CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Feb 1919, p. 12

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tilerk.....üi........ otrigpoil book ta Towb Clarkr...................... 1. O.D. Talbot, relurning polY bookt ta Sec>. or - istala..........1.00 village nof IeBlîf reut cf polllag place .........16.0 Barnay Rofsanhagan, arecting hoolls--------------2.00 $74.00 Shields Srd. T. V. Murphy. 2 <da" on Reistry Board ... S8 4.00 J. T. Brown. 2 mayi on Registry Board .... 4.00 John C. 1Hffal, 2 deys on leitry Board .... 4.00 T. V. Murphy, 2 dess u Judge oi Election - 6.00 J. T. Brown, 2 ituva as; Judge of Elacîlan . 6.00 John C. Haie, 2 <aysaia; Judga aofELeetion -.6.00 Chprles Garttey, .0 2 dtOva as Clark ni electica .0 M, . Nem, 2 <lva as Clark cf eleclion 6.00 0. . D). Gags,.6. 2 <ava as Clark of eleclion . 6.00 T. V. Murphy. nasting notices ai eletlan ... 2.60 T. V. MunpJbY, pnTi anecimen ballots ..-. 2.60 TV. Murpjlly, rpiurning poli baok ta Count>' Clr................... 3.60 John C. Hala, relarnini poilbook la Town Crk ........... j.............1.00 J. T. Brown, e, -rrtnmning poil bock ta Srcy. nf itte.................... 1.00 <'liv oi NorthiChanta.ô rent ai pling place.....16.00 11ev S înP arect '05 bothqanmd Cwîable 4.00 Shields 4th. Ja-Pq Rils. 2 <ave an Registry Boardnit . Tb,-"us Appltan. 2 dp,"sq<ta Rêglstry Bonnit... Job EP. Fitzgeralit. 2 <ave on flegistry Boardt .... J.ipas Kell]y. 3 davs tas Judge of Electian Tbh"maq Appleton, 3 <lavs as .Iudge of Elactian - Joihn 3. Speliman. 1 <ava as JudgaaetIlellan - HI. W. Spalel. 1 dl 'Va as Clark........... J-1n.3F. Fitzgerald, -. davis as Clrk........... M"'l ". Camipbell. d3<avsai;s Clark ............ JMaesKelly. postini apacimen ballots .. T.s"ýea Kelly, r"turnnng poli bookitota ounty Clark..................... Jamnes Kelly, raturning poli book ta Town C'lark..................... N4eil N. dampbell. rptirning poili book taSec>'. na Stata .. ................. Cl(v Forest. rfit of pollag place... s 'al nnu. j eracting hliît............ Libert>'viile lot. L --.B. Mson. 2 cava an Regisîr>' Board ...- P""'k Eger, ? d<ava an Regtîn>'Board .. Fd-ard CarroIl. 2 days on ltegstry Board .. O'v.rge B. Magon, 3 <aye us Judge oi Election - Frank t Eer, 3 <ava as Judge of El-ction Edwârd Carroll. 3 <aye as Judge ai Electian Charlea Cheever. à <ava as Clark ai Electian - Le Whitney. 8 duvg asClark of liection Austin Tripp. : 3 duvs as Clark aifElection Frmk Eger, .P"IGliitnotices af eletioli ... 4 Flt* -llger, F pstnrspeclman ballaIs -....- SFrank Edger returaing poil book ta Caunty Clark..................... Fraak Edgen, returning poli bock ta Town Clark .................... Prankt Edgen, raturnine- poli book to Secy ai Plate.................... Townuoai lihanyvillte. refit oi poliligplace-... Llbetyville 2nd. (Cbuntey Austin. 2 <aya on Regiatr> Boaurd .. Heury' de-raIl. 2 <a-a onu Ragstry Board .. E. . llubbard. 2 <aya on Regltry Board .. dhaley Austin, 3 <aya as Judge of Election - Heur>' Caal, 3 <lysasaiJudge of Riaction S. W. Brawn, 3 Ju<lge of lction. Hasn>' Paget 3 <aye as Clenit af Electian - Otto Bohm, à dayu as Clerit ai Election - S Cbarley Mason. 3 <aya as Clark of lection H. B. Eger, s postiqg notices ni leclion H. . Eger. poting specipaa lallts .... H. Il Eger. rMrswuig poil book to Caunty Clark,................... Hf. .J3,Eger, -' returalug potl book 10 Town Clark ................... H. B. Filer. returnlng poli bock 10 Secy o Bute.................. Gow & Co.. rent of polline- place. M . ILEger. gMeting boothe .......... $ 4.00 4.00 4-00 6.00 6.00 6-Qo 6.00 6-oc 6.00 2 50 I. W, fombé.- -3 Àys es Cbrk of Dectoiu 3dY, à ôautiy Board4.... 84.00 Wlat)Sel IrVi4 10 payse te s ÏR aClark of MAtlon. 2 deys Op El*gifftry Board .... 4.00 IlmO-A. PiMcke, plorence lRoues, ol .,, Piice, 9 daye 'oùt Redstry Board .... 4.00 poStit notices of leption John H. Rouge, .Kun4A.P'imke. 3 ds <a lsudg ire or tisu .40. P»tRRU .apeçimen ballots,.. J. W, (!qop*. i *.. ,4L icke. 3 deays as 3udge ofRIettes . SM offing poil book to Counti 3 davs as JudKe of llection . 6.00 Emil A. ]VIcke. John (1. BartiettI. returiiing poli book to Tow 3 <ayp aes Clrk of Election ..6.00 Clark .................... itvilig 3n Payns, 'I retur4ilxg poli book tô Ssci 3 days as Mrk of 3lectlon . 600 ntState........ James Towasr, ITawu of Ela.» 31 de as Cark of Electian . .0 rent of polling place... John HI. fRouge nostilg. otfe t Retion ..2.60 John H. floUse. j Vernon. notin s pécmen ballots..2.60 A. G. Maetber, John H. Bouge, 1f2 days à* Registry Board .... rturnlng poil book to Coaty H. H. Schrooder. Clerit....................... 4.50, 2 deays on R4gliatry Board .. John IL Rouge.bokt9.J ls - returolng Poli 2bdyo »tog ntryBoard .. Clerk............... ....... 1.00 'LA. aMeter. John H. flou»e 1 3 <aysasa Judge of Eleetion rptUrning poil book ta Sec? .S.reir 0i 84tte .................... 1.00 3 davR as 3ûidge of Election village af Arcs.,P. J.Clos, rent of poIlIng place......... 14.00 3 dy. as Judge af Elaction poeafr. Woidner. Fremont. C75.50 3V . C:iac lection , ..C W. mever. I3 davna*asClark uofELeCt!On 2 davi on Reglstry Board .... .8 4.00 i. H. 1{uptfupher, 'irmnl< t1alb, 3 davit.aptOierk oi ElectIon 2 day. on fl.gstry Bord ... 4.00 A. a. maetwr, Cari Botier, postlng <otices of lec Ion 2 dataq on Regiaqtry Board ... 4.00 A.. G.Mether. IL r. W . mkyer pnîîng Àpeixnn ballots .... 3 davi as .ludge of lectian .600 A. G.- Mastsi. Frank Dlph, 1 eliirning polil book ta,Ccuflf 3 dlvR 0a8 Jqdge OfRi@etion .6.0 Clerk...................... Carl Dorfler. "A.* G. Maether. 2 idm"-q P Judge of ElectioIn .00 rpturning poili book ta Town 11. (1. Payne, 0frjerk............ ........ 2 <las m;Clerko ElPetian 6.00 A. <.Mae4hor. A. I.. lorflIP. 1 punij pojIlbook ta Sery. 1 il'.vi -C(eric of Piedion ..6.00 nf- .t Ctr.Il. DlInh. Ton ofaiVernlon. 1i dmvq ai;<l.rk af Riection 60 relt of pouling place ... HC.W. Mever. lqdA.Ko, Pei-tln noire ofEletio 2.0; repting botho ............ I(.1 W. Myc', pivtlr< eperimeli ballots ... t 2.60 rpllj'hlng poili book ta rounflyW5tD rftd ............... 4-50 Jp.mRie O'Connor, Ti. é.-W. Meve'._ 2 davs on Registry Board .. r-itqteing poilbook ta Tawn C. W. Pettia...ý Clri..................... 1.00 2 dal nî' n loistry Board .. 41. c. W. Meyer.l TIcm a qlDgwq«%p. relilb.-htbfg Poli book Io Secy. I2 <lava on eltry Board .. af. lat...............1.00 ,fi."q OConnor, W~.W. Ru4bkor. 1 dnvn as Judge of Eleetion re#rt Or tl'lIb1g place .........16.00 <i, w. pettis. Carl florlan 3 <lavm am Judge cf Electian enec?11tt boothq ..............2.00 , Lewrence fledmoud, - 3 dat's as Judge af Electian 87.0Thamas 3ffvy, Wauconda. 3 idqvs as Clerk of fliectian Rn- Pi'iddIC - ..'-enjn ouu 2 4âv- oea Roglalny Board....$400 1 déit"a PiClark of Election 3-80 H4<ini. T. CoOt. RoaK5,- - ý die,'t an flegistry Board -.... 4.0)0 3 i<lues as Clark aiElection t, I.Crr. .James. O1Coonrý 2.00 *4p on egistmy Board 00. oo ptir. itos cf eleetlan lt-vPsdq~v. -Jaaees 0,0#000r. 1.00 ave a- itîge af Elactica n -6.00 pqBtlIg 0904 mn.belots. - 1-00 uk. - - 6.00 -Jaesm OConuor. î Idifn t~nsjudpofE ntio .0'raituiUg 3101bock t1 cnty 16.00 (let. iImihWWtopJ1L ;Clrkt.:,._............... 1 4til0q as-%iattge aif Riacion ..6.00 5i1t0<O'Connuor, 2.<K e. A wer. S: . irftuiflzit *Poili book 10 Town -' mia-s ý lrk oa i Eectr, 60 (1pnk ..................... $72.30 nni m, JeïS UCnaom. ' 155.5 4 <'lent ai Election ..6.00 retti'iii- poil bock .1 Secy. John P. Bea.udic. of iktq ............ j4.60 321dtii%%s'ark enofi lection . 600 Toma ciW ss Deeardod. fine' Paddàock. Iremt of solling place ... 4.00 pOiRtr*e nottcas'ai electian ... 2.5f.1 lLay Pi-#doc,1. 4.00 na*"ltI" eneelman ballots -....- 2.60 DéerfielU 1-t - -*Re-vPaddock,. W P. UIogen 6.»0 retarinttpoiliboit ta Caunty 2 <avia ouflaglatry Baardl .... Otonit............... ........5.001 M. J. Gibbs. 6.00It.ilPaddock, I2 d<lea cmiRegstry Board -.... retiurntng poilibock ta Tomwn iR. J. Smitih, 6.00 Clark...........1.00 2 'davs en Itegitry Board .... BRayPaddock, 1 Richard, . Wlatgr, 6.00 nlaînnion poil1bhock ta Secy. 3 dstvms eaJu4gé ai lection cf Plate .................... 1.00 1 M. J. Gibbs, j.6Toma af Wanda, 3dv ujdéo ico remt ai Pollng place-------16.00 Rabert 4. Bmuit, 1 6.00 ~- 3"dýssa Judse of Meetio 6.00 8~.76.00 î rwe. 20.* avhi6 .cuba. zdeatlasletk et Dectiom 2.50 2à<deva ontRegitry Board ...11.04) 3 av. 0ka i Eiofletios Fred Kirachuen.1 John 0' Neyers, 2 <lava on »ligltry Board ...4.00m 1tua qau Clark 0f Election 4.20 E. W. fille>',i W. P. Ilogail. 2 <deya an Raglaîr>'Board ....4.00 nostlng aotlças ai electlon Wm Daverman.. - W. F. Rocou, .00 3 <days as.Judge af Eleetion . -6.00 aansîîng tipéimen ballots .... -Fred ]KIrachuer, R. G. SmUt,, 3 deays as Ju<lge oi Election LUI - l eturaine- poil bock ta douati 1.00 E. W. 'Bilé,. iClark'.*. ....-....... 3 <laysasmuJudge o f Election . Smith,. 16.00 Emil P. Sehlaede, Il ncum-ing lpoll book tu owTam - 3 <ais as Clark oi Eletîca -#M00 ienit .. ... ............... $75.20 F. L. Platermanu, a. e.l Snltit 3.<laysasu Cark oi Electian --6.001 mturnng poil bock la Sac>' Aidram EV. Oyem, of Statq,............ 3 4avs us Clerkt ai Election --6.00 Ct f 1, 4M Preil .p9llng place... 4.0 foeîîng oUices ai laction ..2.G9 John bMers. 4.0Frai. ittlrecbner. 1 ereen 1boh ..... ** poitice- speimea ballots .... 20 4.00 Fret XItrankuer, Cany. - nture-leg poil book ta ont 6.00 Ctark ........ J ............ 580 D"re.rlid 2d. Frai Kirachuar,f T. M. CIsg1ký 6.00 ntumine- poilIbook to Toe- 1I2 ave pu ItaglotryBoamda.. Clarkrý..................-. 1.00 E S()&li a 6.00 Frai Kiracbuar. 2 de-va on Regisîr>' Board.. 60 netplniug poilI book t a Sc>'. ~ A.d. Gleoe, itgurybr Pred lkirscbner, 1JaesCWoratos, 6.00 met af polliug place-------- .00 poti4gotlcds ai elaction... Perey Leonard, 1 Jameus earuo. -6.00 rant ai polline- place--------..80() E.stin peemen be-alas . Fred Kirachuer, E.0e-(Fili -2.50 arocling bntha.............. 2.00 retumintlg ol bock ta Couati - 50Clark-................... 2.60 . ica.Ri.E7 . S. Gall.?o y 4.2i MIl A.Imexe.Clark,................... 2 4.0 2elya ami flgtry Board -....- 1 4.00 . S.-eil, Heury' P. Desuborit. I1 retursl". poil book ta Seci 2 2d<lyv on flegistry Board .... 4.00 or ,stfft.e.............. -1.00 John 0. PFiak, Derbld4bieldaIHie-h Bubon]. 2 <lays on Regstry Board ..... 4* - rmt DI. paîîjlb >.00ç... LMEU A.. itke., î Miitdletoq & Clark. 1.00 I3<dayas uJn<lge ofi 2elctio a ' 6001 enectiug bombha.. ......... Fleury' P. Dssboaa, John Oliver.. -16.001 3 aya as Jute-e at E3ectiom ..6.00 -3 te-y. uJmdge etai lcton 2.0Jobu P. Pîû, .E. S. #air. 2.00 elays as Jute eof Dectioi .. .00 3aasas Jidge oaif lection Auua roellck, 0 . Ub. <Pu,01 3 .0 ldeys as Cls-ar f vectton .6.0 Saya os juteaof Elatie Â1~X2Q4919~ ~< ~MI8~Aau~ .. *~*~ 81t* - 'DèitI.EMýspervw oreà Ièeli; th-"t . lin, ta WaMcada. tapa 4» 3. 8dfiys asCerk ofime.ct4a 4,9*.0 j3.J. flrald Tréorat leaeospted and dopted. Mo- funded frOun thé P31060154Otite' *Màaude C. "1oi. . 2 <aya Où Regntry Board .... 1 4.00 tien earried. Ilue (WhIeh iwas mince beaua vote a6*00 3 dayst as Clêrk oif liection ..8.00 ilraruaDAnsl, f SMmrpervise ratow, Cbsrmnnof AND WHBCREAS, such refundsd Almna C. ODison. ,'1I 2 <aya on Retintry Bard .... 4 00,tte Rou and Bridge Committee, eub- money In rsqulrs<l by 1mw to b. ex. 3 da" as CIlçrk ofcf Rietlon.. 6.00 A. A. Mars, mîtted lte foiiowlng resolutian: I pended îupop daa;lgnated Stats Aid 260- 2 deays an Regilry Board .... 400, 'rHAT iWHEREAS, this Board bas Roadm. 877:4Q J. .1. Brandl appropriat.4 s13oo towar<la the Pay-1 AND WHIIRFAS, the board bas neot 2.60 De ed30. . 3 days 0f e r lection .... 6.00 ment oi- th.etn o construction af yet taken action ta make adRn HerunanDes] the Pistaleas Bridge and Nipperslnk Road a State Aid Rand, Ly 1. H.Prie. 3davs Judga af ElectIon .... .00 Bridge, la the Valley cf Fox Lake. and TifEREFORE BT TT RESOLVED, 5 .4 Br<anRgar or 8 ,0A M~, approachle stlereto. by titis Board, ln session assembled,- W 2E ay nd . 3 l va Ju dgBaardl ct..n ...4 ..00 A N D W H E R .4 8 . th e V illag e ai F ox th a t th e R a d R o s<l (ao ca 'id '). ' ag vi1,.001 2davfonftgsîyBar .. % lbfrt Lark letan.. 60Lakul bas entered loto contract wt h au, i.0fScin356a, I 3 1.0 1 Q Richar of Election .... 6.00 Julhia Eeg for the on tructi n ai Town o fE la, northwesteriy t a and 1.0H.M <lr 1- ava ClaIrk ofEets ..60 aid bridges. througb the Villagît oi Lakte Zurich, 1 aqa ug o lcin .0Wllijamln engel, ANI) W1IEREAS. the Village oi Foi araund the nortbsrly aide of Lake Zur- 16.00 N. M. Brand, s3<lava Clark cf Reacton .... 6.00 lake liaae #Md to a it Julius Keg the ich ta the ard running north tbMugh - t3 dais as Judge af Election ..9.00 Hlerman Dansai. .sua of $5960 as a partial Pa09t1Dt. thé center of Section 1&in sald tava; 3 d01r E ia soJde iElcio 00 P~oni tices of lection .... 2.50 aiiouunt ta aPProxinatPIly 85 Par thonse north on aaid road ta an Inter. W. B. BrasnJd .ofoEting pe.00 3.Jn 1 2.n0,cent cf thectat of constructlng the section w#fgState Aid Route No. 8; W.B rn,.-otn'spcmnb ol.. .0pilait.. Bridge, wbich ln practically titenca nbrthwesterly on State Aid ý.8 tee00 dp<lata Cla.rk af Election ..8.00 .-. Brand cotnploted. Route No. 9 tbrough Waucon<la toani A. 0. Prior,1 retajrning polilbaok to Co I THEIUIFORE BIC IT RESOLVED. latersection with the nonth and soutit 4.00 3 dais as Clark oi Elaction ..8.00 Clerk ........ ............... 4.40 that thia Board of Supervisers of Lakte road ln the northeant quarter of Sec 1 .A. Duffy, M. Dense], ' liCaunty. Illinois, in session asmbled 16, lu the Town af Wauconda. and 400 a <laveaas Clark ar Election . 6.00 ,nturnlng pol book t0 Town neimburas aud pay ta the Village ofîhalé iorth ou the raaid narth and H.Fif. Prier, Clerk ....................... 1.00 Fox Lakte thro.toe ita îTroper officiais south 0road ta an intersection oi State 6!Do-tlute notice.,aiofilertlon .2.50 IM. Denzal. the auna of 00e5. whicb la ons ballu AdRueN.7in VoIe, ta ha deaug. H. Ir. Prior. H. Densel, the payment pal<l by maid Village afinatet! am a State Aid flaad. 6.00 Potine specimfen bllots..2.50 *rpturmnnspail book ta SeeY. Fox laits ro Julius Keg; that saadj ANDI BIC IT FURTHER RESOLVED H. Il. Prier, ai Plate ....................... 1.00 mum ho paid ta the Treaer of the that imnuh as it la neeessary to 6.001 reýti-ning polilbook ta Co. <*itv oniighland Park, Village of Fax L.ake upon damsand. nec abandon Plate Aid Rond alaewhele In Clark ....................... 4.40. 'rent oi plling pace......... 16.00 companled bv racaipted bis ln <du- rp ake ihnterqte ie ooH. Il. Prior. WNri imminga 2.00plîcate for the amnount. together wltll arer tat kae wihRnte N . 8iranlle fClark..........................ererting booths ....... .0 a tatemntntand affidavit tram the 1il intersection withBRout-.No le 6.00 clr ............10 ollector. that the indabtednsq con- nrthitrv ta an intersection wlth 6.00 L r ergplib $a ey 77.40 nected wlth raid bridge lias been dis- lb.' pinposed Slate Aid Rond. bers!,, ai Pn1unl lao........ ..... 1.0 erfedSt.Ihargrd. <lacrlbed lu Sec. 6. la the Town of 2.0 famSt H............Dui'1 .00 . V er id8t.Dala<l ut Waukegan. IIiniS. titis Fit: and aise, seld State Aid Route Jamesdaya. nu".mber.A. . 1918. Na. 8 frottu ils intersection witb the Trot Of polling place......... 16.00 2 <aye On Reglstry Bard..S 400«A6<. H. BAIRSTOW. nort and ttautb road, ln $he nortbsasl 2.50 T. Ni. Clark. tL. M. Warren.i H. B. EGER. quarter aiof aiaresaid Section 16 ererlIn- bonthb-.............. 2.00 2 <aye an Reglstry Hord .... 4.00 p'.KIIROC'HNER. nortiiw.'tarîy ta ls Intersection with Fr"". Riidolph, Frn' Il. Warren. 1Supervisar Webb of Waitkegafl mav- Rnute Na. 7. ha bereby abandoned as 4y80 Canstable ... ................ 2.00 2 <ays an ttgistry Board .... 4.00 P0 that thp resolutian be accepted and , dIla:cnated State Aid Route. 4.80_ D. M. Eiaiser. ada-ted. motian carrlpd.- AND lB£ETTFi'FRTHIIR RESOLNVPD1 $79.40 2 dava Judge oif lection .... 6.00 The followlng rP4olutlcn fl W5pre' that this resalution be ln force aud C_ ., Wright, spnte<l: affecT tipon 'ils approvai by the lt 1.00 enrfleld 4th., 2 <ava .fudge f a i loln .... 6.00 RESOIXEI), Tbat the Finance Cam-Hzwà, »àalêt ler! K. Co4als, (IC, t.Vpttenr. 1IilIe hea nihorized ga borrow monpy 4;upervlsor lutton. Chainrnan of too 2 tln"s on ltaîisîny IBoard ..~ .IlAO - 2 <lavJudge aif 1lecîain .. .. 6.00 front lisne toligne M.4needird, ln1<un <ommitlai' on feulement with tihe J. C. Beardt;ley, j .1. Johinson. lîcipatian af the Tax l.evv for 1918 Sherifi, subnllttfed ibe iollowing ne. 16.00) 2 <layq on reglsîry bord .. 4.00 - . disse Clark ai Elecin .... 6.00 supervisan Mayar moved thni Ite 1tr: Tabn A. Schreurs L. hl. Warren. resolution ho, sccePled and a<lopted Stata ai Illinoi4, Lake <'ounty.a. 2.00 2 <aye; on negistry board .... 4.00 2 dvfev laerk aiflleclln .... 6.00 motion rarrle<l. Bonrd ,oi Supprvions. Decemben Terni - elnr- K. Caste,.1J. NF Jobnaaon. 1 Supenvisar Webb ai Wàukpetsn 1918. 177.80 3 <lays Judge aifElacîlon.0.. 6.00 2 <lav.eClark ùrf lecion .... 6.00 Chalrman of the ('amnslttp,ý On Fdu NMr.('airmpn and (C.enîemen aifmthe Tatn A. _$cbreurs.t]L Vetten. 'ration, subnltethe b ollowing ne. Board oa i Spprvisons-: 1 ipv.5 .fllge OFi Eetlian... 600 ,po..iig notices aor lectIon .... 2.6c nont: <aur cnmmitice on pettement witb T. 0 . Ilfeardmley, C..1I. Netter, Stataof Ilîlinois. Lakte Couniy, mm. the Shprifi. ta wbom the report ai 4.013 <lva .Iîdgp aif Iietion ..6.001, potlng specimen ballots .2.50 Board aiPuoarviions, l)Pc-mbel Term Elvîn J. OrIfflu. 5Shenif, was neierre<l, loha B. Whitney, O. Vettan, I1flac i1, 1918. r M n a asOlîowM: 4.00 2 <ave lar ai lecion .00 returning pali book ta Co. Mr. CliairMan1 andl of tht rae',hv xmnd adrpr n 1Helen B. Cnale. 1 ClenIt....................... 4.40,fBoard ai Supervisons: veriflad sme wltb the records and 4.00 -2<lave Clark nt lction .00 .G. . Vettar. , Yaur Cotnmlltee on Edueatin <ld ibat the office ai Shailf for the 5Pn9 E. Schreurs, irpturning poilibook ta Town Cialmaq would bet leave ta report tbat bal vpatr en<ing flac 2. 1918. eanned 6.14) 2 <leva#,jark ni PictIn .... 6.00-1 Clerk .......................LOOC lbey bava examin8d 8a1il dims Pra $1667.1& taeive.! $2t5.1.00. and dis- Vabn A. S<hruers. (. b. tallr, sentait hfare illem sif en<l nen i d bunse<l12269.24. leasving a balance of 6.00 veatiug notices aileton .50 retirnit poil bock ta Secy Ithe pavmgent of the îollowlng andl Ibat 81.6wblch bas heen pal< loto the Tobu A.- Sciruens. ai State .................... 1.00 the Ctenk ha <lrectéd ta Issue ardent. <oonv TraasurY. 6.00 nosting anaciman ballots..2.50 Sellant flst'nlct No. 108 fon the Reveral amount% ta lthelies We thenefore nacammea<l that said ltihn A. Sdllruers. 1roat 01 polUni place......... 16.00 -0a claimants ta wit: raflnt bha snnnOvel. 6.00 retfurning poilIbook ta Co. tiltotnndi Clark, . orner Cook, services as truant ltespectfully Rubmittî<l. Clark........................ 4.40 ereclbns bootha...... ....... 2.00 officer.................... $ 13.00 D. A. IIUTTON. 6.00 Johin A. Scbruenî, - I- A. lîa.agwo. supplies....... ..13,27 F A. WEBB. 60 Crk......................T.0n $77.40 m. il. llussey Lbr. Co. supplias 3.77 H. B EER 6.0 brlrkA. Sbn.......... . lC.Ni. ParerenPub. Co. supplies 7 89 superviser Murphy mavaitthal mlle loaA.1Sbreq.ýq. vtot1 Mlad f ipn d .....18.3report bharaccptad and adoptait. MO- 2.SC rtirnlng poi bock t Secy. .Park, a<dresaa<l the board inaegrd W.l. Wêeh Mig. Ca.. supplias 18.40 qln carnieti. oi State.... ..... .......... 1.00 ta thb-- eptlebIish'nt af a Fanest Pre_ _ ufvsrHlideChrmnO 2.0 ri':Bain erve ln Laite Comfit24. S upe arv mit tn. 5Cliairmanta@ 2.V nt ti pail pac......6.00j P unervisor Birstaw moved that tw 24~teJi omte.sbnta tha 'y T. M. ClarkI rairun nappoint a co-mmttea f o Attl a i bch in raTectut u-flal eot 4.0 reting boollis ..............2.QO Ibrea Io IlUetgata Tbe mater. MO Mitied PltpoaI lîlinois. ILake County, as. - loÀ arred.FRANK< wEBB. Chairman Ta the Board or Suipervisons: t ~ ~ ~ ~ in 7701 C Ti. Iadcknad tsa he IHENRY ATRANG. W@. the Jail Ccmrnsttee nif the Board 1.00 1h.1igard -ah béhait 0fthe realdenis a I .MCLIOCOfa ueriosa .kaCut.IL D*erfi.ld . West Daerfllald relative ta ebunging suprvIsar Baittlw niaied that tbé watîld t bl the C.aunty F. 'anl Grant. the proneaa<d roula for the Federal Aid reuort ha gccepted an dudopted. Mo- tLake punchame an automobile ion tha, 1.00 2.<ava an Ragistny Board .... .8 4.00 Rend through that section of the tian canied. use af tllý Phenif bi servtng paperm, W. C. Seales. Couty irogn the Ridge Rand ta a Tad Superviser Slrgng, Chairutan oi the taking patients ta Elgin. etc., as wa 16.00 2 <lava on regilstry board ... 4.00 ta be canstructsd aast oi the St. Paul State Chaitiet Comnmitte.e_ umitta<l hllava ln th@ end much mtnney -ould - . .staligen. Raiiroad lu tha Town of West Deer the iallawlng repart: bli sav0an ur.sio auobn 87.6 <av n egsrybrd -- 400lai1 Stat. ai Illinois. Lakte Countv. mas. blg3.0a a Carl Grant, S uperviser O'Conaor movad thal or iSprIos aebr en lsatllyabltd 3 <ais Ju<lge af Elettian-..6.00 Ibis board take a trip aven the .pro feerehaer Il. 1918. I. W. HOLDRIDOR. .i 0f erle. .poai outs.Mn. Chairman and Gantiman of the H. .w. MEVERS. .dsi'sJudga of Electian .. j6.00 Runrviotar White mova<l88a s ub - r fSprvsn:E IK . S. Stanger. stîtute that the mattar ha laid on the 'tottn Cammittep On stata Chariiîsa Superviser Crap o aveit thut the 21<av ulg iElcin...- 1.0'tbewauld beg lauve ta report that tbey report ha acceptai sud adoptai sud 4.0Peter B. Solvarda, 1 Avoi and<' Nue, vote halig had have exailned ail claims presentet ta Chsat tePnhau omtsb 4.0 2 days ClerW 0of Electîon.. 6.00 Pupavi-r WhIte's motion waa telt thent andl recmminent the pavmnent of authorized ta purchasa an auto for the 6.0 Roa . Dlaea.- b'Op' fllwing vote: - the iollowluu sud that the Clerit ha Sheriff <ldava dlrl of Stettin.. .00t Thasa voting Aye ana: Supervisor@ dlrected ta issue anders for the av y n a oehigcla o 8 .00 Clora F. StAnger. Clark. Crapo. Dilger. Ktrschnen. Mant anal amaufita ta the sevenal cisimants Superviser Crapo*m motion was carried 2 <leva Clenlu af Ele an..6-00 in, Murphy. Bingdaht. Varcae, Webb tn wtt: b h olwn oa Cari Grant, aioif o.....jaAtiocla. rhit.-10. 1Glenwood Manua i'Training Those valing Ave ana: Supenviions lMttflo-tne ntices fea tln.. 2.501 .Tiose votiag Nav are: Supervison 1 Scooal. cars ai childran -..3274.28 Bsiratow, Clark, drape. Dlger, Eger, 6.0e C r iat IBarstOw. Barualbla. Eger, Fickp auLise Training Scheel for col- FicIta. Hoilidge. Hutten. ICrsheus 6.00 pcunnblos 2.0iodle ee.Mnaa.Mdl orai boys, cane of children 4.00 Monahan. Murphy. Mcduilougb, 0'- 6.00 Cxil r m. 1t ugla. c(bdaar. Paddock. Stratton Uie laduatrv Pdbool ion Girls Connar, Paddock, Strang. Thompmou retumng poli book ta CO. Strang. Thompson, Webb ai Waukel cane ai chfldren ........... 4.00 Varcoe, Webb of Wuukegan. Wbkte. Cerk ..... ................ 4.40 gn.4Liste Manuai Training Scbeel Phase votind Na are:. SuPerwbwo 6.00 CarlrGrant .00 aTrantgpi oc aTw Vote recuring an the original mo, on Boys, cure f chiltren ... 60.00 ratable. Clenit...........o ........1.0 tion the rame was cani by the fol. Laite Coiinty Humane Society 1Uuparvisan Mcdullaugh. Chairman 2.5ê ar rant 1 w00 vte:Iane ai chilran------------ 213.00 af the County Parmi Auditing dam. CrltGralnt. oc aSc .0 Titaevotîng Ave are: Supervîsora Park Bidge, Sehool fOr Girls. n)lta, aubmalta<lthe foiiawing ne, cêurin Ua book.t...... ......L'irataw. Barnotable. Clark. CnapO cana of chlîdren ............3 15.00 font: o tt ......... 1.0Dilger. Egen.,1icke, Holdridge, Kir. - Plaie ai Illinois, Lakte dauniy. as. FredLinlbom.$952.28 Board ai Sunervisora, Dacember Tenm 4.0 ren niolin lae.....1.0 cher. Martin Meyer Mcnahan. MurDr1219. 4.30 Tntnt oilig pace.......16-0 by, lCdullough. O'Connor, Paddock AIl oai bla reupactfulY submlt- 12. 191 Gnteme8. t T.Merkgbols.......2.00 Stratan. Strang. Thamphon, Webb of ted. SRN.Cara Board ai Supervisons: > Precingboohs .......... Wauegan 20.HENY SRANG Chirmn. our Canimittêeou Caunty Faim $77.40 'Thasé vatiug Nav are: Supervisons E, A. MARTIN. Claîma wauid heg leave ta report Ringdahl. Verca.. White.--3. A. T. WHITE.Iatlevbeaanie aldIm -10eerfluId t. Supeviar Egor move<l that theahtte aeexmndalcam 1.00a adteFiac omtte Suparvisor MeYar maveit thâl the ne- presentait befone thent sud recommen<l 1.0S. ASt -Peter. boirmaup dth e inanc0fte ropossd eport haacapted ana adota<. MO- the payment ai the iollawing, aud 21on00alooti? bard. -. .14.00of Motion cîri1.4tien carriad. v< ta-that the Clark ha directed ta issue 200 E. D. Cihba, bard .... 4.0ma0 ta te Suevio Topsnmn o ordet~s ion the several amaunts ta the <lv i Rgar .. .0 perv!Wzs adok, vdtht h jut . l omr .wmoig i 0sevanal ciainsants, ta wît: dav ohReibt. Roud andl Bridge comm ha <le in. oclc Motion camred. Scbuyler Apptey, et aI,, 87.0 2 days on reffistrY bard .... 4.00 ected ta maka the Rand Boad a State servicesa............... i 688.00 S.A.onse, ad and report. ut thia meeting. Mo. %iH oitma n 9.diA. Jugete, eclo g. .00 ilion cannit. THIRD DAY nIH Coet. ea ud .1 dos Jude ofElectOn.. - Ouervior MupbyiCbaIrR11 f WaUegan Dl.marc.hand91se----------............ 88-9 F. 4.0 )I. ribbi.Sprîo urbjCara i akgn l. e.1.11.W. -W. Carroll & Pana do. .4.0 3 <lave Judge af lectin .... 6.00 the License Committee, submlite the Board m50, pursuant ta adjaurnment grocentes................... 13.31 4.00 L. N. Berube, 1iallowing report-: 1wtb dChairmba Mather and the fol- S. J.aîlian, trocarts» .... 348.94 3 laaJui c Betin..&.00 State afi nois. Laite Caunty. sa. îowîng memiiers preuat: W. E. Deckan. druga......... 21.85 3 .0 Hamau 5usd.0of Mv.iB.... 6.0Board ai Supervisea, Decamber Tergn Superviser# Bairatow, Barnntable. F. B. Lovell Co.. druga......6.07 4.00 <lravaCark.1918. Clark. drapo, Dlgen. Eger, Ficte j B. mrs. & ,Co., ciotbiug .. 69.25 3 25 lo atCeko lctO ..60 Mr. Chairnian andt Gentlemen of the Hoîdnîdge, Hutton. Klrstchnar, Martin. .E* r arwr......8« 2.U 3 days Clark of Etetiai...-. 6.00 Boatrd ai Supervisera: ta Mether, Mqver, Monahan, Murphy. CH. Kaiser, repaire......... 16.95 2.0 lllrCoe Eey. our Commttee on lceuse, t -Mecdllaugb, O'Connor, Paddock, Ring- a Kobuer. clcthiug....... 56.86 2.50 arClark ai ion... 6.00 whom the petitian of Frank Spacek I <ahi. Ptnang, Thompaon. Vercae Webb Libertyville Lhn. Co, ceai. etc 1203.20 S. A. IlîPater. aioflth Town ai Ctha for a malt liquor of Plamkap, Whlts.-24. -Narth Phare Oas Ca. gans. 82.24 4.0 otia....ea0 eoci 250 lliceusqewaa reterra<l. report ou fai Absent.* Supervisera Burges.Strat- Arna Nage, & Ca., cenlient p. A. StPattefeer, ibaioiwn: -Itan. Webh af Antioc.-3. 'work ......................60.oo n .4 A.siugstPe cmntWeh v rm n d a<.eiloi. 1 Dr a lr of te Pae Board oai M .Pester & Son, repaira ---. 9.09o Iateiibauaiisa grauet t ni t hol D. apl or ofthe ae ipoi iTetw&Msn upis. î TION DUII AR6ONNI falter Crawft jnnitonhto PiThrouhF OT HOME TI -Viaiter ('ratio 'r. <'hontes t' h-eat, returneil ivbngrc-ie lare ironi s 06 sa Iritak (Ji mprtation sce 1 be-ni amiinilr 40 was ang'age-( OMILlius work il *r ago ao 1i .onWaîik.-gan aeks and froin !e was transfii r aaw c-igiit I, fit was dunirflg mpuIXthat Ili iluit, anal li-r\kba r' tuîrried -ilr 4re. «Ilon andi1 t jin fon a î<îUt ia aday. "Finall: kpeto-u i abu' arent than 0os jthêr eaîîng ni- tarnugli ii.. i Ieiii- rjumîh<i Lo béir tfaî' Alie i!- I. taie y ., 10- DROP SIERIDA SBUT BLDI au pualii' h 1 I naniii'- liv in. '22 , iri.14 I tht. a i Coincident t nouncemnent car tram Secrctary Ahiaid an would THE S The Iifig lb uaow on. Tues ta fie peullan reports that al didatés on the with tha eic Ian the secotnd ed that liirn'-N Ilat place buit iu. tir. t. i oight it cia.-il pet [loli. The Sociislis ,of the otice'1. tbair candidau Nçaliiius itY tua. ailentnanf mon i'ackk' -third lias nott Tha Labon a conepielt tic they air a a' bave ta ttfil ena will surei yean. -NONlI Chic. bot CityE-leti stick titat are nouiitlait ai bui : -, tha i*l .i-

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