CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 6 Feb 1919, p. 4

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S!IMASDY, U A~811 ~rty v0fr i~tifrp~tIeîft r' ~L44~3~ WauhqOn Wn&Iy IS~ISI Oti~ TIeh..NutiuI5y1, Libertyville Exch&lte. 111astiltl, 'aicc~ L5t <' l. l.a.s oond Cloue Mail IMatter I. OffIkial IiQt ation for The Vi4ge ofLlbertwville. .atia~ôv ~i;~ .~n', cado supervOt*Y rooed 4'SfIPlNPRICE. - 0.50 P:i- Y;-,AR STRIÔtL4 IN ADVA«CE- Jq . SMITH ....... .... ..... ....... ... ......................Edtor 9 O SMITH ........« ... ..............âZ ......Manager ~M I4.ECKHARDT ............................ . ............. Local Manager. GLORY ENOCUGH FQR AL IIATED BY U. S. Railway Dirýeotr WilI Lay the Cas,..Bel ort A Tribunal. IWAY-BE PERMANMN MOVE. The suburbe bgve een amade nie for the aüburbanliea-tomporarily, at Ieast. The comapiters bave won a VICtorY ln tue tiret clUb with the ted. erai rallroad administration over tht' propose4 Increase- ln ulurban tares anid the abolishinent of te nand 2&- ride .ticket.. P. sM. Enstig, ehaî'-sn <of thrweýt onttiooonorcooitet'. w-i, niroii ir trt t . n I o, r t tto et Ct I b t ' . j ind ir tv Who woin the ,,;ar? - rIr. .- -*' yr Beligiu îr. v, on t by ie-r courifgeouz resistance îat Narn- . tînt i,,o> ir, de-yjng the Gerir'an hosts in their eweep toward TheNew Ordcr. Maris Fr.:so, couldinobolize and Great Britain coul(t ,f,, lCtnit .~e-w-, end het frst expeditionary force across the channel.,ion Ofte State utfIii,,, uscon Russia won it by lier advance in East Prussia at the iilo sl the proprietv'o ie~ flion propor.ed. It wa-, pinted mit mcent when the enemy armies were closing in on, the that the actiiat cr t of ioî,îiititîn Mus at the Marne. She caused the recail of six divisions greater thnp te rceenue noubeing id reduced the reserves available for the critical mo- deri'ed, :ud tat it wa.qritsOnablv nt. - would eglal two cents pien mile. ~'~"' ~ n th ftld util he The utîlitles conmmision ruspond- Sera on Ol J. i yplcü saig nte il utlt eudtliuatif tbiisparticular rate refer- Me~ when shie wak-lue to strike back and force the Cap- 1 red te vas advaniced by the setamu miation of Bulgarlà.- ail cîrcumsetances preferthatLte feut- Greece won it'by giving magnificent aid in tho last 1 eral adinistrtion assume the rut- itt.d drive Ufi oe f.-"lnes on the Macedonian responuteace it vas assumed tbat there wauld be no objection to thes Omit. ~ ?,action proposeut b> the' fedoral rail. Italy won It by am"nshi the dual monarchy in the rond ttadifstin àg1 nnounce rt offensve on the PIvive vr. - "Ianvi wo!fti'Osubsequent dcvel Frane wSu it by turning the tide at the Marnle and op nents, the dtrector general bar W*Wtsing an unconquerable spirit thru ail reverses. poseut be postpoued pendlng anop Portunlty for e full review befare an Gmut Britain won it by keeping tes-soe o h prtraetiua. Wwiports of freedom; by breaking the Hindenburg de- VS t ..î-' .ýcrl~ate Tribunal."I lLý, wiiaz iàthe' railroad udmin- uMa and by vanquisbing the Turk at ]Palestine and lstration's idea af an "eapropriate tri. honni" romains Lo Sbe seen. Mm. Ers, W"OtamiLis believes Lise western passenger America won it by placing 2,000,000menhI France at committee. of which he lis tarmari. M hmofo periiand drlving tbm tke exemy resistance ofl lic bearingr! ail Interests nvolveu- M lieuse tb reach Sedan. rAllrcauts. leg' authorities andt publie Thnre i glory enough for &ansd the glory should be -viii constitur the "full revlew," lin merously distrlbut.ed. Every Nation did so weil that it Ab general relse ll,: suburbanene Mt afford 10 pay unreserved tribute to the valor and rosut rates ail over ths country vas evments of its sUiles. Let us uach honor tbe other, i contemprlated by the raio-vmd admin. *spirit of the fightig cofides onl the batlli fronlts, Thc attempteut rate boosting al. C'i-. ad no help to cieate Ihat feeling of! itual respect aud cago was thee OraL move In tbis Pro noMne esenialtoitbevélre ad paceof he orl gr an ccordlng to one .autbority, ~Adsne esmnlil b h. wlareaid eaceo! te wo ld. tas decideut alo to try liL ont bore because te ver finance board baLs W. notice a Kenoïba paper advertises: "«Don'l forget 'loutsianding te tihe Aurora andt Elffln w latit anual maok hall given by lte bartenderi' un- electric Uine a large loan, vtticis, e a" Wai "tei iaaslu ah~"' s lie balendrs' ven orts said, tise roaà wvu uneble to àm-bI he temn, iu years 10 one'will b. referred 10 as a ,Wo of by-goue days. The bartenders' union soon will Mu away go Kenoshaîtes botter dance vith thIem while ~-.da~igagcd.Il reoly la heir funeal, Ieirwake. Pro long we'U l ir, nu mhore of hartenders' unions. 60S fa.r as we are abe tb Ioa1rn Waukegan s-tMdiers ire ».retunng from the war with no cî.t. tc meet th£m at station and no one partlc'ilarly mlterested in wtat ane going lu do outside oi gettiug a job. Làet'a put a hunan sympathy hilu lthe welcomo home o!flte boys b fought or wbo atood in lUne ready to fight. '£MORBLIND?ÎSS BRI NOS REJICTION TO TIIRE PERT0 WOULDBE SAiLORS if, vison on sqr Ïa dUni blinut mistake tise brovus and thte i0ufld bsppen to m-e-4-4 ICt3viote rru-'-. helir-'inist tem ail bown er arpEO 0'1oud't&tftW>'sPeak l grosn. OtY.E: - arn r elt themselves or visose pgsck-ti~ea stinguisbable but tisese trio os Cf the 'rainbov" Jitey -. Lietexecîîy &alle, lu pic?.îng ot Lb. you aLrosd tht eSf4Aý-o. flot hrj,ran - ; - '-trp W, t tOin te vearer tuaoe -U nTeY an emeralut or olive green ver,. Ly and Vrobably limorene b b e't thpcan tlno uifference. In ea reat es .e AungEerncs are "Color bllnd.' r ' Silt otiers are In e worse vn tigtaerecorde o! Q>t endt can oni>' distinguis thLie d!", rccruiting office la o$~t. once hr-ween the llgbt anid uarls cally three per-c t - it q» siades. A rctrlet reut loo'<s hrovn ;tbfng te enlist bre;'a. $e te them and colors vlilci voulut la April, 1917, h.li7 w e make an Ordinar>' man blini 100k blinut and boy e been rejectt for vers- quiet andt modeat to, hem. teson- officiaisetai te T'rie noe-t depertinent of Lise Ps- »Cruitbng office said that this cruiting office bas bild me ver>' ab« tise generel average-for anuusing experiences thro«,gu this Slite. color blndiiess est. Several days tar lJneare of Defect. une of the men wigsing te enlist bad Most case*- tbe men rêeted e iiaming rou tie. It developeut that jeles-blindues b>' Lie local re- be vas color blinut, H. vas inoruneu oEce vers unavarf-o!fLthe, o! this feet and rojecteut. He refus- ,attbeir eyes a h iis defeCt eu tetobelieve Lt andt said -cap't i IMY came bGret Laies. IL tell bruwn vben 1 see iL, Look et aMMe ifficut task ta cuii. titis ie o! mine. Thet'à brovn to ireat nsbJQ,5ty'o! match 1my sul ' l lits eit W~,, tbis re& dtisat tise> ert serge. -'..lesoLnrn i an '!olor blind' at aU. Iè9 fe usI an tana elsIudtyn o c.)..9g ies. Ilu several cases visere brotit- Soi oloblldneu b' mi. ers aPPly tom enlietmelit. Iron'- t2 Mut ont tisa ,*brovns.. color blinut, the t' Ler lm -,~.y li"',, «9"9. "or 'blue"fom aae tel ffocteu th ie Bstaewmý. In. >ta CUa nteng aLSU oeabilit>' ta distingulsh i7l'as la one er1%0 ftl 9«" eia P impleuoe Of tse main rosuons tor the navres mifet but - t mai casea rejection of the colon Simnd. in moat 5-bWyewIt bau be cases the reJecteut color bllad Svllant M W&e 1111W Md h. bu as etome ae>'unconvisced and stIli be 11. liec .tbha be sperfectly nforins> fflt «, thse -eOlr*lad that he tva. "Jobbed." M.r. Eunati vas asieut abot tise trull!ibiths report -tes, the Aurore snd Elgin Vas maete o ban b> tise ver finance boardi andt that L- nue e-son vit>'the. OraL move vas :made bers." be replied, RIees0 , ."d tat e .. tric linos blclieve.:the px-ic\tlities com..ro1 t akùtd gra-nt tit tthe maximum rate et twea rf' e1à' ',-O: t *., ~' 1:1W elici r u e eli-etric ll'mee dd mot a '-.:' ibese rates labo esHoot, Lcwever, while te ateam in«neffereut lovet raton, sud Lierefore ecuording ta Wain ton ilsobrought pres- sure to beer aetnLie fpital Lo Obtain the rais. la rallroad fer". iL va. stateul yeaterday chat lse fane boOstlag order vas unpopular wli i ne oadirLieist5.and chat rolreâenuao, ..s-,d t 5L n ' w-lth *lmerellroed administration" tu reacinu thLe orZEr. i ILLINOIS RÂNKS FIRST IN CROPS LEDALSO IN 1917 r 't ýigton, 1) . JU.,i n !- " prices and increasei ,'- ivefledthtie total value of th" lî1km- Mrpe o!fLise country ln 1918 balr a bijiion -dollars more Lian tise total of any previona year. Thse aggregate velue o! fata rffl oNfor Lis. year lias been plecei et *14,090,769,ooti by. the bureau o! crop estlmate, frbise de. 1. rtment of agriculture. TIhe prev- loue reerr value-year vas 1917. Tise value of lest vear, m ,-- '19 i) <init tht' avera"-r value for Lb. rive yearo, 1912 ta 1914. Illinois ranked Mfrst ln te van,- c' aicroru', (lqq4 r I' 'a t. bai value for tat satt lu lois vas $879,679,000 andt fa' 1Q-7 t540 ê54 041< Iowa, Texar ,andtGeorgia, versgaeuond tbir 1 &.'id fourtit, holding tise me* rs,%:;Lise>' did ln 1917. Mlneeehi took Sftb rani, jumping trom nInili Place, vbIcli sit eil n 1917.. Obloi droppei back Ioto sixtis place trou tise firthi rani. North Carolina moveut1 up Inta seventit rank fronu the e"- enta P!ace, Indiana retained ber elgitt isplce, lssoumi dropped into9 nîntis rani frome s ilth place aise bel thLie prsvlous year. PennsyivsiaC movel tat. tu"ml ue tg mte *er teenth sieito.. ebraaàa, whàê held »eveth IM lacehi1917, droziped back to the aeventeenth raaL k. Oil foria dropped ftom tenth ram tW TU .13 prlnelpa *mhrm opa-4ora wheat, oats, buei. rye. buckwh.a8 MOE;ITNOW is JUST d"zioN" WANT ADS lsA, ýFOR SALf-Ustol double bar»..., neta toem, tain. hay' tobaicco and lit "t-dCty" la Off loially Droped _»A E T T 1'nW. At ruaaable prlee. Leonard tm.-wMich tormed. almoot 80 per ----l cent Of the vans o! ail of the COU from Dowle's Town y ---- Itr' ýcropa a l 0 sreporte' b>' Washington P. O. Action. FOR BALE-Choie. reldeece lot.oan.56phone thse cenana bau ve re valued la_______ 1. EKinis>' A e r 0,1 lot@.. 9 . R. 1918 et $11,125,996,000. OTHER STATES HAVE ZIONS McilyA$Mr.Gm. 2- FOR SALE-Colite doge,. wseaod - a: h~1 ave nome ver>' fine uçi housees.îa. i.b. ai o e s ola gond bunte & Ind watch doIge.Anre PR S RV SA Jchaned t Ztonand h:rea~ofteImodern nicel>'locatd, wbich baliil,. n, R oute 1, llox 81,Lbertyvle JAMSASKE FOR wll be known a s:ch. MattIlew N. bepleased to show you NetOW FO SAE-Sx havye -1 Il an fficia commuicatio Ce, W tg er.1J. P. (1urIn,Phn25-1. WOIJNDED YANKS te ae a be cagi n T O - :-:-v acre, r nezd, - ttmii nvte v1t o ta,1e Tion ".% Il cancellirng taripg, 1'l- da, near minuit int- for $-"'0 or fuort., - Soldiers at Fort Shrridan areey orr .tailip'. pog*tal .1acings. j' 'dI. . frrsor what btave is(lit..o;fer? ANTIEI)--MIîdrle aged wrsman ln a in Need of Manv Littho Del- clptr îtt -rla *.tel 1". A. 1.M Ircer, 2101Riiiasu , aiiy of tltree. Phone Lakte For. icacies: ReCtiLI t M ode. -- I' o aet"I z1lru citj - 12_ t est 4.1l, or rilttor rvritl, 0, ,- wd . li2 ' w 'iv v l t 'i tir, , Li'-. Forest, lit. k WANT MUSICAL IS9RUNI S. ' i -.V -.M LCEMEN T SILO S!,ha X' rve T ~ ~ ~ c q - r o NtaIcre i a- civ 1:fr.ui 1t : C. the Re j, i 1 .21 , f1~.. f i, l'i.-t ii i . J ,j Sfrti 1, , e w,,,/'1ttr' . .. . . s ILR 1, and 1 , l> ,,, r it o tt t, IL. OwI.d tf t~itt, ~ -t 4 in Ille lo'.rlt,l at I i Ut, Î- Leie,d that - o ,k t'. b tter Ili) oa, 111 Nr ,,, th k- /i m Ittt,tIli P!-1 . 4b/.,, i t a trrîg for..ff( of ' Ir wt>, Ir,, i,, -. Ni,..1,-s. and tor i i ,trit. The lit , ri t /',CiH. WANTEO lY,jl.. Ili t1, rf'tj,' ry. montý f.-,the mon nlreasIttc raîi11y Pt tr PIce FRSLEl,- , 'iii t[y ,pl> it*t iOi I. Ille lu t, te t omel, , in. t.It, t iieses a s ta h v d u rcs io it~ l L, u e, ,rvbt I,. 1s easta hvdi u r, jltk jq'1 U RN-Sxr-ii 1 sagresi addition to t'-di,', et the year of V11,415, Il luing the îargoevti 'ruk ioei ,I , dt iFRRN-xr,,,m.,,. lick soldier. The htt ro! j&tr or jan, amount of huvlnçs, since the ci Rît, l Lakeiii~- 2 l l*srulglt, ga, ,i[t ,"If,'ruiler. partly berause o!f,*-q rpniinler of vas jounded. There are four cîorýl- A pîty J 1'. Pry-P, Siragui.. st tg home, çartly breatîse iltetlls o!flte our' carriers and two subs The rru- FOR SALE-A lùl, (isz.iii__________ Intereet of the woiit,-a of tihe com- rai carrier covers, e diqïtrict o! .17and ,i Wood condition, Iîalogany valle. l 1 The Independentls tiso crior auc. munIty, rtirq thý npp. ie and arous- the-qates mlles, and hie goes ifl!mr .30, ludeî.eii. ion poster in the mcst attractive. es te ambition to be oel over It every day. - - . dcion ice. titi sale bill. Togettmer w.t'r an ad ln For the fr9t lime .11nioththe i The changlng or the nome ZVon The indeçiendent it e te most effec. )nen ln the hoepital nard, n-e hmv- City wivm mean the the bulletin boardsFO AE)u,,rlîuiuMiY<V. tive method of adevrtiting and bring. ing leisure time upon tilir tttuds. Fa- et the Nortbwestern #talion, Chicago hauird anud iewiy paiuuteul Liberty* îng buyers to a sale. Pr-,mpjt and oiles for employing fthnt 1 -Ite pro- wl lhave tb Ilschanecdfor Leta- vine Garage,. 62 -are evc ooram fitamlv and pleasantty are welcome hbien forttie Northwestern andChc-crflarcesurlm It la for thI. reason t'i.tIlle appeal go îMilwaukee electrIc, thie naines on for the- musical insturrfti s sent thedeptat Zion City, thé varinus Public Sale Notices publishec ini The 14dependent are read out. The men, have ari s'rrt-r of un balletin boards ln 21on City', and aIl 'byfrom three to <lve times as manY resPonsible buyers a& suspected aient. The opport*uttY tebr o n nthe trais tat sto at detelop or ta dlsplay I iupn ir musi- Zion City ,ill bava to catilont "Th, in any other weekly newspaper in Lake couuty. cal instrument o! soni- sait is a way lsaltation le Zion!" lnstead 9! Zinc out o!fte tedlum of v,, orlescence City. vbicb te Most weicome. It la fot generaîlly known that MILKPRIC CUTcalled Zion ln the United States. Nev MIKP IEC TJersey bas a town calied Elon. 'o bas L k AVERTS FAentckyMINon akeN ree,, re$24100. AVETSFAIN I Vrgnt. Mnnsoa asa 'Zons" Good basement. Bargain; lot TUE METROPOUIS I aud intss isa o n LIII"the 50xl 25 feet. Must seli on United States bas a large prepon- de tne fnible nomes. There Int account of sickness. Apply Au "enent vwas rearbed Fi Mark, Ltke, John, St. Paul, Anttoch - day b>' the' MVIr irodjcers &Associa- Aaron, Abel, Antioch and scores of tion and the Milk Di. rbutors AssRO- otiier Bible clame.. at Inctepencientofie clation b>' whIcb a boycott and milk teu h.raemnycts famine vere everteul. The producers altb oghther arela ln@ cte put the prIces for Feèbruary 20 cents la te world tbat basi such aique ____ - per 1)e lits. and gnt twon citesshion.u ordlnances a Zion City'. lair tam- In return. ou» anti-Lebacco erdizance caanot b. Fliret, the utstributors awreed to dpcatdp yweo tak. ail the milk produeed at the iae a~br 1twer Stire--$3.50 per 100 poundà. Second. andt more Important. th* dia- JJiE tributors sevo officiat recognition t.o E E À -U G S ut o ' l ' the Co-oreraU,. e M arketing Associa- ilo, te 1chid, -* h anrduce ita @IVEN PENSIONS outpunt et wholesale.-Th Loft Over te 3@ Ud. jIN ILLINIS B ILLI will seli, at public auetion, on his farîn known as lte Gerliad Schrck fart, nii liesnorthest of ibRrty cWoumer f rom day to day viii b., ýnado Into uheese or other products or ,andeneed or Pvaporeteut, as thse market Ind-ateqshaoulut b. dane. IL taises 47 (il.trta of miii to maie 100 itounuts, and tLb. isuuction of 20 Cents çi5. ' ,- ""a-""l hll! a cent Per quart. Thte rcsi! prie ta ,A cEn...,a qart antdn,; mn- ductioti .,e- 1',.¶s mentit. Z- .S Supply Wa liFeil. be Vr- - t -' . pi>'. Th,' dîstributora e3s-_ formation 0a i ,. 'f Ilk!---me" ePeretive Marketing Ce. tormeut by Lb. producers to bandie LLe w hole- sale distribution a! miii Tise dl' t-lbutors feare thtie prqducorg vers about O ga mrtior muid organize a aistmîOuIng 5.geam -y t" rotait torL' A' Y'ijtt. CHARLESil. WE Sif. ÀN AFM EMINT«I DIES &T IS Fôý.¶I Faku 0i f Lymnan and Frî,t'l<Y Wý.est Pisses Av!--yi-ol- 'Waukes-en. Jan. 28. Chare e NWest dieu thLt; m-, lng et iltOo n mi e 'si tiifl, . Count>' etrem-.. -nuililesi or A * - _vO weeks Mir. West vas ane or tb' oldeat set. Lera Of Waulcegen, corneZ boe shortI>' fter Lise Civil ver. drI.les- 'c Littl Fort tram )Michigan, about 187(j. He vas *n-" tn N0,g orit atatr X..24, 1847 andt for menTyearà tol- lovreu i business aM carer in n"',*' umental vork,lieng an ad'. l" i<i busginess. For the - a* ix jears lie bhm been retimeut. Mir. West vas a rearleabli pover. fui muanundup to an ettaci o!pneu- monieaLisme. yearc agoho euva aper feet SPeciment of pby«fca manisood. Pneumonie maetLs lni'Oe on the heart Andt Rlace tise ettaci bhoissd beau lJ OormhealIbb. Tvo sons, Lyman and Freni,. botis of Waukegan: siU gmadcbidr« and eue gmt granutchola=muMve the de- Provides fnr Retirement at Age of 65 Ater 24 Years of Service. Sprlngtoîd, IlI., Jan. Sl1-Retire- tOit VtIlni dges Wvisavae ho. 1Mrný ~e' 1, - rio'-ai departme',it la provideut la a measure u'ioi iIR t,. l 'l --<i'r- f'mm'.dais' emuaiderationas, soi a- the senete Ar-I s--t,... eommltlees are organiz-d the tvo h5oses ny hrent,. - Rotreesntalve Sil.j,salo! vblcb Lb. essential featuare Io: «Tisat azy judge et a court o! rec- ord la tise state of inois. visether c.. tt ut9th î, t -ui, duperior PrcL, Ca.uouu,.K -'r C'cu',vic as served as a juilge In one or more o'te t"-.m. - .tur a ulec- loir OF "21 . 5r m ypo ~' ers. wr--iven h ,-poutlu..the. q- (t: ypa-e, ana tihali, hore"" - or j otperir have * r'oudi-, ým;t: ,n t ta ui mt o.,'. al>' e pension duingthLie temns': nually rereiveut a'-' ilvh judiciai s, ,.,:e duir5e r' >'e5 ttareof." Aspices t, St vu, Judges. 'ikaelae ta ut. practical *appîie' ttoa, affects flot mors Ou] - eOt<)i jsidgee, lacludin, cri. on tise Sunre'./- bencis. trle bC I -n ,.m ,aga -*& .o.m 'i. Tne Provision a! tib, pencing bill stipulate. tiset tise retirement sisel hc o vountar>'. Thte Indications are tisat tise bill viiili e reporteultfromnite reaptive judiclar>' commjteea vitiout dimeiul' t>' and Lisat it viIj become a lew. Ams nr . .- . uîu are rîiai - Liu fort Shecridan itospital wv ' tb conducted dunn'g t.i- tu Stlt "Y aefoi- ~i'~', otLisago. Lee Dan- tluI vas meade ciairman. Suggea- - Ion titat tise investigation b. matie et once came trom lira. Wiliam e- vertisanmUtlr. Mary D. Fiaher. Chicgo-'lbe flgn, Joliet anid Saaterarosi! toute>'servei noticet vin go lu tise'Unitd State9saupreme court *lth suan PPealfrom M Juidg. ment sur a- 20,000 Su, impoeed lu 1910. 1iso rogid ias ouedt'foriola- tion o!fLise lutersate commerce on a cisarge of elm.siffing ivood pslp a étravboard. ville and 3 miles west of F'îve Points, on i WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, '19 s~ie commencing at 1 o'clock p. mW sharp, the' follow- ing dtsscribel prop crty h 47 HEAD 0F LIVE STOCK-47 25 HEAD 0F DMIRY CATILE-consisting of higli. i grade dairy z at'o l Young and moatty new milker. j and spriigers, a nuinlitr ,f then ith!l calves hy their &ide. 'Many of theae cows in'ade 40 pouuik -f milk ' per day w1th their fir-st ea1.ves. I TWÔ COLTS, cem-ing b years old and from good j TWNTY FALL SHOATS wighr-g fr;in 70~ J pz)-.uids elch. .z HAY. CZPAINq- FEED, ETC I "0 b'aoliels Iowa Crbd Mine Oats;. eiitaH-e f'sr ' s; y- e. e frdree fr2:,--. atfa .il Thze )a Li yielded c1cige to 100 busheli; to th3 aec 11aet season. 18 tons of eti,,Le timothy hay in barn. 10 tons of claver bay in barn. 40 tons of silo feed. 30 baskets of Minnesota No. 13 seed corn. 75 bushels of late meed potatoes. 75 bushels of late field run potatoes. i Que heavy 2-horse Doim rilk wagon; one feed arind. il e-, gn ab1i, for pnwe3r frorn 2-horse LP; on'7e ý2G-egg 9 ~nýubator and other articles to'rnrnerjus to mention, ~ Terni of ale,,, nof $10and under, cash;. months' time will be given on good, i3ankable notes bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent. No prop. erty removed until settled for. Absolutely« Notking Reserved CARL A., SCHRECK, Prop. FRED GRABBE, Auctioneer . 1 yil, Ulrator ment. . 'Unso01 Titan Herc il SCi 1 ail C(t Pur DEI titi villi-il anîd 9 Melleti Moi - - good st 300 îlot oif theî For f I to bree Almo al Barred buIt o iu îdivic-- heu fer sale di those i two mi About 100 bu oats ai 8 drai weight weight ITERM bankal Fi GI MERCI quit bu0nue Lion et hi@ TUESDAY RUi hiie entire s * dis, conuls dry polie, hardware, col sasetove, JORN viON W Xt P I h I I I I h - - - - - - - - - -

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