CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 6 Feb 1919, p. 6

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VVTT.U~ART & 19. ab 1 1 ma ru ________----------~SU *SU~--~S~-- la lu Chicago at th. proset Urne Wode I~K I~ ES IIJ< but ilh exp o 0assmne hie ev ha positiou tomorov.gtI T; In maklug a selection or iecretary bu".' tbe board bai about ton candidates IE W4Mm to slect tram. About four or aveema BROTof et Uc.applicationmsvoeesulimitted O ruxl by Waukegaa meni. .Ofco .1Varous other mattors veetabou 'UrPie Leoardl Mannough, Employed up at ibe meeting. Among other MYSTERY "BOMB" MURtLfD ammcd t in t vas ipracticaliy deiided ta WaukeJ. . , am by Haroi Mcormick, At-, resume lhe noonday luncibeons fot The police are mystlfied by a mie-.sMon 0O tempts Suicide, business mon ln the noir future, tory '"bomb' plot that evldeutly waa ovan I Thore lis t lie a amokeron flF'ob directed tavard A. D. Ferticli, a iriv. tect thi SAVD Y POICMA. ary Il w'wll lie lu thie naute 'et for the Amrican Railvay Expreai C. H. SAVD Y PLICMA. f "gt ogthe'attair., comp*ny' la Waukegan. The affait POlIO Leonari .lanbough.i. n employe on The, eRtail Merchants section will le oneo0f the mont mysterlous that ,when 'the H.arold r'.MoCorick etate, L.ake meeci . about a week for the purpose over occurrod lu the c l. n band Toereat. altempted piuicide in lita Of ci ang 0ffi410t5. Ferticli lefI bis wagon standing lun ha hleigQate Tuaa mgilyfront of the Camneran restaurant, grab Y 1 lslgbsthroat vill a razor. .IGN 1H E I .» dee and Water treeta iehartly swing He bas been ln 111iIbeath for sev. iIIi1 M OYUVI 14V LtI - lefore uoiiu toiay vhile lie delivri baud a era moiha Holia 83000lu lie jj.sp<uA UDI .0 TO tvaor lhree packages inaldo. tliace: . Z.âL1ce Forcst bank, and police on the m C U lWînl ale n ftodo uef< Noth Shore are searcblug 'for a BÀO TOFÀ11LYTO taward hie wagon a .011 dress As il brother. vbom Lenarid caims, 1sa JfJff Luf~'8( stranger spoke ta hfim. The man streels cirpenter contractor lu Waukegýa. jÀIJ ~FR ô 1OIE l walked out tramib te rear ai theoadmii Thit Manhaugli la alivo taiay lea wagon. Fertich Jumped toi bis soit noboy Sue ta Uic effiient and prompt teat- Andro. Damilice, Moi 42, reiding and setatted to drive uvay. A second Forti ment given hlm hi tva police ai- et Elgtaenib treet and Dugiale laterthIere vqU au explosion tht tome t -esfe Who ausvered the cal]lfor belp Raid, North Cicago,,vili nt boit wv alcrd for blibeR. Il occurrd aI tht Io ineati l byonaer mlae o h Iite ffor seome time to coule- the point vbero Uic wagon bai heeii marks uslt.uilioaro aîtor.11li cmplhl culr s tanding. ry con 1 Te to plicmenFerinad nithr wll o cmpe bi, cilden Tutnlng eround Fertlch sa a homag' Trhe tad poilicemen-estisfd ta lire On garbage which ho bai beent 0e@gboruo blsud W ilnefleaid tyed hired ta haul tram the nival station. i'cioui a! moire. Througb this ho mmv Fer"ic «MsN o hoodutngtbl e lesUicFor I)îmilek la ointo ~a j...lthemuan vho bai spoken toihlm tua-mo.mnt t] a oe ho pertiug to ab esluflc.vler--bo vwon't have mach te say aing south ases the Geacee istreel 0f rom Uni boplal.thi to LReForeit about what ho vauldi lke to> do. li viadl. Wbippt ing bohrse le a ROtM u11foicinevntt vr t av lm given a heariug beore Police, gallupa ho *oUiwed retau Magstrate Taylor this moraing and The strianen vbom heoicicribes as inu 10 Nanliough liubeon ufering tram ouic herecommandation et Si. ~ A-being o e milum, eiglit, Inclinai te L bu bo ib.lou for mabytmathi. tenOY Waeli aesentenceil ta eveletu, giabout 32 or 33 yeam. Hotu 4M bmof «h e Te varkbtinte. msix menthe in the oouty Jlii uns and weiring a ligbt bat. igt emit. orierly 4a0ftt a h e eo Thke subb rlnon- lie lablc ta Put uP a peace bond of tan alioemsud a iark ho. tic. isbe. anid uo douftlut1h. Matmick etae arocul-$1.000 wvlhiIt 18said là vbolly out lite the alley that runs ta th toir express meoniigo t aognie, are, a vice- of thc question. of the Wilson and Ohm garago. Theo Mmi iug to Caîltanulaancuzerntm. eDamilicit lai aathag lu counîy extitosuwvgon driver tellowed cloeu ho Bsm - Manhogli aine etliachiyeit-court last Saturiay at whicli tîme liohiui hlit.dayni iaiitelyn aith temu vs l thebcourt 100k avay six of is chlii At Sherian Road Uic strainget "Comle Aomt ohieLitFoest spt itoaydem aud placed then lunthe icten- lurned north and liecause the lbridge tait to lt he aite Forest is ondiatiodas thon bomnethere. Domiltk', cruelty vas ciosed Ferticliliai ta 50110w an Mi rfil, as ti that be i conditIva to bis vife and famliy came out some fot. He shoutei fat ome mon at him hb He tca.bIla t ied ormIigit ic. ortimp before that. thc north eui ot the bridge ta stop vouli . Hon ers n bas made or Icamick Fat. Tliursday afternoon Mirs. Domj'lick the fcîlow but tliey elîlier dihiual Mr, Pli tent yeaishmi li ars d .aPa.coniainedib tat her husband came undcrstami or diflot care 10 mix fi w5.5 1 Ot is ho e roh er w home intoxicatei, beatlie horse and'in the aftair. tht th mi4o to i i buegasbroh wln i g wtba whp and then started for lThe strangor contînued ta min aortb Il wae si ta ie aWakgaliibe ler aud lier six monus i'od bb ilu Sherian road until lie came to an the "n feuni.She scape-d by runuing away fron, abley that ruas ia the rear of the bE ERTR 8COE orne. iSchwartxf crulture store. He dodg- CAUS #dW. CER 8C.HOSite f e evN, is Damii' aîuîtted tanibe court 1cd inta tliis aud Into the test door JamE %Mt wC. Holliestecr eanWi this imornlng that lie vas intoxicat- of a pool ruiaim.Hoelirrlei ta the man h~ wo ia ee acrtayof the 'de tlhe tine. front. ieîviuig by the Washington et. "Boint E!hmbet et Commerce ai Detroit «"Well, Domlicit. yoc are goiug ta' door. Wlioa Peftlcl rcacbed the last F *ud other inities, lueluding one lu a place vbcre yoc vont bave al treol the follo.vas aovhere taulie day at lKontuckle atl lie the ne. secrta" drInk for six moallis et losst." the 5O6en Lu vht . ýf lb. Wamkegan Chamber of Com. state's attorney sai. "The cbanc- The police veto uotllied but have Arthuri erfce. This action vmu takeca ly the , are you bave bai your last drInk i ailei ta get aay trace ef the foi- jean li board et drecters at s meeting hlufor, the country ptobalily vii lieodry,' la.Oued1 Wednoiiay aflernoon. Mr. liollilterbiy te Lme you are out of Jai]. .A. Pickeons, agent 0f,,the express conuc I companv bote sai heIhle als uait raigne, c j Unit.dStat.sRailroadAdministration Proposed change in Suburban Ticketing Arrangxements, for Chicago Suburban District, will take effect FM T1081919 instead 6fPebruary lst. Note particuiarly that no change 'a contemplated in rates for individual nionthly ticket3. .TbedorolO.l4urst. President. W. B. Smith, Vice Presîdent. duei AM F. W. Churchill, Secretary and Manager àFlm ý *odorT E L .E P H O N E 8 1s iu RITY TITLE & TRUST CO. XCTrSIOF TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED Roi AUIGAN - - ILLINOIS la vas a naytery ta him. Ho candSfcld a private investigation and vhuls ho found mai vlio bai heard aid beau noir at baud vbon ibe explosion t0eR place ho couli fini ne one vbo teeI ogulzed ibe tnger. Il camnna underatad the malter t Il" Mr. -Piohens ssid. Il ion' kua. vbat tla mie of it. t1an't mee why muions ihouli vsuite oexPle a blomb caderthIle wagon. If homb Il vas, sud domoas of tboso vho heind Il expreas the beliof tht that la vhat il wue. There buas h ouan labor difilulli boreansd eotai -sas 1 knov 1 have no enemiea." nffort t a fni trasmients or a "boml" have been without succis. This oaly idis moto mystezy 10 the afair. .-a.- cxptoi cuta «boaaii tical JJ Hovse driver de cas vouil by at the el tUatlI the br tede lu1 de Wbu that h SED GREAT FURORE. e Horn., aged 19, the yoesng via creat-ti a mystetiaus ffi plat swition la Waukegau 'rday, vbo was artosl.ed Mon- fternoon atter an excithng Chaseu Ich meveral aboiseoe ILrai by sr Pertlch, driver for tb. Amer. laiJlway Express compauy, ivas $3 and oaou a dloarictly 2e charge vheiq ho vas sr- id ln police cowtUrteismari- J. A. Pickens, agent for the i3 cempauli, iecbldteprose- whon holeierasi tht tUc bIncident vau menely a Prao- otc, but Aa.t Chiot Tyntel ln, 1uiion a OU&. on bold a staalghtfoevard stan. ild ho lhought ho tue. ali tUc Ma fer thte exprees COoSInpey0e li hepicked U1 a rallroii loupe- ap last Fridiy ho thousiât ho Id play i joke on one ot thoa. iaching thm lorpMO atao e 0f epress wagon, icols, inoving t veuld exjilois vhea ttira» ted belveen the imaouin ani >rIt pavement. Ho &ad thlb hdoan mai ucatood about vait- levicopmeuii. leu Petticlicame ont ho re&Ilz.i he ihinet; knOv hlm aud oItt ADUlTe PLACINQ "BOUS" ci te valR entt u Gem«euo treet1 Waukcssn, F51. 3. Wheu Fsrtich tock ston hlm hoe hi aflornoon Horen admltted Ihet slartei 10 rua, fmxbig the driver9 wai the one who had placod the mlglit shoot.1 nb" bonaath the exprose wagon Thon vhea Vertic l bcatai hlm lu Frdlsy. Ho sailt weelat' bonb a Wahlgton atreet pool .ocon on Merely i ralîreai terpeo. Mondai itternos mi a pped hlm put l thero te have somo fun; over the hesd ith theUs uthendiet In't know Portlch-l jual didIt ahle revolver ho iccidei 10 rua for un," saId Moren, ho smiiiho vos irai0t heiiig ehot I wouldn't have been a.e funny If "Il vas theo Brut lim 1 .ova w h«orse mn wayend i klied corne. ibol it" ho mii& "am Itil s ursvaa y.or il the driver bai buen oueer iestioi-nol kiovinibut ria nd hut," «Id Maner Pick- vbat the noxt buhlot Imeuh ýbit lie of th. express compeny. mark.. clarias poolti lyyIbat James Mr. Pickeas miii ho vue villing tO en, agedalionI 2St v»i cxtoni cluumemW. soaig t the put ia'lomh'" uniert he expresse -omli" Incident wu i ltendei M i ;n vhîch ho itives, Arthur B. loco. Ho salin howMt lvouli ho tch, driver.o? th. exproe wagon a good lesson te Herea. inmon startod la pursuil ef Horcu Attorney W. A. licou. repreeentlng o, s the latter fled lbrocah Wasb. Horea, Ibrealîmuai o preooniacharge ea street. dovu Oeuee t Iothe of isaulsnd bmttery aammoult q leaiug te aDde »aveldtsnce aid viltb ideestIy ve«pon SCigiusiFoib ou oue Coufity shtr vlicre lis tich, but d1d' not prose the matter %liter overtakea sud taeto te vhbi& client va. pet prosecute. stalion. The police'uq thal Ferlih ahonli il1 kili yen "you trici ta kill me bave notifiai tioin vheu hobrIM04 1I 11gel You." mI Futticlisa bo tHoron uni la the Pool rocs»le. rcs dovu tbe mlreet bablud Hor- eteei et taklng tUemillet lute bis OMeier Sammon tabiewini th. ovu bandaesud puUilg a DIeniOsi rta the station. 331cR Thriller." re chectiag croited a great doli excitomoal dowa tava as FIerlich Dr. Warder Clydo .&»10e licad Of tieng lte stroot trYlng te ovon. lte liology depertmont aI Lako For- ti ren vlio vas maklug a gel- est Coilego. wha, under the Bludents iYlie topt ILrlng. aid luaal dis- Army Trailag Corps togimei, vas arged about live @hels. Peopta austod« tram bis Position as military eed Iato doorwaym sud ltsaemm Instructor on account o et ieitavovod miraclo Ibat nobody vas 0h01. paclflsm, bas been appointei l thi rtîci adrmits taI hc lsn*t a very Place on the fodeMIii 5m coramissoal id murtsman boomus. none af ibe farthIle comlng season. Dr. Alco IOta toÔt effoct lu Horen and la viii go te the tedormi lahoratorlos lu ct neOn0f thl even grazodihla. Masseusetta as aoaa as the PoiS- Hi-en hao te son et Bd Haron of ont cobiege term in ftuiishd. ThIa idoul and Fox Lake. appaiatmeaî cornes as i iDtplsO i10 lpeaking ofrlte malter Ferticli thoée wlia remoinher the hue ibnd I: «I vis drivng dovu thé utreet cM thal vas rileed @Oinsmolithe 5MM zn a feoie. ld me thit the tei- vhon Dr. AIIoe refusai te buy Liber v ho Put te bomb under my la- ly bonds aud openly acknoWledgedý * last flday w>sla Inlte, Doli .iepcifist bliefa. The professelr 01 roomz on Washington. Tbhe min-. la a Quaker. 'John Fay, . loçi.t Farmer, LeavsHOMoTuusday; Not Seen inéne. AT' HIGCHL.AND PARK. »WOOO Expected that it wiII Take Few Weeks Before Plants WiII be Back on the Sanie Basis as They were Before the War; AN Plants are FInding Places for Employes Re- turnlng fromn the Armny. Waukogn le lu the, mla t o th* eteeruton perla. Mini of the City% Most substantil l iduutrleu, Plantsli hbave bcon nnung tday mad i* iifor Menthe aid zMntim tumnins ont hunitd et houamhiiof dollasWorth of lm voit militai bave lmiks dciaton a briet pVOCId me that they cMasel bacc Ou a peaco balle aidresumo -opeatIOni Ou a pro-vit scil. T'h. Natbrn Braam vorks vhich huitailci mucb nev machlbiety t eon. able IL ta tura out certain contracts. one etth ltocal Plants vbicb iovot. ei lte satire lme te var voSk, »v la gotting bhu e na posesbuie. flore te a ahit g round or the uacbinOry and ln a short tUne senu lblug Win1 ho ln reaiiomote, rusmo et lb. polut where thée oncor lot cef belote demane I. for i onk von. made. The@Mnlcmia steel aid lro oom- peny .blc bubobeau l*Ring i&Mi von orders rtaisroidj»uaiultselt te hindi. the poselima trais, -Iu a pleut ef thias e it labos 10o2g6r limai lu a ailoer coucuru. fluel are only 1.0 of the local pléati hlch arc refflustlug them. slves la conditions. AUl local Plants are makinç il a point ta male noom for the uetutcngaooiis. Sev.inteou old em"ecsca vers isen back ln One day alone i the Amrklm Stelaid Wlr cmffny plant oie dey Ibis veek. Olhsr plants art dolas the samO tbini on aa memer mamie. 1Thore sem eveny toison to ho- lievre that a&s cn s conditions te- aduit theiniclves ibat ail concera vilI nesum produion&loanusthe min bines abetfor. theo vit D"Mi NRiLD'S CASE UNUSUAL; SUE, LOVES FOSTERîI3OLKS ,Case Whore Its Own Mother Was Unable-to Persuade,. Child toRecognize HeË., ADOPTED HER IN 1910. Concerning the came of Aiolph Dim- lung vho il one lime mutanhe chvwarts botel, the Fox boume and othut Wautsgan placei Chilcago paper ioday pîctute. the inanner lu vbfh btfoter-cili they legaîly adoptodiniiiWaukegai an Wednesiay chose Mr. aid Mn. DImllng as ber parents rather tlwn ber rosi mother who 'beggei lier 10 rture la bot la ont Ilefor1 bai B-ciff a word ta hlmn, mini that'ho la the félIO. 1 %U0Ut ~and pu"eir«*y <U -ù qngiven t e lboe latoly rd tba NOifflea hugOs 1 Car- kaee 4» vas the feilow and M 1I' tK'ei to kilt fli, I ahot a mi trffi ta kfll hlm. 1 mma' th" I1viwuOi»M7or <Iii rdldu't îUcteed Ho triei to 1muls iling to get taer Mlens of the' express iy Immedlately vent to the station&fier the tw*n an sd r $Runon reachai the icelle. ikep e lthat he hail ,eoontlY 1b tegeMs drivera vith Pis- od vas golur ta&ai Permis- or city omecila sta atm, thena more. beavly in order ta prO- beit prcéerty. j. Muincb, a traveling mani, hep-, to te passing the pool room Fertlch tan out witb hie gun i. Munchi said hie dîd flot know the trouble was and trled ta pertich but wben hie made a at hlm with- the gua n lnha and almaît atruck hl- la the ni the bead. lie thouglit Il vas for hlm to proteCt hlmselt. the two mnen tan tbrough the ait caused great excitement be fürtunate part of itlal that ýywab inured. lcb iays 1tbat reports have te tus eWpess campany drivera lcal mou have made the te- ,tbat the express wagons ca- alderalîle money and It wOuld gond place to make a sood bmal. ,b vws positive l ie bimutte- ba^t Horen bai made ibis kini mark m bad been vorking foS loca wati aidla QuitO wvol kuv va. WiI b. Flned. n w»a beld on a oiiMgeof is, ly conduOt Hoeviii b. OBac ilt proaecnted vlgorouslY bY the a% Companiy-as culd ho done. agea pichons today aiMIttei ,peed lHoteband evOn On f1- lsgt left woti at hls room ta eatolnd and see me; 1 wsnt taý »you." But Horen nover came. i lie called 1 coculdbave asked bia motive and tliis ajiootlng 1flot have taken place," sali Ickenm who then admitted that taftet the 'bomb ilaient" te drivera wro armed enIt known what was be.ek of 'oise.' Chicao hospitali are. belug ercli- ci teiay for Johp fay, aBMogett rssident. vho mystertouely ilep- poarei luat Tuemiai. About 4 o'clock Tuosiay utternoan Fiy lett bia homo to go te Highland Par< ta cash a checkt for -$40. Ho told hie %Ite tht ho vouli relura home in lime for upper. That lsate 1aI thal Mrm. Pay sa, her hushand. Iàast niglil ahe onisted the aId of Chicago ani Narth @hors police In the searcli betng maie for the.mise- log man. $bho helieves that lie vaA robliod ilmosibly murdeted iy thugs vhO vhlm .i lb money. Fot ibal reason hoipitali are boing searcbed Fiy la the fathor ai font chiliten, the eliest but aine. the youugest fout yeans. Ho vis, mirriei tan years ega and M».. 1%y claimm Ual lun ail the ten yearu of martiedi lite ih oer hoard hlm express one van oof com- plaint or ou. angry word. She in positive thal ho vould rturn home to hie kIdddtm Ifabli.. l'h. Pollice mtathons ln Chicao eache ltt nigt. but nao-trace. DL the mhuilue mm viitouud. Today the pmol f <2dogo begam a oys. temallo eerchof ohospital varia. Play has mae ie hme InhilBogot for the. patithIr« e. i. Prior tu Ibal time ho .onkei aidlivod lu Chicago. Ho bas beon vorking for th. Nortbeeitorn ralîrosi et tato, se, vont te Highland Park le cash bis check. Ho caalied the check aI the freighlt o. uin Ual city about 5 o'clock Tuosday afleoon and tli freiglit banda tUal ho vasgahong home. Ho vas fiat a diikg ma. IWAUKEGAN FACTOR. lES 601OINiBACK TO PÉACI Bmis, The .111 ot the ale John Conadm vhose desth occurred Docember. vs aimltted 10 probate ln cauntY Cou-rt toimi. The petition shows Mr. Cou- rai lorti permonUlpoperty vWuied at $15.000. No menUion la maie of hie rosi soute hoMii Tho we 1dow. vbo la nanei xecutrix vithout bond roeiveo practioelly the catltc 0e> te. Ta hie brother, Joseph, of Wasike- gan, lic leavee su lucome 0f $100 a yeu, tIs 10 o a chaise on Mr. Cmi- ssiia Shridia raid propertY th" $1500oa!tlb. mnouil realitrou the mile sha ho put ssii. as a trust tai,. hre taet go te joseph Oei- rai ne lomg as ho lUvou. At i iemtthUicfta i 10revert to John Courae is iev, If living. aid if a"bs ali hive dic ita ch inemaulnee Ustunishak sgotatho cbub'hof etthe immaculâte Ooio9> thtL Ail the Test o fthe estats. both rou asmd porion, la loi ote widow.. hé le to h. cuotodisu of, the trust tend te puy lb. ancunti 10 Joseph Corai ad if &o enesA. F. Beichien la te bo cuitoim DR. CONNEMLL IS TRASFIRMEUTO- CUICAEO JIOSPITAL l»rX.A. OCosi et Wauiegmunbu beonau, e urretrou tU. a.ATMy boepiltit-Nm Yok. ltut. ILAmy hoSputal. Chicogo, te tab Cha" rge th. B" auiBu ditrtne la th. nov boipitul just Opemi here. The patients mau bout bute frou New York upon sitival tram Fraac. mtut osthem Uv. iatheUc MWn statue. Lieut. Couic» le also ap pointai coneuîing Mie aindar off- «seouon thebo ard tordischaa'sing vouuied smliens ut Chicago. "i oemy oth* muinabotter."l lMgt, 9. iX bosu a i mother top&t fr, offermeihWm loveîiband te au, bou father, Adolpb»Dimni, ani mtrted te leethe tmu o @W oca vIct l* B Gamaty 80114b y»i torday ln lu$re )mm Marie Gre« bIrin. 'Wheu omaa 1see my, baby aegar ah.e obbed. c "Any lime you my," anivered fIni- 4i« ,"Lt us kto. w ibeun're comm.- lIg. Cou. over »me uiut for 41a. mer. Câme eas orttea«auY«ou 4012 1And thus vas affeolutheb. Ont te. conciliation la a »erni yoeM' 0gW on the part ofthe eloumther te v!Pt villi ter daober. In October, 1910, Mm . Ivn, peu- nl.,. a idalono, vii aupposid tao iying ln a Wau¶cngan, hoapital. Ah@ wam an atress, vho pop$ ln a living statue act. The bronzé coloting she affecteihid oakei througlî ber pares. Her baby girl was only a montb aid. Adoîpli Dimling, owner ef tva ho- tels theto. Induced bis vite te akle the baby ln their chilloemhomne, ad they adopted ber ln Lake county, and tbree years mgo the DlnMlinm moved to 901 South Oak Park ave. Soon te Wed Riche$. Mrs. Irvin. boon ta becoino tbe vite of a vealtliy man. nov longs for ber child. But the DiMliflgi lai learned ta love Evelyn as their ovu. Tbey retused to «Ive ber Up. Attorney -.oonora Z. -Med e brought habeag coMm iprocedtnge bot ca Juige Johnson, but failed for vint of juuindictlon. Mrs. Josephine T. Lavrence. amis- tant superintendoiit of the oial Mrt- vice bureau, vaa apç,eltet1 eMon, else niothor and toiter parents. Dimiing ilnay comentai te uggo. tiate wththelbmother. vbo ie nov pulvileged to vieil ber dauot. O'LARY L3D 'WALKRS TOWAU- KI3GÂN'lON SUNDY QUALVfT FOR SALEl One 1 0-foot ali-mnarbie. silver- trimmed work board for soda fountain. Two 6-foot, glasa. f o cases. One 6-foot top case. Five 30-inch, marble-top tables, wirh chairs attached. One 12-foot mahogany prescrip- bion case. One hot water urr. WMi seIl the entire outfit for $500 if "m nin 30 days IUcCLIVILANDRut CO. Mmhe R.all Stoe car. se Mmd .. mai CU. WAUSCLO.AKN I LRG tii MIP8 - o- LAKE COUNTY1 Pu"loed by "b WAIJKEI:AN DAMLY SUN at the. special 10w prnoe «.Ch1 $3.50 51we 3fM. & in. by 4ft.,2 in. Libertyville Independeaùt ITS -NOT YOUR HEART IT'S YOUR KIDNEY"S people today an bo truand baok tOe n i eto~ h ou kldneY trouble, hv-aid LD lt «a n* Ce 1%0 kidsSaitI.mi not~, ta tYorr.tdoy9 organe cf Oth:%od. h. ozw 61 dMnrNA" m Olftorero. the. purifiera, of IOUr bloe 2he th mvffoi orine Ktdney dilai.unual l dlcated by "'Suviereu wealn. iieplesosa.ui. o",6 .auvMlben tue day v réit e deapond«YOY. backache, ito0--b tou- GNOahmg bis, pain ln lbine and bow.r abdoe,~~lffet aeo.o v gRIl atons& ,graval i. bumattim, molticb Ypsuln ecb dunuOt L& e. or aup l and lumbago. Of tUt«- h 4&Y. nl M oii kWaV ftu Ail~ ~ ~~ ~~~~r teudiadteft f ltWCdanger of "thortattacks. Io bwnrn yot that the IcidueVIAsk for the origina l Iported,00LD neïd P.dOaYuU ibould urne <bLD MEDAb .ELru*UMut-f NMEI"ALHMa rlein 011 Capeubo. Imme- fundel if îhtb ,oUCe. Uip Uý Ail BakingU When CALUMET,, troubles ake quick leave. You oi ahead anud Dm u m yn eroiailufro. ut Dan O11Lary. vterai pedestrian. ww-iii valt acreithe stbmus Of Panama. ln April. Sunday set the pace for sevon hikers te WauiieMll. Walklag aI an avprage clip. tbe parly coverod the distance, 38 miles, ln 7.58ý00. Accordlag te OULkary. the veather was Ideal and ail ejoyed IL Thoie wbo maie te tnIp veto Henry Sdi mcl, iichard iSwansea, James OBrien, aPtrick White, GG S. Shaw. George Kopplo and John Danovan. LEAVES ALL TO WIFE TVILLE , Àqr ~Mr. ai ii bisbo M 9oU Deai woa wdwe NIf. Md Mr faimbil Mou amuie v L.ur". e, Mboht.s a. LhM M a"ua t, b Kitshou bHnum. nd Nic. mai Uv Vi1pind e blons. Voo mi" kor I knov beoa ùUltd mit, hooplsa Mr. aId r Mr.nd M Mis.laCohac& 9.lAbhr pa Ul. F. Vas. vmet leveri Mr.anlot Mr.Candebd foues th@ ui U. mdB" . FW Win Mndin mi. mi M surd".l t U". ai 30"« Mirdi doroutCIde, Ht..H itoub 5 Mbi ou flu sudbira ami MIl f. th& mou àaàdw bàÊý fÉ ti ti 0 Il

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