fion i é 15 w. . atiton. Wbo h oas witibthese "lu"la Wea ma a Chicago vista? BBWàý"--wbo bas boeiau vur61 5h ouswal. .oas ridai' 5~as 2o'oi. Imprtant bas beu reoeed.trou Ernet bu bauaiahblsflulth auceese aMd John Moliior atteniei thse cm rOsepeuyat uaeral dais wu vib Mr. aMi Uts. Bi Lusi. ~ Mi Urs. Jacob Deilh 01 '. "7 s .jeu Sniai'as the houe of John Broum. t*»adMr@. Toiiy Engeina ud Me loHery. ana vlatling st tbe Uke.lmua boune. *j bai01fjoagfolie atteniai j eea Jobnéburg lutI Wedneuda g. Tisa.. bo tamd" ur. pomdmfeb@., irns I)tsiel, Ur. -andMI is.George Vasai, tehbbsud Cisale LAKE VILLA 15fl V11ak assln &amiL MnMD. I. Mves, imitairasont la loger. Park .'Training t umie ugol vIS oettcsh Thuraay 5,ê ulth UM.. rani H-a.Ail 1 a edla hisiai' chool uork ana M. L. Wali aiimei a Bandai' ucbool qgtWU laChloag0 the Bret of the week. Mr. a mai. .P. 1Louri'art living hg *eE. j. Labaan boume for the vinten. »j6 .«Je err Krtornei Tisriai embg Ibas uéfro, a filweek'e vils VU d»i M hl of, ber brother, J. J. reSUjoba la Washington, D. C. r» UuahnandouiJohn Cibb tumonlen aafata vietime of "Oln" but dolmg miel'. Mr. &amidMn. Warren Savago a1 KaMUas. une guete lut week etf Or. SaUae's loser, Orq. Jame AtueIL * ,la the Maolestons paseei an th dets of Ndebor Euily Quedenldi, lb. Marne.0ofLoulea AtielIand Mare Hacclin, thse other mombers of the . N. A. committee, wveoununtentlonally omtta. tise Laies' Aid socile met vith MOrs. C. ». aiu t tia ek Weim3eidsy for "buls mmetlg a, i quilting. A huai. Smeet of the Ri Croie iocishY wus hel la eonnetion. A plenie innos wue rvei. U Ion have aMy comlorter to ho mais or plain .*ig to b. dons, caîl on the ladis' Aid for prie.. Decanea of kir. Sfidera Ilnesa, no pr.aehing servise. ver, hohi Isat dunday but Shaday madool Ira@a@asusuel. Ws baya fo b. back lu the regular order hi' naziOgoday'.1 "ARD 0r THANKI.b To &Il thoe. who by acte of kIndness durtug our Wu aeus and the death o0 ou? f wlh mai mother and to those whu fuusbsi ilowere and In many waye expisaied liser sympashy wo extend our hatitthansh. George urnatl and chldren. Ibo.Boe eTruaz lWt undaylfot b.Mia... Auna Droxu and Ansita goiaogm@nt tbe week-end with the jam oselo@ ti.a niocb. A. L jaokwm saCbcago visitor Fr. fin Md amauudoi. " u.C. E. anntFrld*y and khat, WwtiMr. and Mm .Edwn Da»mmaai lbuiwYviie B.. iaanmg got hMe auto houe Irom Coity157 eho r ae isalle roatir. .1.Dmman tranuactaed busllnu a Mi North Chicago, FrliY. Abo.D. M. Whte. Mariai' Broe. goS Ibir auto home *saiajr adl gbea u uble to Set It boife for iwe eeit. ab. Mdam. Gr Eeo. W hile euntertanei I L-Donnr vaua buelumeviitor to NIs Ga(immun. falundai. ]à la rported ibai weing belle wifl lO ia"ileviciniyi. halBrownuleat Rot Sprngs for a l l aientl artlanaabar ululer MÇ-iaMbter trom ~e bsweek. *UI se WlnSr buretunei fo work et *9 ovuan plat atr a elage vitb MuJmme Onanabi' le vr iII at the b ,ot.mibar iaqghter,Mm Y ounng. L. W. Dm"obeof WauiegN4 cafllon oli#laiahe@ 5h.latter iat 0otleat Wéllrd Hook am auijvWatedtala. fôawilhlmounWhwb sa recently by a uaid hornesa etaklng the l l ePoribai aH. moteruWin MOTe ta Gurmas bis sanimi. W. bop$ st le a faué. OrsMarS. Jlohason, uheshmbu sa Ileemme»lea rportod ta Se on thse EVERY FARMER, YESTED luS OWN GME WARDEN Wadsworthi Lady Comments on Article ln Last Week's Independent To Editor Libertyvilis Indepandeni. Dear in-Tboarticle ln The Indepen. dent of-Jancari' 16, '"Unauthorsed Gaina Warden Fseing ArriSt." Raore le nomse Information thai mai'syatilytefi'isi Sdloawncrse". Everi' fariner ubaouna ie oun praperty and paia taxe. on it le hi@ oun gaine varden on is oun propert'. nHala enitliedta aIl it groirs. ubhîbr IIIla Ibabitai hi' rabbite, sonsc bird.. aquirrale, ounke, buen, lions or wolvec. Houever. none eof tb. latter nuei animale aa1 e t l onni. tla iandéplorable tant, of w"i s aery Lake couniy faruen la oflsant. that huntlng liceua.araglien Indiscrlmin. atly oi'0nuyona Who paye th. prle-na Ilies.ta treapasa upon private proporti', huntlng. Huntlng for uhai' Not gaine. Thore le noue. Lest Isll, i met tues hunters. They wote do.. 1 ftour choolchltdrati coming Ions achool. 1I ii out kuesu thon thàt hanter' Ileensse ve.lésenitu Wauk. flan, potmlttlmg tb. boiers 1 hut on priva. properti'. Thu: bai unnoor ion robins ami a hon that fosueli' helongod to nome on@ala the neghborhood. As thei' came over thse fonce tutulb. rond, 1 sal "What, ou eath are jou mon doing?" "We're buntlug; w gotll1cene" *'fobis, eong bIneo; visaSon aarth doa yau do vith tise bine0?" "Oh. mast huting." 1 aaii, "if thosa wbucho childrea happonc ta h.ein thé paiS of jour shot, yon vouhi haro bit thoni, sud anybodi' that gave yon a Ilieuse ho shoot bitia-esong bines, robins--or eomebody 'a chieken@ a h ualposaei of souni me; nelihor la ho a aful officia," ludirrinste bantlng on privale praperty ahouli b. called toan hait. hs'. foolsis ta look for ani' man poaiug ai s game vanden uhen you me a trespasset for every fanmer lise the right to eWec auj mon vlih a gun ram'is premiês for the protection aoflhie clilidren, sheep or caIlle, Peope are teppiug beoi dredernp- tion. Our sang bine èare rapidly hé- coming extincl. The robin la a beauti- fui, intalgent bird, one ol the heautîe Oa oi'communiyle the Protection of is sona bird.. Tali about jour foieest preservos, ai abat beauti' vouli they lie Il saOme Waakegan officiai lmec@Ooe lrreupauaihla poraan a lc.-use ta Mili evrt living thlug vitbin itd limit"? Lake county cneodé no lrputy garne varions, unlisail be ta_ cr ais an oûffie fur soin. li.person. I vouldI lie t beau tise fonmers diseuse Ibis tter iliroagli jour vorihy Indopendeus, and b. as eanuet about It o a8 L bave been fervet hno woarting ai seelng some treepassr lesvé Ibeir promises. Reepectfuliy, Ors. Ellzabeth Sunderland Young. TO IIELP INSTRUCT WOUNDED SOLDIERS Miss Atha Day of the Warren Sohool lnstalled as Com- mercial Teacher at Post. Tise dretL aie counti' toucher ta ha calei mm oservice ta instruct in- Juredsoldiers uhes have <omé back froin Oveas le MisAlpha Day, Whso bas been teacher for the coin MerCial course of Warren Towtiship iigis echool ai Gurnea. Mise Day asuend bér intiés cthl auornlng as commercial brandi teach- Or of Fort Sheridan isosibtal. uahers thé vouudei sliera uSa are behnî ca rf toeeaiaeSeing Instructed al Ong liesubhch Is Ulmaie tisemit .t0 lake cane cf tisemielves after thé: beave tisé isptai. Mi"asPbIlUM, Wbo le a loucher of thé Groagesisoluin Scago, le toit porarY lu change of the brauci at tise Gombe ohsiool.Il mai' ho 155 ah ise 411suoceed MissGai' asa peraronent Instrtictot'. Here là hou Itiapplea ltaI Miss Day bas Sean aummonéi 10 Fort Ghianu: LaaI ral sé signai up ils t thé govornftent for averseas 4111:. AMl lisa ime sé lias béan eo- yectlig ber cal ta go abroni and vison thiscllcame 1aI vwee s ansu arderoi ta, go ta, Fort Sherian rallier tisan ovarseas, ishe ie thé Oiral teachar In LaIe counti' vio bas heout calledinlon 1h! nov brfinci of service o! lnstt'ucbng tise vounid es iders. rThorearse-cbai-gaina ln The lInd 9pondent'. advertiaing coli unno.' 30liURTÀAND l I1LLED AS TWO TRAINS COLLDE Suburban Engi ne Smashes Into Coach iln dense Fog-Other Mon May i; Brakeman Thrown over Embanknient, May be Fatal. T'HE DRAD R. A. PAYNTER, fretclaee C&ipOfl. top of Great Lakes departoient ci publie works; skuli fracturod, leb broken and Internai Injuries; dled shortly sftar reching the United State Marine Hospital. JOHN' F. MGINNIS. brakernan of secial; huijai rom pletform clown embankment; Internai Injuries; taic- en to SwOdlala Covenant Hospital, Tho Injured. John Goldberg, 3948 W. Fiteenili nt., salot; bead, face and body eut by glass, Thomas A. Carr. Cornpany 1. Camp Luce, Great Lakes; left jaw and Chest lnjured. M. Gaynor, Comnpany 24, Camp Paul Joues, Great LaItes; head. face and body cut and brulser. A. G. Sauerwein, Company 41. Great Laies; lait ebow wrenclie0, cuits and bruisea on head ani bodv'. James Ellioti, a Chicago boy, boue i for Great Lakes to enlst in the ns' ý, scalp wou nds, legs bruisci and lac erated. R. 'M. Delaney, an overseas v;ailor on big way ho viît ai the station; head /ace and body eut and bruised. Edwln H. oison, Great L.alccs: cote and brulsea on face, bands and body. A. J. Baumngarten, attached to DP. partment of Public Workvs, Great Lakes; baud and face eut and brulsed. C. B. Miullen, Great LaItes; cuts and bruites. Fred M. Jacob@, Great Lake": bar- ber shop; scalp wounds, lacerations au body. W. R. Nerveli, frst-class boapital alptreltice, Great Lakes; eut and bruised. D. Porter, brulsed. J. F. Judge. brulaci. TO M SDEATI Tragedy Enaoted at Highland Park Sunday While Men are Tobogganing. WIFE WITNESSES TRAGEDY. A mldnght oastlug Party enied fatally early èenday uhen Martin C. Kehop, Jr.. y<omlnent lnvestrnent broker, died lunIHighland Park hospl- taI. lia skul as crushed ln a 51). foot fail lnto) a ravine frorn a stpep grade on Radine avenue, Highland Park, on whicis he and frienda werc aleddlng. Try Out New Toboggan. Saturday nigbt Mr. and Mrs. Fred- erl ky MacKenzie, 400 Nortb SboridCn roai. Highland Park, enter- tained late lu thse evening, the party baulei a nev toboggan, bouglit by Mr. MlacRenie, to tbe top of the teep hil Qu Badine avenue. The wlvea- or thse mon made several suc- cessfisi trips down the grade. Thon the four moes devided ta, coast alone. In nomne uaY thé teering mecban- lau faled. Mr. Maras, uho bad Uic ontrol, wus unahie ho maneuver round thse euflO at the foot of the IL. The aliedsuepi over the curb- 1 and catapulted Uic trio into a rL 'ne 50 foot deep. Wlfe PInda Kehoe Dylng. ýs Kehoe was the firsht t reach the injured mou. She found ber bus. band .dylng andi Mr. MacKenzie un. consclous. Mr. Marais and the wom- en carrled the inJured men Into tbe nearby homeo f Samuel Siade, wbere eMiergOflcy treatmielt -was given. ýMacRenle was taien holHilghland Park hoapital witis two fractured rlha. Paul Meloiy. saiesman for Powell, Garard & Co., s as pickei up unconscious. Ho uasa everely bruis- ed and mai' have sufferedIinternai Injuries. James Marsh of Highland Park, ans tise one man oI the coat. ing Party not severeli' bort. Mn. Xehoe Uvei et 293 Hazel ave- nue, Highland Park. He was the sales manager for thse lnvcstment and securiti' frm et Powell, Garard & Co. 125 South a, C'-"'-.- One biucJacket vas kllIe-d and muni' atiera vere serlouglyI' njured M IN M M E eurly today when a Chicago & North Western train, waing at heUicIrving Park station, for a signal. to proceci, ARE WROUGIIT AT was truck frorn hehini by an amp- hi' suburban train, usat out of Chica- go. A bralcernn on the irsi trait. FORT SIIERIDÀN wag probably Iahaliv injured. The allot who vas illled, Wsesi A. Payntér, a firsi clava carpenter. Waukegan People See Hospital Hé sultsred a s.uli fracture ani lit- Improvements for First tomi injuries , from whicli ho diei irbile being taken ta he nreilme -mzd hosptaL. Pitched Over Embankmonl. TO CARE FOR THOUSANOS. lirukeiîîan McGinuis of the blue- luc keh-s' tramfl ias standing on the Have t ou se- n Fort Sheridan laie- rear pîatforin uhen thé collision or:- i' with it- ara.zing isaw crop o! çurred, He waa pitched frarn tbe building '!Yeu wouli barly reccg- plahform over thie embanmeni oni nie the er.iwhilc quiet aid posh, whidli the trarks run and down loto irbovi- niasaivsu -iait of a valertiow- Irvifng Park bouilevard. He was er, and ugit. lîltie, pale yellow build- rusbei ta tée Swedish Covenant bos- inga have bsnfamillar features on piai, wlere il was sai lie *would thé north shors- for a Quarter of a dle, century. The It1, parade ground, The satiors' train of ton coaclî-a wbcre ses-acrtrpe of officers s arc iras a special whbîci leuves the North hastily drilîcdinb the lasItua i'years Western station ai 6:30 o'clock. Ils 00W littered with bomber and Tlirough thé fog came an empty sim- sprauting ulîla probahly thé uglest coach train on its way te Des Plain. sfin most usor i architecture lIai ta brbng In commuters from that sec. over sprang ita exstenice ft the lion. louch o! a matr ani. Preaurnabli' on accouni af the fg« Thé plan Is to care for Oivé or six the engineer of the second train falu- Iousandi iounici ibère, sud as ecd ci ho sec thé signal Indicating tihe woundcd manta t e to bave a man and onceo atis- tak. The a half ho k in -Os"'h en ne struek witb a terrifiel i- thîs willi rn bm t1 d, once deacýrci paet. posti mb qulte .a populouis spot as Sollers pilIa out af their cars ta long as the woî k o! curing far Our rernove lb. twoniéi froni thé reair var heomes is neeied. coachi. Many bin he forirari coach- Tbree weil known Ohiffoagsyauug es ufferci onli' slgis bruisea and doctors are theme, Dr. Edulu W. Ri'- -assisici in thé cure o! thelr more erBoII, Dr. Murray Wasshunne uni serions' lujurci corrades. Arniu- Dr. N. S. Dais. Jr. Theé raltvaw 1lances vere tusised ta thé vicinîti' bave given up i.. practices for tise and the lnJuroi ucra convoyed ta more patriotic b1-t much lebai vtl hoapîtule as qulckly as possible aller pai service oif hncle Sain. ernrgeuci' treahmeut vasaiminla- Miles o! cvi-er i gîassedinI galler. tarai, les couneci thle cheerful. sunni', alry M00 aliors on Train. 'varia, sud uhile es'rythiug nov la Tise laciY spoclal" vas eoded in a more or les bncoante state, a v Ils Ballots golug bnci te tise eta- gteat fini efficient institution la iu tion fresinthe ueek-end shsoré bave,' pracess et evoluhion..-But lnoods u« ni wth laborera on thier zvay to 0 ur iseîp andicoirbutions. vork ut tise station. l la osimated pthat Ibere were more than 1,200 saili.$ 1s Tiesé peclal tans cruulug alang .1 paast théeIving Pari station, tle PMiD enginoor fOr thé signal te 'l go aiseai at Ifula»etlA isavy d ag hbang lau sud tise aiait ce 1gbt II from théeiead of tiseengins penet CRUST I4ND AIPLE ' tratai oniy a fla fris.- Bebind ties peclal came six oacis. Jh .ShmnI oe af s ou thior vay t10 DesPaines te beJonL Scua ina etr a. gin teuorning pliMP of! mmu Home Tells of Some Condi- 'i tots Cblacgo-bouud. lit vas moviug tions They Faoe. It aI good aPeoi, tise éngneer tiinking a bis traO' cleu. 8uidenly tiee 5.n TELLS OF THE LAST DRIVE. UigitS O! tise èsclal fi*edfintes vlev.- rtth H a uiitatestoati ing finmows li Mrff. Mary Bonris, 421 MoKfuley ~ tie cashcam. ehttalngwinowsavenue. harûeliéd a ver' inter. 'P àendlng Out abavers of splintesfini OBIIOB btter front Set son, John U. " tbtoUing al! lisPe saîgéraftm Schiuman,. imbiltei rt nginesa x- thi elrmot. Tise fact tisat hlsIit corps lu France. Tise lettor portays id tac. conchses o! -lie allora' train veretohie cou4itions unde t uils tise sol- le steel unasoniteili' prevontei a iseavY i' los veto living t thse lime lho in Caslty Ibt. vraIe. Nov 30th, g-Ires anuionsao AjaIcet aItishe sainie ime baltistisath prices, etc. le NOthveslern traîns crasisai, tva Quotlng from is bI1 ter Itla le ee s Ravenswoad elevated trains collI- thal ho 'iwenitbrougis exciting expét- g9 ai ut the Irving Park station. Fi!- lencea unier German seoîllir: teen or 20 porsons Were 'Mald te b. "-To gise you an -Idea of primé, i -rllghtlY inWurd lu tbIs acciiont,_ ai- pai 10 francs or user $s ion an &p. e- tbough nsIMoUs butts wiroereport. IApie i ch a - varan maie foi cd. Traile iras lied up for a lime. us andth îen il- was onli' cruat ulth applea laid ou IL MINi la 20 cuta a quart a"i yocs cat buy but very luttie tod. W. gel Plenty of cboyw but like to get a change or we -nuld not bave to buy anythlng to est. -Me h.girls bore irai. somethîng lie our average girls but th. boys and mon Dutchy. The honea are ail aODlleRs, though. "We are sleeping ln the tOwn hall- It suro eorna sgond to ho Inside 10 aleep. Wbill the war asa 011 WO couldn't have a ltght anywbore ut night. All waa dark always. You nover knew when an airDlane wa loolcing for you. Whenever you read of thse Firat D)ivialon, why thafs us. We have been bere in tbis town for a week. We sure have nlked sorne tholigh the laàt rnonth. WVe were in the battie of St. Nlieble. Argonne Forest and Verdtn front uP near Sedan so you sec we were in the hot of the scrap altbC tinle. 'on the iast drive we were work. lng on a bridge the Hun had blovn up and lic was sheling it ail the time we were working on it. We gotfit finlshed tbough and that nlght wc had a forced march. Hlked al i ai night and the next day. Maybe we weren't tlred. We wouldn't belles e it that the armistice was signe>d u-. tiI we waited for Il oclocl< and we coulnt bear any more g-un tire. That nlght tihe is sure did blaze with a thousand fires arounld the tents. Weather here i% rnuddy, but lt basnt froze but very lutile and no ânow. %We sure wiil bc glad to 8ee Miss L.iberty In od New York har- bor again. Tell Ed 1 have been ail around Verdun and Dead Mans hill. We were in the Toul ýý-ctor whexa 1 iret jolned thas company around Nancy. %,,e were very near Parî once. "VYour iovlng son, OFFJCER WHtO SUCCEEDED SMITII DIES OVER TIIIR Lt. Col. Redden, in Temporary Command of 149th. is a Pneumnonia Victim. WIlLL SMITH BE RETURNED.1 AWflWSELAJ WAM A MERE YOUTII AS THE YI3ARS COUNT, Whso was the oueet nian that ever Uwed? Thse queatlo fluas taicen up on Wednesiay ulgbt t Shiloh Ta- bernacle, Zion Cty, durlng a hheo- logical discussion. Eider C. E. Rabbins leît sure tisai he kuurw, vo ho answered qulckly, "Mfethumelais." 'Wrong!" said Vouva. The eldr felt sure that lie wa; rlght, howc.ver, vo Voliva ask,- hcw long did _tlethuselah live. "Nin, hundred and'ty-nine yeara.- aîîswpred the eldor, belle v. lng thai he was theologically correcti on ihis any way. 'Wrong ggain," sai Volîva. Thon sameone in the, audience yen- tured ta Put bbni rigitiand answerc-d "969, years." "Correct!" said the oversper. StilI the question remnained un-, answered, "Who was the oldest man that ever lived?" The eider feut sure ibat hie vas rigbt, hecause e',er>-hudy belleves that Methuselah was, oie oldest man that ever llved, Fo sur,'- ly Vliva musi be wrong. 1 "liew coold 'Methuselah lie toe odest man wbo ever llved sîhen ho died' before bis father?" a.vw(d Over-- s0cr Volisa. That only aggravated the probipoi and of course a searcli sas miade for tic great centenarlans of te Bible. "Wcil, wbo was the next linl. tbuselahl?" aaked the overseer. That question ss"nsd saýv, for Borne answered right away. "Jared." "Hou long di be lis'-?' asked Vouva. "Nine bundred and slxttwo yearb" was the answer. 'Correct." sai Valisa. "Who was Mthuselah's father?" "Enoch." That was correct, but Vliva wyul perast ibat -Methuselah was not tihe oldest man thai es'er llved. Perhapa Borne o! the Sun readers rnay ho able ta seitie Ibis theologi- cal question. The Bible aya 'Metboselah begat bis first son at the age of 187 ycari and livei tp bc 969 years aid. Jared, wba begat bis rl on at thc age of 162 years, llved to ho 962 years old. Federal Electric Washing Machines The time spent in doing the family washng-they eut it Vto s froiction.L.TIIO. Iabor--they get rici of that entirely. Sold on Monthly Payments They use about five cents worth of edec- tricity in handhing the job for the aver- age family. Figure that against the wages of a laundres -if you can get one. Demonstration at our Salt s Rooms Publie Service Co. of Northern Illinois 80=à RAY N. SMITH Cobionz, Jan. 6, vs Paris, Jan. 19. IAdam vas onis" '930 yeurs old, aî _Seth_______________ -The Illinois reglient i ntite tain-1i!l12 soi Cabnan 910. bou division, whicli bas béen living S .LT IE quietiy ln billets along thé Ri-er COL. PROXMIRE RESIGNS S .LT IE Aht. lias tufferei as ses ere a hlow Hardware, Harnais, Oi. ,Peints fas any thai came on thé field of bat- and Glass tI. Twa officers of the 149ttî field Col. T eodoro S. Proxmire, coin, Agent for ait et Stock Reieidy Artillery-one Ln commnand o!the mandant ut Fort Shîeridanî, nase lbus- ROUND LAKE :: ILLINOIS Fred W. WMaters o!f Batter' E, a Chi-,(d lis resiguistion. lit exiectu l",. cagoan, wiL3 buriei yestcrday, andi it sili hé accel)ici voon miid liei will ah 1 o'clock iodai' Lieut. Col. Curtis be permitteil hu retire 10 priî aie life I E RY A SS N G. lteiden, Who bud beén lb cent. Col. Praxmire hbs. eîen foruî r sCOai M A S mand since October, dîidin evacil a c mtiicng physlelaitbt ao 'In St geBattory and Eloct rical Servic Urge Relit' ta Return. signing ho said: 1Igniution Sevice With Senior Major Tomt Haiiioni "I feltiut a dut' ho enter thic mlii- Ta., Plane.:6 ant 27-t, Rouind Lake.,0 on bIs way borte, thé resoit of a re- tary service wbén thé nation iras it1 quet for Immediate .-eparatioiî fronu ar. 1 consider thé war Oser flowrj- thé service, the regimeoh le ncw un- und féel tisaI front noi'0Oon it great-1 der command of Mai. Lawrencu' Robt- ét dut' le to my practice." bina. Col. Ibenry J. Reillt, s-ho1 It ia reparted at Fort Sherfllin liatý î brougbt tihe unit over andi led iîj comaeailier éminent phl s-lan soi during mosi of it- baille action. but surgeon will ho appointed vomie-1an-ý alia vas given an artilleri' brigade dant, probabli' sone officer of the, ho October, sas si-ni a ts-legram yes- ideoical staff o! tise arîîîy. Fort Susér- o *T5 Monh terdai' urging hirm ho retaun ta bIs hdan has ecomo alsît t nirelv' al organtzai a t once if possible. bospial post Sunceeda Proxmire. '~.~.asf.R v Lieut. Col. Rediciti-a., tie nuan Col. William N. B'fihan, formser Divine RIer whli w.îs nîie colonel o! theu 49th hi' médical commandant ai Fort Oglîr- . Treatint Encasl hélng abois-i abeai o! Lieut. Col. A. thorpa. Oa., canbonnîs ni, w-lt succesild-,Roora 404. i Great Nortiser V. Smith o! Wuukegan. Col. Smih Col. Ptoxmité. Aij. L E. Wllilaîti 20 W. Jackson bavlng gone overséas as lieuhenant ut Fort Sheridan, ilto imade itie an- CMCAG06. LX. maielileuîtenant colonel hi' belng Iiii!thisu vsoOtO of the rme>-t capi bic' pramoted freiu major, bis promotion médical o fcers ln thé armyi. ludolsandent resie? BIC0h45. éd ta, spécial court vomIt, Bull ln lise capacîti' a! lieutenant colonel. There ia thé chance thut Uesît. Col. Suîlth many Se vent ho the 149tb again us afficer ln charg--thal wouli hé thé naturul thing In casa Col. Bailli' dotsn'l résurné thé com- SCOSTLY 1IMPROVE- mENT RECOMEN». ED FOR «T. LAKES Boôme true ugo l vas sunouncéd' tisat Secretary o! thea Navi' Danlels bai recommandai to ltée navi' cous- mittea of Congres% tisat one milhlion dollar$ lié oxpniei for naisarbor ai Great Lakes, uhicis vauld ho large eoesgis 1 accommodate aIl tise train- ing shlys on the laItes. Tlls recoin. mendibta tla hlu thé bauds of tise Naval Cosumitteo sud ville pro- battu' go betoré thse main body iif cougrass somo tîme iln Fobruary, Would Protect Sotch. WilIé onli' tentative plans havé hein maie for tisa barber. aheuldi ts construction ho autfibrlzed hi' Con- grass. It vus annaouncod by.Lieut.- Commander C. S. Roberts. éxecuibve offleér. that tise construction vouli extond frain thé paver bouse to th~ boat bouse, and vouli taIse ln aIl tus oId barbet thut la nov built néar thé boe, bouose. - Shore protection, to protect thé ban'uv of thé laIte vouli alsa o bo utt, finithé entté nfair would hé complète uni modern. If Ibis liarbor iv buiit Great bakes maOullaci nothIng ln the vai' of oquipuseut for training meén for te. soa. Do not bc impatient whien you get the Busy sig-nal over the tde- plile. t sirnply nans someone has gotten the you wanted to use, first. one is at fault. that line No Wait a minute or two and then repeat your cal1. There is n o way in which to get a message throtugh over a line that is already in use.. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY làI 0 0 i . Bell hSse