CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 13 Feb 1919, p. 5

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3RDEPWDWP TKUBD&YFFEBRUÀRY 19, 1919 PgNe tii> lia>, Mo0 s, about a car mron, Libertj. M. 7-2 1, on MOclie> ýlwaukes Ave., Id subde. Ail .. Lai 1001 reetIgat. am 7-4 beavy sprlng. ------ voman ln a ne Lake F'or. 220 Oakwood Wktyw ES-Wg bave 81s1l on thre bouse rais. ustrvem, tiept. 4 àt,(7atmi, Pirrry, 291 brick £Otta&e. ci rit> wathr. leSt, ttf A l.,ilre VIllaI, 7-1 eli, 4 test lu fiAppi>' to teai,, Everett. 7-2 nt are read e buyers a" 'se DO. lot on ?Iy Th r,ýd.*' 1 qe ne îrtr'-Idnoe r','tion et a Dt r Li.v iiomp-on. At- airý r'.'I"eCted 'rie club was Ct(erLalnment ppoîntc'd t'O ar- etairorate ane r M.c-i. Tire -as apeponted: n Kîlîtan and n, was enter- .297 1 ain Onrînauce Drains lu th* addiug tireeto Prealdent and tire vitiage ai lance No, 188 tire fociuing betars Section -26. lu addi. tetons a intin re ehall ire a a grsaese trap àand lacateil uer. snobr catch ech bonte drain Itithbe stuka la su deparîmem eh basin amy> of a mixture ver commftt» lera and buiS the aies and OQetained la ed turlirer liai e deecriblng ruections @hall 1>' witb tii iras ia lu case l af cncrme. &nce @hall ie J97 and ebali lr ite Passage I-equired. 9. 1919, 1919. o. Prs.ldeuî., Ad&. In The te. Titan 10,20.-The'Real Kerosene Tractor REMEMBER glu- ftaa 1020 was designed and built from ground up to turn kerosene mnto reliable §a=a power. ldman10-L20 a. ught mid r.ady Wo you - and it Rook Y:a= of expentuent and teu en, get it just right Titan 1020 là proved ituelf ta be th. roi keme D'cofot merely a gaïoline tractai wih keoene 'attach- so."Yoil be wiue ta keep thn Ma mimd. Titan'10-20 ruas on kerose nndez ail loade, cuttiug youw fuel bil in halL Tàta 10-20 records proveotLia You watt a real uract, H. là 1-Titati 1020. SCHANCK HARDWARE COMPANY Owîîig to the fact that I 'ain selling 80) acres of îny farm, I au compt.Iied to reduce part of iny seleut stock of Pure Bred Chester White Bred Sows 911the farm of W'. J. Amattît . stuated oii the. Liberty-. villie and Mellettry road,.3 $ it ls oittlt of Rouind Lake andd ',i les west <of lA1wrtý %illt. SJj iles ~<t lN'!ehixty, 5 utuiles uortjeas.t of W aiicotida, o.. Monday, February 24, 1919, at 12 o'clock sharp uoî.- îgof x 1Iîead of tri ted sows. -2 fit yearlinîg sow I 1 boir and) 39 slyriiig gilt'.. 'live o s ar'e great, gooil stlectvd sterk, <nu- of ilt spri îg giltm w il i weiglî 300 oo î1îîol by sale day, îîe,4 of t1itiu are <iie to far- ro%- -oar1y iii Mat h or Aliti'. 'eT lo-i bitg i., otine of tlj, I o-r-t rstoc k Iiatthe ('liester W lii t 1 re,-i af1h rds. S Fur ft iliii riiit.iotî and) fi) atiî1î iirt to 1>rt-ing write for vataioguîî. Air-o a4ei. t 1'2 fecîi itg sitoats a<iidabou't i22 Vît re Breil Barrt-îi Rock Boosters. W il also se1li(-iliîead if ii ki îg short biori cattie, 4 huli 's of' s-i-vieable age andover'îd brt-di-r. -. OXOCle-t iîjdii i îi,-20 Lvbtail of t n.', r-. hifurs aul bil atid lieifer ca lves. A nîîuntht-r of cows att. dut. to caif by sale <Ilay and soite lhave reueîîtiy fî-esliened. Soine of titci)ws milk as hii as fifty poîîîids or i :. cw itit two iniil kings per day, wýith att average lisI of 4 per cent. About 150 b'lslwls of 1Marquiis seed, aiso ?bout 100 btisbels barley, about 2o0 bushels of Swedir-h setlect oatm and r) bushels of yeliow Murdock seed corn. .q draft itorses and 1 drivitîg lbotse. I hay geiding, weîglit about 160() lbs , age. 9 1ers grey gelding weigtit abjut 1500 lbs , age. 6 y-ari- 1 bay inar-. weiglit about 1?00 lb6., age 6 years; I blavk iriviiii; hurtu weighit about 1100 1ihs., age, ý yea rs. TERMS 0F SALE. Cash r ? f-)or 9 matths on good baitkabi- l.' I reven nctes bearing 7 - cent iuiterost. JOHN WEDDEL, Frankin, Ind.) FRED GRABB, Asea, IlU. Auctioneers GEO. VO)GEL. SWion Mil#.I1l.. ~' GEORGE BRAINARD, Clerk, Round Lake, fil. W. J AMANN Propr"qeýor Note: FRE.E LUNCH WILL BE SERVED AT NOON OFFICIAL COUNCIL. PROCEEDINGS Jobn Leter, appecia police ..... 6 oc VILLAGE 0F LIBERTYVILLE iJ. A. Treptow. salary ............ 25 OC Regular meeting of thes Trustees. afthe Ji Ledear, oet saar......... 1oc vile of Llbrtyvllle held Feb. 4. 1919. Pr ea1nn.»ay.......80 Mdeeting calied ta order b>' Prealdent1 L. B. Morris. siieclai ameesment No. 8 .............................134 29 Mdorse'; Preeent, Mores, Colline, Davis, Movsd by' Davis seconded b>'Bart Ellsworth, Goling, Bart and Wrght. that blli e altowed and warrante lx Milnutie of meeting betd Jan.- 6, 1919, drawn on thre deferred funds. Aye- were rend. Maved by Wrigbt secôndd Colline, Colline, Davis, Ellsworth, Hart b>' Davis that minutes be approved as Going and Wrght. carrlsd. rend. Aye-4Ootlne, Davis, Ellsworth, @Ordînance No. 297, enttled An Urdin Golilng, Bart and Wrght. anes to Amend an ordinance concerniep The elerk and treasurer'a report fur Sewers and Drains ln the villageo Januar> 1919 waa read. Iloved b>' LIbertyvilte, b>' addlng these toe sctio Davis sscanded b>' Hart tirat reportaeire A-20. was rend. - accpted and placed an file. A>e-Coilllns, &oved b>'Cllinne eonded b>' Wrigl, Da6vis. Elleworth, Golding, Hart, Wrght' tirat OrdaceN.27b pse Carrlsd. aprvdland publ2ibedaa Aed A The fotowlng bitl@ were rend: aCpollieDavdisswb, odla@ g, Publie Service Co., etreet llghte..$129 37 Clie aiElwrb odnHr W. IJ.Stnder,eesaileing sgrades8 o Wright Carrled. Oea.Trigsetret ork 4780 Moved by Colin@s econded b>' aoldtl Ae. rt Krcm, treet work..... 400tirai W. H. Studer ire empta>'ed ta dril Art Kuntin, etreet work........54 75 plane and slrecilcation fur Stornm sewe B. P. Evilsizor, elecerîn supplies, for tbat portion of the village nav lairr......... .... 10 cavered b>' the waler eystemn. Ayeo- Libertyvltle Lumber Co, coal Colline, Davis, Elsworth,.Golding, Hart pumnp bou@es...................... 6 2.5 Wrighrt. Carried. Lhertyville Ind. prîntîng ........ 50r Moved b>' Wright eciinded b> Devi D. B. Llmberry, salar>'........... 75 00 ta adjouru. Carried. A. Kilcbialaar................ 75 00 J. A. Treptow, Village Cerk. Llberty vlleNew 1s 1MNE O -----------------0000000 MP O LAKE COU NTY FARMS @aN.Sihwas a busincess viiitor Thie Fss, Lawrence Guild wilî meet wittl parisb and alwaye Intereuted tu lis weî- AND ON lChcgFrîda>'. Mtr. Harrington on Thuredayq Feb. 20. taire. Being bis rel>n CEP ABL PRO ERT R.E .Margan was lu ChicagO la a letter froe bis son, a cap>' of consolation afbsreiinsîrstain'-d and A C P A L VILLAGE P O E T Wdedy wbers ire attended tbe wblcb cap ersloAreretMr. Nageý ea bsl& as« days. tequiescant lu Preebytertan conféesce. - recolved a v.ry i#tereetlng smalî news. Pa"e Funeral tramt St Jci@eph's clirrc Job.Dlnen who iras been lu tire pape? caîted tthe Sibeisa Sapîrer. It le Lîbertyvîlîs, burial at Si. Mary'@ cerne. We invite the inquiry of those desiring to hobplal Ini Wauksgan for sometInie f ublielred b>' the l6th Field Co., Canadian ter>' Waukegan. o owmnyfrc tepadpub ss returned ta iii* bore on Bunda>'. Engineerm. fi contaitis severai lnterest- bro oe o otepaeiprmae Walter Lgtbrd>'of Peato, N. Y., li; a rtiles, nsws litame, jokr's and son~s. of Ilw properties, for the improvement or was releaeed tram nDavy service and 1 clever cartoons depicting camop lite. Tite jCh«'irch C) ert' (ces o arrived ln Libertyville Monday evening. pries oi tire litîs paper Io ane rouble. stocking Up o preseritkwoldings, or for the WadnY et n Wr a eevd1rr atwe > renewal of loans falling due. Mr. and iline odnY*Wlsad1Wr â eerbr urs. ISMethodist-Episcopai. son, Cbapman 01 Elgin, are votitng there r. Mary Brown of the deatir ai ber Servicei 'uext Sunda>' at tihe M E. former'@ parents, Mr. and tirs. Edgar' nepbew. William Webb, Who wae killed cirurcb wlll lie ibeldi as iollowe: Suudu>' Weil@s. lnu rance au Octaber 10, ire hait been eciroal at 10 O'clock; Morning prieacirng Prompt Service at Reasonable Teirma Wan td-War Pavlngs Staurps ,e,. previausi>' reparted as mlngt Hitle ws service nt il a'ctock, sermon b>' Itie. bers. $1,000 value tor $826 ibis urontir1 tire aunatftir. and tMre, Ru>' Webb, Who em h atr ateee;gu onl>' for memirersbip ln tins club. AppI>' formeriy lved boe, but mrived ta eigF:30ireet N attionaeellsBvinkI attepsifieTîrber, Mont., a tew yeare ago. Tire>' wIlrkitire Reonstructiorn work oc it,I The i c a i n lB n Win. Ede lirast purcbased tive ball acre iastre te oal iesrie M E. cirurcir as a denomlnation wtt lit. Libertyville, 111. lot ontiansreefratirApt>'stae. Tire P. T. A. meeting whicb was la em piasirsd and tire. Arleo Bron uf o lo@o anare rmteApyett.bave ireen bsld on Frida>', lrebruary 14, Crn< n ltr etnr'wrn- He exireets ta bulld a reideuce for fim. ia ,ceChtondbirueu ire agolneak o suthe et: 'Ti r keeure Capital, Surplus and Profits-------------$... 000 self thire, lu tire rnear futurs.h@ee otoe eam fteWB Pa on tire s ie:"hel (Jilptiut-ofPark City', Nontana, tn-iers' InStitUte On tiral date, Untll ufthtir Cross for To.da>'." Mre. liriîrati iir(Jlrer l.undy o a<> ay. lit1Feiruary 21ét. Theire îrîirg a rît be le an utiltespeaker and ber îtreseag. aw il[ arrîvil hre Suda3 or a ew dys v, l ' lut tire birgir seool ut :i( i l.ooîrr. l uta njlaln br I lvýan is Iiwltr 1lrii- si sPerlal uruust as tire everig tcervlv. x e e eee.e ,i:us :e e ee .o . atiue i high lit. Luce viep 7 ie,] ot and tiapeakoii lie deli ntit :i',da'Invitation lm exteirdeid taail. a ~ o c gir* 'oul M li, i l- i ? - byîrîtire local Roy S tri rtaid 'ar'lp "]'te ristan a t ir te ltalri" P ta tirLe enîrper given yIlMr3t' Mm B ir ,tl,rs u eyne imsiredtrsli lýt,rlîA eCtrrsuf Cu ai ire Eot 'roe* flood (tfithe Pre>l,ý terlan ihurchi%%am .a tir celebrate Founders lut' aid tlhe , [, euting oi nairvrlu i hoteoueeo Te oriiitt rprt fuliin o teoratluton'I t :30. Mies Marlon Taylor wlifdt h e 'i 'é,~m tiritc,- ni ee,,r Tire meetingltaedregrurke uuidluriittire sgarrt4)rplinon itire E SaUVurday 1 int tire>'were over one irundr- doillaiirs anrd 'ean-hers' 1A-er muni TIc meetingadet miiçi 81irtire I eakiprO ~ A £ L~KhcL a L ta tire good and ever.vbody seemell tu hruceeds wtliga tu tire Natirînai Cungress tir a pfart uît tire tiiiiîe upon tir nt":* 1ii t u orr- 'A Ballon View ifl uritenar>' Fields. A A I~~~~~~~ felaiin ..Atlg wtrtr in, Braun, 17-year uid soir ut Mrs ïsîîw'tat Invitatiuon le exteuded ta rte * i 8rd Division, arm>' ai occupatIon aitir IttBraun oi 1927 N.Itarlir 'Ave , publicirj 1 . O . Mererir, l.nxenberrg, iras sent ta Lise 'ileago, was killed ut tIadma ur. , Thee îrtury Tearirerm' Training <lare1 ltirer, J. W. Attridge, a germai aiicers Wedîieday, wbite ewltriiirg cars. Illaw wl etutMod> vuu il Ire dreios ielmet.Tire irelînet reiicirtel'ire tuetr is deatir ls a m.t estery uam[nle aifironie aoftire. Mary Just au Sococ- adued wlth a large eagle, iras rtre' tie tratn crew saw ti.-accident util Let erer>' momber ireau airkfur Ifiltowing wordm l8ecrlired un Ittt tire> went back tO investigate am tire>' rîcitatlan1. Gtort Tue'" and Vatuerland w-rc, watltrinrisl@ igîîail. e was tire Tite Woinan'8 Home Miseionaryesocle tyC A HT T E C R Thromas Crtett reports tirat ire irasmul support ai bis tutlit r and tirres wilt Muet nezt week Thureda>' aft, r- treev feed!tg tiAi ver>' tailre rubils for, sîralier chlldren. Dr. Taylor ce% ore lu a Doon, Februar>' 20. Place oi meettn,< tu a n-vral days. Tire> are apparent!>' tire!jury tii mornlng at Lilîertt ville, but ire annuuiuued foter Mises Mabtel Cireever saine twa bide Whofru tr everat yeurs thre inquet Wu@ PO@t))s41tithe I eud tue metting. put ave een ecumng tu a certaiu win. train errew ceu contur utei L eave Y o ur O rd er N ow returried frour their Sîutirtutinter re- IOurlIhwbtb llltkiwa isioi orfo idbt utJtu Tp to pe Pa 1 hcgoB sjrtý F cîrta. morula«. u. eS q 1 Up~ tir tire iresenttlieme eveny-tîî o lira'nian>'ofuthliefattir- or ibtlF oI\J4a I rer h r i5hiaiv~reii lîieîl 1cd r3'are tiurg the r1gli t oiifutr tîeir' ~ ~ I I~ I thrroug btIre tr î,rî t helie CtI.ake ij',î o jLoi ei iri l e alter the irs d ia% m, t t le hJEI54 L S LEIE . LD AS charpiter ai tire Red Cr-@s. Aiui g tIL.'c'arrii krruwn tirat il,,ftîters iut' . L i AI ii, rreut contriiuttirs are tire faoIr.ý% dai are t', ' Iue> makliî'g iÀe dollars fur The Big Ste ilt educi tn Saie witriIa ll.ic nuil tire rn iii ber u tr fI u r ut lrîrî th. e tai'!i,, trtirtutof tir. ,,r' l1 t dpl î ie .ir e!li bl .r3 f Iloirse & rC r1r ~ N ùw spprielrt A %*. . k, 1Pho e 1 9-WLibertyville, I tiey a lit rare: ituwtlrriîe seirocl. t.'and ii, t 1w ' etirti t ot a tort aiIl i. Bler ,ltn< t ith le iYorkr Hiruse .'r.'titar , 1 ' LIbert t lelFu, th- y'ritrm torne b>'. It le a dnut lt ire' r il unr a nSales Manager ai t!e 0 A xlr.% .,15; r.î.iîi 'iItlrî, 5; Rir id t-Ir'!i 'rv taiakeaa il 1 1-, . oiurn arsuaDe olns oa,' *Aitit)l<i <niui'urv, 1(l; tou tuc tri- 1t jl 'rýýu t , ilire airt iirMIin let 111, 1()r n r uirsus City, ls a great -u ee i iu..rtrc lin).BMilletr, 1;r Liberty. ('i'ftr lire ii'i -s tirai he le doring 'Nh i tre peuple ut titis rlirulty are wiss' AUCTION SALE. 1 ê*SO OOooe..s vile figl Sb(JI, ; LkeVilla sîliail, U'm ,atd .tir intiroer day rirai ' id rareluti iroliîrrrrand are takîng 6 EDG AR OSAcd . A' i ritrrt is bctrg nmade u blinit t h ir iew rr ' i li i L rngirt ire wa u tr I lite tir i ;aivitage tif tre itg rut prîe s i ut N iii Firii i d tir -hrt tel!! lie i h 1 ut 5 ID n lit --r irt trpritii i ailote lu Laike, t..arli tri '-iir r.. rtri ttold binitimt %N 1,irl irr' Tire sale ait! con tinse un iit ,i rjj t t ' ln I or r i iat i t e r' 'n rt up ta %lie Il)ii irrri,. 1b., '- liirî'id i e ni e m£UdFotk. lrr àurdà,Feray22 'ui'li'rihtsoo*k p. ni nuic atrrda , Felbruary 22. ______________________ 'lire lottrr'itirg leId Il ui-restiujg letter I reiiirtldeot n,'r(tif i' itir e teda>'e t'v1 ýc)t3 u iiust irurry il jou a lir ta 'buy VturiN i-i iurted uiii Grc-in-Dy_ ru-d1-In I re..i el rrm Williaiir Nage!, a m s na, tîirtreri p- ir- oin IM>'atirer ramle îrI n Iliandutdirtl ie eer made- ircorerIilt.siotîh ot '1T.ine.'luffutinuid i tw tir tire t rirîîl I umdia. i .etredriuntraDr l lc tn.îr iI t.lrtî viIe, r,.t liii Naval tt Fla. riire h.,rd rît SITURDAY, FEBRUARY 15 I ' S JJa, 2,199 iid olIni kiori it waoiine" heur Parenrts: tu o mie, I eîitrtr-'i Lravl>'enougir and of thre intie1elident, tIrai lîe suiele Idune rarel'ë 1y tieir elde anrd 15 ctose 1JwlPckod*i Jirît a ici fines ta let ySru kîro' tirat lsiir..i aaittile id ti, t wanted ta rjuit,h o! thie liesi lireiras ranîlted lu a toinun thre prigers. Ail are tuberculine testeri aid Mile-a-Minute-Kendail" 1 recetî.'d lire moue>'order, raid>' aird liiisted anrd maote nie tueIt aiL0 1.l Nii Ie ut tLiberty ville aitr] le gratiied ut It isonue titirhe et dnltrererd tpi tire tilel Nitanrd Jett-"HeliD« kilts ut! O. K. 'rirnk 3ouu ver>'nrir i i d1il eud was fli unItirres da's as a re- tir away ihe peopleofribtins virilit>are cîrUîr'rv W lit ahg efi, cIi r l raclrtinery. gM-dr for~~ iTiem i téel i dd ot arocesuit; andl ir0wte.usn1tRIBt rarg tire D'til, purc'lrslug merchnise. leurit terme ut saie. aînrug tire leliovi as mucir jealousl>' al@ die age ut fle, tio îrît emoke or uose tu- Tire Moree Mercantite Ca., are rrilering AItCAIIY tAIIM0 tIre kulle dtd. litouid have gatten quitle barrOla n tun> riiiSa 1 tintht IrIdteont>' scamoujaile irrerciraudîse tire kîni Arthunr Meeker, l'coprretirr 0 a tew rubete for rt. l'Il wrlte Lizzle np to tire dadm oftltîda>' toaite auI nter. you use ever>' day. Sa lu arîler ta gel' J fitLave, Auctiairepr. SUNDAY, FEBLUÂ1LY 16 Naget about tire candy. i went over to est il, tireir iro aund' pal wltb tiremur forl; ) Our discounts Sou srorrtd buy'waitle tire___________ K Comaupny'tirs sains day 1 received 19istr eset educatton li eaue recelve from sale!,o un as tirs @ate witt hast oui>' a lew FIRST IN LAKE COUN tit, ille Burke lu Sorur 1i'etter andsowappedSarns with Dale air>' aore. It ahI i ave a t ney tikeep more days and tu-n tire former prîces'1 Independeont Pursuit of PolIy" C 1ius waesarry 1 dld not know af iniu away fronrtîtha vIi Influence ai th ire aliie put baet.ButniîmsTavlPcre hlm lu flland. - street bauger-un anrd utl be uplittJng te Satisfaction guaranteed or moue>' NOTICE Brtn ome rvlPcue Wbo do you suppooed casired mni>film andlmate Sourn îrud oaifhlm In Sourrefunded. Publie noti-c e e cby gir' n iLrt tirC 5 maie>' onde-r for me? You tritittitis ahIod days. Malle a Pal Oaijour boy uowi ______»__ ILIr nstalaienst aiSpeciat Asoeslement icard Penlosed. t we-nt dowtn juet about 1 No 3 for a mewer systeur In tire village of dinner tinre.t1trad tri watt tour and a AOEO RESIDENT DIES NOTICE Lîirertyvîîîe ls now due and payable at WEDNESDAY, FEIEIJAIY 19 hllt Mltetirene irethes just gtngure u rd'eanndFerar' lw 'rr e il l e a special meeting af Lit- tire office ai tire Village Collector. Tire dluuer. HcF lil ire coul not cash Ile dcet<n clsimed <nnotuýirptoneerreeidents ert3 ville Lodge No. 492. A. P. & A. M. banoks will hirelcocd irrittly on MarehLiaavteal utile@s en outreer Ini tire ompan>' endoneed 'ai 1,1411 1101le wîreu Micbael Guerlu Monda>' eventig, Februar>' 17. 1018 , ut'20, 1919. "The Eternal Temptress it avnd tien leire stllases lbt. t sbowe-d quletI3 Ipassed Rauvut tirs borne aiiris M o'etock, P. LM. Work ou Maseter 'i ron i t cIl B MorrIs, Vllage Cotîscior. It tu hlm and ire tolil me ire used to Dire daugirter, Mre4. J. L. Clark, altar anudIrel. Ciras. F. SmaI., Jr , %c>'. Jan. 6 ti, Murer 20 lu tlint awu. go t asksd Mrmbiis Dame. ilueqs datlng frontr isimas ove. wben !Thon 1 totd hlm Who t was aud b4A l home lunairîrir Ine tîveil duriug tirhe su uu-êS pu-,..- -e -4O..@..OO- Dad andlt hýd blped put up his bouesepast fifi>' years watt compictel>' des.royed o n Mlwaukee Ave. lu case tire card b>' lire. ral fnts oitell iIyau who bisl. Asistant Belng boru near Scariti count>,Cire, )U. S. Poatal Agent for bers, U. Id. trelaud, lu 1837, coming ta Lake caunt>' : oves an d 2'eckw ear )( PrIdeaux. We talked quitte a whiîe but lu tire sarI>' 50'é, ire sougirt and gained )0 ire bil ta go tai dinuer. He told me ta tire road ta soucicese ln maklng a home. M n e n oe ein r eni h lvsfrSrn er )0 came baek someilme. t'M going back Be irsi worked upon a fars.-and later M n e n oe ein r eni h lvsfrSrn er and fiud ont If 1t«Dnot @end boms some lu Waukegan as a warduer; where ire 0f the *ilk gloves that have recently _Cortie in, many are in pretty ap cigars. W@ bave tire klnd boestira# are was unIted lu marriake witb ilse two-Color effecta. They are mostly in champagne, tan, grey rt sent froni Manlla and 1 wtll Seud thema ifBrldget Bracken, Whro precilded mm nadbak wîlru ad n tthn o otatn ho I eau. deatir Augusi 18, 1905. Un~ ie e tanan blcwt rs bnd nd tihngocnisig - bers ls not mucir sîse tai send ezcept a -cildren were giren. tire. (atberlne color. Some have the wrist handsomely embroidermcl. t, fsw gouvenDy rings made b>' German ibbttons buving ilied lu 191W, Frank,Th sote i'g dan teprc m t prisonere. ~~~October 8, 191,4, and Franewben 2%~Teasrneti idadtepie ca n- W@ bave ireen iravng a rgularblihzard years aid. reasonable. g la-day and I wauted ta go ta town Wtb tire bioes ire migiri bave iis ai eari>'. 1 walked alIl tire wa>' around tir e cidren nbar finmire purchasied tire lande $ .5 12 n 15 n iraylairoutstsn tmules. I gnes tire street among thre ore@tm oftortrest Lberty. $ .5 12 n 15 cars diii nat rmn elirer. 1 came over ville and b>'tirrili, indust?>' and manage. it bers ans de>' wir îwo otirer fllaws ln ment acqu'red 350 sces., upon wbîetn Bright colors predominate in the new neckwear. We have the pieated ?d tire aternoan. W@ watkeil acrose tire bis &on@, John. Jorýrph, James., and tire1 friling by the yard in silk and izeorgzette crepe, in ail the pripular

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