A U1UiAl. f. - uili paire ONE) ent sIlensee &Pl aur, beeta swellinl sYMPakthy 'rilli a new fss@ f f el- lowahll fo 911 hbave foliowed ai m a flo . loif 11k(fProcession and. sufercd a 11k.v Us H rsMargaret E.1)eLaiir3 wwa born In 'A Her entirs lire, vîitite exception or' a few ycars la Chicago. wassapintin Business -Men at Meeting o Lake Countl. -. -.Ofl ae vas the dauglîter of Patrick Tuesaay Evening Consider and Itîlen Deegau and a grancidau~i *Steps for the Campaign. ter et Ancrew Tuila-r. a Pioncer :.ot- t tlr f L.ake county. who gave - theL pysite for the 1fiaaI <athoiic <-lurcli in n ADOPI A "PLATFORM." Newport. I -- Ia 1884 uic becata.lte vite of .the Waultegan, Jan. 18. laIs Patrick H. Dclýany, son of John;m Delarag -t.hat titey laoi te eLaa>-, vio later was proainent!i adot~p o!a cl>'manger<ar cfla Lake county poitics, becomtnga!nil adOPýPDof ciy mnagr frai ofmember or tîhe 321h General Assein-'cq goverenent, ta lie Inauguraidaler b> cltY commrisionera werp eiected blai 1895,Io lhci who pr-elcton romsemuet lie Site leaves w sisters and tre1t that titey wîîî accip a nominal eai. brotliers. Miss Mary A. Deegan of, ary and Pa>' the manager weîî, saWadawortb MMrs. Chas W. Cýraw am ,ommittee of business men met ai ford of Waukegan; Andrew o! Down- i G.- A. R. bal Tuesda>' evening and er*is rovu; Patu':ck of Chicago; and 01 ofaated the spring eampaîgn. Thtomas ot Wadsvorli. di Tliey adopted -a sort of piatform Mrs. 1>ellnys healîli 'begam t ita- c covering tlie points Invoived- and Pair anime t me sgo. lie vas conin- th Plaîîned furier meetings. Pd. ta lier home about 18 montils p James Walrous preedied asi; î prier ta lier dcai.l. Slie suffered e carmach, but during hier entîre ilînes c mail of the meeting and Fred W shle exibbled the greatest patience in ChîîaChill was seca-tary. - and endurance, neyer caanplaLning of G.rW.ichaerdlse. maand always iookitig ai thee riglittr a W. W. Richard. side of itte's mrltier dubicous clouds. pr J.W. Hrthr. Many wvio saw lier durng lier lit- Joh . .Artbur mess maaveled ai lier unflinclîlng spîr- in JChnP. Artrn. It and keen Inlerest In ail tie cua- 0 C.mes'. W dmar. rent topies of lte day. s Jam Es. W ooda. She made niany fa-ends and vas bu 11.ed . Wbye. ,hlghly estpeimed by ail who 'in w Fred Wm. Bulier. Hers vas lbe happy ,facallty of Jame siA.mero vlwnnlag tlie love and regard of ail ames . Wsià. rau vti whGU ah.cameIne coataci. Chris hye.It vas villi lovlng car andl tender CA. .nCi Wyl. devotion tliat slie rcaa-ed tiie tamily ta E. J. Yeoman. wbo vl1 isither most of al. An fa I.LE. Rompel. Inse.parable lie c esta b bnd becr T. E. Gray. te us .whichi even Death canmot sever. Johin A. Sutherland. Slie was a great admirer of poeîr>' FYank Burke. and spent many an houa- durIng lier Philip Brand. recentI llnese rcadlng lber favorite R W. Lewis. ilithors. H. B. Ganster.. Deati camne, unexpected as It ,I- F. C. i<aih. -ways does. on Decembher 28. ai 9. i.5 E. F. Kiernan. a. ni. 8h. vas cabiselous almnost to d D. T. Webb. the lest. C. If. King. A requiem mais as celebrated George Caritart. N-ew Tsars eve, at Si. Patricks C. L. Dodge. cliurcb. Wadswortli, Fr. Fale>' offi. A. W. Brown. clatlag. la bis sermon lic palid ten- fr W4.. 8. Bloviaey. der tritute a tbler memory. el A. K. Bowesfillev»s laid te reat In theli ltte w Fred W. Citurchil.countîry'graveyard vîthin sigli or ed The Formai Statement. ber cbldboed home. t The pullcity commi tîc da>' fur- The daya viii luiloto years. flhed the psesitb WhIs formai The years III liring many changea. etatemeal reinUave ta 'lb. meeting As tinte burries on nid friends viii tI and future plans: Icatter ewe s oa i viiitake tir tI A numiter Of Wa u as btin. places. The mensretaionl>' one e IlesU mienbave decided the tinte figeaid wll renian truc throughe Ic ls ber. ta for-man orgaiation Yeis. Titat frlend la Moiber. te loik i n&Di discuas the civic Tliotigbfar troin the scellesaof lier 91 Prctlms whvich Contraiont. th. Demor>' ber iovlag face viii reP.ect el People ill o tse Cit lce- the. gior> of God luit as it did on the tiOn. mornlng aie V.pased fram ibis worid A A conference vas bcld ln G. of pain and etrîfe ta tihe oneof0 lai'- A.LR.hail Tuesda>' eveulng. ai pineas beyond. We viii -teed ber 98 vWhich lime the CcUisns' Cani. boli preoene.We vilii ear lier iitie. vas tormed. There ver. iveel verdi of consolation and about 40 Men PressaI 'and lbey trulli. We ma>' poeaIlrougli theo appearcd ta be a unit la lhe temple of trouble; sarrov ma>' lie natter af CarrYiag on a eon. aUr Constant compaaUon; sitc vill go W pajgn for bettei' goverament foi-vtbh us tb>ougb the dark days and thc Ciy. The varions questions unseen viii bav erri ui. even aitu vhlcli bave been uptaermmos In we pais Ilrough thle Valley of Deatt. n the mýnds of thie pe pie of te God lias aken ber and Gad kaows City wcre dlscused and th. or.lieut, and novîihHle Grace v. viii ganisation made peri5.anenî ry Wtc b. relgaed ta HIs Holy W11. o thc election of James A. Watrous and titus flad la our ver>' oslamaIo as gefferal cliairman and Fi-sd greater5 ibotter gain. W. Churchill, secretary, #fer reslgnaîlon ta titis Hoiy Vsili A Platform vas ProPoaed and PW.Bly Suiithe Ilapilit truth ari adopîed an& ail :prspat suit. the Unes.of Thomas Moore whlcli Ocrlbed their nainles la tbe docu- e*sic ftn uoled: ment. Regrementatives r of me »This lie lea a i eeting show, « theb»01o ut he l.souha P~a- ' ar MmIllusion given; Portion oft he Cily>' vespresent The.lmite# of joi ytse teare of vo., aud made kiu>wsjtlir ilgiti> Degi ful i .deceitful fini te -becorne aMliated vith thUicTbereîothilng rat but Heaven."1 mevemeni. ta caar; on Ithe vork of t dMl WAÀIREI3ROÀD camPaigu of educatlo nwietiheUt Citizen..' Coalmi propose ta P V launcih i re tever>' vot- AYSa $M60.17 ON er my g ta he oil&andcasu wilben ecrecy about the -pro- T 100 OD teedings o! th. organizatlon sud '%er> soon Permanent tealquar. ilondhlolder cf tliqaid Chicago and 1er-. viii be OPenealinnssome cen. ivue icri aia opa trai location vuere votera ma>'Milwaukhe Cllcago ailarîl oren cail aI any time. j o h hcg n ot hr The endorsemenî oir candidfesElectric Company, vers given $2432.. vii li e deferred for a fe..- days 698 as, the final iiroceèdjl of 1he sale cetlite roid la an order enlersal Tues- until a selecîlon *nay lie md d by Voilerai Jaîdge banas. The. Prvîliof veryma vand beap dccree means that for ecdi$1,000 par * prval f evr>'man nd vman value of bonds te bondbalders vili vita dos lfterested lu good gov- reccive $608.17. ernent."Ti ol atrasbe a As te Endermementa ~ Tl hi atrbsbe Asked wletier the. commtîe vil' nigbtmara. te bhita Court ecyraincesIl tdorac a coi îceslate o! candi- siarteal," tbe judgc bold CliarleasB. "a. Citairman Waîrougstuaiesi taiCutting, represeniing ilie lav fimo! ce deintta Plansohaoit cen made as Nevman, Poppenliasen & Stein, thc ye baltlite last paragrapit of te recelveri, vlisn lie asled the court «Mlatent indice4«snchb e he Lta10aci as 'an arbitrabor In a. dispute coure tntaiver dcidd oen:as tle 1.antounit oetattorney'@ tees *esurse alte et mc' eiea po:t e b. liov.d tUic w rirai. Mr. Cul- Mm dor.taeslu o wma lise prom. igsltabnhde'co àUm ~Se So- ls ftuirsconduci of civtln .l abniodr'cmi8e businonss -VIR b cf rftordbefrésaPPOIilsta disetmtesti- matter bail thseoudorsemet la given Ilie ore becs unable ta reaci an agreement 'nnual Meetinggf Lake Co. MiIk Produoers Provokes Heated Discussion. Tlie members of lte Milk 1roduc- ers' XAssoeJation met follow':nc It.' meeting o! the Farmea-,' lnst'tute ai Liberty ville Puesday. for ltelir au atual business meeting. Regiuiar buia Ineas wae,. lowever, laid on tlie obeif to make wav for s ver>' bol diaru%- sion conceraîag lte advlsabibty or merging the Miut Producers' assoc!a. Ilon inlteCo-operatlngNfrrkeiig Company. Ma-. Huar, an ateorney', spoke in the interet of.lte M*rketing co:n- pany and Harry E611100<1. as chair- Man of lte meeting, led lte oppo. tiot, Tlie uphoiders ocf bhc former ma-anîzailon cald Ibat thc nUit pro ilîcers liad alvays iaoked afle akaie Count>' .Intercsta-and bbc>' accuscal bhoss favoring thesmarketing corn- ian>' cf trylng te farce the prqdhle- ers to seil under lthe advise of a certain clique o! men. Those fnvc.r- ung lte marketing Company s poke of lthe avantage o! sellina Ula-ougit an olldoal cenler and or Incrcasel profit.s. nIaaliy, ,aany of thle deiegales lie. ng obliged ta leave in order t ta .ke >ut-going trains, te meeting, :,%al adjoua-ned to eecc. for lthe regular business session on Januar>' 281th. MASONS HAVEISGCOIýP .cDGE took place Tuesday nigit vîlli the formali Instnllation o0* thcfe orneers: Master--e'.a. Alirclt. Sr. Warden-Chas. Schvarin. Jr. Warden-J. J. astan. Sjcaetal'y-Dorr Dalce, Treasurer-Chris Rolistein. Sa- Deacon-M. S. Davis. Jr. Deacan-Harry Basilan. Stewards -G o. Scblnng, Geo. Fen- dick. Chapiain-Ueu.fCom. Wflheim. Marîlial-Ben Truc. Tyler-H. H. Masi.J Two carloads of -Musons came upi from Chlcago,10 take part in luc cer-~ emou>' Tucada>' nighl. ln ail titerel were at Icast 250 mcn.Plie>' Inclul-1 id memberscf oesof lte big loges liai ferlned front employes o!flte Mlar-shall Field compas>. Coli %e anal sattivicies ver. scrv-d lie guets and members. TlievI- tors Included Inany front nortit shore CillesfrtramAnlicit. Lbertyville; and otier lavas la lh. country.' Tlie nev ladge vas given many' il! is front other Musonie orders, in- cluding:i A large fing Tram 1he Anchor and' Ark club o! Graa Lakes. 1, Seven cilicers' chairs frein Wauke. gan loîlge. Thte roda useal la the Masenie$ wa-k given b>' T. M. Avery, presidenl of lte District Deputies' asoacclal. Thie Jewels whichi came frota lte Waukegan cliapter. dl la feli thal the nov lotige vilI ma-k outiIn a vcry succesul man- ier andl ils future lu very brighl. Itlah admitled that tbe personneill 0f lb. nev kldge's meanbet'aip rep- resenis the younger element or lthe local Masons, thceIoder mesabers pre-- Pie nev lodeb hasStftesJ. ont a hall la lte third 00cor of tli Mdaney Rond. il la theraeylii.'yl bol thêr Te t. nd . D. ED BY THE SIIERI a! ter te naine of Ancber and Ark loAlgetnues ltaite ne-e, idge la under dispeasalIon for a year. Lake County Has Made No. anald it te end ofrtaI ysar the Poiio nYgast n lodgc lias made gaod, titen te char. vrv* nYa l n ter andl nuniber In i3sued b>'lte stail Mod«n Weapons-. Grand Lotige atnd tlie nev tedge bf- cores, a permanient tbing. Titis SIaIesa Attorne>' L.ualcy of!)le. charter la exppcteal on Octolier irst Flenry counly. lias ai.ked thal the nexi, as ltaI marks the year viten sitsriff of tht count>' be stippleal lte nev organisation v* starteil. îit beller Itreerma. a>in ltaI t e ulierlfte ornies ladevola of- Butas anal FIew Non-italisa P*s.. revolvers ribund In the cffices cf ' er A majoril>' o!flte imitesbave be leUs ailover lte «tata cf Iîios lînhians. but there lu no national lita type of itanalcafs, toc, accos'diag tii itltien. l'ope lemnti il, for ..tample Lunile>' la usciosa. ivas a Saxon (Germean, aaose fatatli> Investigation showsltaI tie situa- atomie inc Sulalger: Cleiaett IV vus ciltion in ,alie cou-*,y la net muci> nel- Fro!nchann naacaL eu (Gros; Cletîaeîil 1er. V -.ns an leiinîiitaa inted .'AgPu8sr Bo firas irifles are eoncer~Iedthemé tletaea.t VI wms ,î.tler Favela.nlu ample pro-visionî for an>' emergetîcY tîacud iecrre itoger; Alexiader V~I hat miglil arise. Plie sherif la siep Srts jt sîutilna-,l.în111ei Itorgina; tOnhlI, toirana posson short notie but lux Il wmvaîsaiFreIwhw-laîintlaî Calliltus vhen il contes te swal arima il l% Ili vos a Sliainitird -u.î,edrtnglia .aail apile different. Boîli bte aleriff andl mas untu 0Aieuiîer VI. rleielà 1'r his chief depul>' have revolvers vlairl a feu exempnlles uor.. l1171 aPOes tpy tlientacîveq purchascd man': __________ - >earq ugo. Boto!ftent should Lc Okspostng o! Jean. paovidea wit more modet'i guns anal Ehoci. of te agi' of neveu at ns dis- If la probabl.le irt aareqîtest, viii be i-ussing ulihiWgr.indfnlter lie es- made. oli te board o! supcrvi'or% eltlug delails o! an tanaginar>' ta-ptlitaI iis lie donc. of soventure, lncludlaîigtII Ibazardes o! Se tar as tan4cuffs go lite>' are land andl ses anda ia-.rhelicedm jusl rallier a süaarce article aaound flic siatanirl>' dlspnteiaed a. lien mhlch a offîiore.. Ple suppl>' ltai lite lalgiti uprng ripanit ut ultawares front office once aiforded hlave been approf tit,- jungle, wben grandtnlter sudalca- prialeal by constable? front tinet.et Iy ;isked: "Enocli, %ligt about Jear lime anal have not been relua-neal. Ia U(la Ilte pînyntle). "Yucan't. take case of an emergene>' there are mtc "lironsei a dci,aner î ori>', "s uiet hantuaI a r nsl viii fas a lir n ui dai- jure>. prlo Wel at a taifs an bana. lma --r!d kluh.,andi Icave bar. aihsu ý' t a nt a ~tt«>' e ia...lp»lld. When it looks dark ta any weak or allin.g woman, if she aa the advloe cf ber nelghbor, *ten chances ta cneo dut gcod nelghbor wiIl tel h er tatae was dragged down by the peina and afimenta cf ber sex, and was ccmpletely cured by a prescription which Dr. Pierce __o_'f-Buffalo, N. Y., discovered and made the ingaedients known to the public mnany 5ears ago and called "Favor- ite Prescription." When a womr.n -~ complains of backache, dizzinexE or pan-when everytlint look& blac befgre ber eyes-a drajging feel- ing, or bearing-down, wlth nervoumness, ahe ubould turn to titis -"temperance," herbai tonic, known. as Doctar Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It ana be 'ibtained lnaai- most ever" druff atosEin the land and the ingredients are printed in plain Engllah on the wrapper. Put up ia tablets or liquid. Dr. Pierce wlII aend a Ciai size for 10 Centa. O= B oys ZluC&a Have wlthstood many bardahp-without complaint. To eornbat outbreaks of disease boi in war and in peace Urnes it in neceuary that the liver andi kidneys be kept active. id the body of the. to* poisons and yon keep well. An occasicna laxative la neeary for the best of health. Such a cne la made cf Mayapple, alose and Jalap, rolled into a tday, sugaÏr.ooated pellet, and long sold as Dr. Pierce$ Pleasnt Pellets at ail drugstmore&. Send Dr. Pierce 10c. for trial pkg. M do- mor w - w w TUE UNIVERSAL CAR T ME policy of the Ford Motor- Co. to sel ts cars for thé lowest possIble price consIstent wIth dependýbUe'quallty, Us too weiI known to require comment. Therefore* becs use of present conditions, there can be NO CIlANGE ln the present prices of Ford Cars. * - $500.00 - S 525.00 - - -65.00 - - 775.00 - 556.00 These Prices F. 0. B. Detroit WILSON &-OHM WMJKEGAI4. -ILU74OIS A<r4MOUNCgMENT BY REQIJEST FOPD MOTOR CO. u I L ....'.Rairoatge Rfrnded IA Sensational Sale o1- Waî,tisîs to 2.50 at1., -a complete size range A ,pecla, IransacIon enallsoim u'fc le. .îagW in. walsts aIn voiles, LaunK, etr * lerml lly innaaI v a ilous mstyled collars., çollars and fa'omq s tnlsl,.-l mi. I ,.. i'l,.< tattlng anidcerète-d buttons, Children's and Misses' 65c Brown Unse lloseAI ail sizes, 9c -pair, A moRt unuiqual value Indeed. are Ih-es4. n.., t v. ..i aw- r.an brown Ui.cHoae, Ini A iszF1s, for cil-il îîamind .a fo 6 1.2 tc 9 1-2. Womfpn 'a e1'Misses' Cloth. and Plush Coats to 30.00 The assortinent is mue of the k most attractive iii thp eoîîîîîîî 1111t y for it crîace ~a liheî-al Vi oft î d'ever styles il] de'tt li. i'plîîslî. fur trinilled 0-1plailn. TIien of course there sire varioul- allier Pale prIces tucli W $8,75, $14 7,é) $24.75 and $34.75, arnodg wlieh Ilîcre arfe hundred. of bargains. flouse Dresses to 4.@50 ail sizes, 2.98 al colors, Womens and Misses' Housiedresses i lfl <ir., aril .,,e.and many decldediy prctty styles .Value o $4.51 la <agilt at $2.98. New SiIk and WooI- Dresesto $15 at 907 W04)1 e gs, Silk Pojîlilil ..îîilffl few Silk ' INe \vlzs îîwii ied or-iîîgs, a a ;ir as.ort- t mielt of sizes. SiIk and WooI - DRESSES Upto $35at Here ,ls a wonderf.îl selec- tion of beautiful styles in Dresses of ail Wool Serge, Wool Panama, Sllk Taffetas, Satan, Silk erepes and combinations of -~the varlous fabrics. Eiaborateiy embroidered, beaded and braid. ed. Ail sises. t Heatherbloom ikR fle "6NewVv"p 3.50 PeUlicoôatu ail sizes,- 2.69 ail colors, Tbue le a very. desirabie peètticoat becauile of its beauty and dumabieness. The top te of a gocd qualily lieatlierliloom while a deep ruifle la of pretty changÀble silk. -. -. S". Our Window, Runabout, Tourlng Car, coupe, - Trock Chassis, Id iti lie tai we en toi lai to cil n eh am de dc gr ut 01 et Pl el el 1 el tc SI