CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 Jan 1919, p. 5

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I W. Offer the TtM 10-201 'O*P«inO* tbelore aPP'.anag on " emarket., and k Lhm ail 6e features. Her. are nmreof them: Tia 020 develqPS lWi 20 mechanical L P. inte cbekt. 1 tgthe dmwbpsl"- q..*.- P' St WO& eMkwe.-.cormon coa.l il-a fuel savins of dmi Q0 Oover gasoline et promt pucson aM avérag YWO s wo& - . V-- lebu a a iootruning £win-clincer oninle, 06,bore and " Fadamikcmics encla.ed--no dust or grit can cet o ana Bd"8 over drive wheels help ta keep eut d"rt NbLateries meed-uiart and rus on res"" Two for-a-rd spe--dsa 1.85 and 2.50 ings pet bour--ad PoeyerhL Pzile chais drive tocacix teat wLae Tiyns. in i4-foot radius. Handles lik, an automohUe. Powerfulbrakea on b&ih tear wheela, opera±ed by afoci Il i e ractor we offer you. Core ne lMsd lc ko r. T6-if you Cas Gsd a '4otm«r-why. bw k. ID0t. h. See our exhîbit at the Tractor Sohool at the Libertyville Town Hall, Feb. 7 and 8 SCHANCK HARDWARE COMPANY Days Onr ISpecial Bargain Sale for 3 Thurdy Friday and Saturday rJanuary 23, 24 and 25 REMEMBER THE DA TES Telmo Pancake FItur, 2 packages for .......... 25C Sweet Pickle4, large botti'. ........ ........ Bc Fancy Peeled *Dried Péeaclisî, per pound ........ 2lc f No. 2 eau,. Telmo Toniaties. lper vau ........18c No. Il)caui Telîno Mo1a:se:ý. peran .....24c No. 2 c.în Club Hon iis, Vax Beanis. per can ...22c Swan Déwn Cake Flou r, large package .....36c Swan Down Cake Floux', small package ..... .24c I Nucoa Nut Margarine............. ......... 33c 1 MEAT DÉPARIENT Bacon Square4, lper poxîid ..........34c t rankfurtere, lper 14>011(.......................... 23c Liver Sauëage, per poiuîîd............ .. .... 20C Large Link Pork Sauwage. per pound ......... 22c Small Pork Loins Lowest Market Price EÂRL H. CORITT Telephones 339 and 340 - LIBERTY VILLE DAIRY AND FEED AT I AU-CTI-ON, BLANCI< & IFROIELICII, Auctioneers On aecount of not hav ing sufficient help and. un- able to do ail my work, I will seli at auction on mny farm known as the old Henry Seddfler place 3 miles northeast of Lake Zurich and 3. miles southeast of Wauconda, near Lakes corners, on ,SATURDAY, FEB. 1,. 1919 commencing at 1 p. m. shari), the following property.. 43 head of ccoule. 22 milkers, most ail Iresh,E 13 springers, 6 hefers, one and two-1jeer-old, two I stookbulis, one and two- gear.old, this da.rgconsists ofi heavg mikers, mnostlg Iloisteins and home raised. HAY, CORN AND HORSES -500 shocks of corn in field.. 20 tons of timnothg andcdoverinubarn. 10 head general purpose horses wilIl be oflered et public auction or private sale, anqj- way to suit purchaser. Terms: 6 mon ths wîll be allowed on good bank- able notes bearing.6 per cent interest. AU GUST POHLMAN, Proprietor1 LIRRTYILL flDEPIDET THu SÂ,JAXUARY 28, 1919 'Daýw 8Um ý £ U~ ~AYW lroe;u us: i~m:;m::;.rm _ __ .--.----------.--- .~ - y- - Libertyville News 51 Ji you know o! an item ot io"a interest, kindly telephone No. 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Heveral from'he ra atteuMded iGreat Mrs. John Williams and daugbiar, Eva, £ & r/ S~rde Lait" Rsvue ai Waukegan. wa. Wauksgan vistors Baiurday. h r co l!o RioabelI. Hagrty was tbe guest o Mi»s Lusila Paimetier la spendInq @eV- friands la Laits Forest, gaturday. oral days wlei relatives lu Chîcogo. M.thodist-Eplscopal. Mr@. J. A. Moore and dauahter spent a tirs. L. Z. ProtIne and son, Fred of Servies Sunday wlil ha beld as follows: few dais la Waukegan wlth friands. Chicago, âpent Banda>' witb relative@s18undal Y'eebauî alGo 'c lock. Bous Taylfor, of AlIlegon, M leh., le v lit.. here. rahIgsrieut1 'lc.EeI Ing friands and relative.§ lwre for a ehorit ira G. H. Obard, of Austin vlilted! praachlng service t I7:30.lAck.he venic-g tme.1 over Sunda.i at the home of tire Allie servie there wlll be epecial muole b>' the James Gannon ut Laki. lreat, wae a Nîrbolas. choir and Mir. Bradfordoulet. The business vîstor iu thia uit>, Saturda~y Senatur Rodue>' B. Swilt and a part>' public le cordIali>' lnvited. afiamnoon. uf friende diued at the Newc"tile ilotet I"t'a'chlcg Up with Columbus" WIll ha Corp. Fred Smithbha received hlis1,iast uIght. the subject oi tha Epworth Lýea«ue dIscbarged from the army aud returned Jack be bas received his diechargé meetfrig on Sunday eveuiug ut 6:30. to Libartyvîlle. fromn the army and le backInLuiLberty-. Harold Eagemty will lead the meeting. Frank E. Allen bas subi bis hume on vîîké agaIn. Thîs wiil ha a warm-hearted and en. Park A v@,, tu Georgçe Duyle of Deerfild. Dr. J. L. Taylor and Paul, tiacouffin thueiaetlc meetIng rtu wbicb tba public Io Edwin Austin bandled the deal. att.ended the Cenenafi mteeIlu t Or- cordiali>' lnvIted. Jess eus, wbo bas been lu the marine chetra bail Tueuda>' evauîng. Nai weok Wedxieaday eveniug, Jan. 29tb, thora wlll ha a ver>' Important service ai a station un the coast af The Ladies AUé of the M. E cburcb will business meeting of the officiai board of Vrgiola, l4 home on a furlougb. bold a baker>' al Saturda>' afiernoon ths churc bebld at 8:30 a'clock. Ever>' John Meyer oi Wheeling, and hi@ son, ai a. B. Eger's hardware store.. officiai of the chumch le urged to ha John M. Meyer o alli Day, were nusiness tiMrs. John Whiney was called. ta presant. vîsîtora In Lîbactyvîlle "uesdey aféer. , utuawa, Iowa, ful; wsek by the ilines The monîbi>' businees meeting of the noozn. f bar mother who masidas thare. Epworth League wll oh Ld nait week Agent O'Donll, oi the American 1ev. Roani spent Tuesday and Wednesi- Frida>' evaulvg, Januar>' 31* lu the ltafwaya Express compai uft i iît>, di j lu Chicago where ha atteuded the gymnasium of the M. E. cburch. The visit uthli@ former homne i Murre, Cl, eenary conierance o!ftiethodînt ridle- meeting wlll ha callad ai 8 o'cIent and dunday. te. alter tLe business session tLe usual Mr@. Fred Boctalmen îeturned huma Tha local RadCmoss bas recelved ordersesociable wlillha Laid. 8aturda.y tram tLe ticAlister Luepîtal tu lotaek kniting neediea." Alilthe The Sunda>' achool Teachars' Training wbere @ha underwent an operation twu kniîîiug now ont muat be turned tu b>' Clasa wlil ha beld next Monda>' evening, week ago.. Februar>' lot. Ali serape uf yaru are at tbe borne of Mikse Ida Wbeeler at 8 The W. C. T. U. wlll meet at the humea8aed ta h. mturned aiea. o'Clock.. Every minember le nrgted ta of Mrs. L. fil. Sbauct on Tucaaill ter- The bigh ochool orchestra laieo furuteh noua, Januar>' 28. Tapir if the meet. ruuaic ai iLe meting of tLe Farmers lu- ing le ta ha "Scienifin Tenîj.emanue.' tie ibis evening. AltLough the or. Fred Pratina, a former Lbartyville eboetma boas piaod for sevtral echool boy, wba bas beau Bt tLe tGreat. Laies affaira, ibis la ihaîr firsi public appear- Naval Traiing Station, Lac received hie, aura ibis sesIn discbargeanad returned ta bis Lame lu The Fould& Miling Company' made an Chicago. sipmant oi 776 cases of egg nooies,-- Goa atan, lu attamptiria ta board a lmacaroi and vermnicele. tiithe west t North Sh'ore Elenirin .'am hitiamning. noasi of SeuiL AfrLna ibis veet. Ibhis 1s tell, twIstlng LI§suaille severeîy. iHe'waa tha bqdnlung of a new bualuas araetfor unabie le proceed wlîL bis tril, but tLe them as tii tradte Lba beau tormneri>'Bnp. ex tant of hl@isnîury bas nos yet beau pliad b>' the EnglbeL and FrenîL, and iht learued. aiao planes Lihartyville ou tLe map for business ln farelgu imade. A trip ihruugh Anumber ot youug peuple trîîm the inntor>' ai tLe nliling plant show@ Llbertyvillie ware lu Highwood, Satur. that cleaulinesa la une ofi the big items day evaniug. wberae> aeysisted iu a ibat thy animre. Even the air the>' u renepilon given lu tLe M. E. chureh of lu the dry-!ug procSg, la ibaroughi>' %bat plane ta the soidiars juet rtiuri,.d wasbed belore itlmî pumpe'd tutuîte dry-. frmniFrance. Tha>' report a leneant ing couin.A i g lucrease lu orders for tinte. thforeigu trada ls axpeci.d anud no Word bas beau receiveil from Mtrs@. W. ouhthiîr expeiatians will lie tulflleld. A. Prutirie, a ho was aecouui.rîied i,>' IT4 g rinl 4,îîw waa atterded b>'au). Mir. atir Mr@. George Cooper, that tie>' ovei flo%%i rg roi' d on Wdnesdny alter. Lad nrrlved eniel>' ai St. 1'eteraburg rion anid .u.ry ,nîjoyed Learnir tMr. Fiorida, and that everythiug l@ b, eut- tirîiitaL. wluu sp<k.' ou cooperative live- fnl tha air la full o! tLe peafume ofi etuci. alîlpuici'm. iiid aIs e a.addreas fowers. gi en by Mtr.T !'on na.aperatlon. John Lce, 1014 Washington 'retu, Seratur sv, iil!e. . a et h îcetin)g. hms Uivedlu Laike count>' Cicr Thei,. cîilîli- of! wriiî jare fâne and 1M. years. He vas barri lu Llbt-tm '.11 Vaiin. cp. to Lavecomae photo.1 Novrmber 28, 1849 and bas li-l i> graphe miken of il,,. interior ai tLe Audi.! the cauut>' ever sdace. fIlebrothler, rî,luîu and le ýLI, .îîlt tasLow abat a DanilletiLibertyvilie, vas ber'lijr. plendid aLoviuig ,ifair ofljie iind rau Lîbertyvhlla June 2, 1847 and Le ai o 1I l iven i it trti x lIb te evening bas livcd hn the coulnt>'ever sin' o. tir. Tiffany ila..~Preideni o! tLe Jtm Wetmome, oi Chicago, Las rtucned !Lîiîiuis Traiing 1, aui tor Wumau talied ta Liberty ville aud resumad hli@duile.1as ou L oebIi.~ e rlîgtn chie! m,,cbanir lu J. Bruard', Lîberi>'- and Mibre Miay Mnî"puybard tu(Inchld v lle garage. JIM la a ephew 0o! Cu le Mal ms Ca i i- ar d u n.le Moes Wetmore, the e ctwbile jils- u 1Ieea u ia pnilticiau. and hie graphie announ ut OM LIa trip@ lu vamiolie lande proves hlIn ta iCAI CLUB ELÉCT 'ua vrrthy -eton a;- iiiotrlUus FIESM NA IH fdiil>'. FIESM NA GH This eveuuig tLe Farest Praserveanird the. Audubon Society' wlll Lava charge ut the Fermera' luelitute smeeting. Eveet L. iillard wlll pretilde, lntaoducing Jens Jenseu and 0. M. Schantz, speakers o! tLe :evenlng. Muaic' wliI ha !nulaed b>' tLe igh oçchool orchestra. This la cure ho heanu ineerastinîr meeting and ehotild ha well aitended. Mcr. and tir@. Jerome E. Bater uf 3iexino, IN. Y., vliimtd thair aun, ic C Ni Fuller, aifew days ibis week. tir. Bater la Vine Preeldeut and Seeratar>' ai tLe Wilsan Canning Ca., a! Mexico, and came ta Chicago as a delagsta toi attend the cauulng convention bld ai LaSalle Laid itbis veek. The>' lati Weduaaday eventig for LasAngales, Cal., whera îLe>' twill apeud tLe ramaIndar of tb. ainter. Last luthe dmadge Ironi the gravai plit waa maved and, In tLe caurse oaItle joarne>' h raveled acrmathe Faim gronnd, dlsrsgardinu fanesaand simlar obstructions. Ih bah ver>' ai toasetLe Fair propari>' as a public ihoroughtare. but tLe lest cnulderation tirat nauld h. expanied was tirai tLe damage ta lthe fonce wauld be rapalred. But tLe sad tant romaine that tLe tance Las neyer beau rea-luiî. Au important meeting ai tLe Liberty. ville Auxiliar>' of tLe Red Cros la ta h. Laeid ai tbe muums Frida>' aftenoon, Jannar>' 24tb. ai 3 o'rlack. Ail membeas are umgod to attend. TLa purpose a ibis meeting be ta dacîda boa maur Franch arpbanstibis auiliar>' wleshd ta support. The malutaineura ai ana cbild amaunts ta $36.50 par yaar. The Laie coanai>' capier Las beau asied b>' bead. quartera ta support ana Luudrad war arphaus and al the auxlaries under It are aaked toa asumà thaîr abnee. Mia. J. B. Morse ahi expîannthe plan and ias dtails and h la boped tbat a large nuom- ber wIli attend thîs meeting, At a reglar mcîuî.ý,c ul the Lii.ertyIlîe 'Commîercial Cliii'. hld' lu their chambers, ioridny eveniLig, th, tllowing affinera were elected ft iimîuing yea: Chane§,larrett, pr-i.deut. Chacles F. Sutale, Jr.. cecrinba-'. 44 . E. Davi-er, mrensurer. The club im lu a [ealthY condition aud and prove, tu b. quît a paient fantor In prîînotiîîg the u li lf cteaof Liberty. FAREWELL RECEPTION TO SEAMAN GEORGE STEDMAN The cabinet ufthîe Epwamtb League iandered a farewcîl reception ta George Siedmnan, Monda>' aveniug ae tLe m. E. cburcb. Mr. Stedwjan, Who bas beau borne ou a brief furlough, lait Tuseda>' tom New Yorktlu reaume hli@ du tieo. on tLe U. S. battieehip Wyoming. The pari&@a ai the cLarcli Wera bandeomel>' danoated for tLe occasion, roses andi .Amtarinu Saga ehading îout promilnent- 1l i he decramioie. During tLe eveuing, Mm. Stedman gavae a tali o n bis xparieeuesn a battlsehip an iL. bigb eous. Fred Protine gave an Iuierestiug tati on u et Gri Oeat Laies@ Training Station. Corporal Fred H Smith gave a graphir acaunt oairortne wart lu the art>', and Richard Slchannkr,i a taSai ln tha e ertlld-43hialdshligb anhoal deflned the wîrt anS duties of B cadai. Supper was served b>' the riembeme aif tLe Langue andSan muet delightlul eveulng was paseS, ail joinlîîg lua iebIug the sailor "boa voyage" ou lis trip- SHOE REPAIRING We Dow havea s ir5tains@ho@ rapair: man. Ladies wori a sipecalt>'. Aili ladies solas atitched on.RaN.Sih Sunda>' ehoal 10 a. m. Pluaiead nerits aI ha a wardad lu a union meet- nu aifail dapartmeutà. il a. m. Preacbing. Tapin ai sermon, 'Carryluit Our Crosses" At ibis servira Lae new Hanar Roil of the cbumcb ail be dadicatad. 7:80 p. m. Frescblng Tapin o sermon, 'Relligionoai ppearance vs. Religion ai the Heart." The firsi ut a serlee af Z _______________________________ MONEY TiO LOAN ON IMPROVED LAKE COU NTY FARMS AND ON ACCEPTABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY We invite the inquiry of those desiing t boroow rnoney for contemplated purcha es of new properties, for the improvemnent or stockirig up of present holdings, or for the renewal of boans fallirîg due. Prompt Service at Reasonable Ternis The Firat National Bank Libertyville, un ilCapital. Surplus and Profits ............... $68>000.00 iermons deallng wih the particular Communion at 7:30. problema ot aur pariah. Cburch echool at 9:45. Chriailan Endeavor 6:45 p m_. topin Chural Eucbarlaî and sermon at I "Books That Hoe Helped Me." Prov. Onclunt. 2: 1.9. Leader, MIes Doruih>' Scbanck. Boy Scouts. Friday 7:30 p.m. atcbureb:l DIAMOND LAKE COUPLE MARRY Camp Fira Gîirla ai tha parsonage. Chair pran tice irida>' aveuiugud>.Jna' Prayer Meeting, Wedcn sdn>'avénlng. Un Sundy anay191bhai Diamonal "Our Amusemenis-HOW 'wa ehould Laka,aoccu red tha m arriage ofbMies Peaul choôseîhem."Rnay, youngest danghter otftir. and Mr&. Monda>' evenii>g, 8 o'clock, thera wîîî Ueo. Ray to Raymnd Bristow, aise .of ha a Meeting of ail tha men ai Our DIamond Lake,.tir. and tirs. Lloyd à chnrcb, at the cbureb auditorium for Of Lîbertyville atiended the coupleis f tha purpose oai orgauizlng a Men'@ Iing the ceremon>' wbicb w.. prefomms Bratherhaod. lu the prescrira of the rotative. and a few close frieuda. My. and Mr@. Brtstow Wu part ta makre thoir bame ai Diamofli - St. Lawrence £piscopai. Lake. The Rev.Chester C. 111,. Prlestin-charga Saturda>'. Januar>' 25, Canversion ut Sb. Paul. Mornlng Prayer and Eucbarlot want, Fer saie. oun Bde la 00 111& niu 7:30. Choir practineata 7:30 P. M. DIPENDENT resnch 16.00 pemauS t Thîrd afie Epiphan>'. EBol>'1 weeiy. . 1 j TRUCK BODIES AND TRUCK CABS. closed, or open, for Ford Trucks, wit.h drop and slide windows. Fordson Tractor service bodies and ail kinds of bodies and 'cabs miade to order. Give us your order Satisfaction Guaranteed T.STIEFENHýOER- MANUFACTURER BARRINGTON, ILLINOIS I XHIT GODSDRES GODSANDCORSETSI An item that should be of especial intereat at this time is a new num- ber ini Long Cloth. This is of good body ta fisure wear, but i. still quite fine and of very soit finish, making a very desirable fabric for underwear, etc. It is yard-wide and cornes in I -yard pieces which we have priced very specially at.......... $2.25 The new Voiles for Spring are in stock and afford a choice from wide variety of patterns in both dark and light colorings, The plain colore are also very good this season and the price on ail je most rea- sonable, many of the pieces being priced at, per yard,........ 50C Our Corset stock is in e xcellent shape at this time to care for your needs in the Corset and Brassiere line, AIl the newest models for the various types of figure and some short lines specially priced for closing at much less than present values, I w-W. CARROLL & SONS COMPANYf Phone 29 ~~- - -- - - -- - - - -

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