CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 13 Feb 1919, p. 4

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ierty i ndependent ej Inàepezr4cnt. - Wauigan Weekly Smn Ijijîce Teisphone Number i, Libertyviile Exchsange. s htl'ototiinm e tu't Ilt.l t., a rSecnd ClamesMailtMatter Officiai Publication for The Village of Libertwville. - a,-.!ir'atlc r c .-&« .t t ',:, of supervieorel Proceedinge * s iLVefy 'itur@dav. Adv,, -.ýu "tes Made Known on Application. 4.U SCRIPTION PRICIE. $1.60 PER Y -AR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE E..S Ii.............................. ......................................... Editar~ ..SMITH ................. ................................................... Manrager *WM. M. ECKI4AROT.................................................-.£.Local Manager The. plan being followed in Chicago by the judges of adopting the robes is one whichiwe believe will be foUlowý ed tbrougiiout the state. Doesn't it seem natural that the, judges presiding in, circuit courts and other courts of the state would carry with them more dignif y if they were properly gowned rather than if they are attired in such a way that it is hard to tell the judges from the jury. There seoms to b. no doubt about it that such a change in the' courta of Illinois would briiig a.recognition of the jurists whlch does flot corne now because of the slmplicity of their appearance. The. power of court jurisdictlon can berse. cured through impressiveness. When one stops to thlnk of it much of the effects of the Catholic and Episcopal churches is secured through the impresslvenens created by the. l'bes worn by the. directors of the services. Bo it la tu thé. cae of the. court. With the judg. wearlng gownd It in easily seen how perjury and such offenses wfil become lm. frequent. The. court as a whole will have a highei' plaaeof dignity ini case this plan la adopted. Seelng that Uhticago Io to resort te this plan, the chances are tiiey will pnvail throughout the state ere long. Sixty-five women suffragists who burned President Vtison in effigy i front o! the. White House at Washing- ton Sunday evenxng were arrested and now are in jail. NWell, they ought to b. kept there until they promise to f"cut it out." If the Amnerican mn are going to b,,'. al lowed to continue this constant ridiculing, this insulting of our president, what can we expect of the poor foreign- ers, the. ignorant men who have just corne from the war- stricken countries and whose hatred for ail mankinct has ~been aroused by privation, starvation, etc? It is time the. authority put a permanent and decisive stop to the antica of those fool-wornen in Washington. Lmooks as if the. Bolsheviki are getting in a few fine, atrikes in Seattle and Tacoma; it may be thé beginning of their outbreaks in this country. Can Americans, true *M~inricans, tolerate such meances te public comfort and as! ety and prosperity7 4ýre we te allow thos. murderers and strike-advocates, advocate against anytiiing and e!. *erythlng, to get a foot-hold i tis country?- Shame on Us if we dol Bue,' it looks 1ke thiiprint of the. BolsiievUk on the west coast. And. let's keep it there; let's not let it corne away from the. outakirts of Our country to menace the iner portion o! our fair nation. Pifty tiiousand men i New Jersey bave voted --no bOer, no work", as a defi te tth. national proltibition move- mt,. "Tus sounds rather hurnorous on the outset but, lutut you, it's going to be something which will bave to b. * fgured with before the. nation is absolutely dry. The. que.- tion of beer, it la our belle!, when it cornes to the actual delng of It te factory men wiio have been uaed to it, rnay proe Vemn as serlous as the question of wages. W. nLote that reports from Russia intiniate that Trot- *yla 10w raid te be figuring on making humself Otar o! 2uuutla. WeUl, w, thougiit that, aftertih. bunch got thru 'kiIu off the. old regirne, tiiey'd pull sornetbung 1k. .*tlmt-aad, the. chances are tiiey will put it over. Tii. ' dear Peepul" Must b. protected by the killing off of old leaders and usuration o! by anarchists. Au apartumitt building la te b. erected in New York Wbecrein the, flts vii rent for $50OOOOa year. There wiii be tbfrty roomuansd ten batha-now wbhat in tue world dom.auyone want o! ten batha? 'Twould be au awful taak Io bave to nulie UN bathroom-wiiy that'd be more. thau a change for every day ithe, week. More thon 250 paroied -."lets Word vas recoivot here today of Sot. been est t liberty 1. Chîcago thse deatis ut Oceja. F"&, of George ine the e st two or three fisys, Chiot K. Wltllaane. a former voit inovu «t Dtectives James L. Moony de- Waukegan contra«ta, visa move ots olared In Chilcago Wednesdzy. And Florida about six years ago. Beitei msen idngly thse wave of crime In bis vtdov, ho louves a «m, Not, and -Chicago and lsewhere has epread a taungiter, Etlth. raply. What or* tate officiaI Tise littie dtugister of Dominick thlking aboutl'low can they ex. Akraunlus vwu paced lu these ttn. Oeci tihe public to be sase when the tien home tenipaurliy, wlien obie vss -porele board la releasing offenders by givon a hoarlng In eounuy court Bat- thse dozens? What effect sa thil urtoy aflernoon. Tise fatiser vas or- ilholesle paroi ing of convicta hav- dered te puy for ber support. Just Inb on oliser men? It,>, merciy caus- botore Ihis action iwas laiton tise buwould-be offendesto sbamy te father vas fluet $100 for seotininl- ,.ikmtuiee:"If I gel mb oprison, i tohicatiugIliquor isore. MU beiave a time then 1 can pt Npa. fie Hles E. Polock o! Anliocis j'fd"It s Iotme tisat Governor L s onF leoufa!tise hoire te the estate o! ý,Aep perseealy look@ fnto Ibis secm. lise tale Epbralm Powell, iser father, mf9 acelied for whoiesale candi, who duid recently ut Rockton, 111. 4W èonvbtstrom the penItentlaries, The total value of!tli stale is not mehe epem to place ttietr deoire pcoperty. be kind show-e the need of prolect. Evert IHendee, brother of County gj#puady. Theo great majority were hie honme o! hearu trouble and urae frm $ ho Rock Ilalnd armen- mIc poisouing. Ho bas been 111cice L1EWI~ILL UI5P~DET.TUHOSMAT, ZR&Y1e11 I EL HE'S TO BE INVESTIGATED ledwam D . Bhurtleff o!fXarngo Ami. DMlnois Hous. te Invesutot Veliva and lBàI olowers at Zion; Ifouse ta .m.tleter. Latest picture of Ovorseer'Voliva SFather, Guardian, Soldier and A Real Man That's What Returned "Y" Secrek~ary of Springfi.ld, E. C. Stevens, Saya of Lt.-ol. A. V. Smnith, Waukegan, in Paying Wonderful Tribute to Him at Waukegan "Y" Banquet. ~ of the Y. M. c.A. a verlî o linols, and who was wlth the 149th Artilllcry, of[ whlch Lient. Col. A. V. Smith of i Waukegan, was second In commnand, Pald a wonderfut tribute to Col. Smithi at the Ptather-Sons banquit in 'Wavu- kegan "Y" Tuesitay evenin., Mr. Stevenâs referred te Col. Smith as the "father of the regment" Here lis wbat be sald, ln substance: "Col. S'nlta bad fn son of bis own unti 1 ei went te France.and became the father et the whole regixient. He was the mnost fatherty man lu our regiment. "'Ho was a wonderi fnlicuer. "He devemopeu a fine spiri! among thse men and he develored ;nlitary, effclency of the regiment. He wae more Ioved Vian any otheir man lnb, other regiments. dR "Hle had a bard job for It le IM cuit the work be did. It was natur- ally difilcuit for htm te acclimateCo.A V.S ih himseif te the work that was assigiu o.A .S ih ed te bhlm, but bei was always Up ai the front wtbticth men and, wblle "He stuck te0 bis Ideal alwa'.ys. Ifý be otten seemed'fatlgupd, we neyer a bunrh cf offIcers wPre going out îaw hlm in the roar taklng a reet as Borne place where they coutd get a1 orne o! the other omfcers dld--when drln:t col. Sinth dld flot lag bhbnd ths men rwere âlghting. but he 'vent with tbem and 'stood i' "Furthermore Cot. Smith,. When as tbey drank. Ho dld flot spoit the othor officora and men went wlthout party. But belitved up te hie Ideaie shavlng day after day because they and lu Borme case@ ho hebped tihe 081- had dlfficutty findtng water tae have cers home. wltb, vas aiways clean shaven and "We conducted a luttle paper In ho was one of thse leaneet mon lu Our regiment and Col. Smith viote thse regiment, a fact vhlcb 1.9 gener- man.Y of the editortlet. Everyone atty commonded by thse men. o! thema had a point te thean, they "As Judgo s.dvocate. fie had te pa) had s thlng vhlch the mon tooked on thse roachee of discipline yet e for, cilershod i tisor hearts. dld net maie any onomes despite IOf Col. Smith, 1 snggbt saa, ho vue tis difficult poslion. Thse tact le'à, roui father, a reat guardian, a roat he wasaubsolutety mat, va. atways soldier and a reat man."1 lncllned to ho tentent but hie lent«uC Could any linor tribute be paid te nover made. a poor eotdler but made, aun oflicer thun Mr. Stevens petit te the sotier a btter man. thse Waukegan artiltlo colonel? TEREE PANELS OF JVDOES ARE DRÂWN IN CIRCUIT COURT Tise granit jury for tise Marcis loin and tieseilff's office han servet 1no- lice on tisose w-ho are 10 maie ni, Ibis body. Tva punels o! Petit JUrors aieo have been calot. Theotiret panel comeln Marcis 3 autdlise second on Marcis 17. Tise numes o! Ibose on tise Iisro panels foltow: IlRAND JURY Bouon-J. L* Blcsop, 1. N. Crain, Engoue Reeveg. Anboci-Tisomas Coolo, Norrie Proctor. Grant-Joe Sasipe. Lake Vila-Fret. Weber. Avon-Bd. Brown. Warren-Charles Wright. Waukegan-.Je Brockcom, W. 0. !3ameon, Chsas. Kittrldgp, Mat Alutn. son, T. iH. MeKlnney. Libertyville--Honry lchieit. Fromont-W. F. Duhu *. Cuba-Oottlieb Kuhirsun. Ela-Auguat Froolicis. Vesnon-E. J. Kennedy. West Derflei-Fred Selig. DellIed-BarI Gsell, Chartes »ver, ett. PETIT JURY, FIRBT PANEL. BO5tos-Joseph Illent, Harry Lu. tiser, E. L. BaIlle. G. A. Svansou, W. H. Tate. Newport-Charles Alcoci. Antoci-Jao asIsetr, Davit White Graul-Robert Daixil. Lakse Villa-Froit Haiuin. Avonu-Geo. Branstetter, Frank Laveon, Tisomas Mog. Warren-R. S. Bond. Waukegau-..a. I. Conkeon, Carl Johson, Jas. MeGrain. J. J. Murphy. 19ht1etd-A. Marvede, George Nîcis- oie. Wauskegan-Myron Skogwberg. Silds-s3eorige Wenban. Libertyvlle--. L. Davis, C. E. Car- roIl. Fromont-'rhomae W. Eagec, C. A. IlapXe, NIck Kiettismer. Ela-lieurr C., Moyer. West Derfietd-George De0Ium", Deeted-g. J. Bocke, Rhlt ~ ~ i.N Oreenslade. Y. R. Meckley. 0. B. WN Rolýlnson, W. G. Searle&, C. A. Weeki.RAE- Col o PETITr JURY, SECOND PANEL RTS1 et a Benton-Robert A. AMien, J. W. 130 Vomiese"al Stocker. - - - - - - -- - - - - - - Newpot-John Cerney. _____;__________ Antloch-Geo. Brown, Lewis Say-ETA E age.__________________ Waukegan-Aug. Brown, Lew Cary Tboa. Drury, H. E-ddy. Charles FOR UALE--hoiw. reideue loto on Bchwarz, Roy SackmaiI, B. Thanker. McKtiuley Ave..lie. Grimes.. -4 Shletlds-OC. T. Atkinsou. J. IL Boyd P. Coonley,, C. H. Ewing, Chartes Titi- 1 have smre ver, fine bouses gerald, Fred Hoffman, Ildward Ne. ai&tpricesftroan 82,500, f0.ooo04,00(). Dýonald Petterson. John Recktouwaict, $4.700, $6,000. $7,500 ta 08,500. Ail George scbart, John Toptady. LibertyvIlle - Erneet- ButtOrfetd, >modem nloeiy located, whieh t shahi pleseed ta show pou at aupttme. WAîhur lat. B Eds.Fwin Austin. 'Phone 16, North Ihore q Cuba-Chas. Dilt. __________Co._______ WW.Sprsgue, £dward Wotl El-yeLemier.* John Gchultz TO Tr,,%DF-Three acres, fonced, VerIi-yte nd. ..c1ired for orange grave lu Florida, Deereld-J. A. Btomdaht, M. 'ij da, near matintine for. $200 or for la- F01laaaîbee, B. B. Stanger, C C. dies. furs or what have yoci ta offer? Wright. F. A. S. Mercer, 2108 Ezekiet avenue, ZMon City. 12-6tl '~~~'f~iWOME 1' OIR SALE LIIYE PGH IG FOR 5ALE-Diamndq, watcbeead ~ A Y RTTE Jewelry on credit, 20 per cent dowu and 10 per cent a meontb. ltcy R.1 Yeoman, 111 North Oeneue et. Wauke- Fan. Ott i SIFOR SALE-Pure lired Pfarred Ply- Z»Misa Tisoresa Dolan Dot rolt - oenstreel car cûnductorý u . e- ty ha.d a ftghtlng lawyer Ilu C .-r Sueversus thse strect car r. n ha- the ie War Labor Board. As a recuit the board stei reît a *afe middle course. It oi'iirý i tisastthe womeu now enstl'.e I $hal) be retained lu the r, 0f the street car coinpuny If ' ornpany so desices. andl Il.., c fter.-n womnen on the w,i.ii, liý e given posittns, but Iliar no Imore womeu s'îatl)h be ~ c VOLIVA WILL BE TIIERE WITJI F16IT ..AT SlO W-DO WN Overseer Says that the Move Against Hlm is lnspired Throughielousy. Wilbur Glenn Volîva, overceer of Zion City, viil"fIgisl wllhout giving or asliesg quarter- tise effort to bavp tise Illinois legistatuce Invpietlgate hl, chucch and his finàances. "Tise teglslaturé lias n)more rtgisi tat ma'ce tisat Iuquiry tban 1 'lave to LuIve9tigate anv business enterprise," salit Voliva tait nîgist. "Tise courts wili have to paie on lb." JCslOuey la Charged. "Thse vsote thlng le due to jeal. ousy,"1 sait! Volîva. "I bougisl tis estate lu 1911 for $950,000. 1 have paît $562,000 on tise dot whon due: Iîh.O00 more ile obehopaît MReis1 Maybo tiseresolullon vag lntp.nderd ta prevent une from meeting tise pay- ment, but Vit puy lb on the dot."' If the Investigation le brougbt, an attempt viii ho made to Include morat conditions. Tisose oppoed t,) Voliva , Bay thse churcis looks Indul. gontty on lapses by its oliters. Dr. FI. M. ltoyafl. tormeriy an eld or lu the Volîva cisurcs. was uskot wheîher ait le wetllu in on. Want Money Back. -"Itla n ot," ho repied. "I1flit - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 CAige FOR UALE-7 bon tIniotIiy 1157, 00 bu. ms, 60 bu. potatos, about a car Ioad baud gtraw. A. Anderson, Liburty. ville, usai Phlilipe Ptatform. 7.2 FORSAL-T0 choke, building loto, 50 fi Bach; lot la, block 1. on MclInsip Ave., hall block weet of iwaukeo Ave., soutb front, sidvali snd abat.. Ail spi. paît for water and g«e. Lot looz. 217. Prices01400. Invetigale and write mue, Rond terme. E.- J. iugb-Y, COWS FOR SALE-Bi heavy aprtng. ers. J. P. Guerlu, Phone 26t5-M. +~ ~~u ;-HLLNOU WANTED-Middle aged voman ln a family of tOres. Phone LakelPo>. est 410, or cati or write 220 Oakwood ave.. Leke Forest l1t. WkUw CEMENT SILO STAVES-Wê bave the choapest and t'est 0110onOf the market. Rouie movln, bouse raieing. Zion lnotiutioui and ludustrlem, l>ept. moutb Ibîe@Pulletm, rarly hatelîpd.'-)IlCity,_11 __Phne_49______City.___ Mm. Franîk Frederil, 'hoe 16-11i '.i1 ATOFr&C Round Lake. il2 WApîiiy ut ap e l1î am7ai, Perry. FOR SALE-A vlctr ila, $13) FOR RENT-Sl1 ro,,rlck voltage. good eonditIon, îahlmany *k '.* W lecrelgt a n lywt @lil for 430 camil. Ilîiulce DX lndepen. EAiîiîi J.L.i v, tlîaé ud )ity 1fe dent offie. py .L.Piesrauis, t FOR SALE-0u,é Ford, lhoroughly over. A- o.uîrtigo hauir-d ard fewly paiuted Libierty. condition. Adremp Il. A.ake villa. ville Giaragce. 62 11,H 1)1,Bx77- FO0R SALE-8et llutiuelîarie-, neaî. WANTED-Msu te dlit a w-cil, 4 teet la ly Dow. At reasoual,)le priceP. Lwonard dlameter, .32 Ifret deep Apffly te Diny The.f e awleigh Man. Phone Wm, Sneddunr, Lancaster tari,,, Evereti, 15 - f lii. 72 Public Sale Notices publiahed in The Independent are read by from three to fivc times as many responsible buyers as in any other werekIy newapaper in Lake couuty. FOIR SALE ..6 room house on Lake street, price $2400. Good basement. Bargain; lot 50xl25 feet. Must seli on account of sickness. Apply at Independent office. NEW "SKIPPER" bis is the First Locally Pub- lished Picture of the New Commandant at the Great Lakes Naval Station, Who Succeeds Rear Admirai Scales. Copyrighit, Internationnti'lim Servicel Volîvu nome ton montise aga. 1 Roar AdnMrf >Froffle îBrewseri couldn't stand tiese igit o! tise poor Bassett, Jr., U. S. N., wbl ho the People viso huit Invetet undt want, ixth «akipper' of the worid'a great. et thoir snoney.11 est naval training staton. Ho wili Another former member o! tise PrObâblY ho "Plped OvOr tise ide- ot floek eaît: hi@ nOw commund MOPdIay. Ho ha@ "I couît tell you mucis. but 1 dore heen ln command of the u. S. S. not. Il laofot long aluco one of Voli. 'Utah, On. Of the firet ships "aver" af- vas loadlng men sald tot me 'Don't ter wsr waa doclared, and ha@ an on. You know thut If Voiiva gaveotheviabe war record. Word hise Poope voulit ilil you lu 20 Rear Admirai Sassott, wiso la 50 minutea" And 1 knov Il le true.11 YOAers d, was graduàtaui fnom Anna- Poil@Isnle1M. Ho becamne onalgn ln A ner pnicoSuredwhe crsa.1890, lieutenant, junior grade ln et w-freo n a nortis aide etreet car 1 ;letnn»o adr »* causeethtie vootwork tobe'scome g commander ln 1910, and was eioctmd Rtedt anditurst hnto lame TburBday ta the renk o! calitain ln 1915. Hi@ lliht bou 6O'COei Te IcidntProeont rank w»s given hlm Only a nlgst abouathe ociornTe IncIdot short tîme ago, hie reconimendation anduRr id eur tisvecoer. o! No alrtifor advancement betng prementod to ua nt lntianteue Asexti urmtise President by tise secretary of tise uiseod vilstiste aid or a csemnical na">' At tise same time Ceptain 8cales tank andth ie band pntp. Tise lore was eievated In nank. vue blisxng quite fleccely wbeu lthe The newly ppolnted "eskîpe," of department urrvet. Tise passengers great Lakes Ilves ln St. Loula, Mo., rushed t ramntise emoke aud flame when nt homo. filîloi car. Aisieaut ChIe! Hubton wue koceket dovu vison ho toucbr'd Woî-e recelveit froni Elgin la that tise steve I l,,,car wviîcishad bhi-en Firarnk lamburger le lu a very criticul chrg awt eec ciywhn thiecondition. He le belleved toise dy- 1ie <lii, .î tIoff th,. new year wîth a bîang 'Ph rsdai' ve- ui. Toicr.' %a ;î a fine rînjn and every 'prospect for a "ico«!4fuI year. Elîs(tion c f offlier o' Lýhetd 1 which r"-'mltel lu thi , '.tion o! 1i hi. ol,] ,t1 î'er. l'î'-l, Dttr L. ol lely ii Iir( " Prv- borky; et rr-tar', Wîillimi. Waters, and Irvas rer, IL (0. Thorupon, At. brui-Y .1.!. C )eclc,'r %aýr.- 'ectot trustAe or the cju'î 'lite club wau dili;appolnt4 d lu ibî-Ir entî'ctalnment J'Ut a rni7îîrae ca., aspointcd 1.0 ar. range for a muçis more elaborate one for the lîr t nioeî.ing ln Msr'is. Tise folIos lng comniltt,.e vas appoInted: Juselî,iîoi Tom Kîlîlan andt MIr. Tiffany. Thoe club wae enter tanm l ils yards andi rofr-'cIments were cerved. ORDINANCE NO. 297 Imn OrduaRnce ta.Amend an or,11eance concoruluggeoere sud Draine lu the jvillage of Llberty ville, by aitding thoreto teeltion À-26. BI Ilordained by tb. Prosident and Board of Truetees of the village of Libortyville. SECTION 1. That Ortnanee No. 188 ho amevoidd1-y lu»Pi tJng the Ic'luwlng fetlon "Enttiet A-26" before Section 26 lu sait ordinanco: A-26. In addi- tion ta the otber provIsIons ia thle ordinance eontined thore &ebe &o cateh basin ta serve ms a grensu trap attachet to each houeedran und lacatet on the preoiseofnih.' owner snohbctch basin te ho attechot ta euh hotile drain wbbcb connecte vith tbe kîtchenstuks lu conneoion wlth thse kiteben dopaimemi of auch twelIing, sncb catch b&Mln may ho coueiructed of concroto of a mixture te bo approved by the sewei cousmitise ef sait village or Ito onglbeers and buli otberile accordiug tetahlb#aiseand spécifications heielqpwie ceuiined iu thia ordînane.sud Provited turihar iht ail setions of thim ordinance duerlblug a catch basin and lé@ connpctîous shall ho conaîruot tic co.upiy wi.ihib ofilinanco a nended, that la luacase catch basliSaicquotiucteof i oncreto. SECTIîON 2. This ordinauce @haîllho known as Ordinance No. 297 and shah ho lajorceetram and aller île pasge aut publication as by law roquiret. Pamee, Febrnary 4, 1919. A ppiovet. Februaiy 4. 1919. Publiobet, Febrsiary la, 1919. J. B. Morse, Preeldoni.' ATTEST: J. A. Treptow, Cierk. FO? Sale and Want Ad&. In Thse indenrdent brll'grecuits. Ri damn Lool Ti eme 'Usa Sc owiî I ain Pu q11 t) vil It' anîd gocid 3oi' of il Bart Ahoi 00 Iz twei hutm TEIP ban] Not OFFICIA VILI. Beguis village 01 Meting Idors.; Ellewort idnute wore ses bi Davis rest. A Goling, The el Davis se acceplied Davie. E Csrîied. 4The fol PubIeS& W.1j.sîî Oeo. Tri Art Kru Ed Quoi S. P. Ev laoai Libertys D. S. Lii r A. Kilcis - M 1 i 1 -. . 1 ---- -------- -il

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