CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 Feb 1919, p. 12

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WE ARE FORCED TO A LARGE-.PARI 0F OUR STOCK We find ourselves overstocked on account'of the unusual mild winter. We need the room and the' money realized to turn into Spring mnerchandise In placiàg thesé stocks on sale we are forgetting values and cost. Everything must go and will go at prices unheard-of at présent times.- The eaitestm~oney "Made is the money saved. HERE IS YO'JR CHANCE. Don't miss this opportun- ity to get things that you need every day at pre-war prices. à Saleë Beg*ns Ïhursday, February - 27th and will last to Saturday, March 8-10 Days Only Store Closed Wednesday, February, 26,1 to arrange Stocks MEN'S WEAR Men who care to save on purchases will do well to Secure.Bore of these extraordinary values. Note the sav2g, cempare the quality and convince yourself. ýNlPIi's oî'kshirts, gelîtuilic Aîîoskeog cetiîîbray, dlark gray, daî-kbIie, also gray. T'Iheit shirts wotîld sei for' $1 .35 to $J .50; foi' tliis sale they w iil go ftîst at ..................... .. .............. ý1 liis ligit blIta'('lailitblay %vork shirts,- î'eg . aîe 1.0 orttssl ........ ....... 69c Ietsdresssit, band stYle, soft or i eattifuil patterîs, ai I sizes, î'eguilr value ,1,25 to $1.50-, foi- this sale' ...._................. stiff ciffs, 95C Meî's Iiigli gr'ade dress shiî'ts, assoî'ted patterns, ircg- tîlaîr valtie up to $2.O(4anl $2.50-,1.4 for this'sale . .................1 4 .Nlii 's iiîîiîoîîsîits, ail w'ool, Wilson i3ros înake' î'egular value $4.50 to $5, tlîis sale 3 1 Meit 's lteavv fleeed uniiou suits, Wilsoîî Bros. inake, regular value $2.5(>: foi- titis 1.79 Meîiýj's 2I)ie.c Wilso n Bit»', itake, litea,ýyribbed îuîdeî'wear, pirewhitü, reguiari value $1.25; for69 this sait' ......... . ......... ...... 9 Mein 2iii'îeWilson Bros. iutake î'iii ~ ~ ~ il -'1îîuê îwnigi. n ya îd tait; î'egîiai vallilt $ 2to 89 $1.50; f'or titis sale .............. 9 Flannel Shirts Mestlaniîel shirts i iiiiitv tolors antd patternis, v'alutes up to Il $4.ff0; this sale -... .1-98~ Men's Underwear uneî'siîioni suits' ilteitiUli l vav% îiibed, inade ot' good elean stoek vot- toin, just the xweight for this tinte of' thue Veal'; tltcse garnîeîîts sold four yas ago foi' the saine pil i e Uu.1 offet'iiîg theîn today; ans .4 suit' fo r 1I lis Sale, t-îe1s49 Mî'îî's îunionî sifs, hInf vo W Wil- s(tilBros inaeî rgilaî 2.48 I - Infants' Wear Infants' dresses, value $2-014 for tbis sale ..........14 Infanits' sweaters, value $2.00; 'sool and iik; for thia sale . 39 Ebfants' sweaters, white. gray,69 chatmpagnte, value S1; for this sale.49 Infants' înixed wooi and slk f Sweaters, value $2.75; for this sale 1.4 Inans'Mttns.value .lsc 1 a Ladies' Shoes latie' sici kid shuei. value $6' im tht, sale, . 31 paitl r ................ La"dies browa shlOes. value $6.00. ti)r tbis sale43 pair ...................4 3 L adi e s' black #jtoem, value $4.50; for th"s2' 9 sale . .. .9 Girls' and Boys' Shoes t;irl, Itigli tp lai',' îo s lnglish o., gond qtialiily. salue $4, at.....2.79) his lig litoli lave slioeb.ppatenft leatîtet and cohtop, good qualis .7 value $4.00, . .... ........ 2 7 $4.50j and a$5 . .....t . . .... . . 7 fî4-" mt s s iong'hr ..., ....198 value 2.5 at ..... .... Boys' tigbgrade button and lace sBoes langlisb toes, hgh quality, $4510 and Si> 29 Boys' sloes, '.p l tobzî Z2.for th is sale ................ ...........24 214 Washington Street tlildiri'tis lace siGe', best qiîitly. euil sueiiz Il 1-2, value $3.25, at-.....2.39 tIlîildren7! it11 hiOSlic, double hoie, valute uIt .......... 1.9& t'ldren'asIthoes up tI it 2i n Zlbrownoma- uganv, groy tî,î-iskin, lac.e or button bihgraile, value '1. . 2.48 ('Lidriis hos p ten eather, 11 tbitdren'.s patenît leatlier. gun met-a top, value $1.65, t..a .......12 vaue$175 u s........s .. . -1.35 Ail linds ni Mena Wone'. and Childr.n. a ub- bers ut v.r>i I.w prices. -NOTIONS Coiats îcY.11in htead, blai.k and 4 i îilit u i ng Ilis l e a.i ... .. O.N i . tucur chIet cottofl iluring tis.,sale St ........ 9 Nriow elamtiji'.bla ck anid awite, 4 iu 5, <iiring t hisaHli-,ptuayard 4 Nets, for itis sali. liair Pins, for tiîs sale, per box....................... 4c ('om-,inon Pin.,, for titis sale, pet- p.ackîage . .......e... ....4 c Safî'iy Pins, sies t, 2 and 3, for 4 luis sale nt . .. . . . . . . . .*. ..4 Vanity or Strati Pirses, sizes 6 1-2 by 3 .14, good iluality leatîter, with slrap aeross the fuil tength, value 81.50, for Ibis sale <lildren'ai fanc-y pot hitbook'u 2 2 Hlooks an d eyes on sale at Per-4 card ................ .11 . .. ..4 Tu rklsla toaî'Is, 36 by 20, value 22 :5c. on sale at...... .....2 t IbissaleBrushes. value 15c, for 9 Crochet Neodles, for tIis sale ................ . . . . . . . . ..4 Drpss Fastners, back and white, toc this sale aI . ..... ......4 c Mfens Ani lBands, value 10c, for tIti ssale at ... . .. . .. .. ... 6 c l'tbroid,'ry ini ail kînds of designs,.8 %atue loci. 15e & 20c, on sale aI 5c and 1 AIl kirtd sof Ribbons aI Reduced Pricet Seras Ijieîî inlari, Slidewell 0 brnon sali' at :2for ... ......25 îlot i Collars on sale ll' anîjkerehtî I lii, Devalut e, 01n sale i, t .. . . . . . . . . . . ..4 M i iran,. lip tiilki l tcli u f' ,large 1O izi il ........... . . . . . . . o p I M r-'r i ; 'ti rs, ).n,s.a.Itfl . .. . .. . . 9 Miii Ni ,le... value 35c, ,it aIe a# .. . .. . . . .. . . .2 1c Meis i igli clati',WilFon Bt-os* 9c Neektii, iailue $1.25 al1.25 ... C'ottont flatînel working gloves I P-r Pair............4 Cbildren's Underwear lIo% s' W'Ilson Bros. mixed wool Union Suits, opî to age 10, regular value j8 15,for t-is sale at............ 98 Bov3s' Wilson Broaï Union Suits, ages 10 il 1, vtalite $1.75, for Liais llo>n,' Wilson Brus. lleavy Fleeced Union Siits fi) ize 10, for tbls sale 8 ait . .... lIons. Wilson Bros. beavy fleeced Union Suls or ze 0 u16, reular 12 %,le$175, fo hfasae.....12 t;tsand Boys' Vests and Drawers, flrrds esin10, value 76c, 59 'ltilglrent Vesîs and -Drawers, mnediunm flic(eil smizes Ili tole1 SvaueIC, tti sl't......... ...a........ 69C 1103 ' bhjecbambray waists, %iatiieý 75c. for lhi sle .......59C percale blouses, value 48 llmîs' Shirts and broad cuffs rrgular value $1., for tbta aale ...69c lBoys' dark gray Sweaters. '.9 Boys' Gray Sweaters, value iA $250, on sale at .........14 Boysl' Striped Sweaters, value 21 $3.0, or hissale ........2 1 LADIES' GOODS S fjl îess goo ds anîd whiite goodts at lo%'»St p riv'es. Yoîi are saî inîg fr'î,i ~-tJ'011 ail tiiesi' gootis %v1n<'h we -ýare ottering as lonîg as the- stoc'k iasts. Sheeting, Tubing, Fresh Frorn the Lmoom X'i<ie slîeetiîg' 94iaiI).<, eg- lar v'aIutie; for- tins sale, pirî __l. .... ........ 8 Wear'vell!9-4 %vide set iîîg. valute 60v,'tfor' tiis Sale- 45c vaille( 29c, for. tlis Sale, vard~21c Weavelltubiiig. 40 ililiht' wide, regîîlarvae:3î for ti s 29 sale, y'ard ....9 Bleached Nainsook, Longcloth and Carnbric I a ngî'lotlî, regular valuîe vw, f'orittis sale, yard..... . ._28c 1-ope îîîîsli ilîregtilarvl tie 3(; foi this sale, y~ard . 22c Naitisîîk, regiîlar' value .,5(.; f in thIis sale. %aird 25c I'îîsiglt ginîgliinîs. 36 ilîviies Nvide' best qîalit. î'eîîîîîaîts, Shot oi'îgth.,, î'e-giil;lr altv . foi. tiis 23 sale.. Outing Flannels Oîîtiîîg tilliîels, unblcu4ivl, riegu- lai.î~aîî 5 foi. thîs -lit, vaî'd Blac'k satveeli avy quîality, extra soft silk finish' t eguîhx pr Rt 45v, for tliis sale, yard ..... 5 Meî'erîizeîi pophlî, bill, tan aand lavend(er, regitiar priee 49c; 39 foir titis sale............-. 9 Silk poplini, 27 iîwhies %vide, regîîlar priee* ý1 .5); for-titis sale, 11 y'ard .... ....1 Bedspreads and Table Cloths lledprî'ds.full si'ze for tuill size lied, bleavhî'd and lienîiie<l i (gllar 1 wiee $4.10:- for tins 2.89 sale Silk ehifl'oîî, a.' tel col o4. 1e l'or titis sale, yard ....29c Bedsprevats. fîlli ;ie, regîîiar price f'..2:lorittis 2.,19 sýali' Ladies' Underwear 'NliSmSi' ittiil tl "'.11) îtiiagi' i6, î'ilî aiî 121 luo is Ssali luis, Sale' 1>1. 'gaiIiit I 11i,' tav ' ai îIf t'emîiîdcrsear inî gr-aniîl- rvît'iegia î valîî $13.f'or' tiis sali', per' garnîientî iLadies* î'ib et ,rt'giia r'pr'ie' 25' for' tiis sait'.......- - .. .. ..... ILadies înetlit.ini Nweight un îioni su its. short anîd lonîg sieevî's, i'egiar prive1.: for titis sale .... ....- . Men's Shoes Men"i aorking sioes, good qitality. value $4.00, t1li sale 29 ptair ...........29 Men'.4 ariny stioes bemt iuaity, value l $6, tbis sale . ....... Mens fouîid. t-y sbors, -big bargain%, for Ibis sale .. . . . Mcn's dres shee, good niatet lai, bulton; fo rtbis sale..........28, Men's shoes, lace, values $4 50.ý.... 6 for tbie sale .......... 3 Men's bigb qualtty sboes, wit gisve...54 good wear, value $8.00; for Ibis sale .' I I I 85C 69c 1.29 .19C 89C Boys' Wear' LI TtBo>' sc1moOt Suits, extra qualitty. sers- Iceatule weartng matertal. dark brown and 6t0 per utnlt wool and 40 pet- cent colton, belted ail around and well tarude; Ln ail sizes. value $6,50; iii'; sale .......................4.98 IATr 2 Boyes' sebool suIt'. extra quaility, sers' ceablù,weartng malertal, value $8 59 and $;thi.s saie.............9 Btoy Scout Sults. Including caps. ..301 value $5.00; for tbis sait ...... Boyý-' artal otttit-suitibat and leggings. value it;- and $7.010; on salin3 Boys' sallor suils pure wnol serge. long pants. tavy regutiîotts, value $1Z.00 and~ $15.0f); for this saleo............ 9 A big lut Of boys' knPe pantb cotton, wool and se'rge aI 50c on the Dollar. Boys' caps, value 75c; for thhi 35 sale ...................... 5 Mens caps, ail styles, value $1.25; for Ibis sale 79e and ..........89c Waukegan, Illinois 2ý, p4g THE- BARGAIN. STORE i, Opposite Security Savings Bank Lake il would bustor immi lute di law- frienci tjiat 1 Judge alreaè geasoJ atand byan been: J ud g' on bulm turlu il DriW wl t ne'" 1 propi'rt Mlil, liro ii-r i word v Il"i hîw .u ycxc, yen r ma- p Cili, h. d Ir Nr1- by t il,. pn tali" Klun 1_.. 4 P1, IIi wol h a cor1 for Ait 1i l Unit truck roof strie l Slivri founi b>'Il A fi,

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