CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 30 Jan 1919, p. 5

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UMBIIRTYWIM »fmrEPDENT1 TKURSDÂY, J&YUÂRB 31919 - .5, p~sa Uw - Titan 10-20-A Safe Invest- aent for Yoii PUT aTjItan 10-20 ta work on your fam. ktgives you depekhdable, "bleib power ta run yaur field machine., to. b. ciowded in rush hours. ta eut down your horsexpense, ta spare the horses you keep. ta run " ehbot machines you own or will own. ta fit you out wih ri practical working huim power. kt works on kerosene that co*à you a great deal les$e duo endim ose ae pene. and- leu. dian hall of gasoline expeae Luteinsg ood mrico me guaranteed you by Titan aco gecords and bL7the wa Titan 10-2Oisbu iIt ha, .11 the, mxroazpoin ts and qwahâ. tatmeana y.urs on, Corne in and sec it. 8ee aur cxhibit at the Tractor 8ohool at the Libertyville, Town Hall, Feb. 7 and 8 SCHANCK, HARDWARE COMPANY AUCTION SALE! The undersigned, having decided ta quit farming, on the Henry Bopp farm, which je rented, will sel1, at public auction, 21 miles north of Palatine and 2 miles southeast of Quentin Corners, on Chicago-McHenry road, sale corn- mencing at I10 o'clock a. m. an FRIAY, JANUARY 31, 1919 22 head af cattle, consisting of 9 milkers and springers, 3 heifere coming 2 yrs., 7 heifers 6 ta 12 months old; 3 stock bulle, thoroughbred H-oltein. 1IÇ ehoats, 90 ta 140 pounda. 2 good work horees, &et double harnese, single work harness and collars, corn planter wîth attachments, 2-horse cultivator with knives, 2 sulky cultivatore 6 and 8 ehovele, McCorrnick corn harvester, walking cultivator diamond tooth, manure spreader. hay tedder, hay loader, and other implements, vehicles and tools. 5 tons hay in barn, 3 stacks of hay, stack of corn, 250 shocks af hilI corn. and 400 bushels yollow seed oats. Terms: $10 and under, cash, over $10, six months et 6 per cent. W. H. F. SCHMIDT, Proprietor FRQBUCH & BLÂNCK, Auctioneers FOR SÂTLE.--6 room house on Lake street, price $2400. Good basement. Bargain; lot 50x125 feet. Must seli on account of sickness. Apply at Independent office. WILL RAILROAD ESCAPE PAYJNfi TAI* ES ALL VER LAND? Action in Hammond, Ind., Causes Question to Raise Here which is Alarmiria gaverument, that 1la'the IoderaI gov- eronent. Nov then, the point to he deccded le, la the railroad property feders.1 govormxent praperty? If It le. hoy can any taxce be levIed against ih, aud boy eaulthe rallroad pay any taxes to the country through whlcb tbey pesa? Accordtngîy lu view of Ibis situation, the devghop- mente lu Laite couuty, Indiana, vill b. wateined vith keen lntcrest lu Lait. county, flhnoie ausd other coun- lies. loulo The ibought aile. possibly tVis la the beglnnlng of another radical CAN GOV'T. BE TAXED? Iodea ovemmeint smaahbieh the idea of goveranant control of Hammond, Imd,.- Jan. 27.-Dues &s ildis. fU tchier wards what rallrocil have to psy taxes wlien h Would WaiikegBa and Lae eouty la opersted by the. governnfl do ln case the raflroad joxQs vere ttesa Attornley Clyde Hunter of ellnanted bY on. aider Wah- Lae oeunty, fIndiens, ou th. corn. fugtai? Plaint 01 Geti. M. Foland, county The raflrosd taxes are anong the sud1tor, begen suit ioday egainsi Wel- taes .padla lob county, tier D. Malis, fedeai railway dlrec. sud they go uch toward the. snp- tOte t. cOet $12,W00 whlch 'ilas Port o« th. oountY organixe.ton. elled the Nickel Pista raitrond Tbere!ore if the. &Uthoriti"eta Waeb. vs« the 0oOuftty for delnquent taxes. ington do ellninate raflroad taxes as The sitoyl ewoiWtem fumishes la ndicated ln Heinmoad, mIn&,may Rosi for thOugiet la Lakte county, n1.,l.i lte eue, what le golng to hep. M "Il asLe iscounty, Indiana. 1 pen ber. and elsevieire? rais. à question wbich bas not been consider.d aesrlously beor. but Tt le a big problen sud thes sooner whlch viliihâve to b.e onfronted Itlal declded the more eMier of vile serbone thougbt and action. The Mlnd viii couniy officials borsanid Question le- elsewhere be. le Wsukegan and Lake County go. _________ ing te losée isrsiroad taxes whioh basa core ne thelr Oxcheqera bc. Belvdere-À conference of thee fo?@, du. tethflbfc that Unci. Som oouniy snperlutendetetiof bigbvayi bas tltken ovOr the -rallroae pf this of the 12 aortb.aatern counties of the couniy, aatle snd nusîolustate viii behield bers W.b. 2 for the It - 18aR nown faCt that asices- purDose ofor uUtlung plan. ýfoi tc- Ments cannot ho made agislt the opration lu road building. ------------.:m. muin Libertyville *NewsI il you.know of an item of local intei'eat, kindly telephone Nô. 1 à---------- --- --------------bu-:m a~S ss:mSz ~s....ums -- .-- W. F. Franinspet la Ciel. cago. f 0. C. Grldlsy wau lu Chicago on huei-E ea Weduesday.t Barn, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hapke, OU Monday, a daughtsr. Arthur Blatti. of New Hampton, Iowa,t le vlelbing J. R. Allemaeýend felil,. a Mir. and Mire. Earieof Waukegan, calleda on the Robt. LUII famnly Sunday :alter.b Doba. r lire. Jeanie Davis of Sycamore, Ill., b vitlted ber Oter. lirs. W. I. Colline lait week. M oriel Suydam returned to Lbertyrilleo Tuesday alter Ppendlug a few days ilu Mladison. W. 1. Collin@ vieited Chicago, Tuesday ta attend tbe State Granite Dealer@ convention.k Mr. and Mre. Wm. Preston, Mie Marlond aud Arthur Preeton epent Sunday lud Libertyville.t Clarence Loveil bai recesved bis dis. charge from tbe army and returned to hh. b ere.d The Pre@bytertan Ladies Aid wiil meet Thursday, Feb. 43j at the home of lMr@. Hlorace Blkley.c Mr. and Mire. Geo. 1,i11 of Cicago, epeut Sundey with the formers brother, Robt. LIII and family. The Eanet Workers Sunday sehoE close will meet witb John Welcb, Frlday afternoon, January 81. The Epwotb League wlU hoid a social lu the cburch parlore Frlday eveniug. Ail membere are requeeted ta he present. Mise Emma (rabbe of Area, who bai heen sipendiug a few dale with Mre.t George Grabbe and other relatives here, returned to ber home Wedne#day. c A. C. Doane of Sycamore, lit., vlultedt with hie @Inter, Mr@. W. 1. Colline, and Ilift Tussday for Chicago to attend the State Granits Dealere convention at Cicago. A number o1 Young people were enter-I Sained at the E. D. Buhhard home1, Treediay evenilig, lu hanur of Gien Hubbaird,wbo le here on a fitteen day turlough. We notice a iew boys paradina the tireetle wbeu v.e Imagine they should bo ln scicool. le your boy golng ta sclioal mgularîs? Il hoela not the truant ollier le lable %o get hlm. Mis-. Margaret Wintringer. who-spent t wo yeare ln the war zone wli gve a lecture at the Methadist cburch neit ?iednesday eveuiug at 7:30 o'chock. Ietaiie wiillbu houndn i nother columit. The Ladies' Aid eociety of the IM. E. churdhi viiimeet uext vs-cl Tusday aitemnoon. Feb, 4, at the houe-f aI ?rc. 0. J. Hagersy. Every mcmtier le urged to attend as tbis will be a very important meeting. The United States goverument Is bav- nug a sale ai1 600 head ai bore on Feb. ruary 7blî at the renouaS station ab Camp Grant. Thjise an oppomtunity ta prcure a gond borse free oi blemishee at a nominal price. The saes@tarte prompt. y ai 8:30 a. m. Finley Gyat, vha for tbe pasi ten ysars bas been employed by the Chicego, Miilwaukee and Se. Paul rallroad a@ an operatar at Rondout, bas been pro- noied ta the position of traiu dispatcher. Hie wil bogin l@ new work Fehmuary tiret, Iu the Chîcago office. The Wonan'e Club met viîh Mie Carrle Chard, Wedneeday, efiernoou. A cery Iniemesting report of tbe District meeting ai the Federated Club@vaso given by Mme. Charlem Greenwood. The regular club pragrani was given on -Reeunt Magazine Articles.' G. .E. bnbamd, wbo left bers lu AprIl of lait yeam sud vbo dorlug tbe var va. lu the ervice on the U. 8. destroyer l)avnee, a'hich arrived et Norfolk, va., Jauuary 19, arrived eit l'ome Friday evening forea brief furlough wbich b. le epending wltb hlm parente, Mr. and tire E. D. Huhbamd. The sale af 1919 War Saving Stamps Ibooniug. Lihirtyvîlle already bas two maximum menhirs and Ih la pro. dIcted that ivro more viii pumcbaee the $1000 lu stampe hilote the sud of the menih. One resîdent, wbile Dot a maxi. morn member bai pnrcbaed600 vorti for each of bie Ivo deugbtere. Mrs. N. Smitb,'ai Grayaleke, wuila Libertyville Tburmday and durlug bhx etay abs cWied satihé Independent office to Imom ne ihvàt ber Dame vwu omittgs lu the Ilsi of Lake county rssidsute vie have lived bers fifty yea'rs or more. Muv Smith cane to Lake connty ta 1888 naking hsr hôme in Frenant towushil for nany jears and laisr movlng tc Orayalake. Thu contemlîirate mIsn enhurban laret bai bien porntponed unti Manday, Fehruary lOUa.z The Public Utilits bai taken up the Incrmese In lares and an In. jonction wriil probably be grrantod lnaa fewr days. One pecullar Item lu Ibis pro- posed Increai of tare wai on accouai of their rivale, the electie fiues, being un- ahle to compete wltb the eteam mrade and tbat they may have ta go ont of business, thiseshould not worr3' thefrail. roade, for tbe convenience of the subur- banites sbould he Brut coneldered. Ownere of tee boumes at Fox Lake, lugleside, Long L.ake. Round Lake aud other places Iii the couuty fear that there le a little chance Oilling tbeni thie winter. Tbe mouib of January leabout aver and and as yet not a pouad of iee bai heen harvested. People wbo iooked for the tee harveel to hring Ibem a few dollars durlng tbe winter mnthe aiea feel diecoumaged. It would tait; el weeke ta fi1l aIl the bouse andeuttlintly eold weatber for that lenath of tu e le not Iooked for ibis late lu the seaiou. .Ir@. FrederickaNueu,nee liererman, died at ber home on Broadway and Park Place, Libertyville, early Tuesday morning, the cause of ber death bolus a comic~iation of dropiy and heart dismaee. She wai bore fb Germany, September 22. 1857, being at the tîne of ber deatb, 61 yeare, 4 monthe and il days ai age. She lesusrvived hy ber bushand, John Numeon and one son, J. P um@en, of Waukegan. Fuerel serv.ices ahIiihe heîd Wedueedey from the bouge at 1:30 P. m. and at tb. St. John'@ Evangelical Lutheran cbnrcb at 2 p. ni . and 11ev. .0. Bnergerofficlatlug. IDterment will take place ln the Lakeeide cemetery. The members of the i'resbyterian cborch held a meeting Mdouday uighit for the purpose af orgauiaing a Men's ltrotberhood for Christian felîawehip and bible etudy amoDg men and boye- Also to etody social sud civic proileme Ironi the Chrietian etandpoint. The meeting wae well attended and the foi- loigo Vieewere elected: President. Jame. B..., 1VIce-President, A. L. John- son;"*ec8etry , BertSteir. Ireasurer, Forrei»t Smith. The orgaLiZatian le go- li;g to gtve big supper on Thureday on Tburelay ëeueng, Feb 0(, the publie le Inviîed. The intention of the organiza- r ion le to met tan the tiret Tburcday of each monti. for wblcb promilnent @Peak- crs will tic lracured. tAOOPT FRENCH WAR ORPHANS The J unIor uxIllary of the local lRed Crocs bas b.-en lnteresig lis members lu the adoption (if Frenîch war orphans. FThey have eueedeîi lu abtaining very isailelairitry resuits froni their efforts 1and mnany scîcouls alnd organizatone@ h ave pledged ihew-1eies to support one or more oi thesa chl1dren for a year. The caet O aIrrlug for ane child lor asear le *3t6-50 and thoce n ha adopi orphana Irecelve letters irom France and aiea jphotographe et Iheir charges. Follaw. tid Io a 1ie! 01 auxillaries and echools throughaut jurail Lake coonty wbilh have ageedi r alîpt bldren: Gilmer Auxiliary, elgbt ehliren; Saugatuel Auxliary, tire chîldrren; Lake Villa Anti. a lary, twa chlidreu, L.ibertyville grade ecfhool, twa; l)Perfilll grade achool, two, Grayelake 'ecliaul, î"ne; Âutiocb grade echool, one, Antioci, fllgh achool, one; WVadoworth school, one; Progressive scbool, one; Town Uine school, ou@; Fox ïLake echool, one; thiddlecone achool, oue; Ames echooi. one; llrowe scimool, tone; liutterfleld iciîaal, one; Ivanhoe s0 choal, one; Gilmer @choc], one; FaIrield ebool, one; Fairtield Parochial ehool, a ne. Thîs maIes a litaI 0aitîy.four children wb., will bc adopted. or ce ho tu, Iu on.Of1 be Chicago papere the other day we noied anuiem about e ver vidov. Ih tated ibat she hae resmeved 810,000 insuranue ran lies governent hecause ber hnsbeud wai kllsd lu action aud voulir1ettu iud eom@ nies Young men wbo vould nake ber a goad bue. baud and belp ber speud tbe maney, ahi aleo baisother bcons producbug praperl- iy. Bonne aofDui Young monla Ibis viciuity nighk qpalify. POSTMASTER EXAMINATION AS the requeei of the Posimaiter Osueral the lUnited Statea Civil Service commission bas annouuceed an examina. Mlon ta hi beld at Libertyville, Ili., ou Februamy 19, 1919, for the position of poalmeeter et Grayelake. Ill. Thi ofice bai an annuel compeneation of 81600. To hi elIgIble for this exanînation an appiteant muat hi e citizen of the United Statee, muet actoally, rolde witbnu thei dslivery of the office and bave no rs.led et the lime tbe preseut vecaucy occuresi. Appieauts muet have rsached theiri twenty-first but not their ezalxyf.tb birtbdey on the d aie o1 the examineibon. Application Faim 304 and li nforma.i Mion concernig the requiremsents of ths examluation nay hi ecured fro thee postmseter at the place oi vemey or thon ibhs Civil Service Commission, Wasington, D. C. Appicationeshoula hi properl, executed sud lied vitb the Commisson ai Wahington, D. C., in the applicant. For ALL the famlly, iThe indepn. SuiOE REPAIRINQ We nov have a rat.claid ahai repair man. LadIes vork a epeiaty. AiU Iailees olenssIitebed on. Ray S. SmIth. Churc/z c'rzpcer Mothodist-Epiecoual. Services. Sunday wiIl hi beld a@ i uaI: tiufday achool at 10 o'clock. MornIng! preacbilg service ai il o'clock. The evsning service will hi beld ai 7.80.1 Rte*. tearîî will preaeh at bath services. At t he evenIug service there wIll be Bradford, choireter. Tb@ pubMl@l cordi. ally Invited. "The loungeet IDemoracy-Chine" will hi the subjeet ai the Epworth League meetfng on Suuday evening at 6:30. Mire. Joei avieo wililled the meeting. Ail are cordlally Invited. The choir wIll meei for rehesreal on Tburadal evening (to-night.) AIl mcm- bers are urged to attend for epecial MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVEDtAKE COUNTY FARMS ÀAND ON ACCEPTABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY We invtite the inquiry oi those desiring ta boroaw maney for contemplated purchases of new properties, for the improvemnent or stocking up ai present holdings, or ier the renewal ai boans falling due. Prompt Service at Reasonable Ternis The Firn't National Bank Libertyville, 111. Tbe Viclory Teachers' Training Ch&@@ Capital, Surplus ai Witt neet nexi Mdouday eveuing, at the home 0f lire. John Woe on Eîn Court. Thedais wlill egin work promptly at 8 a'Clock. St. Lawrence Episcopal. The [icv.ChesterC. Hlli, Priest.iu.charge. H G Fehruary 2, Fourtb Sunday aflter Eplpbany, Candlemas Day. There will hi no Communion at -4:30 a. n. Cburch echool ai 9:45.1 Eucharist and sermon ai d o'clock. . T. H. S. DEFEATS A Preabyterian. [ast Friday evenlug R Qunday, Febroary 2. schol gym, L T. H. S. Bunday scbool 10 a. m. the Antioch Graye lu the 11 a. n. Preacblng. Topic 0f sermon, large and entbueaie Crc "God'e Ititerpretero." curtil raiser, the Macdu 7:30 p. m.Preacbing Toplcofs.srmon. tackied the Ântlocb siecon "Our Friendship." The second of a defeated, ln a faut and v4 sertee on Parleh Problens. conîtent, by a score of 13 ta Chrietian Endeavor 6:45 p. m., lu vas a tie for sone tme, dui cburcb baeement. hall, but Atioch'e team, oc Boy Scouts, Friday 7:30 p.m. at churcli thelr basket ebooting proi Camp Fire G]tilset the pereonage. forged abead. Captain Poi Choir pratce Priday evcniug. acorlug for L. T. H. S~. wltth Prayer Meeting, Wednesday eveuing. and it free throw white1 *en@ supper, Tbureday, February 6. Antiocli wiItbmthee bail, 5()c and3e per plate. free throws. Lins up: "WaMAN'S STORY OF THE WAR" L. T. H. S. (9) 8 Miss Margaret Wliniriuger of Chicago, IWlgtnan, F ......1 who @Pent two ysars lu the war zonetaI.PortoF..... 2 wiii give ber lecture "& Vsomane Story (Caie.y, C..........O of the War" lu the MethadIst clîucch ou Lindroth, G ............O Febmuary 5, 1919, ai 7:30 p. m. o'clock. jKohout,10 G............1 MIse Margaret Wlntrlnger vent abrd Total ...................4 as a newepaper Correspondent and had Antîîîcî (13) B mauy lnteres:iug exporlencee. She w&8 Lasco, F ...............0 entertalued hy Lady Beatty. vile of the hrorn, F.......3 c, ear admirai o! the Briticbi Navy and lu Dîcoît, C....... the homes of several Euglish anîd French îGrey., G.............i dliguatarie . Chînu, (..... She was ln eecen zeppelin raide and ber boat was cbamed by a sIibmamine. Total ............... Rer articles Inthe Suulay Scliool Vins, liciere, Sesle. Christian Herald and other publications The tiret ball of the i> m ave attracted vide attention and shs uuusuaîîy exelîîng, as VIE 9 expecte tu go abroad again lu the early evenlY maàtched. Prirtaone 8 eprIng tu make a enrvey oi alter var basket tiien the other. Tt 3conditions tiîrougbaut Europe. She le iret hait bud the score a au eulertainlng speaker as welI ai The second haIl started vriter and sbould be greeted by a large by the Maarous white AI audience, ta foliov îLe former pace r dmIsiou viii be iree lut theme vli be Ioe@ heari. As a esuit jan offeriug at the close. caged oeeral baskets, u, tetra rk. James of the NOTICE tva fiue, cl-au @hot@ and There vilI be au Important meeting of 01Young ai the Ntiaroune ai aAemc Camp No. 176, I. W. A., Thume- long chat epiece. ,day, February 6. Ail members are Siieehemi ce., kn,,eîeîio rcquested to be present. Geo)rge Sturmi, Consul. 5.2 A. E. Lyon, Clerk. FOR SALE-llorses,mules,cows, Heifers and Hoge: at private sale. W. V. B. ÂMES 3 miles uortb of LUhst7vlle. haîf r i w a. pu t Thise wilI hi the laet couq Grava Ibis year. L. T.1 awaas bath gamee winniuî score ot 23 tu- 17 and the lim ILlne.up: Lon .T........... J o ng L. T . .S....( .........B Hapte, F.............. mcMillan, 0 ............; id Profits ........ $68.00.00 SCHOOL NOTES Quinti Gotti, Editor iN TIOCH Hagerty, C ............1 Rt the Higb Capt. Engelbrechi, (J.O0 gain defeatedI- - presence of a Total ..... .............. il crowd. As ai Aniioch (15) B F second tean Sheeban, F ..............1 ( nd, but were James, F ...............3 vemy excitiug Trieger, C...............-,1 < 9. The score Sabla, 0G................1 uring tbhelait Thain, G ................O on acoun ofVerrier, F................ ( vwese, mepidly- - mrteons ledi luTotal.................7 îh wolbaskets Beferee, Steele. Dram led for Lts and three 1 3 2 0 hlg gaine cas e teanii vewr- ne teao inamde a rhe end af the tice, S ta M. ilvlh ba rally niilOrh eeeuîed aand hater to L. T. H. S. ieing extclient iGrays caged McMIllan apd leu made one juthu the tiret lu Inhieaplace. test with the H. 8. cerrled àg the tirst by a let 2-7)ta 15. DENNIS SAYS THEY SURE WERE PANSIES While looking over the grounde aboub the village hall Saturday, Manah. Dennla S. l.imberry wae eomewhat mur- prleed to find two panse@ lu fu bloom- Probably other blossome a ili develope, under the weatber conditions the latter part or lent and the tiret ot the presntï week. The ab ove ite-m was penned, S3&turdar lmnîedlately alter we were lnforxned et Dennles Important diseuvery. Aud now cornee the two Chictigo mornlag paperm, seetking probably iu advance to dîscredité. Tht- Independent, and Baye Ut tthe., wore violets. Il the Chicago and othop papeýre pul,14isldlu tis section of Il. etat, wili ouli await the pnhication of Tbi TIpeindcnt, Ihey wIlll îrobabiy «gsrý t'ie'r rewei correct troni this i(-jnjtjr SAWMILL ABOUT TWO MILES EAST'Or IIALF DAY WiiI Saw in March on WM. FARNER'S FARM Postofficts DEERFIELD. ILL musm:::m n . . Xew Curtaihitigs For your Spring Curtaining needs, we have just received a fine lot of new goods, They are in mawny different kinds, but the nets are particularly good and the variety of patterns will enable you to make a suitable, choice for any, room. We have many good bargaine, too, in add îengthe ai curtain material and fram these yau can fix up your add windows at surpisingly qmal ceet, We have received aIea much of aur Spring underwear and can supply you with the reliable, -durable kinde in bath union suite and separate garments. We recammend an early selection while the Uines are com- plet.. W. W. CARROLL & SONS COMPANY Phone 29 mss**m**s*s**u ...a.saa.: :urO::SIu1eemm dd5OZZ ti

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