Mrea ancdVint- AREA BREVITIES ClQark Dune returneti home lagt Satur- illay nse be vois. tor bis ton J~taservice la the U. S. army. ln bhe1. judging tram i appearancet one rw«Ild uy arîy Ilite aizreed wltb îà1m.> Wl. Roosevelt mea.orial services last Scmiay .,eng vais attendati by a tull Amuse. The audience sang Ajurica' 1hal; popular and approprlane sang, -"out Wbere the. West Begins," vas qowttvely seing hy C [ean Wlis. Carence W, Diver of Waukegan, gave a very iateresting andi Inslruettve atitrem", ,Ioosevet the ('Iitn, Retormer, State@- Iaa, Friand of tise Common Peaple," *àWn1g with an earDn,.t appeal ta the ,IiA&1nc.' ta exercise every possinle effort lmaisltting ta stamp ont iiolsbevisim * whicb bas alroatly gaineti sncb a beati. .AMW la Europe as ta costtutea, menace #l0"0st aqnai ta that ot the voriti var. Mresand tirs. E. A. Carnes were guesto WadDnoadîy night at thse home ot F. M. Barting. Mr. Carnes bas beén la the Y. IL . CA. ark vllb the alnbow division fer the pàasieleven montiba land4ie.~ t Newport News fast Satnrday. Whirs be * wa"aver ibsîs" ha had the opportualty et vorklng '.'rth the boys lna agréai Many placesa, traveliag tram , Cortu, Oresca. te Cobient:, Grmagy. He vas et& tisa tront la tour beavy battiés. Be «V tise drive at Chateau Thoiry anti vas talo la tb. Toul sectar vissa thea Biadea- bUri liii. vas broken. Mr. Carne&sie- PlOt. ta eame bis vork ai Chicago Utalvrity la Marcb. 1Lm a adle raîurned home Monday ImVlag raceivathl@bis icharge ai Camp vC. Deau Wells bas gone ta resome bis position as a bond salesman. 1Mrs. Kublant l 1a i t ber haineI t Is thou*bt that @he le sufforIng tram tuflu. The achoal was closed Wednesday af- lernoan as both Mise Nýýsonj and MISS * Hayasa are Il witb influenza. there was no ochool Thurmday ai and FridaS oft ast week ain accourt ot ilia md.year lstitute. AI] of the tettCh- or@ train this viviffity attertded. Carl Dorfier, ot Mandan, Noth Diakota, Caf.d on friende bere Saturday. Bis SaU>ar and mother are sald ta be doing Ms weli as could be expected. LIRE (QOOif films FOR 81U[ POSSESSION ON OR BE- FORE MARCB FIRST Stock, Fed and Implements ir Desired 00 Acres-8lculles trom towa; naew buildings; good land; 40 mm a lD plowed; $185 per acre. 02,Uj00 wlli bandis IhA deai. 4 c" -1mles" train tawn; ;tdw aand c.- land; good builings.;$6,500; ve.ry easy termes 86 Acre-I% mites train town; tes% otfland ; good 'buildings; $125 par acre; Vory easy 4çrme. 90 Acres-4 nilles twn; excellent sili; 130 acre4 lu plow- ad; good bouge, barn, silo, etc 8145 per acre. 2Q Acres-") files train town; ex- csptionally good land; stock, fond and iinpleinents, altufr $7000 3S Acrs-4 iniles train town; gond soli and fair buildings; $150 Par acere. f01,000 cash; balance ta nuit purchaser. 32 Aes-2 mles from Grayslake; bouse; new barn; $6000; haIt cash. If pou aeed a tarin for Immediate Ume, lavetîgate these bargains. Every tarin withîn 50 miles of Chicag, THEE REATEST PRO DUCE MdARKET IN rHE WORLD and growIng btter. 'Attractive Bargains la Area t5uburb onic&eo) Modern honses, vacant lots, tctry item, acre tracts. SmalI Tracts for "tir.,,.truIt tgrr detus, p,u trt Ife, ,s. ratfi Area Has ea city valer t--i .î-. sýr r' ' lt-v. Kebrl vasiaguest abtheAcdéraan iiscrtelîy .tn- ,-rSunday. P.vunug anti daugister, Ruse bavé ilhportation b,--ri unithtt-eh-t.e MiteAttlitaIluîrof Cicago, sp)ent Eeci ,tt Une li i~ Surtîi Yvtjluîgrlaties here. 4 t Mi-il- atel H,Ifer anti W. Jelley spent w muagemnt o a .Un4ýr f MistElFla ail Ft-er tau,-h spent Weaurageiae.,,itnda3tttti,, 1,1 l4-1 ý1 ... .,H. 1. reltt I,. - iiill t urirtg the 1 pas W,tk. *IýI HA RDING l2tnil Fiaik cxlt-vts hetie l!booksa AsiS, tiIDoi caie itite tItIs acek.1 - s ' rite gIý'i u tiaiý' ,alter Iavlng 1 -i p Angut Wirts vas a Chicago vistai Wetinesta. Cark Duan arrivati homa Saturtiay ,venlug, havimîg basa disebaigeti troi tisé service. Mise Ruby Kuebter calisi on Mrs. Por- tsr Duel ai the Genarai Hospital Mon. day. Mr@. A. O. Glullige anti daughtsr Midi- isti viitatithé former'@etsiter la Chicago train* Friday outil Mantiay. Miss Etina Shepherd celebrateti ber Twentlet birtbday- hy enteitalniqg a party of girl tentis taturtiay evenIng. Fred Grabbe spent Montiay lan(Cicago. Mis.-ina Dîyer of Libertyville, @pent tise tirât ai the wesk at thse bhom.'ou Adamn Bebn. John Trent, vba bas been very 111 with pneumonie. follovin.' he(li niueuza, tg gettinauong nlcely. Mi. aad Mi@. Rd Luby anti chliren of Round Lake. attendeti thé vedtilng iast Monday of tise latters sister, Miss Lucy Bertel anti Bernardi Ewald. Miss Loietta Hertel wasé maiti ot bonor at the marriage ni ber siatar, Miss Mabel Bâilaot Wankegan, ta Fred Dinisina o ibis place, ai the churcb or thé Iminacu. lâte Conception at 8 ocelock Tuesday morning. tMr. and Mrs. DeInIln will conduc ia tartnavned tihesgroom'@ tather, wbere ihéi hosi of trisnds wisb tbora a bapplneassuant prasperity. Montigy moiniag at 9:30 at lt. Mary'. cburcb accurisd the marriage otfiss Lucy Hertel and Benard Ewaldi. 1ev. F. M. Bay offciatlng. Bath thse bride anti ber oniy attendant, MI,s Loretta Hertel, were proittly gowned la aIl wite. The bride wore a veil anti carried a beautiful bouquet ot bride'@ rases vush sotreamers. Tise bridesmaid' tarrieti a ehrtwer htouqut of aik tcarnation@. lise groom vas attendeti by bim cousin, Albert Orses. Ater the ceremouy tise bridaI party and te lmluedjtiùteaitilirs gathereti aIttbrides bhitas aere diitner a-as sert cd. Afler wtllb Mr. and1 lire Ewald lelt fur N.braeka, %vhere tise3 expet to eienti ser-rai weeki e ut. ing relatrluseanti trientis oiftegri)iittt tir, andi tirs. Ewal id ahImLke tîteir tuture boute lu Fretîtout. Tîteir naeiy1 trierid@ unlue lu extending ielieartiet DIAMOND LAME MIr. sud tirs. Henry Lobmaunn"pnt Suntiay vith tMranti Mr@. Artbur Bollanti. Misses Helen ant i[lbbie Illet anti MIss Krapp @peut Suntiay aitis Mranti tre. RbttRouese. Mis. Aunale Rouas returnet homie Sona- day Irans ber daugbter's, trs. Jaa Brockson. Mis. J. W. Ifutchinge la spanding a te eysti awltb relatives la Miiwaqljree. Ouests ai MrI. Sophia Tuwner's, Sun. day voe: Mr. anti Mis. Wm. Stoerp anti san. Mi. anti Mis. Ciaton Hntchlngs anti daughteî anti Water Kane. Mi. anti Mrs. Fîsti Lubteman visîteti wltb Mr. anti trs. Henry Mill@, Suntiay. Mi@. Frances Wodrav visiteti tr. and Mrs. J. W. Cooper a tew tiays receutly. Mrs. Sophia Tuvuér anti Mr@. Claytan Butcings pent Wetinestiay wlth Mr@. George Gebîke lu banor ai ber blrtistay. tir, anti trs. James Tawner anti eou @pont Suntiay witi thte latter@ parents, Mir and Mrs. J. W'. Cooper. tir, anti Afro. George 'Thatcher anti chiltiren sipeut kSuntay wtb tir. antd tirs. Eti Weiskopi a aitilîly. James Towiier Itegine work tor J. . Cooper, tIarebh1. Eaily Saturtiay înornttng eue aiftînr popular Young couples, Lsroy Kane, Youngr.Et son ut Henry Kano, ant i@@is Belse Mille, s-cauidaisuer ef Mr. antd Mirs. Henry Mille, %voe unireti la marri. agé at Libertyvîlle aith(eitolîte o?1liev. "Mau. Tise double ýIng ceremony beiîtg perfarméti. Théy s ati asthefir attend- anis Mr. anti Mr@. Robert Bouese anti Mir. and tir@. Rari Kano. Other gueute vere Henry Kano, Mise Della Krapp cousin ai tise brida ant iLewis mile Ater the ceremany the party journeyoti ta Chicago ivbere tbey hati dinner anti attendeti thé theatre. Attercisir bonsy. moon theY vili maira théir bains on thé Kano tarin at Diamoitt Lake. Thefir maay Irlente is vsithei suticees anti happineos. i LA"KE C tIrs. P. Scbalentaier vas a Palatine ct]r Ni nday. butte IDa111 Mercy bOspiaifor tbisa iss Elzabetb McoCartby, MIss Wall and Mies Nettie Hiliman attended the tbrse days Teaebhs'Inatitute. Miss Boue Prehinla horne al, pissent. fMr. andI Mr@. George Webrenbeîg bave' returned- tran Buffalo, N. Y., and at rrnt are maklng tbeir borne a iti. Miti M 'ru. B. Baller. Grecs Brartlug lbed ber toasis andi aàenolde remied by D. Starck at bis 1office lastweek. Sh. i.doing nicely a& piaient. Perguson Bartasas iu at present stîsdy. ing automobiiag la Cbicago, ater he cOoe.'.his work bo wiill@tort a garage la Young'@ barn i At the sale ot Luther Cliflor 1, Fred Popper purchase th ie pîoperty toi $2055. A very large crowd attended the sale. Mr. Clifford leanu the lookout for a twenty acre tarm.wheie lhe eau settie and eajoy the blessings it future lte. 4 The choir of the Evangel!calehurcb are busy preparlnig tor a play te be giv.-n sOodtune ln April. A pleasant (htirtbday?) surprise wa. given toetIrs(0. Frank last Tut.sdts' even;ng bv a vumber ot ladies trot- town. The evening wa @pet in playl- ing "itook." The taliowing saldiers attendedth ie Memoriai services la honor of Private Leo Sandnan tast Sunday: Ilerman Daverman, iRabert Mosser, Walter 1%itt, Fiank Bauer and Blame. ail af Palatin,, and F. Elarknegsoto Lake Zurich. The Ladies' Alianth e choir ai thse Evangeical churcb will give a luticbean andi entertainumeat at ths villageHaill On theeveningot Wasbington'o hlrtbday, ibis ig Saturday aveuing. Thse ladies will serve train 6:00 p. mn. an. Foi litîs mansY Yeaua enjay poursell; eat pie. cake, sandwiches, tee creain, candy and drink colls. Tbe entertaitament by the chair at 8 p. mn. will bie tres. There wili bte rendered patrlotlc and aid medley sangs, dutas,@oloi, piano duels andi salas, reading and a tait. Don't mis@ thC!torne antlenjoy au inrerosiing arnd enijoyable tuine with us. The prace-,de ai the eveniug wiil go tttward the r'fano Itund. The C2ommercial club held its aîtrtuai .-leectou olticerm astwppes Tht ttIlow- Iîtg are the oliiiyýr8 for1 lie entstlng vear- Vii. ît. edr , J. ic tttifl , e <ietary; H D 'ett.lire,-tors, C2 Eitt, E. Frankt, F. Ulu, il.Izielfer, F. ifreit, A. Fr.teiit.J tOîetsirigFr. Trite qutontl ofttiii Iing ia two ayear Hlgh sibool cotrs- cýlu the- sitool here was dliscus. iStpuT. A. Simpson, vîtît lias leeu coneulteti ftr atIvice le ëxliertet i er, Ilitthe near futurs to Rive bis tivtii ofthe marier. WAALTOrDA EarI Breuglitan ai K.nosha, speut SuntiaY at tise haine of bis parents, hèrs. Miss Helen Murphy ot1('hicaga, @pet Saturtiay anti Suntiay at lber home bers. MiessKaté lic mahon at Chicao, spont thé week-endi vils trIende la aur village. idroi. Benry Scisaffer of Chicago, spent Sund"y at tise haine of ber parent&, Mr. anti Mrs. George Brougistan. Mie Helen Batén reinineti to iRau- contia, Saturtiay alter a tva vsekls vlalt vins relativ6s at piano, Ilu. tir. Hammouti returnati bainsth isIrai of tise veet alter several tisys viit viib relatives lu Chicago. Cierétoperator, Miss.Daléy,vha boas been 111oatthse influnza fai thé pasitvaw ves, bas résunsetihbis tlés ai tise telephane office. Miss tecelia Oeary, visa bas basa 111 of the Influenza, for tise past tvowvesks Is mncb Impraveti. Miss Orace Wells of Chicago. speut tise1 veet cuti viti, Waucuntia relatives.i MIr. and tirs. Lavrence (liatin an- naýuiite icirtisofa adaugbtei, Feb. 7. Herbert i roeze ot Eýau Claire,WiN l., litsis ut rer. Mn. MarcaistFreete: tite jîast eek Jaities llDufty ut1(Camp tirant, @peti Suna3ai utitatisr'a, TIunias IJuffy A nunibér ut familles attéeti lte muuerai utftiabel Ott, aldeot tiaugister tor Johnuandi Euma JOtt,uofNorth Nartielti, wbo (lietd lriday morning, February 14, ai influnza. Tise intrment wasi ut Wheellng cenietery. Irvîn Plaggé Ai Frlda.y ta tate up lis wort la New Yorityi. Miss Rutis Catlow af Barrîngian, vas the guesî of ber aut, tirs. O. 1. Roctan. baci. Misses MNaznar, Marcb, McWiliame, Itiechéi anti Mis. Oléntinif aitend th ie teachér's Instituts the pasi vsek.- Mis. Henry Bubrén. anti taugistar, ITa ai Glencoe, were the Suntiay guéseai F. Barsaberger. tire. J A. Strykér enlartaineti thé chIltirea ut the cratie rail andti thir inathérs ou Fîitiay atteînaon. Miss elnHeié leot gave a valentilu party Frliay ta a numbbi of ber friéntis. Fîlday eveung the play "Tommyse Wite" viii be presentei by the diarrlct club at the D. S. H. S. Bus viii léave the carner ar 7 o'ciock. The auto given thé village by tisé Entier tamliy, la bélng iénsatieeianti viii mate a irit-iass engins anti buse truck, Miss Aniela Petrmans Suntiay schooi clase gave a Valentino party ai tiséi communiy bouse on FrIday nlght. TherewaI be utavies at tise aêeembly bail ofthtie scîtool itoues on néit 'luetida)y sponlug oa leet25t ber ulster, Mr&a A. ri. Mubike. ;nsbe 01 oee Il.,la ovng TEAM LOST FIRST age. ls ie itproehiebis ret sermon (A ET R Au____________________________a _____ neDot 8uaday marjtlrîg.M OÀ E 1Thse peuple ut rhis vlcinlty vers given a PSic: rea tuda :i tithe The E. B, C BsetBalteainEA F A RYoWf5 1 Pe'abieran huch ho thy litne 1Waukegn Jourasyedti tAres Thuors. .5 HE D O A R C WS 0 1 t th Sud&Yovein cocerý svenbyday eventng, Feb. 13, andi piayed the ta ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ti tWeSna vrlgcocrgrub o u tn ihart "lae.ofAtheuses.h ay North Farm airy .serd f or sale, at auction, com- Bolinet, Piaulit. Tb. concert was givt-n Bon for bath tes=, a very fast and mencing a i oclock p. m. on uhder tise auÉsPicls of Mr. Kelly'@ Sunday eagn e wag, playoti. Thse B. B. echool clase. C. t-am eeme t tasain etrength and SA LU V I -, , Mr.'lmmaddaughter ot Glencae, accuraoy as the gaine progreaset, buthI fA F R I& Y 2 01 was tle guéffl ot Mis@ Laura Mguhike, caulti flot overcame, the lMa t S T RAutE R A 2 1 1 1'Ueédap. Area had gaîneti sarlier la the gaine. Mir. anti MIru. C. G. Peitis of Wood. Wherk the final wlistle blew thse Farim Iocated on Green Bay road, 1 è miles north of Lake stock, are vlsltlî g at C. W. Pettits', score waa 17 ta 16 witb tise.E. B. C. lf n iews fNvlSain Mis Frntes utier wo bs asaaion th c horter end. ~A yster s .luf n iewa fNvlSain hontîr avaes Ciagtrani oa a t o er was servedto tahie Waukegan men Will acUl entire herd of 50 cows, including 20 fresh cows h0u,ý traleclu frnt n atac ofalter the amne by the ladies or thse lnditzit ,as ahi. ta reume bai ihool Congregatianal churcbs of Are'a aud with calèves by their aide, and 1 5 eloe apringera, ail tui- duti m a. LaUrange tii week. wblch was greaty appreclated by berculine test,-A and one of the beat herds in the country. rTÙ, iN A'@ andi M. W. As@ speat a ail visa partook. ji ýsm ~int eveniag Thnrsday at O. 1. Cannell made four fre.' tbrowe and Will also sell farm machinery. .ah'.It belng the eightb sont- Fltzgerald ons. vee.y oi the R. Ns. Thse evening The field goals madie by tite twn Usual Termes of Sale wný-pp.:i& la piaying carde, gaines and teaiss: n:; . tc.lliweti by a bountitul lunch. J. D. Cannell, 2; B. C. Swan..on, 2; Roy Moualey, 1. 14tzgerald, 4; T. A L_ MUGATUR ~~Wlcot, 1; H. Roues, 2; B. Rougea.' IA Y AR 1 James Ii'ultan and Robert Keete tir8 &ccormack's brother, who bas suhetItutati for Wankegan, played tht' J. R. LOVE, A T U E "P beénu Jiochargad tram thé navy spent the lent live minutes andi sbowed cons id- Auctioneer AR HU RME iCetr~ week-endi at the McCornack home. erable speeti. Roy Manley scoreti a:!oweo E. S. Marsb vas taken ta the boe pital very slectaeular basket froms th 1' Frlday. mididle of the. dcci. Mr. Harrie watt! The VanBfaak children anti Witt thé 'Officiai acarekeeper andti tune- nenintUsuedrS a. .' agusrOfi. Tiionmsvisteti the Kneseley cbiidrea keeper for Waukegan. IdB " L Cnerd AdsPeu. AL eu sr fth tiutîday afiernoon. Mis. Schreck andi daigghter, Dorotby and Badis Sage @peut the week-end ai tbe Thomas baine. Misa Irons Vandyant epent 1'uesday nigisi with Helen Amanua Mr. Amana and ianiily vere guesta ai the farmeraittsTuesdav Ight, The Detieyer chitdreni wers absent 0n I S A D T U K C B Manday hacausa of sicknesei. -TR C POOL MALS BAR " BOYS WITIIOUT RE&I- ISTRATION CARDSI Steps are Taken ta Keep Boys of Tender Ages out of These Places of Business. POLICE KEEP ON LOOKOUT. l)ances are notet 01, onliy place vhere regstration carIs muet bé ex- liited to gain àdttîance as simlar steps have lie.' talien ln tome ai thé pool mrne In Waukegan te pre. vent boys under the age at 18 years froua loitértng anti 'playiug ibère. Thèse stéps h ve been takeu folio- Iug cainplalnt.i on thé part ni sains mathers tiat boys la tholr early 'teens are permitteti la tisse places. Pool room nwners say il la ex. tremsiy tilificut ta, tell vhetiser or nat boys are 18 years of age or 0ld& et anti no bave bit upon tise plan af eampelllng ail baya of dainbtful aig. ta eorbit the regstration carda they recelvet inl thé draft. Only tbcee 18 Years ai age or oldér vére requireti ta regltV. There le only one exception ta thé mile-baye untier the age of 18 may pay pool provliling tisey can produca permit& sîgneti by tiseir parents in wbich they give their- consent. "Wé are not baving mucli trouble front the o-anere of pool roome," Asst. Chef Tyrrell asserteti. 'Sînce ws âneti thé proprietar af a Washing- tan street pool room $100 anti caste for pcrmittIng boys to play pool foi money in bis placé ather proprietors have béen more saietul than before." It le saiti that a number ai high school boys wno bave béen playlug pool 1 atonie of thé pool rooms vili have to abandon the practice unles.'i they can obtain consent tram their parents for asany ai thein are un- der thé age of 18. closea or open, ror Fordi Irucks, with drop and slide windows. Fordson Tractor service bodies and Ai kinds of bodies and cabs made to order. Give us yôur order Satisfaction Guaranteed G. T« STIEFENHOFER MANUFACTURER - - - ILLINOIS BARRINGTON, r jl DR. COMMEDiI3AC- CEPTS PLACE WITII FEDERAL GOVT. Dr. Wiliam A. Cauietge, ppautor of thé Peoples churcis ai Aurora antd ai late one of thé leatiing lt'ctlirerqo! thé country, bas atiéréti hie servi ce ta thé govern'snt anti la uaven- gagéti lu spécial wos'k ai WaOhingtan. Mi. Colletige. sin 20 years aga, vas pastor af thé oWaukegiLu Congrega. flouai chîtîcliandti ntr vas lu chtarge af a- IL- departuseut ai thé Rètipiti lecture bureau.- Dir. Calletigé, luniis wOr'<, bas iséen brought Into persanal toncis 1iti Cardinal Glibbons, wliass co-OPratlan bas fléau ta mucis la the fuitherance pi gavéromeut activitiéS. Jamnes Goardon, Lake Farestls police chiéf, has béén taken back ta Scot- landi hécausé af eensitlvene9ssta Inl. densuner. -Lét hé vis willItg ta un- dergo thé tartares visen heoWOft ta South Africa to thé Boerrvai anti whén he afferedt t enlîst bête ln tise vont vwar. But nov ho -vanta taI Crot., tlit.- cean lnau anarsiP. Sunday t lie oxi-redti lapà"y $150 foi a eeasickt-1 lette passage.i The Prevailing Epidemic with its sad list of tjuîck fatalîties on ail tlîouglîtful persoIns the duty of înaking one's will while good lîealth and normal conditions permit the best thouglit and xnost careful judgrnent. Tho news reports, in respect to the average estate3s, show that in the înajority of cases life insurance censtitutes a large part of the money left. If wealthy and far-seeing men adopt this plan of providing for their depen dents, it i8 becamîse their wisdoîîî and experience prove this courtie to be the safest and best. Whyshould not the faxnily of the inan of moderate means enjoy the advantage and protection afforded by this service? Life Insurance la the Best Th*n JOHN HODGE, District Manager AREA, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. rnconf i groti ~EPHE iWith t elhci how Mr. 1M forth Et The g ita the ho is 1 a tri "or May1 'the bull -The i a une j bis i -Vrite n bee -fortune a man eancluel «an ma &Mount fortune whose andtiv;. ý-appren bave a tb. bu brother a decad The i years i $-un 1oil favoire Wbo ha aie o! t Of cc ps:obate lkuov !feeling videt i i Episcol -Senior but spe ise pro tise rer aev ciii yould for bc pastor- anti soi ROUht Ther tins.' i tep vîlu terminq *or wh lirst r the prr who se voteti checklt ation other Tise alicus qelvett. ta the but th emptio that 1 taxed yearii tian uî aiong ty ai grouna muent was nt lis tre tben i thé g( -paid t 1The bouse boy k OIb ed i Itriotis Mra 1today bar Ji *cisaîgi -gay t andti chEik