etyville Independent DCTPOI& em: O~i~ ndenen -Wauq iW"dy &M la an adirecs d@Uve1 at*Déco, Offi1ce Telephnee Number I. LibertyvIllOExohange. the àUc 1ftI Cf of lWr, Âttoere am the, poatosasce t LbertrrAlls, DI., ms Second Claa Mai atear G«nEdu'ia'iBrundagl e clvcred __________________________________ uam vas cadae ut4e Milat n. Offiçial Publication for The Village of LiberivyllIe. &uni M ill(uc«M "ta on Dre- g h vw Im aU,.fer Lake C ety Boar fet up o vlmereP reel.g. t a terv ai dudithm t hm UeiTh= dy. AdvertieingBatea Mode Known on APPUosUoen. bohard * »M hpatn cf Uic ocn- ~~PTION PRICE. 01.50 PEN VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANC! t ne Usajoke en B"olaAm med ~.4.SMITH............................................................ Editop mowlng hoy Important itig to the 0p. SMITH..... . ........................................................... Mètegr qara ",*fu tcloo. ce nqlel WU. ECKHIARDT............... . . ............................... Local Manage thencauto r 0-f dur lawi whleh -sas .the hïtcgrty et our notion. Some o f thea Importasse,«ethte addrema, an pcrtaing ta Our future hbandng et tbt -bi t nenie;ft tg gve. bercymütol n.l Enforcemtent cf Lawa, UF toplo migbt Iim e a 4uplre ta goftrite tecbnlcalle of the 1mw and ta sieo broad eànuih ta be- gin vitis a discussion of thec (m- mandments of Moses. I do mot, boy- HOW ONG OH OW ONGever, intend te tresPassto that ex, 130WLONG ORHOW ONGtant upon your hospitaiLty Instmsd 1 News item from New York: '"Upward" wil be the vill toucb ln a hurried and 1 arn *urd of women'as kirta and shoes this Spring and SUM- afraid1A na rmbllng way.upon laws3 M« la the consensus of more than 300 delegates to the dvduasbu a.ntin as we\<l. ýp1nal convention of shoe manufacturers. -Women'Os Smo inc hebglnntng of civilization ,*Irta vilneyer again reach'unsanitary lengths. Bloomt enbvefun csSr or i irN n shlort ekrts, vhich vil mean comfort, wiU be in tain raies for their civil ,ccnduct. ýdsmand ln the future. Snob rules were generafly founded _______________uPon the Inherent sense of justice. No ondr popl ofthi contr ar toay ispayThee rules by CUstom ln time be- No wnde peple f tis ounty ae tday ispay-Cause laws and as civlizatlon or Du- WIm extreme disgust because of the fuctthat MnS. Mabelle man Improvement bas adranced,8 Poey, Vife of W. B. Cory, the steel magnate, is sooni te bas the MaXlng o Iaw buen ilike. w*8ia a ]Russian Sable coat valued at $75,000. In these O et .. Peus t 9her historyThe P-?times certainly it is that no woman should have the civliation of thse perlod la indIcated veara cat hichcoas 5 muli muey sus,-bY thse character of t laws, pavne tiIIed o o t iher aysso m ahmc> $70 The trial bywg'0of isattle te- M»cmb uiisdif used Chrwy, vobld acng other flected thc superstition of thi nlddle fSg:bfld a flue achool bouse; or -it would buildi a 40 ages w1hAh fanced aDivine provi- k* slip; or it wouldi buy 7,500 tons of coal;,or it vould or thse test by fire of vttnes.es1. the MW tii president's yearly salary; or It would clothe 500 belle! that truth wOuld cause hands WM Ms a year; or it would bny tbree thousand $25 coats; tn.ernerge usardfontefae ci à would huy 750,000 baves of bread, aud all this, Ma- âe. the beartlessneaa of thse period boUol tii former actres, l going te put on her bacii i the c e thered fio- th-e ruthl:esn- o~. f a beautiful coat. Cma you beat it? IMn. C0017n «' o cthe uienust aaytemd ~olgmoney away in this manner vile other vomen of Jurisprudence visicis bad travcied of*$coutryaredoig thir esttcrelevethe suffevbsuwa along journey n Aie deevlopment.i fti.coutryare omgther bttereleTehe CmmOn ~Law Of England. bazedi Mdi dlutre of the, var tricken countries. It in recalled UPOn thse customns of thse Engisi i MO&Ït vas Mabefle Gilman who caused the break between People. brouglit to us a love of libcr- Puy and the vite vIa had stood yul him for so many t>' and thse knowledge tisat through4 pmruvile lie wuniknglt fortune, and now Mabelle Plilrm Fathers ismd acarcely landed1 W upedlng it ln bunehes. A pict eo! the coat appears on thse bleais shores o! Uic New Eng- à* " e Sean tdayland vise. a govornment vas estab.1 i~ pge eve wua.___________ iaied and Ils formn va based upon1 equal rlgbts ta aU. That was thek Âccording to thé Highland Park Presa, George B. basic Idea of every settlement ces loues, of Chicago, member of Patefit Attorney Tirm, has abisheà 1 -n thse ilderness. It vas1 lu detns etthis Idea thse Americani Ifly Utepiau idea wvidI provides for the removal of the COlOt9tattook up arma against tiseir ândeà capitol firomu Washington te a point on the North neOther country and galned for tien- ÎÎ betveen lake Forest and Glencoe. 1Mr. Jones re- dletnth ion.Tiia Rpbe a ne. i ,Sl pictured the vhole change before thie. engineers longer than an>' genuine RePublic or ~dIlsln asocatin o comere o Chcag an shw-Dcmocracy o fthe aat because of! on asocitio of ommrce f Chcapand how a Mstem of veil ordered liberty,à Olt * members very carefufly drawn plans provlding for UPPOtedb>'tie viseat Instruments 1a removal. There ls no question about it that NIf. of government devlsed b>'an b~slas plctured a very beautitul Spot for tlie National Thse cetury and a bal! of!u a tnal eistence s thee etory ' of a >ýl ad thelocaion mdwaybetween the Paciflc and wton d erfJ ul progress and a splenffid Ë*Uel coast la surely su Ideal one. The only thing is ProsPerit>' made Possible b>' politi-1 bsthe Capital neyer vil be moved tiere or any place cal equality, equalil>' befote thse iaw1 leunis. ar ondtins ecesitte t.It looka as A test, thse greatest since Its Indc- Mrg N. Joues has gonie te, a lot o! trouble vhdi hwiil Pendence, nov confronta the Ameri.- MOer nvail nything. Hovever it 18 nice ta have dream% (!tiseple.ns inl ed neetransi-e Wf Ihis kind sud vlule it vould be a great thIng for thiq lion froni var to peace, thse financial il F1101. North Shore te have the Nat*tonal Capital tras-commercial and social readiustsnont,3. !; id heïk, i, L f t -gested that nobedy begin naking more thn nmillins of! ives and o ka oads .1-1t trd on the strength of Mr. Joites, more tisan two hundred billions ofg s~uzdtion. It von't be lu your lite or in your treasurethp crippled and thse mai m- Y Ii~4qn' tht h hanvoud bebrogîted, cal! fr new social standards aidi 4&q «st a,pçh ange-would he dvbrisoe-anion Ateea charge la more -than -ten bAllon5, a A Waulkegan man who today heard about the cov in _ee_ impossible o! payaient. Thsev R~~~~~~~~~~~u~~Ovn olyhvn en"eld he nEdrli ad i0f Ibse perpleing ilancial b CiguCit haingbee "hale'l hen n Ederlai hads nd conmAc questions n order to m ipon lier, declared, "<This reminds me: I notice that plans Inaure te thse future thse blessings, we.- oee belng made te move the National Capitel from Waah- have enloyed n tise past requîtes thser, mosI careeul thioughl of American Ai b*gtot the Northi Shore. Nov then It strikes me that it attsmn vOeid le a good plan te move Kankakee to Zion City." Wtese p' ie vt.uc do quence, n April, 1917, ve 'vere goIng il Into var 10 make tisevorld sale for r Thisla reatsprngveather-but vhat about ice? If Democracy. Our battise nov la to b frlgldsnap doesn't corne soon !ce vil be as precious neit make Democracy Bafe for tise vorld. ti wmra coal vau this and last vinter. The situation Us ls deadliict toe la not aulocracy, s ffards Ice is really becomlng serious, but liberty frcnzled.n Pour Yeats mgo tise broad expanse i o! the Alantic led man>' Americans w Park for a practice Rame. Tiseteam ta belluve ve vero Immune frone tbe work f ourtiretefects o! tise var.- "It vas 3,000 a wor ofou fiatteam vas @uperior 10 milen ava>'" sld tis e ainta. Too 1Hg chool Notes tisat of tise second teane. Tise Highland man>' Amerlcans toda' are nnocent. cIE Gott, Edtor Park. coached remauked. bat tise ]Y oblilyousta tise deep menaclng ai QL a Goi, Edi rL ihrtyvitle boy s outplayed tissr bo ys §tir o ! social revolution, 80 tranm ez- al An3 many respects and that our boys dâqal>' protentous toaIluropeang. ti Prial igh th Sobamre D.coid bave won tise Rame eaeiiy f îiiy Tise RUssiaii empire la transposed tc a wi t a versiht i e Sphor e. @ bai iM ore chiity te maire baket. The froul a ralm O! autocratie zpower ta w mu hs Tt>'Dir prty Tse sore vas 82-20 n Derfelels favor. a realm o! social dea, visicis refuse et ammie abutelgito'ciat-k Tise Liberlyville Lamber Co., kindly to be confined teA t. boundaries. fo bronaht Intotise Auditorium 1îresenîed tise studeuts vith bookiste onlcanob afkelytaccelf-gover neatdp ttreesIn9gRames vere plbyed. îiieWorîîjWar. tir. Rayurgeoaa m an> dvnot; nl., af pur ccDlent ln à -tam oek ligisl refreisment@s orf - asem"wilo l t.«u"Y e.-Pope2 arcn-l-trtw othteas enasvei a al tsestdents suddpnlv fretd from the tyrmny of sa au Wm afers e-crs served. From to read tisen. We vus 1ta thnnk tise autocrac n onr*e b'ts Obven.alîry social dnin'a1Ltte o, o1A.ui otrblon sorr o advatîontecannotelf *emalc heing furnieised t' lMiss 11 nort hior>' contest for thse Annuai tise lte mpanlng of liberty.Toa Bake s acryon '-'hoas A. An emaCodAnorIts inctri tAi . lov r heirmlstan ntion, lian>' eans ust B &ed . Wa nd , o s nbie 50stoI ries v ine s icd h hand ud A o bve tts vnTn. o am p Ë* ore u inrvrkm.nd,-. latyuea o on't Atfieimois aen cntocatiertyrean- fc boe ilg falth a mie Imm octe; a uppred phbtaiatus O AL- 0ar a n8 £r W, 110t ofes oni perSoft atiVo- ait gula me surerîcun *ausa o m odbidns o re m taftm v e t!> alieveaod whoies Alamebarioa loite Mdte tbave ai-" 1 erm. lmsd0teolsà"o tort agora A n Th ou nnanO!'tla iso- e lât a a leson te dls a ch 1no! ORs e- io---- dn liso Y tain m le aua theiiiaprJlilu Md acaseVai teltu>Wu. Brea' tcin81ve1m.Gies iSatci or saineanaIduAtrisitu-beemaelo- nbavtie aIlonuepisanfa 1boudi. n atslie ma 0f u areat tousuotei b7s. sririt rouUS, 1 ATD.T e odLb on> spple*.ee o il lnt la patto! boy ut 1 bce pojuoiSes ~FORnuSE-i f0impanuar0pre. rt toi iit. tiseandreth is ît . WU I odit o ne alntewo ermfll, ec.1 i fO o La Vll.Foait dIn en ;or aecikerf. atbion-'ln apu, bute sue Wcving«Uly sur. ad î bidig. o pie n &hicsm 'e f ial ntghta and requarendAere" 0 Ifflgoeraet LthnWa, s- e teme. ver>iuptate ousesn opp-oimtunto etus doctries.Wu 14»n0nein-lga iista n bre lîcandpStcoesrond02,500. 18.0If, 84,000 fuItO tst moiarafthleusareslnvoadueibavte «rsn a tis sat .t. Hardig,0.A7rest, ni. Ail eRuaent wrstil fl anud vl Uprefla-brp iout ,-, l e. demmla logmd 1 io> oatd iicsisa > uo aceloied or ld, izolyte 0 re rtnder 10 b erannth e dho plu 1 Oa SAi E isov yrîlop lotsanyd omui lns~toa Wtaidred ifllOv Mdnt a ue t eace1c4ncludei vîtit EdviAusti. ire. 1G rti.hore tise dfo lrI Mouh e mandoIue 10 as- basa ma" a t htisa earl eol noobî n ma. o. tio111la*9 loAiindas rmomenf w»t Anorir.<t4tastora puasanîr« 00untlfes favma thA- il"ni Idusreialotlie@inandv un- te aNTEi f-ooygegoo An euiloda sPes.ofusticeandeor ne prati rby ut .bmoicmeni a. ra or visl a haeu o offer' Our libuerty. yThvseoue flot 100k bn- u. Lya elvreetca. Iia s . 0. Ni Ber, 2 81 r kl Faven,. tycendindivrdaala. Gcman>' An.dIs- l i. >'. 21 undr mei ou àlsde aisl brt ma>'ut sud-.W w.ilW â deh> c mes qa vius mian qul mnd b'ola±itetse velI etsi; abiiu &vad Oieer Seue O 4ebue ieat>itg vLouab etproeul nd a id rugta cf itoratn lbaertisrougis t rcsf 025 .180,840, fitba blour isanat tlareng 1011o bi -tw e o! an lna evthrl"t84FORtA,00,-H750ten $sr5ngerAie Judies o th oldword, inornt> f surener t hopermnen. Weblinsoeiuarw tvaumiles nt our iàutW ns ad redy t fo o mpsin g a is ouc1.ecn l 'nAo Piso wn 945t-n.,Phoe1D.cNerth o e1 q tlae Uins ct>' deai og c telu s->' er. y ated10tie fedrerci govaeoWukCo.a kl' sevo ledte manfscu' u a. lig ment fr is e etthâtconuct Ui visia taodl rveakd me!. Ila. Theae rigi ire 'ver.1101 perun- cerdfroag rv nFoia trar retraut re rpelentte u h>a rre nd e i ite a dconeanânzor-20 rfo a sense o Justic and ou conce ti se>' ar eteere ntis are kor ts ds. rsoru- bv yut Of oflion lava Ye v er. vmed andetlokseir n cmr nterosrac sh.P .8 ecr 18Ee laeu. forceinhe nlutemo or. nbordeertutio ndcf ui ationalG Mon CiBARAy. OR Y te discren 11 aregaciatlpopulation rmlanin ai- fodr m breodavilencersnipEmat S. egant o!e crodluneceseor >' LANE s - - deLouis om aad icpice o! s m istaisn teou iom UotIe egisA o Adeaet lsera govrnannt. ise r eafc t fitertisconal nes bo aur potating o! neira ro mIS aull ante anie o ncequtragawrdFRS = .spitr is te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'h relaetie lenvokenfna îig oui htat oflava purtainng0Sweet FlCrnronMiOrangesn tse alie$a itte alrtunig s t ei tisey CMOlte -15 n euati 0f tra n P hoe95--r-edDce, t1 navtied l an a ripa AndAt.lagettaon are oe ratu tesîcii v e n- per dOzB . ... ... ..-St nlest rielatearaprejdIt acTiy As large wîneweraap pema prjuice bas otersd eakadnti.erAtie te>el rmnn>' 6 " Ap es2 aici b>' goaine f ic unongAnorier cal srr n isre cond te on c rp Fut fr I tise mgratin o! e n ioam tio !orahmqis lae annaheLetuc tincaws poltic v bot d elem en a Tie niiStesisnaonoGR fr It nbeed4 btiale vle andEa t!t e ri aerua1tise »centrolal nrfd eal I to e .. . .. . 1 4 bande o!adth runke ofman ste tal tci ovment. Ail omotr poesfloty cdosf lral g * nt.Thebu- duiar om estAlis te peopl o tor LgCANE'il....1C Pr omti saIof n cAdoents e ro m o t ha- erai atalt he nfi esci AI e a Fi e Cn- T nxa oea I 2 gorpace nthalinennud v fcirncstiee an le b' tse due pdroea o!F thenBla vesttsho, uite o ir- lawOurl 10 etuenrp erinTES RIESF dorairvttesouttpatd remercy.oL «-ttiseSfeeralFgoverlmentnwu1 naesslmois. vilstitci ate nlitsopeagt. ttiertetoso por>"ATRI) ra bthranctlhe lavn fams aton, tr pogranîc to ccl a roat -erd ....... min tis edra ce riso d ien. ati ona megnc3Tiefeealgs-M A1D P Th. a ntinIusi, u caend teIe 001rUtisîssl>'oe. 6lreWn p ApRIC 25 noJisnot rsvian ensdants bcut id tCelai Ained canmcftenunionts i b>' Lavi mur a bte recoi An of GPrk. Loi, R or -. .-.-12cL inadisoncousiethe amWmnois fie ns e- m ica ns imuetrelint - ftisa te Fr h San is L manft ln elpon ol vcueies o flaton ofeO r abateaeYèis - as a. - 23ce wA soali t epltr-G er n pi. a e c frat law. e ln t la notnau Ui E FI Inta Plitnos, tm, oca l ofiIaet s u an Te citzen ts I godainteti osf Ba R un tek. 2 C sisutting he y p 1 tise Ioflationle O! watuyvioats laa c fusi e 21l. rakln Por- 2 strctue onlisne ad ascufer-ho. ubî er usti e Tise agd est Cout2sacSi oracut ted Itiseedliqu rvlve luaote inWd e ltotheedcestat r es o roue tek.1 bat d fa e rotetio n o!vie BAr n il vla t. A ildng. facora nt P tonat e ner........$1.47C confat' gnp-o aeined rsti tisePaeoa ple f t oeLag ef, Alean.....71C ing m dowu ci ete lv iscsmn.t dis- smea t se. niagilse w ie a neo dorate 12 igacvfltsho! cealun o!iumacpr-thie- peouli vythe ie s niuai of, nySta.....3 mrens by sthe uatlan mur-o! wen ote igont, nevly d e c in'oldRa os, en flurepu becaut e nor effct Lvewo-thezed voratis somemoets e rula one TESa RuPCi- leassbt rein-unteforc tndsose ss Wsiis shrtOo nion optbTepr l SA fgx-ih anuj excus le lingau meseai buthonity santdt e us-n t a re tl ,cadsqthe aso lu the eindo . renation thal las-s are e ie ov. RSHFS This vu ksiotwn sisdho teIorc e fr eth et e t h!al acl tisa a vil ussin psnsbASut rierst>' GEw O RGE Amercnitznucnolelb asm bca ies ueujoed WIKI SE or oRoaUILDING 8c polive d fal untrblavs. nd our ies lcnsasdge ti atthel o iii- okShudrRos ,2c Masttons, and aga teb n dert hTein Arig et ipn s met li e t te o! oUi-erbs. .. ..22 ' mlin tea presene pol cm. __________or_______mut__________ure___________. . 23c was sad te b pro-Grmaes. e ye r a s tOlau r a i e tvisco I Abut tisteirpes e te vaoltione- atnyvilt asbeas.Ve l Ing onfere c vAî es galberai ise lîdobt>'ai Iswjuseo lht - 80 mucis! Tise -_or___ epestentthvs e o le s. I isaerue vealtis o! n tion cosis teti Tserabat tegCank'o!... . f ftr e b>' tecetongofvieani o! poplatIonebuilingre the rl it o! ie Pntiodeproibten onr.u.20-22ct1C lien fu. Te uo e. Tea * de- strong a prop e ariedan iiee ea ilia etacrua etrt t naing w te ngs ta a naretionalmuntthe Anreasing hcar e troe stdo.îers on tieqestion.a!."vAnc ife. Na.>' o! ceties oga A n pro10- te sul forexie nediseanguL ieaty aire"a lie.c..e.. 3 ri erlithed >'tisconerenc ed IbO wengoienfontu nlae Tie __________________ L 3 Turoe reIal e o! h effce n lon- tezen as o aga m ore tiseosle isMrauerow!Aîol îmn o!nln the remnanlao! nuis.soluch tio injer>' va oubt te s-honebas oR an on-sevd B lciseAn c pas i oth isvi deasof n o Pricce reluins Main 10 boinersisores. Sh wmd, w. srel k no hucui A n fot. or tua p rcioAn otise en tisr A andd tNur t I4eS, Jn. bst aremdfeî n syhmpatis> erin no bettement. isre is a no stan lfI meitl fo Chco -sl whec BoeIfs1 de. 'The hrrsEemu. o tesvetsd afunc. nvigtGeuo EeRa GEi on reuebe aith inAversalafts ainisd su siopoftar pndn KA- oIngERjoUrn> IsearIvNGbesk Intornsa da gso t r eiv e a juat flic han oris, thteo r e m oi f iint aie oiiproduovetionIltgrateang. eet. Ts ere t oinexiss a :0cwle A ieevnn.--m . btt ees oiae tse vransihe m- lbefn !rce tts o mn in ss pyi . M confr nc ier oathefrdtU ie emta tnd s, viicis ant o dsee, vaatnTotem rrseat! ls ofv pol e o a e tued galtisoftaénaioancs. is ain T e ast eliing roma lna>'Mil- 1be Movr thougstor ise i fr vel- a ha stogavdui. Jrr .w u, nd bai n hectin v of ireAs lotfrlislnlg. el s Puopunlaio! hrtise Midieturoe m. Tisnwe rohmii n Iuly isnt tucva by aItcse srog an oifustlgare re has comteds mai- voniod a ernt aidubr>'som e mIs alu r ue . Ths ep« ae d e uoe rm I r olgtieA opin ie tsat'la Tais h eifr ran enuoa nationl mtis o Isnaea < i dr e priata soi h een mdonh uton of demi . eaf sace~~~~~~~I AstsItsethcpeaa u-deanue-tise fr exitenfebrtaelt upetheinffaI is te PoSierinm r. ais> y ofeinte lsisepaenstr elbin ofthea vigounesa ! n-ho it renl c.ghedb H trcd ni vpence yul rerain pf assislaneutec The rarevaitafive o!ntise nation-slin. alsnger e isicistmn>' Misi A aryAder aalsao aîd ocl alnt> Nofl en Tsof engh- veus aplivinl anitabu-a poe may -oba ormillnyiea olls eepro- si enilceuplisI#e ss eat n t omgainatmpreciatio n 5 o ts aegne car essoRe ro s n rse or . anc ietis ce, l Whestpiaîl ari ise iin]onstke aaanlpnosty enthrl es, mosîotitesa ome Sshommu.a-h and provincee muce uici atrio- esvi ettsea cl fU and ulintisewnpvortiNse> a st alt i oier t i as mugt defetn bett enj' tissA ,opèreun shortcu ani e It'a oil fo Chiv a goa al e Rise ivis s e iraT>hom bs- a g ut e b' vsean auneca- e - yoîgt t ban bn e d eofr a facnr e l] r>' ~ ~ ~ Wae tiaanstedlr'di aht pcîib'lt popila e ipedisvup t auea as ls ei aytv tu~ hf o s>auisibl fo tr.uiat1 " i beas eactise ar nu wl in i rou i she Asa illion- in ipse confhipts ope ho e s e- oftans o! on mearltes. . iaIr.matd br e, isl." cari162 faml'cfimr. PbonelS - ave. Lbo Fci, mm . f«& : se«O chaput au bi silo ou. T» mm dnevtuiosmmd i adueiss., ep Zioné twmfti hoo Zlte >. 8 2240pir a7Ca74. fce WANTED-FoIUryounMal iIIIIIIIdauhes. bM4o oLa ras . mfou InA».1111W W.t V.0 B.rAmatiortyvile 288 km-I Aon a mm uto moe B. ail t b.tis lds pdent ampcoffce WANTED-GITfor yugerMi isooeswoefr- Pison 22.4.1 TOUD enémaltlac pueo.olï il lioanui o porter la Cale ort tractîv pe ndenelA A h meief. lAve m etlud tdevtlalng andlo &À ing buyers b aàsale. Prompt aMd Carefui service Aa oui alm. 1THIS WEEK AT. )H MARKET UST Fancy Ohio Potatom, per peck ............39C 4 lbo. Cooking Apple., (Baldwins) .........25c Carrota, Celery 2 lbs. Fancy Prunes ... 25C Chicago Bread...914c Fomato Pulp, per can. . - 6c Armour's Oeta, omali. 12c, 5irmour Qata, large ...28c OR FRIDAY AND ýY ONLY 'RTIW!NT LAMB .eg of Larn6, ..27c Lamb Stew . . ..18C Lamnb Chop ..... 25c, VEAL eg of Veal «....-25C leal-Stew .**20C leal Chopa .........27 SMOKEO MEATS Calla Hama, sugar cured, only one lu customer.2 7C Regulàr Hams, -sugar cure& one to customer-.37c Breakfast Bacon, lean -. 45c 'rnoked Buitta. - .40 DRESSED RARBITS M4. LANE LIBERTY VILLE FOR SALE-HioresWle,Cws, - Heffersand Holsi I aprivat. sde.I W. V. B. ÂMES ADMINI8TRATOR'S SALE Blanck and Froelich, Auctioneera ris. undersiqusi, admiîsrabor of tise Iats of William Aikofer, deceaaedl, wvi .1l at public auctIon on lise promiem, own as tse aid RAiley f011 farne, on. le @et of Wmuconda on Wedandsay. anuar>' 29, 1919, commenclog ait one dock sharp: 5cove, 2 opriagers, balance milikure ad opringere. Ilores, one bay team 'emys old, veigist 1200 eacis; one ray rse, 4 yemra old, vigist 1100. 100 2e5e1s cts. 75 busiseis bans>', 25 ieis viseat. 75 sbock@ corn, l8 buehel. id corn, 8 ton@alsough bia>'. 4 ton: Iala. one stacs of strav. Lots o!f Uns achiner>'.