CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 6 Feb 1919, p. 8

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laFOR 81[l POSSFMSION ON OR BE- FORE NARCtI FIRST Skîçk. Fed ad iImplements If tsired oeAcres-Il miles f romn town; nev lbuilding@; good land; 40 aces fal ploved; 8135 per ,acre. 02,000 yl handle titideat. 45ACT$-'% 'ilesIro. tovn; ~.S5 Areî l mes fron t own; tbot of land; good building; 0124 per acre; vsry saiy terme. 90 Acrs-4 miles frcm town; «xcollent gol; 30 acres flliiplav. ed; gfood bouse, barn, silo, etc: 0145DOr acre. 20 Acres-5 miles fromt ton; el. sponlygood tand; stock, foiS m.d lmnopiiemnte, aIl for $7,000 38 Acrsî-4 miles tram towu; goodeoii and fair buildings; 0150 Ver acre. $1.000 cash; balance ta suoit purchaser. 32 Acre-2mles front Grayaleke-, 5bouse; nsv barn; $6,000; 19 younoned a farm for Immediate Use, inustigate thgee birgains. Ev.ry farm vithin 50 miles of O11 g, THE GREATEST PRO tiKCEMAEEIN FrE WORLD and grovlng btter. Attraive EBargains la Area f Sabwof iChicago) 110e om",vcan - fatiory sites, acre tracts. ýSual Tracts for sub.dlvioiona, truck gar- dons, poultry forme, emaîl fruit. Area Ha& Cty water, sewer esvtem, gag, TIransportation Elecirie raliroad, Soo rail road, Boit Uine connections. Aiea Wili Off er encouragement to a number of Industrie@. Addrest F. M. HARDING Are., Illinois *"n" MreaandViiitI AliEA BREVITIES Ira. C. A. Bilmaki la reportëd sionsdy George Roue bats hein Ilfor severae deys but tes improvlog. Thte Liartrlans wvlllmeet nextTueeda&y sevsning att ite home of Mr@. Tom Rusei for thoîr regolar social @vening. The progrant arlanged promisseta o ecome- vitlnovol. MIse Rachel Bekeleveiler, vitabbu bien coufined ta bier borne for soyonsl liays viit tteInfluents, la again able hn hi oui. y Vilî -m Bravdor, recently discitarged fronti!t e army, liii foi Canada, jday, a'! er speuding a lev daye vitithie parente âtre. Re vilI engage lu 'the farmiing business on hie propîrty thone. Mir. Root, et. telegrapher aprator a LAlthttan, bai leaied sud wtb his famly nov occuples, the %mueron bouse on Lake ilreet. lire. Holcamb retu.'ned Lionday matm Oconomonoc, Wls., vitere @lie bas bei: spendlng a lew day. looking aitor re estate Intersete thone. George Vlckery, yaungest graudeon of William Vlckry, bai bien critically il1, but at this vriting ls nipanted tome. vhat lmpnoved. C. Dean Wel@s, vio for tbe past ten jmothi has bien lu the AertilPhoto. grîphy Dolachmteut oi tbe U. S. Anti, recently seured hl@ie dîciarge a Sacremonto, Cal.,* and reburned ýe' hi homo bore lait hursay. Hoevl probably resu me his former postlton In Chicago. The contmittee ln charge ai the coin mnnty meetings to hoe held In Aria met Monday evenlng at the home of F. M. Harding, and arranged forthe Sirst of these meetings which will be lu the nature of Roosevet monlaia and wiil bo held ilate ommnnity hanse Sunday ieniung, Fcbruary lo;tit A compiete annoucîenient will be made latin. *Tom Eagin, who for meveral yparA lhas beu suî.erintendent on the Osborne Stock Fanai, adjolunîg Aven. bai resign. cd Mis position and will returu ta i hume lu liebigan wbîne lbe wIii engage lu tiuslieise for himecl. The Osborne. farni bas undergone many changes and bas boit eublected ta many profitable liprovementsundîr lin. Eageres manage- ment. 'ibis terni wlth its htgh grade stock, nov buildingseand modern equip- mente marks the advent of Cbicago'lm A-ÀUCTION SALE!1 Having decided to quit farming, we will sel1, at public auction, on the premises known as the Aikofer farm, 21& miles east of Wauconda, 1 mile south of Meyer's cream- ansd .4 miles north of Gilmer, at 10 o'clock a. m., on 5RIDA, FEBUARY 4th, 1919 17 Head of Cattie: thnewbalane pngr;Holstein stock bull, 18 months old. 2diighorses; 2 brood sows; 100 chickens; 2 ducks Hay, Grain-, Corn, Farm Machinery3 3W0 bushels white oats. 40 bushels barley. 25 buhelsi seed corn. 50 bushels corn, in crib. Stack of cor n sak.50 shocks of cor-n in fieldi. 8 tons timothy and 3 tons slough hay, in barn. New McCormick grain and corn binders, new mower, new hay rake, pulverizer, 2-section drag, roller, 3 cultiva- tors, caif rack, corn planter, new seeder, breakcing plow, corn sheller, tank heater, 2 cutters, shovel and garden plows, steel truck wagon, 4-inch truck wagon, lumber wagon, dray wagon, milk wagon,' 3-seated bus, 600-lb. "cae, 3 top buggies, clurp planks, t-horse power gaso- Unme engine and pumping jack, 3 chains, fanning mu1l,3 sets single harness, express harnesa, platform scale, lawn mower, 2 saddles, 4 blankets; hay fork, pulleys and 120O feet of rope; cauldron kettle, household goods, fork, shov- ehs sud other articles too numerous to mention. ,TerMs Of Sale: Sumps of $ 10 and under, cash; ce sumo over $10, a credit of six montha will be giveri *on good bankable notes bearing 7 per cent interest. Ab- soutely no property removed unil'full setulement for $Maie. Plenty to eat and drink at noon, LYLE LEMKER Ptpritr JOSEPH ALKOFERçrpits ýÉ SWUCIl & BIANCK, Auctioneers ARTHIJ S. POWERS, Clerk ý-S-ACRE FARM AT AUCTION ÏýOwing to death in my famîily and wishing to retire, 1 wiloffer my 8,Qracre farm in Fremont townîship at suc- ý1,, on Februar I4th. The land is in the very best of tinthe buildings are new, plenty of water and the wiIl be macle to suit the purchaser. If you want a sinail farim, well improved, don't allow this oppor- to Set away. "JOSEPH AIKOFER, Owner ----- ------a--- Il SIl ly on 3t wealth and enierpriue la Fremont town- ip. Thei cléiuni meeting held ln the oom- munity bougelaut kriday îvenirff wae attended by tho.. nterseted ln the Rouerai welfare. of car town. It was décidait tohold a srtit aIof ommuulty ifeilau. meetings and tu arrange for and provide for ancb a @rise, a committes vas appointed. Ths committbe.vas compoeed of the .folowtog porion: George Rose, Mié Neeon, ira Franres Brovder, Mire. George LicDonald and F. M. Barding. Pr. larding vas ramed ai chatiman of the committee. *Word bai benurecelved froin Lee kbad- dis to thei e*ect theatha bas arrlvedIn the. etates. Clark Duun sien arrtved at New- p9rt News early tu the week. The returu Of the9e two Youtng mon and thât oi Morris Wlcox a few weeks ago leare Onli-~lve Aria bosseteuh on fareign soit, Water Myer ie vtth the Army of (Jecu-' Pattont and was lait beard off ram Lux. emburg. George and ,Harry Lathrop, vith the Army of Occupation, and Justin Bilianki ani Carence Kntggs are aiso simewhere in France or Oermany. E. A. Carnes, Y. M. C. À worker, wba formeri, ressded ai Ivanhoe, wbsre lhe we4 paitoraf the Ivanh bîche, lenov on hi. way home. Cibles announcing bisi departure from France vers receivedj several dave 0<0 Mir@. George Rosing, of Round Lake, vlttd ber mother Mr@. C. Dorfler, Thurs. day. Mr. and Mr@. 0, Swan and Mr..and Mir@. Parker motored from Chcago and epeut Sundey at the aenry Grabbe homs. MIr@. John i Wrtz, Br., epent the week end lu Chicago wîit ber brobber who te MI. Hovai-d I. cluer anuI Aulo ejoua y Mre A. 0; (lullldge arîd daughter @peut Preudenguet o a heaton, trangactedl part oi lait week u Aria witb titi-for, business lu Waueouda, Tuesday. ilire chlser, lire D. S Dolpit. - is Ir. and lire. Bert Cbam5,.riiu and Mins. RAILROAD NOTES Earl ltta were Whaukegaî, veluore Wedl- Fred W. Bang has bien appointed D ebd ay. general agent and supprîntendent aifte Mr@. M. C. Wli-tz and lire. Je Obînauf P. L. Z. & W. R. R % t. lut ivuîquarter1s at visited relatives lu Chitcago and Rogers Waucanda and WIN h iv. supervlision ai Park r-ièntly. h u hi upllgte Wauconda termuial and of ail im- 1ev. Relimer. Wobs eugpligployes. te puipit bere for see cmlwve bai been Effective February lut,liss Eise Kohl egven a caliltu a cburcùiînSonîiChicago. wilieoucceed C. W. Kohl as local agent et Lake Zurich. Miss Kuit has bien actfing J. L Chrubelinopen th wee e aiesassistant aent fr lîany mantits end 5wit Waukegau, North Chicago and Lib- a roe ey fi.nepoeeadl ertyville relatives. Hi aiea vieited Mr. vbaisttred vrefor indties oyairnel 1>001er auttie elistter baspîtal. posftio fbe e Mies Berthta Kuebkîr epent Saturday lu order ta glte titi patrons ai the *lu Waukegan. roeid a later train ta Chicago durlng titi MireE. Weiis and daugbter Vla, ai atfternoon on week daye, effective Sun- Am&a, weni vîstorseautte Darder borne day, February 2, tite P. L. Z. & W. vlili rSunday. lsue a nov tMe card and train Na. 8 viticit baves Waucouda at 2 p. m. and DIMONDLake Zurich at 2:25 P. M., vîli beave sacit Miss Doraîby Stoerp spent a few daim day tramr Wauondaaî 3.50 p. m. and f ait vesk witb Br. and Lire. Wm. Stoerp. Lake Zurich au 4:15 p. m. arrlving ab Mr. and Lirs. Ed Gasevller and Palatine at 4:50 p. m. ,making conu.c cblidren vlelied vîtitAMn. and Mr@. John tions vitb thei traiu on te C. & N. W. Gonsiiller one day lait veek. for Chicago leavlng Palatine at 5:89 Lire. Jameso Towuer and ion @pont p. m. arring un Chicago at 6:40 p. m. tn Wednesday wltb Lire. J. W. Cooper. tinte for dinner and thon the thoatre. 1Mis BeosuMille @pent Mouday vitb Thie viii enable the patrons ta bave a Mire. Henry Kans, longer day ua vieil sud viii gîvo a later Mire. Rotbert LiII and Mir. sud Airs. R. tinte for mailling lettons. Schneider sput Tneeday alternoon vitb On or about February 1, tite P. L. Z. Mir. and Mire. Wnt. Stoorp. & W. viii open a local frlgitî and ticket Mir. and MLr@. IRobert Roueseand office lu Palatine ilcrses the street front >daugitter ipenu Mouday vlub lMr. aid the bankIntte buidlng farmnîy ocupied m. H Mills. by le Bloom. This viii enabie the Aire. Jeunie Hay returned home Sun- patrons tauituy tickets itefore boardtng day fram Evanetan. trains for under the nov tas-l! regula- Li. n. d iré. Jame Toviter and ion tions canductons are required ta charge sp.nt Sunday vitit the luter's parents, 10 cents above tbe negniar fane vheui Min. and Ire. J. W. Cooper. fane Io paid oathit train and ticket office. Miss Dorotby Stoerp @pont Tuosday te open. Buy your tickete biiore train iviti irs. Claylon Elutchlngs. leaveea a the ticket office. lins Eani Rau. and Lire. Oea. Mitchtell Nov tiret tieti trongit freight rate @ peu Wediieeday aiternoan vitit Airs, frontCbicago bave heen re-etabilsbed Henry Rani. and there la rîgular service everybady la - j lndiy requeted Sc lavoir the road vîtit PR ail titi business passible Iu order tat li.and Lie. A. C. Richar-do eyecity titi new. niautttt:mentceau makea enecees visitître &onday and Tueeday. ai tii rtad iljgîvo the commnnlcy Floyd Rtzenthaier "pnt a ev daye lungoRI' ervit.-.- Wisconsin lasu veek Willettiýil.rliads uî.ter goNeornmen.t M. W. Ruedier and son woe- city îturol have abiiliiitid ail ten andl tors faut Tnesday. 'ý. twenty-hlve ride tickets alter Febrnary Florsnce.Mauethropentthewsek.%nd et 1(), ube P. b. Z & W. wl contintue ta Grayelake. oesiI Ibis. tickets ab a redncîd rate for: Lirs. L. L. Masîher mails a busines the benefit ai titi Patrons. h ulà ruruorehi trip to the lty idonday. taIt a neti paisenger coacht as Weil as a lire. L. W. Bulcitinge bai an attack of no* locomotIve bai bien puncbssed and rheumaulînt. vili mallo ite appearince vithin a fev Mise Folch entertaied han elister front daye. Grayelake aven Suûday at thé Sturm L.AM.E U iiC i home* Cora Hodgkin@ vas a Waukega il-i.Mlin. C. Kohl and daugitter, Elute, 11eit tor Friday. - lionday lu Chicago. lins. S. E. Kaedîer and danghter spent lila sannab M. Schah o@pont the veek- Titursdayin tho ciîy. end at ber home. W. J. Sanen and faltiy viteil at titi lla Rose youug nelurnodlesat Fnlday W. Staucilif home Scinder. from Chcaga Helgittu, vitre site bas lire. 0. Aihrecitt was a cty visiton lait beon vleltlng forsa mntni. Tbureday. 1Jahnu Matysik bas hein viiitiag t it Mis Hatho oltie spoul a fev day. Geani home. vlti Lis. L. RIbzentaler. Mise Auna Frank ia rsponted ta hi C. Glîmian and famlly vire city violtons gotling alang nicoly alter ber openatian. Sunday. ElB. G. ililiman andl A. Fruellck ahIpped lins. Emma Krugor @peut a iev dgyi a load ai catti,, Monday. witb ber cbiid non at LIbertyviile.. Aug. Laube disi lelst Tiuroday morn- -The Ladies Aid tWIN melt itLire. log ab the home of hie dangitter Mrsm Chai. Sturm Febrnary lath. B. Wioe@. He wus S1 yians nid and l@hi death wae up unri od agi F'Wsumral te biggeet clrculatpixh la 1A» u-. iiEvne Jicpnh ----- ------- IGAU CTION--SAI John Schoenbeck, having rented hies farm for a term of years, will oeil, at public auction, on hie place on the 8taýe road, 2 miles north of Arlington Height.s ô miles southwest o! Wheelng, 8 miles eat of Palat1ae and J mile fromRu and concrete road, 'sale commencing at 10 ù'clock a. m. on Tébeue cal gt» h ii Teon @ocal Club auttie Town Buall, Friduy, 8igbb awàeflattended. Somu[ ing otartopbn pîcttue on hovn Illiutrablng j b. deveilopnmeab of agi- culture 19 Ainericafrom lte old fabionisi cradie and flair to tbe modern harveailng muiîei. Theite sengalar meeting of theumivilield Satuirday, Pi». 15,, au tbe Town Hall, vben th. mmn aretcb furnush reesiteuand emertain the ladies. Nez t Snday evenlng LMr. Warren wiii prsach ou "Titi Bread of Lii.." It will ho a Prt Paraloery service for lte regular communion serice and reception ai memberre b .iteld titi folowing Sun- day, February là. Ail those vio deire ta nunits vith, the churcit are ask.d tb notlly tihi pastor. Sudc'echool ut 10:80 a. m. <;b r erviceat 8:00 p. ut. A; i Netti. Murray @pent Salnrdayj and .n'nday aitber homne, bore.9 MissGi sesmWWllî ofCIcaga, vas home ar,-r Sunday. lites mai Malman la .pending tbe weêk vih relatives ln Wankegan. Mir. and Mre. B. j. Schaeffer aid ion and Mime Sarait Goary @pont sunday witit Waoonda velatives. Ni" Mary Baueo entertainod Chicago1 frlende at her homo, bore the lait of tet week.-1 Mr. and Mr&. Bemney Geary and ire.c PItvOOd aid citdren of Chicago. @peut Bunda1' at the home ai ire. Ales Geary. Mir. and Mr@. Guy oranger of Crysiai Lakoe, were Wanconda visitore Tuesda. Helry LMa-ai, Jr., returnld home- Satnrday iventug after a vee' vlimi vith relatives .1 licen.. - lHarry Geary and Wm. Smith ai Gray.i taire, vore Wauconda vioitors, Satnrday. Mr£. Floyd Carr and Mis Lydia Clark oi Park Ridgs, @pont Saiurday and Sun- day Wlth Wancanda relative@. Mfr. and lire. Bodureki and chiltdren of Palatino, @pent Tuesday at Wauconda. ___iý - - ----n CUur,,* w..aot.mtannJa.. Joliet lias hein selected as thei plare in baix, 3 tons mixed hay in barn, 2 stacke ffeedcomm for holding the 24th annuel confer- and staok corn staîks. 10 bags seed potatoes, 4 bags ente oflMinois -tfrmera,l-te aunual Institut* ta hé iteld Juîy 20t an eating potatos. Faim niachinery, lim-plements, tools, Slet Amorig the speakers ttgila aId vehielesi, harness, etc. such as; necessary to eqtulp a viii hi, Major. Gin. Lionard Wod firstclass farm. Sonie household good. anS~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ai Chilet.Akn tIhni.'eu Under $10, caaIh .o $10. dxmea»ltha' credit et 6 per cooL TIndepsndent's twocoor suc. JOHN SCHOENBECK, Proprietor tiPoster l h otatatv JOHNI WICI, Auctionoer, J. A. ScHiIE Ci"s sale biit. Together wlth an ad In Thei Independent It latihi moat effec- tIve method of sdvertîulng and britiq. lng buyer. to. sale. Prompt Air carfuisericela ur lmdeapendent Classaflled Ad. -Peu.' Ask eau n ir09 dieu vol I TRUCK BODIES ANDý TRUCK CABS closed or open, for Ford Trucks, with drop and slide wlfldowse Fordson Tractor service bodies and ail kinds of bodies and cabs made to order. Give us your order Satisfaction Guaranteed G. T. STIEFENHOFER MANUFACTURER -. i ILLINOIS BARRINGION, The Prevaiing Epidemic with its &ad list of quick fatalities, impresses on ail thoughtful persons the duty of rnaking one's will while good hoalth and normal conditions permit the best 'thought and most careful, judgrnent. Tho newis reports, in respect to the average estatea, show that in the înajority of cases lif e isurance.censtitutes a large part of the money loft. If wealthy and far-see ing men adopt this plan of providing for tjieir dependents, it is becalise their wisdom and experience prove this course tokbe the safèst and best. Why should not the family of the mnan of moderate means enjoy the advantage and protection afforded by this service? Life Insurance Is the Best Thing JOHN HODGE, District Manager I AREA, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. M of aihie brother. -A number cf peoplufrom lher. ttended lte mcVIii at Caiolveball lait Wed. .Ferdinand Wton.cke bai bien vliting et thte home or C. Koht aud B. Hilinan. Be bai reçeved bh io îcitarge from te aviation camp et Lake CtaiIs, Leanad ta on his vay home ta Nort Dakota. Spealing oftiti Change lu ticket rates, tiie Kmîn Nevs mue: Titere] la lîttle resson ta itelieve thut an'1 change yUl iti made la th. ondin of'j the. Fodiral Board. M lovar bhe coun-J try similar ornions are itelng loueS ta put an ondt avsecial rates for commutera and; to put tterslway btusineson à traight- fane syitems. Many feople belle,.4thi ie «~I- lly" tickts wvicitbave benau fforred vil! ha or short druation 'and that ln a vear or liosiubiy lies, these forme of favori te the peoDie Who travel a lot, wil be wlit4rawn. I m 1 llî FRIDAY, FEBRUAIRY 14,t-1919 All bis stock, farni tools, etc.; Inchuing 14 good cows, 2 fresh with calves by their aide, 4 springers the bal- ance mllkers; stock bull coming 2 yeai's old, yearling heifer; good CollIe dog. Four boimes, bay gelding, 5 yeais, 1500 Ibs.; bay mare, 10 Years, 1400 lbp.; sorrel mare, 4 years, 1800 Ibo.; black colt coming 8 years, (rain-,000 bu. white oats, 100 bu. Yellow Dent Was tt 2,000 MI Titi averi 'United Sta *1918 wva record. os- Made luaa If theis mt tbt Ithe vs tmg titi ye ad WIre «»loMous t *laim, for tii ecaris of 2.ý Tber- arf aoevagi yoar, but o known that loiti recel dorlng 1911 llvesr- Marg Fhlgit as $51) ithat lte ci *average V4 Thé anut 1917 watt $1,042, sac- vagi waa average of lte Luropf to more il tu va. $71 w5555 of 1 le declsxe< doublidsil FTe tuer of titi bei froquent p cent lucres quint unti plant vene on tbe non Whie il given mur lassa up t thei var .w ties wîre a. dehressi large vite piloyez o! 1 th tiichann snaterially. BILL. PE Waukegi Manager bull wbicit uSprlugf bey wvichi lai forrn n elties and titat te t year». an and gîvea nane a mt lu te the quesul getty auttil under thei tiI te Pi- loruîyet Vree9entil titis billr 'Mue prN for only t Mion whig Many futll b anyt Cilice a! *ever and - II this Pi. If - t ifIven It la p effort willi decide vi proceid i plan.VU have ben or the Pi would eui vWho voul ploy a ci wo1 rTe cS taluS ti c« Haine %mont' ut of vound Today's Franit 1 North cit Louis given ant Sed". James -Chicago mg4 kille, vilit an sud Clarl fterida Nie ii to-~ he ai d l'

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