CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 30 Jan 1919, p. 7

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Who are advooates of the Red Flag amonrw tapnish *poulaton'areth s practically every mese members of rwarelIn tacte been sbruary8. fltatnonlty Who are called the of Grea R. W. McClare ad y. N. Young w@ere Bo « > icatIng Population. When they coelll the sukm with home Chef aut h a 4orsh r a td o°ndSH REA DC&NW fob&- 9 i t la generally concfeddthat they garder resumed hisstdles at Genos jet, Bunday night' then acquire the habit and beiefa of omay TeMCulogfamwercetlcod"Confidence Game" of New the people who are residlents of the Fare to Chicago on Electnic lafl.Mr sd Mrs. Cam la ery 11llaat the home of Sort Worked on Sailors Msnsand ar. aid e etteg: ietyb.aey afTa L. Leo itable and Mr. SndMr.erdgher. ..Berer fromn Great Lakes. ering bodie. of the city, state andonNrhWse . Juhn Meyers, who bought the L. H. nation. P. anr. iChicago on business Miller farmn will takle possesson March it'es funny what a lot Of gobs think While it is admitted that many TEL L R EASON OF CH ANGE. t.Tlbott wash" gret, they can get by with. There are sail- Finnish people are members ofi the n* idestwue anretreiti The family of Norman Sponenburg, ore arouind here who actually think Socialiste class, at the samne time it In explaiing the reasont for dis. Atleeadsnwhs pretsar btwhich has been Iil with indunenza for they can do just about anythIng la stated postivoly that In Waukegan contInuing the luse Of the 1a and 2.1 gIt wiluenza e several weeks, has recovered. they please and no one will ever May In the Lutheran church not over 50 ride Commutation tickets between Mlr. andlMre. Fred Hamlin entertaind To.MC nhda utIon sale a word about It. Per cent of the members lean to. Chicago and its suburbs, including a.midber of friends at cards Tuesday who dcanbile n There has been a very clever lit- wards Socialism. Waukegan, a member of the railroad weeniginhonorof thir filth weddingr recently. He ha@ not yet decfli e re tle stunt pulled off down ln Chicag., That Mr. Wargelin was very con. administration Points out that there he will move. several times, but several tImes too spicuous in his -support of 'the gov. now Iis unfair discrimination ln the LaieNi scitywil ee a ail carrier Smnith has certainly hadl Often. It was good while It lasted, ernment became evident when IL was rates charged by the North Westehn TWLd Id oth Mrs Bnyder ot his troubles getting over the route the but lt couldin't last. The Idea wasknwthtewaoeofhedr.ascmrdtohsehrgdb e thM .,Fbur5hfraruonge w . 1d a stowes u asmngdt ops as a member of the Provost torii of the Seventh Reserve district competIng electric fine[;. No explana- Weseda, ebuay thf r n Ilkep te patrons Weil served. marshal patrol. Through somes hook ln the Tast Liberty loan drive and &tion IsI made, however, as to the rea- asea newing. Pientediouser a. D. Hughes' new house on the weet or crook a bunch of sailors procured that hie was ln charge of the innish son for leaving the individual monthly whib llarbiennm side oftown is ready to occupy. It is badges of Most every siescription. work lnn ive statues. He has always tickets as they are. The explanation TieBbCre g old a bsa rainoraid that there wIll bie several more Somes of themn were merely pieces of stood with the government and his by the member of the administra. e medag attehoMoci' ro. Fred "ali, new cone built this summer: in, with the word "guard" printed chief effort has beeon to teach hispeo. tien followsl: ggOssMM aakt.,S are Urge" t of a star wi9th a bank of ad e thiis country they must support the Dommission gave the Aurora, Elgin o (lf)adRy ndVketrws$40ncsh hi bgveer lbeasing verY much, manyneW Parone ment engratedl on them, even the old stars and &tripes and stay away from and Chicago railroad authority to ad- ry(et adRyodVaknelver since that time, she says, ho Un.blbrt Kapple recelived Word on having recently boe e ecred- time "license to butt ln" badges were the redflagr. vance its commutation fares to the aide tep ctsthey havetappeld on hl a hinm trydngher failuhertO tur&0 ,àodWof the dath of hier brother, used, town constabes. countyaler The prestige which Mr. Wargelin statutory maximum rate of 2 cents !ng November. The boys cleared ov- shte charges, has cau !1im to be aesGra onDcmber 81, of CR iffe and everything else, just .so hladt acquIred in Finnish circles ls per mile. As this road competes with er $100 from their month's trapping. cruel. i@received Iin action. 1He hadlbeen Several of the scholaré~wOeàbeent resembe altar ofbdgrime. remphasizedb te actpetato h as te ste a rarads, itfundisper. Ble says he has money on deposit in Il hospital fur momle ':âe- from school [an% week on account of Tt vwas the .plan of these "guards" Suomi college of Hancock, Michigan, mission as suelh action would mr-In a Lake Forest bank and fear2 that Our local Red Crosbsauilimaryhtekneilss. to approach another salor, and &,- a college which carries all sort% of' ty result ln turning lits tiraille ove rto TRAP MANY FUlR natie coutry, Rouma--ia. O'n ber mdepted three French waor orphaneSad Thebasket soci given by the band cuse him Of committing somne offense branches and has about 1M0 students. its comnpetitors whose rates would ntv onrRuai.O e ,,Utbefour adopted by our school, boy@ W»aagreaitt enoes bringing tiheul and then start with him to the head- Mir. Wargelin left for Hancock today continue to be lower than 2 cents request aun mjunction was; granted. maeeeeno oritl twnhp. aou 14.quarters of' the provost patrolIIn to assume his new postion. Refer. Ver mile. By realson of the sharp in- 11.M r. L. A. Pease, ch!ef engineeýr of ln a jltter written December 17, by Wu understand the Bowman I)airy Co. Chicago. When they weer a coupl ring to Mr. Wargelin and the new crease inlits operating costs, the, the power diviion of Public Worke, WalVterDneoto.his parept. be statues wil muon startsanothler wagon from this of blocks on the way, the "ud work hie Is to take up, the Mining electric road was in financial straits. ATZOeK R N t the naval station says that thera, tlsthatt*»nbuowu with thearMy neighborhood. would Inform is "prisoner uld e-I Gazette of Hancock, 'Michigan, in a Tt appealled to the war finance cor- e isDNLK RO T 1 little danger •et any severe cold oioff pation st Coblents, Germany and Th-pAst week has been coal week in hie would '311P him ten e wo ldre recent lsue, ay: poration and the railroad administra- spells for the remainder of the wln- W40 weL or vcIDty.E. . Lsibe, .8traha lease hima. The New Preident. tion in Washington. An InvestigationiToZonLd odctNvltr ,se·wel, our icinit. E. W.Leable J. an Weil they got by with It for a ,'Rev. John31Warwelin will make a ensued in which It developed that the W ZOnLdCnucNoe* Ourviflgebsbrberogain. Eugene Sr., W. S. Ociling and Giesoen Brous. all hile, until they "arrested" a few of worthy successor to the works and multiple-trip ticket rates charged by "eies ihMre EawknsJr. wh ha ben rnnig amadea tip o Zon or oalandalàthereal provost guardsl. Then the duties of the lae Dr. Nikander, as the steam roads were below the pres- b»S-ls for somme tissu, moved here reported the ruade very bad- gamne was queered. Just now Lieut. president of Suomi college ln Han. ent cost of the service and were also Success During Winter. §M vilweekand la now reaody for business Our pasétor, Biev. Cox, was entertaind Martin Fritman, provost marshal, has cock. As vice president Mfr. Warge. much lower than those chargedi forFera %IIthei lower room of the Sugar buldIng at the J. R. Bennett home, over Bunday. quite a curious collection of "provost lin has been ln close touch wlith the Ilke service elsewhere--the rates in USED AN "1ALA RM CLOCK"I. e ra 0" nlun in the upper rooms. Several of the milk producers around badges" over in his Office. Institution for years. As an alumunus New York city for example, being 1,V Saby and Anthony Leon ard, whoc are here attended the "postpoued" meeting Insist on Seeing Badge. of the college ho bas aLways taken an substantially higher than those ln Zion City folks don' have to go togg :WeskinginuChicago enent Sunday wthast Libertylviule, Tuesday of this week. if you are stopped by a 'ailor Who interest away aboyse, that taken by Chicago. Following this investiga- the Wilds of Wisconsin. or to Cali- td paet@ bhm There will bu a ehteken p@ dinner and says he is a provost guard, Insist any friend of the edlucational .work tion the railroad administration au- fornia or the Rocky Mountains, to ourelk ae lk e p ad o sppr a te Rseranchrch Fb. 4,upon seeing that kind of a badge. among the people of Finnish birth or thorised the Chicago roade under fed- hunt or fish. nouellk u @&L le u an noauper t te Rseenoeurc, Fb. 4,You have the rIght to see that badge origin. He stops finto, the position oral control to advance their fartes They have a pond or ismall lakte in W »V essesreports4 tir the benedit of the Mt. flest cemetery and if It is any other kind of a with a full knowledge of the tasis as stated above. Although the rates the famous city founded by Dowle 1%b» Royal lieigh L eld a privat@ association. Dinner st 1 O'clock and badge--, well makle a provost out Iahead of it, wth a practical ideal for monthly commutation tickets with nearly 80,000 fish In it, and mnany insalltion of offBeers at their regular supper during the evening. A valentine of yoursel fand asee that the gelb whO tlit e upheld, and maIntained and used by Clally riders between their of them fine big black base, all ready ssiag TUWsday Refreshments were booth and a good maullkal program will is impersonating a 'guard geits what with the necessary energy and en- suburban homes and places of busi- for eatIng. M c ies esived adspeaatscliatimeenjoyed. help tentertain you. he should get. thusasm to speillsuccess. He will ness are very much lower thnan those Besides having a fisherman's para- The Oracle, Ellam Talbott has helld that Many fromhber@ will attend the former@ have the enthusiastc assistance of charged by the occasioenal rider, thej dise withIn the borders of the 11 odies for Ight consecutiveyears. Inssttute atlitusoeel. February 6 'O all friends of educationial advance. rates for these tickets will not bie square miles which the Zion estate The time spent in Thou. Frazier ha@ his sale Feb. 5th. RE T NPA ment, changed." 1 covers, they have somte of the fin- W@ are al sorry to see thleml leave our The Re. Wargelin Is a graduate Officils of the North Shore lines est hunting grounds you could wish doing the family MILLBURN neighbohood. of the college, ianihing ln 1504, one are not at ail displeased over the to ses. washing-they Cut it The Ladies'Aid eociety of the RoSecrans' W T O T O of the first classes to e:raduate. HeP turn affairs have taken as they pire- To vertify this statement the Sun1 EA.Martin tranacted business ln -chuc ilgveterbyPotld"h as served pastorates atSuault Ste. die1tzIthat the new rates on the North herewith produces a photograph of tO 8 fractiOn.' Yhe à. loFrid a oe ilgleterpa Ptte -h Marie, Eveleth, Minn, Republic and Wetrnwill do much to popularize 48 muskrat, skunk and mink sutn9, Wahg.adCkao ' saMiitr' ie' eRBnet"eoccpetoheW kga charge the street car line for Waukegan and1 all of which were secured on the Llke th --they get rid G.B.Stphnswet.Sau yiibrnSaturday evening, February 22. They over three years ago. North Shore people who wish to comn- front tand on the Zion Estate con- delegate to8pring0eld for theMlbn will be assieed by the maie quartette .. "Since his graduation fromn Suomi mute to Chicago. troiled by Voliva. The animals were of that entirely. InsUranCe . and 6be orche>trat. DOnI't Mlm ig Retiring Pastor of Finnish Lu-1 college the- new preszident has aise Under the new rates whkch R trappedl by David \(I-Elro,, 119 Elima Miss Dors Buck of Waukegan, spent treat. theran Church was Recently attended summer termis of the Into effect Feb. 1, the fare bietween1 avenue and Raymond Valkeneer, .1»1' the week-end with her Parent@. versity of Michigan and Univeriý«ty Wau'iegan and Chicago where one Ellim avenue. Zion City. Unvid 14 17 S l A dugte wa binSaurdy o r.ÜÜt O YndÛtie hratof Chicago and taken posit gradaëte does not have a monthly tiket or a years of, and Ray\mond is 1 and Mlr. Alex Bughes. A ET PS. Because of Activities in work in theological. He Isrc- family ticket of 26 rides, good for on- years, and bloth nf these youths ar., n Mr*. J. P. Dawson and daughber, Mr. IA ET E O T Backing up The Gov't. nized to possess qualifications egsscni I six mionthR. will be $1.17 each way. wide awaki, and eniterpri,ý.ng as the --- Lenore Preist of Thrsee Oaks, M ichigan, OF IER EE tial to carrying the work of thei col- The fare on the electric line, is 50 tacts will prove. nt y mreviiting Mrs. V. L. Strang and Mrs ,FIER D E lege forward on the samne progre- cents to Evanston and an additional David and Raymond are fond of M ntl L lî. onner UNDANTED.HE • E - ON; s ive bas-is as heretofore." 10 cents fromn Evanston to Chicago hunting. They love the sport, and L.8.B onason o1 Kenosha, i a TH O S A P EFIED THREATENING MEN on tile elevated, a total fare of 60 few boys would ha% e dons. what thaymets THE W S. S ÀMPScents each way, have this winter. They arose at 4 normeat the home of1 Men D aofJs nwwenteRe.JhnWreT IDINF M L Expresis cars leave Washington o'clock every morning and pus'hingThy sea utiV stillelatsickwithoftheeumon .Lth.and Genesee streets for IEvandoan their way through the snow to Highood, th ingr o e. | o üt$| itigig gerelin, lae patoof WthegFinislth- evey 30 minutes, their running time made the roundsofterrasonCntWrt OfeC Istok he isss ! n ad B gart$9i to$p0uia0rS bisndeparture for Hancock, ichikgang, ISWIi T R E to Evanston being about one hour. before sunrise,. tiiy i a strelndshMGhr et td osnt Government Warns. where he assumes the presidency of mitedl trains on wepk days leavo David MicElroy wag alwaYs UP fir-t • f t Tury o acec . ebdrd.• Suomi college, a Finnish Institution. NO . T L .FOR S Edis on court hourly for Evanston, as hie had an alarmn clock and Ilis the job for te avef" The hd aFad-A. MI. Dockery. third assiýýant post- the Sun ls In position to state author- withi a running time of 415 Minute, friend didn't, Fo David would aris" g a il.Fg- Richard Mlartin, sona of Mr and MIr@. master general, has notifiid Poýtmasi- itatively that the Waukegan minister On Sunday they run every half hoeur. at 4 o'clock and, bur rying over to aefml.Fgr 19. A. Martin,ise sick at Pr @eut writing ter L. A. Stol] of Aurora to urge not long ago, when he was preaching Mrs. Henry Fitzgerald of Lake The running imie from Evanston to his neighbor's place he would pull a that against UO The Ladies' ALId'society wlillhold their ho01lders of war savings certificate to hi* people the fallacy of advocat- Forest, died on Saturday following a the loop on the elevated is 30 mlin- string that was attached to Ra)- ae0a anfS regular monthly dinner F'ebruaryof6, ait stamnps to pay no attention to offerg ing the Red Flag and all that goes week's illness of Pneumnonia. NMrs. slower traiscoer therainstance i) Ta' owh oz im eeYi oncngtoe goon. There wililibe a ýneeting of the of would-be purchaser. The govern- with It, was threatened with a coat Fitzgerald btfore her marriate was from 4f0 to 45 minutes. morning. The ,;trinigwa first tiedl Farmersg' Institut*, held in the afternoon. ment hias learned that rmany own--r- of tar and feathers If he ke-pt on. . Nora Masterson, daughter of Mr. and Tet-ierd ikt nteec-aon h otadte ae geeting Opens at 1 P. M. sharp. of hstam h av ok hm ta nautdteferes ake:nMrs. Peter _Mazteýrson, a well known - trie between Waukegan and Evanstor' through the window and aut 4 a Demnonstration at Our los whchcoe hve ei-nsa or continued] h;., rnion, aginst famlily and pionerfr In Lake county. bredeeming the stamps at the pos.t. anarchy and such like and d,,fied Mrs. Fitzgerald was 34 years old and are $10.50. Monthly tickets contain- this novel alarma clock would w Salts Rooms RtUSSELL Offices those who made threats against hlim the mother of two small children. ig5 ie r 1.4 efcl.Smtmsito o "'ln order that the interets of to force him to change his course- Funeral Tuesday morning at 9 a. m.n . hard pull to wa',e Raymiond up, bt The Ladies' Ald society, met wish Mr. owners of war savIng5z crtflncate M.%r. Wargelin assumed this stand from St. Mary church, L.ake ForeLt. RA D R0AD IS AP. o e f°uo"r. Pub ic Service Ce. C@rgDeForris on Thursdasy. stampq of either series may lie saio ag.ainst the advocates of violence and Burial in Lake Forest. Both boys would then. set out for of Northern Miinais GeRed rs e lhMs -J gnarded, I hereb1.y notIfy all persons1 anti-Ameniricaniim and by so doing Mrs, Fitzgeýrald 1. the third maim-thLaefoa i wy lti, Thrre luResd smtwith Mrs. E. .tto arefrain tfromaoffers to buiy the received the approbation of a large, her of, her famiiI to a saway in PROVED- WILLI»BE de - a ol.Teywr waa Murrelat Tesdy wiha oodattnd-stamps or to accept them In trade." majority of members of. his parish., the last threp iinths, hier sister hav- ro hi epieh ae.Mr. Dockery says in hisi communkas Considering that the-re are 360 miemn- in;; died just to ir weeks before withfo hienrpshwvl i Irl E. P. 81ver spent fiel day&7o0 oth oclpstate.hrs of the Finnish Ltheilran church .pneumlonia STATE AID ROAD ad S :awmtu with frIende In tChicago and Kenosha Not Transferable. and that it means a lager member-9 hewo fth 8 kn last week. Postmasterq have been ins.truicted ship than any other Finish organiza son nth icuewere secure: The Farmers'Institute wIlbeheld in not to pay war savings certifIrl ini akkn t i diyune-FRIENDS MEET MnyRbtd from Shenidan driThe onae8lth ofNo ng i A1N MT the church February 6th. The ladies of on which the namnes of the ownersq stood dtatar. Wargelin was Put Ut) Road Improvement Will be sn c e a hvocaulRAY N.LSMiT the Red Cross will serve the dinner. hlave not been entered or hlave bCeen against ail T ropos7n cn tm- more skrt n.iksneNoLbryil,11 erased or changed, sinceLinder the u Le hi@ policy after -havmg receivd A T R2 E R Sdt a ot Everybodyr welcome. reigulations, thely are not transferable, the threat Of a tar and fieather coa t IPRAT SRT vember. E .C Charile Colby IV prepared to do grInd- and are payable only to the original proividing he did not alter is opin. IS M RTN SREC..W Ing for hl& friends and old neighbors. ownere, exept ln case oft deatl or tons as ex!,ressed freim liplpoit. H. E. Livingston Of Kingman, a .C LT IE Wm. Marrie, Will Corris and Laura disability. The postmnasters linaia The wia, It hapipened was thiý -choma ofD.Jolley of North That the state highway depart- S .LT IE Corris_ attended the auto 8show and so been in.ztructed not to py a r. Warin hladcutd a series rhicago 26 yelar, oi and whom hë ment has accepted the recommenda- A SH R U B N Hardware, Harness, Oils, Paais called un relative@ in Oak Park. war savings certIficates piresei- 1rur in wh,,IchI- lurged ,theý had not seen for 2 years, dropped tion of the Lake County board of and Glas& gaverai of the farmer@ are sending their pei oic oirl.3In,,çt,>tb ar a fm t suprviorsad h e apàoheldtheROUS mil.toGuree r crti caes romth orMna owor Crs fr eeag itwea very Interesting lection of Rand Road as a stat, al SAUGATUCK nNet at ing seeoaCowa yclerknou ne toia Jon Portegysret*"-ed to_ Ciceago Iignally Isrued to the ,prson,1 er 9n Ilu, ourtil ohe r rluh ea na letter tirern S. E. Bradt, superin- u nHL UNRY JANSSEN Baturday afernoer peet hrfr tadi ethe changes that came tneto wystnsNm the MayfnT., 1 Stlorage Daýtr yand Electric'alSert ce Bo.Crr we fe w dyhilh1te6.ermn1T woUt h maim nthe lires of both. Cook county line to La-w Zur!ch nstitIut divrs sate ao anetoa week. tw the stamp,3 and qcertlf,, through Quentin's corners, beijý er T no el J runLae.1 Mr rend bt, und . . Amann wntthrr T-1t t by -- !u muh wor condtionthan: mf ty , ekunk in hs trap. sa by PTterHr _more.rund.about1oursefusulyt aa ran, DE nar. msts. »00 eNTH - eltion ga . sed. Tak a* poisons lr a while &.and pre- capable rour dru lir mnoni iled pack ON 4TY

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