CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 Feb 1919, p. 13

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T.IIR' TTL. I Nfl1PENDNTX TWTRSDAY. FEBRUARY 27, 1919 PAGE FIVE Libertyville Inaependen t &ai*e Counity Independent- Waukegan Weekiy Sun Et~IDU!Tho uchool nuree reporutta hl T 'NOWh loaiîh condlitionv of 'thê North <luicît-p If Jesse James were only living now-wliat a time he UIA M , g o qehools are excellent a h~tut woldhae n usiaorGentny I COSh, aUE eele now aimost a Pc.r wouldhavein Rssiaor G rn~n. IR MEJIf I *f ft dattendance in aIl the- sehools ti thlie City. G ~' Judge ~Mr. Clark Durin of Areaa. iG Chale Bane iscetailymakngus fl In Order tu Be I4eIpfuI to Public, toc- North sucool Wednesdla.v. î, cinto the office of county judge one whlch will make nena RvneBuau bas nlany iàneeeuln Francoiand history in the neighboring county. gels sliowing the blind Inera Rveu Ba u bs natel!. Itin jýIggers and other violators thatthe law is the law and thatHa1Eer larnest Treen and faml> cas>io t must be enforced. His absolute lack of fear, bis abso- Officer in Field. <as for Arizona where they expî i al to makê their borne. Mr.lirepn baus l lute deterxinatioîî to clean Up things, hus knowledgeofte enacrkIthpstc pePvBu law-aIl these things go to prove that 1"Cliarle"-as hid SEVERE PENALTIES IF YOU since the free de~livery was %tartcd ma friençi, know him, huas possessed the judicial qualifications DELAY BEYOND MARCH 15 trans-ferred to thse Arizona townmr. tjiat his Lake County friendz always insisted lie ha-d. Brittn 0Ith algtheofchane, nwil,- M. Judge Barnes, aithougli in bis seat but a short time, haM , WIbhedeatfo nm Tip and Mrs. Breen have a host or rri-n;4" ho aieay ad ana e orhlaef ndwhn iegesthrul onîi a few weeks awsy, the collection in North Chcago and they ail fixté,rul Gi alredy ade na e fo hiselfandwhenhe etsof thîs far.reachlng ta% on 1918 ID- tient winhes ta then lu their new der McHenry County will be cléaned upor lie kilkow te ol*bsgatdof ihabn.1hm.ce Tesson why. And he ie being able to assume tis positive Everybody la figuring Inconie ta' o A "Washington" Party . M wit rgad o awenorem ntbeaue iejbak ayinents and ewor*tatlatemens f rhe Washigton Brthdiiy party é' stand wt eadt a nocmn eas erbc income imust rench internai. Rev enule given by te members <of Il Pre,.BI~ an ggessv' eates ttrne, r. umey wh lasOffices Ce or before March 15,.and ihere hryterlan Sunday echoal u ire ehucch fel bv n a essve tat's ttoney Mr Lu le *h bu are severe penaldes o delinque.-ny. F riday evening was a nis suce,-- b een for law enfôrcement ever since lie bas been ini office. re s of Illinois ehould fil" tiroir fui affair. Henry Braasciu. the sup- c- r= adpsy taxes ta the n-an-est ctntendent and ithe eCommiuuuc-in- fthte tollowlng Collectars of. Internai charge are to lie congratulatï-d on -res WAIJKEGAN LOCALS fIgling machine anîd Its advantagele Revenue: JllIus F. Smiletaiukn.(Chi- their fine work_.L=ia ila the wcek se, for ____ove.r the ajd style horlie wagon waF Mzgo; .Edward D. McCabie. eoria; saule by the state Council oif c u ilhlîc-c- Iw lonsnagain dc-rontrated Rut Zion tay John L. Pickering, Speriniii Jolin flouse for cornaunîty singing and Franuk mA finiion - lrokeou on the roof of e M. Rapp, Eut t. Louis. thIis was a prominent fetuor.i, ftlii Cli bath tof li 1wt -w , , oitaA tiirE o<ut yL . II 3 Py orTcm exb act evnings prograin. Mr. tic-s ed fule- nsurriagý- loà ieu d yL . il .1i t orIcoeTihvM hsînging andl MiessGeraTdine Toley Judg, If titIý il-iiEsha esc. A caTi care neto l ir, 15" la the slogan of te Internai 1ev- acmaldwt h in n el K lireudatItn t 111., . m. andPire enu Burauwhleb hu ent ve Louise Hoyle wth the siolin. Otuer far turt 1h.lui.i . mr~iîiu Walt.-r Forby was o- asallahie officer loto the fieldl b lieili e(açucl fcatures of the progu-am Nvsua- tur tis ai jt t. hie-joli. lic immedlalely gave in the public 10 understaud the- requlre- a duc-t bhirene andl Mable Cook. a hi Roi), l t J E i:, : I1.r i laitlthe-alarm ta tm 1solunteer tirera'-, ments and to prepare thie returns. u iolin solo by Miss Louise- HavIe. fo Dri w ut Chi-, . I- cijt t ,i nd jumuping on the lire aita lie w a Who Muet Make Return. r-auing lu> Res'. J. C. MC[ou, a eu -wa In eu-m l i i I.h --- .'-t s-lon an his wuay at high apeel IPtI* If laesetiiulated that mari> îhouuu.nnd is l , n.cittaIon without -srds by ti- ~~djnintu.~ i - il.- Ti-- t u Fil,-nuan George Srie] uh, of single and marrled personus In tliiI leiIerta er ilu ei yrapet-.- > lii- i ..cii> suce visn s> he scne ailie irc sctionofbth haveeulntelby sIiohavekinner Nîrofin he of hu- NisAuabeh propru, urpsocn a th Acne f te fl sctin o th VotedstarIlion. This we., One Of tihe star al- Bluuit'-i . îî ti- lîarry Mlford of the Great Lake- neyer hefore moelaunnuilâtreturuis are tractions of the evening and MrT Pre-I .I il- ILI.t he.- "Y" wlii taik to Troop 4 Boy scoutI required ta do a this year. Skinner provpd hîiself a master pu~ Iiroîu-nîstv i i e.i,i ialîîa'i. n about woodrafl tomorrow night - i ncorne tex returfia Most lbe made lhe poetry of Paul Lawrence Dunbar . of tutKiolu - 'thb- Finet Congregational cburch. 11, IbPtwesfn now andIl March 1.5 hy tersons The program closel with a talk onn M. t.>- -.- iwîI aso i-îonlrae Hmewretlnvwho corne under the follawing classifi iLticon by F. E. DeYoe At t, ce Wordl usi- - Iiti, Uic.'i holds. Mr. Milford ba& spent ma-, ctlons: close of lhe Program there viasu a th feri-ii . t-. us ulle- yearu lI the north woods andl knuwe Any unnarriel percon whasee 1918 parade of the peope In costume, Thi' be It i, t . 11.iui r'rs l, f orest fle thoroughly. net iuitoiti, uas 3,000 lor oser. Wuîweryclrilwtba soca hre a l --,- tîtîîlui - Tire ineanît>- hearing of G.,org, otite and wiuowers. dis orcees and nier- which refreslarnente wr erl tax !le I - randi aîîlv a itIuuubinc-a. local barber who la iellig ried persans who are living epart filn1 AThe usern oStCiago.tetp fi w ---------- an iii utiiv, ..i.c-Id ai tire eouty jeli wa talias.- tbeir huahmnds or sIve>, are for the he busness men opin ta orsca-atb, Xicrdi ig ie pý ptu.-c-n bell iis mornin aI itee-ton purposes of the Income Tai ciassed as better and bigger North Ch'icago, A e >-ar tv uourt hut wa-u eontnulcd untîl n-s' uanmarried. mihusie eeting was called for Friday c.cel a Li i -- ,si. -;,Ili -8e>urday Iuccats.- tudc-c- teWolf o n ut rlprnnIvngwt wf ing and 19 of the busiîuc-ss and pro- th ii-I..ý lI ialii iI tc:-adug or humbend whosp 1918 nt incoune waa fesi-eia n of State street c-- dui <lii - - tu -Itr li 1% fa r ou n- uge Barnes tif Rick $2.000 or aver. Till- inrutnie iofbtth epondeut. A complete orzanizatior ~. I I . - u.. , frd ultil or(-buie %ta is weëk aiti buehand andI ife lîîuut lbe cuistdPreci, sas perferteil and many plans utct- Tu-suiiiý:~iii i' :l otit on lere tb old courutuletogerber with lIse earnilgs, of minoir ed for the betterment o! the ho, :I ý .1atii EPf-ronsIlsexppctc-d treturri hum>e hlîren, If eny. -The tolTowing officers Wu-rc-e c-ltcri t;Ili. a lt-lte part of Ibis week. Revenue Bureau Oflers id. Presidenl. t.eo Yene of the North h i.-h ,il t mt -- li. ir ue mpt uc-eismn mL ecu-bpersoit In tire rUIillstutea c ago Garage: vice presldent. l-ary a moi: t.i. ii 4 !, iwlo t lias u n sot e-: ' Mclsnney:accretary. Tom illllitutvit çiruî - .- Iuit ic--k A Soeiu- Iismoni -wîo la In etber of tiiese c' sllç j l'urg nd treaslrer. NWillam Dalziel Tii D2 proul tiý l. is. t 8o*r-of- thi moni- muet Igel ,uy ai onte if penalties are ]fatt maures the succeas or thc- org;-n-f., I ri , ti-it' ur, exru. butitc-runomc-ec rc gisteneul cight d, t' ie novolded lie siituld secure a Ization -to plaîiu 1. "f V, Iilîi oit l gcccc-s, althsuah it> toit îinucht-Oui. blank Fartin1040 A for retorting net iOne ofthte first plans taken Up b'-w( foW._- -tiiil.- il 1': There are ta b.- îwo chlld linicsala Incarne up ta $5,000, or Fom> 10-10 If the businesq men was a plan ta '0'er à Ziu -,t Iîe. Ti, i--s ~the Chlamber of Commerce room is net Income excepded that amount. operate wiiii the city authorities and P h. il - i1 t- '-i ---,on(- oit S.turdav of ibis week an-,' Farine are being dlstribulod by Cailec- clean up uhe town. AIT alTeys and llieu uit - - .vi-à tat iran. o-st Monda> Thîis.le a step tirai fors andl tieir Deputies. ais.' by banke. vacant lots are to be cleaned pli as 9 bii !i.- - -Iittb -t, as uein decidc-d uton a-stire rcsul t By followlng the Instructionst on te sHon ti 1 s cailier permîts. If t"t. ciiy d Tihe. i -t. ., ai ;)f'u u tht- goor! effeets o! a clini C bel,! forme a correct returo enu be prepareil garbage fund Is not sufficlent to do re Mdr N Iil d I fr il,, ru< ic- re, rêenlv y bDtr.Fast of tue -tý.t.e t iorti .If a persan neede aulvice or -al the -uuouk this club wll i elp. The w Jr0 - i, bo ii ttard of nesitit &Id. tbe Deputy Collectors In tIse field business mu-n aI-un bave planneil aonit Io r - sauh- - i.1,)"l A sen uas hcrn tia Mr. and -Nra. Il wilfrîiIi i bcarge. handl concerts for Saturday nigit wi Il 11wllfrns hi itotC ona i t Cgtisa itle warmer. The> P IIut. r' t :.p - ti l tuil, ' ionnr of Beach Roal ibis mort] Tlhe new Revenue law places the In- sa.ateil a nias-ment tl gel a rnosing tid ut --- ..- - f> Ii-. ivIigat ii b.-Msleroity bnspltal. rme Tax duîy on citizens and reol- pîctur.- man to takre over the auditor-w il.s tiI 1ur-1 i t' -r t t h, CILu-' Iblor uiMc. and Nrs. John Tsi-r-'Il, dents. The Internai Revenue Bureau ium. Other plans wilT be taken u;) au luI .: : i il arettu ,n-ou .;i?,South Shuridan Road. a spsen la eendliis men 10 work riglit with ube tuext uci-tnc- whih will be bell 0 (Il r-il - i t il, t-uitvîi hernie.- Poundilgirl. tir, puli iil gthie tai arid tl.- re-ne\t Iridav eening at the GolPk ic On,- It - i t- -:i lui u i. thur' uiirusi i. Nith active co tiperetiin tIl shop. il 711,Iii ii - Ii-l-ii r-ucI-esery tex due 'Mare-h 15 silbe paid Tire nui business mens organiza. 1) lu it. il-I antd.. i. irb' - sleuery rturn requireut b! 11w wil l ion are îplanning to take up the, nt IsaI I - w 1 u'l-I!tu ,s-t hhilbeIlth eecnue offices an ime. housing cunditions un Northt Chicago. i kfoi-, t. uI ' .hitit-ntuI OUR PRAYERS Exemptions Are Aliowed. We ail know tiat if se bai moce ai taie.ut- ia- JEAN MHN LN. A singie Person la allawed a pereonal bornes,;w.- could scryeaily Ilîlthem i NI. ,. t iu. KIiIîul-' i '. i e- VaUkAAN A K exemption of jll If li e is support- aHthIis tutute and lhe businelia m-tu e--. I, i -I i tilt i iu u.' n nhehueilrltves who are feu-I thatthues- tan do s great deal in i lui I tanlu-rt-un' *«thpeyoanon dependeril upon binu he mer dlaIm the -promating thu- building of homes. A - seweepwitbemotonastatue of the beue] of a fernily who bas carmîittc-c- silt bc appointeil to tol' Kîit-' t - i-e- i irriOu No»v. thltweary tme; the nmeexemnptian as If rarrled. -after tbi-u que-lion et once. Ti- ~-- . - i î~~1Re1 I a wrshp or'riae ,i A mrried persan who ivee witb club aise, plan ta start aomée ceuu, iiit - . i-'-il]I Pe sr. sIfe or humhandI s llowed a personHi muuiîy mc-i-ing- Tic-sfeel liat th- pufil o etutl.hc- soIexemption of $2000. The hbond of a auditiîaumuîuouilul i.- ued tagoal aid SSiritis. fsrnu~~~~~~~Iy1le eritited to cdaim a scmmlar snaeaun b-ln sI anu 1:--------------a-,lî GZe eKt thein çrîouuly or cheer fi personel exemption. vn uve saui t ien asing ade o tesîttt ~>t>i itt I wedalar An aldîtional exemption of $200 lqii iebidn.NrhCiaoet of! il. i-i AngC-I. 'aý l usutet In ouolu sith Divine Law allowe for Pacb person under elgitî- ii iebidn.NriCiaobe Ilti t tli - .î'tt\i\il'!. N. ystorinuq, Pen or Incapable af self support wîu.n i heen waiting tor- t>long tInte for , , l. I uiuliii-ti $1 l fIr te , ufcrî-rd our impulses was depenlent upan and received bis >"'oMC)d> iiisiurt soîucting and ul Worth I!l t ,- .,I uip-,uutiiatili't fond!. chief support from irte.-taxpayer. 1inlatt lit thle alolIe conîuînitv sI"1 a cti-- tiil uV..'i1tOne tf 'Tsouri'l earr>- tb.- message ta Gol A huahani andl wife living together 1gel beltînd and iîîosî anluling îbev uiuil as-"I' I". otW'I l'.thai sere seriiuuela.> t-1i etoe esnle- nuay sturt forct ic iu prasement of for -- --I< i 1 i iii I%%sec-Ituickecl uiu ur lrayers sith .u;u >nof f ~they ma sei-aur City. 0ti~t '$ -a Tituc.-l> Bond. nsual te.uunn lbh- exu-mltton nue> [lue Mr. Skinner oftut tîî asal station. uit u- i i i . tti.rIilnel tus-Milber or dîrtuleul. s-tuolias beetucutnctel wiclî the la Accuracy RequIred. cal, 4Irûs-uvier it ulanday achoal tar -eu -ti-,.IiilJ. I i uttuIl Magie Guard Agaunst Rattleanakea t.,iiiu-c-ciraI-y la neuesserv i ite pat f--s tiitiiC .,will leave the,- (etCamping out it u aat tc-stuutke-ifi-slilnuktoc-ele figures, Ans- pc- hec> TIue-day uit tus 5eek anîd re-- al ;tl. -> Ii -tilaI x ed district asitb noutulier îprot-ctin o%%i n le tt.'i.>'nking for xcages sliotill uco to bti nt,,-itu Kansas. lie is, a ssic-iie r- iii. l for oneà,heu l] fi>uu lin ecîrclig hic-tfiuitl otît esîiI-tlî hasvmue-b)lie reec-i chool aiperintofluiutl iy professiotn W i i tti ilbir rope oli hou cIr te ucavetrag u i lnngthe wtole vu-r 191-. 1-7Fes. andl experts ta go li5ck 10 that work. 5ii- -Xil- VI lit Uils >(iis" .btenderfoot H Iel of aisecurîty. A tunk inteneat. bond iniêtert. dlîidend q, in ltie feus îuîouthu lue lias heen lure' i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l li-. >Seiii II Iii luth î.uiognaîihuIn i 'u.Iuilar i.îecuininus rnnta r-cels êuî a nula reil oer tnS le lias nuaule luha.-u <f friendrir and sl III- -ilLttII . I tI . k - uts leil lu»' t t - Magazine alts> ci ava itiilera itîti t tust be ru-honeT e tirr-il ' More -te ce auie iiats regrut-s thâ e. h- is ta Ail fot~- is-r lutlIdfd -Is ti11 a îîîg ileir hed on the.-Western pîtla. geqsseslu-e net aî-îu-pied, for lbey are -les.,e at i Citit.rthecit>- council ilu(i udt vitu - l,, >> îîî sanulstrom.nustrrourtileulby notliltg nmore stabtul injugt eike 1In the iaxPaYer andth le aili tocet in cegular session this es-e- IThi- tid 'ilrt ' put>. iti Jacks~onthaniumonîe oftheIl esu mmîuu.u. as îîlu. l overoiment tandl efeel the proper ad- ntmg. treet ocar . - i-ut bit . i- tti 10h konIitetrgonta Itlsit ninisi aion aofithe iaw. Tlîepostpuneil curîl îarty tuaI 'ais trucks it- r. Iliiiau- Ii îuî brrul i lle k an it in> t qru-l Itle i r u ti or1.le-suaLit kesay ngl t Th tli l uiiitl I ., r lldov r il rope (itui sekhin.ti trIleila ie c itu . ut i ti ulay ilîl et (,lu1it -'-, '- . utu ru ii ue îr1. i ii i.* Fiu ia> ireuuug ir o lis aeek. :purint- e i-i ttb- i j-i1Jl - - -I -i. u-- - -*INCOME TAX 1M rofO ; l t lIlýWhy pelsju? ti TR, ---PPU * FORM GIRLS' ASSOCIATION strv-et Liliail. "Taireftlle medîcelne." sald ite] on IPpu-eln num txe* Alreuîuue tedi the Sor- Whe a e--u tt e luluiJi Ittdoctor. "if Itt uiesnt cure YOU. came * lkes on a new aIgnificanre. *ganizing ot-IlîWac Catuç Coiimttnit-i' ataseut lt s luitx ro-. 11t.'ils back in a few ideys enîl1 stebil gîve 3'ou tisuhie- h ebnlise undrtnsi l'yi Sers ilc 14is-ulttuai thtecCentrai se-t'uîal ilue. uoluN--rnu-tl Il 1il iitatit sumehbiug lithait vi.-Tii. Prtîent * Per>'citizen. Tiio taxation s qs s tug ,î 'îîa rnnuig Sheran, Ci - ici il, 'tut ut t ti<gh liil-ctpacketedthie dope reluctannly. In a * uem oai hil country I le ri >pp- hant. as-ou iatt.- iîinctor <otColuia-a- Siîrn.u.tîiyî ii-.ii uiuu il ewmoments lbe returned. "if YOn * ular. nofte people, I. y lite polie- * u fMui fCicggv founî ilsî-il--- -ull-i>Iau don't mind, dac. itallitae come of tbat * pIl anti ferte peôle. Ever, 1cotu Mti u .'ucggv hy he'illpa t o 1lI. llsiIrii«, lu Il Il ir vers- iucrcsting i.ilk on MUSIC. Ayt i- îhiîît lii- uu .iiî.i.tthet wiI cure me ririt aay." tircitizen ls tieble la tax. oncltl.ê* Miss Donut IhxMvuuicuo 0' at lt sAilrf dni-ti> %a ilt Itlitîii îui lieilu am ntoIeaKle rauael* dîrectars o ai tatic Chicago'uu a- salr ît uii ohit ttt&* according ta ube auccesa ani for- * I l,,dlto ooh edda iis-I-.,agii t Iie cîlan croai' Alibi for tie Doctor. * lune etlaineil b> each individuel * so rsdttu tuoh elia Mms.Talli c-crae:îîd. cresu l>steric.ut A exican b> te otime o afi le * In avalling irseif af the oppor- * ntatic cicclit cIao Cliie a arlendid_ !.ihen wau nuesed clutiged withliti Hermandez. age tventy-lîrP e rar * lunlles. creater] and presenveil * eading and tttký Ancthen otlsi couttinc- It--ýt5c-- su-u-w ie[i,) fl-, iod I IîIecriue ovub t * b! otî r me, Instltutlons ,Thte * speaker ws Miss LotS Williaîms,dil. hem. Tu»- iout.luuuitat--s .p- depot. Thte mari never luiltuIldoctor * metlboulfinidec-teeoftheutale le* erlnofrn rIti. shogve a Majr litu-tilul- t cu-ul iiulu-rand ano one knnsvs as-at kîlleul hlm. * detrlrnid b, no' fevomed tIss, * splendid fi', out>rî-cîalicn ntht. . )BQUQTe$ LE flIROUOiIOUT STÂTE' -eat Lakes Editorial Writer Says Real Fighters Like Ring Sport. The following if; part of an ëditr- twrttten iruan entîSted mani tLau in todayý L-ssue- of the Grf-at illetin. lt aums Up the views of lany navy men caflCerliflg Ci- port. Te action of certain rei-un entteenien in pratesting a gainst tht- ý.lding of exhibition boxing bouts b, eat Laites men, for the of rnmonstrating ta publie officiais4 tho lanlinFcs of the spoart as developed -riture tu surmise, reganlel Wt! pproal by a i-ast number of th-m tllow clergymen. "Aaeuredîy Itlie lifficult to Der- ei-e baw a pastime which lias won G bigi a place in atiletics as the ýulut of what il bas accompî.îîî-d or tncle Sam's fic-inc-mon !ia;ld uc-cmremaiti objectlonasli- luany ;urcu. "Y" and K. C. Favor it. 'Ct'mtainly the Y. NI.C.A.-,the J nic-iLs of Columbus and ti tler w- tl. are orgaiîzathone of a quasi religiais uticacter whichhb'e doune sa u. r nasy and arn> men dturng ttlci ar bau-o nolt oundaI ariolo are- lonabie hn baxinc-. On tîhe coniuary. iey bai-c encauraged lie sport mii t icsrtily. "While il la truc tbat unreguia.ed axlng inight prove detnimeotal t-i aiuhic morals. it ha lie opiniîon tif umerous Oas> men tuat usithi- artain restrictions pros idel lu> lais te paatiune is-ould not oniy prove of Jenefit te the pubhlie frona a moral -aldpoint, but aIea would do riuclu in thi.> long run ta improve lie race physically. andl to ahd in iningine, Rbout a muscular standard calculat ad la eliminate theie aker wu-akliuug ain otber maIe parasites b> t-be lime te ulext war rais ct on l otir. Refera to the Bible. "It la bard ta find shece Chtt rotestîing clennymen obtain ans tir, cal backing fan theur obju cuie, tu te art af sauto. Surely sttti ng'..1 afavorite sport aîong mIni nîlu iduais lie gospel tells us about. David appears as the wtild mii-ý famous lightwelgbt in s-bat be 1i] ae Goliath. Samnon also anesmc a womd-renosned mepuîtu ltin aý n sr er by getlilg lthe dUi~on over 4M00 Phltbtstinieg. Es-en 'he Atnuîgh>. tii. gool book tells us, crnoîe mari> un desirahle characters when ttc-y bad -eacied .>uob a point lu gin tiat tht worId's virlue could stand !hem h O onger. "The tact that boxing la îriunqely- popular amarig t-ieinuwioavase won ti war abouTI be qutiie priotic- of'at> assurance titat it is Ic-aer.,itii0 of a fam trial, and tthec- us resaut 1 belicve Ilat these- men us-lIt huve .h'-îc tay about il -suhetiiuic-y att g- t tuack. Amenlea lues tii s-nltlt maie population ta cvolute into a race tif emasculahed liu le uantq atrail of their os-n shaulos bl@-. gis-e boxing a chance." IS DRING - - BACK ÉNGLISH BRIDES y'ANKEE ITERQES IIROUGHT TIIESE ENCIlS14 BRIDES TO AMNERTCA. cis L'OULTON TABOVE)IS N IRS. JOHN VO- jLjCK ý.Z-NOttTA MARTIN U3B MES. Z. HANIEETMiAN. cle Samn bat a number 01f bts prc-uiest-and weathieat--daUgIs tons to English noblemen af tIte.. N'ow UneeSais.8 hAro aonl bave gong ta Englatid (on busineSS). and. in off bourg, bave won t14 bearts ar Enc-iish girl. Thirteen cives Of Atmriel lghtera are about t 13 aî4 ein eW York. They are coring acroas;J« te errny tratuport ?Iattsgb"Mr due JanuarY 29. bru.ltug trroe froni New York: T.uuàu:-,ca.. Okio and CalfornIa. Three hunidrel ulu-,rc gîiisides tram Englanul ara, sci.Iut tuL &aiI soon. The Redt fC,015--;l as- sisî thet n lmnaklng ttI, t->s4. arraigettien ta The 1-' cal u-s O CO"~ for »îî t. .nclIî gu wshite Fuit t. i'ia.ti *U4 ssaiting G -i-t s .. eIeIt Oru lte cL.i,tee -- et . 410-rtliim Hermp Tree'a Many Producte. Theliuup tri-t-is eloui-uf theumosI ver- satle pt lu tbhie usorlil. Froni Il aleesicle* rapt-and i rnpping umu- ruer, the crttg îahish, calieti hy Its ticsoteîs "lie" ohtuined lîy hal!- lng the Icaves andtifousera s illu freeb butter; a valuahie vegelitbe ilI. a cake fisuýdlis-thue faiuîuers for ther stock. anI the finer varielits are uued foi *clollî. -uuirse laces-anduit lrids. A gea. deuil ci tie aeeýd is exporlei for canary sec-I. Sport. SaI Ibhe neuir i->nc: uuWlien a mati la îlluîlîuitu-ias l i u'l efisilî lue May hu sure thîît suitc-bodyisnla uking gaue of lim.' .Ni.1)IuhîîI)tig bvlelîvv-s ft lt t u iiitml iuit îut-flly vexe'luiîîged.toii inak- -vouisat sfiv-i Do)ot, t.forget to ieîei n ailti k tt.t-' î i t-îs Ili.t- t rtder for i' fîtiur. City in mountain. I soittiero Tiiîiîlin it% a4 'iiîîtntntl thih m,îi*-upii i tiju.- iras îi activé volu-nllo. ulus of i ulCIIIiilc gli Iti l <e-ta i .cýri tahp ,le încol> ut ( CIIvîSI. '%ihueh i lo1-d4t>-irei l nhîth- iteul. in fuct, t i ji l.- îuî.uuitnln ig H -Ity-a human antu ilH, .lurîuely pop- Ulated. ACADE M Y THIEATRE Where You See Ail the Real Feature Pictures First. Today and Tomorrow 1) . liu fth s gý..t The Greatest Thx:ng in iàf e Sunday, Mar. 1. EDITH STOREY in "As The Sun Went Down" Nlareh : ;, ind 4 MABEL NORMAND ini "SIS HOPKINS" Wednesday, Mar. 5 MITCOHELL LEWIS in "The Code of thle Yukon" Thursday and Friday M\arch 6 and 7. WILLIAM S. HART in, BRAN DING (TBROADWAY Saturday, Mardi 8. HALE HAMILTON in 'JOHNNY ON THE SPOT' SundVy'March 9. BESSIE LiOVE in "The Wishing Ring Man" Admission lic and 17c %fatinîees at 2, and 3:45. Nighits at 7:05 and 1). Satuîrdav anîd 8unday. con- tiîîtiutis, starting at 2 p.xn. ( Ieanliness ourmotto. Perfect ventilation. fii alav---tId plaeiiîg yoii 1 W. ar-e glafi to gît.tu (tl tt.iiitt k i . It-li we lia t. abolit fui'ittte t..itoult aîîyv ollîgatitîon o tîr pl. art liitellI anîd s1ltî.> Vioit li1i. the- litîîîti îi hE-lii-- niiedti e ot- i -4,uetz-and eo inde ia I. Columbhia IGrafonola 1 Dept. 5 Large Floors I ~ JI ,.'fa¶t1 - ~1 T 5f<e' ~ 2 i~ CONFIDENCE The Store Buit By Satisfied Customers-20 Years of Knowing How. Ihmt. 'i Y4,1 stopp i hiî-1 wtliiîk hlotin gdilig omit P ît'ls îritî thla it jiavis tI' i le- u i .11i st in an it l aleiiti: a fil-li tuaIia asgrowi fri a storet- 25 x 50)1(1 Oiteiv f iiie~ s , larg-: a tfii t ltiit eai tl pritiîîîl tii iali itse.lf Lake County's Largest, Oldest and Most Reliable Store. iiuiuri, JLI'% lin-r MAI% XNI 3. 1 JL £A qi JLbk'33-PXX JL t stom Lowent %Çes Mab s ý * . a ITu Tw ý%mqiSbo ElBà.IDGE. FugNilruR-a TwE'ý3MOt M

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