CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 Jan 1919, p. 9

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LAJA AC WtT VILLEV NTY PENENTLake COMWfy* -Big wre.kIy WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SU, ,rTFy IvIT1, TT41EPENENT. TVRSDAY, JANIRY 23,1919. 7OUI PAGES *2 113 .50 PEU TEÂR Di ADVANOU. . lu 2 MfilS 11-001ged 1Dys Waukegan Farmer, After She's Brought îlFrom Chicago. ULANCE MEN ANGRY; fiSOELEG SAVES HlM. Remark Broke Came's Baol When Day ToId Driv- er: "Take Mer te Heu DOut of My Place."1 Oa'deriasgthe mmbilnce oui cf hii end docairng1hà1 if h. pen tise attendant@ to leave theIr Ag mothr-on the place hi have ta ece for her untilishe amd thon ho would have bo bury Rd Di y, viso lveï on the Cla irn opposite th, golf grounds, on iOdy aflernon snoused the ndlg aten of lis. driver end iasistant 0o hoCouraefW5tzel ambulance that pont wisure, dospto [»yay'fflictior hoiavnq but on. el. lhey aimnsi e.e'g.t1hoir respect for crippies ant couil hardly prevett thesnaeivel tt'bemting him up." The ambulance was caIsil t- ( Cevelamnd avenue, Chilcagoa, ta ri-ne ,(U's. D)ay front ber sirs ta ho; ýO0Ms lioso. At laIt b intaemornini '#»d arrlved ia Waukégan I n thita tms'ion, going et ouce te tic lDt) ~ atbey drave intù, fie yard, Dai uigout. Tiey tbld lilimi Y Leyba motiar. a voman -ut close te 'tI a vani vo vei.I't iiciAtu beh i lagi- naiîîrally lise bldu ne " Taie hec iwmy; ai, hon ho hi mletor'm on Grand avenlue," ahoute Day as ho wa tid hi@ mothen va lealde. And. vith outging etaLI. - mbuanca ta Osasber avai t lius &e bad DOLtseen ber frtociri-e li téour yesrs, Day tucned on bis àte sund valked ita tha houme- Thse driver. non-plusad, didtn o *blat ta do. Ther baci the PsL.:ar tiser. and had la gel rid of ber. Bo. toloiilg Dar's adv ici-. tai i-ove tc, fie home af tirs. lIert Wci on Grand avenue, a aiter of Si. -Day. bbc patienot. Mrs. Wells came- out. 1- car. toile hec; 1 arn ici myseif and cai »IL caro for hec; taie her back hen on," t51id Sr.We*, vIre emei' foc hec age-tIaiter. 8, And go. bock ta tie Day honte tf amuace drecte-d ils course. êej ýabulan liera lie second tint-I ýtie driver: "Taie hec 10 hell ou tolhsr'; If 1 tai her, 'Il have ta kel until ise didsanmd thhnnvisis a l,1l have te bury he." AndI Lui o'li n bis heel sgain, Day vsali, t k lokota fie- housi-. Tii-ambulSir - elovi. viththtibr veaping ps-tIi -ou tiir band sîil. dldnt inav v tul do. The age-tImat-cr.hi-ari -- vat lied happened and i Inding Il -aise vasu't Ivsnted any place, w cryiug plitublr. ' And gseIlte ambulance Pe-ople vn e d UP Supervison George Bairet< iWiho gave tfinistrudoti a te t beho hfe count>' fart aI Libertyvî viere abla tgnov hIne care-tfi 1 alsud. viien ste diesthie coont> 'a - buny ber and eve-ybodr vin PO ta 1521 tovard the Institution viii &Udgat tiat tfi ere saile bu bave c oui for- her'amidIsuietI ber vie-I un-nafural son refuse-d to do so. WORKINGIIEN SEIZE *RKMEN AND DISARM 'TROOPS IN -BARRAC -AmhetInt Hllsnd, Jan. 22.-1 etty af Brenen Ie vituslîr in - anda efthfe wvamiomon. accord or fr ds en Io he Gsi-inu kala. =-di lcitafe erlin sLaa ýýV,.orkinbave occupie Sbarnacl«<t. iolan hal. tie i -.ribose offce sud tie-hnsatb çSetd Machine gueitlithIen et placý»enad lu public buldings. 'Tie ecidiers In tbe baracko w dIlssmmed by thie vot-ers. -~John P. LAflail of Ii. BbnBliff ta1 theeliait of Germon prisov -js agnse maaker, va, PIir l; IRaaat b*eý- 1-NU. 4 PAZT TWU 1 » q ORiAIEADDu ~ r ~A 'SERIES 0F RAIDS KELLY IIEIL VERIIS ,URIi13SPROF * %~ 7I BEIN MEION AL' O. EF TOFARMRS1SENSATIONAL DIVORCE MAN WlHOaCHOICIO SISTER OEAD LE DBNDF RD ATI-E R - 'Famer of CoptyHeg Oho 1CASE 10 RECALLEO Richard Kelly, tihe lAke Foarest Federal Operatives Have Visit- Fames f Cu~tyHer hi i'o change lier' mId ia a womaip's man of 62 years of age, uho choked ed FEmber cfPlacH E.DRE University MaM, Pload with prerogatîve. 1dNme fPae 3t Them toe ace Fats. Teeoe nMr.NoiFu-lie ta an end committedl suicidefol- ng Days&IEFew ner, lit years old, daughter of Mr. and ., btextf«i'te heSSE EDO S AC O E çtýcà B R TIIRO A T k-î MEETING WELL ATTENDED. Ms. MWm. H. Ohntead af Highland owlnghe itra le houeS PETD NE W THDf iPark, aflnounced ber Intention of re- when lhe leit bis aiter lYlila On the lirning te lber huîband, Vred Peu]- Iloor completely exbauseftas thé aid on alleged blind pige by ftel- ngt el ascelbsase Libertyville Auditorium, Jan. 21.- nerwhon shte waa auing for divorce, ros it f e treatmont o bler. eral oprallyes have becomne qite 11HveN"t fDahpybnlu elyan sack lethit îhotcr' Alarge numbeIr ofi ntereted prosbrfiends i e tepssmc su-r K(elys body was Icund in the bot- commuonIn the Waukegan-Narth Chf- Says Woman as Insane with film $100 la bille whlch elle was attencied this, the openlng sessiont prise.. The bill for divorce was Id tom of thé 65-foot weil, about 8 cajo district durlng the fast soeaai BrteCh esH . saving for an emergency. HP. alîa 0fleFrer'Isîul.Agetin circuit court et Waukegan severtil oclock Sedaeday night. In the days accordln a eot at leal rte hoe ir annaxed a $2 bill whl-h lhe found on outils ega. Mis. Feîlner belng rp WU wae about 15 icet 0f sali-r.thbuf.î mflSit% xb.I>Aebaveaiaready ba.nre oenîed îy Attorney J.K.Oris Th qppoitonwu.% t at Kelly outIn epte of efforts ta preservi- se- HA A PINLDA T H. ealufet. g h KlyBo rougit In andi many moeare ara-- The Feunre now are- living ta dlately IloftjIlle home, rnsbed ut ach cracy. 'ren ' and 'tDh'e~~i-r caiterise ll Botî- rving. The exiiii promilse 10 bbegetiter atlHighlantd Park andi so tar w0jsiei nquestion and' carrylng oui Tii-se operatvë.sarc kitown t-toehi eth irougîstlspoed of s. lage tanevr 1lt-ore and officIab ïau can lbe iean ti-y arecIIgi-ltiri his tbreat made severai tinip-4 prI-' b ave abtalifed a liat of suspecte tudIU i1herui Selete u t Several weeks aga, Richard Kefly. arc- ail pleaased wiih lha oulioak. alofle famiiisly. loiy, cndcd bie lfa by leapiîx lntto descente ara made on iliair placp.- Kind of Death Because keeper of llia farnily gol, tld ais Ilarry 1. Flood preeidled ut thea Si e n-rs sitfor <divorce S'ý Ille deétp apenine. viletast axpected. on0e placé f tsTrtre ier that lhehudi-îit $9,000 In inéteing Ibis afternoon and lntr't<iuc- seiona In theî i-extîrme, inaimilcîh Il iscccaiît-<lIbat Lake- l-ore.i u-at stleabeamaeou ! w i t ofItsToireiberty bonde. ed a ricp lter, Prof. Os- ae %lhe endpavori-d et tihi- saieatînic lice hll been learchîng far the- .ody said ta have been fourni. This has Arwdy aè leri iru car En of lbhe Ohioa 15. niversitY. tabaveber husband lnditcfi .0(fulr iihrc <aye, theb alibeingtg l.t bilen confiscated. "i have no fi-ar of deaihY a aslirh l e l Prof. En f n bis discuilaitn îý1 thcl tha army. paumervas& not ai-ci-pt- Kelly tîsd cammlttad suicidé-. Tiiey 4n 'Pite af these raids At Ai knaskn With tbp few words ÏM:ei Kate bha had lotit lit,, family goAd.Ie dalry situation ampbaaIzed the ne2.- cd. howt-ver, hacause of bis no- ta-aea round of the varlous weihb iilld-a enta iuo sh-Kclley relied n lber iratbarsarme.<ddnot explain ihalllié ttch esslly of mArc prodocèe i rganlzing citizensbili su. n Lake oreson nWedncsday. il,.lng smugglad lto *lie t6wo cillesi Attaclced by heinae oerlion ife nd lie eoiilel.fltquai- and al.o ltaeneceeely of advprliingi count Zeppelin and ti-he lollsaing grappling hbolsi wîch îy got at least there îi; evrry indication Richard lte aiter realizcd ileby bylongm, i togtihth a milk tproducte. lie sa id I pari: Thal Jack Euilt aciéi-cd mention in ai thé flike and wbich vert he that hiAs le ling done. slratagy. and strategy alone fieilA lg. "T. uieso iediyhsa-Mcc l-'etlnrc ;bill. whk-h. att-r,, Moes of locatIn* l<ely's body. The Several hne in oriCAvomuet reelat hlmn, for despîte hbie gie l'utnovihat lber brother John le "Thhabdsinessonfstherb'îman belia]trcalcsefo-;innanotth end ha ways ti-i-n niy bortty and -itle1-ofnI lle cliing a long ist or alleged aiti o! Abooks vw-erp dropped n Ltaéval iae- being keptiitder surveillance li-hng lie o ueh nbiroatedRichr bsac dhiandbrd bu.sînae î-nd tIle1sivI wsh 10taspeai.[ccuýtly and a Peitharntfor i,.i question andeaaiîttun cosa i lotît- and it (e Raid Illet raide înay h< - -gt.ballrRcar a isperd W.- ai-efot nov bIn he saine Jinan. houtice. sels forth Illeai sddlr-n U lg.made ai any ime. Suspcin hhec The seettng of titi,;near înagédy Mb.e Kelly is vonderlng ifthlera vas <lai condiltioniIbat exieted saime t nct la whIt (s lcrmad a "dandy', AI lloffman, a poliemn. tu beIl drawn ta iheqeeplacesherause vas the Kelliyhome, In the north any truth la bis claime. or more yaareIs ag. FAtinailnglt liiprlding inisetI in neatnes, of dri-es stlands over siixfeet inhagh as 0ft tie nuimi r fmen sea.n ta enter limite of lee Friet. tsg Kelly refusé,» ta remettn In piéof mileîîy mia ncrese pn pree affattiliAly'o!ftoannier, sililna y of! ared. lie lied a nope arotîn ind l eave froa imine ta tAmeNjay Thratîghout théattfîruooo the lier home. The night ai ber brolb- t labor nand fooad vi-ebould nov batipi-t-ch, and often baieied - ti body of Kelly and flie reiuains wec f iicee tan ara MMramWulcegeu nd rtè a ami vrdah.esdnpernc oiea *recciving '14 ce9ts a quart to înal.. lîi sconquest of other voinan.' ldt teSurface. Tii-o. lioffotan tht-r provious habit et egr aTinte and lima agan lie lid aid o: statloned et the botiop, as a prdrte- manay. Why are we aelliog rnilk ai 1urnglie otriîttp-ontreogatrdvet atia: a, e..las. iet - 14 cent? imiply hecausa tae aver- mas? vondnoupstiories purporlIng va pledtate ura eyl Th e Ilng ralse tic orthm-Al cre ahoe"Tdy IsKlyfasta ie age ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e tamtrfiht nlyell u.-b-le iislory or bis lira and protit- ~l0'Brhr n lnc.Ti inta i- r ltgb aNri Friands trisd ta console bilm. Sa wlli te icplier residlence wllls I aie alst nlz il ui o1w la lquestion vas on tih- Kelly Chicago Mrey for peaure'tr i d i.sse.opeavorsd n£ho.a ynee onta cystamaair financial basi.i. lsed cour oratrix itat if stbe sould Place and the itrange tlung aboiut1 it very effort lAs ing made te pre- dd h ae tem. nPelly'tt daleran Cilesom We are- contlnually working tbottler but lnve îim andI mari-y hlm tiLt ie !As that a se&rcb of tst-a vetboti-gnga i s ad iI îwut aa aprpKeito le*a, If tha arh badlapanacoin otîr pioduct and pioduce Al for laeswould tait- har ta hie phlatial bai-n(, ot made tiefare. SaM@ of lhe sellors 'iave ben ahile0 ta h@cetg journey. H-e duetgd out t'land swallaed bimn. f Morley and vi- art giving thecconsuIr - and large Pastates bAiane-.tit1iu Tite- policeman iound thi-top off obtain bonze. Tie local officiais aesies' an'APlh i at Ta oieaahffe.Tera on liahenletit ce 'tha emoIlt. Att-ase sauta ai the présent var waz the wel. on viaitbng thc Kelly honte of lia opinion Ibat the salionse-m ob se aàdI it l ot Te plc r afld h ea ma i atsvrning uI o ver; tiatlieha ad an incarne tiare- Monday nigbl, but the search vas tain theur lquailu laoier clles. -c0ie epauced bs a en- testsr a hdie u i business lea arobuai- tii- nan wvlt roai f:18,400 aiet tat lime. hut centinued eleetwhere and aller ieY ScoatSttr. derot.atibre arn euI oms Lties noiiing out s a phlantI"tir-tt- 'oud not draw thé saame until t"I gained no trace af Kelly, ticy con- Rtrn i ice hr i leri crhn h aefot and 5mos lai-mars are Phihlcntt- ose B ýof tiho-sac; taliing ber of 0:4! cluded liat lha certaly muai havi-eO R SIA E îter vas ptetiihavy Ii. ue vil nle ao cingFre Baioron: filets. ln wondertîlu-i ling. its sbasy walk3. jumped ItltheveUl. Tiir susDi- ishe. e ll seizc ir wytspery are.wmite oel ieacln Fe gho ns-n hI-Acdin ta pre-war stalî1<ticm. -.mnin cenei-y; talking 1a lier icions pnavad correct. Tic aficCr3 "Yau arc go. ell sing uibe. W te are vines an lela h a ighrdbelp on thc feait vas worth t foni-lgtaccan scories, vondroîta ihad sent telemname ail over the court- -bati ta dia," hliedutlas lha pusbcd ,, %27 pan monti and tic average ta-niaitacomobile- drivas AIn foraign lm'da, tr i nciudlng anc to Kelys irotiar Ls hw ItA on fbrIt h aly g ai- ceived $2650 lier mentie frIrbis and îromislng hec a box of diamonds. Join, at Dubueque. Iova, vicre leLshaos htAm tofbrit vastie pn tal SAlas Kelly i-clati 1- rop. In othar vards lha vas vok- 2t3la niumbner * an cd as .001, vas-sent iree iveekàaao. 'lOleTxYol aet I have no foar of dsatb." jTbst Richard Kellcy. wbo eaped tyiifrlegse hu iepald hie beip. astht-v remarriad th i oclst - FALL ayThis er At tiat moment Kelly'e long 11118frtrmhie homne bin âkcForent Mon- -nggor.ienster i he0 t 0* FL F 40 F-R..10FATA. Py ,day nigbt atter cboking biseenl Tic larier lias made coma progri se. loifaule apef ertar in fie c&boutuertry' Year.rl ylia h" -scrbis veretran 9ncnt aher:ctmethe a. thr o Sep.eliter vîthî an mInhof lher ]Ie, tay Id an bouc ta about 15 1-2 cents perc., 917, and thougi hae bought au lgr eidfgI have vnu.inareyo ulpy asb-e an-1b-ire' la iteInflis -, thbausra oaitrofacdt itg Zion City, met death In Oe.bîet. Wii. el dova -iy conicreen liti- qpew Ha did oct carry ont lbts, threatisfe n>. a ,e f Lc il eoagaofrasa utfi inusrit radli orenlet vntgeTuesday siternoli, accorodlng tu vord tvo-year wer revenue bill. He relea@ed liii iold, rmn mb fte beliavthaol#ha vill aeacndvan baîrbuciteci aîtmaia icd-fnU y itnuhers of bhlm Uly Inden fleir agreement the incane diniflg ruen;pcked up lischa t djtiey ind biem. lqaInutilpoutmore impor- aut rquât;dered tae maey lhe ce GrIflLtlmet Uali it-<the resuait ut lax ta ha pald by a marnled persan dltt8ppfiared inoathe nigii. Aeac icaan o aie r tant ttaflfood? Tha facte are tiat ceivad In giving picasura ridas afilitrm3ta4 t orA#de'0 all iiaodpn Tic police vere sunaoned. AA v a cofed4tedsand tbravine. dtic feriner banot tudied con(Y.loiid vomi-n ohr titanleyaur oratrix and Mc. Gi-iffit had jugil omiete-d dents. not ineluding 'exemption tor Sean-i aI tic neighiarhood vas mrade aand i- is saving niottity sud 1hoingil ai ithout lbec consent; and, turlithe-quack aisinking a lcap veil fo oi. i aaiedvdne a oKll.ti'olil e blaie shore n dthbter a .al aI tia saine lime. That I h ty so Pir, sailidefcendant fiattntad vwomen the De-nai Condt-niad Mili cone- ie as fllovc foc the calcodar year. Friandis and relatives believe Rally n h iyba enakdt ,h many mortgages have been piaced n lhc said car bin ront ai the home pany aof mm«iurt and was plngaedi n 191S and tor tic year 1919: ucd.OeInteeybabe sk t ar on larine dnrlng the past fev yeecs. of yaur oratrîiç by àiving puer *ber taking dovit bis derrick. » uddently Tax of Tex of1 Tuesday n systemat!c seamb of*the assigt In the sarcli. Iýl Tic termers bava gaI ta increalIe frceutly." h a i aac n ligdha noe11 99rvnsadli rn eemte John Keiley. a brother. vas sent ba irbe s ela pn apr I d liepfatis laM e an d po uedli cie ta b!s198 3.00ra----------------60remade their earning capacty or go *brait," Further long fi is set toctit thEt farst ta the ground traim bis ICIy 12.500................ 10 21 Kelly vas not ond, ta a saitartnutDhueIoaa )w an mos of liemhad hey een al Felner&peti a -art f bis1 tie Wesitio. Me.whorushe le !s Te poaidesiefvedeie agoaidichardagaKichad eyesey dadhii w~~~~ 40 Tcplceciictd-e lderly elter vere living together. ont extravagant as tiair city neigiboca painting and rougng lits lace. pencil- assiistance taund lbe was unSccluz. 370t)----------------90 film ta eai-Oh the cie-meof thc village.Kely asrted would bave heen "broie" long aga. ling bis eyebrowî and trutttiig about H-ie dcatb resulted 15 mintttsaJettr. 4.000---------------.120 8(j Tbe search continued into the ely c etrd t'. organizatloit la tne secret o! th,- le- In white fannel tiousers; drceintg The victin neyer regallpd consciaus- 4,500--------- 10 10 Itad aIanvdagî entisly okay omiAdais ta ofade.i - li baiing man's carning capacity and in gaudy ramant, decorating thé nes. He suffered a fritred ailcl. 5,000o--------1 200to rning. attacked his siser. Prompt medi -. if fuenecs ouid aise, lcrease tht-bn roadaldes viti cigtai taclbe antI Muci aifie vel digginzin Li-e 5,500---------------.215 145 Today a telegrain vas forwacded clatninrsii 0bv a vagi;i- thynutogaii da - eînpty bottles. caunty and viciIttY. as vehA as ave-c 6,000----------------.250 170 ta John Kelly. a brotiier. vha lau bler ile. r.t Praf. Erf cltcd varioti inc'detitîs "Yaui- ocafrîx tutiar rapresents a vida radius. vas dette by Griffith. 6,500---------------3. 20 2201 Ing treatinent et a aanltanium Iu Do- Kelley disappeared tmmediately al- to itivbib a vs preoair titîi-that thc aaid defandant clama ta b lie iad bean at Zion City about 17 7,000........ 390 270 bîqoe. lava. John Kelly vas talientradanfotarceIhmba t Ih wch e tic ocganal amil- ~a close relativa and an&bew oi County-aere. Hp vas -eilA inavn throitgh- 71,0 . ......4ro0 520 la that Institution tva veek a sc een obtandnotitrce oWa uaso recvelaloldab-'tcZeppelin. tia inventar o Uic Zcppa- ontthfe countY. vhen lbe showad signa af inuanlitei cehv eneiile nIah -nc al ,ti~ tiir i. ý- ,liî.a1rcl» a 1rmny; LihaI J ho .I Beqi4es lig iw liehaleaves thIbnne Aa a brother b Is heaviation service o aI iièbidýàleib * b . . ._8614 _____________ _________________ WAan dprof. er! did fa ogn Germeny wbo wvas iled lu sncb .tpr- of Nev Yack; Ira. 1G. Kolley Mra.~ il o f. i "iekider e ncha roaci- vice antI le In possession af the PS- Grace Scieve. Alice, Wintiia. Helen. AT w me uptonso tha i Inuit18ele e ud-a pers leaving itieurailce or othar prop- Patit and Robpct Griffith. ail Ot ZIOn arasIscnm * M SO SN W IA FEÙLRK :ni vd iI"ie st ig fi.,. ' rty ta lhe de-fendant in lie amurint b *l-Y £AandVVS'RayL ef "I , li esoeil, t"a malter af cost1<, af S3,600.,et i yuoets10:10a ,e h vrgefre us o iue Tii-couplae e4arated an JuJy 11.i, Funerai Fridey ila SU ND L0*0O*e eINL iEJ AJ1U IN Ie m T1fXR VY SSEVI lTe cavi;ur ere-r doho fiai aorao1918, and lie bil for divorce- iailov- the home. inle-cînttail MoutaOlivet Ceo T. Cunningham, Milwauke h erh exes-ad.dgqunl icoaute cilvrard. Ail têts bas ccmcetcrY. -'9; Aice M, Bîough, saie, 168. Inlve- l xens liandie c o naqua lîree-n î<>otten bovaver IHN N C DRussell C. Sclenfeld, Ilba Wis., uiY tir IV UKEE N M0T lIBEAu UTIFULLY id <oi-enet ros-hz i aIh aOt<a> _________F.HN NIE0 1: Dorothy C' Afarson. Starfoatha. nC talîAng short af sny profit but tat hao NTE OOSA. Faie iog ieia a a .,20. otle actîîally floslng moiter." The AOHRGL TR sigtruhteteu o i, 0 ao tt speaker outlined a arabe-m ai figuring Word came ta 1Mc. and Mire. James Lke II salid ta lie Vary genti. Jas. P. Mi-Gruan. Wauiegan, 28; An.h0rAr e U.D. Insti- Miss Gertrude Delany Writes coîsic.vevr eint nIa aenct IMnv tox 1.t'e tien vho hava lollowedthetic poit Esthier Lystlund caaine,18. il-ey Avery on Most Impressive tat oneba buines proositon. at their son,. Oscar, via vas ne- for saine days havie be-e-I getting Erntest Martin. Renoaha. 30; Ruth gt Tiue g Araseaathr vl porîed mssiug la action sorne yacks pîcitarei andI occassiottalîr ple. urcigan.2. M"typal nttI anr'a ti ea a cui> ile nato u The tee nov le front four ta six Paul C. Hackendabl, Chilcega, 40;1 ride flore. Food muet ase Increatte oct. let. inchest thici tind iti draPpfini avaY Florence- G. Hughes, urne, 29. FIFTY - THREE MEMBERS. WELL -KNOWN RESIDENT. in aerrprin. TeCn'Tcpcnî,m rans a b faut noW. None has been olýt as yet Luther E. Blythe, Lake Forast, 46., ~ Low nte tnust rpreatii n.The psy -T hey L ai e nt a nd youug s ofhav e e foc the ie bouses and ie e tters Elizy Grimes,Waukegafl: 26. WuesnanvMsnebde e Ts aI u m oua aise vhcbvligvete erer mopusaant hp tarSrnsnare much vori-ad avec the prosPects. REyslie n snth. Denera 22. b3 Wegvofocti ewMsenlot as Anci TheMi a ortrueiDny& t. pesad t#u >r_ talcliving vage. 1 anc not advocat- would tom ep samne day but nov tic John C Itoder, Pione-r commtis- Patcic*î Gallagher.. Milvaukee, 26; andArk badge, U. D., vas foratalhY followîng meMonlai to à woll'knsws wi ng thc bastîni ai pricca te the- con- said message comes offiially Ibat heocito nitn otChicago, but for tlie-fast Ien ogn.sie 2 ntttdTcdrngtI ak.Lieout oa i l iOet lys Muller, sintply an econainie reblaitn-bas joed bbc flot of goltI stars. 18 years e reldient ai Demftield . who Mue Mnileif. Milvaukee. 22; Mary ian Mtasonle temple, District Dopu- Iy At Wadewoî-th, W. do l.m MM P. tip vhich treatse every ona' te a- dietI Saturdar vas biîced Tuedar. Hoff", same. 2. yMAvratnasItilgoce9fdy eu w uailrI 0 lesquare deal. The vvy ta stop ROh- rï-ldÊI'iC 0F PLU IN ALLENDALE vîit services aiIlîî adci frot oly Stanley thernube. Chicago. 21; Nel- f3! . Avarr, e yth ga nattester of11 he niycesu oe o teont; r Ite. cr ho i ora give fie people food;v lenaatm tLi vlabsCross curch It Deaibild. le Rumiis. sane. 1. ta ofrlciate. He a as escsted hy 1e. tribag sta MOTHER tiaIbus* In t rde morie 0fhe p doplefod wce o bacdlc i i a.Mc. Elizabeth Walsh. viteetf Lt Tbe-o W. Loef. ManiîOvac, 22; Mac- ailler deputies. b euau ubntted teounfor pubilatite il t poli. vulua hvailh Tenare aen25 Casas ant It la Wîbo Wace.dld î im ceaI Lang, saine, 20. This nev lodga tiane whicb iprung W. regard il es a moil bsautfu **P- tI lapia t v.verelet bav ey n safitatoe elbhhaoi a-home It Fan Du Lac, Wi., Tugadar, Fred Zoîber, Great Laies. 22; Via- up recenîîy as a nesulî of a grantt irnient, vonderfuilt Weil c.uade sai-v. fth e olaertpay itadHutewlidtinplace. Tic followiitg a Short tilasa f ront pneu- let M. Leannai. Keaceha. 19. sinount ar vont tirai; davlved spon and, thlnking of o& ove Melb.'#P .18arcelI ein aum er eoi ea vtienttndaHnts ehv aiken it niîMonia. Tic tamily hsd liveid there Ste-phen Tazzala, Mlwaukcee. 2l; office-ci aofie oltIManculc Order bu-o. apen lses. Worde, w. am 1*h Tlia and bailesvare dring fan laci of andI mait ta check thae pdai fro so t lma elimved foron a-i iiat.sie 0 as omn c a -100tbo tvr pleaa.dte ogive MIa. Dlar~ food fa w e- vulfi sayiseparate them vbich la asîumîng a ralier serious Oayslake. vbare Walsy lve Sufr-i Walter W. Krause. Wattaau, Witt. combng la. During fie paît year 10tniulo is pga e 'ohm hWf t teTeeaea couple al ccul f yascs. Mcmi.W5shhur 25; Berthei A. Keaton, Moan OtI, 22 nev membe-ra vers taken latoWitu- our issioble 11«etii .shwh~ ditand tie IairT m-ent yul iiipply thein aspect. Tee r opea a-vîved by bier husband andI a libîle 'boy Louis IJ. LaFrant. Milwaukee. 23; kegan badge andtheliamemierahiiinov deeply hec .fforts Imprilldelu- An- h vfood vithout cash prq.vided hhae dre-J boysA eheb.sobool. Ar- mcop vaet5li i 0 an ns yea-: alid. Buiial It Chics-go Ililde Bartzan, Sheboygmli, 20. ta 650. EDATOR. fet mbenr anwenboaetr a.Te Dot__________________ Thursdai. Edv. S. J. LAFant, Milvaukece. 21 Accordbnlr il vas toit that tice abhe tersaewudbvtewr.TevoaE enesie20 rkwudg lmg ailIfIN MEMORIAN. - farnesifiser ba ue-n genemous vithbliis ace solt imply hy the attractive- Viol-E.oeitor! sine-,20.lomi oeldgo onmarcrspiby > aelaboir, bis skill and bis eqfipmtent. de- naseaI advetlsiog. Wby bers 1n New yWeeSyntematicO Oiwtl. Augudh W. Baciov. lilwauke-,Ianotb«o'juige vms OrganIzed snd i.'te-r eai uo b.sSlà.' ue-mniiutigmr hna xs letvlerupymnses eI A t'stmrablo forecaet a ofOpuli&01o.50; luescole-c,camne. 30 o . bm vopaovide that a eesaofie yord. Nef aelet09sva e-ncr saeno prceet.y0 vr udyfi- Olao et 0fNe o rk a Idbroughit ta lgt lu Louis Prysaing, .Racine, 27; RaSti- Iodg as sa ; toaterocevery 5,001) hie camteperson but thésamas gWv 1.a ce . amalj epare nt, ca tncb Yef goad a nd ytâuextai aou-bccopiet of diseScieDtifie Âm5clCflfor beld Cbroheuien. saine. 28. restideutsa ltheb.cty, Waukegsu long trames each mpeate taCs ta * woreTa mst ecipe wearea buIh OrVate andv vidYeu e t be n ienht ptenii« 8.,18W0- A statiitliafer RaymnondI1. Bristov. Ares. 22; Sio 11hjed mm SOs' ,ano lobdge" aunrole.. Of ils ouen iviuity- po Ilcecultera."u en ol ht1. -. . - ---m.tari aui otii à,b

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