CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 30 Jan 1919, p. 9

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RLJNTy * -- eeLL~ ~ Lam obeCony'B POUR PAGIB $1.50 PER TEAR IN ADVARGS. term ýce on Maine [Loing 9191. 9 bal- krling ng, 5 eorrel Dont y bay tcorn baga juip a SIN ATaR-1FEATliERS DIRIÇiILE BALOO C S TUI3Y Prospects of Coat of Them Did OTMEIR EQUIPIEN - m11 1' TUNTS o Doter This Pastor, Mr. REACUINfi STATI ON aILlAIàJ Wargelin, ftrom Continuing - Appeal for Support of Gov- SExohanges Send ernment in War Work. Matérial Seing Concentr. ê1cbes" to The Parish- atGreat, Lakes From A WnWaukegan, Tues. Parts of the Land. VKEGAN GETS isr PRIZE 1ST DIRIGIBLE HEREABOI *toispiiont giMli from various Material for the use of the1 Vgl ef Lake oounty, bad a big Navy aviation mechanica achllni au Waukigan at the Parlai, gnnlng ta ha delivered ai Great i ?uudaynwht for It was the The concentration of ail aviation @Yafarof Ile klnd ever ai- - chanlc achoola at Great Lakes we Svarious axchanges had been dered January fftso f thia year, = Id "atnts of omenow the equipment and supplies emte ndpeet hmiithe abandoned stations are belui lm.Thua 'îuch Inteient ceived at Camp Enterprise. ekswr'ed up and In nme cas- The Camp Enterprige aviation 0 a t! adbeefl ttployed to chante sehool ila 10 train ail the, t'" participants proficient. calno ayaito.A Ïtftga's girls fait dellghted for ofcaîc ait e y aweviatkion. As aan ýw0f fint prize' and Z? ofaIlaa NivCityld eca a. Wam, %oukagan'is succesa îlay rerjuired for every' tviator, Che im pfast that thea irls ha.d work- alle of thîs aschool can be re uide %fr rs. Prances Eleanor opsen. aspecialiy wiien the plans w1i wb at! wrltten a skplc;î y. .tha future of Navy Aviation ara cal~sled " Behlnd tbe acreen" carned. *ilsd the glils. Tbay uput As a part or. thc instruction ni 9i#*et& Inl a most commendable au uir~n echtanicg hydroplanes of ail1 »_ a as wuto Becond prize. L ii be assembled by the stitî priaruenting «The awleward W~hile thaepmaêhines viii ha CI stust wbich creatad m'îch for Instruction purposes, thay WM*L undergo a rigid Inspection when W Lakeet bad a drill _______112_ piatrdanifcepdthple b uufor whch as tryha added to the Naval Air Fieet r.20 PENSIONERS the Station credited for its i hm EStes represented ver'- Li rV1Qi Port Sheridan, Lake For- l'enbionerA or [ho Waukegaîî plant fatura. hi H1S114da Park. of the. Ainéricaît Stfee andi Wür, coot- Shipment on Way Here *k CM aa 'nthe vinnina sketch paty trew a total cfor ,u,..t, iuring rimn so l a oii 80 the acrena" foliowsa the year 19ib,, according te the eiglîth Ati pen comp nising auficetoair I lder (Who can manage alinrmisg ufcetal Claire Taylor. annual report or [ileInlited iSttc a'semble thirty planeso dme Grey' (of the lâmelight S'ct s udt Carnegie i'enblon fiii pontoon typa: 7Ilfteen of model W) Margaret Gillings. vbihlct as madie publie toti. The andti ifteen R-6. This shlpment Me PLc'kford (of clothessUne Ai pension fard ptt.n was, ttùtht contains parts to assemble the tf ýYfflces Stevens.Igpap;o teba ye wy Jaau Jones (Whto net-ýr hati Jitfuary .1. igpae rteba ye W)> Ourtie @"a. There are a total of! 2' tpemnsin itbodel H-15. fifteen planes: N le Malose (Geta fortune, three at the local plant. TIti-te ut tiec 118S2L. twpntv-iive plane": Modal 'M & CM) Kathrean OBrien. were adtied dtiug 1918, TheirfIftean planes. Mlodal F-M. fi uns OU* (Who ec tske der ames are: planas. W biba) lRuth Kennedy. Corneliuis Kerr. A dirtgiblp b.;loon andi kite bw MU girls Margaret Svaeney. John Hunt. a 'Woàsh,.Flatter Zimerman. Peter Carlson. have bean sent-to tha aviation 01 ildi" Follonlu sa aliai t îo whoas part of te e<iupment of the 1~I~II MT1918: nen In kita baloon and dîrigîblei I~IFWt.1ISilàs R1. rlghanî, John W. Town. A coipplate set of dies. Jiggs an send, John Bî'ih John lÀ.dquiat. tures1ihave bean raceived. John Pain, Gaôrge-% byte, .John Wy- Woricing drawings are on han ODANCE ocki. Ere-ker Emi-izian, Matti jen- CA L K troin. Andrew ljorkqulstt Jihn Carl- thp guidance of men In se snSaulT. G.-rry, Joln P Gran- tha planas. CU T IE Blt nrwJ. huzNltMamn New Instructor Hers. are~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Jao va ahaeba adne Oto te.h'- -srtuJohnAmrion.Lieutenant (j. g) Henry Swift Sheridan for the wounded 8s1l $tel andi ieconayplisterp.liati charge or the machinlat ibut thare wasn'4. When ffty fw ny sevni hc h os cltol at Pensaxcola, Fia.. arrlvi Itoe's preltlest girls arrived or ut tPensions iYaid dturing IM9the' Station yestprday. Hea vi wldh [hmwhyseo erigesmuretitan i 5ý_n h uYne hi-t dutiest a sait inatruct, e t Oi wundad Boldiars wouldfl bggstpansions were pulliçii atte tsAviation .School inmediately le vth hem.Thp ar on te. Noth nd outh plants. ith or! s;ign-J. E. Fantes and F. R. Wîit brean stilkg vhicliart'ai Joiet.aeepceileai e iy W W. ~ A uumary of 1th' rli rf.-'tal eraoa use r ntu Rjy hisued a ukase larriitg lite plantst foilttws: il Lna ke', t at.caooinsrc M at the fort hospitl from par Number on pent,îon ilji. te(rttLie col W *ng In ha dancem at ha fort 1,.Et 18 .....................iN I EA T la and nsi refusa [o danco vilti&--.6 N IN H À H Mers mntî,thetaukase 1i4 ro.-inê-i................ ....... I~ JO NB E IJEiI B DYj 'Te average age ot thote vho liavé LEAVINI& à"SERVI ra etie h etvaan t9,il .sud 19 8, --j- ES W LSON MAK -luivela 6751 ypaais es WILSON:MAKE The average sertvice îs .u~yea. WI IMPOSSIBILITY 120aaui ItetWilson vîthin a (tâ-.nay iocelve - cablegrain fronith[le Dia anti facîlty o! Lakte Forita p.08 aking hlm ta gise is iIge support (o a League or Na- epsi (bat viliioutlaw varfara "kng It Illgai. .w va etcitet laat niglt at it bahl at th, collage commons. FRer Levînsoîl of (ha Chut-ugo 15v Or Levinson. Becker anti Sbvartz itb-e speakerio! tha avenlng. H-e *ai some iangth on tile suis. g Loague o! Nations. WADSWORTH-. rpatitor. Ras. Cox, vas enter- jat (ha J. R. Beannett hoine over p? Mount Ilest Cemetery socletY ive a cbiciten pltc dinner anti wé at (ha Roaocrans church, FeIt. _inn e t 1 oclocit an* supper 1 thei evening. A valantine *Bdu a short musical programr ~cpta entartaln you. of o!thea milit producans -leoattend t(ho "«potponet" t Lfbertyvilllo on Tusiay Ladie' Ald eociety cf the 0 a durcI vili givo (heur pay "'Plt iaMnster's WIf'a New tt.*" ou Saturiay aveun g, Feb. or[ vîl h assiatet by ha t andi tha e OIs( n't -: bre Plaisto attend (te tut. at Rtussell, Feb, 6. -- irtier viiibavebils tIl We arc ail corry ta ô-dc orq6lfigiodmso&d FORMER E6T. LAKES C. DIES AT SEA INROUTE BORE Takan iii w sile ountluly at naval base No. 6 at Quoenstovo. Irlani, Oswald E. Muencis. Jr., chie! petty omeecr in (ha supply tiapartinant or1 tha navy vas gratat invaiui lcave anti began (ha voyage honte. Reia- (ivee vare la-tpecttng neyaâ of bis laniing whan the navy iepartment announcadti (at habad i tiai atsea Jan. 17. Muencb, 22 rears old. son o! a lin- en marchant at 29 South State, street vas in charge of recrui(iog at Great Laites before gotng averaeas lait May Hae c-as formterly empllInuit(heo f- fice o! Fairbanks, Morse & Co, Grcat Lake-New recruits are stili comlng in, some o! themno a young (bat (bey at-e sent -ome agaîn. Yos- teriay itternoon 65 o! (ha Y-Dng fellavs ub are eiîhiting vitra sent home bacause (bey vare baby (be aga O1xet by thte navy departînent. "Wet Moue." A -wet Moon"la la en o* hart of ,ic cfcsccnt e thtise moon la tnuch lover tissu the oUer. 111e a bowi turned Up on aigu ant unable to Isoit watar, Tise vet mobo-la a popular but fallacbousaigu of eomillmg vut cther. Medical Tests at Naval Sta Show How Physique is lmproved by 'Navy. ONE GAINS 52 POUN rMen -vbo are nov laaving (hi vice are taklng harktot civîllar. a much btter pbysique on (ha, age than wen thay enterai. tines comrplad iDY Lieut. Y. L.. I Medical Corps, ai Great Laktes,. axamining 500 men show (ttf most evary Instance [ha Indiviu ln cffinsde-rably haetter tshyslcal ditit>iifor having serveti lu (ha Measuremants o! (ha chest, i aot vaist ina vere takan anti parai vith t he measunameuta of santo men wheo tbey antereti uavr. A ganaral average waai andti it as fount that (ha mans out bas a chest t crots-ference1 lochas greater (bsn visan ha - ed. le cao axpani bis cheat ar dituonal 7-8 of an loch, His tl are 3-4 o! an Inch larger. wbule valet U1ne bas reduodCAi o14 Inch. Gain 5.3 Pountis. Out o! 500 men It vas founul an the average (ho lodivitital gaunai 5.3 pounis lu waight ai terlng (ha navy. Fat men batg tacot, youngters havaebeconte kr roung men. On an average, men comlng Aviation bave gaunat more (ban coming fremont 0er campa. greateeti ailvtduatIincrease acc, in tise velgh( o! a landtsmau -mach mnate, iavIation, Tisa salar onl kt (hea geofo 17 anti after ay service lu leaving the navy .f2 po iseavier. ____LAU oc~ PART Two la narntn'BUINSS QUIET Oas t. MOWRS MIIIPRODIJCER IT USINEIIIIDINRAL yUUI6 DUWEOLDANNUALM3 [ON THE PAST WEEK INi; ELECT TMIES -atedOu IIII 5 Loans Durlng Week Total M.5 Waucdnda Man Heads Lake il 150 with 108 Instruments County Association of Farm- Filed on Record. ers, Rouse Vice Pres. UTS Ast A.St. Bowes.FEBRUARY PRICE IS $3.70. lu S. 11 8,y - W f[ t Co. - nmer lah.for th ee-lcending January 25, l T. uer daofor gther anut aiet Laie Numrber of cons evan-es. 80. vleTuedy forte Dan a Ms In me- i~Number of chattet notgage, 7 . follovs:d ewoficrsu [U I~ t . gages. 2-. T1.e Wulpa and orVicebro ratdraan tî Pres.-- l Th ese rp. rrom Tolnuinter of Instrumients fti. . -. Sec e tryrealptueW. Arpa. g re ~~Total amount of! ban,,$87,15o. Area. WloLieVl luttoesa has been quiet, wltiîl<îoans la: W.îD. unnng, RusseS: Arthur I me nu ve the averaga. me- T E vm 1 The folowlng are tha moeiprDriggs. Wauconda. ns n 0 HE 811% 18 t dels.It vas announced i a the meeting crev tantdas in Wu'sean: Jutie C.t'.Lii-~ .that the associatlon hati set the prîce portiqIn Wal lad ok ii n t thde C.L.Eltitato! 8$3.70 par hundred for- tnilk hin est. ABwra t tila ev frottp ia il,. February-lt vaa $3.76 turing Jan-. adiy _________h ,e Hosita sie o uary hence tbara ls'a sllghtdecraa. Gien Flora, Sheridan Roadj and North Iit vas aso explaned ta the meet is for avenue for conalideratIon o! $18001). ALIcr,«.091 'gtaitese -aktigcop scon- Cable of CongratuIa.ýionS to Frank P. Nolan ÏbOught a 50 l'on gta h e-mrcto opn Col. Smith Neyer Delivered lot on ruuth aida Cary ave., from Nel- mll kearat t anti lt vaisoiteneli he SilW nttPadFr Son A. Steela estate for $2,000. ml hog tadI a eeal )f thl Stli Wat itPaid or %ichael Novak bought the Pf-ter i '"s Roqua la the daughte- ai conceded lilal- the fermers pianotd types; Carlson place on Iouth side; May sti., t i'k LU Raqua, 1usd of the oui (o do go. buli WE REFUSE; CREDIT GONE. ,,edto! Sunderili st., for $260() trsevtO section- of the V. S A numbar of gond taîka vere board ul' *r ln North Chicago: Aodr"w' snd j -è'Admlnltrstiou, Uh e Sl . faliowing the election anal the cIl tom~Vstrl~îî5Su i " btierirr,'-Aielia Kornauer bought thcedwiîtI\h*fld05. lu « la ing as a viwole -provedi a 'ary satis- Wester Union Cmay-n l 4lth and Southt Victoria ['rt i l esla, Vatibrala beote ___________ ndail betcauset the Dl>aly Sun rîft.i-d tr :io'C R DI IT IT mn.pal $12.77 to the- W. U., citarge-r on In Ibf-rtyvtlle: George Doylte or!A SDRV IT nau tha caile of eo'igratuitlontý; ricit leerild. houglit the Frank E. Allen the Sun sent tu Col. A. V. Sinlî.hthutlPlace on soulis bide Park ave., weýt the tiine ltiearmistice a-as signet'o tvata-nte o $3(- THE LOOP I UD -antiîil , Up toe Dec. 26th lit Icast,. In Highland Park: Mary G. Dauei î Sta TUIN(i be dlierd n po-liFUTURE Sta hti nter een dliveeti nd po n bought a 70-foot lot on WOat aiti plane bably oc-ver bas been deliverî-d tii orataveue fon Terate .1 f the the arttllery officer. nForresrtatinue.îl f r ont1440 e' 1 nbecaise lbh- Sun ra ifi E lhe I. YsoIl anti Norria IL. Recti Raislng o ae nRira i lq i. to puy for that lJNDELIVEItEL ca- boXit lots 4 and . respectl-oly ln wlIS vea îm tsfo hlow legrri.ntindbecause the-'-nuij-an3- Sassais 5mb., vast of R. R.. for $20ttt Mv ServeTas NOT 80 ro lv-assumes the position (bat fil oc-t not aach "8H4ESMySTE"N 0NotShrR. Mdlguaranîce to deiiver any tables. [ha In Round Lake: Nalie Z. lHowardi Wteîî01,OIt tb. 21,1.918. Chtarles I Stode et h u a ar o(ag StcnPany has, Issueti an oti-'r Ihal, bougbt 5 lots in hleck 2, RoslngfBuo-ý. Stumberi-,aw -tac t ai e vs-tdying, lie As soon as the new Northwetern I ft.. .eele (a1nca ar 0rcrrg u. f rom H-enry Janssen for $500. calleti Attorney Sidney Block heforeatare r in affect and the .-ride 110. Itee ccount with the local We.'tprunUi- In Newport- Daniel Siseto bought hlmn anti auiccd the local attnrncay to elle become t thing eI the paa,,.th intie, ail messages to ha paiti oi t(ha Mary Ann MeNamara fermi of .81 drav a wtll. villln, ail of List, eaui. chances are tit 't4 - Ne 11tb. e tico dlivery andi ail sent out ' te ituiid acres ln N. E. 1-4 Sec. 21 fr 34,00ý0 Ol oo9 a oanvoitaiatSetl l.118l~ ueti t -oo in ativance-for the 13 years the edi- Wm, J. Dunfay bought. the 1-2 hio-j bis a id,, no hati careti for hlm dur- direct frois Waukugam lao ie 1lu cam.p tor bat- ion anewspaper fi)i Wauk- tarait of Bernard Drew bt $0 acreati in h. \ea nivo as ln iChicago ingtusdetpvIig,- ua-gan, thifs i, the firat lima such ia 53tN. W. 1-4, Sec. 16, foi 85000. vas Ihis "sisÉer.' tatrans ets a Vâmstassias ia thé a'a trains uillionlias ani-n-but, vere gladIn oWarren: Afred Nelson bougli T vsMayStk atélcenow. At ail ,evene, ef ié* ter aod .o f i t ecas tue that suhin u a viidiun-te Gustaf If. Ekdabu farm a! f41 litus alaiber home tisat kstumîbe whether the local cars run #ile 'lb. id Or uea s uc ncurc ni un-oras. West of Warrenlon ln Sec. 26 Ihall liveti irior tethe.(ie nuries bcCity or flot, thera e rna te b. a fier. dependability as te company bas for $10,004. hall recel' ou lit thte (t sokpa~taint>J that the patronage ef the cAca- Id for admittet inbuthe uable matter carnot In Wsucolîda- Loreand i Niai' on the Lake (rouf tric.rffl Pb. fWst 1a te ump iblingie ha charged" for if va puy caah for htetnar bought tîte Shields tri, o h, aeupwarde in a manner that canitot wow oui s-liesert ica4.5 acresln Sec. 12 and Et, front Aliais-. u I, ntr-tg Part O! the ho predicted. The cable vas i-ni lu Col. Simithi, tatla. E. Bartels et al., for *7n)î. aoie malter ls il lutertie rlopedTi lhe North Western tlciet agent conratlatng iraln ahàf o te l Barinton Wilia flbpl Ithat tht-voian wa.s net Sîlhiberîs' of Waukegan on Montiay ret7eived q, vho citituens oif Waukcgan on what ili boughi lfurrblochts in re-suls. Chic-rt istar. lu f,î- ailsnot relation 1obn.Wr n fiiuntc !tecint mate di in the war. The -sanie day va 50lo lglilantis from Sanford Peck fo: Ithtua 'mire bai ti nta wtii that 't' ln 25-ride commutation ticket effec- ie ai vroteIclim. .t-king lîtîtt [o let us n.,kow 81450.usa lits ilesir.- tîthavi- bat- tak'- ad-j Uvl,' on Ft-truaiy 1Lat The division if lie (OT the- csbltgrartî o! If he did -___________tage o tf tt-itthe cesa[iontt lu iti uPurntendant caime teo aukagaul 11l as- no gai it-recently wa. IITIItflceL5aTLeTdllinoisthtttt crttictil ienif. Pt'laurear d expli tta the localtîgelît de torin Drepiy tiated Diec. iti. tItat no cahie J JD P ERSONLftTO Ilf he wuns lis ,,îaît-r. a filetîhct tli.t ;or tite-changi shicli lues iti Y-n F]had bison delît -rl ttt]finicovering Lutcouli net i)(, irovid ti rttr il lte eSect. iheu. SDEAI( A CSTA¶T e vtntoe-ais wîtak liitaiîto totîi rhe intarasting lning about [he tirourAndeChate IwIa- Jf L -Satiiri a itr [i s aniîîeadw hr26-ride faîîîlly ticket wbich in.50 roma Aftrifthait va iitt rt afplant on Ianîîî21. wlie t tii. u-[vator- ile Salue la to Issue.isa liat wiîeil- ra ai flar itat lîcet caiari C ~ -.ghti tian n iiure-iIi iii i istîcît In tht ýe hd reflb8d C NVENTON SNUN a ag bt le - - ut iiio th a , era perbon buys sucb a *ticket frs bt-ttu i-ydfr lle clu] - rail rosd ae wlay [l î-diejusIi tit t h dal. hi aitilly, h Ontt nly haà to, algn iagrîiittotîi- acriîrîtt Vlleu Col.iithe hctuîi-oriI.ra, StIt-tkis ter soiethet' li-t liIlîf li every mceb- Siiith's letter(tantie in ttrthi' saiti Novel Stunt Adopted at -Pa-, tîniet. tuttishe ititi shtovît touiera.o h au- lnhsleate hi ho atinîî ret-vaî tii ctbii,~ * ' .- ignatures to the ticket. Perthti- -ehalntrcif i-tbe e ent-îeacîuers Association flouint akîg,"~~~~bnmr &y îî ieIcttl a - took hi- lctiite tti' lt-ai Western teHk O Ittingclf1111itinmr &ytit h ice ,ue Unio ofde an iltu te althe ihScîîool. it )(ntia appiaret tiîtt hi- coutlti on'[hatrain,the Inleoser o! the, faut- (Inon ffi.--rîtti trtît t a (a nt ct-c i- li diclîetltii1.i tr la îing il busa to sig u)a name tu n manager %uben at-re-luilrieIliunmhavi- the' stlsîntagi-oftif[li-comipena-at( UJ inating informtation: i. the Waest- Couîîty lutiguPerlions ha.- ttc;lelon av u-lich lie appareniy knev1 prove thtIll iktIiien ae a ern Union doaso't guaraitlec to de- ceptati an urgent invitation to he one exis1iI itinisSon e ftel(btat1 by thisnemiier ol theaspecilled aimn- liver any calîles' of (ha principal speakers at te coua- by saylng sha cas lts sistr.t.(hae i ation -Bt yen don't expecita charge ty 'Jutges' Association cOuvtntion cotitatty couiti oaslii !lea ftuiet, orI Thetre naw iisiliy tickets are la usfraniessagi- cosr ing flint sont vhich i., toeha ltid al Springfild ouldtiviiîgly pSy iber vlat tht' las- cosat helleen Waukegan anti Chics- S vbicb vasu't dtiviereti'- I-xlalmeti next month. Ha is te speait on the allowa under thbe compensation ace,. go J15 plus (ha var tax. Tht oid 25- the edtoi. subject "Juvenile Court Praclic. Aocoîiingiy lits ilul vas Jrasîîl ride ticket costa 3$13.78. Tht 10-ride "Sure, titats tIti-roi( - yoo take The fact (bat Judga Persons hb andi aa'irytbing ht- hald vas wIllie ti.t ticket coat $6.53 whilate te monthir the chance,' sitlt(he nManager. béuaiseslecteti as a speaker le a trib- Miary. Afte iehadlatiIl vas f4Ountie t c at, $11-88. Thase prices I DS. Open& Up Way for Unl mtduta (o bis racognizai abillty as a that hae hall notltlng excepLUng (ha arc vhat Pruuvaibad aet the premeint Grafting. county ludga. His marked eMilncY claina againsi the ga,, couspany "ider tinte andi sccortiing to (ha bitta re- ýe er, "ut yu cul tae hindrea. n iln g uvnie court cases ha.", [ha compensation att. That di&m port there vilI lha no changee un tise In life hies a day rnt Waukegan anti charge bacome lnown lbroughout thealll.atisof!'no consaquente exceptîng tat monthuy ticket. aver- Iherefor andtinot TIlY ici maice aant ilit as (bis rWblcb causai hlim to t la haseî'tion (ha contt-utiun (ha, Pute FirmesOut ef Susinets. Fig single ielivary; ýou citutit Itake a ha selectedti 1 taIt on thib Most in- compensation ls nacasaary for de- Tbe nue of the tamily icket îsov ildgatoesin fotue vryda i ouWATE>pendenlu of tlie decaea. lu (bis ,et-ar la going ta bave one effec I-n afte- to antinîltuse yîîur cat tail If h ont'Jtge scalo S asea î vas expactediitisaIt cica oman Waukegan. It la golngtro eltte ln ai- (bat ruie prevallet,' ai the Sun to hava. hebti a conve-ntion seevral wouiti daim [iiat he- was fit;a sistît- tht sala of tickets -b3' indt'hdihals lai la man. eey uio ott jmanthsaxao buît t sas postponcd lhe- andti qat vas Ile fr-dingflitI as tvbtthave cotiuictai the 25-ride ticit- 1con- 'I'ntmrty nersi cause of the Spanlsh Influenza ait- prevauleti ail aîong unîîîrîîecently et busines.'Phare bas beau quit* a navy. - nationî tirouabtint the atale. At when, as attorney, Block wt-s -abîout business along (bis Ine anti tholle biScpa (Continuat on Page TWO) that sessIon there vas ta hava bean to ltke the tattar into lit e oîrt viso travel hack anti forth betwuen nom- s regitiar ~JuveniIe court trial tt anti apply for reimliurstment ttider buire asti Chîqlago frautentir have- Ual- O! tha wb vhJatige Parons ats tapreside, the compensation ai-t. Mary Sterekîs deltapaldti ha full fat-e aithte tepot. the~~~~~ JA K t U l9IAimiltir trial viliie be balthis t(hua admittati that sîta va,,nîîothe[lie tr depandintg instead unnthe erihl.lty takcn 0anti Jutge Persons again vasl reqitet-or Stuinherla, ibat hhada)ncey0 tyu h 3rd ikta I gobng &là% ùlUIl~~yj c to presside but beggeti on -bcause des1gnaged as f fuch î1n ordar (bat differant places vIticis have balliiiot P - ARTI I I IOIUlU h.pollutti out that ehalasgan nany aenlhttli ai-nuga o!the coîn- (hema. Howver. ln viav f o f ot enter. juvanile cases (bat 0fr On- e haire- peiîsatloîi set.thait (hilfamily nmust slgn (ha tickets an ad. fera 10 -ha on the sitialinas. lu vlew o!ftti,, lt-gal I tI' u Ûier the mev plan coperative -Peb- bie A EC .NIA TIAI___________ial et-il taken hacaurta Iliete seruary 1. it preveots (boa. vWho bave le bis Lieut. Harold N. Samtuel.@OUonfo E. couli not lie Matie to stand op. hantilat tickets un the Pesat fr=u of Forensanifrn r-tLie M. Samuel of Laie Foreat, vbo la Acc-onting 10 1the hast Information hand1Wg thent on tise almîlar billet Foureensallrs romGr,,t Lkeslis the toast artillt'ry in France, harobtainable, itunibeis' ir-latives ail in the future. Naval Training station f(e court been decoratet i vtis thecroix de, iei usa ebsnbl i utemr h b«oas i that martial In West Sida Turn hail, Mil- guerre. lis brother, E. M. Samuel, - (is country Ihat lias ticpeutiai uposi v-ho wer herle !uonday, explamue i, haï watkea. Lieut. Robert Flod han Jr., vas decoratet a montis &go. Ca- huma. I'(batt ha 25-ride ticktet that yen pur-. ce an- beau ai vIsetihy naval authorities (bat hres hroughtte atis ovet heur fath- clissai ou or befome .aniiary Ir-,as veae t-O ha mon would bo raturnedti lera for or yesterday. ha usai any tinte iurulsg ebrt[a1. B bus- mlitary tfrials. Geta Along Witheut Neat. Tickets 'bought afton tisat date -lys- Thse jacitea vIsitai tha dance o! a. About 150 vonten attendâed a maaa r h"ba ippoorvii tioemn't boilîta vrmuth re mdAl Zavarlan socldty. A frae-for-sfl nfi meeting at the Garrick uhest.cer. Chu- naît, it laya ttcu large, round aggé te raaie ma ade ilte i 41t1-s111111 front ratgou l are f d on viii tie nidute IIII thaca startati anti 50 patrolmen anti deputy -cage. Tuesiar at nooe, la vhic a easlght ileprassion ln tegon-a reîf n1o~Utkt fe * Tabaraifs vere DardadIotastop te bat- Cammittea t o on nvio ball bacu tn as cuvatrack lu the paiture, or ruary V.'- UBERTYVILE -iNDEPENDENT, JANUARY 30, 1919 cetorj Of the. E inuLq witu lu YOU& Vn-No. 5

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