CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 30 Jan 1919, p. 2

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-i mMI~Â~. :n~u&~y ~ iii, MSURANCE* ni*, PlsOS la... An. temebU@e Md Worklng- Bman oempeumiu. 3»Hlm Bde Placîng Your Inmurnce rbI ihea si E -r UbztvilLi.I Oper ' Dru nStoe WELL DRILLING ýjM3HRfAN& DOLAN î MION CITY Phm 173-W P. BMIRSTOW MANUFACTURR OF "Meube and Granite SMonuments ý,*îeterY Work of IEveri Description Uoer.uspondencc Sollcltec 16 Genesee st DL 1. L. TAYLOR lu bFIMi Natiaid" akB" aidias 1 IlMes omBresdvm3, appomita Pars UhryW.ildluel. Dy- GOLDING Eaours o 12 S.m.-l teS.ô Offr fIait Natonal Banik Ur"e Po 19-J. "o. phone 157-.. Ubértyville. IlMouis CHIAS. N. STEPIIENS, M. D. PHYSICIAN a SURGEON Oisweulai aon gme go te dblMeaeof lhm £y% At, Nos% 1rost Erue ieod for ie ,14US e«J r Vos o, el, l letvle m 0. . lBU RFIELDI VEEIABY SURGEON. ASDTANT $TATE nSTZB[IsÂsaÀs. Libortynlllé. llinola. DR. A. 0. CAMPBELL veterlnaryDentist Laid Uvmry Stable Ukttyvîl., N111 adjmacnt iowns ELHANAN W. COLBY Attorney-at-Lsw COSs 5 Home, Cook Ave. Phone 168.J UBERTYVILLE, .ILLINOIS, LYEU L .MORRI ATTOSEY.AT.I.AW Libertyville - Illnois Luce lufidmg. SAs. Pbom. 11-. one iPhone là PAUL MAC GUFFIN, APTORNET AT LAW. lilbertynillle, Illinola cubas 88 MARTINC, DECKER 4TOasIun.Ar-LAW 807 Wsmlngton Street WAUKEGÂN, . ILLINOIS Office Phono 848 Ream Phono 1 860-R RAY N. SMITH Claire Throckmorton of Great Lakes Station aisa Face Court Martial. CONFESSES.- BOUND OVEIÉ. Claire Tbroekmorton, gel 17, fic. Ing court martial for desortIon train tho Great lAkes Naval Trainiug Mt- tion, faces an equally serions charge ai Tiakilwa. EM., non Pninceten, whero ho la hoina heud by the civil stiioritie. fspatches troma thora isori ihat ho hau pleaded guilIy te a charge of entorna a store there la broad dayllaht sud tkng $26 frou the cash draver. Throckmorton hu been hold ta the girsnd jury lu boude ut $1,000. leiestele Bhe mouey, ac. cording to the story ho la sai te bane toli the authorities te psy a. gambling debt- The boy's home la at South Poilu. ni. Throc'eeurten told the-police Bhat ho »Dent part of t he money te par debta iucurred lu a poker gaineand the reat ta entertalu a girl vhom bc mot there. He denloi Bhat others 'ocre lrnpHcated ln the rohbery. Tie sallor si ho vis gruntod a furlough at Christmas time sud loft for home. He stoppod en route al Princeton and Wyauet te nlelt tricndr sud et the. inter place met Leoni Doy vha peroudei 1dm, ta accom- pauy her te Tlekllwa viiore @he planned to keep houe for her broth., P. L. Bruoker vhoevite la 1ln luhe hospital. Brucker, according te Throckrnor- ton, enticod hlm into a poker gsme wbore ho lost ail his mouey. Ho wrote hil. ather for funis and re- caïnod $5. This. togother viti $5 borreved ftroua the Ttakilva Red Croie relief soetotyutepsy bisvai bick te Great Laitesa, aia as bot lu the gaine. Throckrnortau stili vas indahted to Bruciter ItatBe amount of $10 sudsys the latter preaici hlm for psyrnont hecaua. ho ueeied the rnonoy ta psy is vite's hooatl bill. "I vas broïke 50 1 vrot- to amy ftBer for more meney but lt dldn't corne,', ThrocKLmorton toli the au- tharities. I vas due bac e t the Greatt Laites station Thurad ay nlght uni knew 1 vouli ho mublect ta mon- oral court martial If 1 failodl to re- part an tIrne. 'l vis deeperate sud declded to met the rnoney soeu plac."~ Throckmertan thon tald boy ho learuci Bhat the clenit of a certain store vas out during the noon hour. Ho broke a pane of gau lantBe rear. uulocked the door sud entered. Thoee vas et Irait $100 In the draver. Tbe sallor took only $25 as ho figured this vould ho enougi to pay hie deuits and get hlm hache hotBe Station. Hie paid Brucker and gave $5 ta Miss Dow" He hold them ho bad ber- rowed the money of Ben Brown, proprietar rethBe store ho bili rob- bei. Tii.e-obbery vu, diseonerecI lrn mediately sud suspicion fe11 on Throckmarton. Instead er getting on a train and returning to hie duhies at he evistat4on Throckmorton ur- ranged to go to Sprbng Valley Thuma day siternon vith Mise Dow tanaoe ber sickigater. As he vas waitlng for bis train the clty maraiai cullicihlm to one side sud accused hlm of the rohhcny. Throckmorton protested bis Inno- cence and conseuted to ho searched. The money vhich he had secreted ini the Inalde pocket of bis blouse was not Iaund. Tuesmaillr then praceeded te Sprlng Valley vith the girl. ArrIved there hc hlred a taxi te go to the hospital. Iu the ereuing ho too'À the girl to Prlpcetou vhere they vent te the theatre ani hafi suliper after yard. The sallor then toohe the girl baek te Tiskilwa. After buying thr tickets he bad but 30 cents left and vent ta Brucker's house toa leep. In the. meautime the evidence point ei more etrongly toward Thrcumor ton and after he was nrdered ont ai Brncker's isouse he vas arrested and lockod up, making a complets cou fession. ICE FAMINE NEXT SUIMMER IF WARM CAMPÀI4iNBEIUN FOR B13'ITR COWS iN STATI3-Of ILe Convention ai Illinois Draymen Held at Booamlngton and W. M. Dunn Speaks. Blcoorinaton, ni., Jan. '84.-T1he carupaigu fer more sud btter dah7~ cows lu MiBnols launoesi nuer tBe directilon af, the Diniuion of Dalry Extension, Department et Agricul- hure, State of Illinois, vas gironaa bis impotusat tBe conenetion of Dit- noa dairymen Bhis afiernean by T. A. Borman et Chiîcago, a reoognixed au thenity ou dairy matters. ~'t msems," sai Mr, Roman, 1'tiat thua la Bhe hey-dsy of dslry extension. W. ebouli ail place aur enery enerY andi Oerrloe behind " uoerp&4gu and maise it a hevlilu, giganUe suc- eas. The entire state ahouli tac avalcened te thse tulait apreclutien of thc dairy cow soi ai her praducts as Bhe bout possible food for Young sud old aliie.'" W. D. Munu of 19t. Paul, preoident of the National Dairy Cacancil and ai the Jersey Cattle club oi Ameni- ce, vaa the principal speaker hefore Bhe convntsion yeseriay. Mr. Munu gave an adiress viich vas oh great interest >o the meinhera of ti.convention. "The umoiulnes etmli sud da1ry producta sfood hem heen known since e davu of civiliza1lon," salti Mr. Munu, "although littlets tbughl bas been given to their Importance. Those engaged ln the Aalry Industry have been ignorant of its vital relau tianshlp ta Bhe human velfare andi almoatumnitul ai Its ueceaalty to nati6éual derebopment.'- "I vent tho say te you men of Ili-i nais," Mir. Munu aiied, 1'that 1 lint la Minnesota, and 1I mev Be finm- tng eornnuti eoflnnesota.,pretty veil. We admire beyoni the pol 1 have to exprçes the lutereet whil yaur govornor bas taken lu agricul- ture sud ln tBe dalny lnduatry" Howard C. Batheer, s dairyman on an extensive amaie tramtBe norBhern part of the statet, gare a practical talk an "iieediug the Dairy COW fei Better Production." Mr. Bareer id- vocated tie selection of pure broc huila for profitable dairylugansd uns cd the formation of cov teshiug and bull associations. 'TheeIllinois Demi ssoaciation, breenlers of din cattle, snd manu- dairy supplies, ail ped&, ed their entire support te theCam- paigu. JIAT QUEUR OR HAIM LON? YOUI There are iaviihoelot ait olis yum. flua aneuni Chicsgo subjeet ta ex- arnlnation at -tho Psychopathic heegi- tai via think tBey are ail rlght. Chiof Justice HamryOison toli Bhe morn- hors o1 the Wemnau'a Pretectin. amie- cdationln l Chicago rocoetly. Ton eau tell them by thelr bats or their bir, ho sali. Their rnalady la demential ____ U EÂTUEDCTÂVV 'nia tls soas. emhibila hItelf lu i NOTICE Il LiLIIILIA AIlkIJdesire ta bc a noncontarmist," Juige Oison sald. *Watch ouItanur te mon 'ebile noticeI.. bi roh1ý givr zi tht t;. v ho wear long haim and hais that îinmùtallw-tUte v ;ni--.eppr"ub Hoads of Ice Companies Here mie -thym notlced. Theme arm the iloamwm' o~î~. t.tb l, ~a; S ay Ice Situation in Lake c'r0a s igne. If their ernatlonal con- 4itinlulle .ow dut aid j payaule at tera are iUal affected bhitBe dise ofie 0i th ii ilW a hh-,îur 'ip Co. Looks Diihio'is. and tlicy bave a good Intellect tBei WM Wiit e iIu.ed îr trj MSarchl, - g Itotrouble or loatoe 1919. , HAVEN'T STOflýED A POUNO). i,ý ao t't their troubl e l dIas- Lyelh HR'Morr, î~C 1 , 1, > ' -no.-ed a.afitd a. W jiii)C, t, ýfarh 20 M'AP.!1, i ,¶d eather -thati aiaafl 'Wr-mon. w1t j,? ~ ~ ; ~im 11 .;1î,j, t tas o Moreýs r, I hei.a it a- .àlly taies Bhe form of -. bc,> a . t -.i.gon. C:- fi, I !,,:,1 dnirs;lc di;tc-sc omon arc ev Promis(- - f thr( t.a ia * *cf aadr:t;; l ,..zAt aza a-us1e t'alt humbanda ai Un- >. berldan itoad le banig mn, > of0! W ailî,îîre, 060e cauuaty supervirons annuii.e 1c. .. t 'c. ". I't iL, c'Vw"'irnthe dteae afecta 0 jepermanent raid between Ke- mo (iUicl.y, ln, to the hi ds Uic en. t¶onnd c atIr3 and la coupled 9 su aine -ii1i enreIy ho comn 1',1 'c il for tI cy na-i, ii e-b-nadd'eor an Impair- ~7N2teeaol. Ts < k wt . .a fg ckot nr. r d Itrîheritt ithm Nictims are lu changes l on 1ordf-r~ r in y 1 1 rats. 8m!hJnà e tva wodaugerous rail-î 1 cIl ,;nlir t :rcrrinanvoee iltl- s . icdl' , -a v ar:s anid youths Who _________________ i a' .0 no; a.. t r , ui. w r. ¶ tc a da anl sufforua or'me azly news valiue. y'u>m ~ . . Y farm 1iM IUADY NOW 1T> PAY INCII TAuI, UN RES Smlentanka TeUfs How ail Must Figure Their Years Earnlngs,ý tIi. ates p l -ete a tlilemm etc *eM Mlx te eWai luches aDÉ te &mm e wf0 l 50 fl -g . ith prits :to - - i o l a a fev du". mu ieSo tId uli ho f oi r eut. tina-l 1 clmmm te regardsd as the. idomi thi*nesfor couirq and ster- They enon hfred santa of mon, sapod ibme euov trmus* suae et ihe laites sMd maiemil pregars, tiens te atari oettint "Dtai"ib oritical stage efthBe situation the vesiber tumed varm suddeuli ai inità iaetgetting thiciter th bu ceutiuued te geM thinner constantly. At the Preiment tre ut la barely tour ta six luches tiid. Nov, unise te yosuher lprio cold shortly, and. Bore la no esaemnt lu. dictin tbat hi iill, -ber. vill ho ne tee nexi smmier «eePi Bhat turu. ed oui hi the erilMial teo e MPanIK sud (t viii ho Impoasble for them te supply iii. demand. To troe icte te the proper tBlcknesa It la neceesary Bhat the zera vea ther ahould coutin- ue sererai days at lesat. Prodictlons et an open vintor do not auger veli for tiie scrop. 11 m om ou resdy te fligre pour incaine tai foi 111. Thi a I.the.sdnIce ot Internai Bon. aimle Cllector Jubur. BSaitanka, vho mat": «The cli yoar la doue: a8l1lna fruits M1 aimae msd every persan Who bred wyoD or earned a good campe. $mmemm it su bis hi evu s. 'AYnyIu g hat congregsdos& novr M oiE afsfect te arnount of s peT- maniemmarinefor 1918. t tg lear. ty tho duty of enory porion teIcern- qule c01ootdame A ad aserialu ohoiher ig Inoore for 1918 wum sur- le5t te mauie ncesary as soor ratum. muet rieure fenuses, To.. «I sm iberef ore adnlalng eTery un- 5557101 101501 vbo esred $1,000 or oner dirlg thé yenr 1918, sud oerr mirielporion vi, toethor vlth witeor bushand oarned 82.00, te &&TMe bispnei mnd fire 1ev he stand.. «If hle mu mn ypoperty et a Pro. lit the gain umet ho cornputod aud ln- eluded la grosm incomue. If -ho ronted Mny Vprty tao tber porions,' the total rents recelned lu the year muti b. ascertained sud frornp the figure a doductieh rnay ho taken for taxes psid ce renil Preperty, the noces- ari miner rouedi-, lire tn@urMuO. uni Intereg ho emai have palfi on mortgmb, sud sa sonable silow- suce fer aunnal Woar sud tsar et the, rentai propoity. 1Dsmt Vorget Intermot. -Ut~ m éonbaek doposits, vhetIi- or vithdrawu or sdded te his bsuk t@j.anms, mit o iucludod i naIlIcsl. citations ortabcorne. Bond Intereat recolned durlus the Yoir muat ai50 r e iinedd, ezeept Interost on muni- 1cipal.eenty or atate bond&. Inter .est on uimid States bonds noeod fot ebe lanel d y the. ordîuary bond hoder via purcissed iali ane- tS. 9 lioends ou stock sharma are lu- core, wMaimuat be lncluded lu the groga@fiures athough the liv ds t oi impose ithe normal t, oudistrl. 1butions made hi domostie corpens- Stien,. D 4ow Morchants Muet Figure. .. "A pollen bîyin snd selling mer- chibndise must fandI1di profita for the. fyesr ou the.folevInt hasi. Ilirst, aertain the gros, sales or total cash receipti. Thon idd togeth-ert. ri neutory at the beglng of the J Year sud the purcbases 0f go0d» for troulie. F'rom this latter 1911n sub- *tract the Iuventcry nr goodas on hand yat the year'm end, sud the. reult 1t Lthe cnst of the goodas sld. This Iceai Plus uecessry oxpousos inconi 0rai solely through conduct ef the business ta ta ho deducted frorn the * roe sales. and the resuit la the Dne oarnluas af the. hualnuis. RUN DOWN BYAÀ MO0TORCYCLE; IN EDWADS' CAR S. ThommesuefiofiDruce's, .Lake Goes Sight-seelng and Meets Accident. WITH EDWARDS AT TIME. Âccordlng te vard vhieh has met been received lu2 Wauckegau Straf- tord mlomme9o4, utiose parents r.- aide at Druce Lake, voat ef Wauke. gin, met vlti su @Incident vile lu rince, snd th in algiar part of It wis Bat itter ho va urt, ho liter came under the carsofetRobert Bd- wa*45, a brother aof W@ faucea, Mls1 Gladys Rivande. Tiommesons description ai the exporlence sud viat ho miv lu France vas Prluted lu the Sun marna turne &go and proned te he one ai the nery Iutmretluo; descriptions frem abroad. Acoording to vord uev recesived tram Themmemon, vie la viti Bhe nanal forces lu Fýrançe, ho bai a séennday itilough receutiy sud wont to riait Robent Rivards, s brother of Miss lastYo livaris, vhO le viih the Base Hlospital NO. 19. Themo Young mon' vent sight-see- Ing and Thomnmegon' vis kuockcd dovu by a motorcyclo snd hurt rery badly. Ilis facewvas lnJuredsenvere- ly aud is vie renierai unconscious. X dwainda w44net hurt au Inia-ý lately miv thai ThomMeson vas tAit- en ta ho,3pital No. 18 vit i hhd. warie ls cannected. Accai¶llugly, tic o ficer lu charge pacei Thommeson under Edwards' persoua] cure and l'e bat since takIng cabrge oi bis, case. Accorlng ta hua ateît .-epart1 ho l13 gettlng along rery Icely. Anather Intereetlng thlngis19tin-t. accondiug to a lette? main Edward9, ho erpects te be hack home lu Wauko- gan hy the middle otfP'ebruary or posaibly carlier. The Indcpendent'm two-celor auc- tien, poster hIothse MORIL itrîctive sile bill. Togothor with an ad ln Thse Independent it -je the Most effec- tIve mothod of acivertiaing and bring- -inq- bl tg al.w Prompt and ýcateful'sevice !sa ur asi.' Ir Ait e monte me d la u ( 10) moto& monts bastng inhmiaiet s m acuet of çpetit ce an«mii. Imm Pol mme lslh i U S Ieilom u i"mlCourt beoare uni dse sa",e ma goet lmi lrim 9in an D&WataiNuS ehmoe, ilIuofr tii. 23rd day of Januy .. lD, 191. HABIT MOKINMIT, TIL. persan-appointed by the Pro*i dent tet heo Dard -f 1,005ImPtoo moenta te rM"k " mli1sae ont wely Jau3-» iime-:)aving bervice VIA THE NORTH SHORE LINE The North Shore line ia the speecly, saf e and economical way to travel f rom Libertyville te Chicago and Milwaukee. Modlem, speedy trains take you there quickly. With this convenient tire service, you reach the heart of Chicago or Milwaukee in plenty of lime for a full day's-ac- tivity and gel back 10 Libertyville in good lime the barre ci'ening. LIMITED SERVICE TO CHICÀ60AN D LIMITEDSERVICET0 LIBERTYVILLE ILWÀUKEE Tra .ins leave Evanston at 6:19 a. Trains leave Lbibetyville every m. and every heur îhereafîer un- heur heom 6:25 a. m te 11:25 p. tii 11:19 p. M. m., making close connections at Trains leave Milwaukee claily at Lake Bluff junction with tht north 5:45 a. m. and~ every heur there- or seuth-bound Milwaukee limited after until 9:45 p. m. On Satur- trains. On Saturday nftennoons, day afternoons, Sunclays and Hel- Sundays and Holidays there is a idays there is a train every. 30 train even 30 minutes, minutes. For further inforî-nation upply te the inearcst Office of the NORTHI SHOIRE, UNE~ Chicago 6 Wet Adamu Sîrel Pbone, Central 8280 Libertyille Milwaukee coÏrgr Sa,aifl 187econd Stret Phone. 1I brtyvi;!L 74 Phone. Grand 1136 e 77!75 it e in REAL ESTATE TifANSERS 6.. LLîmnit E IL L ribhm. lotil1 block 1. XMsrab2lie Sbih, on Leont 1"e, W», $375. P. J. OWehilMdi vife te Mary G. Danidmnlot 0. ONoIiT Higlaind Park R,..w».8144b. MARRIAGE LICENSES jas. I. Hosnos, Miwlteie, a; Min. nie Omrnemarne, 3à& John lé Murphy, Hammond, [nd. 84. Mande Danimen, Chicago, 3. Brio C Mattbewu. Chiait.. X; Frances ILM pnn mre, 3IL Gee. Rhode. traniile, Wh, 31; Raide. Mud.,, Racine, 21. Gee. N. itikert, Racin». Il: Emi. 'y C. Mono, ane, I&. Mharley ochindier, Milwaukee, si-. Maris Pckrayviske, noms. 13. ROY Thornas, SPriugfield, 11.. 27: Louis. Adamsa, Highland Park, 24. Win. Lamhrochit, Jr., Mlvaukee, 31 Julia Dettlaif, smen, 30. . ee. T. Cunuinghamu, Milvaukee, 39, Ale M. flouai, saine, 18. Rusell C. fichienteld, lois, Wln., 21; Dcrethy C. Hauson, Marluette, Win., 30. p Jas. P. MeGrain, Waukegan, 28; Rouer Lystluud marne, 18. Ernest Matin, Kenoshu, 30; Ruth Bnrdick, mime. 23. Paul C. Huekendahl, Chicago, 40; lonce. G. Hughies. mare, 29. Lither M. Mythe, Laies Porest, 46;' Risa Grimés, Waukogan, 36. Roy Atiion, Donver, Colo, 33* Esther Smith, Kenosha, 22. Patrlec Clalgber. Milvaukee, 25; froue Goggina, smre, 22. Muke Mntteff, Milwaukee, 22; Mary Reffey, marne. SE Stanley Dernule, Chidago, 21; Nel- lie Ruingaitis, arne. 18. Thau, W. Loe, ManItevic. 22; Mat- ca ana, saine, 20. - P'red Rlier, Great Lakoe., 22; Vie. lot M. Leiunah, Keneeha, 19. Siaphon Tamale, Milwaukee., 21, Marthai Lipinsita, cmre, 20. Walter W. Knsuse, Wonsan, Win., 26, Bertha A. Katon, ZMon (Lty, 23. t .oulm J. 1aFrant, Mivauktee, 23; is aBirtzan, Sheboyau,20. Edv. S. J. LlaaMilwauke,21 Viola E. Heinuenmarnâe, ZO Auguat W. Rankev, Milwaukee, 50; Imou Cutior, maime, 30. Louis Prysming, Racine, 27;.itagu- held Christensen, saime, 28. Raymond Jr. Brlstov, Ares. 22; IPearl Ray, saine, 22. John 0. Hendrlckson. Racine, ?1; Malie Newhert, Ooonoinowac, Wls., 18. Harry H. Py:-, Gettyshurg, Pa., *27; Hattle Nelson, Milwaukeee, 32. *waiter A. Ludwig, Enanston, 2-3; Vils IL BrownIng, mare,, U2 Wunila0. Moue, Wvanstee,21. emiel. Mmior. DmwoURacine, si..; Ama&"& OMMit muo,14 John, IL Gebrko, lAke Zurich, il;j EMM a8.Wlese aMue,.1 Leenard P. REmghe, Mlivaube.,1; ubu>L ll er, amie.,19. Bdgar1P LeudM. Cluie ; Doe. th& Oolîlk, mne, 3IL Chaà. J. Direuso, Chicago, 33, Mar- auite Van Nei mre, la. Cari £Vau Milwankee, ai; Ol4 Brown,Mmre,.3IL Edv E. Rsbch, Milwaukee, 21.1 sol. ma M. (WLa Ableuuan, Wl.., 18. John A. Mascees, Milwsnkee, 27-; Lydla Buutrock, smre. Il. Clemens Grauza, Milwaukee, 2- Auna MachaJevîki, marne, il. Carl Roy, Racielu 28; Jomophine Hetta, smre, 84. Elmer fl Sommer, Milwaukee, 21: Edytli,ý Il. Lyon, Freeport. Ill., 23. Thomas Kelly, Chicago, 32; Clara Glloh, Chicago, 32. Herbert L. Peterson, Millaukee, 31; Anna Àrljuobnmsn, 12. Stana Oluen, Racine, 35; Norm Tut tie', Sane, 37. Joe Nedvzo't, North Chicago, ; Mary Kallnowsky, smre, 16. Wrn. E. Pense, Mllvaukee, 38; MI&. nie E. Wellhauseii, sme, 27. Jao. B. Mc2lellan, Milwaukee, 28; Riais Mctake, mre, 24. John Bayllmm, Jr., Mlwvaukee, 21; Alima Gaulitz, &sme, 20. SPICIAL ^"£**MENT NOTICE .DOCKÇT NO. In5 Notice la heroby given te ail er Bons luterootefi that the City touucl of the. City of North Chicago, having ordered tint a supplomental aee ment bo made to caver the deficlon. cy ln Spocial Assommeont NO U18, for the coït ofIimprovin, coustiuct- ina catch basins, mauholesud 01316. ing, gradina, dralIn, adJuuduq ser maubolos &Ud pavna vith brick a portion of Biais sthoot attuat. ed between the south lino ot Six- teenth atreet extended sera. mi Biais streot aud the North lineot that portion e« Boventeenth etreet, etc., la uthe.City ef Northi Chies. go, Coaty of,.1"ansd Biais ef Ilinois.1 The. ordinanee for the sme beiug on file lu the. offce of the City Clark af sald City, and the. sald clty bay- log apPlied to the Couuty Court cf Lake County, State 0f Illinois for an issessnent of the cost te caner said d'efcieucy aceordiug ta ti.he bo. alita, sud su assessernnt theretore bîvng beau .-made sud returnad te sait Court; the final bearlut thereon viii be had et Ten o'eloek A. M. ou the. lot> dey of 7%>rnry, A. D.. e1919, or 94e Sn theresiter as the. ,business eoftthe Court viii Permit eSaid ordinunce airavido. that Mei 1agaregate amount of maid ae«o kment b. dinidod lu ten (10) ital. Dmonts bearina lutereat St the rate of lre por cent per sunnm -trm the 9 dateofe the firet voucher issud on t acount ef vork done on ma"elm, rprovemnt., D Ail porsons deslrlng mayi fisoh- Jactionh lu maid Court botoro sali day sud Inay, appear at the. hoaring and miii. their defeuse. 9 Dated at North Chicago. Illinoi, 1this 23rd day of January. A. D>.. 1919. 1 30EPH LU PRZTBORSCI, BThe. person appointed hi the Prou. r dont orthBe ard a of .l lIn- ýfprovementa ta make mate assese- ment e Wklî Je. 23-30 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE DOCKET NO. 134 Notice in herehy ginen te ail per-1 sans luteremhed that the City CounU of Bhe City et NorBh Mcugo basing orderei that a supplomeutal assesas-i ment ho made te coner the. deficiency tu Sitecla Aàsssmeut Ne. 103. for the pavIng et a portIon ef Tentb street tram a Une parallel witii sud ivoutyoue feet Euat ofthBe conter lineof aStite street, vesterly toteB West tinse ofRection TbJnot'Bre, tovnship fordve Northb,Range Tvolne Ea4 cethBe Third Principal Meridiân, ull n tBe City ef North Chicage, Couty oaI Ako sud State Ot Illnois. The ordinsuco for the mime heiug on file ln the office of the City (Çierk e« sid City, sud the said!Ciy honing sWUoed te the Ceuuty Court et lAke Couuty, State afi llual, fer au as- monumnent af theost te caner ai deflcency accordiug ta the beu.litm, aud su imesment uherefore bavlng been maie and returned ta aid Court; the final hearlua thoreon viii he had et Ton o'clock A. M. on the 10th day of Fehruary, A. D.. 1919, or as soon therositer as the butinema of Bhe Court yUl Permit. Said -ordinance proiies that the t, ILI Le Le )r b- A 13 et E

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