.5 -'s - i Cc'~.,-'..'u..-. -- -i ('ANuI1f'1'fD UTACThommeson was ln the hoapital ln F R NOPOLrflCSIN IIS OME ON CRUTCI-.. :1ý.ale ,s ,99ItWÂUM~A VOLIVÀ PROBE 15 NOT TO BLAME, ES BUT WAS NOT an arve a atkga i l MAN HONORE» BY S1IIRTLEFFS REPLI The lady was ralir sot. IHURT IN ACTION 'ses t rollor Ï2,-r, iiî; a teor RUSH MED. COLLE I - - eledidn't -lîPInove in anii rail a ra nit tuh it lu Isiti onIi q iremiedie .As lien was abot l.a t : tafr hm ese rie \oayawtiglsr"rRusli M icl icoilege ln Ci't Shurtleff Appears eoeSb . *SrtodTo mse rie' iilus, wiighirlir. BetoeSb Northî Shore train ,he rurYinýi l - !Il as inweeks a'wîtn Thoni- wiil ow n tîfetika portrait or Dr. Wal- Comitftee.,and -Explains a young man iiin te nxtý-t ii Home to Receive Trea t- îl î w jas hlitai W.l i With iidiiter Iialni-s, painted by An idl Nyhoti", His Views on Matter. Psid: "Pardon me. 1îut rim' % ) ment at Great Lakes. I Vaids at I cars imp. Ilin .,aid 1,11d on eýxiibItion ai the artisis of 'mn sPsigme to cet offraithe - lieis i feeling fie now aitboug;i .j agpringfteld Ill.., Feb. 19.-The n tMi.You ses f amn raler ia:-g, The frst Wauftegan titn t)r- ýtli aï ta us tht- crutchea. Ht' Chicago at the Art institute. As v aw hnIeof1hase 0 g h frontfi oerseas sorvie, o r fil initrecels e înitnent at the C reat 'Presentinent or JDr. lainesafdain Flouse committee on Iliense and nil,- ad. The Ctoffdîhe to t oin a t im -h ojtififln<- .flile ko ritr rri r celiany asat week referreti ta a sub trying to get aboard andt hef, s te ",9 is Stratford Thormesori. f ami .rnal disc'iargeo'tih canvas. anks as the toast nora committee with Sidney Lyon of Ch]., on &gain. li-e has done f fat thrpI fMakgn m lnppe.iu hmeo a;aeie rne .0. Nyh oait in ntexibtijryo.a %r cago as chairmin. the reaolution of tma o lv fDiceslknlîvy aîd marine cor>i whiidia,- u'oni es we otnt hp ury ompotf Rep. E. D. Shurtleif provIdittg for a __________Tfiomnie.ion, who watt a n,;)i ' re!erred f0 ai tise Nortlivrn t3onihts nre eehtlhh opt commission ta Investigate the con- h d rf tie Xortfîcrn Iombfîîg erew 11 inggrov, ie enlisted in Deceniýor ducti of affaira at Ziori City, off th. br.,or t ii0iFane, %vw3an ut ifljîred li t - '017andwenlt t iiVseas onlJuiY -. Tinsportrait 1-3tiretike. paintedIt r Zioniats an.d Overseer Votîva. LaIe County Odd Feilowe ao-su nu-ni fiartue hri)kl'n neg, nerns'lltfilig !h. lfunt 'Car. iii haii nany tfirilliing F'v a highty flnished «syle, a mutiner tha# twere gueats of te Keno-.ha 't o, ruîte'ascliet.eiiart e , , i n barit riir thcffirtiîn.ete'), accords îwith the rpflnement andt ele there la no palmes ain his resolu- ,the Odd Fltowsafia t one, i'f îsin Th gneanai a inii t til fi uit iii' i !n is l in efi r l iý adfn et ia 'fn tate uislerce of tion, appearing before fhe commhiit' 1 moIt notable gatherings ir ti -t., i îpwînnFnrtEwartu Iibitgi h. f;i, asift hroaI,'ftfstunit seholarrJi eated in a posl- tee at a apecial session today. %*01- tory of thi, chartifn uit' k an pw e re-1 Roberttî ofî'îg ur lonfajîtartali, rind. f va lid annwercd the move 5f SPritîg- Two apeciai cars broug!.t rer'" [aCrtt ouf for thi. day wf- a a n v .d lad ufi a1 ii ii to anuor fi fbackgrounid la diecorative witli the field by dectarniùM. Shurfieff hid ,tatives from todges .it 'f dsiPatîfihier ran oser Tii,: r i ' l u' v rili etrîtnishings of a fllrary, and wlthai been tlrred ail by poiticlans tsi I( ., aIe Foreat, ifghland P.i' ' j ckini Is eg alid cuttiiig Ii z i tlie I orf i oeu I ifflrý,s aii - hëee in a n ompher., ofrenpose and the step. Now Mr. Siurticf denies tyvIlie and Waconda, hi0 ' r i t); r~k nockinguri h t i iuiiîae t ifî'fin a j ir o f ii-t ion contrit îîti vitti empfiasis the contention. Kenosha Indge friuf, tfcîîîi' eutIu andf otfinra -v I ti. i i it i i , tufs t i, fiau1d ' ti5l:ivi tî,le cur.'whicfî Li aPiprovcd [t»y Durtng the progreas of a lively thiiorganization.-Kenûn-fia 'i ,%v- oung Waukcgan nman. so cfibfs ii, -ie tulon.g . Iajte ' lociate Il --'iiaoP(ost meeinî,of59the Sbouse nom ite ulili,# hC itnsik4 .. 'Iig license and mtaceitany whici fîad tinder considitraf ion the Sburtteff r- otution caling for an investigation pý Witbur Glenn Volisa and hi, Zianitt rhurcli, a ltter was rend tn which It was said tiat Vottsa hait tineaten- Pd to cause fhe arre.,t of any roti- bers of an Inveatlgating comîiutef, wsbo net foot f inzoü i Cty Commtatea oQuia. veilva. The commttee laugbed at titi,*al leegd threat. and on motion ofr e;.- esentative Jacob Epsinn a comoiti' tee of seven waa empowered ton.ke a preliminary Investigation andt re- port to the bouse an opinion as ta whether the resalutior. sbotld bie adopted. The aubcomîaîtf.ee appoint- ed by eepreaenfative Sidney Lyon, chnianman, consista of himaelf. Rt-l> resentatlvas Curran, Marey. Kowal- skti, Vola, Boyle and Rostein. tit expected t tat the anbcommittee wilf go taZMon City ta question Volts a snd his follow.ps 3and the indepen- desta. Attorneys F. S. Wila.>n, and W. P.' Wei«., reprea.ntlng Voliva. tiiey said. &i>eared before the main conmittee ait aMuetagainst adoption of ftie resolution and protesting againaf .uch su Investigation as the resotu- tion cala fer being madie. 7hey expr.ssed the beltef that the iegialature but no aiach authorlty and salit that if anythlng illegal la bein4 itos. ai MIon City, LaIte.county hai a state's attorney and s grand jury wbo.e duty la ta investigate. The ea.rins hrought out some lnteresting itetails rezarding atIairs ai Zion City, .apecialy as relates ta the 1,000 eci's es ou nuitnd lnthe iity controlled by Votiva. Reprealblative Shurtleff spof(e in behaîf of bisi resolution and durung the prome o f the meeting lif us Wad that these leass can bie foi fited by Voliva il the boter of on, af ttem faile to waai hi@ face anu. bands, morning. noan and nîgli. Doubt Voliva Made Threat. Mr. Ohurticif reati a letter frai, Rev. Franci M. Rayai. a form:'r Zia let leader, Who wéote titat Votf va liait threatenedtot bave bis poicemen a rosi any members of the comowiLt wbo steppeit foot linZMon City fa. the purpose of tavestigating lits fair&. Bth Attorneys Wela ansdt Wtt son sait tlsy hadl no idea that Voe, , uotild try to carry out mach a titni andi they expresetd dtabt aa f0 wki, ther ho smade 1IL nu WOBILLLS PASSE» $200,000 FOR iRa',T LAKES Washington, 1D. C., Feb. 19.- Tite senate, by a vite of 43 ta 18. adopteit an amendment ta the e3,000,00 ny ers gnd harbors blfl paaaed tonigitt, directing the international joint com- mtission to investigate what furti-er improvement in necessary ta ma'te the St. Lasrence river navigable for ocean going veseelst., ts t source ini Laite Ontario. Senator Lewis aecured adoption of rivera snt barbare bill ameniment op'bnoprating $200000 ta construct a retatning wali oùt laIte front at Great Laites Naval Trahning station. Xrs. ifirdella Boothman of the Alez Hein Co., has just returnet from New Yorkt and ailier eastern points ..where she bas been for the past few wýreeks on a spring buyhng trip. She securet many handsomne and exclu nive garmentà which no doubt ber inany frendâ twill tie pleaset to ýjc-. Chie! Garrtty o! Chicsgo, Tuesday announetd he wltl top the boxing matches achedulet for tie Elts' club ai 2 P. m. tatay. The matches were arranget by Lieut. Jackt Kennedy, Great LaIes and Alderman Koeîner, wati the sanction ot Mayor Thomp- son, ta arouse Interest in the prao,,a- et boxing bitl for Chicago. UEM VU.IM m* tist ai teethw wMe enumd Mu. Pevtmh sgeittaoeil ber th* lhght of bhIlite, s»d now lai mys the eant hait a candis t bils i u2a4a".-Dasilamorntng Ncws. Ihurs., Feb. 27, Waukegan's Greatest Wili be HeId in Conjunction with the Great Alteration Salie Northern Illinois' Foremost Disarbu tors of Women-'s and Children's Apparel Foilowing is a partial list of the ar-1 ticles you will find on sale at only You can buy odds and ends'in women's suits, coats, dress- es, skirts, furs and bats; women's waists, petticoats, hose, mus- lin and si1kùnderwear, flannel and muslin gowns, corsets, gloves, -corset covers, brassieres, bouse dresses; children's furs, dresses, coats, bats, underwear, etc. We do not guarantee quantities or sizes.- OddI a)ld. iil i l f i in i(' t , a tti lut I nd lU st/.S, w îtîl i ti t 1 îttî' ha - ii nlf t4 ,Women's Coats to 35.00,at Thtis î-edîel ion ina v somnî il s, ii îîusîl ~ litîi~vrtî* m(: ~ ilias e iwi' i Vomen's Coats to 45.00 ati II This of comrse ineltîjdeýs btiîý,anti s114qt stvles in vlità i ddI lushvS, ]tlaill aiid tt1 tie. Children's Coats to 7.50 a Odds and edg4 ai oo-.Wc do, not guarantee sizes ait tluis pvve Chilcjren's Coats to 12.00 a $7 Many lwetty-styl s ill g <iid twaîîte(I fab ries and a fair size range ave vH .uî $7.00. Children's Coats to 16.95 Chinchillas, Ti eneh Coats, Plushes, Zibbcrlinel Plain Clotha anud Mixtures-. Most all sizes. AIAxHEmG&u Lake Countys' Greatest Store For Women Monday Onlyý A Sensational Money-Savitj Glearance of Women's and Chlrn' e ji ?He"avy Weight If The price reduct ions quoted be- 1 l0lW with our well known high quai- Iides will draw "crowds of thrifty shopper-s"-b., among the lst ones. 'Women's Coats to 22.50 at MO LI] Jack Has lof' *0 t Intere' fro m pear. to be tampt tbrou that Bran( Dotft am ol theif i Tbey Hlaut pais: Coor babli Mie v owne Tht( office parti, Be men, beau Colt' WR, Thain 40M. thrdi vol SAY Ai Ivan, ca TELL ln a Victor Ouatai has bi uing bave tbat tA Guit mentit about. 'eolumî Trhe ta thtu home regula th1e w "i t done were ror ..A a r' w... thp N th-lý tgliîii le- t f te fi: Div î bsttltr anid and fromn ever Mont go loi Divisi