LaMaison, ie Ille wly~r pana fhting uia. l > fierra tllkw? l is tb r ,w q -k A tto rn ey B en j am in l ai m lee re . Làut L ounmm o d or m r ifa m * INO e . b k . Wbr7 la goverament, 80 ucrise bo JutbI Ui «Haird ore Ff S vol derauU thre? If e'ro at war with EUnza, Iq~ o1 t celved a letter today fromn Lieut Col. teenth Rflgi ment commanderleDt. leitd r gihat s' If erego topoicethewor, s'r_4o0 Vb . VSithi, dated January 9, l Monday mornlng for Waaifnkton, 1 w). W .Sio-al tlgîue ooIfî e gn 'W e'dbote r i beorsWe.g04a ea1 vhlciiho althat lie le o eiuilgC.. trOu> wbêre lie wvi! lroc-ed ta uto.aeeht htvumqb Wý M tr'the Iwlnter near Bordeaux, France.ti tateIett oti *od atad~ h ra edmfi.l Tih. veatiier therle la very uilld teAlni ea ob h eod ntebm. urndd a4i I WIL,8ON4 COME HOMR E M G8ARE GOING comfortableh. tates aihogiitconn wil erlal v To I. co-tiv ulal W" -s it a lutotupi nl .1 1 ON IN AN AWFUL X4MiZ& ranureanv verdayibwwd tecetord aofg Ôantoa Another illustration of the manier lu h tegov- Face for the. past 15 montlis and ~obradvi > i.lri .56a z# uW~g ocrlgh ~ wu n he iOo lLorhainbeAn- In vrs tuho ii,1d la thujat iouk r Ffdheau catitbus be obtaind. - _ emmnent doos things lu sien md Voit Sherid» a u he con- I h ilt I orl Agnmonths. thee ' (~ai. clln .orfe Copyright ne,.- ~Chateau Thierry and S.Miie. Badsbigtem)ggniimnalmbtmo iiruyu ri atrmUcon of the DOw uospzial: uldin. Wtt)' têWa.r He wu s ocloed at th. newi of Ho.m- UM >. wl inIattm"bboiur r detrs. yu, r i *vreevr i rMl'uid1 nýh lo ucudremigu The Dai]) cared for in va.rions parts of the country and àg &the latte eled thiel dr ie G athe onetonvt) heA'ato upetIide, rbldcrto0l Je 9i1 oDr follovlng al work atil goos ahead on the wooden bildings that are wasdi luit atre ii Mtil dIè La>'kOIà 091m- b e*. tAt iasalictoa, . i. HamýHotel in Bulao. N. Y.; send a sauipleof your we o h 1 . *hB f monmi la maklng arranglementa for tli symptôme. 'Nou will reeeive fi- meia dvi. mter Dr. dnth blwng constructed at Fort Sherida1û for hospital purposes. é»M 5Jl re 1UUsme tranafer .of BEas MoCoaker,. w"i l iilt bt 8tedi t-hiswiIl behoUtllyden.miewthut a ooi luother words son»ebody lbusb6 big contaact and I a*oe. a uui l 5,dfl it t at present .ln"petiou offilcer of the ,mh wdrn blgto.Dr lieda j>>~ Ol souiebody lu going to finish that contract no matter wheth- la*# WUWW a eIubi bt 0dm * &. i M as, bit a t o idéh tt mUn e i.Po tent tin4> îjtiia lin r eturned <i ortegvm etnestebüipo o.-ai mpréjs.Mfer donlatiui. froin ti.bse il. If yoU ar-e 2. Terîu orUi ovruet edaUi uidng o lo.Frank Cerk, wéo lias been btiiu th, es f r <fo o y»> mle lmo 'Whn ou to tothnk f ue an cantnm n nted States navy for the peet two tu~stteZ o> SES NO EARLY WAGE $LUMP o biatio"mWVCgortoi t su aa for ordne buildings that are already flnished and vacant at the pres- yaars la In Notnii Chicago on a fur- bolaUioaS>that" utUIý y DI>* Pirce aSOI tra ont time, that could ho uued for hospital purposos and " lgi.He laitftast evenlng for le 55 taOB0~tO its ru840ltary 01 LabeC Wiie., 0enthe Con- Ol00111 101M nd dimordemetouachaalit. ae b pa eiiip, Texae, now ln New York bar- ta t uSfe Stumova> 111141te coa.m.>.u Short.- JUMA àdo". of physle. bais, wlitb whon you stop to think that Uic injurod and sick soldiers hor. Tii, Taxas ve asoneofth t he LAdt.Btenimer w>'tort mue et woeru. & lapthemot*. Tho mi.vaoual rtail .battesbps tat as he GandPellteTueBritail at the present time certiny are boing cared for SOMIE S atailiia vsti rn ,tpUmO rdciin vaes co b.ex. 1.SBfIOtO'BIua'iPIet =' place, that thcy arc not lying on Uic battie ficids uncared Ing the ver. Fafkt agrduI.of4h orçpu Pcîd or umie 0 yar bcae for, lt is seen ho* really ridiculous it lu for the govern- tihe North nelhool and Tinrsday after-* d 1&kstrsottld Grm0»t .1mad o lho vi eeed1h 1».cpton ment to go ahead and finishtMils big job at Fort Sheridan. atak aore the pupli:lle te gwa m-aor li. eOultWesuppy. te ho»ieis e lone lîvu-,stom n ons li It looks like needless, it looks 1lie useleswork. It duntng the. vr. Iae itatea thet their Wlo.H re i.cmpebno an orail. fovlalies-a cases where they want te spend Uic money selng they got Mlirs Tei spub l e Inusr f okr pli o slu& o hlr u« er dir n Idsrel okrs aG rW afl of «g M Anurlc »or «Piossani t started at it. îIn dry *ik la Glasgow fer thrpe * The. tacretar>' thouglit îIII în oul Think of al Uic moutha lu Eurqpe that could be fed veake and hoe iad a nopportunlty teu m onty for a brief period if et ait that 2.Mo- vislt London ani Edlnboutrgh. , The the. goverament vould iiave to proiîde F___encii_______con__ witte emoney t 18 i bing p u noteehsia build- îalk vas hlghly eppreciated iiy the EuniyetH.uguedztue iupwheh a thebestcannt housed only for a flew veeks puplie as' lit .e the tit time tiiey wrra lhà%rv"ad ehr after they are completed. The work there, t lunaid oitie an oppertunity to bout any one ,, ant public building. under Dov ap. igoudrUcpec taepaadthror idmore direct from thee pvereeas eervice. Prpitiration bllebeing Ifejeillb>'ra gongonude te ecetaepln ndterfoe h-ior rak tae tatJ hbie bmothe>- house.cormmittee, adding __ tbat isspentbyUthe conitractoro Uic botter Satluhid. they vto la in the navy aiseo, viiieoon I) TIU«ftU The ractoration oethie Industries E E K wf K 'bt li beas-terprogts thon are higher. Tlh. governinent g' bs'»lchrg. aynot tek.e place as fast as demob W ae Jahna Politios te lieginning te ver> p liation, eo a reservoir of opportuni: e r nwready togîve o the very best, nlCin certally ba strange wyiof doing e.ha>g. and FInrt Bho'r., a littia n North Chilcago. New cao- àtÏds ebouid b. createti to care for men Ilhshe ati nsye adds lt loir t brif perod.tut con'-, dislu urntihng a moot forceful illustration o! that fuot. didatea for mayer and the. otiier city f~ jtiIt re eit.Froin the time vawore. Alongithe lino of argument relative to the governinent oisare fobeit oMes od ht lnili vr production the daniad foruebor ile u W aIt TaI oi. The dulbig. hebuildings at Fort Sheridan for liospital pur-th. n hr sol bu ot lll , rlthtt. 1 .:iac nl topsck s 'dwhich haveead tacihe.go glo vafyoftbo et n gs ~ l nd ora- tai hnhifoce oforetic sored e t-i; 13an1, r So uth epai Sre get, tapegiatt ho ellere toUic verme t -i on. An election of maYer lias ai- The manufacturer viio duos not main- Out of town customers giveni prompt attention.le cuUýby a Konosha truck flm are being stored In the cage and ne doubt this year wiii- 1P, eciuqeth, riers of th( îrmy ment perlod- wtll lie handicappeti." laigprsng ndearn iv pca t eLro s * l open. fild at H[awthorne racetrak, Cbicago; that no excepltion to thierule. .olîta and navy trucks iiilci are baing Shorter Houri Net Burden. --------ilI - la Maeuprotected aid Uiey are being rushed in there ati upon for appendicitie yestprday ' caravanaed uh auee dption of a 54-hour vekln thean - forth.pup e of merely getting Uicmt off the contractera et the. Jane McAiiter hospital. Site1 have driven iesl and on- wool Industr- las net proveti e heavy la gettlng mieng niceiy. dangéred thee s of pedlestrians, poburden. aithougih Itremuitet la nomne baids. Tlhe machines vill be loft uncovered for a tIme r. decreasce of output anti ittilea pprecia- a * - Decker's autel- who wKîa Oliceofiils look up)th(. Sun', com- be lmprtîvement ln the heatth ofe! cm - ___A if, d tonthe sid abigasaiodsal gilatactpaona maieh opratd uotakeenlyplaceleIaftainrsuthc ha;oloerat rguis. uponil.TrenatonalInustres oa-1-e: o cm ca have boiea deterlorated very inatezlally. In other ba removed to the houle utf ler par- pan tt fla rxgtr-ut, poe. i aInlidsre o- tords instead of the govemcnt taking uteps to sel these ' ' ctray i hrcve~gment camfllo'WeativPof lic dayt- fer e orrd sued eheportanga Six- I trucks fiiindiatey wbich have been contractod for, it iS Mr-l. T. H. McKlnney returard fom n d infornied ('hie! -Swayer that ty.eîgbf establellinents reported on yenWI II WU Z iai ~ "a" t h alowd t dereiat l vauePiper City' yestecday, bringing vith leroafter (lite n ii îust elie mra fe ie pratîon o! tue 54-hour sciiedule. Wd he ngon o ealoe t ereitei a heler ,1ler aont, Mrs. .Nlrgarct Mie careful or "Arrest them: tae.them six repo>tlng Increase o! output, saven AU Sises of Firestone -* sd TIN a public auction probably wili be held. LéJuglî.. wîo i*iit maka an extand- to jail and then l'a son tijat tIr>' are ahovîns output maîntainati. nînateen Truck Tires in Stock, ' ed i vîit lare. punisîrd. We vint the>» 10 observa a decreese lese 'than proportions) 1u, Seevrai changes have taken place tle oi'diiifces in the cilles threugl the. retinction of!botirs, ttvsnty-sevenE A E '0:0 V U~fi~ eN 61Nmanageaient ofthue.Wauikegan office I I an saa !Sul>Sae it. ch tley pisanti If thcy de net aieving a decrease proportionaltho thie H(iN >/ iE iu u¶t Nl& recalled. dunthe . aleasout t veek..Mr.-Camaron han ev euniit te ho arrea;tet.' ed»action. dve a deeas. urer thon L.VYIE ' G A R A G E Christmas morniag a Waukeganiteo a u k»egan, las paiclasei the Tom - Hes.îed urmi ltî ~îîtîhedrivers proportional anti four=pcigad-WUEA1 LNI ,r SU flei ou mmege fr resmesonlin&on building ecroee froin>thiahave been Inîtructedti tedrive souîh ci-aiemd1etn--ct---t--a--n- BAD" ITH W Uel TIey vere Ciilemas greetiags. me North Western depot. Thia building on SSheridan iteadtri fa ter strcet 1thO e ffty-savan establishments e- ----- ------- wera te be delivared et Waukegan bas baen tle office ef the North Chi- and tlius avoiti golng tlrough the porting on thea haaith o! empioye. RaEAD THtE REASON public builings . pci o a -cgo Land Association for more tien business district. When thoy do n>ot ffty noted ne rIgnlfc:t change and Tw~r _____'l ance. , liseoffices te hie clore building on undexýtandlng. treTh.-gtI e Stbai enrooi <Continuad Prom Pige Oaa) jTIe DAY AFTER Christmas. et il Broadway. Mr. Cameron le puttln he oigte fetl engood.iif la tir mornlng -25 heostffr i-la a reetaurant endi baiery. Mr. J. I TachNot Ntl:ize * the manager. saese ve. ied, they were deiivered.W. Poveti lis, purchasedthetirfacterY L m "W.hava gel trluetut ga> "Well, va surel' TheWeler iain ofic stra>tenbuililg on Stete treet. '.Ir. Fixeum * unjiit demande wvî libe matiZ i a lrf3i. nera liait block froîsu point or delivery e-ho purciasedtheti. building evardleby. f * $177 fer a cible wbic hiuid lot (titi t-oth messages mè-re acceped. paid oy the. Northî Chicago Ladies' ibirary ber. as tley bave been matie iy cap- v -W1;,.-t-i.h- Yet brun deliveredti i. aholdup for,.and 110relate viemde. clubi ie meklig extensive improve- Ttai ue o Ielsns true-n etl .a gamne pure and înse. ald the Sur No dount tic Western Uiiio h1- mente on is grounds. o tflmone f te lua grn ineruhede sIaugîtýfi nia. riIsvii snda îannamd ingtt Nr@. F. A. Hudson and son niof1 là1 ft us. Tii.thing va hava gofte odo ln rsiti Mr. Ford ln Same "Fie: rtpiacetheli local mnager. bartyvila vas viitiag la Norths ('hi- MTeh". ot3eton1e Tlhe unlrniteti source or llgiti- cage Tueedey. "Wliat 1 veut te Impresa upon yen JOHN CLAPHAU FARUI la enforced ioînpressed îtsalf ilpon the thara la but litthluterait ln tic Red fair@. Tht v met von t the 3/4 mile weat o!f Grange Hall, one mile ceut o!jservne Druc ici uf 8 litSso elobf.fc,#btl btw fc e odiinotn.t Sun msa ad jut melev. urn i Cr oss -ok lare et presant. Ever A Chicago evaning piper todîy in probieme 'cennecteti vlth fi; tha etvIae.Alt. about in walked Fred Bu JJ17.11 ei hreseia eernetowa oy Crosutsflt ruleo»ti n tant nmnager of tic telepbona culjf- elaca tia armistice vas elgaeIare Sp elFranceeliastst oys !tifi uis Inxp et ronibe otmof ti pan>. UbasIIO e rn a lai-up la the work. TIsera 4e atiI ' ice is u t e dfictie ati orlgou ! hs [eliaitd u il iiar conupflailît; 'in le a large amoufit o! vork 00w un o! thte ichies amants of twe Wmukean Vroblrn>c. But, abové aLi l ase, voiuiuul. - agrFord o te hoeimmaiy iaibndanti but a fev faithful one te Iboys, XVîde Hetherne and Walter eh pugaeadtiifh the cenfident bl-e- SALE INCLUDES f..t( n Setacil o issAlhune i idol.Tee e ern-il' os Maonmu. ftathé business. Industriel andi aE t-ots, buot * .iieî i Pas d h.Theiefawirever inleus Miioi;menu!acturing Itel-sti of!thieUnited 7.vien enyti ~ U ni ~. iiO ~Ittht more m rne coule ou tom and C (orporaiIs Walter F. Mixen, Wîou- States are going onvard andi upwsrd V petaining to a Watikegan Boy; %Ir. bell. legan, MI.,.and George M. Stevens, la epiha of an>' condition that mugit ~nvcle ysd.Cei Ford even icluded in 's messageTIr trustees eof th 'rebterin Siton hRapids. Mlcii..bldcharge ofaisa la thi graat counfry."-lFrorn e iehrcle ie rd the. paY for a ratura, or answer ftom chunch bal thein regular rnthly the detihis of teiepione men and driv- Itecant Atidrees b>' Charles M. Scivmb. Balance Mlchera..1iug Miii, Allen. Weil, alter hearlixisiMr. meeting Tueitia> evenlng. cswt i es -dti> bc efr,2yasod Buliocks kick, itfe-me ouad. A udirect connacetion tieteec tie Tihe Christian Endeavon soclaty ofers ther a osixtfly meure t lamtwii. P3d Vlue et 2 . cr.lut f, Tht ibla -ster i en w.,,, neve,r lurpoet arivance in commutation tie Pneabyterian chuncî -ilgîve aavne a lbr osantci-FodViil o ih rdtfi deiseet-s teneor se eselticket frso - ra seu aparty et tise Progness ciubhouse Fnl- aiîc u Ir i osatcn- The high vort o!f Mau a. afoodi la anîvereti. Vt the Wetern Union trs nahubn ate> mteday evenlng of!itis veek. inuaicaflon over 'tht aine anti oaa-hall Strongl>' upheldthe fa ournaI <of t Tf xc nî vms tl-yng tu charge Mr. Ford flot adthr incre aked bthie Aurons-__________komtnmvac Italien 011 frth ail wianosetu t Egnilra asetby ___________ Aer &vnce merican Medical Associationaoting 1 Good Work Tearn, welght 2700.Thni only for tt- ila e hch hMiss en u lî rlrmeeaiatbihe ee' r5 C4a8r4flcatlon. Sgt George H. Webb, Danville, aad that fiai muet be botter carotifor hIles 1iBay' Mire, 5 ears oit1. wowbt 1300 ittily rns l cio ortie aisr roiNîsiAIu',Attorneysu for the latter roît, In tap- A trandnurse e-ne taking cane (if Corporal Wmde Hatherna. Weukegan, nmoin ther forma o!fanaIfood,. batut.i .> a, nii lxi un anseir lthae-as îrnpuSt--, Ifs yý.. lerance berateFederai Judgu- Lindis Jeck's graputatier. Aften havlng beau ihîdtifhe ultail in tIhe fox hlea. callei cOnclutiing "it la2n at craticel. 1 BaY IM, 4 yea4r*-ld, veilut 13W0. inctivu' cý aune. _she tueter g ftlue oubtînai la Chicago. te obtaîn an injonction la the feuil>' for nsea ime it becîme observation poils, on the Cote de Mal.Ii) tiMytetteyMy i hrifl1J ui mneasage. r8rl4n heatrnygea f-eesryfrbe-olev ndaneUCUMho-pa' hthoi' maitb. beritl 1iBa.y Mare, 3 years oui, veight lm0. )fuui. Cia you boutt ? resiran tir Sttoey-gentealconnerecwa>' o bar 10be anti a h). Thougi ivo other observation ___________ a pac-anInxl rîs Ânyway. Mi-. Ford ilso reiux.ed to mitsilun fr0>» nter!eing vîtîî the put- t1aI nurse ausu Jerk bitheard bils pmswr bnoe ne h o-Vu,&"ýV:H eai o pay the charges antij ioxs iiby, lie, ent'd oiiedfeeiebtens tant shelllng, their talescope wvas Myang.iasn imm, fat It.woolS ho 1ke thea Sua s now in theuay iuav d'tn noafc o i.ruai the irtwo nursesi. TIc naît day Jack Ivie truck, anti an ollicer forceile ophasant alwmg..tehm> ba , own Bod50 1 is vanca " clasa. Party heerlng o nilue groundtirtit their sa!Kl tebils tece-r: "We have a nw jlikebils lui-n es observer, bas baen vu>. h-lm .oeudmo piecmnt. but CheerWhtBo. Accrdagyin'iw ! uereitla- raid, an lechtrlc m mi, wviin cer- . urse et oui- iouse, hautit t mt n iscn but once alnce, tiiheaentuck toiUtb@r11111110 -ant «gttylg t lai aisl150ibu.eaih tioué matir bytihe sending out i liespeuîfion witli the iteen> neitis, ehic)> bal! eti.1- 10 thei ur t1e raLmd*o e hetteoma"» 2 Shoao 5.s ec in b iwO catlies. AtaPPears as If there woxuit puf nu-w rates loto affect Feb. TidfletM lsa't canin e tain atI teil oaout î nSoand Exemple. .15enfaie .Ratie. Th* eni.lTrouble. >f farm macblne7 tools, etc., coprsiga oOu5( n ATil leeins te tiemn apY foi ici-sag. 1'. Ashnler, attorney for ftle The btoosm canat thellvhat ile- The rttle o! the rahîlesnakeln de-. ld the alumt philIosopher: "Manrly 1 1 «71 ln -Alfar e.vhc i dnit iat hevrucnAtirora-lgin,, statu et ifora ie cre !1h diand no Man cen the, eoe ruii inl eiesaoacupeoltsedvr on li, ae~tely eqaui a - c deliveret Iif viii li- aitle Iolu like ail.ndis fbat tle-ai vi telly n weciyet becomes of bie Influence anti cx-* orepidermai. opine, wîîcî lainMost grounde o! lncompatubliîîy weie Free lunch at noon. Sale on uual tar$ý. uable t lerlA > a îxiines lanuerof Iha ui îe iltans- eai a aivnc 1 ampnle.#bt m rOiauyfr0.hlm and o - --frm -te -n-en--tgiu -0ho trouble val en airess of cembatibl cr, o