CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 6 Feb 1919, p. 1

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.RTYVI L LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT I.NDEEIE. WAUKEGAN IWEEKLY ,ýSUN - - -'et- muit pisdllis.,orcer. Tre' to emur M-Clsse y-uaue sm- 111uniier lthe Lstu io s ave ben sent ta celd. Tirre's on!>' ana thing ti> do. lurladietlan af tire navy sud suy Caerai Persinîg ta tire effeci lisat viren a persan icel$ îî coîîug an: ldemesan can ire made Ire cause ire is autîorîzed ta takre action, ai Gel into bcd. senc fam y-ur piry-iclan of>oue an-est b>' naval oÊlIiaIs. Ucu- lndlcated belaw, ln lire cases af ce-r- and ollw hi orers eta labedtenant Martin Frtman, provoat ian- tain enliated or draft-ci ian now1 uui ha says et u.1sisal eiated >ostemday tirai ian>' meuvn rtr fre b d irad fait Irat sine tie re> e r r- An>'henforcsicci oratd ia (a Repciulleasad frai active service, tisey iis avu application) who eniereci Ire( Elizabeth Sîtirerland Youing coulci do as Uic>' pleased. Hae said ion-vice sînce April 1, 1917, and visaf ira vanteci aven-y ian ta knov tisai subinits prooftirhat tliera la sicknes along as tise>'vore the unlfon-m, or othen- distresg luniis faili>' tisat CLINICON IN ÀN- een releafe papers vould moat islp vauld lwarrant discisarge may be I TILE ARALY IS ~s tm:n-y ta naval regulaîlons. diate d1scisarge o d-tte a CITIIXL'(vls iI consent) vbo cnlen-ed tiset CO P U ES C ES 4M E RSED OF MT e1 senvice Rince April 1, 1917 sud visoset COMPL TE ~d1scirn-a irequested ir>'a mouabera oIST APPOINTEDorioiris intilestan-anirel DIT PP IT D responslble persan. viesoaucirre-1 Effots illbe adeto oldquesatlas aceonVanled b>' cauvlnclng Efors iI b MdON HodCOM M E teuiimony', tat ser aider'ns' torl t Sîmilar Cinic Here at More ote iesresnthe sle tes ormly Frequent lirai wvanant discbarge, ma>' b. FrqetIntervais. <Specli Tire Suri) sent ta tire United' States for liram- opringfleld. 11,,.Jan. 800.-Tise MI-d1iseds ag.f iowlug an-a House cosmtttgee 80001u- à An>' afficer or enliited an- draft-s MANY CHILDREN EXAMINED meute fan tire IligisU district mem- od 'man vWha cutored tise service aine bs:UTZiP-pcelumuJ ApIil 1, 1917 and visa subîis 900d1 Waukegn pbysicias aucieducaodîclr>'. uad srclfeutTrosons for 7eqflcilng1 Wauega phsicensandedua- lclrY.dIaciarge lu Europe. May' le dW. tom, logethon- vith irlsltiug nurses, vICiERS-lanItS, bankiug sud cirargeci lu Europe, provided t0"a fonemeec ienaficl iresuiteftram building associations, fiais sud gUme, tire atilen-or enIdler valvésres > aImn tautile Parabrsla cHiul vîieh1VS ehcirars; lusurauce, utilties S" tor ses travel alovwances train Un-à conducteci etihe Waukegan Cisaberinapan-Ision fisir sudrape ta tise United States. OffleorSa oi m-ORAHAM-Agricnltnrc, Is adand meiriniftbki las shah l e pald L orCommerce lat Saturda>' atiemnoon gai-. insurnitrce, road., sud bridgea, trac ci alowance frai saioni 'ta tire1 of prH(ewaoit, tie.Bor This tisi- showq tliaI r,,-resenta. part ai emirarkation sud irom Iloio- i of Heaii i.:1,, -, ibis districi t jie bhnri len. NAw Jersey- ta te pince ritfi-titi- '-Il, h.ive uiave mare afi iîie-,, heý,nu er, of ii god Slape I ina tireserv ice. clinici-. c>aid J,-bu S. Clark, City -4. Any Pi-ntisti-d rman wtio entai-i-ilt supqrniendc-nt of Scboals. "TireY' There are bangains un The Inde- theiseri-r ci-otr or hefore April 1, 1917 a-re a uaep ilte rugit direction aud, pt.ident'a sdvertiiing columna. - ra> be sent to the United States for ---"- mul Mm.Smtb asa nepirew ai John r-lais great disilîlerles and anc dis- silghted. F. Tire public lu tha United States P. Mawell, one of the veteran eni- tller>' at Pekîn are ta ec nuvomted A full prograni will be printei vitàk- la halng Infon-mec thaI lb. aboya ln- <Ineers of tiiho Nortwestern ralinnatul nt once lotosugan- ianu!acturîig lu a day- on-tva. siructîans are belng sent ta (louerai Ha vas a mener ai tire Nasonic fn-a- plants, sceamding ta Adolpis Wooner Pershing sud tisat reQuesis ior dis- tam-it>' la Palatine-. Jr., prealdeut af th ire -et Wc-si m-r charge under Ireses provisions sthaufl Distiller>' compan>'. A ucw ira saut direct ta tire Cammsn<ilug fEDIofaiarn-manufacturafeitramcorn, de- WINTIIER P M> Geeal melan Elie1toar l ')IWEE WD volope Inlutire Penn-la ditilleries. î19 Farces, iilion b>' ltter or by cable. lL mta ira usod sud viliieal aieaô PULLS UP STAlLE Tise public ln alao alven ta outier- C hi. section ta disposa ai tierorn stfdta dshre r ujuh ROS N RS S i n just as large quentîtîcsasa vl'en wI t e ve anl n e arsuga:.N RS S t htiredItillerie-s yen-emakiug whisky, AND 6(iES NOMJ eleariy shsov tiat the Mcinass la afi LD RS DANCE acndu au-waun such a cribical nature as l requin-e ____ thesodlr' Imeiae prsoceorANOTIIER GOLD Makes Final Exit from Wt0' such as lotiat birelcleved iry ai- C AtrpHro omî aimetso moue>' madcvider tise Gowns Instead of the Cus- ST RFO OU>I11Oignl td War RIsk lusumance Act. tomary Nurses Uniform luacrcticsat>lIijt Tire secrefan>' Of 1ve.dectires me l orce aulylatjs ta IniorsusYey-ou futirr tisat ise la Most sent out lire war department lista Whnthrop Ham-bar, tise "dreaS etb anîloîrs ta pn-avlde fth ie relace aifrat-aieOscar A. Sorenson af Laike saw suotiser anecoailits dreame vlé.O soliîrs Wu-n salista or aIrer dia-I HAVE A TALE OF WOE. Villa a. Ititîcci l action. PrIvate Ing Wday vien gsetmataitU i-es. t learl n>'iii-ted or asien 5i_____Sori-nonprrvlouvvirai'hi-mun-e-- laaded vIls equilpment a s iUE la manîfestl>' te te- lteresi af tirae -paie-d (as i-,4isîrig In action, tinsWIntircr Moton- Truc . C, Mm' saldian- to haidîaci.ti-ged lu Euùrope Titi'omiers' ~cerner on nurses' puiboci avay tram the plant tboe "etîted. States before- iecharge, and dy ihteieeil'dac ttre]Groundhog mae teirva' irauis is Uaic rni bv dî esrut iay t aSieridan vas daced atthe ee ha ; ta tir e ridan RoadL.Thse bW pà vIls bhiasend lu vlew, ire ias caused i Hghland Park blir sqchool. Tirea Six Weeks More Winter! stern-t!ed irgvnk OR movlug te' X - tk foresald I lstruetlons ta ibe pre- qultea abit ai feeling In tire matie-r. eh mhl bs uornîug aud iat-iitri c de Tisa secretar>' belleves tht sud ttirtis r ataem-rtv as- Sure ersf,;otgir. tiie wasetire sisdow. Wlti rs n 1 qrtn agoing ta lbe-Ot tise Instructions viilteks care r ai -si weck Coi. W]ilIam N. tliram Tnugtihave- expectedi-iil, sali thea smemon>' te tir fe tlsOfaithse ffl5 &Il necci>' csse@ suddhcaès gour o. nov comumandtng afficer St tic gi-n grnîîmuiîir cbite-il-v, " argtt the panv s>' htir*I leuts xpetd sabî operation sud assistance fb t orroral hits'a.l po Frt Siterit . i dii- ' n t ~I f 1îtt inî mit ii iliil tire Winiirn- canu>vlI- be.â Irai thé aforegaîci Insrituctions eer- an orde tirat IreheuedCrossia u ii-og-mii il'S ii itransfen-reci tIs nov iodern h -m iy- inteudeci for exce~PtionlaIcases, ma>' muet not danct'awItir tire ulki'l ati tII lu Nom-tirfor sxonash.ofAil o 18.5e 49 uamesu it ln thouîs.înels niapplîca-1 mue-i. As a trasit mon-e Iran 100 men-n tewiete wahr m nci moiag vii hodoue b>'bëb lion., for discsarze 'N 'e-a discl'ange1a laitStiiiay i-lil 'treck" sud dId vne, iie tie vtahr m ri1uckesud tse bandlng ai tbé niat warranîeîî lu>' iti-ni eandttlanq. not go te liii-wee7;ly' irp,<iucked boan-sel'. machines on ttios lSe Tours te-ny trul>', [lit a-tansd le-von daYa found b tse moût Stremufli P. C. HARRIS. a way .asnt right nurses wye-at 1le' 17T.eIndepOldefit pute Libcnrtyville ir1 as uglven WteIti. rire Mjotant Canerai. dance. burt thent nrrees wem-e al itri flrstt.hé lbmev-aid ebIg iresa>' Ilecel c;izc8 ta clear- Inicmi'm lee bai! gleeves or, 'alri. y -cdVests I>eduid to $1, lUt -Chilciren*o Pd vetsie aud an $klitm ln ail eY- last 89c. U-.50 ose a n bmov Oval ues81. 69c Hlose -;r.l t ie LI Lake Countv's Big Weekly v VOL. XXVII-NO. 6 FOURTEEN'PAGES LLBERT VIEM, LAKE COIJNTY, ILLINOIS, TETJRSDAY, F!EBRU.&RY 621919 ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PEU YEÂRXN ÂDVÂfraOI 1 belleve tber accomplab much goo4." B HI;MlUncbiflg la 1908: plain dresses." No Red Cross uni.E UU OneXPLsuilhwaaipes IatRea AmiaiAléSME.RoaU.I.terniIrisIn sht. When twosps'*f3 jf On. lj p*istel he opinion Sentat WN., I4ly 1,1905, to No1tëmber 20. 1911.front tihe post came down the com- If oUsbl elUIIabuldbeIied oreRea Amirl illammittee tjld -them: "There's fnot a U 1'E~I1 SYENST eqetl. elad ht oclpbsl. AS »MFI IAiXIAiN NRe_ df,,, ilia ~FuIlhsm, SUCCUMIS A- 1ER nurse bere." hw lirh&tI ENT INFLUENZA qetly l adea ocpu A IIR ATLA ESU, S. N., November 24), 1911, toe O T S L N S Teewremr bab.onia D R JaWI ans ln this way would learn tho most hrwe meton20glsa SyMnONS FOUD ~approyed methade of treatlng certain ATfR TLIE Rear Admirai Gocrge R. Clark, U. 31OTSILESitedneadhwcui h ADEV forme of diseate do not corne S. N., Fcbruary 36, 1913, to Sept. 17, 7,rhy el h a anr, n Muph__tel_____ aa-%ean - -Up very oiten ln ordinary practico and 1914. twhao wasnVb Aboýt 1-15 men were Mrs. Elizabeth Sutherlan:d ln this way the genral publie vaLuld, Captain of The Utah to Nuc Captain Willim A. Moffêtt, U. . Brother o essSmith ofte ae drntrng..cp4T y o o ers MidrYear Meeting fTItW Young Issues Warying as aItea bele t a on efr ceed Admirai Scales at 9etm r 81 Daily Sun Dies at Des- on the floor-which lo anetheti miraci of Lake Countylréb-àe HeId to What People Shoiuld Do bie made ta obtain clinica more ft* Great Lakes. Captain Archlbald Il.Si-aIes, U. 8.1 Plaines, Aged 52 Yrs. tien o fUie nicest regular arrny cli- at Lake 'Forest. _______quently. That hld fit Saturiay wu_____N., December 8, 1918, to queleoie tsiand e n. thes eingoo1 EXPERIENCES IN THE EAST cnnducted bers. EPCE ET W E WELL KO N EGNE.FN RGA SPAN0 _____ enDr. Eutst arted the clhute _MAY LE fI KOW EGIEE 6IRLS LEÀVE FHOME thors vers elghteen cbildren ready for rV<ire.. Describes How Public Should hlmta gamine. NEh or these"chlld- aPt. Frederlck Brewster Bassett. CAME T XPAYMENT Sàt rothr unl a flNTEDTAJI R TqSnl ypr en 1% . Jr U, S. Davy, bus been açpalnted sud W. J . Smith ao the DaiySa FolIow Doctors Orders in ren. had sffe redtrm lfflê colmandant aof4Great Lal:ea NavalU TO A D dled January 3let at 4 o'cloc1ý at bis Mdy irdyadStra.Pbuw &] an us terin or allier. Several Trfining Station, ta Buaceed Rear Ad- hrome at De&Plaines. HIs paeelng day, P r ridaýadtre f a tii. tis maoreular l dris Vers brnght In duiu mirai Archllaik eales, accordlng ta marked thc end of a three monthsa FR0 u tSTATION ers wiii gather la theire day hoo the .0ena ofthe aternoan. Iu ane Information recelved Sunday tram ______llnese whlch started from a sert aof Lake F'oret, -theie~ de- teIf caso ee vhlch irad been, dlagnazed aslu: thre bureau af navigation. Orders WsigoD ..Jn 0Tep-an attack of neuritîs tram whlcbhle Found Livingirn 0 îApartment; blh s chool building at iUfld Dr. Robertson saye tn Chicago t.hat fuatie paralysie Dr. West sali! It V51 Vers lmitd ait pWIaY trmnsferrqlg ainggtn .C. a.lT e beomed ta recover for a tme and Ma e Park snd W ahk uthse Oa.ý lutenza l; an the Increase. if the a Case ai "peeud-Iuiantlle paralysie- hlm frrauthse 'U. S. S. Utah ta Great ilad for Ifinlg Incarne and Profits ftat about elght daygeg, lhe eemed toe May mb r J g f a.. Theeetioal, o e vreventive rulos laid daVu by any or lu ther yards wua acase of mal. Laks.. returas Probably viiilbe extendei by lbe on tire way te recovery. Thon on N.'ertopJakie.- he r m eetin akies poise ta b. orRear Admirai Scales laat VePk as Internai Revenue COmmissioner Rn- Bunday mornlng last, ai 4 o'clock lirePLCs, tpnthr"l *wcit tsS aO ur physiclans wers carrldd out nutritions. nne superluatendent aoftne T] s.per froa March 15 tn April 15, or eufféred an ap<plectlc stroke on his EIVSIGTN.t theUi P-e-ie are menon f a mauchsles. serlous resuits Vauld foi- On.eaofire birg secrets ln reetorlng 'Navl n e my i naols e ve aer tvastteiaay hswlh sd Since tirat tume ire iad POICAE_____ TIG.tia-îurpuainaesha e Naval erftwu tdom tda.aTis Annapae.tiols.e epHo ln s a I M 10V. tir. vlthered lImbe aiacoutdren ta tireiriluanashlugtou aI pbenen-.IHecame tewoied l'Il tiffayera aboutbtwo remained la anpuakens.lous candi W~er ir eahlIItrhlnl euz for eredlmeo uiAe teNî r l Wsinto itpisen.Hec monthes lu ich ta make out and file tion practlcaliy ail af tbe fimie. Far ' vuttadi, 'Iliemyel h- n a am opefer. A.irise n.u retre the.ethr eiâwfi s paet ireormad heul und arcforeg tegorbte Greome.*cMa woomenthev- Was tho birghest lunlthe "st, '"eeraut. le gentlle massage and the cicr- captain, sncceedlng Capt. W. A. u, rtng ila ' ru oref reic aee ai a st eae m hicger ote 1go aut homt. ?aýeklc e -a r ce fmsclnteWbo cially Newaport, R. L. virre hIf roi tigo h uce.Tems m-ftwowstaserdt h. 1Of are--. lot af wim s e u ties at broke ouItanthre Torpeda statiaon, 50 a 1h msces.Tie s tof $tt5va0as0rasarnd t tre ].Inarns i lie0 nd ee vs bs-su a rano nusean evryhlg icly ehllieTerevii re lnlu were iarn- d out lu ane day or takau partnat thlng af ail, aceardlng ta the B. S. MLuieqlsptP romoton 1 irsI y, and fcrmý for incarnes possible vas donc for hlm but hie "'m glad 1 can ait dovluaari15a sm eecaie.lA- home or tu lire naval hospital. it state board man, ln ta gel t.hé children rciit replk:came virile statione-d ai mors Iran $5,000 wiii be avallable condition was suchirtat il!ooked and seke vîthaut irvlng rmqe aid Oeo h paesw i h ahaa ad a :..-r a large number work- ta exorcise thre vlthered limbe themnie Great IÂ,reo. before Marcir 1. very dublotie rlgit alang. hieu anifflng thraugis the door.'T-ý>xr. n itr pakr îib b cd. ail ~r.affected by contagion, selves. lHe sald lirat mucir larm could 1 On Fini Line Shlp. Taxpayoesvili i inp an ims ait- M. m1bvs ueihie wel marg t adrlio8 a4Nopa n.o i chg N. Frl.e* and commnicationWin tTireseuee.lcommandantweba, byeimnoplr : ent psy-nent af orný- fuuarth ma. Tenwcmanathsbe nf tl.(!r, mithwauîe neolflg m-fl ai wo Okerm n at Crl o , aed c r WofdMrchggan. Fnsl a It - alriang hatthecit sae ad eercrin ofthemuscles comtmand of thre 't'îh i.ncï, Joui 'I, total tax ou Aprl 1.,or wh tev-r 1ago. M'iii- an oui- of tre beet r an ma7,bnîo haarTi e i-t Dr a NW od rk nd.bis lisle a a h1h b, ün aarnion ndtha i r oysageau191rig ith ~ i . This shipi Is on,- or 12e fir-.tfinal date la set for fl1PLý The post- know-u iiner on thre North fnsorsv"-t- - it liettveo ewYr ndbsfis e - e,,îmnînî,andtir Ue C oss a ,dvised parents e talhevery' tare tUnocralt of tire Atlantic li tani roui-ment proabily wiî m e t curlrs.hvngtie h--e- c-used tir-m ta leavii tto-r homem lng experlencc-s vere ln that satt*ý cal. 1 ! r i lunteern'ursi-s. Tcy fi Inlthiir procmdure. tuek part ln foreiLi noi-rat. ný. rie(--s ary frt -fan m' nPrn I i ic ft h ond paLvn ien the mer , ekaoadiic into toe-,wc u olginh clu ,d i,.,.ai Pulic lplace5 - put ccc-1ý ek g n ic intIl feNwin u oigmuh ta) il '. , uetloiiuupan eatîug bouses. M1 nesMnS. tenw s-j.r a . 'h f$794i00000 tax (.-i-.0- jmahravarsb ep.niliving tri thir o îuin way cam6 ta-tNinots-.and oîganized a bu> Ii- càtiney dîfficît for phyài- I Tha pan ai fi-st was te i'-- te I Ii-Pr oU!in (nJan. 4. IQr .i i r. ing Marcir 15. [aq nt a. oi nlu a rim bouge. Iltank ünme gofli loess î-oltgafd academy at Wree m' _.ling on'- whii-h wîutd di-at vith rionted t' tire Naval acri- intC l ___________Mr. S ut v bn IcI-Iinry .5 Ildelectîve work on tire paritiof Poice port, tâta- inttution dld net proV: clatn t. iwpre-ss U.ýon- Uic publ1.inrfanile îaralysls, but tir' <e-inuit I l-4, gra'liualing four yPir- v'ir la 3eurar î, bclnig tt lthe son00 i of en ltitev and Van Amber tn trace a financiai sirccosqa ndlire became the t . Li; ttuCn inuitlie taiien, and. tee iras cianired ls plan and expeet, 1890)ho was couimisaaîoned .a-i ýen. N U L ANbKIIMr.and Mrs. P. Il Sînitit, for years noto noir bairernia. sur'.rIiitendt ai of choal af PlIs. Ptl .. .-c micl umk - ta hold a general cliulc ionce a cigo. Promotion taIliet-n. 'ut.junie- ; 1Gire identi o! Wa'îke-arîiii; Çottpostion tire-lt fe I1liutr .îu' iehotakes biti lite lu mantir whîre mothers and chiîdren grade, came in 'iet,1 RC reinovta te Vils cîîy fo IHc i- Sa lGrla ath rgerot a. ij ived.i;tn potonh e Lewi , ic in odus. t e au came and get fre dvlce rala ant. senîicr gra,.e in 1 aJ IS E TELECTRI M\anv lear. uago Mr. ,Suili was oui Sale odîiMrgr-sit ieya tiretu p:,yscian'aordecm-.rvent weeplng ta the Northwest 1TIntire taili af1884 Dr.teils vet 1 linuw, . -cause 1 uuraed for tru im-e ta tbr-m irealth. muade-a lieutenant conîmand- r ln ployed ln the G. R.Lyon toire 1i1 rn station at ('iticaga. lasth. letaetBig tiapids, Michiganp.,vhere ho of t i,. i. t proruinent pyic,4as ai The cairnmitie l no gt, If.andcommander in190. l,.re LINauO SUNDAYd otertrooup t s bisc rd th aj osa raie -iaesho hàl N"Au-c i:t ._ rarougil tire '-ry worsti ralgefnds witîî aicirto Pîiîa elve bis fourth n ' las s Ipeln! LN O S ND roadîng. f ttruhtevr ls n odtenta i ag-the course ai years iras boai#tl% cic-t1 , u1oit. i nuticeci tirree di-t. tirenecessam-y egupmcut to carry a mfi ous staps. reai-bcd the paintoain-,cri-cm as datt over tire navy and hi- c,,tebrÀticiMrrIs Instituts anc af the_ tc-ra"t ofetthinsdiâemime: sweat- aul!l onrssot rs h-r . In Span&*h.Amner1can War. President tBritten I. Budd, ai tirnegîneer n thor mari>' year s îd ecS was % hapes ai illasgther bddlck l doi uc pstk.ov acondst lng drewiiisly, complete eshaustion. Gaodnoir, chirîman af thisunii- CuPt. Rassct's dut>' at seaira' North RSilre Electrit. and Saiipl nn g e e r an tiresunn ps$en. cile sligoir' Gre'atUicakle5Csbol utrecuty 1 av ý nstog onbea ow ee l heoe owhmcontribution" j be-u ahoard tire Ranger, Richrmond, B îl,îcavy okodrad Irertor, eebetrylcldede I 82 rrrraw ivcth.. and cr i-y littie chIlîdren. Hers ar -t le mde Carle-iton. Tirolîs, Aleri Maietta' went att over tire system Sunday,lnH eddth Infomton-a Democralle nomination for eCuirsi tire lurnîng 8 point af tire dîsease and Utahr.le was aboard tire Mar-i specitng it train Chicago ta !slîwau lMr. Smithr was-marrled 22yaam-s Norma Ockerman va5alsa itrange-uinnaiofIre Misigan districte; he toe-, andi wbere they are suscep- le-lia duing tire Spaniý,h-Amelicaniean sotkatrp vrth, was deieatcd. lu 1904 le@ reettred Unbe Li lake coI41 About thre fuir M 1UST OBEY ORDERS war. als ais - rvcd at Newport, R. Wsuki-gan fiue. ,ainue. a vell known youg woman ot!poilcevoîcu camne ipon an Ashmnnd the Democralle nomination for govff day pimumonia sots ln. I., and navy dcPartment, Wa3l.ilngton, The>' rainelenr a special car aud tirai place. Mrs. Smnithr survives bier address lu a letton-, nom but vas defeated by Goy. Wuah Anothier 'uud af Influenza affects J Ç IJ4>EDITi durlug Irai conflI-i. Prom 1905 te biad wilir thern a number af mînar bushanci. but Ihe>' have na children. Found With Sultan. le was again nannated lu 130&ao5 Ire bowels and extreepain. T Ire SILI WEÀR YL I16IJ 19()7lire vus on tire Aslatîc station,. iiI its o-a lcrcac i-~Ms. Smlirhirerseif iras net been any A juckie vas istippng davuth third kinci seeme lthe nuasI srlushelsuCarl. Bossait la expecled te arrive Ofiaiwsio-nCie lceevat and tfoc, vel for anme fimie pasi. stapsof tise rooimins bouse '<heu tise cet eud takes tire tortu ai a ceraebrW NI0R~ Fai Great Lakos tnis veck. Iftlaîlke- Teyarri-ved in Waukcgan about i1 Lait fail Mm-. sud Mrs. Smithr polievwomen arrived thora, He ail- Net only s a achooi man sud ê» meningitis Waals rage, tovels, disirlIA I y Ilar AdmIrai Scales viilscaom- o sud aad pi-rt au iori-bers plth. d olgt aCifrit pedmte ervers taigns nsîo. e ta uor l tMm-Ferl b vofl 111a111J e and spaons aauid!b. Ihrmoughiy Psny bina -iren ire-"cames aboard." _________h evntrvtrtire lslter's motirer but saad tiroir nomns vero "M'h le u iasbtniibeaa boileci and waaired, IraI Ire -patient Officiai nets-aoai iis appalutrint lasud slalom-. Hovever about tirree Day' sud «'Anita Stelvart." hle le a moirer of the exeoSdillys ! »ea;thehouse ept art eecte toGrea Laeg oda. s Arcarding to Chicago pepers thse menthe âge Élusse oventook Mr. WlIrmu Norma vas iound entertamn- milIce ai Ire Big Rapids Boa. of oac; ir bus. ep vn t10 Released Men in Blue Subiet sect ct- aG-s LksId>. arrivais lu Ni-w 'Y'on-k trom avereag bssd rybd airgoIerln uta.M.gamot wvas rlng. Tradeansd tire presîdeul a ftise Di dla rr b tlntyaNo neair i sd t noreet fTe'olwngZebosI madon Monda>' lncitided Jesse Iell'or!plane for goîug west. Sirorti> aiter- A seap of lettonrs ufaund iearlng aptd-9 fvî1g8 bank. oue ai theseubi wee a aruus. Noantdis tofnfrthen ofTi e at Lvî aete avaîTan-!Waukegau, wira vas isted satg vardo bts condition Impmaved and lire naines and acidresses oai»ersm stantlal finaucl iInstitutions af ilS visero 1 was. ~Regulations. aisa ieGeiLkaNvlTantirase wannded.Hi- camne an tire Cal tire doctor advisad hhatliere rmain dosent ai soidierisud sallars sud stols. W. gave tise slck ail thes bot drinks igSair ritr aea itie. ireansd tirat ire vnuld ire ail rlgiri. civilIas. Tire police are cireking Tire aIrer speaker viilho it» Irey voulci take at su>' lime durlng ________Latem- complications set lu, Includlng nhom ovsm today, sud It îay iremnat Hou. F'rank B. Wills aud ex-govomnOe ulgist or day. beet tes, cocos, irot A Bureau ai Navigation cilmnam- hliart affection and kldney trouble embarassing. ai 0h1o. Mr. WlIllls ias mad* a ILAr mllk, tes, but nover ou au>' occasion latter deals vîtir Use veamlug ar tire'-_ an sd for sanie wi-eks pasi lie bni_________ tien reputatian a an oratar; It vu lquor or aIe airaistimulants visicis naval uniormi aiter a man af lie NJS'7 D Ii b (bbeau 4tig pa bard ftgbt. lies, uu~vse wiro made the Clieurni iWihlla vould irase tierirlever. Tire pirysi- Resenve Force iras beau eleased rm N w -R u e u tfi arai I'leVV MN t Mr.S puttlugDISTILLEIES NO 1916 uomlnatlng Souator Burton b>. clans dld ual blleve inligquer ina au>active duty. sud Itinhdefiultel>' statcd bohrMtiowL l îtr dmopc oeIeRpble &iul0 tomm Iutealen anlu ueza. lut atteterristent Raervyvare sA rci-adOcobo 5,197 l Pilaeiiri NI V 5, 1917 C VE elnon Hairs srvci u he bl Tire greater4tnumberof aideasr ng tire unfrm. virether lire -e - IR ve l Cea lt 11re fj1J vrieluUo rta lknsni ris. IA INi U JUU Rý RV Lgilature, Ira National Coasrl fr aiiuu-za tan oniy hae sumed foedt! ram active service or not. la anars cast dtîring bis service lu the NE R YF R E Suad as governofaiiri siate. - up: stîli sublect ta tire lawa sund magula- pay-masten departnieut ai Great MJA1AD 1D ny-oue interestaci lu sciroac ffir Tira>'aid nul teks cane oai him -tilans govopiIng the nsvy-. Tiresecretar>' af war at Washlng- furlongis whe ieucincsor aIrer cils-Lakas. il waa ouly about a y-car and 151 L5I5.dlJorpbiqusonlanvtdo 4 seve ran er e n.1Tir a ion a11vtira veaThir unlitai s RnBaY rto. sue tepublic n:- questionsàtn te ansprs hl pilat ha invtled ontnda ta alofth eetUP -S proplve Ton wai-e ne ual takejcare a T u unastra sloga ya anIsestr faltnetrancestlîgtremns ra ahl pii t ui rI lîi- ahbnia>'o Ila is sllgS ___tr s-11.a m -cIve v. .,..... hava h- -- -iente with hisfY, alattv ns hdi cm-passedaay-ln Wau'igan. Peorla, Ill., Jan.I0.-Tre ofPen- 1ile an opnomtunitytv Irai suld noIL l 'ear 59C si-mliiiiel isnd Callars wlth u005 mtles at NJG -1.29 w ruffling lu iii- lipfially $12'.ccord. --Mur, bite aud il>' nov lNe. $1.98 ~>y protty tbcîratly iietih. m-s $1.49 a wide mfsylos, .50 ES I' m1ze range m-et t>' plaids, lsdcsnie uew lii-. Ian sud llce stylos -5.98 Viie Voiles"q 118, ail lace, ued in sizes on up ta 14 agi>'.

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