CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 Feb 1919, p. 10

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PAGE TWO LmBERr1YVfI,,LEý, INDEPEý$ENPENT, THUffSDAY, FEIBRU44X_ 271,19P9 Supervisors ' Proceedings SP Geternt . (Continued froui last week) JN.Parut, mde.........1 that there i a balancu dur said E. F. Shaffer. services ... Scltuyler Apploy of $147-48. Al ot which is respectfullY subtoit- $1 ted, 1Liberyvlie c. T. McCULLOUGH, Wm. W'aîrond, mndse. $ .... Chairman W. F. Frazen. Jr., mdse ... JAMES OCONNOR. W. W. Carroll & Sons Ce, Superviser Monaban moved that the Itndse.................... report be accepted aud adoited. Mo Mm. Walron<i, ment ... tien carried. 'CRra fihebFrysile t unihen Co., fuel Superviser Tlîompsen. hima fTrigg &Jliotnn mdse. .. the Publie Buildings Auditing Cern EarlIlH. (orlitl, itme. mittee, submlitted the following re- port: 2 Stateoet llinols. Lake CeuntY.s. Wauconi Board ef Superviqers. flecenben Term W. F. Dahms, mdse........ flerember 12, A.D. 1918. - Edward Lusk, nidse .... Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen Of the Tibbitts CanseronCe., fuel Board et Supervisera: Your CommIttece on Public Build. ings Aiditina 1tould heg leave te ro Cuba port that they have exanined ail A.W. Meyer. mdse.......... $ dIaims presented before tIsemntud W. A. harr services.. recommend tise paYment ef the follow. M E Flétcher, relit.... ing. and thst thé Cerk hé directed te issue orders for the severil anteunti'$ te the severai lainiants. te vit: 0Vernon C. H. Pretru. biililig garbage$ 24.00S .Tip ol...... Be.t or ail Producîs, soaP . 46.50 AS . L.%IatripeaImd.......... A. ý 111-gps. er!cé.s .. 1000W. A. Bock. mdse.......... City of WauikegaTi. waler rent $R0 61. sllo)wed.... 7 5.61 $ Chicage TelephoefCompay es 5l5Sel Servicee...................216-NMfll & Tbesericel..d Wm Hoban & Son,.evcs 1.0 iie&Tbn services .. 10.60 A. S Kennedy. Icea......... ""'.8 Totl]................ .$1ý A. q. Ieane sIerOs 1.......1>'8,30 Al et wbilhis respectfully su M'alter H. . 9.36 ted.CK, Cal Lep 7Ilrfleflugh. pluntblng 212,54 EI .FCE h Publie Service CoarOY. light C'HARLES H. CRAP(. snd hea . ................ 1274.23 iD. A. HUTTON. Rubins. sunr)lle ............. 42.46 Superviser Ringdahl ntoved ths SîSadard 011 Ce. supplies . 1.25 report be accepted and adopted. Standard 011 Co., sUPPIes. 6.00 tien carried. Sterling Product' C6 - supplies "8 00 Superviser Crapo mnoved te ad W. EB wels hnuling leavea 37.60 untîl temerrcw morning at 10 o c WsukegRn Clean TOwel Motion carried. Service, towels............ 14.40 WarlSOr fC".. suuplieS . 50.91 Waitkegan, Ill., Der. 13, Waukcenti l!'plolsterilt Ce- Board met pursuant te adjeuri repairs .................. 7.00 witli Chairmaui"Maethsr presidini -thse following members pregettt: $2283.29 SuipervIsera Balrstow. Barns %dI or whlct s srespectfully auhtnit Clark,, Crapo. Duger,' Eger,1 tell. Holdridge, Hutten,' Kirschner, M B, C. TIIOMPSOS., Maether. Mever, Monahaii, Mt Chairtnln MCullough, Oconnor, Paddock, GEO. il BAIRSTOW. dahl, Strgt4ofl Strang, Thotopsen .. J. BAllSSTABF. coee We» cet Antioclis White- superviser MUrDhY moved thst tbe Absent: Supervisera Burgess, report he acccpted and adopted. Mo et Waukegnl.-2. lion carried. e jut ir u Minutes eft he preceding n L.ew. A.Hendef onvClr u-read and pon motion et Supri Tritted thse tollowlug report: Murphy, sppreved. tteoftIllinois. Lake County. 5. Superviser White presented th To the Board of Superr,4 of etLakte îowîng resolution aud ntoved ia Cooflty.tIlinois. tien. 1.I,Lw.A. Itendep ' Ceunt), Clenit et 'HEREAS thse muni ot P thse ountv Court lu and fer LakteTosu dollar,* $150001 wa Ceunv, Ilîlinois, herehv report the fol ,ropriated in titi Tax Levy tor lowlng esruings. receiPta and exPend ( 'ony in September, 1918 for 1tunes cf min%.ofice for lthe bal! yean Aid Roads. ending Novpmber 30, 1918- AND WHEREAS. dftiec Earned between lise cost of thse imprev Probati Fee... .... ... 5 6<i f Sheridan Road snd the ami, FeeF . . c ..... 8400bonds îssued fer payment oetsa Mi.,, THEREFORE 1BE IT RESOI - that thse amount etsasid levy for $9058.00 Aid Reads: or se much tliereefa Recelved, Previoitsly AePOrted be oeeded, be used te psy ai Probatp Fe es.............. $119308 floienuy on tise Sheridan Res Fers .. ............... 169.0 preventent. Misrlianeoue Fcec....... ... 1270.86 Motion carried. - Superviser White, Chairman $2499.94 Finance Committee, submittedt Received lowing report: Prohale Fes ...... .$ 746.865To the Honorable Board et L.,a F,".......... .....690(l viaors: ltiscelialtfous Fera..........2791.656 our Commtiee ta whentw - ferred the question as te Inva'i $3607.20 efthlie bonds fon tihe building of 2499.94 Aid Roads, Iý tise rond is local - the Telegrapli Rond instead( $6107.14 Ridge Rond, heg te report th Espensea have c't-'î with State At Salary ..................... $140000 Janmes ul Vielcis. and is opin ClerIt Hire ......... ........ 544600 that sa fdr sa ie basl examinq Offi"' Expen... ............. 16.00 case, il vwould invalidate the bol - Your Cemmittee bas nise tak $698200 adrIce of Attorney George Msm flue Lew A.ltendec. tierk. $874.86. an expert in special assessmen LEW. A. UENDEE. ClerIt other tax tuatters, snd le gives State ot Illinois, Lakte Couniy, es. absolute opinion flitiif lise Lew A. liendee biming duly ewcrn deslgnsted a cerain rosd for in deposes sud sa' s that thte toregoing ment, sud itsq inutes se sh report liv tiîm subscribed lm truc tealise change oa any altier location( host of is knowledgc, Informnation rend wOlid ho s violation eIu, aud beliet Invalidate the bonds. LEW. A. HENDEE A. T. WHITE. S;ubscribed sund sworn beforo me A- W. VERCOE. thsini dyo Dcrne,1918. Il C. W. MEYERt. (Seal) Il.T. l)!NN. 1 Superviser 'Me)er, ('lairmar Notary Public. Stîpervîsor NMrphly ntoved lIaitltte Lakec (outil%, Ilospital Auditir report ho refonnîl ta tIe ('ontrittee on Inmitrec sltnntted te foliowingi Settiemetb't witi, tile Couniy Clerkt state ofrlminois. Lake Ceunty, Motion rarrlcd, Board of Supervisera Decetuber The Chairmn announced tise fol- A. D. 1918. nrCisairmnansd IBoard et ,owiug Commiltep on Forest Preserve Supervisors MrCullougis. Paddock snd iom flulgen our (oriittel, oitLake Supt vsonFlko.titinan f tseGenerai Hospital Aîditing wcu Sur--vsr ice Caima r he cave t~ eprtiatleba PonCoiomiitee. exrept Watikegan 1îêdtiepbocks uriaccounthav tlields andt lerfield, aubmitted thé ltebosadacit followng reort: ulpelntendeul t, fsalid Hespit "talof in eort ae onvm. theie âcaurer cf Hospit Stat cflîtnois l,îkoCouitv.s. iInd thé. sanie correct. and tît Bocard of Sulienvisors rtecember Terrni. îsvt telîcrt the izerns cf nece fîeenber 12. 191. iil.unv,.niout are as follows: Mnr.ii ai rut s îa nilGenlemen t i the Bloartd of Sipervisnns 1V0 S. Ycur tonsmiîtee, on Poen Claitus Sept. I -Balance ln treasurerIl except Wautkegan, Shiedis ad )eer. Setît 4--Cou receeved frrnt field. w'iuld bpe eavo te report Ihat Nlr.,.Abert Mller ... tiser lies 'r x:irnînod ai] daia prsent Seul. 5--('ssii îceived freo cd te lîu',n and reroiîumeîid tbe psy Lak, Couty........... meut cf t5'ý fotlojwlng. and that the Sent. 6 ('abtir"' c front ('jerk tie dirýeced te a ite ondrrs for 7Ml.I loopcr...... _...... the ses rsi anînunts i, thr s,-%î rai Scutri')i-Cash receivrd [r(om ciaimanîs t)t: Tlt'ty Arzvse ...... M. enton Soot. 10- ('astIi rereiveil fiotu ..Doose. reut ... ri lins. IMillern........... Teder Dett Storestt.. 10.00 Set.t IlCash received front B. C. Tiopson tiaunotalion 1017 Mir HIoo)per ............. Oc. -sI recelved froint Mutla H~ardware, bldg . 1. W. Gray. p. ~w.,. 4841Lake eunhty............. 1500.00 grdse., gênerai erpeuse ... 683.351 Constable service.......... 19.00 Geeis.........49 6.861 Oct. 2-Cash received treinm_ J. W. Gray, Taylor Guuîrie, rp 460 ak e Bd.& ra 10.0$12613.68 Services...................6.80 tl.moeenies,.;.................6r6.60 - Oct. 4-Cash received freini H. C. W. MEYER, Leo P. Farner D. T. Wtlb, p 101-25 Mra. Mller................ 40.00 A. T. WHIT. Jnétîc fêfts....... 88.15 . Fuel.. .................... 131.50 Ot. 9-Cash received trenit FRED. KIRSCHNER, T. H. Flood & Co., Henry Weyer. 48.60 Mrs. çl.cLr.B1ank .. ........48.9() airan iAW boeks ................13.60 Grocerles ..................110.00 11.06 Oct. 1s..Cah roeeived frot .&H ,Wite & Tobin, Mrs. UL. Minan............ 37.10 Average coat per patient per day. Constabl ste a............ 7.35 Ambulance service.... 5.00N 13.08 Oct. 14-Cash remevd tron fer general running expense, $2.36 2-3i. B. MecLearfl IJustice rfes................12.70 84098..30 8866 Mrs. Miller................ 20.00 Average moat per patient par day, ler A. Krioif ___ 90 Oc.5-Cas received troun for genersi running expeuses te LaIe dsal te............ 3.0.Ttl..........822.13t 60.14 LaIke Ce. Bîdg. and Grda. . 2000.00 Oouty, $203. John IIindworth. 46.75 Oct. 17-Cash received trein 1 Supervisàr Paddock rnoved that thse Auto litre.................. 6.00 - Chtas. Thomas............. 19.36 reportlie ncccpted and adepted. M-oh bfn lun, IShilelds. 277.18 Oct. 19-Cash received frèm tiofi carrled. Justice tees............... 17.40 Bewman Dalry Co., Tlle Warsbek ......... e 42.15 Superviser Kirscliner. Chairnman et Roy Sbeup, Mlk ...................... 24,26 2.R7 Nov. 4-Cash reeeived frini tise Mscellnneeus Clains Cemmttee gellùIeu.................... .C. T. Gnn & do., 10.16 Lakte Ceunty.............. 1500.00 suhntltted tise teflowlng report: Win. C. Prehe GirOceres .................. 54.36 13.63 Nov. 4-Cash received frein State of Illinois, Lakte deuuty,, as. serrici. ... ............. 8.50 M. H. ltussey & Ce., p - Lake Ce. Bldg. & Grds. 12000.00, Board et Supervisera Desember Term, V. Prielle Fuel ......................311.50o ~2.5Nov. 12-Cash &ceived tront December 12, AD. 1918. servTices .. . ....... 8.10 Jenseni & Sunderniarli, S Clîfford Chrfnisoius .... 12.00 Mn. Chairman anid Gentlemen efthtie Fied Etidoipi, Shoes ..................... 20.50 B 40.76 Nov. 12-Cash recelved frein Board ot Supervisors: . 3rvî . ...................75 Lakte Forent Water Ce., .f 16.00 Margaret Pepper.......... 10.00 Tour Coenignttee ou Mîscllaneotis Franlr Tyran, Water rent .,.............. 1.65 I 30.0() Nov. 18-Cash ueceived fo ltswud e ev rprttisilleGesc....................1.95 Lal<e Forest Taxi Service. - .LHediksCam wudbe ev t eor tC. B.Thayor. Takiug mau te ce. IHospital 5.00 .ýY .. 71.401 tisey have examined ait claimeslire Services................... 1.75 J. P. 14etzler. 86.76 Nov. 8-Cash received frein 1 sented belte tisemntsd recommend C. E.Thay'er, Rent .. .................. 45.00 Lakte Co. Bldg. & Grda. .. 1000.00 tise payment e of t 0lowîng, and tise Services ................... 6.00o T. S. Presmire, 8.18- ClerIt be dlrected te Issute erders for Walter A. Taylor, Services ................... 3.00 1,85 $12956.20 tise several antounts te the several .utite tees............... 34.55 .Roentbal & leiming. , j 60.66 Total dishursement Sept. 1 claimants. te wlt: Bert Wormgin, Qlrecerles................. .1-8 1918 te Dec. 1, 1918 ...1296.63 W. S. Bellows, services ..S 26.0Q Auito linre.................. 21,f O. l01etthal & Helming, 74.69 Retond..................... 17,15 L. 0. Brockway. services .. 18000 Tarnes G. Weich. Grocertes ................. 199.05 1 - ecIt Duplical.dr Co., film ... 1.00 Expensos ..................173.33 -N. V.Salisert, 100$12613.68 Burroughs Adding Machine John W. Welch,1 Grocerieaf................. 126.O0 Ce., riblson................. 1.00 Expences .................. 16.50D Thom. Douglas,1 .810.36 Dec. 1, 1918 balance ...$142.62 Burnoughsa Addiug Machine D. A. Waals, services .................. 22.9001 vueit- 493.40 et this balance has net heen Ce., repaira............... 29.90 Services................... 8Ui3 depesited witis Mn. Heudes. Mi. P. Dilger. commitîe ork 12.40 D. A. Weaîe. Total...................S 568.80 firman. H. B. .. ger. conmIttee werIt 1890 Services........... ....... 262.25 E. A. FicIte. cemmittee vork 35.301 ($203.25 allowedI Deerfiald. Dabursements Fox Store, suppliea.......... 36.65 C. E. Hicks,1 at he ep 1,198 bDe. 1 118 îss E Genlrdr~ag .. ~ Services .................. 90.70 Geo. F. Bock. haihe Set , 118teDe. , 118 Chs.E.GorlesrvIles......0.0($5î.70 allowedt Grocertes..................21,27 d. Me P. . Gouleyservies_...._ J. A. Blomdalt2 Ameican Medical Assu f1). A. Grady. envelopes 63... 20 $282532 shoes. ....... 16.2 Ldieturno gn expense..... $ 10.00 Lew. A. Hendee, County ClerItJa.______&_ono geneal ,as.Bew'n 10ons 'dock., services.......... ........ 400.80 Total................... $2984.l Merchandîse ............... 17.49 Ashley Sewerage Disposai Ce D. A. Hutto& romntIttee work 500 bîdgansd ards........31.89 Cna Holeu.spis.. 25 Ail of wiich is respecttully sib_ Howman flair>' Co.. CordHlstisplis 32 îitted. 181k .......................G7.84 1918 Atibott Laboratonies, 1. W. Holdridge .n.EERGamn., Mrs. Ferrni. nteni general exPens.ýn..........29 committee woîk ... 6.. 2.60 JAMES O'CONNOR Ru.......... ngansd Haiel Buncis. general wages 15.48 George Larsentiia etr 266.00 CHAE" B arrle Gîlett. Mis A leASrna d, nu seH. . . ey rServices ................. .. 19 stable Miss.A......ern.r . nurse H. C. W. Meyen,.............13.20 SuperviserPicl<e moved tlsat tis eV.rrly Ficke, watsr DrCtrd i. Nesiit, services ...........00 eetb cate n dpe.M. Mrhandise ................17.99 .up. bldge sud grils. ............39.00 Ja..0OThen'bilservices, (neatien carnied Marchandise................51.11 lrh.John Bidînzen. provisions .. 2.00 sllwed) .....................0 TieChae iePereTantr(s.Gemner 1,Rn.F. Bairstew. Iteat........... 130.40 Ray Paddock, ccmmittee wetk 8.30 Company fer $352,1 vai read. aud MeChanOIner., ..... 90 In. Ver. A. E. Brown, P. L. Parsons, stamps.......... 6.00 upen motion of Superviser Paddoc,H.S akn 25. perai expense 164.40 Remington Typcwrlte Ce., laid over utu Uthe uext meeting. Srie ........ 50 Webb A.p rovon. e typewiter. .............. 110.00 Superviser filîger, Otalman of tise Srie..........60 p.V. rosio Caia mns. tepefor asukes A..............11.09 refond. Miller a c ...........17.15 RmIuaton Typewriter CPa maCmmitte' ton Wuke .A W..........n îeeting Burke & Wrioeht. cîtuilînent 1lý.5p repairs..................... I1.60 gan, Shieldsansd Deerfleld suhmtledIlP.eprsn Miss Crawford, nurse wagds 12,04 Martin Ringdatit, Ste Folbo lug repot: 1cri . elprnden.. t e n fis er C !, Ic a g o T e le p îo n e C o .co m t e o k . . . . . 0 0 *. Mny , o s l r . E n c i an d s e . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 general wages ..... 26.96 A. L. Rogers. serviceq .... 45.00 Board et Supervisons. Dec. Teri Rtnt ......... ............ 15.00 S adep. Durst & Schw~artz, texaîl Store. supplies.... 2.00 Itecentier 1t, 1918. Meyer & DotbB*oI2 insurance.......... ....12.75 W. J. Straîtont %In, Chaimeau aud Gentlemen ofthe Meroisandis . ............. .00.1 Fitteen Mrr. Punttiug. ronimittt'e work............ 38.50 Board of Supervisona: i \lîddleton & -Clark, talea general wages ............ 185.00 NV .1 Stratton, services ... 20.20 Your commîttee on Waeklegasi. Fuel ..................... 86. bLaeDr. C. E. Danlels, Standard Oit Co.. supnplies .. .. 6.00 Shiesansd Deerield Poor ClaIms Northtwestern Stoe.e rSae anestisetics ....... 40.00 ($2 0 allowed) would beg leave te report hat tisey1 MencissOdlse........ ....... 20. H.B.Egr euiteu .. . 4.OT). T. Sntiley. services ... 10.00 have examined ail claimIs preaantedý R. OConor t exisasH. B. Eg r.eqipmtoe, ... 5. Schswartz Fut niIons Co., betore tisemntsd recommend tIse pay* Fuelo..................... .200o ovemsen genalSeopese1. supplies.................426.69 ment ot tise tollowing. sud tise th R. M. Prier. Ouorn:f a o general aea. 10 eobn, uples............-.6 54.61 ClerIt ce directed te issue erders ton........ ................... 60.00 1.1Tennev.Iltardiug &Shterman Use several amounts te the sevet'sl FrTa l<. anth .70 Fn. 27 DLVED em f.C. e.expense 2.1 services......................25.00 claiaDta tOwit: nTFr i ank e te CO wnId,..7 rrSaeMrs. Hnya. nurse wages . 6561Frn etwad D tt litas Hnmeriy, nurse wages 98:32 Bert Tornpkins. Waukegan. Blues .......... .......... 10.75 as May Hlgginisethnn & Douglas, reporting inquest........... 4.20 Amt. Cîlàmed R. Shsannon, lc e g1eneral expeose .......... .00 T. 1, Taylor, telepisene bill . 7.75 Nantis. For What. and Alw'd Mercisandîse ............... 12.21, )a m lrneHoldridge, RC Thonupson, John Asismus, Santi Bree.. géereai expense ....... 320 rousmittee work............ 18.70 Groceries............... 11I 2p;.00 Merchandise............... 48.77 ettseM . use obe eA. T. White. cemmittee vorIt 14.40 Frank Baron, JseSbY thse toi- hd.sdgd..... 10.08 C. B.watrous Sons, supplies 13.5o Gwocoies.................. 3.27 Merchandise ............... 2..3 Agnes Johnson.,('base Webb, contntttee worIt 1500 ILa . ok armen Bros, Spr geIneral wsges ........... 138.40 Washinigton Laundry. laundry 2089 lient. ..................... .00 tivery..................... 14.00) Sue.AWatukegan DecoratIug Co J. Boisun fine Sweetland. .J eel e.epne 150Greceries................. 200.00 Mdcn.......... 33 A . . .K enne d, g n xp u e . 1 . 0 iteri ua w indow s ......... . . 400 Mici e . .. . . ... . was ne A .Kney i~ A. W. Vere, contmittee werk 7.00 P e. ............... 30. Paul Borrbsrdt, genralexens, eat... 17.2 Fel. .............Fuel ...................63 lîaio ene Kraliens, 178 lr, committee vork 21.50 J. M. Biddingen. f StateJnue orns Tom Ciffin. services......... 45.00 Grocenlegs. ............... 100.00 Total ....... ............. 327 sied on general wages............. 120.00 C. T. MeColougis.F.ABkas et tieHWeI e Grocertes .................105.0t) 84299.89 ist Mrs. Laîrd. nurse wages .. 4.52 R1 a 1sto, pinkling . 15.00 Frank Cery, itonyJsuieLheeFred Kirisuer, Mercisazdis . .............. 84.16 Ait of wlîich Ja respectttuliY sati- nalon la general waes ........... 45.36 rommnittee vorIt............ 33.40 CoOpertive Trading Ce..niitted. q v oeil th, ereLwn gn xes » Goo. H. Bairstow. Merchandis . ............ 220.00 M. P. DIL.GER. Chairman. suds. Gog eignepne 80 eemnitteewo.......4501e icelz T. V. MtTphY. Lken Use MisasELste >teyer, wr ...... 445wo .ceiz nurse wages............. 77 là Wster Union TelegrapisCe. Grocerie . ............... 12..19 B. C. TsotuPsen. as0. as Meinsebe & Ci.. etipusent 21*20 cdock.ý......................6.00Antons tudek, msadH. Crae oGrtewrk 93 5oceries ...................45.00 'Superviser Kiacrter moved tltat ts asud Misa Murrav, nurse wages . 260.90r0 ezl uosrie. 000 Joe Draslen, tise rcpOrt bê accepted and adopted. 5 5Biso akardrVll &C. Conrsd & Wetzel. Groceries .................. 41.6 Motion caiTied. provisions ..................«-l , fi- ablnc evie......2 D0aniel Daniols. Superviser Beldr;dge, Chairnuan cf ýmprevez 1 C. Mercisant & Bras.. $6910,31srvie ..... 5081 Groceries. ............... .0>tise Pnintiug COincîitte, submitted tise qhow, a general expense........... 1&,46$51-1 $901 Sain Eiseubenger. foliowlig report: cf said Ail cf whlch is rempectfulîy suhmlt Coiîg.......... U5e îîea at enY 5 1nd Nleh at rti, nihira 40 1.00t1 dFinutis Mercantile (e., Board of Supervisons December Terra oct F. Meiin&proviîu.. :3.0RED. KIRS('HNER, Grocenies .................18.00 December 13, 1918. Provisions................. 21.4.1 Chairman. Fox Store, Mn. Chairmfan and Gentlemen of tise Win. J. Moxie, provisions ... 133.47 M. P. DILGER. ('lotiig............... 36.16 Board of SupervîsetS: Mandel Bros. equipmnt .... 21f).51. Superviser Meyer mnoved ilîn theis (as Forsii)era, yu oqIteo rnigadS n ofth(,Natinal anitry lie accepted sud adoptedj. Mo CerileaGge .. ... tlonery Cîniras, woold beg leave te ta Coint eneral exiîsuse............ 050 tion carrîed. Me ivensrage...........,1 report tisat îisey have examIued ah] reprt Ncrlt SdeHom lakeySuperviser Eger, Cissîmman cf the1 A. ç;usîatsiju. daims preaent.edib efoeotisentand a Poviieua................46.17 l li.avCommttee, suhmîtted tîte tienclandise ................3o eonuo is amute ietelot. nr Tom 'sNorthi Shcre fiafirv & ice folhowlug report:- lienry Hansen, tug, and that tise Cerk lie direcedt (<resu' ,.ce., tonoviions ... .. 1.90 State 0f Illinois, Lakte Co,. as. Groceries ................. .0,77issue ordera fer tiese neeraI accouis tSuper t" Pmanun. bîdia & grds .. 164.26 11ORrd et SuberviSors fiecember Teni Aiea Hein ('o.. te tise soveral cialnntte vit: Pillmittnv Fleur Milîs., Deceinher 12. 1918. Clothîng ....................45 Arche & Archse, suppliesa. 4.60 Ccunty iirovisicus................. 112ri(fMn Chiarman sud Gentlemen cf tise W. F. Haese, Cee. fi. Barnard & Ce.,283 iuld bcg Publie Service Co., ligie,. Board ot Supervisors: Groceries ..................0.00 letton iseagle.............. 2.2 cë exaun anîl Power. generah expense 63.69 Tour Committee onJudiciary Cîsinîs Gee. Itarmasut Sons. Cee. fD.fBarnard & r'o., dockets 22.47 4O! tbse Reardon & Wal, provisions 16.08 WoUîd heg leave te report tlsnt they. Groceries ................. 800 Cee. fi. Barnard & Ce., ta lits] .'io. eneral expense .......6.48 have oxamîuied ai lachaes preaeutedi Jane McAllister Hîospital, records.................... 64.96 taI. and Will M. Rosa, butors thlemnaud recensmeud tise psy 1îServ'ice rera...................68.37D'BrnM C. aI.îne gflcrhexese.........14 meut et tise f'lewug, sud tisat tise reors ...........y., Stîune. urs wgea.. 387C~rk e îrete teIsue Cdra Serrvice ...................2.00 Cee. fD.fBarnard & Ce., ,ept si Mimss Inr us ae ..7Cekb ietd eIse0-sfrAnton Jakrzewaki, Mrs . 0 I, Smiths, th5 e eernlainemunts te tise severali Goeis......... 100 deckets ................... 13336 nurse wagea .......12.86 cllmn0s, te wt: Go ($300,........ 3000 ahowd)e. fi. Barnard & Co.. e255.401 E. R. Souulibti& Ce, At nd . o.o, lowd Cellnty warrants ............31.65 general exeense .... ... 17.37 AI C Ansd le oit............3662Oe. D. Barnard & Ce., 21.iio Andrew Scnd. bîdi & grds f;317:00 fin Names. For What. and 4AIwd .1. Kenser. blainks..................... 12.45 Shptr0& sîltih. Eupnie»ni .. 4n.92,Alîngton Hotel. tirocerues.................. 116.11 Geo. Di. Barnard & Ce.. Iý,q.p . D. 2'S.irles & Co,, Moas te ittrors.......... Il2on@ ($75.00 alwed) ýrecorda.................... 68.01 IrenPral Xelksu~, . ...4... 25David AMains,1 A. S. Kennedy. Geo. 1i. Barnard & Ce.. 1 5. Scisai's Hardware, bldg .servIces ........... 383.......................19. blanks ................... 43 aru, aucri xpne .. 11.41, ($266.60 aIheW',t nten Enepam, Barripgtgn Review. 629 R i.Srit. nurno 1434 ,M sfpnhaOdbsc. ..............66,00 pntntiug notice ............ .00 Standard 011 <o. joseFh 1. Sîabap, W, . 0 ULndberg, finlly Sun, supplies (Hendee) 100.20 20.00 general expense........... 15.24 LJustice tees ............... 43.25 Shees .............. 3.00 Delly Sun, E. P. Spaulding. Barrett, Alex Lybeck..., 'supplies (Brockway)........ 89.65 15.00 milIt. provisions 206 Livery service............. 15.00 Greceten . ................ 19331 faily Sun. Atc hms e........ 20,32 N. Blakesîlee, encolZna splies (Peraona).. 10000Hlsu ,Tunmucr.g-, _- 4 8.0. N laks- Jo2h212 lloodIDaîy un,750i P. . Pettîbone i Ce., binders .................. P. F. Pettibone & Ce., cepy holder .............. F. . Pettîbene & Co., blanks .................. P. P. Pettîbone & Ce.. begds .................. W. F.,Wnndel. supplies. 1. W. HOLDRFIDGE, CJbaýrman. EMIIL A. FICICE. T. V. MURPHY. Superviser Crapo mos'ed that the i port be accepted and adopted. Ml tion carrled. Superylmor Martin, Chairman et ti ilection Comnslttee, stibmit±d 'ti 'ello*lng report- Itate of Illinois, lAke County, go. Board of Supervisors December Tont leceýmber 13, 1918. M<r. Chairman and Gentlemnen of te Roard et SupArvlnors: Your Cornmittee on Electien dail would beg leave là report thatp have ex&tlned an l Caies promtü before tbem and recommend the pi ment ofthtie fçIlowlng. and that. t Clerc be dlrected te Issue erderi ,I the several amounts to' the soviet claimants te wlt: IuyHoyt, canvaisaing voieS 32. R. 3. Pearsail, canvasslng vote............3Z. Mlles T. Larny publlshing éâlor ef ballot a Cba. E. Thayer, daUivering election suppliez 73 Wauconda Leader, Publlshlng ballot........... 113 Pred Wfeh, delivering boeths and ballot boxes ln Wsuke- kiesan for Prlrnary and'Gen. Electlon (960.00 ollewed).. 71, llbedtvvllle Indilpendent. oubliishlng -ballot........... 113 flly Sun,. inotIrAm efelection...........8 Delly UD, Sextra olpeelmen ballnts ... 2s Dailv Sun, rAgular and speci. men ballots.............S7 $1.144 Allowed . . .. . .. . .. 13111 Ai of whlch la Tespetfully imbla ted. E A. MARTIN. ChaIre RAY PADDOCK. G. T. McCULLOUGH. Superviser Thenpson lnoved ti the rteport ho acc@Ppd and adopte Motion carrled. SupervIser Strang. Chairman et i «3tatA Chntes Committi .appon tn Audit Rond and Bridge Clairna mittedl th. following report: RtRtp of Illinois. Lakp Countv. ne. Board of Supervisera Decetober Toi NI Clirnsn and Gentlemen of 1 1osr -dot Sq1r.rvisonrs: Your Commilttpe on State Chart1 ,-nninted in audit Road and 84~ Clalms, weuld beg Ipave te, rpmirl *bey hava examined ai clatmlfl aented hefore them and recomal 'h- Pavmeui cntthe fotilbn" 'l'nt thep ClenIt be dfrectpd te Issue lier% for the aStemial mountis in iiiveral clairnants. te wit: Austin Westorn Road Mach. Co., repaIrs..............2 J. D3 Adanis Co., repair.. Philo Burgess. work on rnd oiitllt ..... 5 Philo Burgess, wor< on read outfit .... Il Philo Burgess, ef wor< on road outfit .. 7 Philo Burgess. work on resid outfit ...... Phllip Brand. ingurancp ...2 rhicago Hardware Foundry Co.. repaira.... ............ C. W. Chandler. wnrk on rond outtt.......6 rC. W. Chandler, . wnrk on rnoadOtit ... 7 C. W. Chiandler. work on rond outilt .... 6 C. W.(Chandler. work on road eutilt .... W. A. Chander, work on rond outtit......... a -W A. Chandler. ) work on road outflt......... 7 1W. A. Chandler, 1 work on rond outtil......... 7 .W. A. Chandler,. ) work on rond outtit ... aW A. Chandler, work fin rmailoutit........6 W. A. Chandler, .wenlc on reot oit .......... 3T. 1. Case T. M. Ce., repaIra 1 7T. T. Case T. M. Ceo., repaire 1 L J. Drury. 6 orl, on road outfit......... E1 4~ J. Drury, 1'worc on road outfit......... 4 L. J1. Drury. 6 work on rond outflt......... E L. J., Drury. 6 work on rond outfit......... 1 L. J. Drury. 5 Work on road outit........ .9 .T. H. Rolle & Son. repaîrs . MN. H. Husaey Luiober Ce.. repairs..................... 1 3HoOh lCe., 011 .......... .1 Orren Keech. rougira.. ý Legal Adviaer Pub. Ce.. ,0 certificates....... Lake Zurich Garage, repaire fi GL 29-Supervisera .. L. R. Loomia,- .0 work on rend outfit......... i ,0L R. Leemnis. work on road outfit... L I. Looiîs, work on rond outit *o L. R. Loomis, Swork on rond outtil. ý0L. R. loomisý. work nn rcad ou'lit ... *,«rk on rond outftt.. 0C'. Fi. Pense Co.. supplies .. .Tohn Phanssenaill. Philo Philo R. R3 R. B. R. Bl Eclips' on9 on c F.ctipF' M. Ml M. H. Ni Il Cliffor inspr r ia %W'od Slip hic r' ot c' lowil forIlit Point' Corne Th, tont ir the fi condi If t litie Pxpeti of Fa Jehn P work John P werk Walter E. D. Pi C. E. y Gee. F. reaîti SSamuel work Samuel work Samuel went Samuel work Samuel werk Arnne4 Standa 011 a] Standa .il ai Mamie Watuke oit ai P . Wauke, Stais Rolit Wnuke oh a Stands nila Galin repal

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