CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 Jan 1919, p. 6

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OFFE yoair 91t ti poerter c"No *nd1 defi Ilefl size kim da. The isorui theG lna a on- S lsoip daya aniitlh As baisa te be 05top tigate bana Sur a -ACC shalbi maak Mrg. wek air.G Dur f00ili Lat MS..B V»a. tovc gr Pl La, t&81 Quattmoaeé'.dellertiolent -etrthe army anld ba" beeu romipg ut th# bonie e MsWl G. Gaston, 6302 Greenwood avellue. (>ou tY ~ at e wsPolice diaeovered thon tacto thrOugih the «fvoaille 0f a latter Ad- r emd te Miisa Taylor at the Gratin. ~ .. ~Wood avenue addrtaa. The letter IRD:tSÀNO OERaPppantiy had corne trom a amIior ' Great Lakelé. The tationery was âaCONSTRICTOR Ta ltttl recalled recenly re. RESAR from thse Woulcegan hosteau hou"ê kPTURE IN BU CII be ta îOservjco l ter as'ywbn B of 83 1 ' the N. W. C. A. and on the cor- beenln,,servce i thenavywhenne of the." la wrtal"te- h 'ÀhaIe aste Ight of His wa Mucrph tHe Wswt nooutyPhssia B A- . c .U. oMOen Drivl e - Charles Steele for saine titre and EN NIlee ohav enbtrohr.I DAI.TAUAL' as made a C. P. 0. He met Miss EN IN. ADOPT ION1; iicve t have been etrinhg. e -Mi'AN~A11 iI4K Zoulln Waulcegan wbo was a trained a erlgadamn ig surgeon. %isa Zolu went into the tvertises to Find Home for on Fags and Profanity ife as He Unpacks Banl- Red 'Cross work and did service over- . a Namelèss Child. Abfy .YJa.1.Nwta arias ~ ~ ~ Th inS.Sd Soe 5 riendship with the two ycung HESA -fation-wlde prohibition ts a certain- ERED AS AN "EXHIBIT"Y. people started in Waukegan dovel BY N PU O.t h C . U. 'vii tuari Its at-1 _____oped ]inte a courtshlp bter and their - tOftiOo rto cigaret8, gambling andi len abo-cnsrito t p engagment was announced somne Geta Many Calle. profanity. Sa announ ced Mrs. Elia1 an0 ao-ontîortput in mont'i, ago but no plans were made As a reslt af the ad apearing in A. Boole, iepeiet win . w?" asked Ted Goldsmith k o r their wedding. Miss Zoll the Sun Friday, Or. Brown Inbii haîs ve iht preistdertqadi he Great Lakes Fruit cOmPanyle is 1hdsugbter o! one of the oidç-rt rcceived seven teiephone Inquirlca litd Mrs. Boole, "wiii bc hard-rt marnlng1in.Cica o crlg an n eaaa athan ag;aînt gambllng. swearing and hatthehell?!'." exclme.d the ire.- eng IncL 011 the ""bCîao that of a man tram ZMon.otrovlaeau xnyw ena eMr. Iraltott la the el~dt son av Mrc'., The other six celle wore tram wom- Weil ta mon Indulge la cigarots," a, ~ bo-contrîtor lai ST . D.acoetdt f heida Roel ac nd ,$Ooefaithem sccming aincere,! Io:ryaonoM-dossnrittor,. Tbey Ioln tome of them merci>' curiaus-possi a Iaugh and then he tald about .tory wtn taedmronintenion ai fnd- THA n, he ha& a real boa-contrictor restds lu Waukegan. ,bly th the rentetreion of fSP13LMA iGuate lama. It is four feet long iiin r But, In carccaeDr. Brown repiicd DI~ A L Websters dictionary gives thî~ di AII>s F~ II ta diaeus-aver thse phonc--come ta fnition of s boa-cïoi n ltor: ER E , , yt eofic s itaUiokya1oc0 M h fie8 bnlo e vr NESS 0f 9 WEEKS Cotrary to the commn obc- K< A III fo r this la a fine boy and we don't ý,IL is fli us oally nI r ten or lwant ta make any mistake."1 foot long. and ît xr(,cdvd in fA~ JJ And no, without lta knowlcdge ar cotntFnohr akNG bb Was Employed on Tiigboat in ýebý a îîuilier oi nheî ..nakc UART OF IUILI osn, nte auea ab' ie pular1.x aiux large soalKo w mi destiny ls being shaped by others; ChicagoRie at Time of siles il. Irey asou- and, iike the previaus case whereinTh ChaoFie lias of îcýtholî, ur hle ariauoii oLogrHaeNedfr hf eb Sun heiped find a home for thse- ThselChica.oaife.ln n No Loner Hav Needfor Of» Abewhaae parente, legali>' narried Toa plmn ,i, ogr.[ le mn-t ccar.d iain todn ti fices Used for Varlous Kinds but findîng it an Inconvenience ta dent or Waukegan, îasel away Wed- loi; wa.. A), Siale, a dric',r fr of War Activities. have two chiidren ta care for, offcrcd nesday nlght at -si.\ oclck St the Great 1-aites Frtii Co.,Wholi ccp in adoption. Jane 'Me.Alister ho- ital wherv lho rriving atlti coialîx s oiteL Dr. A. E. Brown, tbe coioty îîby-, had been jîl for thi' lcis nine weeks. aUlb' Genec-ee sIrt arted LCIN 0 FIES siciba s mw nany important rospon -i. Death was due te a ilinant grôwth. Unlsd ltue nid of bana bltistruîso l, luitdrlg on bis face whlch macle IL Impossl- hf lias been tikun froni a cri the present weok lho bas heen giv-en hie for hlm ta take anc 3thing but a ie Nortlise-ýtern tracks lote Fïi Thie board of direciors oftbteý the mosi intere.,tlng duty ta perforin littie liquid nourishiit for over aftei looai and iicldin theuol- Chainiler of (Commeirce heid IÇeir an- that any physician in Waukegan ba-s two monthe. The decc aýeî, who was il garig- diring th, iight omilni moutbng and clection or officers been asied to do. f amillarly known as Con>" Speil- ;Shale Nvas liiiing out a bacicli o& alt the Ubanîber of Commeîrce roouin Piainly saying, Dr. Brown haî anman, was 71 years ot cr0e, bavlng naish lie :ip- lied tulet,00 ii;htl> Tiursdlvaf dci ono. The followilng baby ta give away. been 'born July 19, ad abonut the -talk wbat apjiearcd officors Ivie eiecled In Friday*s Daily Sun ho in.,eriecl lie was the falhc ,Nr cc Mm uay W 4 argie snauis Sbhle dia Int Pro juent-L.. J. Yeomian. Ille followlng classifled ad: Illotgh o! Chicago an i iiirle ot 10 urigue tliii inatIer uor imc,- ViePccln C. C dward,. FOR ADOPTION-Healthy> baby Thiomas P. Spelîman of _,kean Le tlîurugilb. lie drucîcî,.ii i ic- i 'îasuîc'r Tbcc E. Gray. boy, goodi parentage; apply ta nnd Mrs. W. A. Srýiciiic,inn of North inas anîd naie a hal.y repoirt Ici Thesi- oc-w i lerc-ed olicers weo O1 r. A. E. Brown. Cbicago. He hoad Ic n making bis GOIùsinlih who lost lie îiniin electici directnrs ai the mWeti0n lheld \Vliun asku d about the matter, Dr. borne wlth bis n icii n the time .ng an iîîînîodiaîte il\-îsiîgaiol.i iiosd.iy. Browsn said, exliniiîg the uiîcsui of being removed t.î tbe hospital. ire onough lie ronod ailalrge socike flic hiciing of a secretar>' ta fil the ail wlicb je the second of tbe kincl do Mr. Speliman lic-tni the great- hie aniilaitywiî anace5uSI\aciîr rasod >' he epatur a ppear ln the I)aiiy Sun 'vithin th e r part of bis lire 'vorling on a toc-ý klnd inmediaieiy tbld Iilm tliat fe nîcntbe ago of Paul Wiiiis, was past tliree monijîî: bout on tbe Great Lakc4xý,or on the 7as a reai boa-constrictor. taien up, and il 'vas practicaîl>' dt- "Thi.s baby i, a fine 10-poufld boy Cbicago river. Intact lie 'vas sU 001. ýcrdiiigiy blie> gnt a large stik ided ta take tiîs action 'vithin the n a at the preseot tîme je 10 dovs ployeti at the tinte of the big Chîca- wltb cooiderable effort pokeci next twa 'veeks. Seî oral applica- otd. The uniortunate part of, itl 1 go tire ln 1871. lie took an active onake awav froui t1e the aana lions for thie position are on file but that I-is parents negiected ta go toa Part in the resi work andtislan kand placed It ln a lbasket. The ItL 1 beilevodti iat more ma>'bc h. h the court bouse andi gel a marriage fightlng the flarwm and neari>'lest ce Mas îîunilfromn cela and as it laiti shorti>'. Ail members or tihe lîcense. That is hocw il lappens bIs lite an sevu rai occasions. The kept near a stovo dturing tise board seemed toaeliare the belle! that t bat tbey are wililng In gise bila tug on vinleh ho 'vas worklng caugbl IL began ta show signe o! relis- no time should e'hosbt ln seecting a away. tire ftroin the Intense lisat and burned secrrtary to take active charge of "The matter lbas -een ieft in in>' to the ivaters eage after wbtcbfit iures shows thbM the canioad affaira, banda wilh a request tram the par- sank. The Waokegan man and oih- ananas came troin Guatemîala There 'vas aonme taik about the ae eunts that 1fifnit a lîropor homne foi the or members o! the crew thon 'vent the enclusion therefore les atbit ic Ais for 1»19, but definite action boy, ani thereuspon tbey will talle ail aboard anathpr iug andi continuedl anaeo hiadt wounti ltself arount 'vas postponeti ta the next meeting. 'the logai stops nocessary ln cout thelr 'vont. He ahandoneti the work etaik o! mananas and tlie loaders There civas discussion as ta wbetlîor whereby the cbiid eau ho formal>' only after he saw that hits efforts er notîced i t wben tbey fille the or flot meetings o! the association adoptod. wore ln vain. Abould be held ottener -but no final "The parents bave leIt the mtter rGodsmth reosîleti the fact decision wa s reacheti. ItL'vas prac. entlrely la my bands ta select the WIC DE PE III a year ega ho diseovereti a boas- tical>' docîdedta 1 resume the 'veeki>' propier persans ta taIte tâts child. kVikaJiIUEMN i VVI itrictor la a bunch of bananas, membersblp luncheons as soon as a Accordingi>' Ir 1 recelve any replies plannod koeplng It for exhibition seeretary la hired. ta the ad ln the Dally Sun, 1 shall ioe;but, atter baving It for a invostigate the different applcanta CRO.SS FOR IRAVIRY r, the snalie inaa*d to get andi bocause of the keen reeponslbii T ad vas ner eover ed.ty 1eel, 1 ali ho very careful taD R SIIL F1i tIti cas eary ths monlngseelng ihat the chilti goes Into Goldsmith requestoti the Sun ta gooti hqmo. Upon determlning who thesnae nd utIt u xhii- LICE lIELP LOCATE in i îî thonion ndrethebem ppi-Capt. E. College, Son of Form- ln aur vladaw. But the lidnIT? cant Ilasnsn hett h er Waukegan Pastor, Back a uiry a! the office fore, adhmefleth oo vuwmena ibreatenod ta ire- ESCAPEDL N TIC cared worWeeth b obo la nov e After 13 Mos. Service. an rn cin g.s h j chilti. taik wlth lit mother ad inves. ONDFRNHAM Dr la case ho carriedout ou lId. tigae Its panontage. uAnd thon 1 IRTOIE FEN HAM l'S suggestion, the conclusioun Richard Kelly Chokes Sister AI-- Sm.sre the>' 'ili came ta, the salie remoat into tnthé ibllhty at conclusion that 1 bave, namoiy; thot Cap.Edward Gollogo. son o r Laoff la bstoa lii tlll6o1 cage. alrst. al] 'ighj .and that the ony thlng O -ll __a -sL 'on iÜl.rch of ibte do>', Mr.,Goldsinith wasagaînat hlm is that tho>' neglected Wukgnibareaud-t-the trait- full: round town for somne enako e Leaslf U ~ ..~ the foraria cerernonies prescribed by eti States aften 13 mntheliservice on ilsâ but as the rosult o! the S HA***THS WVYI the la'v. Bath the mothen andi father the battîefields tu France. Ho le a agatng dry and- the recent na- are tin excellent physîcal healb. amnd 'winner of the Croix de Guerre. the al snoîe for prohibiion hoc'vas Richard Klley, a 'veil known res- tuaI probably is the cause of te-1French 'var cros, wIth one ilîvor le ta locale anyboti>' Mho was Ident o! Lake Forest,'vent on a ra cfine boy wlîom I arn now tryiog W star for hravery. lg to banathe bo nake, or pet lt ipage onday night, cbncked bis ý r i r~tfihm The F'renchbhantor vs bestovoti on [i'q of îIL ton almost ]iot e i alsbilitv andti l the________formern laugaamiboyndor bav-l ite this afternoün, howeter, .Jolie matie hie escape before ho could befire dniiring ase seco nd itbe olier toene consented ta tako the anake appreblendeti b>'the authorlîbes TfiRLrl0 ETdu Agathe27,co917. aievs of Ver- hicago anti tura It over ta the Waukogan police bave heen Pc GIL dWHtubT urite augscondlieut ea atanton aoIn Park zoo, for, lccordilng ta .help locato hlm. The bellot Is ex- heaseodleueatlna-n Goidzmth, ItL a fine specimen. prosseti that ho 10Is nane. T JIIJ l4 H glneu'rlnv rogimeat. Kelley la descrIbod as hing abolit TER E aaaFA DEAas Ha.Enimted In French ArmI,. MANCEL TALCOTT WEDS 55 yeors aldi, rive foot six tachses ta I gaîtcl olloe ent ta France welght about 19.1 ta 200 paund s.KeliI UIlI nirSeveral menthe btoos. the rnlteti Waukegan, jan. 18. ley bot soveral days growth o! bearcii < tatos entered ibe w'van ad enllstod ihile thoy bail quieti>' annososced on bis face-be wane bath bis I-air in tic French army. Atter tiis coua- soeir rinonda that tise>' vers golng aod mustaho îong-ýbotu 'vore grey. Miss Edna Taylor of ElburnA tr>' delaret 'van ho gai hie diecharge be Inarrled la Woukegan lns the lie 'voro a black cap~ and browî bAîêê,. tramn the Firench irmai> nd gatItll r future, Mancel Talcoti !Wall- sweater. '" ~' ""~ h nldSae nlcrcre& an andi Miss Llewoilyn ZOU of Fui detala o! the affair bav-e nol From Waukegan. second liteutenant. Wltthie argan-' thjaueanpli, zotlon af the firsi Amnein al gos rg- age, apparentlyI>'o'liped ons' over beon supplietiie a ga ,iOi Plnned between the car andi shaft Iraint, College ivas tMnOsTorod trai Ir frionts" toda>' Mhon tho>' vent but because Kollo>' laetoscnibeti as o! an elevatair In tise Majestic 'lote-i thé. enigineernagcrptaionwe- Chicago, liraourreti alilcensead belng Insane a close 'vatcb la bbog 21Qicy.reCiioa Ms ucimn.H aena tei7lgbaill ,e eitber iiarloed thisa a!tenajonU reit fer bina bord for fear that ho na Taylor of Elburn, ni., 23 years ouila lnwhich heb.Amerlcaftfl tock401 Plan ta lho married tia oevenlng. ma>' do personai violence la coma- an& a war 'vorker, la>' for nearl>'ay at en ac~ig tte'aI t an>' iate themarriage- Icen - one ho hneote. The Lake Forest po-iun ana'nRni naon'wa p-artutîîng dIn hoaigeofkth creon iissaeiot tiuu ornlng ln Chic,, lice and the police o! othen northi ng firemen ciii away thoe Pteol valis Gt. Modal Aisea. Wo ts oseunuîg pîb antcl shiore cities ase are keeping a close vitb axes anti torcbon ta !ree lhen. TieCoxdGurevsa.dt 1 iles the fmrzi formai oc, it i!sctch for hlm. fibo dlot juet as theo police ambu- TheCoixnCode Geman Spt. 5r1917 Ir marniage pans, to their fricii lne nvd wt e ruieib ti> ad an tis le o ay on et ,1he7 _______ lance__ a . ule'sisoita.ndo t Hame dal.oreeve h Mrs. Elle n N. Moore Sucçumbs to an Elevon Day Attack of Pneumonîa Monday. LEAVES MANY RELATIVES., Mra. Ellea N. Moore (aeo Lux) ageti 26, vite ot Wilbur Moore, pons- ed ava>' Manda>' niglt at 7:310 o'cio&u ai ber home, 812 Ridgoband avenue. hMpm. Moore vas bora la Waulcegan anti hat i bvot boreail hor lifo, but visatinl mest nemankable la tsahe dieti ln the samne room o! the saîno bouse ln w'vicb she vasq bora. Doath 'vas due 10o neumonla, following an attack o!fufi. She isak? boon 111 Il Besitos ber buebanti Mns. ltfocre leaves thneo sinaîl children. she beaves alto bor !nthiri ant motison, Mn. and Mns. John Lux andth ie foi- loawlag brathere and sistens: John, George, Mn.. Gmace Baker, William ant Mrs. Tressa Lyetlund, ail o! Waukegan; Mrs. Norman Sponoeicu:'g a! Gurace anti Etwart o! North fChi- cago; also a bal! brother oil sisten, David and !Ma~ry Luxt, botb of 'Woiulcogan. Bofore ber marriage M.%rs .lucoroî wai ounptoyecl for u.î'-rati -iarýct lise Reardon anti W'aii ire. Wtin ber hrotisen-iiu-laa- 5111 siýî r, Mr. and Mrs. Atbert Lystlundi lvi ill iI f the fin lis the fin-ct e; cI-nle beie :' Moorc, took activ e oirg'uf Lyatiund's grorer>' store on uj',cilI avenue. DMALIK CIIILDREN WON'T HIAVE TO FAT GARBAEiE NOW Court Orders Six Children to be Committed ta The Deten- tion Home Here. FATHER PAYS. FOR CARE. The six lie ep hildreneont Domnin lck Domatik ae. tti satree.t anti Dug- tal e ibuatNorth Chiclago, 'viiinot have lute bes on sotup made frcni monsols picitet froin garbage.cana - neithen 11111 tho>' bave to hudtie lonto one litHo nroom Mhon tise> go te boul. Jutge Pensons iii county courat ùtile marnnng eçumtmittdthe chislbren ta the Detentîon home temporarîîy. on until It 1la ahavis bat tise parentsý are 'villlng ta do tise rîgisl thîng hy theai. For the final lime la tisîr lîvea tise children 'vilI est Cclea, suh- stantial ftoaont Wll eîeep la davny lîttIe betis. The Damallk case bas tiraggè.d aong la court fan sevonal veeks. CamplaInis latigeti vîih thse couat>' court causoti o prabation officer la mole an Invesiatonaant It 'vas thon thot (ho garbago Incident iwas tilaovereti. Damallk vue employeti la hauling garbage tram (ho naval station. Tt vas shown (bat be car- nloti port o! thîs gorbege ta ieIs wn borne anti ted It ta bietanuily untio the pretoxt ibat ho latendedti t foodti Itta saine. Ia court totia> Domallk sald thit hoe dît fnotbelleve bise'vite vas o fit persan ta have the custi>' o! tise chîltirea. He saiti she vauldti Iat- tend ta the 'vork abouit the hanse -end aes-tab-o -ier ure goaclp- Ing witi tb.-neighbrs insteati et- staylng home gettlng the meais. Wlsen lie roturneti home rnta>' night ise soya hoe fount aile o tthe legs had drapped off tiese tavo and theo bouse 'vas full o! smoke. Ho teara tisaitishe chIldren 'vocîlt have suifa- caled If if hat net netîrnot boose 'visonlho dit. Hi' 'vite titinet get homo' untîl atten 8 oîclock, bavlng heen goselping ýwitis a neîglibor. i>omaliIl sald ln court tat Uai ho 'voubti give ail bis salan>' it noces. sony ta have lis ceblîren cane for somo place otîsor (ban ai home. Ho saIt hoe even 'vaulti sou isL9 ome If neceasary. Tise court ordereti lta ta pa>' $15 oa'veek tovarti thetn sup- pont. Domaiî eanns but $25 a wee1< but hoeciseerfuil>' aKneedte t the an rangement. Sa tar as ho le concenneti Domalik la te return home te hie M-i!e ard abe la ta bie givon an opportunlt>' ta do botter. Upon bonr contuet de- ponds vhetben or net the chldren 'vîlliehoreturiso teta er. Tise oldest of tise chîltirea ls 13 yeara aid. Plans for (ho (nansiormatlan af tise Anîl-Saloon Leagne of Ilîbnots ItaanEnfarcement at'ProhibîtIon [Leogue -lisvîcis each momber 'vîll hoe au oficer o! the la'v, w'v e a yesterday Ia the mîisio! tise bell. rlîsging anti vhistlo-bloving cobebra- tien of (ho dry iav ratification. E. 3. Davis, Chicago auponîntontoot Anti-Saloan Loague, tiescriheti the fuc- tune plans vhich cooteinplato pas- sage of!lawv enfoncement meosunos. eloctian et municipal officials visa vIli eorco tise l10vanti doiection of violation b>' an arai>'of volun- teor aleathe. Tise nov argalslzation vîlllho forai- et lu> w'onts, ooch 'îth tiIs supc-nin- tendenît and t is colunieers whose lalu It MIII ho to unenvon iioousshinocs ant otieggena.- fred Finer Refers to Clippinq Whiob-Refognlzed Wauloega but Falls to Send t. Aceordlag ta a btter recelved b>' lIre. -Prederiok Finen from, ber son, Frederlclc, Who la ln service ln France ile vas encloaing hon a clipplng from a P'aris nevsaapr la vhlch ho ne- referred ias followo: l"t li quùto a consolation te us boys oves. hors ta reati ln the Paris edIllans of tho Nasu York papere tise fine tInga the>' so> a bout aur borne tawn, Waîukogan, la 1regar4 bteIte va>' hey-troat the sailons anti slters" But thse important part la Finor diti not enclose the cllpplng 'vbicb op- par&'ntî>' contaînet reterence te Wau- ktgan la far-aawy Franco. 4 ccordng te Fîner and aisealits bfWr Raymndnt vo 'as recentl>' hei- fro moi onda an a furlougis. Wauk'egan sI4nds ont canspîcoual>' because of tise fine "va>'lanvlciclu the salIons and soldIons an itreateti b>' tise populace generall>'. Tse>' make reference hoetise varlous en- turtalnments wbich are occordodthtie bin laservieu , wnt aise as ta the geenna feeling ulspayet b>' the puIs- lic to'varda the >y.. FORMER WAUKEG14AN WOMAN IS KILLED MONDAY -AT 0OHIO~ Mrs. Josephine Rubek (nee Babranski) Said ta Have a Sister in Waukegan. POLICE MAKE A SEARCH.I That a !ornier 'Waukegan womi' lias tîcon klhle at Lima. Ohio, wr- tise tlelgram rec,1vet thiýs Morxing 1 b>' tise local polIce tepantment. The toiegnam, sent bere.b>' a firm o! un-. tentaker's nt Lima, rend asa!oliow.s "Joseplîlne Riheiu, tormeni> '.%frs. Bgbranski. M'as killed i >etet StîPPocedtet have aidepr, Mir.. Wae lewskis, 8(14 Eîghti s treut, W;tujkoe- P.B.JOIIso Hu ba th ee uumm* e 4 freta h. hbigheet pa'loee. Suises a peak. For "ae, Phemeor Wslte ZION CITY, ELN I.RgE ittiL f LAKE COUNT Pubuaed b>' the WALUKE.-AN DAILY SUN al the special l0w Pr=c each $3.50 Size: 3ft.,8 in. by 4ft,2 i. Libertyville Independent gan. Have thein noi!>' us wiufit to do Tise dl>' dinector>'does ont con -___________________________ tala the namne o! WaolevakLqso5 lise police Ibis rnornlng set ouit to tetenusine ýwlietben on ant tise sist-r For youn potatoe, oata aftie demi 'voman eUll rosîtes bort- and other email grain. lis onde-r tisat tise>' con btain somp seth check on tise motter. If relatives can ho bocated aotlsb- gram yl ho sent t UJmoa akiag for FORMALDEHYDE more complote detaîla o! tise acci- dent la vhieh lte former Wauieegan SOLUT1OJq ovman met deaih. PRISON DOORS TO. 6Cgtam. SWINO OPEN FOR KJBY SYINLER John Fleury Sirnsader, confidence mna, wvbo numbers 'YelOw KIt" Weil omong bIs pupli, wyul b.e.e leaeed tnom Jollitprison vlthin tva voesupon an oantan entenot la 917 b>' tise tate boardi of perdons. This rwas onneunceti Saturta>'. Strasntter vas sent ta Joiet lan _1#13 fers. avtCC lb.he.bite Mr . N liant7T. lOls.y-of the Kirby battk -out af $20.000 on o vIre tapplng achorne. He made a figbt fon liberty' that cor- niet is acase ta theoUiJatedi States Supremo cournt. lDr. btrby married o velIl knava Waukegan youag vaman ont ion tisat reasau tise case olva>'s attrautet mucb Interest bore. Wukegan bas 'votcheti ail details of (ho Strosaiter case. Ot bis sentence fraeioeta ton yoars, records o! tise state pardon board show he bas senveti faur years anti tvaoaenthea. The rosi a! tise tîme hoba been ont on bonda. . Ilapupîl, Weil. vho vas canvict- et lest Decemben anti senience etit edght yoors, le tallovlng Stro snider'a tactes anti bas yet ta sec the lîslie of thIsnois penitentiary. Anather confidence man visa bas aucceetot Inlaevadiag tise 10vla Fiet Buckm1anster, formser Chicago detec- tlvo anti ca-vonkor o! Strosaît or. vso meas sentence telahesepeniten- tia.ry Ia 1915.,'vas !reed on banda and bas been free fon il menthe. The beot and cheapest Anil-Smut on the mar- keL PRUCKLEVILAND Uo. The Ruail StoWe Cer. Mimea aad OuammSeeei. ýw'eStore Thit Saves Yod Mm"~ Want, Fer UaM.e, O aan tu Ml ORPENDE!NT ieaeh 1&M ee THE MOST, DANG.EROUS DISEASE Nn organe of thé humus bot>' ae lîccpo0 'riot tus healtis and.iO.. kli-'sWheQ tise? slow uitond cOns- meOli ýt)ii ag in thelr dutien, look out! .1tin suitwhat the troubue Is-vithout doiav. Whenever You feel uervous, eilc. dizzy, suffer from slOePIessness. ,)r h.ivu iciins AIl tise bok--wohe ip uit Once. Your kidneys need houp. These are igunalis warn You Ihat ynun kit- neye are not performlng their func- tiens propani>'. They are oni>' haIt doimsg theîn work andare slloig ina- puritles tlisaccumulais ont be con-'rt. Oct toto irir cii uni t nier poisons. wiîicfiua re cauin yaou Istress and wiii isestrai-yo bu uneas the>' are trîvea tronc s-aur systoni. Get otsip LD XEDAL Haaerlem 1 CapsulesataIonce. Tbey are an olt. Itel preporation usot al over thé eOld Sos ceaturies. The>' cantais enl>' eld-tselî- bonot. aaathuag callacomblacti vitS strongth-giyung ad >stom-eioaauing herba. *el knoaond uset b7 ph 1I clans ln thoîr tali>' oractiee. G=L MEDAL liaarisua 011 CaPOanc.are I.- liortoîl direct fromu the a oaratorlea 1La Houlant. Tise>'arc convenienittte, sot* yul elttier gis.. prompt.relIef aor Your toney- -vtIiCe nefundied. Ask fer thora amd an>' trucostore, tint be suret. gel the ariginau Importeul GOS, MIEDAL branti. Accp oiuailtl la seaisut packages. Tree aise.. no- Mr. 'Kuala ,la - nam a .ce aoui the C. 0a wu b U 7, or pie lêdie Bec proe but Si To i durba vils furnim exil. heut Mie Tee , lue Houd wu &W a~ .11 .- --- - leý- carefui gcfvlcè là Our alm. Miss Taylor bid I-Mlle IC) il

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