CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 30 Jan 1919, p. 6

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*1. -e-e-aa--umuimmlmammhl CQUHt'y etN We ~e vattngmtpper for lia. Noe ougt to b. bome soon. No, thse Irhen the, plice carte and talked vith ber a"d tDoo her down to !aVtto- ael larneers undert&dng mrne. 761 ---- --- - --- --- - - --- --- --- --- ------------ We~ st Ta lor treet. rnue look i -look t th body and tainteil. fI9I F$ 1 antry. We have ntbadfo a rmndt eom Urhlmiln lve monthe do flot knov w ilDB Y e role o eom m i n,70ho la living, ski, vounde<i or dead. 1 YE ROeciY woaueu mXaie nid: e t c Wi f yu iaytry is~ebeuil ut nSIIS1 le romiseid me lh. vould tu ~ÀN I IFBARREL wl o ldytp aen et hm IRuD treistit, HiQ nid led never do ai PRO BEDhlma as ve are much vonried, as lie /AEEUUI thing vi'ng agaia." A M EP O ID ueed ta vnite regular while nlamplJJjj4fCÔM T14ENT Lat nlght thee nger pint syste and é ber rgulr frnt ur oherTevealed hie identity. He vae - cson, Arthiur, who vas la the. arnetestedtln 1912 and seatentted te,.J Fran Yat, wh Los Mony rdimed louto aots. M vite la FrnkYazwh LstMoe, erntorbu th ne rgim as Court Warns .Joseph Palaski let. On apl>eal h. got off vit!' Causes Frank Grabelch to Wiiedre ltonIner tiMyrei elas What He May Expeot from month la tihansoe o! correction.1 be Questioned nearly prastrateil tram worry. Hlm the Next Time. vas sent tu Joliet la 1914 treim Là Wby are aur boys kept la Russas- cannty, but vas panoled. TTE vien he an e aen nd e bveHe bail be en arresteil numenc ENTERS DE l oer ndIALa. BRAUN CASE CONTINUED. tîmes and had been sent ta the bai ILTE NES war witis Russia andl thers are ___ !creto be re. H bcng . -ut borne irorn aven there"?ofcretn hedus.H w BULETI -foraton ou aoseul 1 Waukegan, Jan. 24. arregted lait Octobrr as an ImF BLEIAný frainyu a edu.Twelve-year-old Walter Palardi, of a disordenly haute. The pail 'Waukegan. Jan. 24. vii li e much apireclated. son of Joseph Palaski or Hervej LYt'- outil tbey have been watchlng h A warrant charging larceny was Rospectîully, nue, North Chicago. praved the recentiy. ern out for Grobelch at the in, Simon Latian, Fathen. meana today of savig bils fat.her Mmd Steady Job. UjflC ofo the states attorney and he The Congrece af the United State,: irom commitment ta the cauntY l7ntl about Chistmoas Urne lhe w we a rralgned before 'Jutce LeO bas pawer ta declane wan. The Con-.Jli for e.Ieged content t a court in reguîarly employed trucliing 1 Venncr. He was placsd under bond* gnose of thie Unitedl States has NOT failing to be prssent ln court last Motgtmery Wand & Co. This wo ~f$.0 n i aecnludfrdelareil van against Russia and if, Saturdmy moruing aen ordered hy the wai cut off because of a disagrecta ta wmeek. Grobeich le out on bondst. aur coldiers are maiting van tub court., 'here la a delnqueney peti- aven pay. Sioce then h. bai bA, 'nu eliegcd violation of the Fve Mi:e Russia ve bave a rlght, and lit t% net. tion pouding against the boy. .Tadge vorkiag little. About twa years a Dry Zone law ho@ been reported to aur igt but ou dut', ta knov On Persoae bld Palaskl todsy that tht' Kvapil felI bel nta $3,000. %Ïs federal authoritîe and la being vbleb mile they are figting av"en onîy tbing vilcis pr.ventel hlm tam H. put the moaey loto a moi probed. tuer. In Russia. Are they fgting l n digbt alUal molgatuk atrb ogi v support of tue tllowers ai Kerens \y, fiac also vas coasideration of bis on time. Wiien bis business fe11 A robber>' vltb certain elements tbe gentleman we supported aller the amai son. Rie seurel hlm, bovever, he fauad hitaseif vtu littleIt' eç *tmysteny vas caiied ta the atten- tall of the Czar? Are th eY suPOrt- tlýaîtuere vould b.e ne Ienisncy lni and paymens fni $10 a manth ft tion af the police tuls nmorning wOCIi ing the SovIerý,->anare tbey fighting case ai any fttrn effort ta, evade Ing due an thie trucks. 'Ur. and Mrs. Frankt Yatz, 209 Bron.n them? Are they sîipporting the' rai- court orders. Palaskil eaght tu Atten tue gun battie on the Anae Usg avenue. reporteil that themir itt' cale, thet' Reils? Wilat are tiley do- shift the biame onto bis vite but vas cape, D)etective George Gearry s mevinga at $770 bail been staien f ]tir inl Russia? %'. stapped Instanter vith the 'Wrlng othen polcemen, iocating tue quai its biding place in tiht basenent of Mn. Speaker. ifanov gentlemen that tue Ieniency extended thie by tue abats, burst inta tbe roc tlirl home. F'ank Gabeich ai 611i pon thile Soor bave auy Information morning might b. vîthdrawa litho Kvapil -vas lying deail upan t Dlrm e treet, who. accortling 1<> they are xwiling ta give ta me as a Dopnsited. bar and Miller vas oomtnz Yt, hitaI censa ta bis basenient, member of ('angrestramtIlinois Braun Cas., Up. tunougu thc vlndow. la being questianeil by tue polIr.'. tuat I mny senil ta tht' people ai Edvard Braun ai Zion City, who $hot Through Neck. It vas rathen an mnusual tor' state vbo are Ila<luing ai thein sono, ' as placed an trial fan is snty a ont' abailadentereil tht' bandi Ibat. Tlcandi him vitetold the pý 1II@hall e glail ta bave them givu' iev vecis ago vas givena afuther ian th helatsvrd1 &M&, ey haItatrre at belcer pu,-' y belle!nfsrbtion ave an m ar tda.It levelopel tuit jugular vola. Six empty caitride ébedlai abrrl fwhskY i 'yble sttw hvnomr there bave been no complatintetiof ne- vent' ln the dead mans gun. Scar KCblago and'd permission,î 10 nilbt and tilat tilt commiander in-ehtef liglous zeai on i part mince tbe lest of bis bady showeil that ile bail si keep filin iheir haiement for 5il- bail no mare' ight, ta seuil tilt Army besrlng. Hie case vas continuiel ted thle $3.000 be ha<I stolen Inta, ty. Tbey accet'ltd ta thI-. relu Fstof the Unitedl States fi¶to Ruqsia, again te Mancb 31. Braun necently1 underciotiies. AI]l but about $20 m »Il aossît that Grahelcil malleIre- than lbe voîîi l ie ta Pend thilt-'10taak ides witil a man wba vas fanit ouaI on tilt'bo ailnsd later $9 in( qiient trips ta tilt' baement te - day juta Ireanl to subidîe tht' Sin ta bc Insane and conimitteil ta Elgin ln liver vas pIcî<'d iii) on the- ni & battle an jue af iquon to ake ho.,î- Feint is or o. send t'îeui Iio any and causcil consuderable commction vith im. ther frirrndIv country ta taket part ln Zion andl Waukegan thraugh ieis About iX mntis azo a YU"V.. ' - îi îcpoitics o! thal cointiy.I put autspaken viewson the TII0IVSru AN to tue posta] savi unS. a mi : w thu lttrin lu unuas coing fro:n RO SF DAN CUt $-.70 tht' en-lire deponit (,'i b-ont' ct nyçofnttiTilit, ho &sires Isifad wJe. lt' took iltht- bnl,, tanow. I, bu ýa rght 10 .iow flC MW pacp iiin n.-dinry hv i i-, on sfigbtinz hre. l L . . RISONER DISiIES ON FLOOR; Aar. This janr he placcî in h" il' 10 îlo t la figbttee:h n- O , -L I1114mn asot laanetomto h'-Iltdtofltier Iieia a cuPen-!IIE M IV~lJIId. baroi f wisky. e trf, a uit wuýt oi Ceruani-.andl the war a ithi Illenubbish over the jar and pac-'.Gernnuny vc n'(n ermany lias bt-' E <N (UN DJL ila Brn1Arse a box aven tue pile. brouglit ta her kn- es, and lb-so "n.3j E (NG ND E !ilir e ntAesd lie explaineil to tilt'police that ti- !of urs vin anc lu iii' Army a ai j itofWfe M s thouglit tile mon! oulil be s tTtbretnaed taday with bcbng uoved Go vpl h obdBd dr loArse tiser. than ini the banit. lie planned to Rusi.a Andi if*port ai oun anmy Ge. vplwh Ro edB - queradr loArse to go an a .1arnita ..s spring an:d kuios 1, t here andI i needeil. tilt'wbalelne-msStrSo f OU t l wouliseemi tue nioner 1.05 ilarmy ouglit ta ho terne on none., ner-Ames SoSotnA. - HAD A VERY BISY SUNDI Mmr. Tatz sali sue vent ta tijt'1-milal expeet sainie gcntleman,1k trRbi~aSlo.____ &goemt wednesday fteraooa 0tîhi-nco ona mt,)Because bis breakfast on Sun( &Mt ons mont'! and touaI lit intact. tee on NI litary Affairas or ,onseWAS SEND DOWN IN 1914. arnt of su GnsutFlmeiave Ibovent ta the boiement agi n fienîs on colicague on tilt'fil"0 ta brue il ie h diebes ad foodi fkuraday atternoon and discver--i expiain ii matter, and 1 do thile la Gearge Kvapi, bandit and motar the tablc onti tbe fAnar. At Ie à" the beirel af vhiekey vas iss- nua sort ai antngonlsm. TIen. vere, truck ovuen, wagshout and killemi Sat- halh tn alb i ~. is mayalc as an'. accondlng ta tue paper, 40 or 50 0f urlay atternoan la Chicago by Pa- wha cSused lus arreet. Berent et Oumabelch, th mornlng deae auiî j îer klleil thene yestrlay. lnden trolman Harry Miler. Tii. police-- thec nigit la the city laIl. Hei IMvlede of the. aflair. He admit- viat banner are tbey fighting' Tht'y man roccntiy put i plain lties., ie rîrnnr cnn - ii vln iuriieem te wiseYare fightlng unden aur banner, but for clung tai a firc ecaan d ilile Lit:e rning but tic case vas contint »Meh he dld nt knov viat bil!voee cauae? Ar. they Aigting wVt. bandit turaugh a tourth teny vindow, uatll Tuesday mornlng. The Bere b9cooee cf IL He ilkcvise deniesthe autocratie Czar or the aîîocracy bavIng ne mark ta, shoat t but the. bave six childrea. lie. Berent ig.oledge of vsiha d became ai ai the bplmhevlki? Onr lafRer a flahecf thse rolsber's gun 'In the sert ia court ths morning tuat tisa moaey. mddle graund that invlvel'eallectlon dankeneil neota. iuènacnuto udy 'Ib materleta . lid beon f Interst? Kvapillvas' anc of a trio arrestei aIl affalr. Si. aya he la noveri gUatVe ttorney Welcb and h.lie ii Let same one ansver. in Wankegan la Marci 19, 1914, and lâfed ith vthe L m.ais as oh.età docie visat futher actian le ta tic And, ce tan as knava. noboly bas, sent ta Joiet on Jane 181!', 1911. tucin. token. anavereil thil a i-$mportatt atten The tbree vene tannd gnUlty et rab. Fight at Meequerade. 1. LA.iller represontil tue dc- wvisci, as Mir Mason insiste, tilt pe- bing Bilinger ad Arn.,' star., tai-' John Mitchell, aged 19. af Keni Jenst hoFarmr he m baen hn y l e bave a ibt t10 know aout.) iag t-va uts et clotiies. etc. Thbeand Charles Plevetky, aged 38, of bgieFre.Tehaig Wi tuer membera af bhc gang vere- Teti street, ver. arnetel Sun lie held B vcek fmcm today. M E SIN IR UFrank Koehiur, whosee caunctlins lgt as thie -rsult o afracas Eswird Kvapill brother a! George. querade wasi bsg bell. Pleve flIA ON I3M NDSTO IGIIER N S RE Hiet alas vas George Cooper; George, changes tint Mlcltmel truci M N IYRÀNDSTO FGHTERON ST EE R vapils allas vas Jne Harper. Keh- ln tue tact. Mitchell. It la sahdil ftTf II er vas Inater panoel: itva mo bot!'- not dcny tht' charge, but saye EW " yOURBO S! N ASHUINT ON D.C. ens accordlng ta Lakte couaty court Plevetky insistcd upon tollovlng1 _________ciels vert' stili supposel ta beci ail arounid the ball rylng ta ta«ie ARE IN RUSSIÀî. .. ..l-iiJoiet. masitoff. lltb men apent tueani RMAN Amusing Comedy of Errors was Staded'in City Police Court Thi Morntng. TWO MEN ARE FINED' The ecene for this littie Incidentj la laid ln the. clty police court before Police Magistrate Taylor. The timet was thus aorning.t "Step forward.' Peter Scarboil-1 You are charxiad with vite beatng"i It was Aost. State's Attorney Welcb Who was apeaking.1 "la that yoSr vite,' the prosecutori continued aeslie pointed te the prose- cuting rwitneae. "No, no-my wife In oId country,"1 Scarboli e replled ln hbe best brokenE English. The promecutor dld flot gasp but he looked hIe surprise.. «Thora must b.nme mietake, your honor," he eald turning to the court.1 "'7%le man le charged vit!, vife-brat-c lng and Fet he aseerts that -hie vite la ln the old country. There là soins, thlng unu4ual about thîsi." .9 It develIopeil, however, thet technl. caly fthe charge of "wife heatln,-."i wae corect, for white Searbolis hiil Dot beatea hie own wi!e he l'adil hat- en another mane wlfe. r'i, c-,i plalaing wtness was Mrs. V"ronIca Akramule. wlfe . f 1oninick Akra muta, Sprlng and Water estree'.s. Scarboris bas been boarding at hi. Atramuls home for the let vear. Bunday. according te th(, ovltlei<-e K<ramule and hie wife went t0 a chrlatening ln North Chicaro and d not return home until 9 o'clock ai ntght. At Il o'clock Scarboli.o de manded hie supper which was rei s ed. le then got loto an altercat Ion with Akramulq, the upshot of wh "'h wae that lie -truck< Mri. Akramuls on ira %y- tm ar- JoI- one He )se tes lte lie him- for l)rk lent )en ago otor aore Soff mnd rry the him rges %tuf- hie cas ont ioff IV itL>fLUA'~IL> 1Ai Zn OCEAN PORT SON thi MAY BE REALIZEI aen Ba, to Ocean Waterway. axsWOULD MEAN MUCH HERE. isba Wauiegan Msay sec the time. and f924 It May nat b. fan distant, viien ehîps mda yul gaotram thse local port direct 10 .a at lie occan. Tbis vould meal tise mas.- de.pening of tise barbon liet t ter sti! mit tise entrauce ot larger sbîpsa ndi bita vauld bc tue meftus ot lncneasing tie bacs growtb aOftt'é eYty ta amanTket Pz- that tent. la tact It la saiS tintt1h. Johns hlm Manvîlie plant vîîci lIs ta lacate an eLie the forth flats vilI biulld Ils owv igut barbon vhihb ili permit ahips o! _____Miss Helen-LicntTeIa Sees Ueo.1 Ki-apil. just bpfore le -vas killed. la the City jail. Tbelr -eue bas bec-n deep Inaught ta enter. This posai- p-,i-,,,., ,1,, .had s1itgel Man Goodman, saloon- continued. hly tf; In anticipation of tise propose Former Resident of Waukegan Calhoun wh"'l was on Fur- ;etin 1411 Southl Canal treet and Other Police News. Lakes-to-the-Ocean watt'nvay that In in House at Washington, lough trom Hospital. ioed him of <i'.Godman balt Pote Scanic'lls, ageil 38, resiîlng at bclng panicil. Read FaheÉ' Leter. Thi th word 11 s ot o laRê .-bt-rn ia the habit ni calag dbec SPrng and Wiaten gîreets, vas an- That itbhmuius bas been givea thc Reas Fthe's ettr. inttis vaîl e nl so lme fion lataners hantthe employ af tie rebted Sund.ay night on a charge ai Plan l b. ceeu !rorn btie tailovlng b. er al, ls empha.slzed every once lunVBaltimor ~a Ohio and Sac Line being a wife beatcr. His case bas Waehingtondibspatcls: UOBO3DY GIVES AN ANSWER a vhil. Tii. labset ImeLent camp-il railîoads bt-on munnicI. Washington, Jan. 27.-Tile plans la eannetbon vitis bhe meeting lb vt as pay day Saurlay. ad le A couiaint vas receivel Sunday ton the "lakee-ta-nceaa' biglivay Coagressman-at-Lange WIllIam E. Washligton. D. .C.,.ofai aur v!,as ne îurnnng tram the bonk itultile nght t]iat -.n ntoxcatel mon bal movel forvard ha Congres Situnttay UMeOa, fOs'sEily of Waukegan, lti- Yailtg wamaand a Waukegaa Yatitlgmaaey. lie letfthe c treet car ilt allen luntCi, lorthvestrnn bure-ta- vien tise Senatecommerce comnmit- er o Levis F. M-mion of Sheridanma n,.J Fourleenth endl Canal streets. Kva- hIe. A toti was neat ansi tiheîelav tee aleptel an amenilmeat ta tilt Road, vante te tnov If thse Wash- Miss lHelen LIeiit!eid oa! Waukie- plilsteppeS up and struck ithm itli vas lociiel ,p. lic gave i naine ai penliag river and horion appropria- Ingtea authetltos aiv on- Amenictm n o, vho le employbd l In tt l a blackjack. Goodman droppei thc John Cblod ru-k. He vas finel 47.50.thon bill praposlng joint action iy t'e moldiers are tling nuwi i'i ussia. c<trFs healquartere at Washingtoan, money vhieb ho vas carrying iun a The poilef.- ay be vas ga intaxicatecl United States ansi Canada lomoi-I ces- On Baturday brnblaon arase la but ,runel ta b. vallng aîong theo box. tbat b'- wcîit ta the unnable ta tut-n tabIisRinrg a votcrvay'for oceon-go- t»h buse ad saisi: stiî-c> la Washington tise tiier si-v Vîctîm Shows Fight. amn.Iag vecela-between btse Grent Laktr Mr, Speaker. I Insert lu theo reord it-n t'b-e ran ocroaGeorge Cahboisn.1 Kvapil icboôpod Io get IL AMthnugiland thse Atlanthc. ae1llera question, latel Jannary a W'îýiegan Young man. Caîboun Is lAVE ja asamost rheThc ameadascat. offt'red Riy Ren-t- SMd, 1919, Cicago, ni., ond sIgae(t ocaofaithe Waukegan men wvIn asby tise bow hiedid fit logebihihat.LA I FREST 60B, ter Lenreol of Wisconein, and adopt- bySitmon Lanan, lathen, 1715 W. l4th returnel from Francia as a result t jHe clinchél vitu Evapil. The baan- E vamea see d unanimously by tbecocaitfe, ipteet, Chcago, Ill. bavlng necelved Injuries. H. vaa. dît wrecchl mseit Inosead rita U M - n-IT p1ly epravides tuat Lb. international joint val.X. Muson. tien an a fulougis irom a Blaltimore wet an Fouteentli tree. UTLAIIN 1E L commission oi the Unýtd Statesandui Wlq"iiugton. D. C. haspîtal and enloyel tise vhit vcny, Voler the SocU lne viaduct the. flee- H M fA peý L S Canada, bavlug lunisdictioa aven Ien ur ir unh altiltic Wnukegaa Youn.g var- Ing man haltceS long enongb teAr flre )C CA bnundany votera, b. requestel "te j ave avons1a et f il ir uu. nîts a .aa cnsrltm Te u S.Lvec Ie ev 2 hav a;s ntat l n ia, -t3ce et hie pursuers. Tise pur'iuI0 OF CRASH AT ji J I vestigate vhatturthcn improvement ýýmont. Calioa,o t,, I. -stu, Oe uieaAp .us killel In a building at 543 West 'ir- LIent. La Is C. qeaveras o!f tue Mantrai and Lake Ontario la nec- -ou. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ au 04ev1stil-n n (o. . 1i. u »ils~ e.ib4. I tentî stteî. lntlSaotlrryn Staciton. eaaiy te malete .ame navIgabie -- _________________ IOut at thue tail bandits home at nov vlnIt!ng tifs parents, Mn. antd Mrs. for ocean-golng veacele, tagethen 2404 Sout PI!ty-cltxtli street, a -pry George A. Snaverns of Lakte Forest, vitis tic estinsatel cost tueenai" diffenent luctunt- preccated ltzeif. A- on baeve oi absence, recauritel sonea Thc amenîment aIea provIles fon TheodorelD.tHurst. Presid'-.-ii W. B. Smith, Vice Presideni. nepart,ý rih-oetht' newa ta tsheua- aofbu5 txp,-it'nea lait niait, reports te the Canadian gaverainieut F. W. Churtiî.ll, Serre-tory andl Manager lit's vliltw. Oue nonrernedr a collasion iseveen and congres. togetben vitis subinis- i Wlfe Refuse&ste Believe. the, Staciton and a Brtishi îroipsiiip sion of plans ion co-oporatian bebveca TELEPHONE 8 1I O,t in't huehal." she t'a route tram Kingston, Ircad, taebtic tva eountrlea la tic haprove- TLI..U tI I c eiflel. '"lie lFnbandit ar robi.nEngland Thue Stocibafileat 30 teet Ment, [. EU RIY TrI1 7 IILE &6 1TUT CO Same tile! m11191 have gt smtaOfaikis of liq boy Tva campanies of Scotch Enlargement of tue Weland Canal tuings. 11vhiihal varIes regular- ilîbles ver. spilled lato tue 50 eta u aga ca ri L ABSTACTS50OF TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED I y. We've bîcon marrilt- 14 pcana. 12viere tht'! madf, themseîvpis camfon- travel bebveen tue Great La&tes and "We have twa chIldnm'n, Victorn12ahble rteertng the. United States nnvy thie Atlantic la the principal icalune Capital $1 25,000.00 yearc nId. oui Ryltîn,, via Lm 8. He ho cl, until tue Stacktan piciel urthtie pnolect. Thse canal nov I-i le a meo-el iîi,'aind 'sha uvives ta@- $30) them up. availahle oaîy for camp)anat%ioiy WAUKEGA~N - - ILLINOIS n wvccl, oni ris' r itav' rit iglai The Siomiton vasona.ofai tise con- emal vessels, longer chips ieing'st-ut _______unl*r-'hp.Iu'i m .;nu tiuvOy vtih hO ernge Washington On throngb tluing tihevn anr ibe inir Su (nts tf oking food camp la Preahîcat Wiison'a trip ta Franco. euct lu hait. WAUK RANITUS' WILLSAZE-1 AOMITTED TO PItOSAIR Wankegan, Jan.2. The. ville of two velI knowa Wau- kegan residents, viiome deaths or- eurred recently, vers admîtteil te probate ln couifty court at Waukegan this atternoon. The. ville are tbose of the tollovlag men: WALTBR G. BAltKER-lstate val- ued at 116,000, haIt of which le per- zonai and haIt real aetate. ROBERT W. HOOK-Eetate val- ued at $18,500, of whlcb $12,00Q wae pereonalad $6.500 reel estate. Mr. Barker'e death occnrred Decem- ber 25, 1918. He made out bie vili Th fre povsin t tiutiile P. B.JOIINSON the. tiracoDtaliag the leheà bhoin- O!NERAL AUCTIONEER terred lantith arnly lot in Oakwood cemetery; that a marker coetlng flot ime tise be" Judgnmuof.value« more than $50, be placed on the md gEsth ie hisiést prie«.. Fai grave and that $60 bo given the Oak- Sales a speeimlY. Fer dates, wood cernetery associatIonbta gravîePhoe r it for the perpetual cane a hof rae Provision te madie that thse house- ZION CITY, hold turniture, pictunes, palatinge. _________________ etc., be dlv lded among the brothere and sistere, the clothing, jewelry aad other persan effects to be od. Bequesta of $1400 eacb are left ta a niece and nephe, Sarah Cory Rip- fl pey and James U .Rippey. The su-r [&ROIWE Min or $100 vas Ieftta, NIck Tl'iompean, If LSIL~ R.M P living, but t deevlaps tbat NIlr., Thompeon vas kîllemi a year ago la-n an autontobtle accident. Twenty-flve IeftthteiLa- dieîs Social Union ofthtie Firet Pres- [LAKE COUNTY' bytenlan cburah la memory of Mr. Barker's deceased vite. Alilthe. reet of the etate la left Puhied by tise la trupt ta the Northern Trust Ca,. WAUKEiA DL U lh. Inca ne 10 obe uïcd in praviding for the support if Mis Frances Bar- ker, sisten of the deceaqeil. Provisio>n La madie that at ber death it the SeeCial 10W- price the entir.e etate ie ta be turned ave, each to Sarah Cary Rippey and If she le fot living aithte tiras it ta ta go to James L. Iippey. Mr. Bae~er provîdes that when bis$ 3 5 sister dies thene shall be only a h..- pIe tuneral and the marker on tbc _________________ grave la tae cnet net more than $5().1 The Hooak Witt. Szi3tib 4t2n The death of Robort W. Iliok Szo 3ft- n." y f-,2 n curred J.anuiry 14, 1919. l1iii wîllt wss inaîle out Novc-mbor 27, l~ lui the- .wtll provisoan is male that bile ,,,ire e t- t bot h ilipîuersoîîal .w, COL IOD TLL iIndependent 110W FOCH HIID TRAP ALL ST FORHUNSF8 rmers, Attention! Former Waukegan Man, Back ln Aurora, Says General Cried When Peace Came. IT SPOILED HIS PLANS. -qlt vastlId ad generalir mayan la ai-my circles thLt Con. Fochi crlemi visen the armistice vais Egned,. Me hLad 550.000 Germane In a gneat trap hbichvas L'bant ta b.e prung." Tille Col. Tovnscnd Dadd. vho vent ta France on e. Pershîngs staff, tld la Aurora Monday. viii on a visît to bis mother. Cal. Dadd tcnnseriy vas a corporel la Waukegal'm old Battery -"C." The c olonel vas chie! ai staff a! tue air forces e!tue Tiiird AmenIcan Brmy. vas recenly orderemi home fncm France ta mùke a comprelsen- vantaI outftran mn mlied aerjs.1 at- tîvîties andi supplies Lt tbe front.' .,TiseGermane ver. pocketed.'- col. f051 eaid, "and tuey mev IV., The colonel said a plan bail beca vcrked out fon an allie daerial' aI- tact an IBerlin yhicb vas soan ta be m aIe tram tue Nortbseca. Uceliai an lea, Ina. that tht' Gcr- mans lielleveSilBerlin -vas about ta ose.a o dapour o! bombe. This great raid vos ta, have bcen tram chips ha lb. Nati sen and vas ta have icco made by a vast le et o! Aineicau and allieil alrplOiues. Thse romains oi Mns. Habib.Rn- dalpis Flanent, vire o! Prof. Francis Flanent o! Bloamiaglon, I., arrlved In Wauitegan Satànday for interment un Oakwood ct'mcteny. She lIed tai- loviag an aperatbon. lira. Florent vas knaya. hn Waukegan, helng the ioiy daugter af Constable Fred Ru- dolph of Hhgýiianl Pari. 5h. beaves tva young sans, line. Firent vas 40 p-ars olil and vac bora InIilIlghland Pari. Frank Tisompsan, an nid Spaniel- American van vetenan and resient of Uighwoad, del at Elgin. Tise ne- mains vere sbipped ta Highvood. For your potatoes, osti and other smail grain, use the F0 RMALDEHYDE SOLUTION 65 Cents aPFot. The best and cheapet Antl-Smut on the mer- ket. DIUJCECLEVELAND DIw.:,CO. The Rexa!I Store Cer. RMadiso n d Caerne.Ste. The Store Thit Sives Yoa Moner won%. For saie. «et&e *la n MS OSPENDENT »0ia1 1m -- -Miy. SAFE, GENTLE REMEDY BRINGS SURE RELIEF For 200 yéers Gôr.f MEIYAL Haarlem eille are he r.mnedy you eé m 01 1 han enabied suffering h,îrnanIfy te Ilee Oour every day Tebete Withstand attacks of kliney. liver ,il soakg Into the celleand lIng à, bladder and stoniacli troutAus and ail Ill e kidneys and drives out ti.. ptoison Il ee conneeted with the ýurin5.ry N ew lire a nd iîealth wfll ,ur:,y%!O,,Ow argans and to build ne and resIbre te When your .noma iK irlias .er.. health organe weakened by ld-aoý'. stored continue treâ,tment for a wile These mont Ireportant or;,no n mont io to keeP Youreelf ln codltioa.and pre- watehed. becalîse they filter and piurîfy vert !o return of the diseas. the, blood; uniles they do their worc Dont Walt unttl y ou are incap~bêe YOU are doomed fthting. Start tak ing OOYLD PMEIDA W.arInen,. leep1'5n S, nervoiisfle8s, Hlaarlem Oi1 Capsules loday. Tour druE- desoneroy tieac e eomeh trou- glet will (heeytullY reflifid volr monmy 1i _ in8i tii. li . __loert.ih_ if Yeu re fnot oallo.fjli,d w #"neult& omngrvl Ir I u lty i, i n it- But lie mure te get thei originil limpqrt- îng c-i u sts o s îi l i nid lri iî ..O ed GO .D bM ED AL oead ent o b. il w arn Y u or troub le wlt h ou r kld _ eflîntes. t In three aI!z n. Seal d peck. ney GOD MDA }tsrlni011Cap Ken. At all drug etoree. the beatl. lnocklng ht-r down Slic called tie police. Mn: aimil Mrs. Ahi-amui-, bath admit ted lulming lîcin diniing diaring t01A day. The' wifu' siS s- dramtk n- becr-Alramui ettiad ltli, ad lip-r. ai liquar. Ahi the evileuce vas gli ru tiroucti Rose, 12-ycar-ail daugillen nf Mt-a. muis, whoa neiîd aOs 1 1terpr, ber Tht' assistant state's attorney evarur out vannants c'isa- giue iitrdirly conduet agaluot baot Ainamîtt 5and hic aife. Theset'twoansd S ar!alU vent' siearng iltlt'e -urne tinie. Thse tva monin o toonuiltr be equally guiibv aud wi're ulae-d $1 4.40 eacb. TVie case against tht' voman wac <ismisseil. RY On AY. nda) lani suc, ». oeS BI. lu r. him i». Tmhbol oe &W lust al itemde l slUlthubtenu n, number o Thse Ladii otise mi rwt OU iciahosPits ~Our lcal VU hie foc la leSt. WmhSewDeMI W40eweil. ou i llu siwte skmm a" l ivingIil Subi and t Paennt AU our e ti.Royal bllu"on maeo d àd Tb@e Oracle, ocfoifr eY delegate te Ineuranoe C -Misé Dona lii. issek-er À Adanght aMmdir.A' Mira. J. p Lenore Pr. are vlslttis L li onne mi" Job nau. t tt sé11 tik wl Hlghwood. lé took tû Ilirusu ani saturdel o Tbey lied @ Richard'l s. A. Morti Tii. Ladi rfgular f0 goon. Thi Fermer.' 1 Meeting op Tb@ Lad George De] The Red arrie las w ith îrlet luet week. Tii. Far tii. chureh the. Red i Everjbodý Charlie( jui orbis Wm. àM Corne Bst caiied un i Beveral înilk.ta 0 John I Saturday Bob. Ci veek. Mir. ,and ta Fremc 'lbo P Thome, Littie skunk la

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