CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 6 Feb 1919, p. 7

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ilwutbr*u hm.l or U~~s U.limBi m m n lgu Mr aM lite. Stmby m»d immtybave x o aKmoo. vbm gr.lit. S lal IB»lbat. co hebaie mvorbimi lu @PM à hW écyn kb te. OMM umu mm home SaUM& *à- lbLm. Costr hoopilMimd le *161b other, ?ormma sudviii. Et Md bernai hebhopitat a nmlb mSud 18 W.m.Ubuood epals1mi wvm* ia lUos om botonné. lit ~dit. ramk. Hautin veo joelrnlslemse, Hat limla, hae tue.«abetI. botahM. t. b. out egoin. Ulr. MWm ire. 9. J. Houpeta mm-li 4mmbir wVérvy 111thébut 1m oSb -U IW. ebmpuemd Ibo lt lboives. bis bom M aItaot'F. M. Hamita 0f aeorge il, 013Vformer b@ma edlit, bal v«Mwed blé dl.cbarge front Uada ilium mdte amgueslmtthIbm m le"t bomme thie vosk. vmboe BaroN Danllof Uvntan, w ol btouFtlday ulgh 111 Sund*y somiseg Mm s Hedricke of Ingleede, @pemt tbe w0le*40 ld iibabr moîbor. lit. .B- buvood. M#. md lire. Fred Weber mampauled lu& . LB. nomsyt.Chicego eet- eek 7yald lira. BHamsy remsimed for un O9"U0D on ber néck vhlcb vu@ per faimmed monday. Mie. Violet omandiviolt. tootnton a"risi lo in ber bumand, WholàM tigv mker Ihere. sud viii gotboboune- lib. Md lire. JamsKa" M S802"1 aossl"d a teegrmm froa lbek son. Puât aylbe obal uet rried francFrmu Md wuva ot Nvport Ney, but dd mot banc vbeo b. coud get home. Pmml seited nemrl y co JImmeenomd bue beuma hrn e hu mclv.ervim aet ai Meb anéimeutil b. vue voumded Ivo or $hm emonthe &go mad bae been la m 1l its. Lm Btin veili ad oidr of Lta Vbetck, Wl., arrlved bore mondai ta apend a lew veek wvttbrlstivie Mnd Il fitenda de lte Cora Ltailer spent SundmY bore vtt ber parente. bu Muton Lite iler'a are&H mthIe6gai alter bobitmg an attaee of "«lu." t IL -.F. Vaeoy and lamity o ai ose vèe pleasanb caltere bore mondai. t.O Mie.Flore Witeon and lireC. 0. licCaudimes cre ln Cbiaon au utnmela Tueeday. Mfr. and tir.. Frank Amenn are ftjolclog L over th@ arrivai of a baby girl. Mir. nd Mmre B. Peterkort Bient Tue- tu day ta Chcago. c C. A. Brown ereported on lmte F. Wlteon o1 Lake (lenva, W t., le pedng a ev dmye vtlb ber parente 'W ath* Academy Io cloeod on ameuut a ariet lever and "Bu."c lir. nd lir@. W. Smihe@peut Saturdai tu bore vitb tbotr son and faufily. Mir. and lire. D. StrUven e onteraln. tmg tor daughler and granddaugbter fru Chicago. li. H.insen lae lovly recoverng tou titi "Ou." lirs. Sarmit Boward lt eScvertmg fron RussErLL, line& . B rovn e le peodtm a 1 daje dt l b. Corrbm illes its . H. F. Mvreteteld brmoler Smag btobr hou Vadevort Md à tbmgt and b1mai1 fom Keue" o Lr. .G. MoriRobort Md Doutle vetKonuchavietore lmiurdai. Vi an md LamraCouie ed on Mrt. md mi ir.ClrmaceZiuem a uIM lt.Caditim o and lire.W. M Doimeand son of1 luiltur. sputtbute dei et MoileBras. bFua muuee' I ellt*au held Wed <ismum,àd ni emt li iàofl ]»F idoeW» mtlbbaue a lte SelbtdMebols fsdilbm mi .tly rooMmai boue Mlms.Km's brttberOma m OMBI buldmm waad, Gieago. Ssllombr *6lBad. Vtouboue»Wa lamaby boM "We'fl lever Let 1h. OmMI desioin. -Toamicdel. Ilaornemial duel. Ër. Md mi l avruc m ma Md The 1porésgy dtM avtlte hél uaHaeob lire. Sdw a* a",e ruen coflrel l» lb N&yM TralugBtmlom, lusdmy. VIN'ula aVau Heehe s utlbhéwe- cd la Wakm bmmmWlng tolalves li». mmd lira. Lmcreaee Amm md .111 vèe s urprleed vben lit. and lm. DeU atrrved ai thele home S@Mur- iy evumtag. Tboibtle«pi emteamd kvw aoola tMadiscn. Win. Jota Delov OS Areo vleitéteIbe Nouma mmd Portegy hommee Buam. Mrt. N i re. Van Haske eiiterltated omparBunday. Enbe Tboumsumd ecittdren vtalted hie cther, Snmday mfternoon. Ohirley Thomm. liat" mmd Ose% knama epeol .mtarder alternoon et IL Thomem»d lmallymadea butonne ip to Wibnkiga amturday. 5WOOL EWa liargmet lcCoraack, Audrov Van aecke, VWpor &ad Loretle D.lieet md ictie Amamrecetved tb bt lnom- »t of boudrolle for thm month of Janury a spelltag. Loresta Delioyer and Leroy lebock elive lbh@hlgbsel nimber of hundrede Thie vre Iirtnen penseS hInattend- toi o blbmontit. Amonfi tboee ibm ovinu bg eMved lnhdeportment and tpllcallon: Mate Amma-n, Nellte lrtefly, Cuelie Amen, Menthe sud tels Vanafme. nloremes £nei.iyavue ontprient n've For temontbly &verua l eplllng Mrev Vanfil&eke mmd Margaret csived 99, Victor Deliayer 98,, inlta )Meyer, Colie Amma an d Shliey- Nmnes recelved 96, 14e1is P~ug lary Porte"y, EMarnaDoleyer sud àsrine Kmeeky recirsi 95. la antitmoetic Loretta Deuoyeori anven. is vu 9OV. Lerroy Ibock 98, Jasper cormaek 95 and Vicior Delieyer 98. Charte. Brown returned froin Bot ;inga, Ark.. tle"Tueeday. A nninbeofa farinere mtteuded the Pro« luesrs Association meeting ta Chilcago ait Tumeedm. Dinuer and supper ll be lurulobed by te Indienioftheb.Far-nera Institut@ Fr1. Sy at lb.eoot boue. R. W. Chittenden ceu lu Chlcago on nailneis 1aaI Tuesday. Mir. sud lira. William Crocat are mn.o te slek twlt vtB nnmuza. Lloyd Vincent le bere trou Cailforais ~t ns bie motbor. wbashue ben tory li Thou. lieCanu and fawtty cl 'ove ito the Dew Hugbes reaidence. Ireu. P. 0. Smithb îi ententato the [adiee Aid octety tht. ceek, Thuraday. Il lb. rlroad company ralestlb. rates t0o mach tc suit us cî'lt justdrlveto the ltYt laOur filiere and beat the mliktrain st hat. lire. B. J. Young la vtlng relatives tu Vmukegan thle ceek. Itla te portedietalir. andlire. W. Campbell, of Flone. i., vilI 'nore beci to Ibs trlnily thie spring. Mir. sud Mre. Oscar Beechamnteit Sun- lay 4tgbt for Seattle, Wueb., vhere they wnU ipmnd suvereaicue. Eata Fritsch of Everntt. moye u tu Mie MW home ou aussi avenu. on Mes. Fre Chrietionouo Mobile, Atm. iatumverel daye Sti ek vlbth U Caeton and Jordan foiailee. of 10«se"sid nekerbccken, Saturdaj. lmon Front of Cblicmgo5 spent Tu» day ai hie son, Herum Froit'e. lite. C. I. Johnston and dmngblir Dotothy, Suit Tueidy for Beaumont Teie, 0to iel: ber dautet, Mrà liM mer maClave, mmd soa, (lotio Hightmd Park, verthelbguele utIs *MW#V, IL R. Eu elbputiveb. liM e«Mmor yer wu,,e b estec lité. 'AIs.. Povore 0f1Obegol,0 *99! ?in4 Mai l iaurlymd Job : slyiedin uudy s t ghcod vit M zSIbEder olOblsegolqsum 1 j es8i >qbitlasl toorne1«or*0bpeseesi, lb".a p etmu 4 l mt ltuq t M. 0 mailBa onn Sbet »md chi r - eemi atuaarMmd Bandar sai flacheof Sbetiuvllt Ua,é& so'à, luaday. B.. m* lem tiler trouLie. Il-u- . vre b tee- m oo4 lwy BMââ 0 woflée, poLt ou- cOPSC"AR Pl Mr MmIrbA.ItI71àrMdMM ra Ofw OF LTt L OVMiE Mdami lieHumain Fubry of Evano.,AT EI'U m m ouaarduy.A1,NLSRCIOO T Nu 2MÂNIFAi 1Ma pFtmeDldretadts pupliegave a r«" l I b Domeof J. A. ilecholI on- SalMdod brmleto& .News of Hlm Trnsferral Re. Colone Ignore$ Order to HOjt; ,îs -Umbt u. ko f i >CMmo, epent the oelved Bt bigatLakes as a Sentry, Followlno Orders, Vou: b Pi . Horenbowes' lin. La. RHaled mai l CeadEeou CompfloteSurprise. Sind$ u lltet into Cai'. Soit Tblreday lot JefleoCtsy (7Mmd Msdai., Mo., vberetbey vin vwst rla. SUCCESSOR YET IJNNAMED. TO BE NOCOURTMARTIAL. ite. for amsiaiveee.A è George Wbilcmb, vito vas haFrance Unar Admira'ILH.Bcals, cho be- Ilf i o ab Lent. Col. Thiodore 8.înom lfor menvrai monml returaed homeelion. causee ootuandMt a lte Great Lake& Proxmlreofo Lake Forest the proper h day, baviez recel ed bis honor»bte dte Naval Training station myheu Captaiptbing te do chen a sentry commands citrea%aiCamp Grat Et te vartng wifllam A4. MoRMvti a rausterred ta "aiMt." ho vIII toit you that the p. t. si goid êripeaon hb kove.commant! hebmUlt4p ioMaisppl. t. id. la to te hait. There's a reason' a1 GemdmaBrSand of ghtband Park, le csIrdyapltu ueituet At midnlght Monday Lieut. Col. sk Of the naval mc.ieuy eti Annapolls. Pra=ire who until recently cm,' ra maktou bar home vtth bet dibugitter, le uoede Ruar Admirai Edward commindlng the aMY tiospitai et lim. Henry Weaulng. W. n.erle, militai tualse. as coin- Fort Sheridan, necelved an emergen- The#lZ. K.'eo tlte U. B. ctnrcb mander of Ibm MUt division or titi y eamons te lite pont. He cliinb- c viii bolu thoir business meeting ab J. A. battleehP ipe. eutaint hie car and s1ed acay. hu 1Sttykwra. Fm"day*voen. Admirati Bes cmO taChicago Orden Ignoreit, Smntry Fines. hu 1 lits. lieeneentirWaed l. t e on vlth lte tankoft mPtain, but Ivo lHc cas approachlng the guard tien eodiy 01 theU> 9. cburch an Tuesday veebi a«o reculved le'porary prW oulane in the conter of the post chen se mllsaoo. Aternhtresingprotammotion to te tant of rear admire]l. a enlry caled "'Halt." Ne dldn't stop atyehad eleettront oinrs. rleu, apt. Scake s ueid comnmand of The sentny cailed agalu and Ihen lir. S"lfvtd, V. Prleieu, lriet,laGreat Labes one Decumber 11h lent. fIred. The bullet passed titrougli the ~ Ure.Stoiwal; Y.Predont Ul Claa ceuedlng Cat W. A. Xloffett whol rear sent, th. front seat, neit té~ the s1 lMerer; Secrtary. lin. lUnas tanger; vent tasoa. on. occupled by the colonel and est 1Trounrer, Me "Pearl Fronts.lire. Necs of Admirai! Scalee' tasi-through the clndshleld. The colon' C01 Blanch Stryker tb. rettirng president, rai cas receited with <ret tsurprisne et stopped. whi itad faithluily fitlod that orgie for thoet the naval station. Nohody knev The story dld flot become public put to ler@, It va' cmlng; nobody erpected amy- untîl yestirday. A reporter a'ked ceù _____________ thlng of te sort because h. b.d the colonel about tt andt h. salit: air& bean et Great LaIegs hort Latinte. «'I dldn't hiar th. command lhe- laa VUir~Adïtlrai ScaIes nov le in Washing- cause of the notis made by 'ny en- rons 26 COWSJa LED, tan or et Annapolis, Il cas hIowU giles..1 >Iet theaIIbestation ltai he cas bing ta "I dont car. ta discues the mat- 111. IN I N AI EC Annaptolis far a conference but It ter. The soutier merety made a mis- ty, cas not knSmw hat thet conference taike. Hoveven, thîre cUll b. no aIre cas destgned for--nov It in proted court mortial" ehi ON ST» PAUL MNE t vas on Ibm matter of bis transfer- Majorialakea nu Chances. cetu Mai. Ma.John-IL-Robl.ocomi Ia, i 'We cure dumfcuuded at the al:. îng the Tcentietb Infantry, chich A FrelghtCar Jurnps Track ijn nouncement hi le to lbave ue,," said in garrisonlng lte fort, eald: poli Frontof Pssener Tain- onhdito0fcer Itte station. l'Stace the elampe of lte six pris- «no Frot f asengr ran-Skipper of Delaware. aners troin t.e gaard bouse hure thai Two Coaches Derailed. The apponiment of Capi. Sucale Jan. 12, 1 have issued ondin to ail to. to0 Rear Admirai hemre out Ut. opin- sent.niea te, shoot 10 bill chen Per- . TRAF1C IS IED up ion thai mmmi Ipeople have hait for gong ignoru the command I W ~Jt." said ________'IE 'UP a long tise,ta a rear adiraiti W. can ta'<e no chtances." dlc shauld be lu commend of!'*The As for te sentry, te explalned il folI Tveuty-M'slx coca eoklled; one World's Lurgest Naval Training Sta hub an itundred or more men and comen tien.-- Oly once before bas an offl- 11i cas thoUuung et t.eren tire."' seu cure tiiaitflly shaken up and dam- cen ofta rami bien commandant, ________ a' &ge to, equiponent estlmated et 120,- andt that ceas ie a station first had th 000 cas croumbt chen a treigbt car lis beglnnlug. mm vien Rear Admir- TO OV Efi ca jumped lbe îrack. atd,-swtpplng the ai Abert Ptose cas commandant front engino and acterai pasenger coac- .îuly i. 1906 10 November 200 , 1911. tes of e Mlcaukee-hound local. pass- Since then commandants have aIl tng an lb. St. Paul uine et Shermer- becu captatus. FROM DEEIRIELU TO of t ille on Jan. liaI. The honor accorded it.îain Scales r Examlnation of the crecked equlp- et tis timo come as a ret ard for LIANSTON h ME Ing ment proves that a Miange on one of hie splendid service bath ai cea andt hi th. trelght car cheels broke. and for duly ashore during his naval ca- s.WlimI trato l u, the car lett the track plocing its neer. Hi bas been active stuc, bis ba.Wlla i trn t Wl tlu cay onto the north-bonnd tracit on raduatlon trom lite naval academy mette, announed lest nighltat ib U whtch the local passenger train cas at .nap.lis in.187, and bis promo tbe people of Evanston try to stop b zpproachilug. lions have ail blee n rpd and the ber trom eopenlng ber old mansion un The passenger train engineer eetl serv ices he bas rendent bhis cou.- at 531 Juulson avenue as an orphan- ana ibis braites, but there cas no chance try bave been ot c nature tbat could age ah. le prepared to give them gul te avoid the impenting crash. Tb" not pass un-nerognized. a fIght. For a long time the place mnc a corner of the box car extended et Final Advancomcnt In jUan. cas occupleit by the florean home, e 1.etast one fot over tue uorth-bound Ater bis gradutiton froin Annapo- 1 The 41 cbildren cere laepi moved teta l rlghl-of"way4 and P-he pilot of lte lis. Captain Scates cas promoledtut~ Deerfielit.1 englue cas toril tramittc tastenings. Enviais In 1889. In 1897 he becam.- Recently sbe haz been relittlng the. a The box car stde-s;wlpping every lieutenant (J. g.i sud lieutenant ti'ot bouse. Nottce vas served on hon -Y' coach as Il passed. 1899. In 1905 he became lieutenant-I ht shee coulit nul use Itsas a orphan- Tva of the passenger coache's left commander. and commander I 1909.1 cgû It was pointed out that she the track, but dit flot luru over Hies promotion to the tank ot cap must get the consent ot ait property L) *Thts tact sevedthIe passengers tram tain came lu 1914 andt yeterdoy he uwners. tserlous tnjury. if fnt death. Four vaà Intormed that he b.d advanced t I. yt Ypropert," snld MmR. box cars ver. tenaied. and turned another nolch In tise eenvicc. Grant lest nlght. "The home 1 ran t over. These cars cure dtrectly baekClc aplain Scalea serVIce ha' bien there ba, nReyer gone out of existence of the car vhtch causei thei accident most)ai sea, havtng been on lanui I am flot starttng an orphanage. 1i ' muiad loch vas tbnocn nto thie dttcb duly but tre. timee durimg lit ca. am runntng the oue that cas there bh. kat the roadalde. One car vas loat- nier. The fluet tune ho va' magsi before the ordinance cas pasid-jutt à d cith steere. Tcenty-six heat of tant duty vas at AnnâpoUis donlng contnulng IV.,'1191 i atle vere lnstantly klled; and 1905-1904. During 1900 Mmd 1910 he Chilet ot Police Uggetsalit lasItfer cuverai more inuused. vas aâssgnedtot duty lu titi Hydro- ntgbt that if Mrs. Grant perdIBs chu fitu A car or coke cas spiliet over the graphie office ut the navy departacut wclîl e nrestqd; thal Ut. rire chiet tn roadcay and another box car 0ail. sud In 1913 he cas commandant of wdli ad, beaus. the houise isnDot he ed clth grain cas burst, andt Its cont- lte naval station at Norfolk; and properly sateguarded. ent that tibre e 'tente spilled over t.e tra*tks. vos there unlil 1916. Tiis te but health depariment cull acc on lt* pi The accident itappeneit one-hafthUtcfoui-hltnd assigitaiut that i18grounit that the place lg Insanitary', OMile nantit or Ut. Shermmrvtie depot, boas bd since bis graduation frm andt that lte dater dopartinent maY na just sonuto! Highland Park. ulun- Annepolia.. b. unable tu-connect Up the meter. dreda or people firn mHghiand Park ACtive li SpanlshAmertçan. "The pitul Cries Of ttIe o rPitan 4, and other Northi Shore cilles ruihed Dnuring titi Spanish-AafficmWu. chiltron ibannt me," said Mrs. Grant. M te, the acens of Ut. accident chen 're- Captain Scalee cervel on tUu. il. S. --jshail taie thea tu. If Evanston ports cure tecitid that a paseenger Topeka, cuit PartlcPtda i uthe ibat. does net abJect la poodle doge ans il and freight.train bcd. collided. bead- lb of Nipe Bay, offlbhecast of Cue. lte treets Ilt ooid nMo bJOcI t ron andt tat 26 ted heein bilOed. le obk coimanit of Ibm U.js. 9. citdrnn t a boune.." Treile on te ChicagoMiwaukee Severn lu 906, antd dtrng lte lat- lMe cf lte St Peut vas lied uP un- ter parteftteat Yean, anl dnring & iu the accident and tomoved te veck 1V. 5 .Colambla. He vsImnA4 CIO ae.Trafic cas reopeued about 3 tranfurredta Ut.e1U. ILS. Illeour «0aa 1DA Oc 'clock Ibis afleruoon. md seeed a'exucutivm o110m . iETS q$5,000 anîiR it developa Ibat te lirse» Ontthat vusami until 1909. choulte v'W"aewluau 0th pussngeruinu lied a rater 'lranserrod ta t.e HyftalfO- LA T13âmIe LEIM »r miraculousescape froma deth. am inWashington. Fros 191# outil Ko -bous athalteho 'dueked bis 1#13 bu coumnnded ta* Harlrd Mmd- of bond» jUI us ti mt ta m b lte Prairie. Prom 1918 1 out II11 hab. Altitolugh Mre.Augusta Lebagu, on gtmw r cz1'titucorner cfrte detaed 'wu commandant of thé cavi abom chose huabed foundeThé,m ar. frub car. Tvc bol.. veo tom Inlust Norfolk. mmd thon vmt on bard Chicago,.loft an viii. the giflafor ibtebolmn of te pa'»55t cugI8O hiIthe1U. S.8. SDiactaU hic-"i b p lhict bcinteBdediPut of lh« fti- lt thc dtaihi bot iMr. -bu bhe until be cama ta Oreat ]Labos.iurne- Vii e oMade. flues01%il an Thte crocs of thetu Io trains il On.inidet hicb m&00 blireUIcbfflestea umfat tn l 0PUOl. Plans reie l la vanKu6. -The#ç »M« ei<curol twttle lievus et îu<yiv 'fut*Ir arytn te u ioeano a-aor a' lollova: jitu e wters, chie 'a lIIIIteumut mI i e b fy by EI Lltnîaa. cf Ie amPageotgOr Train. (J. 9.) an ddh ithaS t eM> ,f551' e.ntpmreodatofThé Pair, Md vagemr-Le" uluai. oés dedietISout muilj delths c l te b ie. Wl NgIUMa-W. B. Kirby. 11ecIe 0 téKoreanU » l bë bei mp oicf lb. storm 5tw icl VO e Freiht TMa§% e. rat t.fl in lthe dJWPMm-vbtqaliy 8100M 0ot tIbm aoey. tb le jS EnlucerAmre Cv Séluile Plut aimm l. &diabtbU4 batif. of 8$10 a$1000. pl F1Xar-.LDulI csan cis .te t Anobr $100001) i le deOtil 10 A ~ éê* ~'"~" umt or lb. Great l IOmNaval tE e Wotimor fa hompitaor bhm* on Ibm train vere acboo, OMM M ou rawan «t.Mlims.The lstvasu rorAeca sldeumd acs Zd luoirw t a B4 0 IilatP&& , Aimirel Albrt Roi. Vaalv Wooiided i tue.6'VarIashiela. au. namy w vàl~oItîinto u 1. im 3In' cte0l molli loetueaa l ITe'OO rit. ~ ~ ~ MI goptct t au,0 efs t - ~ ~ E'Oai b (iitei6,. 11,00;Wml' l b,ý I' i l . ioa. .-. -to- o - s v u ti. î OW. , arI a bap tgl,85,00;QltcOaMu 0F LONE LAIR Nature Providing Circus Lemonade for Dry Ul. S.? A match, Wataon. Ttae yole. Tit ew came ehapea Up someîhing I1k. I l: Long laine. chict. if ion iilcon- t lte atlas, les o nean Fox laiti. lnrning roit-blood rut. Residenta titi noigbariood finit noledthIb :èk saler gettlg c pinkisbhbue ccv- lu ceeka &go. Ikn luvesttgatio>-Utorongity un- ouIllt f fcourse-ca' thun made te acitlare ofte tlciulty. The @alore &Bd trppera. teold set- er and ceater prophets cenu pus- ed. Pink Tip Arrivea. iThe hotel keepena and nesont ocu- i8 cho profil frnm Ibe aummnrtour. t tada teu egen to take an Inter- e in the phenomenco. as did tht nsnmers Ite comltani -o!Chicago, blch ovns severalteIcibounes. And Mondai c Chicago Paper ne' 4xcd c hipwcutten on gsnbpiper.)1*1 rangely unangh. recltlng tacts, il alguci hi one Adoîpli. ieene and mda: 'Thure Ie a mystery at Long labo., 1.The caler of the labo bam a dlI- ,,Pink colon and tere are roui meaks ounIthees. Grahtam, the crak ot at Long laite, don't knoc tbm Mao. Boive It, pleaae." lisypole offera Ciew. Md. George M. limyPole. former ici maistrats atiFoX Lake. Who mocs the Long take turriiory bettur un Ibm native guides,.va' aPpeaie 'Ihotl's remarka-ble.' the elderman ad tat nigli. *'1 couldn't vaut 10 etate a solution riglit offliand, but tac this cv casefu. Thte <ra un boya are gruat huniera, Ibm duck esaone ta' hein vitl us. TheY mai rue abat a multitude o! duckla on klaie muid teblood trm Ibm de' ued ducka, ion kAOc-ý' Rted IesIni Chicago. J. R. Ormitea. one Of te tamily r unIers, vas reacheit aven titi îg« distance tlePhone. ,As c matIer of tact te dück hunI- kg bas heen pritly poon ibis Year,- a aid. «But tce atori o!rte caler irlng reit la true. ilunnlng Out ut me tleit llooka»nuit- The lela rocniab colored. Wu lbeve sent amples of lte caler ta Chîcaglo for nalyàita, but have nol heerd te ne- uIt yet. if teIes freezes thlck .ough 10 harvest Chicao maY gel chance to est nid 1ce neazIsacr- ier:" That. Watson, la tecase. We ail have b o okInto It-nurder. istery or chattot. 4AXE FOREST IIERO LMTIURNS WEi'DNESD'Y mtop ab«a. ,«» »IbI" a a= t10 a voeld Ca éméMp i pack" 1"Gruat 1* %nd e gag staton tut ,a me l a l*.0fllhi Wtm Davy. 8trMy me» o tam Vth Preelent OaMbbla, mtek bus auttwtuo a iOMnt tt. f0? Chicfl a theu Im ib AUe--' Mau» meamon. wltb vii! b.e MMO anL April 23. The Vacuum Cleaner It cleans-it ckBIi. boue- it drawe out dust and dint and particles you dont want thure from rugs, hangings, upholstery - from anything "o bning to itsa agessive notice. ls a houehold lnttttlô We sedi the FEDERÀL VACUUM CLEANER on monthly paymntent Public- Servie o. of NorthsrnIllinois DR. HEurB RANIN STRIfIMM PHYSICIAN AND SURGEONC GRAYSLAKE Agent for 8.1 Vet stock flemedy ROUND LAIE s-. ILUNOIS I1!NRY JANSSEN Storege Dattery and Eteetieal Seo".ce 8.11 'Starter. Generltor. mmaeto and Ignftion servfwe Two Phtontes: .B4t7J ound L&àe.MI Arthur Sandy. Lake Fore8t'a vaar ero, returned home Wednesdai. Mr. Sandy vas ln the thle*i of the ýht for six montbu. cas gassed. sut- erd tram trench tever and had the u. fls brother William, vas killed naction and another brother Rau- en, died of Infiuensa iln a traiflini am In California. Lake Forest lte anning a recePtion for li hero. if la of amy neya venae. FM Wcmaoo bd tt la the bertyville laiepeadeat BellSytn When 'a telephone cord Cets wet a short circuit is formed which puts the line temporarily out of service. Gare should bç used to protect the the telephone cord from water spilled upon 'desk or floor; from being accidentally droppcd into the ink-stand or cuspidore; from corning in contact with a wet. umbrella, or from ,exposure to storms, through open-windows. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY LEI le. silver- 1 for soda er cases. op tables, presctlp- outfit for ) daym tut CO. LF v pnce MEYS hauIts O ou or tWe te kWt tu IXau# te WMOn lUINOIS ROUND LAKE

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