CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 13 Feb 1919, p. 2

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ÎNsIRANCE fb4, Lite. Acident sud liesili, Plate Glasq., u- sommobile sud Worklng- Msu'e Conpensatloli. S«. Him Before PIacins Your Insurance 1 pkih em 2- -: 1.11. so, ll 0,., Dsskss Dnw gtre WELL DRILLNG AUSIIERMAN &'DOLAN MION CITY 9*Phm '3-W~ E* BMRSTOW MANU FACTURER OF Marbie and Granite Monumenis semetery Work of Ever3 Description- torrespondence 5olIcitec 16 Genesee St WeanirwaD DY. 1. L TAYLOR moes:-1 tO 8.80 Mdanti o P. M. » ime nBroadvay. oppoite para UftrtdeA. ibinols. DL GOLDING DENT»S Boa" 8 t,12195m.-1106 ôp.M. 0,cl Meut Nation a su 001O- Plionsel". Ra. phions 157J. Ubotyville. Illinois CItA. N. STEPIIENS. M. D. P£T8IfCIAN s" 3SOSOON 111e0lmbi l sMuui eu,e Oe dieatraof h.. £Ms.Est, lNsée, Themt meu.szmnsd for 6ifiss O.en ver ousCo,.TeL 10u S.utyyOS. DE O0-P. DTrrBRFIBLD. vEwgwl[AE! SURGEON. Dit. A. 0. CAMPBELL VettrinsryDentist LA"d Uv.ry Stable Ubeniyviit.SILI Waukegan. Lake Forcit AntlOh. Kecoha a Gaine.. vsgwor. . and t4 er a4acis.;torD. ELHANAN W. COLBY Atornsy-at-Law 0008ceSa Home, Cooki Ave. Phonoe 6-J ILIERTYVILLE, . ILLINOIS. LYELL IL MORRIS ATTORRY.AT-LAW LibsnIyilàP. - Illinois Luce fBuilding, Us. "ne 15e-m. One Phome s PAUL MAC GUPFFI. AT'TORNEY AT LAW. Ilisutyvfe. Ililinois paoun 88 MLARTIN IC. DECKR W07 Washington Streuet VAUKBGAN,. . ILLINOIB Office Phone ~8 "sc.Phone 185.2t $21200 ST0TE, U~lIRWIL ShOýWS _10urest In the Estate is to Be. O- mdd Equaly Between Husband and Chfldrn. - Waukegan. P". 10. o~yU f the late lieu. cassis S viiose death ocourretiDe. - 3.vas admitteti lu probstâ today. Mmr. Cmsilu Wt.o-Prederlé W. Cm"h Part r he vini dispses c« ol ai a$312.000, of ut>lcb anti outh R. sumo ~~** asexmutera, sud tiies 0< tomaeWin., are nameti .« be lacote leestate «W àus 39 rean olti. vben tenswe esu lu ansth Ibo uMbtc la onge ie. 'w leibu. m l mho divdot *061M e t edI LUM I VLB HIMîs n M&. mnT?Â?f 13. n m-ý DISTICT(31? cc 14VE TO INVES* EDWARDS TIINKS SO TIOTE voLIVA Waukegan Jurist Declares Bal« Springfield, Fcb. 11 ..Sels-. anos of State WiII F@tlow w-,d D. Shuntlsf t amuieai a roelo, Chloago'sExample. titonlth Hote Ioday puovdinq BUT NOT IN COUNTY COURT. teIIW*mOrm z#«'« 't u ah1 , Rl City en itéoveoorWilurlna Votive. The n.eIutieen w&4 pplbsd eos Witt Juta. Etivartis. Jutge Donnai.the speke table <ioder -the rtisa ly, Jutige Welch and Judtge Parions Of of the. Hoe.. the local ciruit court soonappeéri w con,trobmtias do the jig5u lau-o bov. tolgrsn lii. nooa te landi and as Chicago Juriste coon P" the Sm brCUglIbo m w eva 60 te bot imeS unty tlita more lsm b"M They von'l My for sati .madtie lu'1etlgabe'r Overm earVok Cool county judtgeg hereatler viii v, teolinp Mebis lanciai mattens preside robet Inlugovus ulmilar ta andibit folavera. thase voru by Englisb jurilsanSd il cam ine a a ombhel, for, the Justices of the Untedi Statea supreme oveseer snd bis tollovers have goue Court. aheati many year unmoleted -in EdwSt'ds For It their methada of living anti their nas Jutige Etivards, vbeu asited by thm liglous ballets, the chier of vhich le Sun vhat he' thqught about the plan their unwUvUlngiea5 l coult doo- of roblug jurists lu Chilcago anti as tors or have anythlng ta do vii ti emu te the posibilily that lt ult he or use medicine ot suy sort; lielr fi doue bers, said: ~ ottlg nanclal methotis have also' been in- '.I tlnl It laa odtng The veetigateti. chances are i lley do itlunChîcago VoivalalIndttsrent. tboy vlI do Il ail over the elate- Overseer Votiva, when ho was told the state usually follova Chicago ln abouttlIe action in Springfield, sait~ siWh things. I have thought of It te theS un: before anti agree rith those ln Chf- 'I hadilt heard about It. Il la news cage liat lie appearance or jutigesto e. t sounde 1k. s bunoh of In robes voulti bring more dignity soreheade have tried la aMort orne. te the courts. thlng. When -il la Investlgatsd i "The jugen o! our district have eueas lhsy'liflned il a th. aet of tome nover tiscuse th e malter te W any nanetfol& up hors who have ln- extent. although vo bave taiked il.tspired It. lil look$ hike an Idlotic over informaly several times."' place of husinema." Persoa? Not In Counly Court. -Wolf, you'lI be there whsn thhy Jutige Poren oo the Lale Couuty etarti nvostifiatlng, won't you?", waa court hovever. uasure ho vont start aaked him. roblng even If they do lu Chlefl-t4he "lIli ses my Iawyer about IlV' aid onlywaybe wuldconsderIt l IfIlsheoveremer. oul va h volticoaidr i l IfIt The oement provides eapeclally became a general tmig lu the 51510. for the investigation of thie Onanclal Aleti about the move un Chicago anti statua or Voiva andi Zion. as ta vhat effeet il voulti have ber., lu repli' Overser Vollva aidtia he sali: horvas nat afraiel of a legialatlve '«I had not heard about the move ln Probe, in tact. veloomed oeanssd the clty. 1 doubt vhethor the robing voulti set lu tauch viii R.eireenta- of the Jutige ln tihecouti court bore tive ShurtIinvithout dolai' lu as- or elsevhere lu tb. state vould be certain yult la the trouble. adri.qable becaue Ihpir vorlc'sle n' The Shurtleff resolution cilla for divesitid. Oe da 1 an onOne - vunt tommittee o! four sonators divesilld. Oe dy I rn 01 01and iiie repreàontatlvos taeumake the sort of a case, lie neat day ou an- nvetigaUlon. Il charges that peo. otier. lu the courts vhere Jury trials pie are belug inducedtoI t lvoat thoir progrese al l te time and vhore the mioflOy lu Zian City enterprices vorl la ontlrely formai, Il may ho tilt tbjough dlaims hy Valiva that ho ts terent-the roblng may have a digi«i appointet af heaven. liedeffct hic ledesredbecuse TH-E RESOLUTION fiei efoc vhch s dsirti ecase The nesolution whlch vas laid on o! the farrnalîty o! their vork s coin- the speakers table for cansideration parel ta the entire lnformallty of tmor lî nder the rules, restas as rnuch o! aur vork. follova: "If doue here or elserloore out of "Whoreuan suinstitution callng it- Chicago, Il shoulti ho a state-vide self!'the Christian Catholic Apostoiic move-o bcause If It vere rotrictoti te Churcli a! Zion, locatoti at zion City>, certain cties, fil oulti bnlng ridicule lu lie State o! Illinois, anti one Wil-J on those vho tollovsd the plan. If bur Glenn Voiva, the avner or pro- the mater lu up serlously iu Chicago, tendedow vur of ail on neanly ail ai OUT tateassciaton hichconenlstherosi estate lu ait i ciy, anti hy aur tat asocItIo vhch ouvnemProfession cdaims la ho endovo ti il soon rnay faate the malter up for don- aupernatural paveroansd la repre- sitioration," aentéd as clalnsing direct communica- Why Chicago Adapta Plan lien With divine pover, andI, Jutige Dennis E. Sullivan, chaîrman Clin Religion -Flctitioua." of the execulive commlllee ofthle Su- "Whereae. Il 1a ropresented that Porion Court in Chicago confirmeti the sai institution andi its a eit pretonti. Information ta the effort that the eti owuor sud averser, Wilbur Glenn Judgs o Cok Cuntyarete e rb. 'aliva, through such supernaturai edtige 0fhookConla aetohora-anti divine pavera la and bas beau eti vhu ho aiti:enîîciug anti encouraglng citizen, nr "The plan,-h te elevate the county tliisud other stalom lu investl lrge courts ta the tilgnllY anti respect they sums of money lu leasea o! lands in sboulti enJoy but have net beranse of Sald ctY sMdlu othor Zion enterprlît. easy going methotis. Il la designeti es, anti by andi through snch 1055e, te Promal0 tiecorum amang litiganla pretending te extonti aven a peri anti the public vho appear thero. ot n thausanti years, it la cliarged "PerJury la încreasîng etan an- tlaI the nome s a amore means andi touniM9rat, w belev, belilqePretense ta lacune the marneysansd tauuingrat, v beleve beaus iioPertY of Innocent persoasundor vitueses anti the public genoerslly the guise of a faIte sud fltitiaus rellg- are not properly impresseti ith the Ion; andt lat nid inabilon througi dsgnilY o! courts andthle sanctlty o a! lan d allier imeala uug th.. caths. city gavornmnt o! Zion .Cty. t$ Prlblem of Nsyhology schoola of sait cil' anti courts a! "The fmltge lu civIlian lotheonkbasRaid citY lu carry Oui Its Millget sut muc-b lh. arne as any persan on the !raduulent purpcsee in seUi«n treet. h Il l largely a prohlom lua rperty anti opprec5lug lia.. di- psyholgy.zens of th stale o!f Miais. vha do puycholagynualcanto theticpretoti fl belis "T'h. War Department recagniast il of sait mnabtitutlan, andtJi ii. u mrny vhen il designeti a simple, nigul. other anti diverse vaymlbt la repr .e, à6dt untonmfor tsolion. Match s sente thelis aldIt U U asti Me reginant of mm ula varist i cvfl overseor, by ooutrilllag the enls, clalies sud liey appear alnosntiic. lots andi bottes, lauxbmées.the mu 111M. na, lu imnithO eY are imnPreave nicipal echeols anti judWW al overa- beeauue they 8my1Olise the armet bent ofNadlis tt.c Io d ubatia, farces of the govenamt batnti taiheeh" ofpniw ollia le0 "The caler Ides o<r loblug the snid rty or tis rigbilsof cltlasaip Engilih jiutices vus aimili. It là and a fneeovmrnmmub mgla antibus Dal ta, makee l utigeoasmpious beenmisrpreeetisg antifdulWgt- but rallier tor the purpmor cfunI- ly statlng teathépublic ilsflancla fonmtY. As Itl is, a juds eau attire statut M an t o eigeib la ho. bîmimelf tosuit Iia Mtanes. 1 fait:rua for thé puvrpof <detrandi "«Wth aIl juitgegovuet, aluft. la&ghe le u lotpu* aumteaw ondm o 1Asies Consnllltcof Ni»e Ilitganl ti â eoutio ms hrtr l b h vfll o mate eseer. louse of repmtativeat"i sméaiS suigbe ade us ., .. leevth omuuinà -B eMIValttse0 «'Herefter lie at -'q' h o p. nine ho appointet i be lie »M erly ailuiutsrmd. The vituesea Vl u orto i ei- uIvsi bé matie to realuzo îî la senieushM. igate lie malisidtdtion aMdi vae; Dean. aud ho It furtbpr reulvei. Ihal@Mid "buet the licspeaker of the bouse% lu emmloy a sergeant at armàasu a usCnelsry sd Bnck stonosrallersU a =Sy be nUwMOMery ufuw,a8" coma. plctcly osny oe u invcstadm fias Advoed' from PMUso Havln -85 ots in Puis, to $200,000 Yr. Inoome. Zisu 01' la saloylng a a g om a of DMeuedly 1-at nov. "If 1 choulti WM5 *vay tomglt and Myy ull *PsOeti tomorrov." sait! Voliva lu comnmentlng on Zion's splendid Iflàn Clal ondition. "I have reacheti the pace ioday vire 1 have, excluive of thé Institutions andi Industries, a y ryinoome or 3200,000. 1 have put Into EWShil Tabernacle. tihe Temple site, pipe 09181ansd repaire, $7.1.000, 1 have put tlco other properties, 8100,O.000and at the same time vs have establiehod iInstitutions and lu. Oustnies vhlc are dolng an animal busines f $2,000,000. Our payri'l for ail the departments--eleslgAa tient, educationalandi commerclai-la» nearly $600,000 a yesr. "The payrol of zion educatianal department alone le 324,000 a year. 1 have nov covered fifty-slx Paydays. riglit on tbe ticl of tbe dock--on the tenth andtw venty-fifth of every month -wthout any fallure vhatever.11 Wheu Votive, succeedeti Dovi. h. tenir over a bankrupt estate.. In 1907 lie fileti a chedule In letahe ï Couuty Circuit Court etrowing bi& as- sets lu ho oly -Fenots. He vas atripped o! absolutely everythini. sud w«s oblige te lumalte a ean atnrt. commentlng ou this. Voliva atatati that ho lad a bard row te hoe. "I took a discouragei, banltrupt people" ho »aWt, "sud vhat bas been doue? Ccd bas doue vbat *bc vill alvaya do with a fattfulservant sud a fite> people, sud what He lias al. waya doue lu accordance vltb Ris .Word.,. Taklng the commercial department of ZMon, veuiveanid: Toit nov nme pcde say they do neot belleve iu any commercial department. 1 do. snd 1 helleve ln a general overseer runnlng IL 1 helleve in a theocracy. "We bougbt ?ton department stores anti vo pald $75,000 cash for IL We bought the Mion estate Mfarch 1, 1911. for $9350,000, anti we have pait aIll that with the excý'ptlon of $387.000. We have nearly hait a million dol. lare Inveetedtu theýe InatItutions anti Industrie, on which vo have 10 psy lutereet IIOMR COOKI3 IS KNOCKED DOWN BY ÀUTOIST; IS UNIIURT 1 Fast Dependable Servkce to0 CHIGAGO AND MILWAUKEE Conserve your time by uaing the North Shore Une on your trips to Chicago, Milwaukee, Racine and Kenoaha. The convenient time.sav- ing schedule enables you ta etjoy a full day's activity and return ta town in gooci time the aame day. Excellent dining car and parlor car service is provided. LIIITED SERVICE TO CNICA4iO AND LINITEDSERVICETO LIDEITY VILLE Trains leave Uibertyvilie every hour from 6:25 a. mto 11:25 p. mn., mnaking close connections at Lake BluiF junction with the nôrtli or south-bound Milwaukee Unmited trim. On Saturday dtcnoaou,% Sunciys and Holiday& there inaa train vry 30 minutes. mn. and every hour thereafter un- tii 11:19 P. rM. Trains leave Milwaukee daily at 5:45 a. mnd every hour there- atrutil 945 p.;1dmh 11I: 15 p. mI.On Sscay afternoons, Sündays ancf Holidays there ilaa train -Oves'y 30 minute.. DUM~N CARS-leaveLAke Bluff PARLOR CARS--bave LAke forChkagaetl1:14 p. m.and 7:14 Bluff for ChicflagoaI11:14 a' M. P. mn. Louave for Milwaukee at and 4:14 p.m. Làuve for Miwau- 12:53 p. m. and 5:53 p. uM. kee at 9:53 a. m. and 2:53 p. n. A.30 minute seamvice la maintained on the làb yvloBrani*h between Are. and Lake BIuff. uaing- connections with bath north and south bound local and express usaine.. For fuitho inforrmation apply ta th. nerest Office of the NORTU StIOeB ULNE chic daotai filgma o - Uâfth' raumseàeis flo. u. mtvUe 4 Milwaukee lE Saisu«Bem Phemboff0us ix lm~ 3844 imcres la U80 6 Grant Twp., ln Ose. 81, Avon Twpa, W». 384000. A. G. Avis snd vifs bP.IL R. rati ler, lot M .RoseTrmes SO.., lAke ftreaL W». 310. John orflfth snd vif. to aILE Dradbrela 8t 0. Rosc Terra.. llke 1rst, w». 314. DOW" aa Wtteiuud snd- vW*ste Morton Wetteland, lot 57. Re.ub), of obia,'. Euh.. LcIim ak, W, 810. A. a. Prou t mvil to . WA. me- wmîaU%@. tg lots a luWlnthone> W. B. Buoth and ivf.t. emargaret G- Perry. lot 9. block 37. Lke Bluf. XMryT. Hoyauandi humandta W. EL. daaom. property et IL W.coer. Goum s et antMd Grand ave. Wu. 1usD, W%. $L Pcb 4,>1910. Uimile Emieansd bumbai to A. -I. Jun or et .et,11 aoes lu N. M. 14 4«< Set.34., Ma Tvg., QG», 10. John Griffith and vfsé to Nate A Hopple. loti santi 13.à,Washington Circle, laIe brout. Wl10. M John GriMfth andi vite to IL C Griffia, lot 4. Sub. 0 oftW 143, LaIte TIs«t. W». $10. M. . aGrifa udmvife tu> 30" (fflj fitIi, lot 2. But., of lot 344, Leke Fnr est, WD. Il1O. A. j. Itilcksud vifte ,Johu ntif fith, lot 74, Orson Day. Add.. t a Ae Forest Wl). $10.1 C. P. Bartbel sud vitel W. T. Bartliel. Ume of0<leu t l an sd al- inlng Village ot Autlocb. QC, ffl- Wile Gernaglsansd vite luBman- as Glat-rsas et i., lot 9, lu block 10, Washburn Springs, Waukegan, Wl), $2785. hcg itIs sud Trust Co., ta IL. flradiley l os ad M 1.30< ILo 57, Rose Ternimsu t.. Lake lFor- est, QC. 310 C. B. Dalrstov snd eMire to ILM. Biliards, N 383M ft. lot 1. Cotes Atit. lu Waakegan. W», $10. E. A. Cummi ngasd vifs #0oELH. H séhimînel, lots 27 snd38. Cumolngs sud Co.%. North ave. Atit.. Waule- gan. WD. $840, Boiste or Heu"yIF. Lavis. deoti. lu D)orollea Lewis. montA eet 40 acres or & E. 1-4 Bec. 10. Bautou Tvp.. Deeda. $150. rcb. 5, 1919. A. P. Beat*iea sud vite lu M. P. gehanitt lot 7, block 5. LenO> Sub.. North chlco, o.QV». 301. J. W. Freeman andi vifs et ai.. ta 'Village of Barrlngton. 5 1-2 acres ln lot 2, Connty Clerl's Sub.. Ilarrlng. ton, W». 01500. J. B. Coîburu andi vite to F~. W. wlnston, lot 9 snd South 50 ft. lot 8. block 53, Highilandi Park. WD, $11000. Fsbruary 4, 1919. F. H. Bartlett and vife to Rose B. main%. Nu orSfbiock 74, INOMtic ehore Acres. Dola..Tonwp.. de",ti. 3. P. N. TomlUecU 10 IL J. mysmeOn a lofb 27 SUd28, biock45. Waabbum Fark,. Nortà h itosp.QG» .i .. Nottie IL IL jouis 10 A. UL Hardin a"t Tiso.Sclourmanu, lots 5 Md E U. ahla ant lmk MW . 0 R.e.tbint anuivifs tuC. G. Morril &ati vite. Ioba 85 lu 40, block 3. E.oslg Bru. Euh. Round L«%%. lm, l400 lsaok Trans and ti sl oaepb an fti Bine nalot 8 auiN I toot 8 lot 7. Bouse'S b. of 1DOgle Point. ýW». 33,000.0 j- C. Peteracu a" tieifslaC. p. Petermen, lot 7f, block 1. Kncubksr'asF Suh. LbsrtyvMll, W». $M.0. P. J. Kavaail snd vite te Hein. jA ridi Reine, lot 7, bock 5, Ri«ievooti Parlt.HaflEuil Part>. W», 310. Fsuny LU Quayle andi huaban t u V. R.ILBradley, lot 34, Rose Terrace Sub. lAte Forest I, ,110. 1 à Henry Spuniark anti vifs toILR. R Ekradias, lot 84, Rose Terrace Sut>,r laIts ormel.W», lie. Doms C. Bllool and buabandtg 6 R. H. Ed>Wrds, 8. 33 tact lot 1, Cotes' North Bide Atit, Watiges. w», $10. Fsbrusry 7, 1019. P. H. Bartiett ani vie te, C. W.2 SicCabe. lot 4 lu -bock 1. Ravinla Highland, ig lband Park. tieti. $10. Henry Walther snd vite lu Frank R. Graver, middle % lot 2. bloe'c il, original Waukegan, W». $10,000. P. D. DeWooiy &anti vie to P. J. »eYonns, 2 acres lu SE part sec. $2, Bouton Tvp., W», $450. Fréti Duunill lu Rose A. Hiroulmus, loi& 2 sud 3. Ackleys Addti t Volo, W». s3.0 P. H. Bamtett anti vieteta m11 Lange, lot 5, bWok 2, Itavinla Iligi. leuda. Highlandi Park. deed. $&49. Michael Guerin ta Auna M. Guerin. 2 lois S aide Washington St.. near vatt City limita. Wauksgau. WL). $1. ahsfff or lake C.Vo. l aIe Co. Blute Boul,- 28 lots. North Chicago, deeti. 8812.82. Fatale o<fP. E. Wells ta M. P. Wiu- thon, et ai. 4 lots lu block 3. Welis' Sub, Wlntbrop Harbor, deeti. 1700. MARRIAGE LICENSES ltoy C. t'alton. oeicago. 21; lean. or V. OToole.sine, 18. .Rabt. C. Camsrou. Highlandi Park 22; Uillan J. Evens, sains, 20. Jothn J. Konkel. Detroit, lioiL, 27; Marie Galaska, Milwaukee, 24. Chus. F. Manthmoeor, Detroit, Mlcb 33. Stella E. Pavere, Sl*teaton, Mo.. 28. Jerome H. Melminacl. Chicago, 22; Irene F. liarthun. Milvaukee, 18. Walter Ilayer. Evanton, 2l; mar. garet Diederici, smre, 18. Arthur C. Harder, Mlwaukee, 21; chs 11. arder, m ai3. Mila N teo. chcabo. se; Mary gronua, aime, SI. DeuwLeo .Moore, Cicame, ai; *«"EW4aIm , Chicago.,8U. 84;otmm .UVoigI.aime, . am803 Fi& a.efacupe, W Wu*.,86 $1.lem !pSîrlem. Puse,3., Wal t.amnWcaitlsU; Wab. ou; Matr L Orsitr,, U. O "is an eersiti, lat. W M AWaim X.Emai Waksga,, 35 81u; Anas eltermc, me.Il Lec'urd W. ramt Tala. 31 Duo. a WbrI Coto20.e>. 0 Aalo.y ..Bkr, Ms~ iwauke. 8N; ulea. libolaie, "e,19. ' Chas.eitW. Brwn, Chuig. 2;lium. Wms C. -Fm. Bait*. MLvals 4 C. E>age Frltaeke, Milvaukee, sa. Mfary àAlt osmre,.44.- hielvin Godas, Ohicago, I; l:Manar hioCns'er. saine, 21. David, J. Roberte, Wauleha. Wl.. 21; Margaret M. Dutterfieli. >0"a nomd, wia., 1e. Arthur L. Davis, Great Lalea,82; mule Rlaghand, sane, 20. Edv. C. 3'ollett. Chicago32; Mary E. sierma.marme, 28. Go&. Gaven. Wauketsn. 80; Anna castor. lta"ue.21. Ralph A. Muller. Dayton, O.. 31; lillian M. Te,'ry, 33. Victor H. Woodier. Meugils, Tsn. 23; preda M. oywen, aime, 24. Hugo W. BeratI. ilankes, 28, Dorotiy Jacobas me. 32 Frank Bvelfiow. Milvauke, 72; Sophia. Suelllov. sains. 7. EarI E. lent.. Twp. of Wauke<a. 31; Alice C. Neubaer, Cicero. 89. Arthur. Jambe,. Kenoufha. 36: Frances Tennyson. me, 31L Henry P. Etrieter Milwaukee, 37; Norm a nger. saie, 21. Augu J. Caineran. Cleveland, 0O, S1; Ma" Serabon. Keuceha, 29. SamlI G. Frox. Kenosha. 30; Mails?' et RIIcy. nasne, 27. Albert Ziebell. Mlwvaukee. 31; Car. olym Zastrov.same, 26. llugh I. P5titt. Chicago. 21; ici'. eues Hums,sin,18. Aaron Selmitt. Juneau. Wis., 24'. Ada, Kneligoi. Reinvllle. 'Wis.. 20. Hairold S. Hougli. Chicago. 22; Mgr- garaI Kiet. Mme, 19. Wm. 1. Slulltak., Waukegan. 23', Anns Puech. North Chicago, 20. Haroldi E. BreY, ZMon CitY, 21. Mary M. Moot. same, 30. Fred W. Schvautit, Town Manches- ter, Wis.. ES; Malrte StrabOta, 55me. 36. Te Mtie' box b Uapi $que it beatln - er ait andtt cd sin Cou 117 b If 1 bolIert thaul1 or, mim hkave l fi c The 4f gre cd i- Ondem ,rem, put ib earicu î amon& Greet ter st Ils wl ers. EHO BIP Racîr Prel Har Win., Marry 0<be atoai Drami Ite rm Oum tu trae àhlm btorg Ome Coa Cee stvu a i age fraye h mu Aged Attorney has Narrow Es- cape as Passing Truck Humis Him to Pavement. Wankegau, Feb. 3. Tht, mornlng Attorney Mrner Cooko. tieap of the Lakte Caunty br anti ane of'the oldest lavyena prac- ticing ln thse .tate, hati a cloue enl le meeting serlous Injiures. vheu.,lu çroeing t rom near Dr. Foley's office tovard Holsteins store. i. vas Inocletdavuw by au auto driven by a mian named Johnson ef lie Wauke- Eau D@iry coxnpany. Fortunately the driver vas golug very slov anti hadthle car under con - trai. At any rate the tendon sImdck the Bled lavyor lu sucd a vay liaI b. vws felle to10the Vvéiiicnt. The driver stappeti qsdcly, but lu lie meantimo Mr. Coche uthut. bat secra-bledti lahis test. brualiathéli duit off bis coat sud waa itathing mor than a Uittle ftueti It aeema that I4r. Cooks bh6 1 been handet iei ial;»antilas t. lng oven it, lierefore hie atteuih vas divtrted ti trou lc aPProsdmiug Juel one ao t of wat here: "Il miglit bave REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS E. L. Davis sud .w» to 1 i'% f erlu. S. E.40 asmes Ueo Tep.. andi tract .t,.iqod s8.#.. Sée. ô, lAhrtyvàfie*. 4pXD. a. P. Tisée, ,suwif?,to T. E dole Bob., W4Uk8pý ps, !> t P. P. Hoosft teW.* 1 oïagq, 2. blool 2t »ruM-*, gob. 44ibq T. E. Qnay anti ite s~fJ ai, lot ou eut ai.eJoaoa!~ 0fBelvidereaI.Wuapl Uceoi ndZlt u 7. eu WA, $10. A Myna L. Cr09107 tg Cuel l mouth 80 icres 9,U. .'4 '3. 5 - Vint& fHillandi, aIflani a-, eeti $10. - launa L. Goramio J. i. vano8 lots 6 anti 7, Oorbsl'm Southi Bid ful., Waukegan, Wl> 4. PaILlis. 10 Minule m. MoUInià anti umbend ta Milreti Lmugehr, I1 .01 Drus95 LaIt. Sub,, WI), $300. C. R. Rioe andt <ifs 10 IL J. Vogt, -9 , a", juiw 1 e.91m

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