Men's W eek -.- ... ......... .......... .1.65 BATH R0131cfi Meule bath robeff- in a good selection Of Patterns, values to e5O, special for Men le an Week . . . . ... . ...... . ... . .. ......... 535 Extra - large white handker- chiefs, regular 25e. ý -values spee- ial for M en 'sWeek ........................ j4e 8 for .............. .... $1.00 MmW BELTS Menli leathér belte, valuesto 75c, special for - Men'g W eek .......... . ............... .... .... ..... . .. MENS M;Dlcawràa MeM98 union Ç;Uit;o, ýU in.ikev«llilfflto$2..50sp,,- j&& i : 11 fo r e n Is W e, eýk ........... ILI" 2 Pieee wool underweiir N'allies lip to $2.,50, speciai 1 for -ý%fen:s Week NECKWE« A 90()d assortnient ()f 7,5e Ileckwear will be offéred for '.%fen'.9 W eek at ................. BILIK Iffosic Men's pure silk boBel black, White and fancy, $1 values special for Mens Week 79-c- OVERALIà A». Men's dark blue overalla ffld jumpers, $2-50 and $2.75 vM- -, IX - Hes, special for MçýnP9' Week KNIT GLOVIS Men's knit 91()Vef" ýalues to 50c, speeial for Ment 8 d»J&.m W eek ...................................... . .... o 7 c Men's knit gloves, values to $1.25, special for Mens W eek .................. .. ..... ... .. ------ WOOL Rofilzc, Men es heavy wool, mixed hSe, valiýeo to 75c, special for Men's Week ........... . . . .. . Men's beavy wool hose, VaIUM to $1.00 pair, special . for Afen's Week ............ WORK G140vu - Men's flannel work - gloves, sPeciallY Prieed for Me:deg W eek, pr . ............. .............. BRIRT SPICIALS MI mens dress shirts in a good range of patterns, with éoft or stiff euffs. Values to $2. Spécial for Mens Week 95C Men's dress sbirts in a good range of patterns. Valum to $IM. Soft or stiff euffk 55C Special for'Men's Week .. Men's attaebed collarshirts, val- nes up to $2,00. Very -SC special for Menq Week 9 lridiËMUMTTIR 8MRTS Men's flannelette shirts to val- ue up to $2-.50. Special for Men's Week ............. Men's flannelette shirts, values up to $1.75. Special' forý«é Men's Week ..... . ...... -Olibro Men's flannelette shirts, valuýs up to $3.50. Special for Men's Week ............ . . . . ...... 1.85- S= SEMTS All broken lots of silk and fi ilk fiber shirts, reversiblie euffs, val- ues to $7.50, special for 3fën's Week ................ 13.19- WOIM SEMTS - Men's work shiitff in gray and blue, values to $1 * 35 spec- 69c _ial for Mens Week . 1 _11: . of ver OuntY, Ends Sâtü, Xht.9 januiKry ýo han and Pl m thoir 'entire ti". Market "ement , tom goeg in lit was il abali be oni ürs or cond the co-cipe, controlIf'd 1 froin Gieni and in turi quantltiés t and conden No price been decid charles IL board or t 1«1 bave a(, ineet wVII May teriti 1 ber thut c, brîng a li't ., to other4, a Ihink iit til far t lie l'. il froin wliât NN., ti, befur.. -tw ýfwpIY lab-1 flie Iir4týý : unit ;;m.ý dý Not Sýý Tile %Ni -lx old, to pw.e Ir i and Pa Idon niupt bedewo(l 1, Lot 1-20.00 Suits 9098 a Lot 3-271.50ýSults 1.8. 0.7 Cou Lot 4--+37*50 Suits 2 le 75ý Young Vens Suits 4.98 Men's 6.00 Pants 3.48 Younz Men's Ocoats -2.98 Mens FurnishinLrs Are ikeciiir Mal

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