CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 Jan 1919, p. 2

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lAS.D. PM-CIR Wakmm&efo NSURANCE àb% lAI., AMleei'n Hosi, nPla. lamu . n tomobiUsaid Worklag- .amCompenstion. SmHim Before Placint Your Inmtrance WELL DRILLING e w 95 w . t tee tous. AUSIIERMAN 8& DOLAN ZION CITY 0"ha hse173-W f. BAIRSTOW 1111ANU7ACTUARCor Meuble and Granite Monuments Cometery Work of Ever) Description À4orpvdnGfce lSolicite< 16 Genesee st DL 1. L TAYLOR Ueu:-I t83-30and4 7 to 8 80111111010nao Broadway, oppoatte Para ÜbptI.Âdnola. DY. GOLDING DENTIST a»» 8 e12a.m.-l to 5P.m. Ove, Flinl NattouMalBank ~~sIwO b»l. 1" o. Phone 157J. CII. N. STEPIIENS. &. D. PHYSICIAN a"j SURGEON *@mmabamum. avoalo sne dMmemeci a.M1 Eu~Br, N«01 Thnst 0111a1me om GsC. ?mL Me lIbrtyvle. DE . F. DUTTERFIELD VETIRMÂBY SCUSEN. Lau, mveATSvvrnNAuAai. DR. A. 0. CAMPBELL Vdmanwy Denilat LaiO U sai-yStable Lbe,tyvil-, III. WaaNM. LaS, VFore« AntoCh. NKooeb Satam .Wadaworth. Rumn and other EIJIANArN W. ICOLBY OUrnéat Homo, Cook Ave. Phono 168-j USERYVILE, - ILLINOIS, LYELL IL MORRES A'r-OUR-AT-LÂW Lbertyville - Ilin ois Luce Bufldi,, all. 3no 1811-. once Phone là PAUL MAC GUFFfN. AVTOURT AW LAW. MART IC DRCKE 807 Washington Street PnoioILLINOIS Ofleo Phone 848 3couIrrv- M» & vUELtCO. RAY N. SMrrH Lb«MMl3mil, DL - NOTICE W1M »MS la ormby gîven that Ibm 'jbDmmet ai speclai Ammemment O*ilIb hnov ditoand paable aI enoLf tAi Village Collecter. The Mo vO b. loesipramptly on &areb Zq MH ors-l, Vgllag Colletor. JOes.a te mazuh20 saommoww males"am Capt. Woodmanso Finda-fel- low Was Boni ln Chicago and Knew Hlm There. THRILLING EXPERIENCEW. To be caffla by mare hy a German captain, lu a prislon camp in Francs vas the r-mter unumul eperienc «t Captain LU W. Wocinamaee or Waukumnu Wo ieturmeihom 6 hW daTa m oatter having amosmervi"s on Francs battIleledm. Capo. Wood- mnanaserolated hm experiffncea la an Informai manner aetltheF"rot 'Con- gregatloniWchurcit Weineeday nlght Cenversation vlth the 'captured Hua olffler. ho sai. revealeil the faet thal ho hat! been bhem at Sixty- mintit utreet ani llncennes Roud. Chicago. fie vent tu, German>' le- fore te U'nltod States engagei la lte var and reftived lte commis- ien et captain. He sai hs iin't mini It se, long as he vas NSetitng againrt lte British and French but balked vben It camne te ighting Americana. ensneaglit hound is entire company o urrenimned t lte Americana. CapI. Waeimansee recalied havlng knavn thse feoovéen ho vas ln Chicago. He mai It gave him thse biggest eourpime of hlm lite, hove ver, te, have ansetf the Run prisaners cail b lm b>' name n, lheb Englah language. Trouble Getting Over. CaPtain Woedmanaee mai be ex- penlersced much dlUeuIIy l getting acrosa that lis vas aimost incllned te bohleve ltaI wme drezitul fate vas ln store for hlm. On bisatiret attempt te crame the tveel on vhicit he ami bis company vers passengora, broke a propeller ani bai to be lovai bock te port. When thla break vas repalrei the transport tarted eut for lhe second lime, Il developei hovever, that too marty steel rails bai basa plhed on dock and the supports refusai to heu causlnz he de-ck tecoilapse. - Aran il was necessar> to rpturn te port. "Submnarinel" Slghted. On thse thîrd trip everytltlng wcsl along vltit comparative wmaetbne-sa until ail vene thrlfed by the cm>' et a looltaultInht a aubmlmrne had beEen mlgttd. Peasengera bracei thora- selves for ltse blov that vouli tell lIaI a torpedo bai touai lRa mak. Thon lte aipa gun apoke. Tte famîllar, oral ahape on the surface a fev bundred yardu ava>' di net affond mucb af a target but It vag ta lte credit et the gunners that the>' muaie a direct blt. An inrestigaf ion reveaisi the f3cut that Instead ai a suismarine lthe gin- nera hai en firinç at a ggsati'- whaie v"Icb vas Ian]>' floallng Con the etn-tace. Hard to Gmt Food. Thse Waukegan osticer landei iu-i ln Engiani, gain gte France laler. tu5 botb countrem. he mali, Ibere vas dît- ficult>' in oblalnlng sufficlent food. Tills ai;partiularly true, ho sa' et the offioers. for the on recEl17, their rations fIrst-what vas it' went te the officers. Ro mali tisat ho bas eaten mare lnuoe meal since lit returned than ho dli ln threç- visole days vhlle ln France. Raliroada Are Slow. Traîna on the ralireada ln France. Capt. Waodmansee mai, are tncredi- hi>' slow. Somnetîmes Iisey de net go more than 24 miles -In a day. Hie tld et maklng one trip In France on a train. It;took hlm tbree days, rid >Ing nlght and day te reach bis dAs ttnation. On te return trip ho and bis men val<ed and maie Ilt insix dav., takling Into conuldoratlon that the>' mîoepoiand made camp ueaeb nlght. Thue they verm able te vaik batIk qulckor tison ltey vent Wasai tthe Front. The local efficer we.u ln charge et the maintenance efthtie trains vblch cairriei the big naval guns, compris- Ing tise heavy artllemy. This tool hlm rigbt up te lte front, He vas franktot admît titat ho vas scared, but saId ho vas no exception for everyone elme vas, ton. There vers tIlillu galore, he sali. 'I wvas eating a lin of leef one day," ho relatod, 'vhen, VWhlz-z-z! sonetilng vient putl me. When Il -pasaed 1 din'l bave my tin of beet an>' more. Soveral limes I bai Idles shel lu my clothlng but tcrlunately' omcapei vîthout a ucmatcit!» Praîmes Red, Cross. Thse Rei Croma, lte Salvation Army ani thse Y. M. C. A. ail1gane la for pramo by lte local ecr. HResali eBels et theae organisations&ortos - mi a vauderful vork. IMany oethé euncomplilmetary thiagu sali about the Ir. M. C. A. le mai, are due to prepagada uni arm vîthout baola.e smati the men ln ltse Y. M. C. A. service movmd thoir lents as close, te the front as lte oll- cers vouli permît thern,aid per- 1«R RllA 1 IM JIW Number o! De* Pt M osn ln wakegmTn'lae was 4Y Fa;' te Moot. LOANS -ABOUT AVERAGE. 13y A. IL -le% emieatacr oe- tarr BecwryTM& .&£Tiat 06e for the ve** ause 5ýum'y18& 1u1. Nurber et ou3nés, a&4 Nesishet cfdm" lmoaum .& Musaborettum t eaumonrt. Total numbes- or Instruments file!, TW eamouat of Mans. 142.198.72. Busiuessbé baheu ratIer quiet- vIit lomasabout the armesg. The..toiowtng are the more im- portant ioua. la Waikogan: Gulem-fleger Tan- nlng Ce., taoch tietI.t the Wilder Ttaming Co. proporty on theo Sata sud altme o li tauery at Waler mUd Saud at. for ladilcaei comaldera- lion ot 3900,000. Démnon T. and Clarence S. Alabul- or bout theit Lanyon building on outhuest corner Genese and Clay- ton mds. vtth 23 rt. -froutage tromi W=, Herbert Jehnson for nominal coasiieration aubjectt le ocui- bruanc. 'flomas X Gray bought tve houa- ou at ortheast cerner South Jacke- Mon et. and Hlmbola ave., trenRHar-- old E. Mainlauni as part Dayment conveyed a vacant lot on norlis aide Grand ave., just veet of the li Starin place for nominal coneldema- tbon. Harry S. Waterman took tile fs-cm Jaunie 1. Watermau te théo Kits Thoater building on Oeutsso t., for nominal commkiesation The Folstlemnan Socil ynt Wau- kegan. bouglst a lot on veat aide Me- AllaIs, ave.. just north et May at. ftcm Swediah Trlnlty Church fur 1600. lu North Chcago: Anastasia For- lune bought the properly.on moulit- west corner ltb aI. aidSouth ILIn- coin at., from Fortune E9roa. Bevlng ce., led-$3500. In Lake Forest: Anaslelbby Burrava bouglit the Pitcher Place on nortirwest cerner UAnden uni Wash- ington avos. tes- tndiceed31150. Ralph R. Bradley toek titie te thse Wagataff property on eust aide Mc- Klney Bo"andam alao the Allons Ver- vwe, bouse on Roue Terrace, tron John Griffth for nominal consider- mtian. In Hlghvood: AlbertiJ. Daggtt bonght 25 ft. on veMt aide Rallay ave, mutb of Washington ave. and James A. Daggtt bengitt 37 fI. an vest aldo itailvay ave.. adjoling. frem estate for Sarah tlaggllt Hove fur nominal consîdoratlen, ubject te encumbrancea. In lghiand Park: Albert J. Dag- glît hought a 50-4t. lot on eat aide OakwOOd ave., nantt th fUincon a"e. tram estale af Sar-ah Daggltt Heo for nominal canslderation. aubecet ta encumbrance. In lbertyvllle: Ângust H. Web. reuberg bougbt tise Robert N. Scot place on north aide Division et.. mast vomI ot Mlwauskee ave, for Indicat. ei $5,000. Joua L. Eie bonght a lot on muth Pie Apple>' ave. from Charles A. Ap- ley for lndlcated $2,000. In Ares:fions-y and lAna Kene hought the John W. Beese place un mentit aide Maple at., fer ladlcated Iu Fremont: Win. HL Doaley bonglit the Wm. E. Donlay tam ofa 120 acres ln Sec. 19, fer nominal consiération. In Grayslake: Sidney L. CarMil bought the John T. MorMi lot on ueutb aie Havley at, vout 4« Whlt- ne>' t., for nominal oonai Oieri In Long Grave: Charlem, Gomueli 1er bougbt the Vider Saur sun lot in 43W 1-4 NE 1-4 Bée 3 0, Vrnon, from Julius Relmeru for nominal con- aieration. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS JaM. % 1919. LIIllan P. Merrlil, et âJ, 10 Mattiew Pester, 10 *,,es in si. 14,Sec. il. Lbertyvills ?wp., W», $10. Alle Dodd and huahani tu W. B. Smitht, lot 9. block $7, 1*5e BlinE MI. QC., st. A. C. Frooft and vite te F. E. iasml, 10 lots lu WWnhropHerbor ani tvo lots in léenox luI., Mothicaitogo, QC., il. B. F. Naber and vite to 1& J. Os- mond. lot 1, blet 2, Nelielm Bob., Antiecis, Wl), '31. Mary Hettter te HL T. boumer amlth, part N.E. 1-4 Sec.$9, aid .W. 1-4. Sec. 86, West Antioda TvP., W», Chicago TiUle & Trust Co., to J. J. GUUigan anS vite.lot 18, block , E.el- loggm "be. Wlnthrp Harbor, Deed, 1). IL Ackerman to Cahetns Acer- man. lot 23, bhock 3, Marmiu'e90b., Fox Iaho, W», $'L M. J. Heve, 10 A. J. Adu m@"i ite1 lotS,. blok 14. FMt Adi te Noth ida.3 W. C. Pester aIie 10B 1l1,M ,vâ.a~ W a amiulb IL E.W. U iI, .le aBe rme o Sotie 8. '1111sM, e~t G, à M. W. RF.' & ]I «< UàMip Ioad in Secs. 9 ani 10, ýW"bffm&Twb. QO 3 Wsmeim Jas. loi1s1. to à. U Harda ma 1%M oso.& m n. lots a,38.24 a" vout 30 IL, Wot2% block 55, RigWlan 1?w1k. DM,4, . M Min.. Vervee aâ dufe te John GiUth. 14< 39, b"eTermes Sub., tte . Fme t. W.., $10. W. IL Plester a"a Vifse te F. J. M"s ff l W%. Ida4.»0 fivemt front on Mb ftrIt ave, aouth ot War et. Wmgmasa, 11m. wu, $4,000. Castrai Trust Ce., te W. H. Foots. kot U38 aouth 8 14 n. lot 40. block 4. Wlathro Hlà e. Deed, Iseo. Katis Pavîceki and busbani te Man rDapkua, lota 20 and 21, block 18, Wa*hurn Upringa, Waukogan, QC W. B. »onisy te W. Il. DonleY. 120 acres la W. 1-2 Sec. 19, Premont T". QOD., 810. svedieh latheran Churcb to Pob4tlerm society, lot 16, lIock 1, Cummln.l & Co.%m South Bide Sub. Wm.nkema, WD, $1500. î Jaais 1. Wateman and humband te . 8.WatarcumanS 1-2 lot 11, block 12, Original Wankogan.QC, Il. A. B. Heiges tu, C. 3. IH. Martin, lot on Stantoula Point. Fox Lake, W£), Jan. le, 1919. John GrlUth ànd vite te R. IL Br-ailey', part lots 1 and 2. mub et lot. 49, lake Foremt, Mi.. W. 0.. $10. Jan. 17, 1919. F. IL, Bartlett and vife te ThAVIlI A. Feiman, lot 5. block 1. Ravinla Highlands. Highilaund Park, Desi, 110. J. W. Bosse ai vd ite te eiinrY and Loua -xmue-lot tu Villageof ,tArea.- W». $10. IL N. Scott Mdai ie te, A. H. Weh- renberg, part Iota 12, 13 and 14, But- ier@m bab. I.detyvlle. Wl), 3110. Anna C. Saniman et a] to Amanda ftaIin, lot, block "~K" Barring- ton, QCDI I1. Anna C. B"niran et ai..,te Minnis, S. Heismîan, lot 4 (ex. E. 8fi.) block «W BarrlngtMQCD, $1. Aunanda Saudman et ai., in Anna, C. Banim, M. 70.5 tt., S. 130.5 fI - lots 8 a"i 7, block "K"~ Barrilgteq, Desis, $2. J. T. Morrili te S. L~ Carfieli, lot 6. block 3, Grayalako, Wl). $400. 0.. K Btuang and vite ta Clifford Frasler, 8. 1-2 lot 4, block 2, Battora- hall'& Bab., Cirayaiako, QC, 862.50. 0. E. Strang and ilfe ta S. LU Garfield, N. 1-2 lot 4, block 3. Batter- shall's Sub., Oraymiake. QC, $62.50. %ltati et Thure Johnson te Clara Johnson, lot Iu N. B. 14 B.EL 1-4, Sec. 32, Benton 'DWp.. Deed. $1,611.41. C. A. Appley tn Jua U Ede., part lot 2, Appley's Adi. te Llbertyvllle, Wl), $1n. Jan. 18, 1919. Jullus Relmers and vife te Chas. (losmviiler. 1-acre lot Village et Prairie Vlew, Wl), Il. John Griffith and vitp to R. R. Bradley, lot 29, Rose Torrâce Sub.. Lake Foreet, Wl). $10. Jan. la, 1919. W. T. Sullivan to Ora Sharp, lot 170, Sbawm fIrst satb., on Fox Lake, Wlder Tannlng Ce., to Grieoa. Pfleger Tanning Co.,. eh and nsv tannery proporty at Waukegala, Deed Staanp, 3900. Archie Gibson to emn CurI, lot 17, block 1, Burnett'u Aid. ta Laite ,villa, QC., $800. Estais of Sarah D. Rave. dec'd. ta A. J. Daggltt, 8. 25 fi-, lot 3, OUI) af Malck 4, Burcheil'e Bab., iai- vood and north 1-2, lot 19, block 3, Wreun'm Aid.. 10 Highlandi Park, Deed $1. Est. et Sarah D. Houe, diec'd te J. A. l)aggltt, iot 2. (e«. N. 33 tt.) and lot 3 (ex. a. 50 fI.) Sub. et block 4. tu Burcbei'm Bub., Highveed, Deei $1. Jan. 14, 1919. W. H. Johnson and vite te D. T. & C. B..Alahuler, S. W. corner onese and Clayton atm.. WaukOgIi WD, $10. E. W. Butterfieli &ani vite Hm3e- ry Hartke, lot 4, blWi 3,8.Chauesl Lake Bluffa and "ad agJÔWMng Deeds, $185. Jan, 15, 191IL H.L E. Martiand ifos te T. IL Gray, cg fi. lotout cf Jaclcu ut., acuth et Belvldorel et. WaUkmi5II, W» T. E. Gray a ifste H E. ILMar'- lin, lot 4, Adi. te Mr*~UUatAid. WaukeganWl) $1. Fortune Broe. Brevini Ce.. te Amuaa ortu% ns, t 1.1, blk 2, Pryersm ob., Northit élOMQG. $8500. Mar-poie B. Pftchér ai huaben to Amuie . U rrows Purt lot78 I. H. Eartet m idvifs te Massa Me1mo.ý lot 4',-ble S. Viret Ami. 1 gaa leinne.Hilitnd Part~ MARRIAGE LICENSES Jas. AL Sanilper, GreatlLakue, 116; nlasal A. suâth, iomhlaoe. 20. Raymiond 1D. »«% hbtomge,81; DOM W. Mcci, m»arn & Ferdinaind olshelmer, weloaa Wla.. U0; PaMUne Ice."me. 4L lmohari U31« lvaukm,38; Pb%- ne Cosote. »mrne.0. ~ob. A. Steves, oblosso, 38; lA- verne ML Plcopoi, Mllvackse, 233 Albert X. Klrcdie-n, glanus. 26 mUOL M lhlas.1]W If~rei J. 0dmà, Milwaukee, Z7; AdUen.aRhemua, qame, 1». OIuatW. Johaaen. Detroit, 26; Glanch I&. Thomnas. Milwaukes, 21. Alez Rm, oebkoah. Wla.432; TUlle Prlbb.rnow. saie, I. Pau, semealr. OtiegoMidi. 26; Hubla Foots. Carli&iePu., $7. Michael J. Rlckey. Chicago. 21; Kils. E. UrdinanuGrayalako, 30. Thom-asJohnsou, Ke.aala, se; Peari M. Rapp, oamneS& Howard 0. FaIrfatý Cincinnati, o., 33; Florence M. Haines, Chicago, 3q. Jas. Payne. lwate.1;Luri- la Landon, marne, 24. John A. Poterson, Zion City, 22; Wlnlfred T. 'Forby, samie, 22. Robt MB Taylor, Kenomb, 31; 'la. M. licCann, smre. 22. Jos. Soukup, Mu~aukee, 28; sa- dle Sherian, Manlotîque, MIcb., 2s. Miko, Mursia, Milwaukee, 24; Haz- el Ohm. msone, 20. IarrY Gilloy. Kenosha, 36; Allie King, uane. 3L. VAL Raseb, Mlwvaukee, 29, Ella Roomer -.maie, 29. Mitchell Soto ,Milwaukee, 33; ElI- ion Kllott, sane, 20. W.. E. Klug, Jefferson, Wi., 28; Erna Rockmtrob, &mre, 29. Leonard . Caspar. Mlwaukee, 27; Agatha Gregori ane, 24.. -ToM Merlo, Waukegan, 22; Jase-, phine Zannetine, Chicago, 19. John l. (Campbell, Mliwaukee, 21, mima 8.Smih, smre, 39. Tileron IL M-ainvarlng, Chicago, Il. Bombe Berger, Richiand Center Win., 21. John Tagliaetti. Kenouba, 26; Roule Simone, ane, 25. Freedfek -. *Adelson, -Wankegan, 31*. Clara Morri on, sane, 20. EsLac I s, Great Lakes, 25; Mar- le Orllcb, Chicago, 18. Win.P. Nehrlng, Pardeevillo, Win., 31, Vivan Blahop, Portage. Win.. 22. Frank M. Brovnoll, Kilborn, Win., 27, Dorothy- Nordhola, West Salon:, Wim., 31. Clarence A. Nlesen, Wau'<egan. 21; Elua M. Poterson, saie, 19. Gp. iH. Ebert, Mlwaukee, 25: Ver- non Mavtza, mrne 20. Herman I<eln, Chicago, 29:ý Hen- rietta Rîngler, ane, 21. Alvin Baumann, Si. F'ranclm, Wis., 21; Eunlcs Benton, Mlwaukee, 21. Oscar Petermon. Great Lal<ea, 24; Agnea Kilroe. Tomahawk, Win., 21. Chris NlIelsen. Hartford. Wtt., 3?; Neutte Vou, NaS4Us.I . l ]PetMU Xtueima&Wau*eewn s1; AdfO ptuovekis. mW , .a Titi» Uoksla. Womkeg&34 SI;IM. Louia Elle, &Mflas*e, 3U; made-- lin. Nickel mame.4. Paul Paul, 3.Mivaukes, 34; M4r- ATVERDUNÀN Ivan Gustafson Toes of Exper. tenoes Just as Wai Cloes- Was Gassed and Wounded MEETS BROTHER IN MARCH. Ivan 0. Guataron, Weil known Wankegan boy vbo lu lu Francs, bam written blm mother, Mrn. Oscar Oua- tafeon. 1811 South Victoria et., la wrbleh he tells 0f hetng vounded and of hlm bkt Into GormRnaY. lie la vlitthe auplY OOMPanY ot the 121h field artllery. ia letter 18. edated: "Gerrnay, Dec. IOt." And. the inhular part of his pres. teue abroad 'la that ho chanced tu meet laway ever therell bis brother. nuataf-.and ho vtltes back telilng et the meeting. And. thon -Guutat ame vrltft home teillng of accldentally meeting Ivbn flore le an extr-act tram Ivan's lot ter: 111 th1n.i you vouli be glad te knOw a littie af my hlatary over bore bo- fors 1 gmt back no 1 -111 tell You when i vas wounded and alea wnere 1 met Oustat. Wben i flrst carne te France, 1 vas sent te the Verdun fron; fro. there 1 vas tu the battis of Chateau Thierry or tihe second battle et the Marne, as they later called it. Promn there 1 vent te where I1uw» gaaued and vounded. i vagsment te Parla for treatment. Lot- or 1 vent dovu to Bordeaux. 1 later rsjolned ry nytâlt at Mount Blanc Ridge on the Champagne front and later 1 met Gumtaf on the Argonne front where 1 vas vhen th. armia- tics vas lgned. Then 1 met hlm again and wben I tarted on the hike for Germany. 1Iwvas l sglum and Luxemburg and nov I amn On the vay, vbero. i den't luow. But 1 hoe othat IvWEI moon heoOn my waY te the Good 014 States. 111 bcesot- Ing my Christinas dînner ln G":r. many. Gormany mure la a pretty country." Guetafm Experlenco. And horo'm ubat Oumtat mays ln hm4 wtlà.1h T. A. miS 14v oe t der et lvm W aboe vUlle an hemai MWM.E. talkei t aMurnsu i lathe at erne i oe OeI Dana wlftSallo r a b r LaRnes, assêea ay atSti lb in Hsitai bonne he deatma te B Oreatam dkes th"aavtt, age, c Wa il à-, vana Sit, ho datth e Crut onCbiotnaa mv..rda The dounget theor oetiinSd& musa aoupt l%-ZAankivnlm e m liii. Spwift. agdv3.of d mb pnYo nia.w Hl cndon Ihe uns e er liua Mhtm bmether nIMMh.rM&m born hrmtasov. Ts ese i The Yongrain bld ontte oath dn"abou ahe iid o i eng as n. uial. Hia fantion1 4 hm ae vse ii louelo thbis mother andter o bhremtmas da tbsybut hlm aIe b die the it beo. They el t tbis heeider Blttant uiotks, . ceeantomaionsthe mote. dery. The dnhe rs er son se m uart Heathen Waukm ad e umII Dar anb ey tvhel stn a ol n be- eda ter.smtesenioLC Ahritmv daym otho cenld itice dithe yonghmaboce Iore cr111.tb cal. Frthe olait tre ay e taIS-o Te elie Swiftay ndraterno Thped tromas acmaI to ea rom aInxs et hl etmonshomo. be Speedy Service to Chicago VIA THE NORTH SHORE LUNE. Travel over the North Shpre Une when you have occasion ta go ta Chicago. You can reach the heart of Chicago's business and shopping district in plenty of time for a full day's activity and get back to Liber. tyville in good Urne the same evening. Lirnited trains connect with the "U' expressata Central' atreet. Evanaton, which make only two stope 80 thc loop. Running time to Chicago, only 1 hour, 43 minutes. Q LIMITED TRAINS FOR CUICA4Io LiIITEDSEIYICETO LIBEETILLE Tramns leave Libertyville every Trains leave Evanston at 6:19 a. hour frorn 6:25 a. m to 11:25 p. rus. and every hour thereahter un- in., making close connecions at till11:19 p. m., making cloecon. Lake Bluff Junction with Milwau- nections at Lake .Buff junction koe linited trama and Evanston with the Lietv1eCarm.On - enPreea trains. On Saturday sE.- Saturday afternoons, Sundays and turnoons, Sundays and Holidmys Holidays theemi a train every 3o thee ia a train every- 30 minutes, minutes. For further informnation apply to- the- nearest- Office of the NOR TI StJfORE LUNE3 cmo 6WuiAdam, kasol Pas. Catral m Libetyvife Piaimue Sation Phone. LI.#tvIla 74 Milwaukee 19 Suemd 8«@«, Pimea Graud 113

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